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Dionysiac Associations among the Dedicants of Hosios kai Dikaios Revisiting Recently Published Inscriptions from the Mihalıççık District in North-West Galatia

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 19, 111 - 133, 15.05.2020


Four new epigraphic finds from the Mihalıççık District encourage us to reconsider the role that villages and associations played among those who made dedications to the divine pair Hosios kai Dikaios. According to the distribution of the evidence, the cult originated and remained concentrated on the north-east of Phrygia Epiktetos, but spread all over western Asia Minor and even beyond. After surveying the documents known previously especially thanks to M. Ricl (1991; 1992a; 2008) and classifying elements of the dedication formula, slightly improved readings and interpretations are offered for the five inscriptions (re-) published by H. Güney (2018a): twice, the imperial slave Chryseros is attested as fulfilling vows to the gods together with his fellow villagers (nos. 2, 3); three other instances, however, involve associations: perhaps a Β̣[ακχῖ]ον, the obscure Παρ[---]διᾶται, and the Κταηνοῖ, further specified as the Βα<κ>χῖον τὸ περὶ Τύραννον (nos. 4, 5, 1). The combined evidence catalogued by Ricl and Güney adds up to some 185 dedications to Hosios kai Dikaios, including, in their views, 17 cases that originated from village communities, compared to only two by associations. The present study argues instead that the ascertained evidence for villages is only six and that this is on par with the documentation of associations. All six of the latter can be identified as Dionysiac thiasoi.


  • N. E. Akyürek Şahin, Neue Weihungen für Hosios kai Dikaios, Gephyra 1, 2004, 135-148.
  • R. S. Ascough – P. A. Harland – J. S. Kloppenborg, Associatians in the Greco-Roman World. A Sourcebook, Waco TX, 2012.
  • J. C. G. Anderson, Exploration in Galatia Cis Halym, JHS 19, 1899, 52-134.
  • A. Avram, Two Phrygian Gods between Phrygia and Dacia, Colloquium Anatolicum 15, 2016, 71-83.
  • A. Avram, Propriétaires et citoyens à Dorylaion: enquête sur les citoyens romains et les villages sur le territoire, in: F. Lerouxel – A.-V. Pont (eds.), Propriétaires et citoyens dans l’Orient romain, Bordeaux 2016, 87-110.
  • W. M. Calder, Corpus Inscriptionum Neo-Phrygiorum, JHS 31, 1911, 161-215.
  • G. F. Chiai, Religiose Kommunikationsformen auf dem Land im kaiserzeitlichen Phrygien: Der Beitrag der Epigraphik, in: R. Häussler (ed.), Romanisation et épigraphie. Études interdisciplinaires sur l’acculturation et l’identité dans l’Empire romain (Archéologie et histoire romaine 17), Montagnac 2008, 351-374.
  • G. F. Chiai, Allmächtige Götter und fromme Menschen im ländlichen Kleinasien der Kaiserzeit, Millenium-Jahrbuch, 2009, 61-106.
  • T. Corsten – M. Ricl, A Dedication to Heracles, Hosios and Dikaos and Chrysea Parthenos from the Kibyratis, Gephyra 9, 2012, 143-152.
  • A. Coşkun, Theophore Personennamen in Westkleinasien. Neue Überlegungen auf der Grundlage des Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, Vol. V.A: Pontus to Ionia (2010), EA 44, 2011, 153-162.
  • E. Erten – H. Sivas, Eine neue Weihung aus Phrygien, EA 44, 2011, 185-196.
  • E. Erten, Dorylaion’dan Yeni Bir Hosios kai Dikaios Adağı ve Atlı Tanrı Üzerine Bazı Düşünceler, Phaselis 4, 2018, 199-217.
  • P. Frei, Phrygische Toponyme, EA 11, 1988, 9-34.
  • N. Gökalp Özdil, Antalya Müzesi’nden Yeni Adak Yazıtları, Phaselis 2, 2016, 245-258.
  • H. Güney, New Inscriptions from the Choria Considiana: Çalçak Roman Necropolis, AS 66, 2016, 125-139.
  • H. Güney, New Inscriptions from Northeast Phrygia: The Cult of Hosios and Dikaios, Gephyra 15, 2018, 101-117.
  • H. Güney, Ancient Quarries and Stonemasonry in Northern Choria Considiana, in: D. Matetić Poljak – K. Marasović (eds.), Proceedings of the XI ASMOSIA Conference, Split 2015, Split 2018
  • H. Güney, New Epigraphic Documents from Northeast Phrygia, Philia 4, 2018, 55-66.
  • H. Güney, New Inscriptions from Northeast Phrygia, EA 51, 2018, 167-183.
  • H. Güney, The Sanctuary of Zeus Sarnendenos and the Cult of Zeus in Northeastern Phrygia, AS 69, 2019, 155-174.
  • H. Güney, A New Dedication to Potamos from Parsibey in Northeast Phrygia, Philia 5, 2019, 41-44.
  • H. Güney, The Imperial Estate Choria Considiana and “Zeus of the Seven Villages” in North-West Galatia, in: A. Coşkun (ed.), Galatian Victories and Other Studies into the Agency and Identity of the Galatians in the Hellenistic and Early-Roman Periods, forthcoming.
  • P. Harland, Associations, Synagogues, and Congregations. Claiming a Place in Ancient Mediterranean Society. 2nd rev. ed. with links to inscriptions, Kitchener ON, 2013.
  • P. Harland, Greco-Roman Associations: Texts, Translations, and Commentary. Vol. 2: North Coast of the Black Sea, Asia Minor, Berlin-Boston 2013.
  • C. H. E. Haspels, The Highlands of Phrygia. Sites and Monuments, 2 vols, Princeton NJ, 1971.
  • D. Hazzikostas, Arms Raised, in: H. E. Roberts (ed.), Encyclopedia of Comparative Iconography. Themes Depicted in Works of Art, Chicago 1998, 51-58.
  • R. Känel, Hosios kai Dikaios, in: LIMC V.1, 542f. and V.2, 374f.
  • K. Keyßner, Nimbus, in: RE 17.1, 1936, 591-624.
  • G. Laminger-Pascher, Beiträge zu den griechischen Inschriften Lykaoniens, Vienna 1984.
  • J. -S. Balzat – R. W. V. Catling – É. Chiricat – T. Corsten (eds.), Lexicon of Greek Personal Names. Vol. V.C: Inland Asia Minor, Oxford 2018.
  • T. Lochmann, Studien zu kaiserzeitlichen Grab- und Votivreliefs aus Phrygien, Basel 2003.
  • H. Malay, Filanpeloi in Phrygia and Lydia, EA 38, 2005, 42-44.
  • B. H. McLean, Regional Epigraphic Catalogues of Asia Minor IV: Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Konya Archaeological Museum (RECAM IV), London 2002.
  • S. Mitchell, Regional Epigraphic Catalogues of Asia Minor II: The Ankara District; The Inscriptions of North Galatia (RECAM II), Oxford 1988.
  • S. Mitchell, Anatolia. Land, Men, and Gods in Asia Minor. Vol. 1: The Celts in Anatolia and the Impact of Roman Rule; vol. 2: The Rise of the Church, Oxford 1993.
  • S. Mitchell, Two Galatian Cults in Dacia, Gephyra 14, 2017, 15-21.
  • S. Mutlu, Tanrıça Ma (Mᾶ) ve Kappadokia Komana’sı, Phaselis 2, 2016, 311-322.
  • G. Petzl, Die Beichtinschriften Westkleinasiens, Bonn 1994.
  • G. Petzl, Die Beichtinschriften Westkleinasiens: Supplement, EA 52, 2019, 1-105.
  • G. Petzl, Sardis: Greek and Latin Inscriptions. Part II: Finds from 1958 to 2017, Cambridge MA, 2019.
  • I. Piso, Kleinasiatische Götter und Kolonisten in Dakien, Gephyra 16, 2018, 37-70.
  • M. Ricl, Hosios kai Dikaios. Première partie: Catalogue des inscriptions, EA 18, 1991, 1-70.
  • M. Ricl, Hosios kai Dikaios. Seconde partie: Analyse, EA 19, 1992, 71-103.
  • M. Ricl, Hosios kai Dikaios. Nouveaux monuments, EA 20, 1992, 95-100.
  • M. Ricl, Inscriptions votives inédites au musée d’Eskişehir, Živa antica 44, 1994, 157-174.
  • M. Ricl, Newly Published and Unpublished Inscriptions for Hosios and Dikaios and Their Contribution to the Study of the Cult, in: E. Winter (ed.), Vom Euphrat bis zum Bosporus Kleinasien in der Antike. FS für Elmar Schwertheim zum 65. Geburtstag, vol. II, Bonn 2008, 563-579.
  • M. Ricl, Cults of Phrygia Epiktetos in the Roman Imperial Period, EA 50, 2017, 133-148.
  • R. J. A. Talbert (ed.), Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World, Princeton NJ, 2000.
  • W. Weidle, Nimbus, in: G. Bandmann et al. (eds.), Lexikon der christlichen Ikonographie, vol. 3, Rome 1971, repr. 1994, 323-332.
  • D. Willers, Nimbus [3], in: BNP 9, 2006, 763-766.
  • L. Zgusta, Kleinasiatische Ortsnamen, Heidelberg 1984.

Hosios kai Dikaios’a Adak Sunanlar İçindeki Dionysos Dernekleri Kuzeybatı Galatia Bölgesi’ndeki Mihallıççık’tan Yeni Yayımlanan Yazıtları Tekrar Ziyaret Etmek

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 19, 111 - 133, 15.05.2020


Mihalıçcık civarından dört yeni epigrafik buluntu, kutsal tanrı çifti Hosios ve Dikaios’a adak adayanlar arasında köyler ve derneklerin oynadığı rolü yeniden düşünmemiz için bizi teşvik etmektedir. Belgelerin dağılımına göre kült Phrygia-Epiktetos’un kuzey doğusunda ortaya çıkmış, orada yoğunlaşmış ve oradan tüm Batı Anadolu ve ötesine kadar yayılmıştır. M. Ricl (1991; 1992a; 2008) sayesinde önceden bilinen belgeleri gözden geçirip adak formülasyonlarının unsurlarını sınıflandırdıktan sonra, bu makalede H. Güney (2018a) tarafından (1 tanesi yeniden) yayımlanmış 5 yazıt için ufak düzeltmeler ve yorumlar sunulmaktadır. İmparator kölesi Khryseros’un köylü hemşehrileri ile birlikte bu tanrılara adak adadığı belgelenmiştir (no. 2-3); bununla birlikte diğer üç örnek dernekleri içermektedir: olasılıkla bir Β[ακχῖ]ον, belirsiz Παρ[---]διᾶται ve Βα<κ>χῖον τὸ περὶ Τύραννον olarak da detaylandırılan Κταηνοῖ (no. 4, 5, 1). Ricl ve Güney tarafından toplanıp bir araya getirilen Hosios ve Dikaios adaklarının sayısı aşağı yukarı 185’e çıkmıştır. Onların fikrine göre 17 tanesi kırsal yerleşimlerden belgelenirken, yalnızca 2 tanesi derneklere aittir. Bu çalışma kesin olarak köylere atfedilecek yalnızca altı belgenin olduğunu ve bunun derneklere ilişkin belgelerle eşit olduğunu iddia etmektedir. Bu altı belgenin tamamı Dionysos kült derneğiyle özdeşleştirilmektedir.


  • N. E. Akyürek Şahin, Neue Weihungen für Hosios kai Dikaios, Gephyra 1, 2004, 135-148.
  • R. S. Ascough – P. A. Harland – J. S. Kloppenborg, Associatians in the Greco-Roman World. A Sourcebook, Waco TX, 2012.
  • J. C. G. Anderson, Exploration in Galatia Cis Halym, JHS 19, 1899, 52-134.
  • A. Avram, Two Phrygian Gods between Phrygia and Dacia, Colloquium Anatolicum 15, 2016, 71-83.
  • A. Avram, Propriétaires et citoyens à Dorylaion: enquête sur les citoyens romains et les villages sur le territoire, in: F. Lerouxel – A.-V. Pont (eds.), Propriétaires et citoyens dans l’Orient romain, Bordeaux 2016, 87-110.
  • W. M. Calder, Corpus Inscriptionum Neo-Phrygiorum, JHS 31, 1911, 161-215.
  • G. F. Chiai, Religiose Kommunikationsformen auf dem Land im kaiserzeitlichen Phrygien: Der Beitrag der Epigraphik, in: R. Häussler (ed.), Romanisation et épigraphie. Études interdisciplinaires sur l’acculturation et l’identité dans l’Empire romain (Archéologie et histoire romaine 17), Montagnac 2008, 351-374.
  • G. F. Chiai, Allmächtige Götter und fromme Menschen im ländlichen Kleinasien der Kaiserzeit, Millenium-Jahrbuch, 2009, 61-106.
  • T. Corsten – M. Ricl, A Dedication to Heracles, Hosios and Dikaos and Chrysea Parthenos from the Kibyratis, Gephyra 9, 2012, 143-152.
  • A. Coşkun, Theophore Personennamen in Westkleinasien. Neue Überlegungen auf der Grundlage des Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, Vol. V.A: Pontus to Ionia (2010), EA 44, 2011, 153-162.
  • E. Erten – H. Sivas, Eine neue Weihung aus Phrygien, EA 44, 2011, 185-196.
  • E. Erten, Dorylaion’dan Yeni Bir Hosios kai Dikaios Adağı ve Atlı Tanrı Üzerine Bazı Düşünceler, Phaselis 4, 2018, 199-217.
  • P. Frei, Phrygische Toponyme, EA 11, 1988, 9-34.
  • N. Gökalp Özdil, Antalya Müzesi’nden Yeni Adak Yazıtları, Phaselis 2, 2016, 245-258.
  • H. Güney, New Inscriptions from the Choria Considiana: Çalçak Roman Necropolis, AS 66, 2016, 125-139.
  • H. Güney, New Inscriptions from Northeast Phrygia: The Cult of Hosios and Dikaios, Gephyra 15, 2018, 101-117.
  • H. Güney, Ancient Quarries and Stonemasonry in Northern Choria Considiana, in: D. Matetić Poljak – K. Marasović (eds.), Proceedings of the XI ASMOSIA Conference, Split 2015, Split 2018
  • H. Güney, New Epigraphic Documents from Northeast Phrygia, Philia 4, 2018, 55-66.
  • H. Güney, New Inscriptions from Northeast Phrygia, EA 51, 2018, 167-183.
  • H. Güney, The Sanctuary of Zeus Sarnendenos and the Cult of Zeus in Northeastern Phrygia, AS 69, 2019, 155-174.
  • H. Güney, A New Dedication to Potamos from Parsibey in Northeast Phrygia, Philia 5, 2019, 41-44.
  • H. Güney, The Imperial Estate Choria Considiana and “Zeus of the Seven Villages” in North-West Galatia, in: A. Coşkun (ed.), Galatian Victories and Other Studies into the Agency and Identity of the Galatians in the Hellenistic and Early-Roman Periods, forthcoming.
  • P. Harland, Associations, Synagogues, and Congregations. Claiming a Place in Ancient Mediterranean Society. 2nd rev. ed. with links to inscriptions, Kitchener ON, 2013.
  • P. Harland, Greco-Roman Associations: Texts, Translations, and Commentary. Vol. 2: North Coast of the Black Sea, Asia Minor, Berlin-Boston 2013.
  • C. H. E. Haspels, The Highlands of Phrygia. Sites and Monuments, 2 vols, Princeton NJ, 1971.
  • D. Hazzikostas, Arms Raised, in: H. E. Roberts (ed.), Encyclopedia of Comparative Iconography. Themes Depicted in Works of Art, Chicago 1998, 51-58.
  • R. Känel, Hosios kai Dikaios, in: LIMC V.1, 542f. and V.2, 374f.
  • K. Keyßner, Nimbus, in: RE 17.1, 1936, 591-624.
  • G. Laminger-Pascher, Beiträge zu den griechischen Inschriften Lykaoniens, Vienna 1984.
  • J. -S. Balzat – R. W. V. Catling – É. Chiricat – T. Corsten (eds.), Lexicon of Greek Personal Names. Vol. V.C: Inland Asia Minor, Oxford 2018.
  • T. Lochmann, Studien zu kaiserzeitlichen Grab- und Votivreliefs aus Phrygien, Basel 2003.
  • H. Malay, Filanpeloi in Phrygia and Lydia, EA 38, 2005, 42-44.
  • B. H. McLean, Regional Epigraphic Catalogues of Asia Minor IV: Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Konya Archaeological Museum (RECAM IV), London 2002.
  • S. Mitchell, Regional Epigraphic Catalogues of Asia Minor II: The Ankara District; The Inscriptions of North Galatia (RECAM II), Oxford 1988.
  • S. Mitchell, Anatolia. Land, Men, and Gods in Asia Minor. Vol. 1: The Celts in Anatolia and the Impact of Roman Rule; vol. 2: The Rise of the Church, Oxford 1993.
  • S. Mitchell, Two Galatian Cults in Dacia, Gephyra 14, 2017, 15-21.
  • S. Mutlu, Tanrıça Ma (Mᾶ) ve Kappadokia Komana’sı, Phaselis 2, 2016, 311-322.
  • G. Petzl, Die Beichtinschriften Westkleinasiens, Bonn 1994.
  • G. Petzl, Die Beichtinschriften Westkleinasiens: Supplement, EA 52, 2019, 1-105.
  • G. Petzl, Sardis: Greek and Latin Inscriptions. Part II: Finds from 1958 to 2017, Cambridge MA, 2019.
  • I. Piso, Kleinasiatische Götter und Kolonisten in Dakien, Gephyra 16, 2018, 37-70.
  • M. Ricl, Hosios kai Dikaios. Première partie: Catalogue des inscriptions, EA 18, 1991, 1-70.
  • M. Ricl, Hosios kai Dikaios. Seconde partie: Analyse, EA 19, 1992, 71-103.
  • M. Ricl, Hosios kai Dikaios. Nouveaux monuments, EA 20, 1992, 95-100.
  • M. Ricl, Inscriptions votives inédites au musée d’Eskişehir, Živa antica 44, 1994, 157-174.
  • M. Ricl, Newly Published and Unpublished Inscriptions for Hosios and Dikaios and Their Contribution to the Study of the Cult, in: E. Winter (ed.), Vom Euphrat bis zum Bosporus Kleinasien in der Antike. FS für Elmar Schwertheim zum 65. Geburtstag, vol. II, Bonn 2008, 563-579.
  • M. Ricl, Cults of Phrygia Epiktetos in the Roman Imperial Period, EA 50, 2017, 133-148.
  • R. J. A. Talbert (ed.), Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World, Princeton NJ, 2000.
  • W. Weidle, Nimbus, in: G. Bandmann et al. (eds.), Lexikon der christlichen Ikonographie, vol. 3, Rome 1971, repr. 1994, 323-332.
  • D. Willers, Nimbus [3], in: BNP 9, 2006, 763-766.
  • L. Zgusta, Kleinasiatische Ortsnamen, Heidelberg 1984.
Toplam 51 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Altay Coşkun 0000-0002-4672-6195

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Mayıs 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 28 Mart 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 19

Kaynak Göster

APA Coşkun, A. (2020). Dionysiac Associations among the Dedicants of Hosios kai Dikaios Revisiting Recently Published Inscriptions from the Mihalıççık District in North-West Galatia. Gephyra, 19, 111-133.
AMA Coşkun A. Dionysiac Associations among the Dedicants of Hosios kai Dikaios Revisiting Recently Published Inscriptions from the Mihalıççık District in North-West Galatia. GEPHYRA. Mayıs 2020;19:111-133. doi:10.37095/gephyra.710613
Chicago Coşkun, Altay. “Dionysiac Associations Among the Dedicants of Hosios Kai Dikaios Revisiting Recently Published Inscriptions from the Mihalıççık District in North-West Galatia”. Gephyra 19, Mayıs (Mayıs 2020): 111-33.
EndNote Coşkun A (01 Mayıs 2020) Dionysiac Associations among the Dedicants of Hosios kai Dikaios Revisiting Recently Published Inscriptions from the Mihalıççık District in North-West Galatia. Gephyra 19 111–133.
IEEE A. Coşkun, “Dionysiac Associations among the Dedicants of Hosios kai Dikaios Revisiting Recently Published Inscriptions from the Mihalıççık District in North-West Galatia”, GEPHYRA, c. 19, ss. 111–133, 2020, doi: 10.37095/gephyra.710613.
ISNAD Coşkun, Altay. “Dionysiac Associations Among the Dedicants of Hosios Kai Dikaios Revisiting Recently Published Inscriptions from the Mihalıççık District in North-West Galatia”. Gephyra 19 (Mayıs 2020), 111-133.
JAMA Coşkun A. Dionysiac Associations among the Dedicants of Hosios kai Dikaios Revisiting Recently Published Inscriptions from the Mihalıççık District in North-West Galatia. GEPHYRA. 2020;19:111–133.
MLA Coşkun, Altay. “Dionysiac Associations Among the Dedicants of Hosios Kai Dikaios Revisiting Recently Published Inscriptions from the Mihalıççık District in North-West Galatia”. Gephyra, c. 19, 2020, ss. 111-33, doi:10.37095/gephyra.710613.
Vancouver Coşkun A. Dionysiac Associations among the Dedicants of Hosios kai Dikaios Revisiting Recently Published Inscriptions from the Mihalıççık District in North-West Galatia. GEPHYRA. 2020;19:111-33.