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New Inscriptions from the Smintheion

Yıl 2023, , 85 - 102, 16.05.2023


This article presents six inscriptions from the sanctuary of Apollo Smintheus. Of these, inscription no. 2 was discovered during a survey in 2006 and the other five were found during the excavations at the site from 2009 onwards. In addition to the contribution of these inscriptions to the onomastic repertoire of Alexandreia Troas in general, inscription no. 1, which attests for the first time to the existence of the office of hieronomos at the sanctuary, and inscription no. 6, which records a religious association called ἱερὰ συμβίωσις are of particular interest. Inscription no. 1 is carved on an architectural block from a building of the Hellenistic period. It is not possible to determine with certainty to which building this block belongs, but the building or restoration costs were covered by the revenues of the god, and this construction activity is dated by the office of hieronomos. Also dating to the Hellenistic period, inscription no. 2 on an altar commemorates Kallistos, son of Agemachos, after his death. The depiction of a temple key on this altar suggests that Kallistos may have served Apollo Smintheus as a key-bearer. In inscription no. 3, a benefactor named Titus Aelius Metrodoros, bearing the title philopatris, is honoured by his dearest fatherland (γλυκυτάτη πατρίς), Alexandreia Troas. Inscription no. 4 on a marble plinth is a dedication of a column to Apollo Smintheus by Publius Quintilius Axios, probably a freedman of the Publii branch of the Quintilii, a senatorial family of Alexandreia Troas, and his wife Daphne. Inscription no. 5 is a dedication to Apollo Smintheus by Turianius Gamos, which is a variant of the rare nomen Turrianius. The final inscription no. 6 is an ex-voto offered to a sacred association (ἱερὰ συμβίωσις) by a person, for whom only the father's name and the nickname, Publius, have survived.


  • I. Arnaoutoglou, “Craftsmen Associations in Roman Lydia – A Tale of Two Cities?”, Ancient Society 41 (2011), 257-290.
  • R.S. Ascough – P.A. Harland – J.S. Kloppenborg, Associations in the Greco-Roman World: A Sourcebook, Waco/Berlin 2012.
  • A.R. Bellinger, Troy. The Coins, Princeton 1961.
  • E. Birley, “Review of The Roman Inscriptions I: Inscriptions on Stone by R. G. Collingwood; R. P. Wright”, JRS 56 (1966), 226-231.
  • C. Brixhe, Essai sur le grec anatolien au début de notre ère, Nancy 1984.
  • K. Buresch, Aus Lydien. Epigraphisch-geographische Reisefrüchte, Leipzig 1898.
  • A. Busine, “The Officials of Oracular Sanctuaries in Roman Asia Minor”, Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 8 (2006), 275-316.
  • S. G. Caneva, “Le retour d’Attale III à Pergame. Un réexamen du décret IvP 246”, Epigraphica Anatolica 51 (2018), 109-123.
  • M.P. de Hoz, Die lydischen Kulte im Lichte der griechischen Inschriften (AMS 36), Bonn 1999.
  • W. Deonna, Le symbolisme de l’œil, Paris 1965.
  • I. Dittmann-Schöne, Die Berufsvereine in den Städten des kaiserzeitlichen Kleinasiens”, Regensburg 2001.
  • T. Drew-Bear – Chr. Naour, “Divinités de Phrygie”, ANRW II.18.3: 1907-2044.
  • A. Ellis-Evans, Alexandreia Troas in the Hellenistic Period: War, Finance, and Civic Identity, (Forthcoming).
  • T. Esch, “Die Quintilii aus Alexandria Troas: Aufstieg und Fall einer Familie”, in E. Schwertheim (ed.), Neue Forschungen in Alexandria Troas (AMS 88), Bonn 2018, 1-60.
  • J.-L. Ferrary, “Le roi Archélaos de Cappadoce à Délos”, CRAI 142 (2001), 799-815.
  • N. Giannakopoulos, “Remarks on the honorary titles. ΥΙΟΣ ΒΟΥΛΗΣ, ΥΙΟΣ ΔΗΜΟΥ and ΥΙΟΣ ΠΟΛΕΩΣ in Roman Asia Minor”, in A.D. Rizakis, F. Camia (eds.), Pathways to Power. Civic Elites in the Eastern Part of the Roman Empire. Proceedings of the International Workshop held at Athens Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, 19 December 2005, Athens 2008, 251-310.
  • H. Hepding, “Die Arbeiten zu Pergamon 1908-1909, 2. Die Inschriften”, MDAI(A) 35 (1910), 401-493.
  • D. Kaplan, “Smintheion-Aleksandreia Troas Yolu, Ne İçindi? Jeolojik, Arkeolojik ve Filolojik Belgeler Işığında Güzergâh ve İşlevi”, Anadolu/Anatolia 42 (2016), 49-94.
  • A.-M.-S. Karatas, “Key-bearers of Greek Temples: The Temple Key as a Symbol of Priestly Authority”, Mythos [On line], 13 (2019), uploaded on 06 November 2019.;
  • I. Krauskopf, “Kiste, cista”, in ThesCRA 5, Basel 2005, 274-283.
  • A. Kuhn, “Herodes Atticus and the Quintilii of Alexandreia Troas: Elite Competition and Status in Graeco-Roman East”, Chiron 42 (2012), 421-458.
  • R. Laffineur, “Le symbolisme funéraire de la chouette”, L’antiquité classique 50 (1981), 432-444.
  • T. Macridy, “Altertümer von Notion”, JÖAI 8 (1905), 155-173.
  • O. Masson, “Nouvelles notes d’anthroponyme grecque”, ZPE 110 (1996), 87-99.
  • J.D. Mikalson, Religion in Hellenistic Athens, Berkeley 1998.
  • T. Özhan, “New Inscriptions from Smintheion: Dedications, Epitaphs and Fragments”, in A.C. Özgünel (ed.), In Search of Apollo Smintheus, İstanbul 2015, 107-123.
  • Prosopographia Imperii Romani, Berlin 1933² –.
  • H.W. Pleket, “Epigrafiek en weldoen. Stedelijk leven in de Griekse wereld (± 300 v. Chr. - ± 400 n. Chr.)”, Hermeneus 55 (1983), 172-179.
  • H.W. Pleket, “Political culture and political practice in the cities of Asia Minor in the Roman Empire”, in W. Schuller (ed.), Politische Theorie und Praxis im Altertum, Darmstadt 1998, 204-216.
  • F. Poland, Geschichte des griechischen Vereinswesens, Leipzig 1909.
  • F. Poland, “Συμβίωσις”, in RE IV A.1 (1931), 1075-1082.
  • F. Quaß, Die Honoratiorenschicht in den Städten des griechischen Ostens. Untersuchungen zur politischen und sozialen Entwicklung in hellenistischer und römischer Zeit, Stuttgart 1993.
  • R.G. Collingwood – R.P. Wright (eds.), The Roman Inscriptions of Britain. I, Inscriptions on Stones, Oxford 1965.
  • K.J. Rigsby, “Two Inscriptions from Mysia, Hermes 117 (1989), 246-250.
  • L. Robert, Monnaies antiques en Troade, Genève, Paris 1966.
  • E. Schwertheim, “Die Inschriften”, in E. Schwertheim, H. Wiegartz, Neue Forschungen zu Neandria und Alexandria Troas (AMS 11), Bonn 1994, 39-47.
  • E. Schwertheim, “Neues zur Frühgeschichte der römischen Kolonie in Alexandria Troas”, E. Schwertheim (ed.), Studien zum antiken Kleinasien VI (AMS 55), Bonn 2008, 174-183.
  • E. Schwertheim, “Neue Inschriften aus Alexandria Troas”, in H. Schwarzer, H.-H. Nieswandt (eds.), “’Man kann es sich nicht prächtig genug vorstellen. Festschrift für Dieter Salzmann zum 65. Geburtstag, Marsberg/Padberg 2016, 749-757.
  • F. Sokolowski, “On the New Pergamene Lex Sacra”, GRBS 14 (1973), 407-413.
  • H.W. Stoll – W. Drexler, “Γάμος”, in W.H. Röscher (ed.), Ausführliches Lexikon der griechischen und Römischen Mythologie, vol. 1, Leipzig 1884-1890, 1593-1594.
  • C. Veligianni, “Philos und philos-Komposita in den griechischen Inschriften der Kaiserzeit”, in M. Peachin, Aspects of friendship in the Graeco-Roman world. Proceedings of a conference held at the Seminar für Alte Geschichte, Heidelberg, on 10-11 June, 2000”, Portsmouth 2001, 63-80.
  • P. Veyne, La pain et le cirque. Sociologie historique d’un pluralisme politique, Paris 1976.
  • B. Virgilio, Lancia, diadema e porpora. Il re e la regalità ellenistica, Pisa 20032.
  • C. Zimmermann, Handwerkervereine im griechischen Osten des Imperium Romanum, Mainz 2002.
  • A. Zuiderhoek, “Feeding the citizens. Municipal grain funds and civic benefactors in the Roan East”, in R. Alston, O.M. van Nijf (eds.), Feeding the Ancient Greek City, Leuven 2008, 159-180.

Smintheion’dan Yeni Yazıtlar

Yıl 2023, , 85 - 102, 16.05.2023


Bu makalede Apollon Smintheus kutsal alanında bulunmuş altı yazıt tanıtılmaktadır. Bunlardan 2 numaralı yazıt 2006 yılında yapılan yüzey araştırmasında, diğer beş yazıt ise 2009 ve sonraki yıllardaki kazılar esnasında bulunmuştur. Bu yazıtların genel olarak Alexandreia Troas’ın onomastik repertuvarına katkılarının yanı sıra, kutsal alanda hieronomos’ların varlığını ilk kez doğrulayan 1 yazıt ve ἱερὰ συμβίωσις adlı olasılıkla dini bir derneği kayıt altına alan 6 yazıt özellikle ilgili çekicidir. 1 yazıt Helenistik döneme ait bir yapıya ait mimari bir blok üzerine kazınmıştır. Bu bloğun hangi yapıya ait olduğunu kesin olarak belirlemek mümkün olmasa da inşa veya restorasyon masrafları tanrının gelirlerinden karşılanmıştır ve bu inşa faaliyeti hieronomos makamı ile tarihlendirilmiştir. Yine Helenistik döneme tarihlenen bir sunak üzerindeki 2 yazıt, Agemakhos'un oğlu Kallistos'un ölümünden sonra onun hatırası için dikilmiş olmalıdır. Bu sunak üzerindeki tapınak anahtarı tasviri, Kallistos'un Apollon Smintheus'a anahtar taşıyıcı (κλειδοφόρος, κλειδοῦχος) olarak hizmet etmiş olabileceğini akıllara getirmektedir. 3 yazıtta Titus Aelius Metrodoros adında philopatris unvanı taşıyan bir hayırsever, çok sevgili vatanı (γλυκυτάτη πατρίς) Alexandreia Troas tarafından onurlandırılmaktadır. Mermer bir kaide üzerindeki 4 yazıt, Alexandreia Troas'ın senatör ailelerinden Quintiliuslar’ın Publii kolunun muhtemelen azatlısı olan Publius Quintilius Axios ve karısı Daphne tarafından Apollon Smintheus'a bir sütun adağıdır. 5 yazıt, Turianius Gamos tarafından Apollon Smintheus'a bir adaktır; Turianius, nadir bulunan Turrianius nomen’inin bir varyantıdır. Son yazıt, Apollon Smintheus'a kutsal bir dernek (ἱερὰ συμβίωσις) için, sadece baba adı ve Publius lakabı günümüze ulaşan bir kişi tarafından sunulan bir ex-voto'dur.


  • I. Arnaoutoglou, “Craftsmen Associations in Roman Lydia – A Tale of Two Cities?”, Ancient Society 41 (2011), 257-290.
  • R.S. Ascough – P.A. Harland – J.S. Kloppenborg, Associations in the Greco-Roman World: A Sourcebook, Waco/Berlin 2012.
  • A.R. Bellinger, Troy. The Coins, Princeton 1961.
  • E. Birley, “Review of The Roman Inscriptions I: Inscriptions on Stone by R. G. Collingwood; R. P. Wright”, JRS 56 (1966), 226-231.
  • C. Brixhe, Essai sur le grec anatolien au début de notre ère, Nancy 1984.
  • K. Buresch, Aus Lydien. Epigraphisch-geographische Reisefrüchte, Leipzig 1898.
  • A. Busine, “The Officials of Oracular Sanctuaries in Roman Asia Minor”, Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 8 (2006), 275-316.
  • S. G. Caneva, “Le retour d’Attale III à Pergame. Un réexamen du décret IvP 246”, Epigraphica Anatolica 51 (2018), 109-123.
  • M.P. de Hoz, Die lydischen Kulte im Lichte der griechischen Inschriften (AMS 36), Bonn 1999.
  • W. Deonna, Le symbolisme de l’œil, Paris 1965.
  • I. Dittmann-Schöne, Die Berufsvereine in den Städten des kaiserzeitlichen Kleinasiens”, Regensburg 2001.
  • T. Drew-Bear – Chr. Naour, “Divinités de Phrygie”, ANRW II.18.3: 1907-2044.
  • A. Ellis-Evans, Alexandreia Troas in the Hellenistic Period: War, Finance, and Civic Identity, (Forthcoming).
  • T. Esch, “Die Quintilii aus Alexandria Troas: Aufstieg und Fall einer Familie”, in E. Schwertheim (ed.), Neue Forschungen in Alexandria Troas (AMS 88), Bonn 2018, 1-60.
  • J.-L. Ferrary, “Le roi Archélaos de Cappadoce à Délos”, CRAI 142 (2001), 799-815.
  • N. Giannakopoulos, “Remarks on the honorary titles. ΥΙΟΣ ΒΟΥΛΗΣ, ΥΙΟΣ ΔΗΜΟΥ and ΥΙΟΣ ΠΟΛΕΩΣ in Roman Asia Minor”, in A.D. Rizakis, F. Camia (eds.), Pathways to Power. Civic Elites in the Eastern Part of the Roman Empire. Proceedings of the International Workshop held at Athens Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, 19 December 2005, Athens 2008, 251-310.
  • H. Hepding, “Die Arbeiten zu Pergamon 1908-1909, 2. Die Inschriften”, MDAI(A) 35 (1910), 401-493.
  • D. Kaplan, “Smintheion-Aleksandreia Troas Yolu, Ne İçindi? Jeolojik, Arkeolojik ve Filolojik Belgeler Işığında Güzergâh ve İşlevi”, Anadolu/Anatolia 42 (2016), 49-94.
  • A.-M.-S. Karatas, “Key-bearers of Greek Temples: The Temple Key as a Symbol of Priestly Authority”, Mythos [On line], 13 (2019), uploaded on 06 November 2019.;
  • I. Krauskopf, “Kiste, cista”, in ThesCRA 5, Basel 2005, 274-283.
  • A. Kuhn, “Herodes Atticus and the Quintilii of Alexandreia Troas: Elite Competition and Status in Graeco-Roman East”, Chiron 42 (2012), 421-458.
  • R. Laffineur, “Le symbolisme funéraire de la chouette”, L’antiquité classique 50 (1981), 432-444.
  • T. Macridy, “Altertümer von Notion”, JÖAI 8 (1905), 155-173.
  • O. Masson, “Nouvelles notes d’anthroponyme grecque”, ZPE 110 (1996), 87-99.
  • J.D. Mikalson, Religion in Hellenistic Athens, Berkeley 1998.
  • T. Özhan, “New Inscriptions from Smintheion: Dedications, Epitaphs and Fragments”, in A.C. Özgünel (ed.), In Search of Apollo Smintheus, İstanbul 2015, 107-123.
  • Prosopographia Imperii Romani, Berlin 1933² –.
  • H.W. Pleket, “Epigrafiek en weldoen. Stedelijk leven in de Griekse wereld (± 300 v. Chr. - ± 400 n. Chr.)”, Hermeneus 55 (1983), 172-179.
  • H.W. Pleket, “Political culture and political practice in the cities of Asia Minor in the Roman Empire”, in W. Schuller (ed.), Politische Theorie und Praxis im Altertum, Darmstadt 1998, 204-216.
  • F. Poland, Geschichte des griechischen Vereinswesens, Leipzig 1909.
  • F. Poland, “Συμβίωσις”, in RE IV A.1 (1931), 1075-1082.
  • F. Quaß, Die Honoratiorenschicht in den Städten des griechischen Ostens. Untersuchungen zur politischen und sozialen Entwicklung in hellenistischer und römischer Zeit, Stuttgart 1993.
  • R.G. Collingwood – R.P. Wright (eds.), The Roman Inscriptions of Britain. I, Inscriptions on Stones, Oxford 1965.
  • K.J. Rigsby, “Two Inscriptions from Mysia, Hermes 117 (1989), 246-250.
  • L. Robert, Monnaies antiques en Troade, Genève, Paris 1966.
  • E. Schwertheim, “Die Inschriften”, in E. Schwertheim, H. Wiegartz, Neue Forschungen zu Neandria und Alexandria Troas (AMS 11), Bonn 1994, 39-47.
  • E. Schwertheim, “Neues zur Frühgeschichte der römischen Kolonie in Alexandria Troas”, E. Schwertheim (ed.), Studien zum antiken Kleinasien VI (AMS 55), Bonn 2008, 174-183.
  • E. Schwertheim, “Neue Inschriften aus Alexandria Troas”, in H. Schwarzer, H.-H. Nieswandt (eds.), “’Man kann es sich nicht prächtig genug vorstellen. Festschrift für Dieter Salzmann zum 65. Geburtstag, Marsberg/Padberg 2016, 749-757.
  • F. Sokolowski, “On the New Pergamene Lex Sacra”, GRBS 14 (1973), 407-413.
  • H.W. Stoll – W. Drexler, “Γάμος”, in W.H. Röscher (ed.), Ausführliches Lexikon der griechischen und Römischen Mythologie, vol. 1, Leipzig 1884-1890, 1593-1594.
  • C. Veligianni, “Philos und philos-Komposita in den griechischen Inschriften der Kaiserzeit”, in M. Peachin, Aspects of friendship in the Graeco-Roman world. Proceedings of a conference held at the Seminar für Alte Geschichte, Heidelberg, on 10-11 June, 2000”, Portsmouth 2001, 63-80.
  • P. Veyne, La pain et le cirque. Sociologie historique d’un pluralisme politique, Paris 1976.
  • B. Virgilio, Lancia, diadema e porpora. Il re e la regalità ellenistica, Pisa 20032.
  • C. Zimmermann, Handwerkervereine im griechischen Osten des Imperium Romanum, Mainz 2002.
  • A. Zuiderhoek, “Feeding the citizens. Municipal grain funds and civic benefactors in the Roan East”, in R. Alston, O.M. van Nijf (eds.), Feeding the Ancient Greek City, Leuven 2008, 159-180.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Tolga Özhan

Davut Kaplan 0000-0002-5690-1639

Yayımlanma Tarihi 16 Mayıs 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Mart 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Özhan, T., & Kaplan, D. (2023). New Inscriptions from the Smintheion. Gephyra, 25, 85-102.
AMA Özhan T, Kaplan D. New Inscriptions from the Smintheion. GEPHYRA. Mayıs 2023;25:85-102. doi:10.37095/gephyra.1263947
Chicago Özhan, Tolga, ve Davut Kaplan. “New Inscriptions from the Smintheion”. Gephyra 25, Mayıs (Mayıs 2023): 85-102.
EndNote Özhan T, Kaplan D (01 Mayıs 2023) New Inscriptions from the Smintheion. Gephyra 25 85–102.
IEEE T. Özhan ve D. Kaplan, “New Inscriptions from the Smintheion”, GEPHYRA, c. 25, ss. 85–102, 2023, doi: 10.37095/gephyra.1263947.
ISNAD Özhan, Tolga - Kaplan, Davut. “New Inscriptions from the Smintheion”. Gephyra 25 (Mayıs 2023), 85-102.
JAMA Özhan T, Kaplan D. New Inscriptions from the Smintheion. GEPHYRA. 2023;25:85–102.
MLA Özhan, Tolga ve Davut Kaplan. “New Inscriptions from the Smintheion”. Gephyra, c. 25, 2023, ss. 85-102, doi:10.37095/gephyra.1263947.
Vancouver Özhan T, Kaplan D. New Inscriptions from the Smintheion. GEPHYRA. 2023;25:85-102.