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Les alliances lydo-égyptienne et lydo-babylonienne

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 22, 181 - 207, 15.11.2021


Le présent article analyse la crédibilité à reconnaître aux alliances que le roi Crésus de Lydie aurait conclues avec Amasis d’Égypte d’une part et le roi de Babylone d’autre part. Par la même occasion seront étudiées les relations diplomatiques établies par Amasis avec les Cyrénéens et Polycrate de Samos ainsi que les rapports qui unissaient la Lydie à l’Égypte. De même, cette étude se penchera sur les liens diplomatiques tissés par le roi de Babylone contemporain de Crésus, afin de mieux dégager quelle était la nature des rapports unissant ce dernier au dernier roi de Lydie.


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The Lydo-Egyptian and the Lydo-Babylonian Alliances

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 22, 181 - 207, 15.11.2021


This article analyses the credibility given to the alliances, which were supposedly formed by the king of Lydia Croesus with Amasis of Egypt and with Nabonidus king of Babylon. At the same time, the diplomatic relations of Amasis with Cyrene and with Polycrates of Samos are studied, as well as the connection between the Lydian Kingdom and Egypt. Further, this study focuses also on the diplomatic ties built by the king of Babylon in order to determine what was the nature of the links between him and Croesus.


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  • F. Joannès, La stratégie des rois néo-babyloniens contre l’Assyrie, de 616 à 606 av. J.-C., in: P. Abrahami – L. Battini (éd.), Les armées du Proche-Orient ancien: IIIe-Ier mill. av. J.-C., Actes du Colloque International Organisé à Lyon les 1er et 2 décembre 2006, Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée 2008, 207-218 (Bar International Series 1855).
  • M. Jursa, Observations on the Problem of the Median ‘Empire’ on the Basis of Babylonian Chronicles, in: G. B. Lanfranchi et al. (éd.), Continuity of Empire: Assyria, Media, Persia, Padova 2003, 169-179.
  • P. Kaplan, The Ring of Polycrates: friendship and alliance in the east Mediterranean, in Journal of Ancient History 4-2, 2016, 132-157.
  • V. La Bua, Gli Ioni e il conflitto Lidio – Persiano, Miscellanea Greca e Romana V, 1977, 1-64.
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  • K. Leloux, L’alliance lydo-spartiate, Ktèma 39, 2014, 271-288.
  • K. Leloux, The Battle of the Eclipse (May 28, 585 BC): A Discussion of the Lydo-Median Treaty and the Halys Border, Polemos 19-2, 2016, 31-54.
  • K. Leloux, L’Halys chez Hérodote, Studia Hercynia 21-1, 2017, 15-24.
  • K. Leloux, La Lydie d’Alyatte et Crésus. Un royaume à la croisée des cités grecques et des monarchies orientales. Recherches sur son organisation interne et sa politique extérieure, Thèse de Doctorat, inédit, Liège 2018.
  • D. Lenfant, Hérodote d’Halicarnasse, in: D. Lenfant (dir.), Les Perses vus par les Grecs. Lire les sources classiques sur l’Empire achéménide, Paris 2011, 214-227.
  • I. Malkin, Delphoi and the founding of social order in archaic Greece, Mètis 4-1, 1989, 129-153.
  • N. Massart, La «Chronique de Lindos»: un catalogue à la gloire du sanctuaire d’Athéna Lindia, Kernos 19, 2006, 229-243.
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  • J. Novotny – J. Jeffers, The Royal Inscriptions of Ashurbanipal (668-631 BC), Assur-etal-ilani (630-627 BC), and Sin-sarra-iskun (626-612 BC), Kings of Assyria, Volume 5/I, texte édité et traduit par J. Novotny et J. Jeffers, Winona Lake, 2018 (The Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period. Les textes édités et traduits sont aussi disponibles en ligne sur The Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period, RINAP 5: The Royal Inscriptions of Ashurbanipal, Aššur-etel-ilāni, and Sîn-šarra-iškun, [en ligne], (Page consultée le 25 mai 2021).
  • B. Redon, L’identité grecque de Naucratis. Enquête sur la fabrication de la mémoire d’une cité grecque du Delta égyptien aux époques hellénistique et romaine, Revue des Études grecques 125-1, 2012, 55-93.
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  • C. J. Tuplin, Persians as Medes, ArchHist 8, 1994, 235-256.
  • R. J. Van der Spek, Cyrus the Great, Exiles, and Foreign Gods: A Comparison of Assyrian and Persian Policies on Subject Nations, in: M. Kozul et al. (éd.), Extraction & Control. Studies in Honor of Matthew W. Stolper, Chicago 2014, 233-264.
  • C. Waerseggers, Facts, Propaganda, or History? Shaping Political Memory in the Nabonidus Chronicle, in: J. M. Silverman – C. Waerzeggers (éd.), Political Memory in and after the Persian Empire, Atlanta 2015, 95-124.
  • M. Waters, Notes on the Medes and their “Empire” from JER 25:25 to HDT 1.134, in: G. Frame et alii (éd.), A Common Cultural Heritage: Studies on Mesopotamia and the Biblical World in Honor of Barry L. Eichler, Bethesda 2011, 243-253.
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  • S. Zawadzki, The Portrait of Nabonidus and Cyrus in Their(?) Chronicle: When and Why the Present Version Was Composed, in: P. Charvát – P. Maříková Vlčková (ed.), Who Was King? Who Was Not King. The Rulers and their Ruled in the Ancient Near East, Prague 2010, 142-154.

Lydia-Mısır ve Lydia-Babil İttifakları

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 22, 181 - 207, 15.11.2021


Bu makale, Lydia kralı Kroisos’un Mısırlı Amasis ve Babylonlu Nabonid kralı arasında yapılan ve kabul etmek durumunda kaldığımız ittifakların güvenilirliğini araştırmaktadır. Aynı zamanda, Amasis’in Kyrene ve Samoslu Polykrates ile olan diplomatik ilişkilerinin yanı sıra Lydia Krallığı ve Mısır arasındaki bağlantıda incelenmiştir. Bu çalışma ayrıca Babil Kralı tarafından oluşturulan diplomatik bağlara da odaklanarak, Kroisos ile olan bağlantılarının doğasını tespit etmeyi amaçlamaktadır.


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  • C. Waerseggers, Facts, Propaganda, or History? Shaping Political Memory in the Nabonidus Chronicle, in: J. M. Silverman – C. Waerzeggers (éd.), Political Memory in and after the Persian Empire, Atlanta 2015, 95-124.
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  • S. Zawadzki, The Portrait of Nabonidus and Cyrus in Their(?) Chronicle: When and Why the Present Version Was Composed, in: P. Charvát – P. Maříková Vlčková (ed.), Who Was King? Who Was Not King. The Rulers and their Ruled in the Ancient Near East, Prague 2010, 142-154.
Toplam 91 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Kevin Leloux 0000-0002-5598-1446

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Kasım 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 22

Kaynak Göster

APA Leloux, K. (2021). Les alliances lydo-égyptienne et lydo-babylonienne. Gephyra, 22, 181-207.
AMA Leloux K. Les alliances lydo-égyptienne et lydo-babylonienne. GEPHYRA. Kasım 2021;22:181-207. doi:10.37095/gephyra.989216
Chicago Leloux, Kevin. “Les Alliances Lydo-égyptienne Et Lydo-Babylonienne”. Gephyra 22, Kasım (Kasım 2021): 181-207.
EndNote Leloux K (01 Kasım 2021) Les alliances lydo-égyptienne et lydo-babylonienne. Gephyra 22 181–207.
IEEE K. Leloux, “Les alliances lydo-égyptienne et lydo-babylonienne”, GEPHYRA, c. 22, ss. 181–207, 2021, doi: 10.37095/gephyra.989216.
ISNAD Leloux, Kevin. “Les Alliances Lydo-égyptienne Et Lydo-Babylonienne”. Gephyra 22 (Kasım 2021), 181-207.
JAMA Leloux K. Les alliances lydo-égyptienne et lydo-babylonienne. GEPHYRA. 2021;22:181–207.
MLA Leloux, Kevin. “Les Alliances Lydo-égyptienne Et Lydo-Babylonienne”. Gephyra, c. 22, 2021, ss. 181-07, doi:10.37095/gephyra.989216.
Vancouver Leloux K. Les alliances lydo-égyptienne et lydo-babylonienne. GEPHYRA. 2021;22:181-207.