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Düşük Fiyat Garantisi Politikasının Satın Alma Sonrası Fiyat Araştırmasına Etkisinde Fiyat Uzmanlığının Rolü

Yıl 2015, Sayı: 610, 47 - 61, 01.12.2015


Bu çalışmanın amacı Düşük Fiyat Garantisinin (DFG) satın alma sonrası fiyat araştırmasına etkisini incelenirken fiyat uzmanlığının düzenleyici rolünü ortaya koymaktır. Başka bir deyişle, DFG kapsamında uygulanan geri ödeme oranı arttığında fiyat uzmanlığı yüksek olan tüketicilerin satın alma sonrası fiyat araştırma eğilimlerinin artıp artmayacağı incelenmiştir. DFG’nin tüketicilerin algılarına ve davranışlarına etkilerini inceleyen çalışmalar fiyat bilinci ve değer bilinci gibi tüketici özelliklerini ele almışlardır. Fiyat araştırma davranışının piyasa uzmanlığı ile fayda maliyet modelinden daha iyi açıklanıyor olması, ayrıca DFG kapsamında yapılan araştırmalarda da bu tüketici özelliğinin incelenmemiş olması araştırmanın önemini ortaya koymaktadır. Çalışmada faktöriyel deney tertibi kullanılarak veriler toplanmış, SPSS programı aracılığıyla t-testi ve Anova analizleri yapılmış ve hipotezler yorumlanmıştır. Çalışmanın sonunda tüketicilerin DFG kapsamında satın alma yaptıklarında daha düşük fiyatı bulmak için satın alma sonrası fiyat araştırma eğilimlerinin arttığı, ayrıca geri ödeme oranı arttığında fiyat uzmanı tüketicilerin araştırma eğilimlerinin arttığı tespit edilmiş ancak istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmamıştır


  • ABRATT, Russell, Deon NEL and Christo NEZER; (1995)
  • “Role of the Market Maven in Retailing: A General Marketplace Influencer”, Journal of Business and Psychology, 10 (1), pp. 55 BERNE, Carmen, Jose M. MUGICA, Marta PEDRAJA and Pi- lar RIVERA; (1999), “The Use Of Consumer’s Price Information
  • Search Behaviour For Pricing Differentiation In Retailing”, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Re- search, 9 (2), pp. 127-146
  • BERNE, Carmen, Jose M. MUGICA, Marta PEDRAJA and Pilar RIVERA; (2001), “Factors Involved in Price Information
  • Seeking Behaviour”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Ser- vices, 8 (2), pp. 71-84
  • BISWAS, Abhijit, Chris PULLIG, Mehmet I. YAGCI ve Dwane H. DEAN; (2002), “Consumer Evaluation of Low Price Guar- antees: The Moderating Role of Reference Price and Store
  • Image”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 12 (2), pp. 107-118
  • BISWAS, Abhijit, Sujay DUTTA and Chris PULLIG; (2006)
  • “Low Price Guarantees As Signals Of Lowest Price: The Mod- erating Role Of Perceived Price Dispersion”, Journal of Retail- ing, 82 (3), pp. 245–257 BOULDING, William ve Amna KIRMANI; (1993), “A Consumer
  • Side Experimental Examination of Signaling Theory: Do Con- sumers PerceiveWarranties as Signals of Quality?”, Journal of Consumer Research, 20 (1), pp. 111-123
  • BYUN, Sang-Eun and Brenda STERNQUIST; (2010), “Recon- ceptualization of Price Mavenism: Do Chinese Consumers Get a Glow When They Know?”, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 22 (3), pp. 279-293
  • CARLSON, John A. and Robert J. GIESEKE; (1983), “Price
  • Search in a Product Market”, Journal of Consumer Research, (4), pp. 357-365
  • CARVELLA, Steven A. and Daniel C. QUAN; (2008), “Exotic
  • Reservations—Low-Price Guarantees”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 27 (2), pp. 162-169
  • CLARK, Ronald A. and Ronald E. GOLDSMITH; (2005), “Mar- ket Mavens: Psychological Influences”, Psychology & Market- ing, 22 (4), pp. 289–312
  • CLARK, Ronald A., Ronald E. GOLDSMITH and Elizabeth B. GOLDSMITH, (2008), “Market Mavenism and Consumer Self
  • Confidence”, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 7 (3), pp. 239- DUTTA, Sujay; (2004), “Postpurchase Implications of Low
  • Price Guarantees and Consequences of Low Price Guarante”, Agricultural and Mechanical College, Thesis of Doctor, Inter- departmental Program in Business Administration (Marketing), Louisiana State University DUTTA, Sujay and Abhijit BISWAS; (2005) “Effects of Low
  • Price Guarantees on Consumer Post-Purchase Search Inten- tion: The Moderating Roles of Value Consciousness and Pen- alty Level”, Journal of Retailing, 81 (4), pp. 283–291 FEICK, Lawrence F. and Linda L. PRICE; (1987), “The Market
  • Maven: A Diffuser of Marketplace Information”, Journal of Mar- keting, 51 (1), pp. 83-97
  • GAURI, Dinesh Kumar; (2007), “Retail Promotions: Consum- ers’ Effectiveness in Availing Them and Retailers’ Success in
  • Using Them” Thesis of Doctor, State University of New York at Buffalo, GOLDMAN, Arieh and J. K. JOHANSSON; (1978), “Determi- nants for Search of Lower Prices: An Empirical Assessment of the Economics of Information”, Journal of Consumer Research, (3), pp. 176-186
  • JAIN, Sanjay and Joydeep SRIVASTAVA; (2000), “An Experi- mental And Theoretical Analysis of Price-Matching Refund
  • Policies”, Journal of Marketing Researh, 37 (3), pp. 351-362
  • KINNEY, Monika Kukar ve Rockney G. WALTERS; (2003)
  • “Consumer Perceptions of Refund Depth And Competitive Scope in Price-Matching Guarantees: Effects on Store Patron- age”, Journal of Retailing, 79 (3), pp. 153-160
  • KINNEY, Monika Kukar, Rockney G. WALTERS and Scott B. MACKENZIE; (2007), “Consumer Responses to Character- istics of Price-Matching Guarantees: The Moderating Role of
  • Price Consciousness”, Journal of Retailing, 83 (2), pp. 211-221
  • LICHTENSTEIN, Donald R., Nancy M. RIDGWAY and Richard G. NETEMEYER; (1993), “Price Perceptions and Consumer
  • Shopping Behavior: A Field Study”, Journal of Marketing Re- search, 30 (2), pp. 234-245
  • LURIE, Nicholas H. and Joydeep SRIVASTAVA; (2005), “Price
  • Matching Guarantees and Consumer Evaluations of Price Information”, Journal Of Consumer Psychology, 15 (2), pp. –158 MARMORSTEIN, Howard, Dhruv GREWAL and Raymond P. H. FISHE; (1992), “The Value of Time Spent in Price-Compari- son Shopping: Survey and Experimental Evidence”, Journal of Consumer Research, 19 (1), pp. 52-61
  • NAKİP, Mahir; (2003), Pazarlama Araştırmaları Teknikler ve Uygulamalar. Seçkin Yayın Evi, Ankara
  • PATZER, Gordon L.; (1996), Experiment-Research Methodol- ogy in Marketing. Quorum Books, Westport
  • PRICE, Linda L., Lawrence F. FEICK and Audrey Guskey- FEDEROUCH; (1988), “Couponing Behaviors of the Market
  • Maven: Profile of a Super Couponer”, Advances in Consumer Research, 15, pp. 354-359
  • SRIVASTAVA, Joydeep and Nicholas LURIE; (2001), “A Con- sumer Perspective on Price‐Matching Refund Policies: Effect on Price Perceptions and Search Behavior”, Journal of Con- sumer Research, 28 (2), pp. 296-307
  • TALUKDAR, Debabrata, Dinesh K. GAURI and Dhruv GRE- WAL; (2010), “An Empirical Analysis of The Extreme Cherry
  • Picking Behavior of Consumers in The Frequently Purchased Goods Market”, Journal of Retailing, 86 (4), pp. 336-354
  • URBANY, Joel E.; (1986), “An experimental examination of the economics of information”, Journal of Consumer Research, 13 (2), pp. 257-271
  • URBANY, Joel E., Peter R. DICKSON and Rosemary KALA- PURAKAL; (1996), “Price Search in The Retail Grocery Mar- ket”, Journal of Marketing, 60 (2), pp. 91-104
  • WALSH, Gianfranco, Kevin P. GWINNER and Scott R. SWAN- SON; (2004), “What Makes Mavens Tick? Exploring the Mo- tives of Market Mavens’ Initiation of Information Diffusion”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 21 (2), pp. 109-122

The Effects of Low Price Guarantee on Post- Purchase Search Intention and the Role of Price Mavenism

Yıl 2015, Sayı: 610, 47 - 61, 01.12.2015


The aim of this research is to determine the effect of Low Price Guarantee (LPG) on the post purchase price search intention and the moderator role of price mavenism. In other words, it research whether low price guarantee with progressively higher levels of penalty leads to more post purchase price search intention for high level of price mavens. Studies that are investigating the effect of LPG on consumer perceptions and behavior are discussed consumer characteristics such as price consciousness and value consciousness. It assumes that market mavenism better explain of consumer post purchase search intentions than economic benefit-cost model. Because price mavenism previously not addressed within the scope of the LPG, it shows the importance of this research. In the scope of the research factorial experimental method was used to collect data, t-test and Anova analysis were applied by SPSS to test hypothesis. Results of analysis indicate that consumers are more likely to engage in post-purchase search for lower prices when a purchase is made under an LPG. Furthermore, it is seen that an LPG that offers higher refund leads to higher post-purchase search intention for price mavens. But these results are not found statistically significant


  • ABRATT, Russell, Deon NEL and Christo NEZER; (1995)
  • “Role of the Market Maven in Retailing: A General Marketplace Influencer”, Journal of Business and Psychology, 10 (1), pp. 55 BERNE, Carmen, Jose M. MUGICA, Marta PEDRAJA and Pi- lar RIVERA; (1999), “The Use Of Consumer’s Price Information
  • Search Behaviour For Pricing Differentiation In Retailing”, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Re- search, 9 (2), pp. 127-146
  • BERNE, Carmen, Jose M. MUGICA, Marta PEDRAJA and Pilar RIVERA; (2001), “Factors Involved in Price Information
  • Seeking Behaviour”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Ser- vices, 8 (2), pp. 71-84
  • BISWAS, Abhijit, Chris PULLIG, Mehmet I. YAGCI ve Dwane H. DEAN; (2002), “Consumer Evaluation of Low Price Guar- antees: The Moderating Role of Reference Price and Store
  • Image”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 12 (2), pp. 107-118
  • BISWAS, Abhijit, Sujay DUTTA and Chris PULLIG; (2006)
  • “Low Price Guarantees As Signals Of Lowest Price: The Mod- erating Role Of Perceived Price Dispersion”, Journal of Retail- ing, 82 (3), pp. 245–257 BOULDING, William ve Amna KIRMANI; (1993), “A Consumer
  • Side Experimental Examination of Signaling Theory: Do Con- sumers PerceiveWarranties as Signals of Quality?”, Journal of Consumer Research, 20 (1), pp. 111-123
  • BYUN, Sang-Eun and Brenda STERNQUIST; (2010), “Recon- ceptualization of Price Mavenism: Do Chinese Consumers Get a Glow When They Know?”, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 22 (3), pp. 279-293
  • CARLSON, John A. and Robert J. GIESEKE; (1983), “Price
  • Search in a Product Market”, Journal of Consumer Research, (4), pp. 357-365
  • CARVELLA, Steven A. and Daniel C. QUAN; (2008), “Exotic
  • Reservations—Low-Price Guarantees”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 27 (2), pp. 162-169
  • CLARK, Ronald A. and Ronald E. GOLDSMITH; (2005), “Mar- ket Mavens: Psychological Influences”, Psychology & Market- ing, 22 (4), pp. 289–312
  • CLARK, Ronald A., Ronald E. GOLDSMITH and Elizabeth B. GOLDSMITH, (2008), “Market Mavenism and Consumer Self
  • Confidence”, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 7 (3), pp. 239- DUTTA, Sujay; (2004), “Postpurchase Implications of Low
  • Price Guarantees and Consequences of Low Price Guarante”, Agricultural and Mechanical College, Thesis of Doctor, Inter- departmental Program in Business Administration (Marketing), Louisiana State University DUTTA, Sujay and Abhijit BISWAS; (2005) “Effects of Low
  • Price Guarantees on Consumer Post-Purchase Search Inten- tion: The Moderating Roles of Value Consciousness and Pen- alty Level”, Journal of Retailing, 81 (4), pp. 283–291 FEICK, Lawrence F. and Linda L. PRICE; (1987), “The Market
  • Maven: A Diffuser of Marketplace Information”, Journal of Mar- keting, 51 (1), pp. 83-97
  • GAURI, Dinesh Kumar; (2007), “Retail Promotions: Consum- ers’ Effectiveness in Availing Them and Retailers’ Success in
  • Using Them” Thesis of Doctor, State University of New York at Buffalo, GOLDMAN, Arieh and J. K. JOHANSSON; (1978), “Determi- nants for Search of Lower Prices: An Empirical Assessment of the Economics of Information”, Journal of Consumer Research, (3), pp. 176-186
  • JAIN, Sanjay and Joydeep SRIVASTAVA; (2000), “An Experi- mental And Theoretical Analysis of Price-Matching Refund
  • Policies”, Journal of Marketing Researh, 37 (3), pp. 351-362
  • KINNEY, Monika Kukar ve Rockney G. WALTERS; (2003)
  • “Consumer Perceptions of Refund Depth And Competitive Scope in Price-Matching Guarantees: Effects on Store Patron- age”, Journal of Retailing, 79 (3), pp. 153-160
  • KINNEY, Monika Kukar, Rockney G. WALTERS and Scott B. MACKENZIE; (2007), “Consumer Responses to Character- istics of Price-Matching Guarantees: The Moderating Role of
  • Price Consciousness”, Journal of Retailing, 83 (2), pp. 211-221
  • LICHTENSTEIN, Donald R., Nancy M. RIDGWAY and Richard G. NETEMEYER; (1993), “Price Perceptions and Consumer
  • Shopping Behavior: A Field Study”, Journal of Marketing Re- search, 30 (2), pp. 234-245
  • LURIE, Nicholas H. and Joydeep SRIVASTAVA; (2005), “Price
  • Matching Guarantees and Consumer Evaluations of Price Information”, Journal Of Consumer Psychology, 15 (2), pp. –158 MARMORSTEIN, Howard, Dhruv GREWAL and Raymond P. H. FISHE; (1992), “The Value of Time Spent in Price-Compari- son Shopping: Survey and Experimental Evidence”, Journal of Consumer Research, 19 (1), pp. 52-61
  • NAKİP, Mahir; (2003), Pazarlama Araştırmaları Teknikler ve Uygulamalar. Seçkin Yayın Evi, Ankara
  • PATZER, Gordon L.; (1996), Experiment-Research Methodol- ogy in Marketing. Quorum Books, Westport
  • PRICE, Linda L., Lawrence F. FEICK and Audrey Guskey- FEDEROUCH; (1988), “Couponing Behaviors of the Market
  • Maven: Profile of a Super Couponer”, Advances in Consumer Research, 15, pp. 354-359
  • SRIVASTAVA, Joydeep and Nicholas LURIE; (2001), “A Con- sumer Perspective on Price‐Matching Refund Policies: Effect on Price Perceptions and Search Behavior”, Journal of Con- sumer Research, 28 (2), pp. 296-307
  • TALUKDAR, Debabrata, Dinesh K. GAURI and Dhruv GRE- WAL; (2010), “An Empirical Analysis of The Extreme Cherry
  • Picking Behavior of Consumers in The Frequently Purchased Goods Market”, Journal of Retailing, 86 (4), pp. 336-354
  • URBANY, Joel E.; (1986), “An experimental examination of the economics of information”, Journal of Consumer Research, 13 (2), pp. 257-271
  • URBANY, Joel E., Peter R. DICKSON and Rosemary KALA- PURAKAL; (1996), “Price Search in The Retail Grocery Mar- ket”, Journal of Marketing, 60 (2), pp. 91-104
  • WALSH, Gianfranco, Kevin P. GWINNER and Scott R. SWAN- SON; (2004), “What Makes Mavens Tick? Exploring the Mo- tives of Market Mavens’ Initiation of Information Diffusion”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 21 (2), pp. 109-122
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Mehmet Zahid Ecevit

Ulun Akturan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Sayı: 610

Kaynak Göster

APA Ecevit, M. Z., & Akturan, U. (2015). Düşük Fiyat Garantisi Politikasının Satın Alma Sonrası Fiyat Araştırmasına Etkisinde Fiyat Uzmanlığının Rolü. Finans Politik Ve Ekonomik Yorumlar(610), 47-61.
AMA Ecevit MZ, Akturan U. Düşük Fiyat Garantisi Politikasının Satın Alma Sonrası Fiyat Araştırmasına Etkisinde Fiyat Uzmanlığının Rolü. FPEYD. Aralık 2015;(610):47-61.
Chicago Ecevit, Mehmet Zahid, ve Ulun Akturan. “Düşük Fiyat Garantisi Politikasının Satın Alma Sonrası Fiyat Araştırmasına Etkisinde Fiyat Uzmanlığının Rolü”. Finans Politik Ve Ekonomik Yorumlar, sy. 610 (Aralık 2015): 47-61.
EndNote Ecevit MZ, Akturan U (01 Aralık 2015) Düşük Fiyat Garantisi Politikasının Satın Alma Sonrası Fiyat Araştırmasına Etkisinde Fiyat Uzmanlığının Rolü. Finans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar 610 47–61.
IEEE M. Z. Ecevit ve U. Akturan, “Düşük Fiyat Garantisi Politikasının Satın Alma Sonrası Fiyat Araştırmasına Etkisinde Fiyat Uzmanlığının Rolü”, FPEYD, sy. 610, ss. 47–61, Aralık 2015.
ISNAD Ecevit, Mehmet Zahid - Akturan, Ulun. “Düşük Fiyat Garantisi Politikasının Satın Alma Sonrası Fiyat Araştırmasına Etkisinde Fiyat Uzmanlığının Rolü”. Finans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar 610 (Aralık 2015), 47-61.
JAMA Ecevit MZ, Akturan U. Düşük Fiyat Garantisi Politikasının Satın Alma Sonrası Fiyat Araştırmasına Etkisinde Fiyat Uzmanlığının Rolü. FPEYD. 2015;:47–61.
MLA Ecevit, Mehmet Zahid ve Ulun Akturan. “Düşük Fiyat Garantisi Politikasının Satın Alma Sonrası Fiyat Araştırmasına Etkisinde Fiyat Uzmanlığının Rolü”. Finans Politik Ve Ekonomik Yorumlar, sy. 610, 2015, ss. 47-61.
Vancouver Ecevit MZ, Akturan U. Düşük Fiyat Garantisi Politikasının Satın Alma Sonrası Fiyat Araştırmasına Etkisinde Fiyat Uzmanlığının Rolü. FPEYD. 2015(610):47-61.