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Neue Inschriften aus Bilecik 2

Yıl 2022, , 77 - 118, 15.11.2022


This paper, in which we introduce new inscriptions found in various villages of Bilecik province, is a continuation of the paper we published in the previous issue of Gephyra (23, 2022). Most of the inscriptions are probably still standing in their find-spots where they were discovered, with an exception inscription number 40, today preserved in the Bilecik museum. We did not see most of the inscriptions in person, but we attempted to read them from the photographs and hand-copies that the museum staff had made and provided me (N. E. Akyürek Şahin) many years ago. At that time, I was asked to read and translate these inscriptions, and I had obtained the publication rights of these monuments. During my work at the Bilecik Museum, we had the opportunity to visit the find-spot of the inscription number 5 accompanied by the museum staff and recorded it. We have categorized the inscriptions according to their find-spots, i.e. the districts of Bilecik province. The inscriptions predominantly consist of funerary inscriptions of a similar type, while there are two epigrams (nos. 31-32) and a few Christian inscriptions dating from Late Antiquity (nos. 34-36 and 39). In general, the inscriptions mainly date from the 2nd or 3rd centuries A.D.


  • N. E. Akyürek Şahin – H. Uzunoğlu, Neue Inschriften aus Bilecik 1, Gephyra 23, 2022, 101-184.
  • C. Bailey, The gerousia of Ephesus, University of British Columbia 2006, (Unp. Dissertation).
  • E. Bauer, Gerusien in den Poleis Kleinasiens in hellenistischer Zeit und der römischen Kaiserzeit. Die Beispiele Ephesos, Pamphylien und Pisidien, Aphrodisias und Iasos, München 2014.
  • C. Brixhe, Essai sur le grec anatolien au début de notre ère, Nancy 1987.
  • A. Chaniotis, Rituals between Norms and Emotions: Rituals as Shared Experience and Memory, in: E. Stavrianopoulou (Hrsg.), Ritual and communication in the Graeco-Roman world, Liège 2006, 211-238.
  • V. Citti – E. Degani – G. Giangrande – G. Scarpa, An Index to the griechische Versinschriften (ed. W. Peek, Berlin, 1955), Vol. II: ζ ὀψιγόνος, Amsterdam 1999.
  • J. J. Coulton, Pedestals as ‘altars’ in Roman Asia Minor, AS 55, 2005, 127-157.
  • M. Cremer – S. Şahin, Kaiserinschriften und phrygische Türsteine in Adapazarı/Bithynien, Epigr Anat 1, 1983, 141-152.
  • D. Dana, Onomasticon Thracicum (Onom Thrac). Répertoire des noms indigènes de Thrace, Macédoine Orientale, Mésies, Dacie et Bithynie, Athènes 2014.
  • T. Drew-Bear – Ch. Naour, Divinités de Phrygie, ANRW II.18.3, 1990, 1907-2044.
  • I. Duridanov, Thrak. Σουσα, Σουσας und Verwandtes, Linguistique Balkanique 20/4, 1977, 13-14.
  • H. L. Fernoux, Notables et élites des cités de Bithynie aux époques hellénistique et romaine (IIIe s. av.-IIIe s. ap. J.-C.). Essai d’histoire sociale, Lyon 2004.
  • Ch. Habicht, Iulia Kalliteknos, Museum Helveticum 53, 1996, 156-159.
  • R. Haensch – P. Weiss, Statthaltergewichte aus Pontus et Bithynia. Neue Exemplare und neue Erkenntnisse, Chiron 36, 2007, 183-218.
  • I. Kajanto, The Latin Cognomina, Helsinki-Helsingfors 1965.
  • A. Körte, Kleinasiatische Studien V. Inschriften aus Bithynien, AM 24, 1899, 398-450.
  • J. Kubińska, Les monuments funéraires dans les inscriptions grecques de l’Asie Mineure, Warsaw 1968.
  • A. Łajtar, Sechs christliche Inschriften aus Konstantinopel im Nationalmuseum zu Warschau, Epigr Anat 20, 1992, 105-111.
  • M. Lambertz, Zur Ausbreitung des Supernomen oder Signum im römischen Reiche, Glotta 5, 1913, 99-170.
  • O. Masson (mit A. Davesne), A propos du trésor des monnaies de Gülnar en Cilicie: problèmes numismatiques et graffiti monétaires, RA, 1985, 29-46.
  • K. Mentzou-Meimaris, Ἡ ἔννοια τοῦ ἐπιθέτου “πίστος” στὶς ἐπιτύμβιες παλαιοχριστιανικὲς ἐπιγραφές, Byzantina 23, 1985, 1203-1219.
  • T. Nuorluoto, Roman Female Cognomina: Studies in the Nomenclature of Roman Women, Uppsala 2021.
  • H. S. Öztürk, Göynük ve Mudurnu’dan Yeni Yazıtlar IV, Cedrus 4, 2016, 287-297.
  • H. S. Öztürk, Nikaia Egemenlik Alanı Epigrafik-Tarihi, Coğrafya Araştırmaları I. Osmaneli/Lefke (Bilecik), (Osmaneli Belediyesi Kültür Serisi 1), İstanbul 2022.
  • H. S. Öztürk – E. Demirhan, Nikaia’dan Yeni Yazıtlar VI, Phaselis II, 2016, 167-177.
  • L. Robert, Inscriptions de Bithynie copiées par Georges Radet, REA 42, 1940, 302-322.
  • H. Solin – O. Salomies, Repertorium nominum gentilium et cognominum Latinorum (Editio nova addendis corrigendisque augmentata), Hildesheim-Zürich-New York 1994.
  • K. Vandorpe, Negotiators’ Laws from Rebellious Sagalassos in an Early Hellenistic inscription, in: M. Waelkens – L. Loots (Hrsgs.), Sagalassos V (Acta Archaeologica Lovaniensia Monographiae 11), Leuven 2000, 187-205.
  • E. Yıldız, Bozüyük’ten (Lamunia) Yeni Bir Mezar Epigramı, in: N. E. Akyürek Şahin – M. E. Yıldız – F. Avcu (Hrsgg.), Eskiçağ Yazıları 13 (Akron 17), Ankara 2019, 289-299.
  • A. V. Walser, Kaiserzeitliche und frühbyzantinische Inschriften aus der Region von Germia, Chiron 43, 2013, 527-619.

New Inscriptions from Bilecik 2

Yıl 2022, , 77 - 118, 15.11.2022


This paper, in which we introduce new inscriptions found in various villages of Bilecik province, is a continuation of the paper we published in the previous issue of Gephyra (23, 2022). Most of the inscriptions are probably still standing in their find-spots where they were discovered, with an exception inscription number 40, today preserved in the Bilecik museum. We did not see most of the inscriptions in person, but we attempted to read them from the photographs and hand-copies that the museum staff had made and provided me (N. E. Akyürek Şahin) many years ago. At that time, I was asked to read and translate these inscriptions, and I had obtained the publication rights of these monuments. During my work at the Bilecik Museum, we had the opportunity to visit the find-spot of the inscription number 5 accompanied by the museum staff and recorded it. We have categorized the inscriptions according to their find-spots, i.e. the districts of Bilecik province. The inscriptions predominantly consist of funerary inscriptions of a similar type, while there are two epigrams (nos. 31-32) and a few Christian inscriptions dating from Late Antiquity (nos. 34-36 and 39). In general, the inscriptions mainly date from the 2nd or 3rd centuries A.D.


  • N. E. Akyürek Şahin – H. Uzunoğlu, Neue Inschriften aus Bilecik 1, Gephyra 23, 2022, 101-184.
  • C. Bailey, The gerousia of Ephesus, University of British Columbia 2006, (Unp. Dissertation).
  • E. Bauer, Gerusien in den Poleis Kleinasiens in hellenistischer Zeit und der römischen Kaiserzeit. Die Beispiele Ephesos, Pamphylien und Pisidien, Aphrodisias und Iasos, München 2014.
  • C. Brixhe, Essai sur le grec anatolien au début de notre ère, Nancy 1987.
  • A. Chaniotis, Rituals between Norms and Emotions: Rituals as Shared Experience and Memory, in: E. Stavrianopoulou (Hrsg.), Ritual and communication in the Graeco-Roman world, Liège 2006, 211-238.
  • V. Citti – E. Degani – G. Giangrande – G. Scarpa, An Index to the griechische Versinschriften (ed. W. Peek, Berlin, 1955), Vol. II: ζ ὀψιγόνος, Amsterdam 1999.
  • J. J. Coulton, Pedestals as ‘altars’ in Roman Asia Minor, AS 55, 2005, 127-157.
  • M. Cremer – S. Şahin, Kaiserinschriften und phrygische Türsteine in Adapazarı/Bithynien, Epigr Anat 1, 1983, 141-152.
  • D. Dana, Onomasticon Thracicum (Onom Thrac). Répertoire des noms indigènes de Thrace, Macédoine Orientale, Mésies, Dacie et Bithynie, Athènes 2014.
  • T. Drew-Bear – Ch. Naour, Divinités de Phrygie, ANRW II.18.3, 1990, 1907-2044.
  • I. Duridanov, Thrak. Σουσα, Σουσας und Verwandtes, Linguistique Balkanique 20/4, 1977, 13-14.
  • H. L. Fernoux, Notables et élites des cités de Bithynie aux époques hellénistique et romaine (IIIe s. av.-IIIe s. ap. J.-C.). Essai d’histoire sociale, Lyon 2004.
  • Ch. Habicht, Iulia Kalliteknos, Museum Helveticum 53, 1996, 156-159.
  • R. Haensch – P. Weiss, Statthaltergewichte aus Pontus et Bithynia. Neue Exemplare und neue Erkenntnisse, Chiron 36, 2007, 183-218.
  • I. Kajanto, The Latin Cognomina, Helsinki-Helsingfors 1965.
  • A. Körte, Kleinasiatische Studien V. Inschriften aus Bithynien, AM 24, 1899, 398-450.
  • J. Kubińska, Les monuments funéraires dans les inscriptions grecques de l’Asie Mineure, Warsaw 1968.
  • A. Łajtar, Sechs christliche Inschriften aus Konstantinopel im Nationalmuseum zu Warschau, Epigr Anat 20, 1992, 105-111.
  • M. Lambertz, Zur Ausbreitung des Supernomen oder Signum im römischen Reiche, Glotta 5, 1913, 99-170.
  • O. Masson (mit A. Davesne), A propos du trésor des monnaies de Gülnar en Cilicie: problèmes numismatiques et graffiti monétaires, RA, 1985, 29-46.
  • K. Mentzou-Meimaris, Ἡ ἔννοια τοῦ ἐπιθέτου “πίστος” στὶς ἐπιτύμβιες παλαιοχριστιανικὲς ἐπιγραφές, Byzantina 23, 1985, 1203-1219.
  • T. Nuorluoto, Roman Female Cognomina: Studies in the Nomenclature of Roman Women, Uppsala 2021.
  • H. S. Öztürk, Göynük ve Mudurnu’dan Yeni Yazıtlar IV, Cedrus 4, 2016, 287-297.
  • H. S. Öztürk, Nikaia Egemenlik Alanı Epigrafik-Tarihi, Coğrafya Araştırmaları I. Osmaneli/Lefke (Bilecik), (Osmaneli Belediyesi Kültür Serisi 1), İstanbul 2022.
  • H. S. Öztürk – E. Demirhan, Nikaia’dan Yeni Yazıtlar VI, Phaselis II, 2016, 167-177.
  • L. Robert, Inscriptions de Bithynie copiées par Georges Radet, REA 42, 1940, 302-322.
  • H. Solin – O. Salomies, Repertorium nominum gentilium et cognominum Latinorum (Editio nova addendis corrigendisque augmentata), Hildesheim-Zürich-New York 1994.
  • K. Vandorpe, Negotiators’ Laws from Rebellious Sagalassos in an Early Hellenistic inscription, in: M. Waelkens – L. Loots (Hrsgs.), Sagalassos V (Acta Archaeologica Lovaniensia Monographiae 11), Leuven 2000, 187-205.
  • E. Yıldız, Bozüyük’ten (Lamunia) Yeni Bir Mezar Epigramı, in: N. E. Akyürek Şahin – M. E. Yıldız – F. Avcu (Hrsgg.), Eskiçağ Yazıları 13 (Akron 17), Ankara 2019, 289-299.
  • A. V. Walser, Kaiserzeitliche und frühbyzantinische Inschriften aus der Region von Germia, Chiron 43, 2013, 527-619.

Bilecik’ten Yeni Yazıtlar 2

Yıl 2022, , 77 - 118, 15.11.2022


Bu makale, Gephyra dergisinin bir önceki sayısında (23, 2022) yayınladığımız makalenin devamı niteliğindedir. Makalede Bilecik ilinin çeşitli köylerinde bulunan (no. 5 ve 16 hariç) yeni yazıtları inceliyoruz. Yazıtların çoğu olasılıkla hâlâ keşfedildikleri yerlerde duruyor olmalıdırlar. Sadece 40 numaralı yazıt bugün Bilecik Müzesi’ndedir. Yazıtların birçoğunu kendimiz görmedik, ancak müze çalışanlarının yıllar önce toplayıp fotoğraflarıyla birlikte bana (N. E. Akyürek Şahin) gönderdikleri kayıtların fotoğraflarından ve el kopyalarından okumaya çalıştık. O dönemde benden bu yazıtları okumam ve tercüme etmem istenmişti ve ben de eserlerin o dönemde yayın haklarını almıştım. Bilecik Müzesi’ndeki çalışmalarım sırasında müze yetkilileri eşliğinde 5 numaralı yazıtın bulunduğu yere gidip onu kaydetme fırsatımız oldu. Yazıtları makalede bulundukları yerlere göre, yani Bilecik ilinin ilçelerine göre gruplandırdık. Yazıtlar yine ağırlıklı olarak mezar yazıtlarından oluşmaktadır. Birkaç epigram (no. 31-32; 40) ve birkaç tane de Hıristiyanlık Dönemi’ne (no. 34-36 ve 39) ait yazıt vardır. Yazıtlar genelde İ. S. 2. veya 3. yüzyıllardan kalmadır.


  • N. E. Akyürek Şahin – H. Uzunoğlu, Neue Inschriften aus Bilecik 1, Gephyra 23, 2022, 101-184.
  • C. Bailey, The gerousia of Ephesus, University of British Columbia 2006, (Unp. Dissertation).
  • E. Bauer, Gerusien in den Poleis Kleinasiens in hellenistischer Zeit und der römischen Kaiserzeit. Die Beispiele Ephesos, Pamphylien und Pisidien, Aphrodisias und Iasos, München 2014.
  • C. Brixhe, Essai sur le grec anatolien au début de notre ère, Nancy 1987.
  • A. Chaniotis, Rituals between Norms and Emotions: Rituals as Shared Experience and Memory, in: E. Stavrianopoulou (Hrsg.), Ritual and communication in the Graeco-Roman world, Liège 2006, 211-238.
  • V. Citti – E. Degani – G. Giangrande – G. Scarpa, An Index to the griechische Versinschriften (ed. W. Peek, Berlin, 1955), Vol. II: ζ ὀψιγόνος, Amsterdam 1999.
  • J. J. Coulton, Pedestals as ‘altars’ in Roman Asia Minor, AS 55, 2005, 127-157.
  • M. Cremer – S. Şahin, Kaiserinschriften und phrygische Türsteine in Adapazarı/Bithynien, Epigr Anat 1, 1983, 141-152.
  • D. Dana, Onomasticon Thracicum (Onom Thrac). Répertoire des noms indigènes de Thrace, Macédoine Orientale, Mésies, Dacie et Bithynie, Athènes 2014.
  • T. Drew-Bear – Ch. Naour, Divinités de Phrygie, ANRW II.18.3, 1990, 1907-2044.
  • I. Duridanov, Thrak. Σουσα, Σουσας und Verwandtes, Linguistique Balkanique 20/4, 1977, 13-14.
  • H. L. Fernoux, Notables et élites des cités de Bithynie aux époques hellénistique et romaine (IIIe s. av.-IIIe s. ap. J.-C.). Essai d’histoire sociale, Lyon 2004.
  • Ch. Habicht, Iulia Kalliteknos, Museum Helveticum 53, 1996, 156-159.
  • R. Haensch – P. Weiss, Statthaltergewichte aus Pontus et Bithynia. Neue Exemplare und neue Erkenntnisse, Chiron 36, 2007, 183-218.
  • I. Kajanto, The Latin Cognomina, Helsinki-Helsingfors 1965.
  • A. Körte, Kleinasiatische Studien V. Inschriften aus Bithynien, AM 24, 1899, 398-450.
  • J. Kubińska, Les monuments funéraires dans les inscriptions grecques de l’Asie Mineure, Warsaw 1968.
  • A. Łajtar, Sechs christliche Inschriften aus Konstantinopel im Nationalmuseum zu Warschau, Epigr Anat 20, 1992, 105-111.
  • M. Lambertz, Zur Ausbreitung des Supernomen oder Signum im römischen Reiche, Glotta 5, 1913, 99-170.
  • O. Masson (mit A. Davesne), A propos du trésor des monnaies de Gülnar en Cilicie: problèmes numismatiques et graffiti monétaires, RA, 1985, 29-46.
  • K. Mentzou-Meimaris, Ἡ ἔννοια τοῦ ἐπιθέτου “πίστος” στὶς ἐπιτύμβιες παλαιοχριστιανικὲς ἐπιγραφές, Byzantina 23, 1985, 1203-1219.
  • T. Nuorluoto, Roman Female Cognomina: Studies in the Nomenclature of Roman Women, Uppsala 2021.
  • H. S. Öztürk, Göynük ve Mudurnu’dan Yeni Yazıtlar IV, Cedrus 4, 2016, 287-297.
  • H. S. Öztürk, Nikaia Egemenlik Alanı Epigrafik-Tarihi, Coğrafya Araştırmaları I. Osmaneli/Lefke (Bilecik), (Osmaneli Belediyesi Kültür Serisi 1), İstanbul 2022.
  • H. S. Öztürk – E. Demirhan, Nikaia’dan Yeni Yazıtlar VI, Phaselis II, 2016, 167-177.
  • L. Robert, Inscriptions de Bithynie copiées par Georges Radet, REA 42, 1940, 302-322.
  • H. Solin – O. Salomies, Repertorium nominum gentilium et cognominum Latinorum (Editio nova addendis corrigendisque augmentata), Hildesheim-Zürich-New York 1994.
  • K. Vandorpe, Negotiators’ Laws from Rebellious Sagalassos in an Early Hellenistic inscription, in: M. Waelkens – L. Loots (Hrsgs.), Sagalassos V (Acta Archaeologica Lovaniensia Monographiae 11), Leuven 2000, 187-205.
  • E. Yıldız, Bozüyük’ten (Lamunia) Yeni Bir Mezar Epigramı, in: N. E. Akyürek Şahin – M. E. Yıldız – F. Avcu (Hrsgg.), Eskiçağ Yazıları 13 (Akron 17), Ankara 2019, 289-299.
  • A. V. Walser, Kaiserzeitliche und frühbyzantinische Inschriften aus der Region von Germia, Chiron 43, 2013, 527-619.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Almanca
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Nalan Eda Akyürek Şahin 0000-0002-5993-0566

Hüseyin Uzunoğlu 0000-0001-7707-4647

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Kasım 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 20 Ekim 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Akyürek Şahin, N. E., & Uzunoğlu, H. (2022). Neue Inschriften aus Bilecik 2. Gephyra, 24, 77-118.
AMA Akyürek Şahin NE, Uzunoğlu H. Neue Inschriften aus Bilecik 2. GEPHYRA. Kasım 2022;24:77-118. doi:10.37095/gephyra.1192333
Chicago Akyürek Şahin, Nalan Eda, ve Hüseyin Uzunoğlu. “Neue Inschriften Aus Bilecik 2”. Gephyra 24, Kasım (Kasım 2022): 77-118.
EndNote Akyürek Şahin NE, Uzunoğlu H (01 Kasım 2022) Neue Inschriften aus Bilecik 2. Gephyra 24 77–118.
IEEE N. E. Akyürek Şahin ve H. Uzunoğlu, “Neue Inschriften aus Bilecik 2”, GEPHYRA, c. 24, ss. 77–118, 2022, doi: 10.37095/gephyra.1192333.
ISNAD Akyürek Şahin, Nalan Eda - Uzunoğlu, Hüseyin. “Neue Inschriften Aus Bilecik 2”. Gephyra 24 (Kasım 2022), 77-118.
JAMA Akyürek Şahin NE, Uzunoğlu H. Neue Inschriften aus Bilecik 2. GEPHYRA. 2022;24:77–118.
MLA Akyürek Şahin, Nalan Eda ve Hüseyin Uzunoğlu. “Neue Inschriften Aus Bilecik 2”. Gephyra, c. 24, 2022, ss. 77-118, doi:10.37095/gephyra.1192333.
Vancouver Akyürek Şahin NE, Uzunoğlu H. Neue Inschriften aus Bilecik 2. GEPHYRA. 2022;24:77-118.