Yıl 2017,
Sayı: 09, 57 - 65, 01.10.2017
Deniz Öztürk
İdil Güray
Murathan Gül
Hakan Akyıldız
- Beresford, A.K.C. Modelling Freight Transport Costs: A Case Study of the UK-Greece Corridor. lnternational
- Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, 1999; 2(3): 229-246.
- Brooks M. Liberalization in Maritime Transport. International Transport Forum, OECD, Paris, 2009.
- Çekerol G.S. Lojistik Yönetimi. Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir, 2013.
- Definition on Shortsea Shipping by the European Union. Retrieved from European Shortsea Network
- Website: http://www.shortsea.info/definition.html.
- Denisis A. An Economic Feasibility Study of Short Sea Shipping Including the Estimation of Externalities with Fuzzy Logic. The University of Michigan, Michigan, 2009.
- Douet, M., Cappuccilli, J.F. A Review of Short Sea Shipping Policy in the European Union. Journal of Transport Geography, 2011; 19: 968–976.
- EUROSTAT. Energy, transport and environment indicators 2016 edition, 2016.
- Medda, F., Trujillo, L. Short-sea shipping: An analysis of its determinants. Maritime Policy & Management, 2010; 37(3): 285–303.
- Ng, A. K. Y. Competitiveness of Short Sea Shipping and The Role of Port: The Case of North Europe. Maritime Policy & Management, 2009; 36(4): 337-352.
- OECD. Intermodal Transport - National Peer Review: Turkey. International Transport Forum, Germany, 2009.
- Paixão, A. C., Marlow, P. B. Strengths and weaknesses of short sea shipping. Marine Policy, 2002; 26(3): 167– 178
- Paixão, A. C., Marlow, P. B. The competitiveness of short sea shipping in multimodal logistics supply chains: service attributes. Maritime Policy & Management, 2005; 32(4): 363–382.
- Perakis, A.N., Denisis, A. A Survey of Short Sea Shipping and Its Prospects in the USA. Maritime Policy & Management, 2008; 35(6): 591–614.
- Saldanha R., Gray J. The potential for British coastal shipping in a multimodal chain. Maritime Policy Management, London, 2002.
- Short Sea Shipping. European Community Shipowners’ Associations, 2016: 11. Retrieved from https://www. shortsea.be/images/kenniscentrum-rapporten-promotiebureau-downloads/ECSA_SSS_Download1.pdf
- Suarez-Aleman, A., Campos, J. & Jimenez, J.L. Short Sea Shipping Competitiveness and the European
- Maritime Policy: A Case Study. 13th World Conference on Transport Research, 2013.
- Turkish Chamber of Shipping. Maritime Sector Report. İstanbul, 2015.
- Turkish Chamber of Shipping. Maritime Sector Report. İstanbul, 2016.
- Turkish Combined Transport Strategy Plan: Executive Report, 2013. Retrieved from Short Sea Shipping Turkey
- Website: http://www.shortsea.org.tr/combined.pdf.
- Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Lojistik Yol Uzunlukları. Ankara, 2016.
- TURKLIM. Turkish Port Sector Report, İstanbul, 2016.
- US Department of Transportation Maritime Administration (MARAD). Guide to Market Research for Marine
- Transportation Services, Office of Statistical and Economic Analysis, Miami FL, 1994. Xie, X. An Integrated Sea–Land Transportation System Model and Its Theory. Transportation Research Part C, 2009; 17: 394–411.
Yıl 2017,
Sayı: 09, 57 - 65, 01.10.2017
Deniz Öztürk
İdil Güray
Murathan Gül
Hakan Akyıldız
The movement of cargo and passengers needs balanced and integrated use of all modes of transport. The main and preferable feature is to be competed with other forms of transportation as road, rail and air. Maritime transport and other land bases cooperate to form truly mixed mode logistics chains. Short combined transportation is one of the modes that minimize the negations that road transport brings about such as high transportation costs, emission, noise pollution, traffic density, accident involving death or personal injury. Canalizing of the transport network to the sea at short distances has been aimed to be the alternative to road transport and improve the combined transport. Turkey where the road transport is frequently preferred has serious potential because of its position and natural structure about to create transportation network between different modes most particularly including reliable and cheaper marine shipping. The main purpose of this study is to provide a general description and assessment about short sea shipping, also to examine Turkey’s combined transport operations by making the literature review
- Beresford, A.K.C. Modelling Freight Transport Costs: A Case Study of the UK-Greece Corridor. lnternational
- Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, 1999; 2(3): 229-246.
- Brooks M. Liberalization in Maritime Transport. International Transport Forum, OECD, Paris, 2009.
- Çekerol G.S. Lojistik Yönetimi. Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir, 2013.
- Definition on Shortsea Shipping by the European Union. Retrieved from European Shortsea Network
- Website: http://www.shortsea.info/definition.html.
- Denisis A. An Economic Feasibility Study of Short Sea Shipping Including the Estimation of Externalities with Fuzzy Logic. The University of Michigan, Michigan, 2009.
- Douet, M., Cappuccilli, J.F. A Review of Short Sea Shipping Policy in the European Union. Journal of Transport Geography, 2011; 19: 968–976.
- EUROSTAT. Energy, transport and environment indicators 2016 edition, 2016.
- Medda, F., Trujillo, L. Short-sea shipping: An analysis of its determinants. Maritime Policy & Management, 2010; 37(3): 285–303.
- Ng, A. K. Y. Competitiveness of Short Sea Shipping and The Role of Port: The Case of North Europe. Maritime Policy & Management, 2009; 36(4): 337-352.
- OECD. Intermodal Transport - National Peer Review: Turkey. International Transport Forum, Germany, 2009.
- Paixão, A. C., Marlow, P. B. Strengths and weaknesses of short sea shipping. Marine Policy, 2002; 26(3): 167– 178
- Paixão, A. C., Marlow, P. B. The competitiveness of short sea shipping in multimodal logistics supply chains: service attributes. Maritime Policy & Management, 2005; 32(4): 363–382.
- Perakis, A.N., Denisis, A. A Survey of Short Sea Shipping and Its Prospects in the USA. Maritime Policy & Management, 2008; 35(6): 591–614.
- Saldanha R., Gray J. The potential for British coastal shipping in a multimodal chain. Maritime Policy Management, London, 2002.
- Short Sea Shipping. European Community Shipowners’ Associations, 2016: 11. Retrieved from https://www. shortsea.be/images/kenniscentrum-rapporten-promotiebureau-downloads/ECSA_SSS_Download1.pdf
- Suarez-Aleman, A., Campos, J. & Jimenez, J.L. Short Sea Shipping Competitiveness and the European
- Maritime Policy: A Case Study. 13th World Conference on Transport Research, 2013.
- Turkish Chamber of Shipping. Maritime Sector Report. İstanbul, 2015.
- Turkish Chamber of Shipping. Maritime Sector Report. İstanbul, 2016.
- Turkish Combined Transport Strategy Plan: Executive Report, 2013. Retrieved from Short Sea Shipping Turkey
- Website: http://www.shortsea.org.tr/combined.pdf.
- Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Lojistik Yol Uzunlukları. Ankara, 2016.
- TURKLIM. Turkish Port Sector Report, İstanbul, 2016.
- US Department of Transportation Maritime Administration (MARAD). Guide to Market Research for Marine
- Transportation Services, Office of Statistical and Economic Analysis, Miami FL, 1994. Xie, X. An Integrated Sea–Land Transportation System Model and Its Theory. Transportation Research Part C, 2009; 17: 394–411.