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The Structure of a Right-Wing Group: The Soldiers of Odin

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 2, 67 - 88, 01.04.2017


This article describes and analyses the Soldiers of Odin’s leaderless resistance strategy in its own extreme right arguments. It was evaluated the Soldiers of Odin into strategy of leaderless resistance according to its ideological and radical milieu Islamophobia in Finland and migration problem and forms and relations of activity political parties -Ture Finns and extremist right wing formations . For each category, important contacts are described in terms of the penetrate abroad of Soldiers of Odin’s leaderless resistance perception, and the establishment of transnational organization branches of Soldiers of Odin. The article concludes that although so far the Soldiers of Odin is evolving to a radical violence movement, it will be involved in the mass conflicts, which is between migrants and extremist right groups


  • ADL. 2016. Soldiers of Odin USA: The Extreme European Anti-Refugee Group Comes to America : extremism-terrorism/c/soldiers-of-odin-usa.html (11.11.2016)
  • Bakker, E. ve Zuijdewijn, J. R. 2015. Lone-Actor Terrorism: Definational Workshop. RUSI: actor-terrorism-definitional-workshop (11.11.2016)
  • Bawer. B. 2006. While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within. New York. Anchor.
  • Bawer. B. 2010. Surrender: Appreasing Islam: Sacrificing Freedom. New York. Anchor.
  • BBC. 2015. Migrant crisis: Finland’s case against immigration : com/news/world-europe-34185297 (12.12.2016)
  • Beam, L. R. 1992. Leaderless Resistance. The Seditionist : http://www.louisbeam. com/leaderless.htm (02.12.2016)
  • BfV. 2015. 2015 Annual Report on the Protection of the Constitution Facts and Trends: publications/annual-reports/annual-report-2015-summary (01.12.2016)
  • Björgo, T. ve Witte, R. (Edt.). 1993a. Racist Violence in Europe. London. St. Martin’s Press.
  • Björgo, T. 1993b. Terrorist Violence Against Immigrants and Refugees in Scandinavia: Patterns and Motives. Içinde Björgo, T. ve Witte, R. (Edt.). Racist Violence in Europe. London. St. Martin’s Press. ss.29-46.
  • Björgo, T. 1993c. Role of the Media in Racist Violence. Içinde Björgo, T. ve Witte, R. (Edt.). Racist Violence in Europe. London. St. Martin’s Press. ss.96- 112.
  • Björgo, T. 2016. Preventing Crime: A Holistic Approach. London. Palgrave Macmillan Publishing.
  • Bunikowski, D. 2016. Finland’s Immigration Crisis. Gatestone Institute International Policy Council : finland-migrant-crisis (02.12.2016)
  • Cıziri, Ş. 2000. İskandinav Modeli. İstanbul. Peri Yayınları.
  • Esposito, J. ve Kalın, İ. (Edt.). 2011. Islamophobia: The Challenge of Pluralism in the 21st Century. New Yok. Oxford University Press.
  • Flannery, F. 2016. Understanding Apocalyptic Terrorism: Countering the Radical Mindset. New York. Routledge.
  • Horgan, J. ve diğerleri. 2016. Walking Away: The Disengagement and De- radicalization Of a Violent Right-Wing Extremist. Behavioral Science of Terrorism and Political Agreesion. 9:2, ss: 63-77.
  • Hyökki, L. ve Jardi, P. 2016. Islamophabia in Finland: National Report 2015. içinde Bayraklı, E. ve Hafez, F. (Edt.). European Islamophobia Report 2015. Istanbul. SETA. ss:133-152.
  • Kaplan, J. 1997. Leaderless Resistance. Terrroism and Political Violence. 9:3, ss:80-95.
  • Kaplan, J. 2016. Radical Religion and Violence: Theory and Case Studies. New York. Routledge.
  • Klausen, J. 2005. The Islamic Challenge: Politics and Religion in Western Europe. New York. Oxford University Press.
  • Klausen, J. 2009. The Cartoons That Shook the Word. New York. Yale University Press.
  • Koehler, D. 2016. Right-Wing Extremism and Terrorism in Europe Current Developments and Issues for the Future. PRISM. 6:2.
  • Laizans, J. ve Dagenborg, J. 2016. Anti-immigrant ‘Soldiers of Odin’ expand from Finland to Nordics, Baltics. Reuters : europe-migrants-vigilantes-idUSKCN0W411Z (11.11.2016)
  • Lazaridis, G. ve diğerleri. (Edt.). 2016. The Rise Of the Far Right in Europe: Populist Shifts and Othering. London. Palgrave Macmillan Publishing.
  • Mammone, A. ve diğerleri. (Edt.). 2013. Varieties of Right-Wing Extremism in Europe. New York. Routledge.
  • Mark, M. 2015. Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes Have Spiked After Every Major Terrorist Attack: After Paris, Muslims Speak Out Against Islamophobia. IBTimes: after-every-major-terrorist-attack-after-paris-2190150 (02.12.2016)
  • Martikainen, T. ve diğerleri. 2016. Neighbouring an Unpredictable Russia
  • Implications for Finland. Finnish Foreign Policy Paper: publication/629/neighbouring_an_unpredictable_russia/ (02.12.2016)
  • Minkenberg, M. (Edt.). 2015. Transforming the Transformation: The East European Radical Right in the Political Process. New York. Routledge.
  • Mudde, C. 2007. Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe. New York. Cambridge University Press.
  • Omand, D. 2016. Keeping Europe Safe Counterterrorism for the Continent. Foreign Affairs, September/October.
  • Page, .R.I, 2009. İskandinav Mitleri. Yılmaz, İ. (Çev.). Ankara. Phoenix Yayınları. PET.2016.
  • ashx (11.11.2016)
  • PST. 2016. Annual Threat Assessment: annual-threat-assessment-2016/ (11.11.2016)
  • Pyrhönen, N. 2015. The True Colors of Finnish Welfare Nationalism. Helsinki: University of Helsinki.
  • Saukkonen, P. 2013. Multiculturalism and Nationalism: The Politics of Diversity in Finland. içinde Kivisto, P. ve Wahlbeck, Ö. (Edt.). Debating Multiculturalism in the Nordic Welfare States. Houndmills. Palgrave Politics of Identity and Citizenship Series. ss: 270-295.
  • Simons, J. W. 2016. Nazi daggers, SS hats and a hangman’s noose: On night patrol with the ‘Soldiers of Odin’, neo-Nazi led vigilantes vowing to ‘keep Europe’s women safe from migrant sex attacks’. Mail Online: http://www. s-noose-night-patrol-Soldiers-Odin-neo-Nazi-led-vigilantes-vowing- Europe-s-women-safe-migrant-sex-attacks.html (02.12.2016)
  • Stokes, B. ve diğerleri. 2016. Europeans Face the World Divided. Pew Research Center: divided/ (1.12.2016)
  • SUPO. 2016. (11.11.2016)
  • Şen, E. 2016. Nefret ve Ayrımcılık (I) : ersan-sen/1866268-nefret-ve-ayirimcilik-1(12.12.2016)
  • Taylor, M. ve diğerleri. (Edt.). 2013. Extreme Right Wing Political Violence and Terrorism. New York. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Wahlbeck, Ö. 2016. True Finns and Non-True Finns: The Minority Rights Discourse of Populist Politics in Finland. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 37:6, 574-588.
  • Wilson, J. 2016. Fear and loathing on the streets: the Soldiers of Odin and the rise of anti-refugee vigilantes. The Guradian : commentisfree/2016/oct/28/fear-and-loathing-on-the-streets-the-soldiers- of-odin-and-the-rise-of-anti-refugee-vigilantes (02.12.2016)
  • Winneker, C. 2015. Finnish politician declares war on ‘multiculturalism’. Politico: multiculturalism/ (12.11.2016)
  • YLE. 2015a. Demonstration in Helsinki against grand mosque plans: uutiset/osasto/news/demonstration_in_helsinki_against_grand_mosque_ plans/8456578 (02.12.2016)
  • YLE. 2015b. Finnish Muslims broadly back Helsinki mosque – but question funding sources : helsinki_mosque__but_question_funding_sources/8415109 (02.12.2016)

Bir Aşırı Sağ Örgütün Yapısı: Soldiers Of Odin

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 2, 67 - 88, 01.04.2017


Bu makale, Soldiers of Odin’in sahip olduğu aşırı sağ görüşün lidersiz direniş stratejisini açıklar ve analiz eder. Soldiers of Odin, lidersiz direniş stratejisi çerçevesinde ideolojik ve radikal çevresi Finlandiya’da İslamofobi ve Göçmen Sorunu faaliyet ve ilişkilerine siyasi partiler -Gerçek Finliler Partisi- ve aşırı sağ oluşumlar göre değerlendirildi. Her bir kategori Soldier of Odin’in lidersiz direniş algısının ulus aşırı nüfus ettiği kolları ile olan bağlantılarının tanımlanması noktasında önemlidir. Makale Soldier Of Odin’in göçmenler ve aşırı sağ gruplar arasında yaşanacak toplu çatışmalar noktasında bir radikal şiddet hareketi olarak evirildiği ile sonuçlanıyor


  • ADL. 2016. Soldiers of Odin USA: The Extreme European Anti-Refugee Group Comes to America : extremism-terrorism/c/soldiers-of-odin-usa.html (11.11.2016)
  • Bakker, E. ve Zuijdewijn, J. R. 2015. Lone-Actor Terrorism: Definational Workshop. RUSI: actor-terrorism-definitional-workshop (11.11.2016)
  • Bawer. B. 2006. While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within. New York. Anchor.
  • Bawer. B. 2010. Surrender: Appreasing Islam: Sacrificing Freedom. New York. Anchor.
  • BBC. 2015. Migrant crisis: Finland’s case against immigration : com/news/world-europe-34185297 (12.12.2016)
  • Beam, L. R. 1992. Leaderless Resistance. The Seditionist : http://www.louisbeam. com/leaderless.htm (02.12.2016)
  • BfV. 2015. 2015 Annual Report on the Protection of the Constitution Facts and Trends: publications/annual-reports/annual-report-2015-summary (01.12.2016)
  • Björgo, T. ve Witte, R. (Edt.). 1993a. Racist Violence in Europe. London. St. Martin’s Press.
  • Björgo, T. 1993b. Terrorist Violence Against Immigrants and Refugees in Scandinavia: Patterns and Motives. Içinde Björgo, T. ve Witte, R. (Edt.). Racist Violence in Europe. London. St. Martin’s Press. ss.29-46.
  • Björgo, T. 1993c. Role of the Media in Racist Violence. Içinde Björgo, T. ve Witte, R. (Edt.). Racist Violence in Europe. London. St. Martin’s Press. ss.96- 112.
  • Björgo, T. 2016. Preventing Crime: A Holistic Approach. London. Palgrave Macmillan Publishing.
  • Bunikowski, D. 2016. Finland’s Immigration Crisis. Gatestone Institute International Policy Council : finland-migrant-crisis (02.12.2016)
  • Cıziri, Ş. 2000. İskandinav Modeli. İstanbul. Peri Yayınları.
  • Esposito, J. ve Kalın, İ. (Edt.). 2011. Islamophobia: The Challenge of Pluralism in the 21st Century. New Yok. Oxford University Press.
  • Flannery, F. 2016. Understanding Apocalyptic Terrorism: Countering the Radical Mindset. New York. Routledge.
  • Horgan, J. ve diğerleri. 2016. Walking Away: The Disengagement and De- radicalization Of a Violent Right-Wing Extremist. Behavioral Science of Terrorism and Political Agreesion. 9:2, ss: 63-77.
  • Hyökki, L. ve Jardi, P. 2016. Islamophabia in Finland: National Report 2015. içinde Bayraklı, E. ve Hafez, F. (Edt.). European Islamophobia Report 2015. Istanbul. SETA. ss:133-152.
  • Kaplan, J. 1997. Leaderless Resistance. Terrroism and Political Violence. 9:3, ss:80-95.
  • Kaplan, J. 2016. Radical Religion and Violence: Theory and Case Studies. New York. Routledge.
  • Klausen, J. 2005. The Islamic Challenge: Politics and Religion in Western Europe. New York. Oxford University Press.
  • Klausen, J. 2009. The Cartoons That Shook the Word. New York. Yale University Press.
  • Koehler, D. 2016. Right-Wing Extremism and Terrorism in Europe Current Developments and Issues for the Future. PRISM. 6:2.
  • Laizans, J. ve Dagenborg, J. 2016. Anti-immigrant ‘Soldiers of Odin’ expand from Finland to Nordics, Baltics. Reuters : europe-migrants-vigilantes-idUSKCN0W411Z (11.11.2016)
  • Lazaridis, G. ve diğerleri. (Edt.). 2016. The Rise Of the Far Right in Europe: Populist Shifts and Othering. London. Palgrave Macmillan Publishing.
  • Mammone, A. ve diğerleri. (Edt.). 2013. Varieties of Right-Wing Extremism in Europe. New York. Routledge.
  • Mark, M. 2015. Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes Have Spiked After Every Major Terrorist Attack: After Paris, Muslims Speak Out Against Islamophobia. IBTimes: after-every-major-terrorist-attack-after-paris-2190150 (02.12.2016)
  • Martikainen, T. ve diğerleri. 2016. Neighbouring an Unpredictable Russia
  • Implications for Finland. Finnish Foreign Policy Paper: publication/629/neighbouring_an_unpredictable_russia/ (02.12.2016)
  • Minkenberg, M. (Edt.). 2015. Transforming the Transformation: The East European Radical Right in the Political Process. New York. Routledge.
  • Mudde, C. 2007. Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe. New York. Cambridge University Press.
  • Omand, D. 2016. Keeping Europe Safe Counterterrorism for the Continent. Foreign Affairs, September/October.
  • Page, .R.I, 2009. İskandinav Mitleri. Yılmaz, İ. (Çev.). Ankara. Phoenix Yayınları. PET.2016.
  • ashx (11.11.2016)
  • PST. 2016. Annual Threat Assessment: annual-threat-assessment-2016/ (11.11.2016)
  • Pyrhönen, N. 2015. The True Colors of Finnish Welfare Nationalism. Helsinki: University of Helsinki.
  • Saukkonen, P. 2013. Multiculturalism and Nationalism: The Politics of Diversity in Finland. içinde Kivisto, P. ve Wahlbeck, Ö. (Edt.). Debating Multiculturalism in the Nordic Welfare States. Houndmills. Palgrave Politics of Identity and Citizenship Series. ss: 270-295.
  • Simons, J. W. 2016. Nazi daggers, SS hats and a hangman’s noose: On night patrol with the ‘Soldiers of Odin’, neo-Nazi led vigilantes vowing to ‘keep Europe’s women safe from migrant sex attacks’. Mail Online: http://www. s-noose-night-patrol-Soldiers-Odin-neo-Nazi-led-vigilantes-vowing- Europe-s-women-safe-migrant-sex-attacks.html (02.12.2016)
  • Stokes, B. ve diğerleri. 2016. Europeans Face the World Divided. Pew Research Center: divided/ (1.12.2016)
  • SUPO. 2016. (11.11.2016)
  • Şen, E. 2016. Nefret ve Ayrımcılık (I) : ersan-sen/1866268-nefret-ve-ayirimcilik-1(12.12.2016)
  • Taylor, M. ve diğerleri. (Edt.). 2013. Extreme Right Wing Political Violence and Terrorism. New York. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Wahlbeck, Ö. 2016. True Finns and Non-True Finns: The Minority Rights Discourse of Populist Politics in Finland. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 37:6, 574-588.
  • Wilson, J. 2016. Fear and loathing on the streets: the Soldiers of Odin and the rise of anti-refugee vigilantes. The Guradian : commentisfree/2016/oct/28/fear-and-loathing-on-the-streets-the-soldiers- of-odin-and-the-rise-of-anti-refugee-vigilantes (02.12.2016)
  • Winneker, C. 2015. Finnish politician declares war on ‘multiculturalism’. Politico: multiculturalism/ (12.11.2016)
  • YLE. 2015a. Demonstration in Helsinki against grand mosque plans: uutiset/osasto/news/demonstration_in_helsinki_against_grand_mosque_ plans/8456578 (02.12.2016)
  • YLE. 2015b. Finnish Muslims broadly back Helsinki mosque – but question funding sources : helsinki_mosque__but_question_funding_sources/8415109 (02.12.2016)
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Hakan Kıyıcı

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 19 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Kıyıcı, H. (2017). Bir Aşırı Sağ Örgütün Yapısı: Soldiers Of Odin. Güvenlik Çalışmaları Dergisi, 19(2), 67-88.