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Yıl 2005, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 101 - 108, 01.03.2005


  • Akaydın Y. ve Kabak, M. (2004). Evcil domuz yavrulannda (SUS SCROFA DOMESTICUS) hemal üğüml ri morfolojisi. 3. Ulusal Veteriner Anatomi Kongresi, uş das Ayd
  • Aşt ı, R.N., Kurtdede, N. ve Ergün, L. (1993). Kangal kö- pekterinin perifer kan T-Ienfositleri üzerinde şı ve elektron mikroskobik çalışmalar A.Ü.Vet.Fak.Derg. , 40 (4),563-576.
  • Aştı R.N., Alabay, B., Kurtdede, N., Altunay, H. ve Ergün, L. (1996). Farklı hayvan türlerinin perifer kan lökositlerinde alfa-naftil asetat esteraz aktivitesinin belirlenmesi. A.Ü.Vet.Fak.Derg., 43 (2),129-133.
  • Basso, G., Cocito, M.G., Semenzato, G., Pezzutto, A. and laneseo, L. (1980). Cytochemieal study of thymocytes and T Iymphocytes , Br J Haematol,44, 577·582.
  • Blindar, V.N., Lebedeva, N.B., Zubrikhina , G.N., and Soloveva, E.A. (1993). Alpha-naphthyl aeetate esterase-a eytochemieal marker of the T-helpers . Klin. Lab. Diagn., 6, 38-40.
  • Bradbury, P. and Gordon, K.C. (1990). Conneetive tissues and stains, In "The Theory and Praetiee of Histologieal Techniques", Eds. by JD Baneroft and A Slewens, 119- 142, ard edilion, The Bath Press, Avon.
  • Cecearelli, P., Gargiulo, A.M., Fagioli, O. And Pedini, V. (1986). Cytochemical identification of Iymphoeytes and other mononuclear eells in ovne and bovine hemal nodes. Comp.lmmun. Mierobiol. Infect. Dis., 9 (4), 297-302.
  • Cerutti, P., Marcaccini, A. and Guerrero, F. (1998). A seanning and immunohistochemical study in bovine haemal node. Anat. Histol Embryol. 27, 387-392.
  • Cerutti, P. and Guerrero, F. (2001). Identifieation of positive cells to interleukin-4 in bovine haemal nodes, Anat. Histol. Embryol., 30(4), 219.
  • Constantineseu, G.M., Brown, E.M. and MeLure, R.C. (1988). Aeeesory parotid Iymph and hemal nodes in the temporal fossa in three oxen. The Corneli Veterinarian, 78 (2),147-154.
  • Culling, C.F.A., Allison, R.T. and Barr, W.T. (1985). Cellular Pathology Technique , Butterworths and Co Ltd, London.
  • Çelik, 1. , Aştı, R.N. ve Ergene, N. (1991). Insan perifer kanındaki B, T ve Null lenfositlerinin esteraz sitokimyası ve yüzey immünoglobülinlerinin immünoenzimatik yöntemle boyanarak belirlenmesi, S.Ü. Tıp Fak. Derg.,7(4), 497-503.
  • Dixon, R.J. and Moriarty, K.M. (1983). Alpha-naphthyl aeetate esterase activity is not a specifie marker for ovine T Iymphocytes. Vet.lmmunol. ImmunopathoL., 4 (4), 505-512.
  • Eren, Ü., Aştı, R.N., Kurtdede, N., Sandıkçı, M. ve Sur, E. (1999). Inek uterusunda mast hücrelerinin histolojik ve histokimyasal özellikleri ve mast hücre heterojenitesi. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Seienees, 23 (1): 193· 201.
  • Ezeasor, D.M. and Singh, A. (1988). Histology of the capnne hemai node. Acla Anat. 133, 16-23.
  • Ez...... D.N . s.v>. A. ond smo. D.E. (1989). E<ytrOPhagOCY106II in the capme hernaI node. Acta AnaL. 134, 341-345-
  • Ezeasa, D.M. and A (1990). t.bphoiogicai i&- atures CA vesseb in c:apme hemai nodes. American JOUmıIL CA Velemary Aasean::tı. 51 (7) 1139-1143.
  • GargiI.*l, AM.• CeCCareII. P. and Pedınl V, (1987}. An:- hıCec:::Ln ot sheıep haem8l nodea. Aeseart:h in Vetemal'y soence. ... 280-286.
  • Hoggy, K.E.. 8ums. G.F. ond _ . .G~ (1971). peetWT'W\8tKLn ot B. T and NlAI~es by es'I8f8M cytoctıemıstıy scand. J. Haemaıol 18,431-448.
  • K.a;ikawa. O.• Koyama, H., Yashikawa. T.• TStbaki. S. and Sai1o. H. (1983). use of alpha-naphthyf acetale eseoee stal'Wlg Lo ıd8nlıfy T ~9S in caltle, Am. J. Vet. Aes. . 44(8), 1549-1552.
  • D.M.• Hottman. H.T.• Ferrarri, M. and Kıri.ei, H,G. (1978). The demonsttatıonof ac.:i aeecaıe eeterese aetMtY ın hı.men LJSeh.*LeSS as a T<ef lT\, QıI tmrrıı.n:ıl ıs 112·123.
  • KnowIes, D.M. and HOCk. S. (1978). ıssue lOıCaıiz.abon cıt T~es by the l"Gloctıet ııical deı ,O ıstı alioi ol acid a-napf'ıöıyl acetate ~orase,lIıb tnvesl.. 39(1 ). 70-76-
  • _ DM .... _ . J.P. (1980). H<men """"""" and kOrtJCaL lhymOcytes are to !he presençe ol abserıce ol c:ytochen demoı lStJabIEı aCId a -naphthyl ae:ecate es'Ierase (ANAE) oIClMry. J. lmrn.noL , 125(6),2823-2825.
  • Konı..+t.. T. (1981). Pratık Fızyokıp. A.O. Vet. Fak. Yayın. 378, AU Basımevi, Ankara. Kur1dede, N.• Aştı R.N.• Ergün, L ve ErgCın E. (2000). Ankafa keçılemin bronş-i1işkiIi ıMrald dokusu (BAl1) ÜZ&- ve elektron mikroskobik çaıışmala A.U.Veı.Fak.Oerg. , 47 (1), 51·58.
  • U, e .Y.. Yam, LT. and Crosby, W.H. (1972). HisIOCtıemiCaL ch8 raclerizalion of cel1ular and lıuctural eemools of human spleerı, J. Hislochem. CyIochem.. 20(12), 1049-1 058.
  • Maı1ı. NK. San, 5 .5. and Sharma. S.N. (1990). HisLOeherrICaJ studıes on chicken bklod les, Vet. Res. Commun•• 14,207·210.
  • MUeIer. J.• Bn.ndet, Re G.• BUer1Q. H.• KeIer. H.U_ Hess, MW. and Coaıef H. (1975), NOlıspesl"ıc acid esterase ac· lMtY: a cn1enon 101ditl8fef'ItIalJOn of T and B .ı mouse nodes. E.... J. 1tm'U'CLL,5, 27~27 Pangaiis, GA. Wabnın S.R. and H. (1978).
  • ytoc:tıemicaıl frıCIr9S in funan noıı ıeop'asllC t:b:ıd and tOrtSAar B anel T ~es. Am. J. Pathol. 69, 314-318. 108
  • Prutti. A.K.. R.KP. and Sadana, J.R (1987). Adet napt'ıö1yt -=etate eısIerase eCtMIY ın ~ra1 bklod ~es and mOnOCYt8I of ct.::kens. J. Vet Med. A.. 34. 390-392.
  • AanIQ, A. (1978). NOrHPeSııfiC esaerase ac:ırvıry in tunan ..CIn. 1r'ıYıuwıl1ııYruq:ıeıhoL 10.47-58. sir9\ A. (1959). on the iliooecopic scn.ıcture cıt haemaI nodes cıt tıı.ıtaIO CaIVeS. 8nW'ı Vetematy Jot.mal. 115, 271-273.
  • Stewens. A and Bancroft. J .D. (1990). Prol:eins and nUCIeiC -=dı. in -The Theory and practıce ol HI$IClk)gıitaI Tec:hEds. by JO 8ancıoft and A Sttl'W8M, 177-2 13. 3td E<itMwı The 8ath Press. Avon.
  • T_. A.(1999). Ozel ....oıo;.......... Thorp, B.H.• Seneque, S., StaUle, K and ~on. W.G. {1991). CharM:tenzalion and c:istti:lubon cıt ~esu>- sets in iheep hemaI nodes. DeVekıPmentaI and com- _Umulology.15,393-400.
  • Wınoqu6sl. G. (1954). The bOYiLe hemai nodes. Acta Anat , 22. 108-112. WıMI J.e.. SaIe. G.E.. Deeg. H.J. and Stoıb R (1961).. NOnSPeSiIıC add esae.-ase adLYtY as a rnarQr tor CarW1e T· ... "'"' _ . 9(8). 85-870.
  • Yang. T.J.•Jantzen.PA and WAams, L F. (1979). Acid c - rıaphıhyf ac:em!e eısierase: p'ecel'lce of aaıvcy in bovile and tıuııan T· and B .. Irnrruıoklgy,38, 85-93 ,
  • Yoon. Y.S•• lee. J.s.. lee. H.S. and Km. J.S. (1989). t.bphoiogicai stucie:s on !he hemal node and node in the Korean native goıd The Korearı Journal of Analomy. 22 (2), 261-278.
  • Yoon, Y.S.. lee, J.S.• lee, H.S.• lee. 1.5 .• Km. D.J. and Km.J.S. (1990). Ullrastructural stı..d9S on the hemal rooe and the node in Lhe Korean nalive goal. Korean Sodetyof 8ectron MiCr06COPY. 20 (1), 77-89.
  • Yoon. Y.S., Sh!n, JW . and lee, J.S. (1999a). Utlrastructure ol hemaI node and hernotymph node in the Korean na ive goal. Korean Journal of Velerinary Research, 39 (5), 855- 864.
  • Yoon, Y.S., Shın, J.W. and l ee, J ,$. (1999b). Age-relaled mOrPhOk)giCaI studıes on hemal node and node in the Korean M live goal. Jcunal of V&- 1efinaıy Resean::h. 39 (S), 865-877.
  • YOn:ık.M.• Aştı, RN .• Kuıtdede N.• A(»aOı)IU, z.. AIlı.ınay H. (1998). and eiectron ıı io oeoopic StUıCIeS on alphanaphthyl acetate esıerase acııvty of ıhe tbxl T· ~es in Van c8l, Anat HiSIOL Enbyaı. 27(5). 289- 292-
  • zıc::ca. A. lepmi. A.. cadori. A . Franzı" AT.• Fenarn, Mand Grossi. e.E. (198 1). L.JIIraStn.Jdı. Iocabarnı CA aı:::etate 8cid erase ın tunan Tm ~es. Am. J. Pathoi_ 105(1 ),40-46.

A Light Microscopic Investigation on the Histology and Alpha-Naphthyl Acetate Esterase (ANAE)-Positive Lymphocyte Localization in the Hemal Nodes of Akkaraman Sheep

Yıl 2005, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 101 - 108, 01.03.2005


  • Akaydın Y. ve Kabak, M. (2004). Evcil domuz yavrulannda (SUS SCROFA DOMESTICUS) hemal üğüml ri morfolojisi. 3. Ulusal Veteriner Anatomi Kongresi, uş das Ayd
  • Aşt ı, R.N., Kurtdede, N. ve Ergün, L. (1993). Kangal kö- pekterinin perifer kan T-Ienfositleri üzerinde şı ve elektron mikroskobik çalışmalar A.Ü.Vet.Fak.Derg. , 40 (4),563-576.
  • Aştı R.N., Alabay, B., Kurtdede, N., Altunay, H. ve Ergün, L. (1996). Farklı hayvan türlerinin perifer kan lökositlerinde alfa-naftil asetat esteraz aktivitesinin belirlenmesi. A.Ü.Vet.Fak.Derg., 43 (2),129-133.
  • Basso, G., Cocito, M.G., Semenzato, G., Pezzutto, A. and laneseo, L. (1980). Cytochemieal study of thymocytes and T Iymphocytes , Br J Haematol,44, 577·582.
  • Blindar, V.N., Lebedeva, N.B., Zubrikhina , G.N., and Soloveva, E.A. (1993). Alpha-naphthyl aeetate esterase-a eytochemieal marker of the T-helpers . Klin. Lab. Diagn., 6, 38-40.
  • Bradbury, P. and Gordon, K.C. (1990). Conneetive tissues and stains, In "The Theory and Praetiee of Histologieal Techniques", Eds. by JD Baneroft and A Slewens, 119- 142, ard edilion, The Bath Press, Avon.
  • Cecearelli, P., Gargiulo, A.M., Fagioli, O. And Pedini, V. (1986). Cytochemical identification of Iymphoeytes and other mononuclear eells in ovne and bovine hemal nodes. Comp.lmmun. Mierobiol. Infect. Dis., 9 (4), 297-302.
  • Cerutti, P., Marcaccini, A. and Guerrero, F. (1998). A seanning and immunohistochemical study in bovine haemal node. Anat. Histol Embryol. 27, 387-392.
  • Cerutti, P. and Guerrero, F. (2001). Identifieation of positive cells to interleukin-4 in bovine haemal nodes, Anat. Histol. Embryol., 30(4), 219.
  • Constantineseu, G.M., Brown, E.M. and MeLure, R.C. (1988). Aeeesory parotid Iymph and hemal nodes in the temporal fossa in three oxen. The Corneli Veterinarian, 78 (2),147-154.
  • Culling, C.F.A., Allison, R.T. and Barr, W.T. (1985). Cellular Pathology Technique , Butterworths and Co Ltd, London.
  • Çelik, 1. , Aştı, R.N. ve Ergene, N. (1991). Insan perifer kanındaki B, T ve Null lenfositlerinin esteraz sitokimyası ve yüzey immünoglobülinlerinin immünoenzimatik yöntemle boyanarak belirlenmesi, S.Ü. Tıp Fak. Derg.,7(4), 497-503.
  • Dixon, R.J. and Moriarty, K.M. (1983). Alpha-naphthyl aeetate esterase activity is not a specifie marker for ovine T Iymphocytes. Vet.lmmunol. ImmunopathoL., 4 (4), 505-512.
  • Eren, Ü., Aştı, R.N., Kurtdede, N., Sandıkçı, M. ve Sur, E. (1999). Inek uterusunda mast hücrelerinin histolojik ve histokimyasal özellikleri ve mast hücre heterojenitesi. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Seienees, 23 (1): 193· 201.
  • Ezeasor, D.M. and Singh, A. (1988). Histology of the capnne hemai node. Acla Anat. 133, 16-23.
  • Ez...... D.N . s.v>. A. ond smo. D.E. (1989). E<ytrOPhagOCY106II in the capme hernaI node. Acta AnaL. 134, 341-345-
  • Ezeasa, D.M. and A (1990). t.bphoiogicai i&- atures CA vesseb in c:apme hemai nodes. American JOUmıIL CA Velemary Aasean::tı. 51 (7) 1139-1143.
  • GargiI.*l, AM.• CeCCareII. P. and Pedınl V, (1987}. An:- hıCec:::Ln ot sheıep haem8l nodea. Aeseart:h in Vetemal'y soence. ... 280-286.
  • Hoggy, K.E.. 8ums. G.F. ond _ . .G~ (1971). peetWT'W\8tKLn ot B. T and NlAI~es by es'I8f8M cytoctıemıstıy scand. J. Haemaıol 18,431-448.
  • K.a;ikawa. O.• Koyama, H., Yashikawa. T.• TStbaki. S. and Sai1o. H. (1983). use of alpha-naphthyf acetale eseoee stal'Wlg Lo ıd8nlıfy T ~9S in caltle, Am. J. Vet. Aes. . 44(8), 1549-1552.
  • D.M.• Hottman. H.T.• Ferrarri, M. and Kıri.ei, H,G. (1978). The demonsttatıonof ac.:i aeecaıe eeterese aetMtY ın hı.men LJSeh.*LeSS as a T<ef lT\, QıI tmrrıı.n:ıl ıs 112·123.
  • KnowIes, D.M. and HOCk. S. (1978). ıssue lOıCaıiz.abon cıt T~es by the l"Gloctıet ııical deı ,O ıstı alioi ol acid a-napf'ıöıyl acetate ~orase,lIıb tnvesl.. 39(1 ). 70-76-
  • _ DM .... _ . J.P. (1980). H<men """"""" and kOrtJCaL lhymOcytes are to !he presençe ol abserıce ol c:ytochen demoı lStJabIEı aCId a -naphthyl ae:ecate es'Ierase (ANAE) oIClMry. J. lmrn.noL , 125(6),2823-2825.
  • Konı..+t.. T. (1981). Pratık Fızyokıp. A.O. Vet. Fak. Yayın. 378, AU Basımevi, Ankara. Kur1dede, N.• Aştı R.N.• Ergün, L ve ErgCın E. (2000). Ankafa keçılemin bronş-i1işkiIi ıMrald dokusu (BAl1) ÜZ&- ve elektron mikroskobik çaıışmala A.U.Veı.Fak.Oerg. , 47 (1), 51·58.
  • U, e .Y.. Yam, LT. and Crosby, W.H. (1972). HisIOCtıemiCaL ch8 raclerizalion of cel1ular and lıuctural eemools of human spleerı, J. Hislochem. CyIochem.. 20(12), 1049-1 058.
  • Maı1ı. NK. San, 5 .5. and Sharma. S.N. (1990). HisLOeherrICaJ studıes on chicken bklod les, Vet. Res. Commun•• 14,207·210.
  • MUeIer. J.• Bn.ndet, Re G.• BUer1Q. H.• KeIer. H.U_ Hess, MW. and Coaıef H. (1975), NOlıspesl"ıc acid esterase ac· lMtY: a cn1enon 101ditl8fef'ItIalJOn of T and B .ı mouse nodes. E.... J. 1tm'U'CLL,5, 27~27 Pangaiis, GA. Wabnın S.R. and H. (1978).
  • ytoc:tıemicaıl frıCIr9S in funan noıı ıeop'asllC t:b:ıd and tOrtSAar B anel T ~es. Am. J. Pathol. 69, 314-318. 108
  • Prutti. A.K.. R.KP. and Sadana, J.R (1987). Adet napt'ıö1yt -=etate eısIerase eCtMIY ın ~ra1 bklod ~es and mOnOCYt8I of ct.::kens. J. Vet Med. A.. 34. 390-392.
  • AanIQ, A. (1978). NOrHPeSııfiC esaerase ac:ırvıry in tunan ..CIn. 1r'ıYıuwıl1ııYruq:ıeıhoL 10.47-58. sir9\ A. (1959). on the iliooecopic scn.ıcture cıt haemaI nodes cıt tıı.ıtaIO CaIVeS. 8nW'ı Vetematy Jot.mal. 115, 271-273.
  • Stewens. A and Bancroft. J .D. (1990). Prol:eins and nUCIeiC -=dı. in -The Theory and practıce ol HI$IClk)gıitaI Tec:hEds. by JO 8ancıoft and A Sttl'W8M, 177-2 13. 3td E<itMwı The 8ath Press. Avon.
  • T_. A.(1999). Ozel ....oıo;.......... Thorp, B.H.• Seneque, S., StaUle, K and ~on. W.G. {1991). CharM:tenzalion and c:istti:lubon cıt ~esu>- sets in iheep hemaI nodes. DeVekıPmentaI and com- _Umulology.15,393-400.
  • Wınoqu6sl. G. (1954). The bOYiLe hemai nodes. Acta Anat , 22. 108-112. WıMI J.e.. SaIe. G.E.. Deeg. H.J. and Stoıb R (1961).. NOnSPeSiIıC add esae.-ase adLYtY as a rnarQr tor CarW1e T· ... "'"' _ . 9(8). 85-870.
  • Yang. T.J.•Jantzen.PA and WAams, L F. (1979). Acid c - rıaphıhyf ac:em!e eısierase: p'ecel'lce of aaıvcy in bovile and tıuııan T· and B .. Irnrruıoklgy,38, 85-93 ,
  • Yoon. Y.S•• lee. J.s.. lee. H.S. and Km. J.S. (1989). t.bphoiogicai stucie:s on !he hemal node and node in the Korean native goıd The Korearı Journal of Analomy. 22 (2), 261-278.
  • Yoon, Y.S.. lee, J.S.• lee, H.S.• lee. 1.5 .• Km. D.J. and Km.J.S. (1990). Ullrastructural stı..d9S on the hemal rooe and the node in Lhe Korean nalive goal. Korean Sodetyof 8ectron MiCr06COPY. 20 (1), 77-89.
  • Yoon. Y.S., Sh!n, JW . and lee, J.S. (1999a). Utlrastructure ol hemaI node and hernotymph node in the Korean na ive goal. Korean Journal of Velerinary Research, 39 (5), 855- 864.
  • Yoon, Y.S., Shın, J.W. and l ee, J ,$. (1999b). Age-relaled mOrPhOk)giCaI studıes on hemal node and node in the Korean M live goal. Jcunal of V&- 1efinaıy Resean::h. 39 (S), 865-877.
  • YOn:ık.M.• Aştı, RN .• Kuıtdede N.• A(»aOı)IU, z.. AIlı.ınay H. (1998). and eiectron ıı io oeoopic StUıCIeS on alphanaphthyl acetate esıerase acııvty of ıhe tbxl T· ~es in Van c8l, Anat HiSIOL Enbyaı. 27(5). 289- 292-
  • zıc::ca. A. lepmi. A.. cadori. A . Franzı" AT.• Fenarn, Mand Grossi. e.E. (198 1). L.JIIraStn.Jdı. Iocabarnı CA aı:::etate 8cid erase ın tunan Tm ~es. Am. J. Pathoi_ 105(1 ),40-46.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA72DJ54AJ
Bölüm Araştırma

Emrah Sur Bu kişi benim

Mehmet Faruk Aydın Bu kişi benim

İllhami Çelik Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2005
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2005 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Sur, E., Aydın, M. F., & Çelik, İ. (2005). A Light Microscopic Investigation on the Histology and Alpha-Naphthyl Acetate Esterase (ANAE)-Positive Lymphocyte Localization in the Hemal Nodes of Akkaraman Sheep. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 21(1), 101-108.
AMA Sur E, Aydın MF, Çelik İ. A Light Microscopic Investigation on the Histology and Alpha-Naphthyl Acetate Esterase (ANAE)-Positive Lymphocyte Localization in the Hemal Nodes of Akkaraman Sheep. Eurasian J Vet Sci. Mart 2005;21(1):101-108.
Chicago Sur, Emrah, Mehmet Faruk Aydın, ve İllhami Çelik. “A Light Microscopic Investigation on the Histology and Alpha-Naphthyl Acetate Esterase (ANAE)-Positive Lymphocyte Localization in the Hemal Nodes of Akkaraman Sheep”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 21, sy. 1 (Mart 2005): 101-8.
EndNote Sur E, Aydın MF, Çelik İ (01 Mart 2005) A Light Microscopic Investigation on the Histology and Alpha-Naphthyl Acetate Esterase (ANAE)-Positive Lymphocyte Localization in the Hemal Nodes of Akkaraman Sheep. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 21 1 101–108.
IEEE E. Sur, M. F. Aydın, ve İ. Çelik, “A Light Microscopic Investigation on the Histology and Alpha-Naphthyl Acetate Esterase (ANAE)-Positive Lymphocyte Localization in the Hemal Nodes of Akkaraman Sheep”, Eurasian J Vet Sci, c. 21, sy. 1, ss. 101–108, 2005.
ISNAD Sur, Emrah vd. “A Light Microscopic Investigation on the Histology and Alpha-Naphthyl Acetate Esterase (ANAE)-Positive Lymphocyte Localization in the Hemal Nodes of Akkaraman Sheep”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 21/1 (Mart 2005), 101-108.
JAMA Sur E, Aydın MF, Çelik İ. A Light Microscopic Investigation on the Histology and Alpha-Naphthyl Acetate Esterase (ANAE)-Positive Lymphocyte Localization in the Hemal Nodes of Akkaraman Sheep. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2005;21:101–108.
MLA Sur, Emrah vd. “A Light Microscopic Investigation on the Histology and Alpha-Naphthyl Acetate Esterase (ANAE)-Positive Lymphocyte Localization in the Hemal Nodes of Akkaraman Sheep”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, c. 21, sy. 1, 2005, ss. 101-8.
Vancouver Sur E, Aydın MF, Çelik İ. A Light Microscopic Investigation on the Histology and Alpha-Naphthyl Acetate Esterase (ANAE)-Positive Lymphocyte Localization in the Hemal Nodes of Akkaraman Sheep. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2005;21(1):101-8.