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An Investigation of Factors Affecting City Life Satisfaction and an Index Proposal

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 1, 25 - 48, 24.04.2018


role of universities in city branding is critical, and it is undeniable that
universities make economic, cultural and social contributions to the cities in
which they are located, especially in underdeveloped and developing countries.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the city life satisfaction levels
of university students enrolled in two provinces in Turkey.
Within the scope of the study, the City Life Satisfaction
Questionnaire for University Students was applied to 320 students enrolled in
various departments of Osmangazi University in Eskişehir and 413 students at
Dumlupınar University Kütahya between September 30 and December 30, 2016. The
study made use of a
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method for the analysis of the data, and the City
Life Satisfaction Index (CLSI) was also calculated within the context of the

was found that all factors considered in the study affect city life
satisfaction, a CLSI values of 65 percent was found for Eskişehir, compared to
36 percent for Kütahya. While determining the factors influential on city life
satisfaction, the factors used in the Better Life Index (BLI) by OECD were


  • Angner, E. (2010). Subjective well-being. The Journal of Socio-Economics, 39, 361-368.
  • Arslan, S., and Akkaş, O.A. (2014). Quality of College Life (QCL) of students in Turkey: Student’s life satisfaction and identification. Social Indicators Research, 115 (2), 869-884.
  • Ashworth, G.J., and Voogd, H. (1990). Selling the city: marketing approaches in public sector urban planning. London: Belhaven Press.
  • Bonaiuta, M., Fornara, F., and Bonnes, M. (2003). Indexes of perceived residential environment quality and neighbourd attachment in urban environments: a confirmation study on the city of Rome. Landscape and Urban Planning, 65, 41-52.
  • Braun, E. (2008). City marketing: Towards an integrated approach (No. EPS-2008-142-ORG). ERIM Ph.D. Series Research in Management. Erasmus Research Institute of Management. Retrieved from
  • Braun, E., and Zenker, S. (2010). Towards an integrated approach for place brand management. Paper presented at the 50th European Regional Science Association Congress, Joenkoeping, Sweden.
  • Braun E., Kavaratzis M., and Zenker S. (2010). My City - My Brand: The role of residents in place branding”, paper presented at the 50th European Regional Science Association Congress, Joenkoeping, Sweden.
  • Byrne, M. B. (1998). Structural Equation Modeling with LISREL, PRELIS and SIMPLIS: Basic Concepts, Applications and Programming. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 396.
  • Darchen, S., and Tremblay, D.G. (2010). What attracts and retains knowledge workers/students: The quality of place or career opportunities? The cases of Montreal and Ottowa. Cities, 27(4), 225-233.
  • De Carlo, M., Canali, S., Pritchard, A., and Morgan, N. (2009). Moving Milan towards Expo 2015: Designing culture into a city brand. Journal of Place Management and Development, 21(1), 8-22.
  • Diener, ED., and Suh, E. (1997). “Measuring quality of life: Economic, social and subjective indicators”, Social Indicators Research, 40, 189-216.
  • Fornell, C. and Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of marketing research, 18(1), 39-50.
  • García, J.A., Gómez, M., and Molina, A. (2012). A destination-branding model: An emprical analysis based stakeholders. Tourism Management, 33(3), 646-661.
  • Hair, J. F., Black, W., Babin, B., Anderson, R.E., and Tatham, R.L. (2005). Multivariate Data Analysis. 5th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Huang, C., Wang, Y., Wu, T. and Wang, P. (2013). An Empirical analysis of the antecedents and performance consequences of using the Moodle platform. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 3(2), 217-221.
  • Insch, A. (2010). Managing resident’s satisfaction with city life: Application of importance-satisfaction analysis. Journal of Town & City Management, 1(2), 164-174.
  • Jöreskog, K. G., and Sörbom, D. (2002). The Student Edition of LISREL 8.53 for Windows, Lincolnwood. Chicago, IL: Scientific Software International.
  • Kavaratzis, M. (2005). Place branding: A review of trends and conceptual models. The Marketing Review, 5(4), 329-342.
  • Kavaratzis, M., and Ashworth, G.J. (2006). City branding: An effective assertion of identity or a transitory marketing trick? Place Branding, 2(3), 183-194.
  • Kotler, P., and Gertner, D. (2002). Country as a brand, product, and beyond: A place marketing and brand management perspective. The Journal of Brand Management, 9(4), 249-261.
  • Marans, W. (2003). Understanding environmental quality through quality of life studies: the 2001 DAS and its use of subjective and objective indicators. Landscape and Urban Planning, 65,73-83.
  • Merrilees, B., Miller, D., and Herington, C. (2009). Antecedents of resident’s city brand attitudes. Journal of Business Research, 62(3), 362-367.
  • Noni I.D., Orsi, L., and Zanderighi, L. (2014). Attributes of Milan influencing city brand attractiveness. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 3, 228-226.
  • Rainisto, S.K. (2003). Success factors of place marketing: A study of place marketing practices in Northern Europe and the United States. Helsinki University of Technology.
  • Rentfrow, P.J., Mellander, C., and Florida, R. (2009). Happy states of America: A state- level analysis of psychological, economic and social well-being. Journal of Research in Personality, 43, 1073-1082.
  • Santos, L., Martins, I., & Brito, P. (2007). Measuring subjective quality of life: A survey to Porto’s residents. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 2(1), 51-64.
  • Shook, C. L., Ketchen, D.J., Hult, G.T.M., and Kacmar, K.M. (2004). An assessment of the use of structural equation modeling in strategic management research. Strategic Management Journal, 25 (4), 397–404.
  • Yusuf, S., and Nabeshima, K. (2005). Creative industries in East Asia. Cities, 22(2), 109-122.
  • Zenker, S. (2009). Who’s your target? The creative class as a target group for place branding. Journal of Place Management and Development, 2(1), 23-32.
  • Zenker, S., Knubben, E., & Beckmann, S.C. (2010). Your city, my city, their city, our city- different perceptions of place brands by Diverse Target Groups. Paper presented at the 6th international conference thought leaders in brand management, Lugano, Switzerland.
  • Zenker, S., Eggers, F., and Farsky, M. (2013). Putting a price tag on cities: Insights into the competitive environment of places. Cities, 30, 133-139.
  • Zenker, S., Peterson, S., and Anholt, A. (2013). The Citizen Satisfaction Index (CSI): Evidence for a four basic factor model in German sample. Cities, 31, 156-164.

Şehir Yaşam Memnuniyetini Etkileyen Faktörlerin Araştırılması ve Bir İndeks Önerisi

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 1, 25 - 48, 24.04.2018


Üniversiteler şehirlerin markalaşmasında
kritik öneme sahiptir. Üniversitelerin bulundukları şehirlere, özellikle de az
gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerde ekonomik, kültürel ve sosyal katkılar
yapabileceği kesinlikle inkar edilemez bir gerçektir. Bu araştırmanın amacı,
Türkiye'nin iki ilinde öğrenim gören üniversite öğrencilerinin şehir yaşam
memnuniyet düzeylerini araştırmaktır.
Çalışma kapsamında 30 Eylül-30 Aralık 2016 tarihleri arasında Eskişehir
Osmangazi Üniversitesi çeşitli bölümlerinde öğrenim gören 320 öğrenciye ve
Kütahya Dumlupınar Üniversitesi'nde 413 öğrenciye Üniversite Öğrencileri için
Şehir Yaşamı Memnuniyet Anketi uygulanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, verilerin
analizinde Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi (YEM) kullanılmıştır.

Yapılan analiz sonucunda, çalışmada ele
alınan tüm faktörlerin şehir yaşam memnuniyetini etkilediği tespit edilmiştir.
Çalışmada ayrıca Şehir Yaşamı Memnuniyet Endeksi (CLSI) de hesaplanmıştır. CLSI
değeri Eskişehir için% 65, Kütahya için% 36 olarak belirlenmiştir. Şehir yaşamı
memnuniyetinde etkili olan faktörleri belirlerken, OECD tarafından Better Life
Index (BLI) 'da kullanılan faktörler göz önüne alınmıştır. 


  • Angner, E. (2010). Subjective well-being. The Journal of Socio-Economics, 39, 361-368.
  • Arslan, S., and Akkaş, O.A. (2014). Quality of College Life (QCL) of students in Turkey: Student’s life satisfaction and identification. Social Indicators Research, 115 (2), 869-884.
  • Ashworth, G.J., and Voogd, H. (1990). Selling the city: marketing approaches in public sector urban planning. London: Belhaven Press.
  • Bonaiuta, M., Fornara, F., and Bonnes, M. (2003). Indexes of perceived residential environment quality and neighbourd attachment in urban environments: a confirmation study on the city of Rome. Landscape and Urban Planning, 65, 41-52.
  • Braun, E. (2008). City marketing: Towards an integrated approach (No. EPS-2008-142-ORG). ERIM Ph.D. Series Research in Management. Erasmus Research Institute of Management. Retrieved from
  • Braun, E., and Zenker, S. (2010). Towards an integrated approach for place brand management. Paper presented at the 50th European Regional Science Association Congress, Joenkoeping, Sweden.
  • Braun E., Kavaratzis M., and Zenker S. (2010). My City - My Brand: The role of residents in place branding”, paper presented at the 50th European Regional Science Association Congress, Joenkoeping, Sweden.
  • Byrne, M. B. (1998). Structural Equation Modeling with LISREL, PRELIS and SIMPLIS: Basic Concepts, Applications and Programming. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 396.
  • Darchen, S., and Tremblay, D.G. (2010). What attracts and retains knowledge workers/students: The quality of place or career opportunities? The cases of Montreal and Ottowa. Cities, 27(4), 225-233.
  • De Carlo, M., Canali, S., Pritchard, A., and Morgan, N. (2009). Moving Milan towards Expo 2015: Designing culture into a city brand. Journal of Place Management and Development, 21(1), 8-22.
  • Diener, ED., and Suh, E. (1997). “Measuring quality of life: Economic, social and subjective indicators”, Social Indicators Research, 40, 189-216.
  • Fornell, C. and Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of marketing research, 18(1), 39-50.
  • García, J.A., Gómez, M., and Molina, A. (2012). A destination-branding model: An emprical analysis based stakeholders. Tourism Management, 33(3), 646-661.
  • Hair, J. F., Black, W., Babin, B., Anderson, R.E., and Tatham, R.L. (2005). Multivariate Data Analysis. 5th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Huang, C., Wang, Y., Wu, T. and Wang, P. (2013). An Empirical analysis of the antecedents and performance consequences of using the Moodle platform. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 3(2), 217-221.
  • Insch, A. (2010). Managing resident’s satisfaction with city life: Application of importance-satisfaction analysis. Journal of Town & City Management, 1(2), 164-174.
  • Jöreskog, K. G., and Sörbom, D. (2002). The Student Edition of LISREL 8.53 for Windows, Lincolnwood. Chicago, IL: Scientific Software International.
  • Kavaratzis, M. (2005). Place branding: A review of trends and conceptual models. The Marketing Review, 5(4), 329-342.
  • Kavaratzis, M., and Ashworth, G.J. (2006). City branding: An effective assertion of identity or a transitory marketing trick? Place Branding, 2(3), 183-194.
  • Kotler, P., and Gertner, D. (2002). Country as a brand, product, and beyond: A place marketing and brand management perspective. The Journal of Brand Management, 9(4), 249-261.
  • Marans, W. (2003). Understanding environmental quality through quality of life studies: the 2001 DAS and its use of subjective and objective indicators. Landscape and Urban Planning, 65,73-83.
  • Merrilees, B., Miller, D., and Herington, C. (2009). Antecedents of resident’s city brand attitudes. Journal of Business Research, 62(3), 362-367.
  • Noni I.D., Orsi, L., and Zanderighi, L. (2014). Attributes of Milan influencing city brand attractiveness. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 3, 228-226.
  • Rainisto, S.K. (2003). Success factors of place marketing: A study of place marketing practices in Northern Europe and the United States. Helsinki University of Technology.
  • Rentfrow, P.J., Mellander, C., and Florida, R. (2009). Happy states of America: A state- level analysis of psychological, economic and social well-being. Journal of Research in Personality, 43, 1073-1082.
  • Santos, L., Martins, I., & Brito, P. (2007). Measuring subjective quality of life: A survey to Porto’s residents. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 2(1), 51-64.
  • Shook, C. L., Ketchen, D.J., Hult, G.T.M., and Kacmar, K.M. (2004). An assessment of the use of structural equation modeling in strategic management research. Strategic Management Journal, 25 (4), 397–404.
  • Yusuf, S., and Nabeshima, K. (2005). Creative industries in East Asia. Cities, 22(2), 109-122.
  • Zenker, S. (2009). Who’s your target? The creative class as a target group for place branding. Journal of Place Management and Development, 2(1), 23-32.
  • Zenker, S., Knubben, E., & Beckmann, S.C. (2010). Your city, my city, their city, our city- different perceptions of place brands by Diverse Target Groups. Paper presented at the 6th international conference thought leaders in brand management, Lugano, Switzerland.
  • Zenker, S., Eggers, F., and Farsky, M. (2013). Putting a price tag on cities: Insights into the competitive environment of places. Cities, 30, 133-139.
  • Zenker, S., Peterson, S., and Anholt, A. (2013). The Citizen Satisfaction Index (CSI): Evidence for a four basic factor model in German sample. Cities, 31, 156-164.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Veysel Yılmaz

Erkan Arı

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Nisan 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 20 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Yılmaz, V., & Arı, E. (2018). An Investigation of Factors Affecting City Life Satisfaction and an Index Proposal. Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(1), 25-48.
AMA Yılmaz V, Arı E. An Investigation of Factors Affecting City Life Satisfaction and an Index Proposal. Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. Nisan 2018;20(1):25-48.
Chicago Yılmaz, Veysel, ve Erkan Arı. “An Investigation of Factors Affecting City Life Satisfaction and an Index Proposal”. Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 20, sy. 1 (Nisan 2018): 25-48.
EndNote Yılmaz V, Arı E (01 Nisan 2018) An Investigation of Factors Affecting City Life Satisfaction and an Index Proposal. Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 20 1 25–48.
IEEE V. Yılmaz ve E. Arı, “An Investigation of Factors Affecting City Life Satisfaction and an Index Proposal”, Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 20, sy. 1, ss. 25–48, 2018.
ISNAD Yılmaz, Veysel - Arı, Erkan. “An Investigation of Factors Affecting City Life Satisfaction and an Index Proposal”. Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 20/1 (Nisan 2018), 25-48.
JAMA Yılmaz V, Arı E. An Investigation of Factors Affecting City Life Satisfaction and an Index Proposal. Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2018;20:25–48.
MLA Yılmaz, Veysel ve Erkan Arı. “An Investigation of Factors Affecting City Life Satisfaction and an Index Proposal”. Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 20, sy. 1, 2018, ss. 25-48.
Vancouver Yılmaz V, Arı E. An Investigation of Factors Affecting City Life Satisfaction and an Index Proposal. Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2018;20(1):25-48.