Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 1.06.1992

Yıl: 1992



3. Macroscopic and microscopic investigations on the myocardial bridges in domestic animals


4. Investigations on Alloxan-lnduced Diabetes in the Dogs


5. Effects of Alloxan on Some Blood Parameters in Dogs


8. Some Haematological Values in the Healthy Hamdani (Hareki-Harki) Sheep


10. Some Haematological Values In The Healthy Van Cats


14. Determination of N-acetyl ß-D glucosaminidase enzyme activity in bovine milk for the early diagnosis of subclinical mastitis


15. Gizzard erosion in chickens


17. The Serological Survey On Bovine Adenovirus Type 2 lnfection In Bovine In Konya

Olgu Sunumu


16. Aortic body tumor in a Kangal dog
