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Bursa Arkeoloji Müzesi’nden Bir Orta Bizans Damgası

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 19, 231 - 243, 15.05.2020


Bu makale Bursa Arkeoloji Müzesi koleksiyonunda yer
alan Orta Bizans Dönemi’ne ait bir metal damganın Bizans baskı tipolojisi
içindeki yeri ve sahibinin kimliğini belirlemeye çalışmaktadır. Bu makalede ele
aldığımız damga, yazıtın sahibinin adını, taşıdığı görev ve ünvanları
belirttiği nadir örneklerden biridir. Yaklaşık 9.-10. yüzyıllara tarihlenen
damganın sahibi, imparatorluk 
protospatharios’u ve epi ton oikeiakon olan Iohannes’tir. Protospatharios ünvanından,
Iohannes’in merkezi yönetimin bir üyesi ve varlıklı bir aristokrat olduğu
anlaşılmaktadır. Iohannes ile birlikte görülen epi ton oikeiakon, onun diğer
görevlilerden daha ayrıcalıklı bir birey ve saray halkından olabileceğini
gösteren bir ünvan olabilir. Diğer yandan, 10. yüzyılın son çeyreğinden itibaren oikeiakon sekreton’luğu altında idari bir görevin varlığını da biliyoruz. Bunun
ışığında, şu soruya sahibiz: Iohannes damgasını kişisel işleri için mi kullandı
veya imparatorluk mülklerinin yönetimindeki idari pozisyonuna uygun olarak mı
kullandı? Her iki durumda da, damgasının kil gibi yumuşak bir obje üzerine
basıldığını ve bunun bir tuğla damgası olabileceğini düşünüyoruz.


  • J. Bardill, Brickstamps of Constantinople, vol. 1, Oxford 2004.
  • J. B. Bury, The Imperial Administrative System in the Ninth Century, London 1911.
  • B. Caseau, Magical Protection and Stamps in Byzantium, in: I. Regulski et al. (eds.), Seals and Sealing Practices in the Near East: Developments in Administration and Magic from Prehistory to the Islamic Period, Leuven 2012, 115-132.
  • J. C. Cheynet – T. Gökyıldırım – V. Bulgurlu, Les Sceaux Byzantins du Musee Archeologique d’Istanbul, İstanbul 2012.
  • J. C. Cheynet, L’aristocratie byzantine (VIIIe-XIIIe siècle), Journal des Savants 2, 2000, 281-322.
  • A. S. Dorigny, Inscription Céramiques Byzantines, Revue Archéologique 32, 1876, 82-95.
  • Th. Drew-Bear – J. Koder, Ein byzantinisches Kloster am Berg Tmolos, JÖB 38, 1988, 197-215.
  • J. Durand (ed.), Byzance: L’art byzantin dans les collections publiques françaises, Paris 1992.
  • J. Ebersolt, Sceaux byzantins du Musée de Constantinople, RN 4/18, 1914, 207-243, 377-409.
  • D. Feissel – C. Morrisson – J. -C. Cheynet – B. Pitarakis (eds.), Trois donations byzantines au Cabinet des médailles: Froehner (1925), Schlumberger (1929), Zacos (1998), Paris 2001.
  • M. Gedeon, Ἔγγραφοι λίθοι καὶ κεράμια, Constantinople 1892.
  • M. Grünbart, Verbreitung und Funktion byzantinischer Metallstempel, in: C. Ludwig (ed.), Siegel und Siegler. Akten des 8. Internationalen Symposions für byzantinische Sigillographie (Berliner Byzantinistische Studien 7), Frankfurt am Main 2005, 95-104.
  • M. Grünbart, Byzantine Metal Stamps in a North American Private Collection, Dumbarton Oaks Papers 60, 2006, 13-24.
  • R. Guilland, Études sur l’histoire administrative de l’empire byzantin. Les titres auliques des eunuques: Le protospathaire, Byzantion 25-27, 1955-1957, 649-695.
  • R. Guilland, Recherches sur les institutions Byzantines, 2 vols, Amsterdam 1967.
  • M. Kaplan, Les hommes et la terre à Byzance du VIᵉ au XIᵉ siècle: propriété et exploitation du sol, Paris 1992.
  • A. P. Kazhdan (ed.), Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, Oxford 1991.
  • P. Lemerle, Roga et rente d’état aux Xe-XIe siècles, REB 25, 1967, 77-100.
  • P. Lemerle (ed.), Actes de Lavra, Vol. 1, Des origines à 1204, Paris 1970.
  • C. A. Mango, Byzantine Brick Stamps, AJA 54/1, 1950, 19-27.
  • A. H. S. Megaw, The Skripou Screen, The Annual of the British School at Athens 61, 1966, 1-32.
  • B. Menthon, L’Olympe de Bithynie, Paris 1935.
  • J. W. Nesbitt, A Mid-Byzantine Bronze Stamp in the Getty Museum, The J. Paul Getty Museum Journal 11, 1983, 179-182.
  • J. W. Nesbitt, Byzantium. The Light in the Age of Darkness, in: J. T. Spike – M. Koortbojian (eds.), Exhibition Catalogue, Ariadne Galleries, New York 1988.
  • N. Oikonomidès, Les listes de préséance byzantines des IXe et Xe siècles, Paris 1972.
  • N. Oikonomidès, L’évolution de l’organisation administrative de l’empire byzantin au XIe siècle (1025-1118), Travaux et Mémoires 6, 1976, 126-152.
  • N. Oikonomidès, Collection of Dated Byzantine Lead Seals, Washington DC 1986.
  • N. Oikonomidès, Pour une nouvelle lecture des inscriptions de Skripou en Béotie, Travaux et Mémoires 12, 1994, 479-494.
  • N. Oikonomidès, Title and Income at the Byzantine Court, in: H. Maguire (ed.), Byzantine Court Culture from 829 to 1204, Washington DC 1997, 199-215.
  • N. Oikonomidès, The Role of the Byzantine State in the Economy, in: A. E. Laiou (ed.), The Economic History of Byzantium. From the Seventh through the Fifteenth Century, vol. 1, Washington DC 2002, 973-1058.
  • A. Onn – Sh. Weksler-Bdolah – L. Di Segni, A Byzantine Stamp Seal of “Theodotos the Comes” from Ganei-Hammat (Tiberias), in: J. Patrich – O. Peleg-Barkat – E. Ben-Yosef (eds.), Arise, Walk Through the Land. Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Land of Israel in Memory of Yizhar Hirschfeld on the Tenth Anniversary of his Demise, Jerusalem 2016, 101-110.
  • D. Papachryssanthou, Actes du Protaton, Paris 1975.
  • P. Papadopoulou, Five Lead Seals from Byzantine Butrint, in: J.-C. Cheynet – C. Sode (eds.), Studies in Byzantine Sigillography, vol. 11, Berlin 2012, 133-142.
  • P. Papadopoulou, Lead Seals, in: S. Greenslade (ed.), Butrint 6: Excavations on the Vrina Plain vol. 2: The Finds, Oxford; Philadelphia 2019, 55-58.
  • O. Prieto Domínguez, On the Founder of the Skripou Church: Literary Trends in the Milieu of Photius, Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 53, 2013, 166-191.
  • G. Schlumberger, Sigillographie de l’Empire byzantin, Paris 1884.
  • W. Seibt, Die byzantinischen Bleisiegel in Österreich, vol. 1, Kaiserhof, Vienna 1978.
  • W. Seibt – A. -K. Wassiliou, Die byzantinischen Bleisiegel in Österreich, vol. 2, Zentral- und Provinzialverwaltung, Vienna 2004.
  • M. G. Sotiriou, Ho naos tes Skripous tes Boiotias, Archaiologike ephemeris: ekdidomene tes archaiologikes hetaireias 77, 1931, 119-157.
  • C. Stiegemann (ed.), Byzanz. Das Licht aus dem Osten. Kult und Alltag im Byzantinischen Reich vom 4. bis 15. Jahrhundert. Katalog der Ausstellung im Erzbischöflichen Diözesanmuseum Paderborn, Mainz 2001.
  • J. Thomas – A. C. Hero (ed.), Byzantine Monastic Foundation Documents: A Complete Translation of the Surviving Founders’ Typika and Testaments, vol. 1, Washington DC 2000.
  • G. Vikan – J. Nesbit, Security in Byzantium: Locking, Sealing, and Weighing, Dumbarton Oaks. Byzantine Collection. Publications, no. 2, Washington DC 1980.
  • G. Zacos – A. Veglery, Byzantine Lead Seals, I/3, Basel 1972.

A Mid-Byzantine Metal Stamp from Bursa Archaeological Museum

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 19, 231 - 243, 15.05.2020


This article tries to determine the place and identity of the owner of a metal stamp located in the Bursa Archaeological Museum collection in the Byzantine stamping objects typology. The stamp that we consider in this article is one of the rare examples, in which the inscription specifies the name of the owner as well as the offices and titles he held. The owner of the stamp, dated to approximately 9th –10th centuries, is Iohannes, the imperial protospatharios and epi ton oikeiakon. It is understood from the title protospatharios that Iohannes was a member of the central government and a wealthy aristocrat. The title epi ton oikeiakon, appearing together with Iohannes, may be a title that shows that he is a more privileged individual than other officials and that he may be from the imperial court. On the other hand, we also know of an administrative task under the sekreton of oikeiakon since the last quarter of the 10th century. In light of this, we have the following question: did Iohannes use his stamp for his personal affairs or did he use it in accordance with his responsibilities, which were part of his administrative position of management of imperial properties? In either case, we think that his stamp was stamped on a soft object such as clay and that it may be a brick stamp.


  • J. Bardill, Brickstamps of Constantinople, vol. 1, Oxford 2004.
  • J. B. Bury, The Imperial Administrative System in the Ninth Century, London 1911.
  • B. Caseau, Magical Protection and Stamps in Byzantium, in: I. Regulski et al. (eds.), Seals and Sealing Practices in the Near East: Developments in Administration and Magic from Prehistory to the Islamic Period, Leuven 2012, 115-132.
  • J. C. Cheynet – T. Gökyıldırım – V. Bulgurlu, Les Sceaux Byzantins du Musee Archeologique d’Istanbul, İstanbul 2012.
  • J. C. Cheynet, L’aristocratie byzantine (VIIIe-XIIIe siècle), Journal des Savants 2, 2000, 281-322.
  • A. S. Dorigny, Inscription Céramiques Byzantines, Revue Archéologique 32, 1876, 82-95.
  • Th. Drew-Bear – J. Koder, Ein byzantinisches Kloster am Berg Tmolos, JÖB 38, 1988, 197-215.
  • J. Durand (ed.), Byzance: L’art byzantin dans les collections publiques françaises, Paris 1992.
  • J. Ebersolt, Sceaux byzantins du Musée de Constantinople, RN 4/18, 1914, 207-243, 377-409.
  • D. Feissel – C. Morrisson – J. -C. Cheynet – B. Pitarakis (eds.), Trois donations byzantines au Cabinet des médailles: Froehner (1925), Schlumberger (1929), Zacos (1998), Paris 2001.
  • M. Gedeon, Ἔγγραφοι λίθοι καὶ κεράμια, Constantinople 1892.
  • M. Grünbart, Verbreitung und Funktion byzantinischer Metallstempel, in: C. Ludwig (ed.), Siegel und Siegler. Akten des 8. Internationalen Symposions für byzantinische Sigillographie (Berliner Byzantinistische Studien 7), Frankfurt am Main 2005, 95-104.
  • M. Grünbart, Byzantine Metal Stamps in a North American Private Collection, Dumbarton Oaks Papers 60, 2006, 13-24.
  • R. Guilland, Études sur l’histoire administrative de l’empire byzantin. Les titres auliques des eunuques: Le protospathaire, Byzantion 25-27, 1955-1957, 649-695.
  • R. Guilland, Recherches sur les institutions Byzantines, 2 vols, Amsterdam 1967.
  • M. Kaplan, Les hommes et la terre à Byzance du VIᵉ au XIᵉ siècle: propriété et exploitation du sol, Paris 1992.
  • A. P. Kazhdan (ed.), Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, Oxford 1991.
  • P. Lemerle, Roga et rente d’état aux Xe-XIe siècles, REB 25, 1967, 77-100.
  • P. Lemerle (ed.), Actes de Lavra, Vol. 1, Des origines à 1204, Paris 1970.
  • C. A. Mango, Byzantine Brick Stamps, AJA 54/1, 1950, 19-27.
  • A. H. S. Megaw, The Skripou Screen, The Annual of the British School at Athens 61, 1966, 1-32.
  • B. Menthon, L’Olympe de Bithynie, Paris 1935.
  • J. W. Nesbitt, A Mid-Byzantine Bronze Stamp in the Getty Museum, The J. Paul Getty Museum Journal 11, 1983, 179-182.
  • J. W. Nesbitt, Byzantium. The Light in the Age of Darkness, in: J. T. Spike – M. Koortbojian (eds.), Exhibition Catalogue, Ariadne Galleries, New York 1988.
  • N. Oikonomidès, Les listes de préséance byzantines des IXe et Xe siècles, Paris 1972.
  • N. Oikonomidès, L’évolution de l’organisation administrative de l’empire byzantin au XIe siècle (1025-1118), Travaux et Mémoires 6, 1976, 126-152.
  • N. Oikonomidès, Collection of Dated Byzantine Lead Seals, Washington DC 1986.
  • N. Oikonomidès, Pour une nouvelle lecture des inscriptions de Skripou en Béotie, Travaux et Mémoires 12, 1994, 479-494.
  • N. Oikonomidès, Title and Income at the Byzantine Court, in: H. Maguire (ed.), Byzantine Court Culture from 829 to 1204, Washington DC 1997, 199-215.
  • N. Oikonomidès, The Role of the Byzantine State in the Economy, in: A. E. Laiou (ed.), The Economic History of Byzantium. From the Seventh through the Fifteenth Century, vol. 1, Washington DC 2002, 973-1058.
  • A. Onn – Sh. Weksler-Bdolah – L. Di Segni, A Byzantine Stamp Seal of “Theodotos the Comes” from Ganei-Hammat (Tiberias), in: J. Patrich – O. Peleg-Barkat – E. Ben-Yosef (eds.), Arise, Walk Through the Land. Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Land of Israel in Memory of Yizhar Hirschfeld on the Tenth Anniversary of his Demise, Jerusalem 2016, 101-110.
  • D. Papachryssanthou, Actes du Protaton, Paris 1975.
  • P. Papadopoulou, Five Lead Seals from Byzantine Butrint, in: J.-C. Cheynet – C. Sode (eds.), Studies in Byzantine Sigillography, vol. 11, Berlin 2012, 133-142.
  • P. Papadopoulou, Lead Seals, in: S. Greenslade (ed.), Butrint 6: Excavations on the Vrina Plain vol. 2: The Finds, Oxford; Philadelphia 2019, 55-58.
  • O. Prieto Domínguez, On the Founder of the Skripou Church: Literary Trends in the Milieu of Photius, Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 53, 2013, 166-191.
  • G. Schlumberger, Sigillographie de l’Empire byzantin, Paris 1884.
  • W. Seibt, Die byzantinischen Bleisiegel in Österreich, vol. 1, Kaiserhof, Vienna 1978.
  • W. Seibt – A. -K. Wassiliou, Die byzantinischen Bleisiegel in Österreich, vol. 2, Zentral- und Provinzialverwaltung, Vienna 2004.
  • M. G. Sotiriou, Ho naos tes Skripous tes Boiotias, Archaiologike ephemeris: ekdidomene tes archaiologikes hetaireias 77, 1931, 119-157.
  • C. Stiegemann (ed.), Byzanz. Das Licht aus dem Osten. Kult und Alltag im Byzantinischen Reich vom 4. bis 15. Jahrhundert. Katalog der Ausstellung im Erzbischöflichen Diözesanmuseum Paderborn, Mainz 2001.
  • J. Thomas – A. C. Hero (ed.), Byzantine Monastic Foundation Documents: A Complete Translation of the Surviving Founders’ Typika and Testaments, vol. 1, Washington DC 2000.
  • G. Vikan – J. Nesbit, Security in Byzantium: Locking, Sealing, and Weighing, Dumbarton Oaks. Byzantine Collection. Publications, no. 2, Washington DC 1980.
  • G. Zacos – A. Veglery, Byzantine Lead Seals, I/3, Basel 1972.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Zeynep Sencan Altınoluk 0000-0003-1769-3766

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Mayıs 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Mart 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 19

Kaynak Göster

APA Altınoluk, Z. S. (2020). A Mid-Byzantine Metal Stamp from Bursa Archaeological Museum. Gephyra, 19, 231-243.
AMA Altınoluk ZS. A Mid-Byzantine Metal Stamp from Bursa Archaeological Museum. GEPHYRA. Mayıs 2020;19:231-243. doi:10.37095/gephyra.710992
Chicago Altınoluk, Zeynep Sencan. “A Mid-Byzantine Metal Stamp from Bursa Archaeological Museum”. Gephyra 19, Mayıs (Mayıs 2020): 231-43.
EndNote Altınoluk ZS (01 Mayıs 2020) A Mid-Byzantine Metal Stamp from Bursa Archaeological Museum. Gephyra 19 231–243.
IEEE Z. S. Altınoluk, “A Mid-Byzantine Metal Stamp from Bursa Archaeological Museum”, GEPHYRA, c. 19, ss. 231–243, 2020, doi: 10.37095/gephyra.710992.
ISNAD Altınoluk, Zeynep Sencan. “A Mid-Byzantine Metal Stamp from Bursa Archaeological Museum”. Gephyra 19 (Mayıs 2020), 231-243.
JAMA Altınoluk ZS. A Mid-Byzantine Metal Stamp from Bursa Archaeological Museum. GEPHYRA. 2020;19:231–243.
MLA Altınoluk, Zeynep Sencan. “A Mid-Byzantine Metal Stamp from Bursa Archaeological Museum”. Gephyra, c. 19, 2020, ss. 231-43, doi:10.37095/gephyra.710992.
Vancouver Altınoluk ZS. A Mid-Byzantine Metal Stamp from Bursa Archaeological Museum. GEPHYRA. 2020;19:231-43.