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Yıl 2024, , 567 - 580, 31.12.2024



The authors would like to thank the Global Alliance of Young Researchers and FBU Lab for their support and high-quality mentorship.


  • Barbero, M., Bertoli, P., Cescon, C., Macmillan, F., Coutts, F., & Gatti, R. (2012). Intra-rater reliability of an experienced physiotherapist in locating myofascial trigger points in upper trapezius muscle. Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, 20(4), 171-177.
  • Barbosa, J. S., Amorim, A., Arruda, M., Medeiros, G., Freitas, A., Vieira, L., Melo, D. P., & Bento, P. M. (2020). Infrared thermography assessment of patients with temporomandibular disorders. Dento Maxillo Facial Radiology, 49(4), 20190392.
  • Chen, S. M., Chen, J. T., Kuan, T. S., Hong, J., & Hong, C. Z. (2000). Decrease in pressure pain thresholds of latent myofascial trigger points in the middle finger extensors immediately after continuous piano practice. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain, 8(3), 83-92.
  • Cojocaru, M. C., Cojocaru, I. M., Voiculescu, V. M., Cojan-Carlea, N. A., Dumitru, V. L., & Berteanu, M. (2015). Trigger points–ultrasound and thermal findings. Journal of Medicine and Life, 8(3), 315.
  • Delaney, G. A., & McKee, A. C. (1993). Inter-and intra-rater reliability of the pressure threshold meter in measurement of myofascial trigger point sensitivity. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 72(3), 136-139.
  • Dibai-Filho, A. V., & de Jesus Guirro, R. R. (2015). Evaluation of myofascial trigger points using infrared thermography: a critical review of the literature. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 38(1), 86-92.
  • Dibai-Filho, A. V., Guirro, E. C., Ferreira, V. T., Brandino, H. E., Vaz, M. M., & Guirro, R. R. (2015). Reliability of different methodologies of infrared image analysis of myofascial trigger points in the upper trapezius muscle. Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, 19(2), 122-128.‏
  • Diep, D., Chen, K. J. Q., & Kumbhare, D. (2021). Ultrasound-guided interventional procedures for myofascial trigger points: a systematic review. Regional anesthesia and pain medicine, 46(1), 73–80.
  • Duarte, F. C. K., West, D. W. D., Linde, L. D., Hassan, S., & Kumbhare, D. A. (2021). Re-Examining myofascial pain syndrome: toward biomarker development and mechanism-based diagnostic criteria. Current Rheumatology Reports, 23(8), 69.
  • Elbarbary, M., Sgro, A., Goldberg, M., Tenenbaum, H., & Azarpazhooh, A. (2022). Diagnostic applications of ultrasonography in myofascial trigger points: a scoping review and critical appraisal of literature. Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography, 38(6), 559–573.
  • Gabrhel, J., Popracová, Z., Tauchmannová, H., & Chvojka, Z. (2013). Thermal findings in pain syndromes of the pelvic-femoral region. Thermology International, 23(4), 157-163.
  • Grosman-Rimon, L., Parkinson, W., Upadhye, S., Clarke, H., Katz, J., Flannery, J., Peng, P., & Kumbhare, D. (2016). Circulating biomarkers in acute myofascial pain: A case-control study. Medicine, 95(37), e4650.
  • Gulyaev, Y. V., Markov, A. G., Koreneva, L. G., & Zakharov, P. V. (1995). Dynamical infrared thermography in humans. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 14(6), 766-771.
  • Haddad, D. S., Brioschi, M. L., & Arita, E. S. (2012). Thermographic and clinical correlation of myofascial trigger points in the masticatory muscles. Dento Maxillo Facial Radiology, 41(8), 621–629.
  • Hakgüder, A., Birtane, M., Gürcan, S., Kokino, S., & Nesrin Turan, F. (2003). Efficacy of low level laser therapy in myofascial pain syndrome: an algometric and thermographic evaluation. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine: The Official Journal of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 33(5), 339-343.
  • Hernandes Júnior, P. R., & Sardeli, A. V. (2021). The effect of aging on body temperature: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Current Aging Science, 14(3), 191-200.
  • Hildebrandt, C., Zeilberger, K., Ring, E. F. J., & Raschner, C. (2012). The application of medical infrared thermography in sports medicine. INTECH Open Access Publisher.
  • Hong, C. Z. (1998). Algometry in evaluation of trigger points and referred pain. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain, 6(1), 47-59.
  • Hong, C. Z. (2004). Myofascial pain therapy. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain, 12(3–4), 37–43. doi:10.1300/j094v12n03_06
  • Hong, C.Z., & Simons, D.G. (1998). Pathophysiologic and electrophysiologic mechanism of myofascial trigger points. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 79, 863-872.
  • Hubbard, D. R., & Berkoff, G. M. (1993). Myofascial trigger points show spontaneous needle EMG activity. Spine, 18(13), 1803-1807.
  • Ismail, E., & Merla, A. (2017). Modeling thermal infrared imaging data for differential diagnosis. Application of Infrared to Biomedical Sciences, 477-515.‏
  • James, C. A., Richardson, A. J., Watt, P. W., & Maxwell, N. S. (2014). Reliability and validity of skin temperature measurement by telemetry thermistors and a thermal camera during exercise in the heat. Journal of Thermal Biology, 45, 141-149.
  • Kawakita, K., Itoh, K., & Okada, K. (2008). Experimental model of trigger points using eccentric exercise. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain, 16(1-2), 29-35.
  • Kumbhare, D. A., Elzibak, A. H., & Noseworthy, M. D. (2016). Assessment of myofascial trigger points using ultrasound. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 95(1), 72- 80.
  • Kumbhare, D., Shaw, S., Ahmed, S., & Noseworthy, M. D. (2020). Quantitative ultrasound of trapezius muscle involvement in myofascial pain: comparison of clinical and healthy population using texture analysis. Journal of Ultrasound, 23, 23-30.
  • Liang, X. N., Guo, R. J., & Li, S. (2021). New application of multimodal ultrasound imaging for identification of myofascial trigger points in the trapezius muscle. Annals of Palliative Medicine, 10(9), 9784791-9789791.
  • Linde, L. D., Kumbhare, D. A., Joshi, M., & Srbely, J. Z. (2018). The relationship between rate of algometer application and pain pressure threshold in the assessment of myofascial trigger point sensitivity. Pain Practice, 18(2), 224-229.
  • Lucas, N., Macaskill, P., Irwig, L., Moran, R., & Bogduk, N. (2009). Reliability of physical examination for diagnosis of myofascial trigger points: a systematic review of the literature. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 25(1), 80-89.
  • Magalhães, M. F., Dibai-Filho, A. V., de Oliveira Guirro, E. C., Girasol, C. E., de Oliveira, A. K., Dias, F. R. C., & Guirro, R. R. D. J. (2015). Evolution of skin temperature after the application of compressive forces on tendon, muscle and myofascial trigger point. PloS One, 10(6), e0129034.
  • Mayoral del Moral, O., Torres Lacomba, M., Russell, I. J., Sánchez Méndez, Ó., & Sánchez Sánchez, B. (2018). Validity and reliability of clinical examination in the diagnosis of myofascial pain syndrome and myofascial trigger points in upper quarter muscles. Pain Medicine, 19(10), 2039-2050.
  • Mazza, D. F., Boutin, R. D., & Chaudhari, A. J. (2021). Assessment of myofascial trigger points via imaging: a systematic review. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 100(10), 1003-1014.
  • Mense, S., Simons, D. G., & Russell, I. J. (2001). Muscle pain: understanding its nature, diagnosis, and treatment. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • Merla, A., & Romani, G. L. (2006, August). Functional infrared imaging in medicine: a quantitative diagnostic approach. In 2006 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (pp. 224-227). IEEE.
  • Montañez-Aguilera, F. J., Valtueña-Gimeno, N., Pecos-Martín, D., Arnau-Masanet, R., Barrios-Pitarque, C., & Bosch-Morell, F. (2010). Changes in a patient with neck pain after application of ischemic compression as a trigger point therapy. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 23(2), 101-104.
  • Moraska, A. F., Hickner, R. C., Kohrt, W. M., & Brewer, A. (2013). Changes in blood flow and cellular metabolism at a myofascial trigger point with trigger point release (ischemic compression): a proof-of-principle pilot study. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 94(1), 196-200.
  • Myburgh, C., Larsen, A. H., & Hartvigsen, J. (2008). A systematic, critical review of manual palpation for identifying myofascial trigger points: evidence and clinical significance. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 89(6), 1169-1176.
  • Neves, E. B., Salamunes, A. C. C., de Oliveira, R. M., & Stadnik, A. M. W. (2017). Effect of body fat and gender on body temperature distribution. Journal of Thermal Biology, 70, 1-8.
  • Oliveira, A. K., Dibai-Filho, A. V., Soleira, G., Machado, A. C. F., & Guirro, R. R. J. (2021). Reliability of pressure pain threshold on myofascial trigger points in the trapezius muscle of women with chronic neck pain. Revista da Associacao Medica Brasileira (1992), 67(5), 708–712.
  • Paoletti, M., Belli, A., Palma, L., Vallasciani, M., & Pierleoni, P. (2020). A wireless body sensor network for clinical assessment of the flexion-relaxation phenomenon. Electronics, 9(6), 1044.
  • Pöntinen, P. J. (1998). Reliability, validity, reproducibility of algometry in diagnosis of active and latent tender spots and trigger points. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain, 6(1), 61-71.
  • Rathbone, A. T., Grosman-Rimon, L., & Kumbhare, D. A. (2017). Interrater agreement of manual palpation for identification of myofascial trigger points: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 33(8), 715-729.
  • Rivner, M. H. (2001). The neurophysiology of myofascial pain syndrome. Current Pain and Headache Reports, 5, 432-440.
  • Robertson, D. G. E., Caldwell, G. E., Hamill, J., Kamen, G., & Whittlesey, S. (2013). Research methods in biomechanics. Human Kinetics.
  • Sancibrian, R., Gutierrez-Diez, M. C., Redondo-Figuero, C., Llata, J. R., & Manuel-Palazuelos, J. C. (2019). Using infrared imaging for assessment of muscular activity in the forearm of surgeons in the performance of laparoscopic tasks. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 233(10), 999-1009.
  • Shah, J. P., Danoff, J. V., Desai, M. J., Parikh, S., Nakamura, L. Y., Phillips, T. M., & Gerber, L. H. (2008). Biochemicals associated with pain and inflammation are elevated in sites near to and remote from active myofascial trigger points. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 89(1), 16-23.
  • Shah, J. P., Phillips, T. M., Danoff, J. V., & Gerber, L. H. (2005). An in vivo microanalytical technique for measuring the local biochemical milieu of human skeletal muscle. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 99(5), 1977–1984.
  • Shankar, H., & Cummings, C. (2013). Ultrasound imaging of embedded shrapnel facilitates diagnosis and management of myofascial pain syndrome. Pain Practice, 13(5), 405-408.
  • Simons, D. G. (1997). Myofascial trigger points: the critical experiment. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain, 5(4), 111-118.
  • Skorupska, E., Rychlik, M., & Samborski, W. (2015). Validation and Test‐Retest Reliability of New Thermographic Technique Called Thermovision Technique of Dry Needling for Gluteus Minimus Trigger Points in Sciatica Subjects and TrPs‐Negative Healthy Volunteers. BioMed Research International, 2015(1), 546497.
  • Srbely J. Z. (2010). New trends in the treatment and management of myofascial pain syndrome. Current Pain and Headache Reports, 14(5), 346–352.
  • Srbely, J. Z., Kumbhare, D., & Grosman-Rimon, L. (2016). A narrative review of new trends in the diagnosis of myofascial trigger points: diagnostic ultrasound imaging and biomarkers. The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, 60(3), 220–225.
  • Steketee, J. (1973). Spectral emissivity of skin and pericardium. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 18(5), 686.
  • Swerdlow, B., & Dieter, J. N. I. (1992). An evaluation of the sensitivity and specificity of medical thermography for the documentation of myofascial trigger points. Pain, 48(2), 205-213.
  • Takla, M. K. N., & Rezk-Allah, S. S. (2018). Immediate effects of simultaneous application of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and ultrasound phonophoresis on active myofascial trigger points: a randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 97(5), 332-338.
  • Tough, E. A., White, A. R., Richards, S., & Campbell, J. (2007). Variability of criteria used to diagnose myofascial trigger point pain syndrome—evidence from a review of the literature. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 23(3), 278-286.
  • Travell, J. G., & Simons, D. G. (1992). Myofascial pain and dysfunction: the trigger point manual (Vol. 2). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • Vardasca, R., Ring, E. F. J., Plassmann, P., & Jones, C. D. (2012). Thermal symmetry of the upper and lower extremities in healthy subjects. Thermology International, 22(2), 53-60.
  • Wilson, A. C., Jungbauer, W. N., Hussain, F. T., Lindgren, B. R., & Lassig, A. A. D. (2022). Characterization of baseline temperature characteristics using thermography in the clinical setting. Journal of Surgical Research, 272, 26-36.‏
  • Wytrążek, M., Huber, J., Lipiec, J., & Kulczyk, A. (2015). Evaluation of palpation, pressure algometry, and electromyography for monitoring trigger points in young participants. Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics, 38(3), 232-243.
  • Xiaoqiang, Z., Shusheng, T., & Qiangmin, H. (2014). Understanding of myofascial trigger points. Chinese Medical Journal, 127(24), 24.
  • Zhang, Y., Ge, H. Y., Yue, S. W., Kimura, Y., & Arendt-Nielsen, L. (2009). Attenuated skin blood flow response to nociceptive stimulation of latent myofascial trigger points. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 90(2), 325-332.‏

Infrared Thermography in The Diagnosis of Myofascial Trigger Points: A Comprehensive Review of Emerging Techniques and Challenges

Yıl 2024, , 567 - 580, 31.12.2024


Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) poses diagnostic challenges due to the absence of a universally accepted gold standard. This review explores alternative diagnostic methods, focusing on the potential role of infrared thermography (IRT) in identifying myofascial trigger points (MTrPs). MTrPs, characterized by palpable nodules within taut muscle bands, contribute to widespread chronic musculoskeletal pain. Traditional manual palpation, although widely used, faces reliability concerns. IRT, offering non-invasive real-time insights into microcirculation dynamics, presents a promising adjunct for MTrPs assessment. However, studies comparing thermography with manual identification reveal conflicting results, emphasizing the need for further investigation. Additionally, the review discusses the integration of thermography with pressure algometry, ultrasound, needle electromyography and biomarker assessment for a comprehensive understanding of MPS. Patient characteristics, such as age, gender, and body mass index, influence thermographic readings, necessitating cautious interpretation. Despite challenges, thermography demonstrates utility in short-term evaluation and treatment monitoring. Standardizing protocols and embracing an evidence-based, integrated diagnostic approach may enhance the accuracy of MTrPs identification in MPS, fostering collaborative efforts and ongoing research for improved patient outcomes.


  • Barbero, M., Bertoli, P., Cescon, C., Macmillan, F., Coutts, F., & Gatti, R. (2012). Intra-rater reliability of an experienced physiotherapist in locating myofascial trigger points in upper trapezius muscle. Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, 20(4), 171-177.
  • Barbosa, J. S., Amorim, A., Arruda, M., Medeiros, G., Freitas, A., Vieira, L., Melo, D. P., & Bento, P. M. (2020). Infrared thermography assessment of patients with temporomandibular disorders. Dento Maxillo Facial Radiology, 49(4), 20190392.
  • Chen, S. M., Chen, J. T., Kuan, T. S., Hong, J., & Hong, C. Z. (2000). Decrease in pressure pain thresholds of latent myofascial trigger points in the middle finger extensors immediately after continuous piano practice. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain, 8(3), 83-92.
  • Cojocaru, M. C., Cojocaru, I. M., Voiculescu, V. M., Cojan-Carlea, N. A., Dumitru, V. L., & Berteanu, M. (2015). Trigger points–ultrasound and thermal findings. Journal of Medicine and Life, 8(3), 315.
  • Delaney, G. A., & McKee, A. C. (1993). Inter-and intra-rater reliability of the pressure threshold meter in measurement of myofascial trigger point sensitivity. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 72(3), 136-139.
  • Dibai-Filho, A. V., & de Jesus Guirro, R. R. (2015). Evaluation of myofascial trigger points using infrared thermography: a critical review of the literature. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 38(1), 86-92.
  • Dibai-Filho, A. V., Guirro, E. C., Ferreira, V. T., Brandino, H. E., Vaz, M. M., & Guirro, R. R. (2015). Reliability of different methodologies of infrared image analysis of myofascial trigger points in the upper trapezius muscle. Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, 19(2), 122-128.‏
  • Diep, D., Chen, K. J. Q., & Kumbhare, D. (2021). Ultrasound-guided interventional procedures for myofascial trigger points: a systematic review. Regional anesthesia and pain medicine, 46(1), 73–80.
  • Duarte, F. C. K., West, D. W. D., Linde, L. D., Hassan, S., & Kumbhare, D. A. (2021). Re-Examining myofascial pain syndrome: toward biomarker development and mechanism-based diagnostic criteria. Current Rheumatology Reports, 23(8), 69.
  • Elbarbary, M., Sgro, A., Goldberg, M., Tenenbaum, H., & Azarpazhooh, A. (2022). Diagnostic applications of ultrasonography in myofascial trigger points: a scoping review and critical appraisal of literature. Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography, 38(6), 559–573.
  • Gabrhel, J., Popracová, Z., Tauchmannová, H., & Chvojka, Z. (2013). Thermal findings in pain syndromes of the pelvic-femoral region. Thermology International, 23(4), 157-163.
  • Grosman-Rimon, L., Parkinson, W., Upadhye, S., Clarke, H., Katz, J., Flannery, J., Peng, P., & Kumbhare, D. (2016). Circulating biomarkers in acute myofascial pain: A case-control study. Medicine, 95(37), e4650.
  • Gulyaev, Y. V., Markov, A. G., Koreneva, L. G., & Zakharov, P. V. (1995). Dynamical infrared thermography in humans. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 14(6), 766-771.
  • Haddad, D. S., Brioschi, M. L., & Arita, E. S. (2012). Thermographic and clinical correlation of myofascial trigger points in the masticatory muscles. Dento Maxillo Facial Radiology, 41(8), 621–629.
  • Hakgüder, A., Birtane, M., Gürcan, S., Kokino, S., & Nesrin Turan, F. (2003). Efficacy of low level laser therapy in myofascial pain syndrome: an algometric and thermographic evaluation. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine: The Official Journal of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 33(5), 339-343.
  • Hernandes Júnior, P. R., & Sardeli, A. V. (2021). The effect of aging on body temperature: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Current Aging Science, 14(3), 191-200.
  • Hildebrandt, C., Zeilberger, K., Ring, E. F. J., & Raschner, C. (2012). The application of medical infrared thermography in sports medicine. INTECH Open Access Publisher.
  • Hong, C. Z. (1998). Algometry in evaluation of trigger points and referred pain. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain, 6(1), 47-59.
  • Hong, C. Z. (2004). Myofascial pain therapy. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain, 12(3–4), 37–43. doi:10.1300/j094v12n03_06
  • Hong, C.Z., & Simons, D.G. (1998). Pathophysiologic and electrophysiologic mechanism of myofascial trigger points. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 79, 863-872.
  • Hubbard, D. R., & Berkoff, G. M. (1993). Myofascial trigger points show spontaneous needle EMG activity. Spine, 18(13), 1803-1807.
  • Ismail, E., & Merla, A. (2017). Modeling thermal infrared imaging data for differential diagnosis. Application of Infrared to Biomedical Sciences, 477-515.‏
  • James, C. A., Richardson, A. J., Watt, P. W., & Maxwell, N. S. (2014). Reliability and validity of skin temperature measurement by telemetry thermistors and a thermal camera during exercise in the heat. Journal of Thermal Biology, 45, 141-149.
  • Kawakita, K., Itoh, K., & Okada, K. (2008). Experimental model of trigger points using eccentric exercise. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain, 16(1-2), 29-35.
  • Kumbhare, D. A., Elzibak, A. H., & Noseworthy, M. D. (2016). Assessment of myofascial trigger points using ultrasound. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 95(1), 72- 80.
  • Kumbhare, D., Shaw, S., Ahmed, S., & Noseworthy, M. D. (2020). Quantitative ultrasound of trapezius muscle involvement in myofascial pain: comparison of clinical and healthy population using texture analysis. Journal of Ultrasound, 23, 23-30.
  • Liang, X. N., Guo, R. J., & Li, S. (2021). New application of multimodal ultrasound imaging for identification of myofascial trigger points in the trapezius muscle. Annals of Palliative Medicine, 10(9), 9784791-9789791.
  • Linde, L. D., Kumbhare, D. A., Joshi, M., & Srbely, J. Z. (2018). The relationship between rate of algometer application and pain pressure threshold in the assessment of myofascial trigger point sensitivity. Pain Practice, 18(2), 224-229.
  • Lucas, N., Macaskill, P., Irwig, L., Moran, R., & Bogduk, N. (2009). Reliability of physical examination for diagnosis of myofascial trigger points: a systematic review of the literature. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 25(1), 80-89.
  • Magalhães, M. F., Dibai-Filho, A. V., de Oliveira Guirro, E. C., Girasol, C. E., de Oliveira, A. K., Dias, F. R. C., & Guirro, R. R. D. J. (2015). Evolution of skin temperature after the application of compressive forces on tendon, muscle and myofascial trigger point. PloS One, 10(6), e0129034.
  • Mayoral del Moral, O., Torres Lacomba, M., Russell, I. J., Sánchez Méndez, Ó., & Sánchez Sánchez, B. (2018). Validity and reliability of clinical examination in the diagnosis of myofascial pain syndrome and myofascial trigger points in upper quarter muscles. Pain Medicine, 19(10), 2039-2050.
  • Mazza, D. F., Boutin, R. D., & Chaudhari, A. J. (2021). Assessment of myofascial trigger points via imaging: a systematic review. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 100(10), 1003-1014.
  • Mense, S., Simons, D. G., & Russell, I. J. (2001). Muscle pain: understanding its nature, diagnosis, and treatment. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • Merla, A., & Romani, G. L. (2006, August). Functional infrared imaging in medicine: a quantitative diagnostic approach. In 2006 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (pp. 224-227). IEEE.
  • Montañez-Aguilera, F. J., Valtueña-Gimeno, N., Pecos-Martín, D., Arnau-Masanet, R., Barrios-Pitarque, C., & Bosch-Morell, F. (2010). Changes in a patient with neck pain after application of ischemic compression as a trigger point therapy. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 23(2), 101-104.
  • Moraska, A. F., Hickner, R. C., Kohrt, W. M., & Brewer, A. (2013). Changes in blood flow and cellular metabolism at a myofascial trigger point with trigger point release (ischemic compression): a proof-of-principle pilot study. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 94(1), 196-200.
  • Myburgh, C., Larsen, A. H., & Hartvigsen, J. (2008). A systematic, critical review of manual palpation for identifying myofascial trigger points: evidence and clinical significance. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 89(6), 1169-1176.
  • Neves, E. B., Salamunes, A. C. C., de Oliveira, R. M., & Stadnik, A. M. W. (2017). Effect of body fat and gender on body temperature distribution. Journal of Thermal Biology, 70, 1-8.
  • Oliveira, A. K., Dibai-Filho, A. V., Soleira, G., Machado, A. C. F., & Guirro, R. R. J. (2021). Reliability of pressure pain threshold on myofascial trigger points in the trapezius muscle of women with chronic neck pain. Revista da Associacao Medica Brasileira (1992), 67(5), 708–712.
  • Paoletti, M., Belli, A., Palma, L., Vallasciani, M., & Pierleoni, P. (2020). A wireless body sensor network for clinical assessment of the flexion-relaxation phenomenon. Electronics, 9(6), 1044.
  • Pöntinen, P. J. (1998). Reliability, validity, reproducibility of algometry in diagnosis of active and latent tender spots and trigger points. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain, 6(1), 61-71.
  • Rathbone, A. T., Grosman-Rimon, L., & Kumbhare, D. A. (2017). Interrater agreement of manual palpation for identification of myofascial trigger points: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 33(8), 715-729.
  • Rivner, M. H. (2001). The neurophysiology of myofascial pain syndrome. Current Pain and Headache Reports, 5, 432-440.
  • Robertson, D. G. E., Caldwell, G. E., Hamill, J., Kamen, G., & Whittlesey, S. (2013). Research methods in biomechanics. Human Kinetics.
  • Sancibrian, R., Gutierrez-Diez, M. C., Redondo-Figuero, C., Llata, J. R., & Manuel-Palazuelos, J. C. (2019). Using infrared imaging for assessment of muscular activity in the forearm of surgeons in the performance of laparoscopic tasks. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 233(10), 999-1009.
  • Shah, J. P., Danoff, J. V., Desai, M. J., Parikh, S., Nakamura, L. Y., Phillips, T. M., & Gerber, L. H. (2008). Biochemicals associated with pain and inflammation are elevated in sites near to and remote from active myofascial trigger points. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 89(1), 16-23.
  • Shah, J. P., Phillips, T. M., Danoff, J. V., & Gerber, L. H. (2005). An in vivo microanalytical technique for measuring the local biochemical milieu of human skeletal muscle. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 99(5), 1977–1984.
  • Shankar, H., & Cummings, C. (2013). Ultrasound imaging of embedded shrapnel facilitates diagnosis and management of myofascial pain syndrome. Pain Practice, 13(5), 405-408.
  • Simons, D. G. (1997). Myofascial trigger points: the critical experiment. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain, 5(4), 111-118.
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Toplam 62 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Fizyoterapi
Bölüm Derlemeler

Ismail A. Ibrahim 0000-0002-0805-8181

Tasbih Emad 0009-0001-3719-2902

Ahmed Mohamed Hamdy 0009-0001-0372-3090

Adham Hemaid 0009-0003-4170-8080

Ahmed M. Sakr 0009-0003-7793-8347

Baha Naci 0000-0003-3764-2421

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Kasım 2024
Kabul Tarihi 26 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Ibrahim, I. A., Emad, T., Mohamed Hamdy, A., Hemaid, A., vd. (2024). Infrared Thermography in The Diagnosis of Myofascial Trigger Points: A Comprehensive Review of Emerging Techniques and Challenges. Fenerbahçe University Journal of Health Sciences, 4(3), 567-580.