Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 77 - 92, 30.04.2020



  • Alîxanî, M. (1380). Huqûqê Bêynelmêlel. Têhran: Xetê Sêwum.
  • Axagulzadê, F. (1386). Zebanşinasîyê huqûqî (qanûnî): rûykerdî nuwîn der zebanşinasîyê karburdî. Buxara, 6, 192-204.
  • Barnett, B. A. (2015). 20 years later: a look back at the Unabomber Manifesto. Perspectives on Terrorism, Vienna, 9 (6), 60-71.
  • Blackett, T. (1998). Trademarks. London: Macmillan.
  • Coulthard, M. & Johnson, A. (2007). An introduction to forensic linguistics. (1th ed.). London: Taylor & Francis Ltd.
  • Coulthard, M. (1997). A failed appeal, in forensic linguistics. Internatıonal Journal of Speech Language And The Law, 4 (2), 287-302.
  • Dêhqan, M. & Hêyderî, B. (1937). Berrêsîyê wîjêgîhayê sebk kelamîyê gurûhekê mensûb bê Daiş. Pejohêşhayê Zebanşinasî, 19(2), 55-66.
  • Eades, D. (2009). Testing the claims of asylum seekers: the role of language analysis.
  • Language Assessment Quarterly, 6 (1), 30-40.
  • Efrasîyabîyan, H. & Muntezirî. Z. (1384). Karburdhayê zebanşinasî der ulumê qezaîyê Îran. Konfiranse Sanêyê Rûykerdê Nuwînê Pejohêşî der Ulumê Ênsanî, Têhran. jêgirtin ji
  • Fraser, H. (2003). Issues in Transcription: factors affecting the reliability of transcripts as evidence in legal cases. Biddeford: School of Languages Cultures and Linguistics.
  • Fraser, H. (2018). Forensic transcription: how confident false beliefs about language and speech threaten the right to a fair trial in australia. Australian Journal of Linguistics, 38 (4), 586-606.
  • Gao, J. (2010). Review and prospects of the research of forensic linguistics in china. The Journal of Asian Social Science, 6 (10), 55-75.
  • Ghasemi, M. A., Sajedi, F. & Sajedi, M. (2014). Forensic linguistics: a brief overview of the key elements. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 158, 222 – 225.
  • Hollein, H. (1990). The acoustics of crime. London: Plenum.
  • Hutton, Ch. (2009). Language, meaning and the law. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • İstacî, A. (1385), Muerifîyê avaşinasîyê qanûnî we berxî karburdhayê an. Zeban we Zebanşinasî, 2(4), 149-156
  • Kaczynski, T. J. (1995, September 19). Industrial society and it’s future. Washington Post.
  • Knowles Q. J. B. (2015). The abolition of the death penalty in the united kingdom: how ıt happened and why ıt still matters. London: The Death Penalty Project.
  • Komxebata Hiqûqê. (Ed.). (2019). Ferhenga Têgihên Hiqûqê. İstanbul: Weqfa Mezopotamyayê.
  • Leonard, R. A., Ford, J. E. R. & Christensen, T. K. (2017). Forensic linguistics: applying the science of linguistics to ıssues of the law. Hofstra Law Review, 45 (3), 881-897.
  • Olsson, J. (2003). What is forensic linguistics?. England: Nebraska Wesleyan University.
  • Olsson, J. (2004). Forensic linguistics: an introduction to language, crime, and the law. Continuum, London.
  • Primeau, E. (2015 March). The importance of forensic transcription (tebax 16, 2019)
  • Qurbanî, R. (4ê aban, 1396). Çêgunê mîtewan der avaşênasî berayê meqamatê muhteremê qezayî êlmawer başed? jêgirtin ji:
  • Shuy, R. (2002). Linguistic battles in trademark disputes. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Srihari, S. N., Cha, S. H., Aurora, H. & Lee, S. (2002). Individuality of handwriting. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 47(4), 1-17.
  • Svartvik, J. (1968). The evans statements: a case for forensic linguistics. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg Press.
  • Talebanî, N. (2006). Ferhanga Qanûnî. Silêmanî: Mekteba Bîr û Hişyarîy.
  • Terennûm, A. (1387). Karburdê zebanşinasîyê huqûqî der tehqîqatê cinayî. Karagah, 2(3), 6-16.
  • Tiersma, P. M. (1999). Legal language. Chicago: University Of Chicago Press.
  • Tomblin, S., MacLeod, N., Sousa, S. R. & Coulthard, M. (2012). Proceedings of the ınternational association of forensic linguists. Birmingham: Centre for Forensic Linguistics.
  • Toolan, M. (2009). Forensic linguistics. London: Rutledge.
  • Udina, N. (2017). Forensic linguistics ımplications for legal education: creating the textbook on language and law. Procedia, Social and Behavioral Sciences, 237, 1337-1340.

Giringîya Zimannasîya Hiqûqî di Pergaleka Hiqûqî ya Dadmend da

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 77 - 92, 30.04.2020


Hiqûq wekî alava mîsogerîya dadmendîyê, di çavê zdelîlên zimanîimannasan da wekî pîşeya peyvan tê naskirin. Ew pîşeya ku pîşekarên wê nikarin bêyî nasîna ziman û bikaranîna wê zanistê pergaleka hiqûqî ya dadmend ava bikin. Zimannasîya hiqûqî wekî zanisteka navşaxî anku navbesta hiqûq û ziman, di heyama çend dehsalên dawî da, derîyên hiqûqê li ser ziman vekirîye, bi awayekî ku îro delîlên zimanî bûne bingeha çareserkirina gelek dozên medenî û sizayî, bi taybetî di welatên pirziman û pirzarave da.
Di vê gotarê da bi sûdgirtin ji şêwaza lêkolînê ya wesifî mijarên sereke yên zimannasîyê hiqûqî yên wekî dengnasîya hiqûqî, transkrîpta hiqûqî, markeyên bazirganî, analîza hiqûqî ya destxetan, hilsengandina dozên penaxwazîyê û dîyarkirina danerê berheman hatîne nîqaşkirin û hin dozên navdar yên têkildarî wan babetan jî wekî nimûne hatîne pêşkêşkirin.


Law, being the essential instrument of ensuring the justice, is known to linguists as the profession of the words. It is such a profession that without knowing the language and the usage of liguistics it is not possible for the performers of this profession to establish a just, legal system. Forensic linguistics as an interdisciplinary science, which is an interface between law and language, during recent decades has opened the doors of law to the language, in other saying, today lingual evidences have become a ground for solving a lot of civil and criminal cases, especially in multi-lingual and multi-dialectal countries.
In this article through qualitative research method, main subjects of forensic linguistics such as forensic phonology, forensic transcription, trademarks, forensic analysis of manuscripts and evaluation of asylum seeking trials have been discussed, and some well known cases have been presented as sample items.


  • Alîxanî, M. (1380). Huqûqê Bêynelmêlel. Têhran: Xetê Sêwum.
  • Axagulzadê, F. (1386). Zebanşinasîyê huqûqî (qanûnî): rûykerdî nuwîn der zebanşinasîyê karburdî. Buxara, 6, 192-204.
  • Barnett, B. A. (2015). 20 years later: a look back at the Unabomber Manifesto. Perspectives on Terrorism, Vienna, 9 (6), 60-71.
  • Blackett, T. (1998). Trademarks. London: Macmillan.
  • Coulthard, M. & Johnson, A. (2007). An introduction to forensic linguistics. (1th ed.). London: Taylor & Francis Ltd.
  • Coulthard, M. (1997). A failed appeal, in forensic linguistics. Internatıonal Journal of Speech Language And The Law, 4 (2), 287-302.
  • Dêhqan, M. & Hêyderî, B. (1937). Berrêsîyê wîjêgîhayê sebk kelamîyê gurûhekê mensûb bê Daiş. Pejohêşhayê Zebanşinasî, 19(2), 55-66.
  • Eades, D. (2009). Testing the claims of asylum seekers: the role of language analysis.
  • Language Assessment Quarterly, 6 (1), 30-40.
  • Efrasîyabîyan, H. & Muntezirî. Z. (1384). Karburdhayê zebanşinasî der ulumê qezaîyê Îran. Konfiranse Sanêyê Rûykerdê Nuwînê Pejohêşî der Ulumê Ênsanî, Têhran. jêgirtin ji
  • Fraser, H. (2003). Issues in Transcription: factors affecting the reliability of transcripts as evidence in legal cases. Biddeford: School of Languages Cultures and Linguistics.
  • Fraser, H. (2018). Forensic transcription: how confident false beliefs about language and speech threaten the right to a fair trial in australia. Australian Journal of Linguistics, 38 (4), 586-606.
  • Gao, J. (2010). Review and prospects of the research of forensic linguistics in china. The Journal of Asian Social Science, 6 (10), 55-75.
  • Ghasemi, M. A., Sajedi, F. & Sajedi, M. (2014). Forensic linguistics: a brief overview of the key elements. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 158, 222 – 225.
  • Hollein, H. (1990). The acoustics of crime. London: Plenum.
  • Hutton, Ch. (2009). Language, meaning and the law. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • İstacî, A. (1385), Muerifîyê avaşinasîyê qanûnî we berxî karburdhayê an. Zeban we Zebanşinasî, 2(4), 149-156
  • Kaczynski, T. J. (1995, September 19). Industrial society and it’s future. Washington Post.
  • Knowles Q. J. B. (2015). The abolition of the death penalty in the united kingdom: how ıt happened and why ıt still matters. London: The Death Penalty Project.
  • Komxebata Hiqûqê. (Ed.). (2019). Ferhenga Têgihên Hiqûqê. İstanbul: Weqfa Mezopotamyayê.
  • Leonard, R. A., Ford, J. E. R. & Christensen, T. K. (2017). Forensic linguistics: applying the science of linguistics to ıssues of the law. Hofstra Law Review, 45 (3), 881-897.
  • Olsson, J. (2003). What is forensic linguistics?. England: Nebraska Wesleyan University.
  • Olsson, J. (2004). Forensic linguistics: an introduction to language, crime, and the law. Continuum, London.
  • Primeau, E. (2015 March). The importance of forensic transcription (tebax 16, 2019)
  • Qurbanî, R. (4ê aban, 1396). Çêgunê mîtewan der avaşênasî berayê meqamatê muhteremê qezayî êlmawer başed? jêgirtin ji:
  • Shuy, R. (2002). Linguistic battles in trademark disputes. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Srihari, S. N., Cha, S. H., Aurora, H. & Lee, S. (2002). Individuality of handwriting. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 47(4), 1-17.
  • Svartvik, J. (1968). The evans statements: a case for forensic linguistics. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg Press.
  • Talebanî, N. (2006). Ferhanga Qanûnî. Silêmanî: Mekteba Bîr û Hişyarîy.
  • Terennûm, A. (1387). Karburdê zebanşinasîyê huqûqî der tehqîqatê cinayî. Karagah, 2(3), 6-16.
  • Tiersma, P. M. (1999). Legal language. Chicago: University Of Chicago Press.
  • Tomblin, S., MacLeod, N., Sousa, S. R. & Coulthard, M. (2012). Proceedings of the ınternational association of forensic linguists. Birmingham: Centre for Forensic Linguistics.
  • Toolan, M. (2009). Forensic linguistics. London: Rutledge.
  • Udina, N. (2017). Forensic linguistics ımplications for legal education: creating the textbook on language and law. Procedia, Social and Behavioral Sciences, 237, 1337-1340.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Research Articles

Saber Abdollahizad

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

MLA Abdollahizad, Saber. “Giringîya Zimannasîya Hiqûqî Di Pergaleka Hiqûqî Ya Dadmend Da”. Folklor U Ziman, c. 1, sy. 1, 2020, ss. 77-92.