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Watching Ramadan Drama and Egyptians’ Preference for Video Streaming Services Over Traditional Television: A Survey Study

Yıl 2024, , 23 - 47, 08.07.2024


Every year throughout the holy month of Ramadan, Egyptians regularly watch television dramas. Viewership reaches its peak during Ramadan, and as a result, Ramadan drama is considered to have a great cultural and social impact on Egyptian society. Moreover, during Ramadan, video streaming services become more popular in Egypt and achieve greater success in terms of subscription rates. Therefore, this study focused on investigating the reasons why Egyptians prefer video streaming services over traditional television to watch Ramadan dramas and the impact of such services on their watching behaviors. An online questionnaire survey was circulated to a sample of Egyptian people, and 563 participants of different ages and backgrounds participated in the survey. The critical evaluation of the collected data showed how significantly the Egyptian people are affected by Ramadan drama and the extent to which it is an important part of their lives. The data also highlight that video streaming services offer many advantages over traditional television. Likewise, the study provided valuable insights into the changes occurring in Egyptians’ viewing behaviors. It was concluded that Egyptian viewers prefer video streaming services over traditional television when watching Ramadan dramas for many reasons.


  • Abdennour, S. (2007). Egyptian customs and festivals. The American University in Cairo Press. google scholar
  • Abdel Magied, Y. (2022). Romance, drama, propaganda: The subliminal messages of Ramadan TV entertainment. google scholar
  • Abu-Lughod, L. (2008). Dramas of nationhood: The politics of television in Egypt Lewis Henry Morgan lecture series. University of Chicago Press. google scholar
  • Ali, S. A., & Sharaf, A. A. (2019). Drama on radio and television. Dar Al-Fajr for Publishing and Distribution. google scholar
  • Al-Hassan, A. O. (2010). Television. International House for Publishing and Distribution. google scholar
  • Allam, R., & Chan-Olmsted, S. (2021). The development of video streaming industry in Egypt: Examining its market environment and business model. Journal of Media Business Studies, 4(18). 6522354.2020.1853436. google scholar
  • Allam, R., & Dinana, H. (2021). The future of TV and online video platforms: A study on predictors of use and interaction with content in the egyptian evolving telecomm. Media & Entertainment Industries. https://doi. org/10.1177/21582440211040804 google scholar
  • Birch, J. (2019). How binge-watching is hazardous to your health. The Washington Post. https://www. google scholar
  • Burroughs, B. (2019). House of Netflix: Streaming media and digital lore. Popular Communication, 17(1), 1-17. google scholar
  • CAPMAS (Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics). (2020). Egypt statistical yearbook 2020. https:// google scholar
  • Dajani, N. (2009). Television in the Arab East. In J. Wasko (Ed.), A companion to television (pp. 580-601). John Wiley & Sons. google scholar
  • Deana, D. (2009). Middle East hungry for TV during Ramadan. CNN. meast/08/31/ramadantv/index.html google scholar
  • Dwyer, T., Shim, Y., Lee, H., & Hutchinson, J. (2018). Comparing digital media industries in South Korea and Australia: The case of Netflix take-up. International Journal of Communication, 12(2018), 4553-4572. http:// google scholar
  • El Shaer, G. (2015). Mapping egypt’s media: State influence in a transforming landscape. Arab Media and Society, 20, 1-11. MappingEgyptsMedia.pdf google scholar
  • El Tarabishi, M., & Galal, S. (2018). The impact of Egyptian Drama on the cultural identity of Egyptian youth -Analytical descriptive study. In H. Abd al-Gaffar, & A. Kamil (Eds.), Arabic Drama and Identity Issues (pp. 667683, vol. II). Ain Shams University Press. google scholar
  • Erman, J., Gerber, A., Ramadrishnan, K., Sen, S., & Spatscheck, O., (2011). Over-the-top video: The gorilla in cellular networks [Conference session]. 2011 ACM SIGCOMM Conference on Internet Measurement. Association for Computing Machinery (pp. 127-136). google scholar
  • Evens, T., & Donders, K. (2018). Platform power and policy in transforming television markets. Palgrave Macmillan. google scholar
  • Evens, T., Henderickx, A., & De Marez, L. (2021). Generation stream: The audiovisual repertoire of teenagers. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 65(2), 185-204. google scholar
  • Georgiou, M. (2012). Watching soap opera in the diaspora: Cultural proximity or critical proximity? Ethnic and Racial Studies, 35(5), 868-887. google scholar
  • Gonçalves, V., Evens, T., Alves, A., & Ballon, P. (2014). Power and control strategies in online video services [Conference session]. The 25th European Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS). google scholar
  • Holt, J., & Sanson, K. (2014). Introduction: Mapping connections. In J. Holt, & K. Sanson, (Eds.), Connected viewing, selling, streaming, and sharing media in the digital age (pp. 1-15). Routledge. google scholar Jenner, M. (2018). Netflix and the re-invention of television. Springer. google scholar
  • Johnson, C. (2019). Online TV. Routledge. google scholar
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  • Khalaf, H. (2017). How Ramadan dramas have evolved into a league of their own. The National. https://www. google scholar
  • Khalil, J., & Kraidy, M. (2009). Arab television industries. Palgrave Macmillan. google scholar
  • Kirk, C., Chiagouris, L., & Lala, V. (2015). How do digital natives and digital immigrants respond differently to interactivity online? Journal of Advertising Research, 55(1), 81-94. google scholar
  • Kübler, R., Seifert, R., & Kandziora, M. (2021). Content valuation strategies for digital subscription platforms. Journal of Cultural Economics, 45(2), 295-326. google scholar
  • Lotz, A. (2017). Portals: A treatise on internet-distributed television. Michigan Publishing. google scholar
  • Luders, M., & Sundet, V. (2022). Conceptualizing the experiential affordances of watching online TV. Television and New Media, 23(4), 335-351. google scholar
  • Marinelli, A., & Ando, R. (2017). From linearity to circulation. How TV flow is changing in networked media space. Tecnoscienza: Italian Journal of Science and Technology Studies, 7(2), 103-128. google scholar
  • Muharram, M. (2010). Drama and television. Arts Series - Family Library. google scholar
  • Park, E. (2019). Prevalence of business models in global OTT video services: A cluster analysis. International Journal on Media Management, 21(3-4), 177-192. google scholar
  • PWC “Price Waterhouse Coopers” (2024). Global Entertainment andMedia Outlook2023-2027. com/gx/en/industries/tmt/media/outlook.html google scholar
  • Research and Markets (2020). Middle East and North Africa Subscription Video on Demand (SVOD) market forecasts 2025. google scholar
  • Sadek, S. (2006). Cairo as global/regional cultural capital? In P. Amar (Ed.), Cairo cosmopolitan: Politics, culture, and urban space in the new globalized Middle East (pp. 90-153). American Univ. in Cairo Press. google scholar
  • Saidi, Z. (2019). Values in the Algerian television drama presented during the month of Ramadan. Al-Maear, 47(23), 412-430. google scholar
  • Sakr, N. (2007). Arab television today. IB Tauris. google scholar
  • Samuel, A. (2019). Streaming television might just bring us together after all. JSTOR Daily. streaming-television-might-just-bring-us-together-after-all/ google scholar
  • Seel, P., & Dupagne, M. (2010). Advanced television and video. In A. Grant, & J. Meadows, (Eds.), Communication Technology Update. Focal Press. google scholar
  • Sloane, G. (2019). Hulu puts a cap on ad loads. AdAge. google scholar
  • Sujata, J., Sohag, S., Tanu, D., Chintan, D., Shubham, P., & Sumit, G. (2015). Impact of over the top (OTT) services on telecom service providers. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 8(S4), 145-160. https://doi. org/10.17485/ijst/2015/v8iS4/62238 google scholar
  • Vadehra, P. (2019). MBC launches ‘Shahid Original’ production, appoints VOD business head. Digital Studio. google scholar
  • Wang, R., Yang, F., & Zheng, S. (2016). Why do we pin? New gratifications explain unique activities in Pinterest. Social Media+Society, 2(3), 1–9.

Ramazan Dramalarını İzleme ve Mısırlıların Geleneksel Televizyon Yerine Video Akış Hizmetlerini Tercihi: Bir Anket Çalışması

Yıl 2024, , 23 - 47, 08.07.2024


Her yıl Ramazan ayı boyunca, Mısırlılar düzenli olarak televizyon dizilerini izlemektedir. İzleyici sayısı Ramazan ayında zirveye ulaşır ve bu nedenle Ramazan dramaları Mısır toplumunda büyük bir kültürel ve sosyal etkiye sahiptir. Ayrıca, Ramazan ayı boyunca video akış hizmetleri Mısır’da daha popüler hâle gelir ve abonelik oranları açısından daha büyük bir başarı elde eder. Bu nedenle, bu çalışma, Mısırlıların neden Ramazan dramalarını izlemek için geleneksel televizyon yerine video akış hizmetlerini tercih ettiğini ve bu hizmetlerin izleme alışkanlıkları üzerindeki etkisini araştırmaya odaklanmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında, çevrimiçi bir anket, farklı yaş ve geçmişlerden 563 katılımcının katıldığı Mısır halkından oluşan bir örnekleme dağıtılmıştır. Toplanan verilerin eleştirel değerlendirmesi, Mısırlıların Ramazan dramalarından ne kadar etkilendiğini ve bunların hayatlarının ne kadar önemli bir parçası olduğunu göstermiştir. Veriler ayrıca video akış hizmetlerinin geleneksel televizyona göre birçok avantaj sunduğunu vurgulamaktadır. Aynı şekilde, çalışma, Mısırlıların izleme alışkanlıklarında meydana gelen değişikliklere dair değerli bilgiler sağlamıştır. Sonuç olarak, Mısırlı izleyicilerin pek çok nedenle Ramazan dramalarını izlerken geleneksel televizyon yerine video akış hizmetlerini tercih ettiği sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Abdennour, S. (2007). Egyptian customs and festivals. The American University in Cairo Press. google scholar
  • Abdel Magied, Y. (2022). Romance, drama, propaganda: The subliminal messages of Ramadan TV entertainment. google scholar
  • Abu-Lughod, L. (2008). Dramas of nationhood: The politics of television in Egypt Lewis Henry Morgan lecture series. University of Chicago Press. google scholar
  • Ali, S. A., & Sharaf, A. A. (2019). Drama on radio and television. Dar Al-Fajr for Publishing and Distribution. google scholar
  • Al-Hassan, A. O. (2010). Television. International House for Publishing and Distribution. google scholar
  • Allam, R., & Chan-Olmsted, S. (2021). The development of video streaming industry in Egypt: Examining its market environment and business model. Journal of Media Business Studies, 4(18). 6522354.2020.1853436. google scholar
  • Allam, R., & Dinana, H. (2021). The future of TV and online video platforms: A study on predictors of use and interaction with content in the egyptian evolving telecomm. Media & Entertainment Industries. https://doi. org/10.1177/21582440211040804 google scholar
  • Birch, J. (2019). How binge-watching is hazardous to your health. The Washington Post. https://www. google scholar
  • Burroughs, B. (2019). House of Netflix: Streaming media and digital lore. Popular Communication, 17(1), 1-17. google scholar
  • CAPMAS (Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics). (2020). Egypt statistical yearbook 2020. https:// google scholar
  • Dajani, N. (2009). Television in the Arab East. In J. Wasko (Ed.), A companion to television (pp. 580-601). John Wiley & Sons. google scholar
  • Deana, D. (2009). Middle East hungry for TV during Ramadan. CNN. meast/08/31/ramadantv/index.html google scholar
  • Dwyer, T., Shim, Y., Lee, H., & Hutchinson, J. (2018). Comparing digital media industries in South Korea and Australia: The case of Netflix take-up. International Journal of Communication, 12(2018), 4553-4572. http:// google scholar
  • El Shaer, G. (2015). Mapping egypt’s media: State influence in a transforming landscape. Arab Media and Society, 20, 1-11. MappingEgyptsMedia.pdf google scholar
  • El Tarabishi, M., & Galal, S. (2018). The impact of Egyptian Drama on the cultural identity of Egyptian youth -Analytical descriptive study. In H. Abd al-Gaffar, & A. Kamil (Eds.), Arabic Drama and Identity Issues (pp. 667683, vol. II). Ain Shams University Press. google scholar
  • Erman, J., Gerber, A., Ramadrishnan, K., Sen, S., & Spatscheck, O., (2011). Over-the-top video: The gorilla in cellular networks [Conference session]. 2011 ACM SIGCOMM Conference on Internet Measurement. Association for Computing Machinery (pp. 127-136). google scholar
  • Evens, T., & Donders, K. (2018). Platform power and policy in transforming television markets. Palgrave Macmillan. google scholar
  • Evens, T., Henderickx, A., & De Marez, L. (2021). Generation stream: The audiovisual repertoire of teenagers. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 65(2), 185-204. google scholar
  • Georgiou, M. (2012). Watching soap opera in the diaspora: Cultural proximity or critical proximity? Ethnic and Racial Studies, 35(5), 868-887. google scholar
  • Gonçalves, V., Evens, T., Alves, A., & Ballon, P. (2014). Power and control strategies in online video services [Conference session]. The 25th European Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS). google scholar
  • Holt, J., & Sanson, K. (2014). Introduction: Mapping connections. In J. Holt, & K. Sanson, (Eds.), Connected viewing, selling, streaming, and sharing media in the digital age (pp. 1-15). Routledge. google scholar Jenner, M. (2018). Netflix and the re-invention of television. Springer. google scholar
  • Johnson, C. (2019). Online TV. Routledge. google scholar
  • ICT (Information and Communication Technology). (2020). ICT indicators. Documents/Publications_1982020000_ICT_Indicators_Quarterly_Bulletin_Q1%202020.pdf google scholar
  • Khalaf, H. (2017). How Ramadan dramas have evolved into a league of their own. The National. https://www. google scholar
  • Khalil, J., & Kraidy, M. (2009). Arab television industries. Palgrave Macmillan. google scholar
  • Kirk, C., Chiagouris, L., & Lala, V. (2015). How do digital natives and digital immigrants respond differently to interactivity online? Journal of Advertising Research, 55(1), 81-94. google scholar
  • Kübler, R., Seifert, R., & Kandziora, M. (2021). Content valuation strategies for digital subscription platforms. Journal of Cultural Economics, 45(2), 295-326. google scholar
  • Lotz, A. (2017). Portals: A treatise on internet-distributed television. Michigan Publishing. google scholar
  • Luders, M., & Sundet, V. (2022). Conceptualizing the experiential affordances of watching online TV. Television and New Media, 23(4), 335-351. google scholar
  • Marinelli, A., & Ando, R. (2017). From linearity to circulation. How TV flow is changing in networked media space. Tecnoscienza: Italian Journal of Science and Technology Studies, 7(2), 103-128. google scholar
  • Muharram, M. (2010). Drama and television. Arts Series - Family Library. google scholar
  • Park, E. (2019). Prevalence of business models in global OTT video services: A cluster analysis. International Journal on Media Management, 21(3-4), 177-192. google scholar
  • PWC “Price Waterhouse Coopers” (2024). Global Entertainment andMedia Outlook2023-2027. com/gx/en/industries/tmt/media/outlook.html google scholar
  • Research and Markets (2020). Middle East and North Africa Subscription Video on Demand (SVOD) market forecasts 2025. google scholar
  • Sadek, S. (2006). Cairo as global/regional cultural capital? In P. Amar (Ed.), Cairo cosmopolitan: Politics, culture, and urban space in the new globalized Middle East (pp. 90-153). American Univ. in Cairo Press. google scholar
  • Saidi, Z. (2019). Values in the Algerian television drama presented during the month of Ramadan. Al-Maear, 47(23), 412-430. google scholar
  • Sakr, N. (2007). Arab television today. IB Tauris. google scholar
  • Samuel, A. (2019). Streaming television might just bring us together after all. JSTOR Daily. streaming-television-might-just-bring-us-together-after-all/ google scholar
  • Seel, P., & Dupagne, M. (2010). Advanced television and video. In A. Grant, & J. Meadows, (Eds.), Communication Technology Update. Focal Press. google scholar
  • Sloane, G. (2019). Hulu puts a cap on ad loads. AdAge. google scholar
  • Sujata, J., Sohag, S., Tanu, D., Chintan, D., Shubham, P., & Sumit, G. (2015). Impact of over the top (OTT) services on telecom service providers. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 8(S4), 145-160. https://doi. org/10.17485/ijst/2015/v8iS4/62238 google scholar
  • Vadehra, P. (2019). MBC launches ‘Shahid Original’ production, appoints VOD business head. Digital Studio. google scholar
  • Wang, R., Yang, F., & Zheng, S. (2016). Why do we pin? New gratifications explain unique activities in Pinterest. Social Media+Society, 2(3), 1–9.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İletişim ve Medya Çalışmaları (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Mustafa Yousry Matbouly 0000-0001-5004-0666

Yayımlanma Tarihi 8 Temmuz 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Nisan 2024
Kabul Tarihi 15 Haziran 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Yousry Matbouly, M. (2024). Watching Ramadan Drama and Egyptians’ Preference for Video Streaming Services Over Traditional Television: A Survey Study. Filmvisio(3), 23-47.