Güray Müze'deki Mühürlü Rhodos Amphoraları: Yeni Yönetici-Üretici İlişkileri
Yıl 2024,
, 67 - 82, 13.11.2024
Gonca Şenol
Burcu Tüysüz
Erkan Alkaç
Mühürlü amphoralar ve üzerlerindeki mühürler yüzyılı aşkın bir süredir bilimsel çalışmalara konu olmuş, gerek arkeolojik kazılarda gerekse müze koleksiyonlarında bulunan mühürlü amphoralar değerlendirilerek literatüre kazandırılmıştır. Avanos’taki (Nevşehir) Güray Müze envanterine kayıtlı tamamı korunmuş üç adet mühürlü Rhodos amphorası bu çalışmanın konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmanın amacı amphoraları tarihlendirmek ve kulplarındaki mühürlerde yer alan yönetici ve üretici isimlerini belirlemektir. Bu çalışmada amphoraların ilkinin üzerindeki mühürlerde yönetici Aratophanes I ve ay adı Artamitios ile üretici Aristokles II’in isimleri yer almaktadır; ikincisinde yönetici Aleksimakhos ile Thesmophorios ayı ve üretici Bromios; sonuncusunda ise yönetici Timodikos ile Sminthios ayı ve üretici Nysios’un isimleri birlikte tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, daha önce tespit edilmemiş yeni yönetici-üretici birliktelikleri belirlenmiş, üretici ve yönetici kalıplarının birlikte kullanımı ortaya konmuştur. Böylece Rhodos amphora mühürleme sistemi ve kronolojisinin anlaşılmasına yeni katkılar sağlanmıştır.
- Alkaç, E. 2014. “M.Ö. 1. Yüzyılın Ortalarında Yunan Amphoralarının Mühürlenme İşleminin Sona Ermesinin Nedenleri.” Olba XXII: 213-229.
- Avram A. – Conovici, N. 2021. Histria, Les Résultats des Fouilles, VIII. Les Timbres Amphoriques 3, Rhodes. Bucureşti: Editura Academiei Române.
- Badaliants, S. Y. 1980. “Novie Hronologiçeskie Sootvetstviya Liçnih Imen Na Rodosskih Amforah.” SovArch 1980/2: 161-166.
- Badoud, N. 2011. Les Timbres Amphoriques Étrangers Découverts à Thasos, Un Catalogue. MEM 116. Paris: EFA.
- Börker, C. – Burow, J. 1998. Die hellenistischen Amphorenstempel aus Pergamon. PF 11. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
- Cankardeş-Şenol, G. 2000. İskenderiye Kurtarma Kazılarında Ele Geçen Hellenistik Dönem Amphora Mühürleri. PhD diss., Ege University.
- Cankardeş-Şenol, G. 2003. “Hellenistic Stamped Amphora Handles from the Bridge Excavations, Gabbari Sector 2.” In: J.-Y. Empereur – M.-D. Nenna (edd.), Nécropolis II, Études Alexandrines 7, Cairo: Institut français d‘Archéologie Orientale, 213-260.
- Cankardeş-Şenol, G. 2006. Klasik ve Hellenistik Dönem’de Mühürlü Amphora Üreten Merkezler ve Mühürleme Sistemleri. İstanbul: Ege Yayıncılık.
- Cankardeş-Şenol, G. 2015a. Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps Vol. 1, Eponyms A. Études Alexandrines 33, Alexandrie: Centre d'Études Alexandres.
- Cankardeş-Şenol, G. 2015b. Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps Vol. 2, Eponyms B-K. Études Alexandrines 35, Alexandrie: Centre d'Études Alexandres.
- Cankardeş-Şenol, G. 2017. Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps Vol. 4, Eponyms T-X. Études Alexandrines 39, Alexandrie: Centre d'Études Alexandres.
- Cankardeş-Şenol, G. – Alkaç, E. – Tuncer, O. 2022. Amphora Mühürleri. Assos Kazısı-Assos Excavations-II. İstanbul: Ege Yayıncılık.
- Cankardeş-Şenol, G. – Çibuk, K. – Gölcük, R. 2019. “Kocaeli Müzesi’nden Mühürlü Ticari Amphoralar.” Tüba-Ked 20: 11-19.
- Empereur, J.-Y. 1977. Catalogue des Timbres Amphoriques de Medinet el-Fayoum (Crocodilopolis- Arsinoé). Vol. 1-2. PhD diss., Paris IV-Sorbonne University.
- Empereur J.-Y. – Guimier-Sorbets, A. M. 1986. “Une banque de données sur les vases conteneurs - amphores et lagynoi - dans le monde grec et romain.” In: J.-Y. Empereur – Y. Garlan (edd.), Recherches sur les Amphores Grecques. Actes du Colloque International Organisé par le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, l’Université de Rennes II et l’École Française d’Athènes, 10-12 Septembre 1984, Athènes. BCH Suppl. 13. Paris: l’École Française d’Athènes, 127-141.
- Finkielsztejn, G. 1993. Amphores et Timbres d’Amphores Importées en Palestine à l'Époque Hellénistique: Etudes de Chronologie et d’Histoire. Vol. I-III. PhD diss., Paris IV-Sorbonne University.
- Finkielsztejn, G. 2001. Chronologie Détaillée et Révisée des Éponymes Amphoriques Rhodiens, de 270 à 108 av. J.-C. Environ. BAR IntSer 990. Oxford: Archaeopress/British Archaeological Reports.
- Finkielsztejn, G. 2018. Review: G. Cancardeş-Şenol, Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps, Vol. 1-4 (2015-2017), Topoi Orient-Occident 22/1: 577-581.
- Finkielsztejn, G. 2000. “Chronologie et diffusion des dèrnieres amphores timbrees rhodiennes : Etude prèliminaire.” Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum Acta 36: 407-415.
- Finkielsztejn, G. 2021. “Contribution of the Rhodian Eponyms Amphora Stamps to the History of the Maccabees: The Data.” In: A. M. Berlin – P. J. Kosmin (edd.), The Middle Maccabees, Archaeology, History, and the Rise of the Hasmonean Kingdom. Archaeology and Biblical Studies 28. Atlanta: SBL Press.
- Garozzo, B. 2011. Bolli su Anfore e Laterizi in Sicilia (Agrigento, Palermo, Trapani). Pubblicazioni della Classe di Lettere e Filosofia. Scuola Normale Superiore XXXVI, Pisa: Scuola Normale Superiore.
- Gavrilov, A. V. 2011. Amphora Stamps of Neighborhood Vicinity of Ancient Feodosia: Materials to the Chronology of Archaeological Monuments. Archaeological Almanac No. 24. Donetsk: Izdatelʹstvo “Donbass” (in Russian).
- Grace, V. 1948. “Rhodian Jars in Florida.” Hesperia XVII/2: 144-147.
- Grace, V. 1953. “The Eponyms Named on Rhodian Amphora Stamps.” Hesperia XXII/2: 116-128.
- Grace, V. 1974. “The Stamped Amphora Handles.” In: J. Bouzek (ed.), Anatolian Collection of Charles University: Kyme I. Prague: Universita Karlova, 89-97.
- Grace V. – Savvatianou-Pétropoulakou, M. 1970. “Les Timbres Amphoriques Grecs.” In: P. Bruneau et al. (edd.), L'îlot de la Maison des Comédiens, Délos XXVII. Paris: NN, 277-382.
- Kawanishi H. – Suto T. 2005. Akoris I: Amphora Stamps 1997-2001. Tokyo: Nakanishi Printing Company.
- Levi, E. I. 1964. OLBIA, Temenos et Agora Moscow; Leningrad: “Nauka” Publ.
- Monakhov, Y. S. – Marchenko, I. I. – Limberis, N. Yu. et al. 2022. Amphoare of the VII-Ist century BC from the Collection of Krasnodar State Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve Named After E.D. Felitsyna. Saratov (in Russian).
- Nicolaou, I. 2005. The Stamped Amphora Handles from the House of Dionysos. Paphos V, Nicosia: Published for the Republic of Cyprus by the Dept. of Antiquities, Cyprus.
- Palaczyk, M. 1999. “Die Zusatzstempel (Secondary Stamps) der rhodischen Amphoren.” JÖAI 68: 59-103.
- Palaczyk, M. 2001. “Secondary Stamps in the Rhodian Amphora Production.” Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum Acta 36: 397-406.
- Pianu, G. 1980. “Giampiero, Contributo ad un corpus del materiale anforario della Sardegna, le anfore Rodie e le anfore DR 1 e DR 2/4.” Archivio Storico Sardo XXXI: 11-21.
- Porro, G. G. 1914. “Bolli d’anfore Rodie Trovati in Sardegna.” Archivio Storico Sardo 10: 380-389.
- Pridik, E. 1926. “Zu den rodischen Amphorenstempeln.” Klio 2: 303-335.
- Sztetyłło, Z. 1991. Pottery Stamps (1975-1989). Nea Paphos IV. Warsaw: PWN.
- Sztetyłło, Z. 2000. “Pottery Stamps.” In: K. Myśliwiec – Z. Sztetyłło, Tell Atrib 1985–1995. TCAM 34. Warsaw: ZAŚ PAN & Neriton, 53-168.
- Şenol, A. K. 2018. Commercial Amphorae in the Graeco-Roman Museum of Alexandria. Etudes Alexandrines 44, Amphoralex 7. Alexandria: Centre d’Études Alexandres.
- Thomsen, Ch. A. – Finkielsztejn, G. 2020. Review: Le Temps de Rhodes. Une Chronologie des Inscriptions de la Cité Fondée sur l’étude de Ses Institutions (Vestigia 63) (Munich: Nathan Badoud, 2015), Athenaeum 107: 251-258.
- Tiurin, M. 2016. “Materials from the Cistern in Quarter XIX of Tauric Chersonesos (Excavations of 1949-1950) and the Questions of Chronology of the Late Hellenistic City.” Transactions of the Institute for the History of Material Culture 14: 126-142.
- Tiussi, C. – Mandruzzato, L. 1996. “Bolli di Anfore Rodie Dagli Scavi dell’ex-essiccatoio Nord ad Aquileia.” Aquileia Nostra LXVII: 50-79.
- Zeitoun, N. – Calliopi, C. – Empereur, J.-Y. 1998. “Les Anses d’Amphores du Musée Gréco-Romain d’Alexandrie.” In: J-Y. Empereur (ed.), Commerce et Artisanat dans l’Alexandrie Hellénistique et Romaine, 10-12 Octobre 1988. BCH Suppl. 33. Paris: École française d’Athènes, 367-379.
Stamped Rhodian Amphorae in the Güray Museum: New Eponym-Fabricant Associations
Yıl 2024,
, 67 - 82, 13.11.2024
Gonca Şenol
Burcu Tüysüz
Erkan Alkaç
Stamped amphorae and their stamps on them have been the subject of scientific studies for more than a century, and the stamped amphorae found in both archaeological excavations and museum collections have been evaluated and brought to the literature. The three complete stamped Rhodian amphorae registered in the Güray Museum inventory are the subject of this study. The aim of the study is to date the amphorae and to determine the eponyms and fabricants on the stamps on their handles. In this study, on the first amphora, the eponym Aratophanes I and the month Artamitios and the fabricant Aristokles II; on the second the eponym Aleximachos and the month Thesmophorios and the fabricant Bromios; on the last one, the eponym Timodikos and the month Sminthios and the fabricant Nysios were detected together. In this study, new eponym-fabricant associations, which were not previously identified, were detected and the use of fabricant and eponym matrices/dies together was revealed. Thus, new contributions have been made to the understanding of the Rhodian amphora stamping system and its chronology.
- Alkaç, E. 2014. “M.Ö. 1. Yüzyılın Ortalarında Yunan Amphoralarının Mühürlenme İşleminin Sona Ermesinin Nedenleri.” Olba XXII: 213-229.
- Avram A. – Conovici, N. 2021. Histria, Les Résultats des Fouilles, VIII. Les Timbres Amphoriques 3, Rhodes. Bucureşti: Editura Academiei Române.
- Badaliants, S. Y. 1980. “Novie Hronologiçeskie Sootvetstviya Liçnih Imen Na Rodosskih Amforah.” SovArch 1980/2: 161-166.
- Badoud, N. 2011. Les Timbres Amphoriques Étrangers Découverts à Thasos, Un Catalogue. MEM 116. Paris: EFA.
- Börker, C. – Burow, J. 1998. Die hellenistischen Amphorenstempel aus Pergamon. PF 11. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
- Cankardeş-Şenol, G. 2000. İskenderiye Kurtarma Kazılarında Ele Geçen Hellenistik Dönem Amphora Mühürleri. PhD diss., Ege University.
- Cankardeş-Şenol, G. 2003. “Hellenistic Stamped Amphora Handles from the Bridge Excavations, Gabbari Sector 2.” In: J.-Y. Empereur – M.-D. Nenna (edd.), Nécropolis II, Études Alexandrines 7, Cairo: Institut français d‘Archéologie Orientale, 213-260.
- Cankardeş-Şenol, G. 2006. Klasik ve Hellenistik Dönem’de Mühürlü Amphora Üreten Merkezler ve Mühürleme Sistemleri. İstanbul: Ege Yayıncılık.
- Cankardeş-Şenol, G. 2015a. Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps Vol. 1, Eponyms A. Études Alexandrines 33, Alexandrie: Centre d'Études Alexandres.
- Cankardeş-Şenol, G. 2015b. Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps Vol. 2, Eponyms B-K. Études Alexandrines 35, Alexandrie: Centre d'Études Alexandres.
- Cankardeş-Şenol, G. 2017. Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps Vol. 4, Eponyms T-X. Études Alexandrines 39, Alexandrie: Centre d'Études Alexandres.
- Cankardeş-Şenol, G. – Alkaç, E. – Tuncer, O. 2022. Amphora Mühürleri. Assos Kazısı-Assos Excavations-II. İstanbul: Ege Yayıncılık.
- Cankardeş-Şenol, G. – Çibuk, K. – Gölcük, R. 2019. “Kocaeli Müzesi’nden Mühürlü Ticari Amphoralar.” Tüba-Ked 20: 11-19.
- Empereur, J.-Y. 1977. Catalogue des Timbres Amphoriques de Medinet el-Fayoum (Crocodilopolis- Arsinoé). Vol. 1-2. PhD diss., Paris IV-Sorbonne University.
- Empereur J.-Y. – Guimier-Sorbets, A. M. 1986. “Une banque de données sur les vases conteneurs - amphores et lagynoi - dans le monde grec et romain.” In: J.-Y. Empereur – Y. Garlan (edd.), Recherches sur les Amphores Grecques. Actes du Colloque International Organisé par le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, l’Université de Rennes II et l’École Française d’Athènes, 10-12 Septembre 1984, Athènes. BCH Suppl. 13. Paris: l’École Française d’Athènes, 127-141.
- Finkielsztejn, G. 1993. Amphores et Timbres d’Amphores Importées en Palestine à l'Époque Hellénistique: Etudes de Chronologie et d’Histoire. Vol. I-III. PhD diss., Paris IV-Sorbonne University.
- Finkielsztejn, G. 2001. Chronologie Détaillée et Révisée des Éponymes Amphoriques Rhodiens, de 270 à 108 av. J.-C. Environ. BAR IntSer 990. Oxford: Archaeopress/British Archaeological Reports.
- Finkielsztejn, G. 2018. Review: G. Cancardeş-Şenol, Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps, Vol. 1-4 (2015-2017), Topoi Orient-Occident 22/1: 577-581.
- Finkielsztejn, G. 2000. “Chronologie et diffusion des dèrnieres amphores timbrees rhodiennes : Etude prèliminaire.” Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum Acta 36: 407-415.
- Finkielsztejn, G. 2021. “Contribution of the Rhodian Eponyms Amphora Stamps to the History of the Maccabees: The Data.” In: A. M. Berlin – P. J. Kosmin (edd.), The Middle Maccabees, Archaeology, History, and the Rise of the Hasmonean Kingdom. Archaeology and Biblical Studies 28. Atlanta: SBL Press.
- Garozzo, B. 2011. Bolli su Anfore e Laterizi in Sicilia (Agrigento, Palermo, Trapani). Pubblicazioni della Classe di Lettere e Filosofia. Scuola Normale Superiore XXXVI, Pisa: Scuola Normale Superiore.
- Gavrilov, A. V. 2011. Amphora Stamps of Neighborhood Vicinity of Ancient Feodosia: Materials to the Chronology of Archaeological Monuments. Archaeological Almanac No. 24. Donetsk: Izdatelʹstvo “Donbass” (in Russian).
- Grace, V. 1948. “Rhodian Jars in Florida.” Hesperia XVII/2: 144-147.
- Grace, V. 1953. “The Eponyms Named on Rhodian Amphora Stamps.” Hesperia XXII/2: 116-128.
- Grace, V. 1974. “The Stamped Amphora Handles.” In: J. Bouzek (ed.), Anatolian Collection of Charles University: Kyme I. Prague: Universita Karlova, 89-97.
- Grace V. – Savvatianou-Pétropoulakou, M. 1970. “Les Timbres Amphoriques Grecs.” In: P. Bruneau et al. (edd.), L'îlot de la Maison des Comédiens, Délos XXVII. Paris: NN, 277-382.
- Kawanishi H. – Suto T. 2005. Akoris I: Amphora Stamps 1997-2001. Tokyo: Nakanishi Printing Company.
- Levi, E. I. 1964. OLBIA, Temenos et Agora Moscow; Leningrad: “Nauka” Publ.
- Monakhov, Y. S. – Marchenko, I. I. – Limberis, N. Yu. et al. 2022. Amphoare of the VII-Ist century BC from the Collection of Krasnodar State Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve Named After E.D. Felitsyna. Saratov (in Russian).
- Nicolaou, I. 2005. The Stamped Amphora Handles from the House of Dionysos. Paphos V, Nicosia: Published for the Republic of Cyprus by the Dept. of Antiquities, Cyprus.
- Palaczyk, M. 1999. “Die Zusatzstempel (Secondary Stamps) der rhodischen Amphoren.” JÖAI 68: 59-103.
- Palaczyk, M. 2001. “Secondary Stamps in the Rhodian Amphora Production.” Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum Acta 36: 397-406.
- Pianu, G. 1980. “Giampiero, Contributo ad un corpus del materiale anforario della Sardegna, le anfore Rodie e le anfore DR 1 e DR 2/4.” Archivio Storico Sardo XXXI: 11-21.
- Porro, G. G. 1914. “Bolli d’anfore Rodie Trovati in Sardegna.” Archivio Storico Sardo 10: 380-389.
- Pridik, E. 1926. “Zu den rodischen Amphorenstempeln.” Klio 2: 303-335.
- Sztetyłło, Z. 1991. Pottery Stamps (1975-1989). Nea Paphos IV. Warsaw: PWN.
- Sztetyłło, Z. 2000. “Pottery Stamps.” In: K. Myśliwiec – Z. Sztetyłło, Tell Atrib 1985–1995. TCAM 34. Warsaw: ZAŚ PAN & Neriton, 53-168.
- Şenol, A. K. 2018. Commercial Amphorae in the Graeco-Roman Museum of Alexandria. Etudes Alexandrines 44, Amphoralex 7. Alexandria: Centre d’Études Alexandres.
- Thomsen, Ch. A. – Finkielsztejn, G. 2020. Review: Le Temps de Rhodes. Une Chronologie des Inscriptions de la Cité Fondée sur l’étude de Ses Institutions (Vestigia 63) (Munich: Nathan Badoud, 2015), Athenaeum 107: 251-258.
- Tiurin, M. 2016. “Materials from the Cistern in Quarter XIX of Tauric Chersonesos (Excavations of 1949-1950) and the Questions of Chronology of the Late Hellenistic City.” Transactions of the Institute for the History of Material Culture 14: 126-142.
- Tiussi, C. – Mandruzzato, L. 1996. “Bolli di Anfore Rodie Dagli Scavi dell’ex-essiccatoio Nord ad Aquileia.” Aquileia Nostra LXVII: 50-79.
- Zeitoun, N. – Calliopi, C. – Empereur, J.-Y. 1998. “Les Anses d’Amphores du Musée Gréco-Romain d’Alexandrie.” In: J-Y. Empereur (ed.), Commerce et Artisanat dans l’Alexandrie Hellénistique et Romaine, 10-12 Octobre 1988. BCH Suppl. 33. Paris: École française d’Athènes, 367-379.