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Obstacles of the Development of Innovative Business Ideas: A Survey on Students of Entrepreneurship Education

Yıl 2017, , 120 - 135, 26.12.2017


One of the most important conditions for the sustainable entrepreneurship process is to develop high potential innovative business ideas. The excess of these obstacles encountered at the beginning of the entrepreneurship process negatively affects the formation of qualified enterprises. In the study, the relationship between obstacles of business idea development, innovative levels of individuals, entrepreneurial competence, intention and potentials were examined. In the study of individuals graduating from the Entrepreneurship Academy of Dokuz Eylül University, entrepreneurship obstacles were collected in five different groups. According to the analysis results, there is a non-linear relationship between business idea obstacles and entrepreneurial potential, competence and intention and individual innovation level. According to this, it was found that the obstacle perception is the highest within the people who have moderate entrepreneurship intention and potential the groups with low intention and potential do not care about obstacles; the groups with highest intention and potential have lowest obstacle perception. Furthermore, it was stated that entrepreneurship intention, competence and innovation level were the significant predictors of entrepreneurship potential.


  • Aidis, R., Estrin, S. and T.M. Mickjewicz,. (2012) “Size Matters: Entrepreneurial Entry and Government”, Small Business Economics, 39(1), 119-139.
  • Baumol, W. J. (1996) “Entrepreneurship: Productive, Unproductive and Destructive”, Journal of Business Venturing, 11(1), 3-22.
  • Bates, T. (1995) “Self-Employment Entry across Industry Groups”, Journal of Business Venturing, 10(2): 143-156.
  • Bird, B. (1995) “Toward a Theory of Entrepreneurial Competency”, .In J.A.Katz & R.H.Brockhaus, Sr. (Eds), Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence, and Growth. 2,51-72. Greenwich, CN: JAI Press.
  • Man, T. W.Y.; Lau, T. and Chan, K. F. (2002) “The Competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises: A Conceptualization with Focus on Entrepreneurial Competencies”. Journal of Business Venturing, 17(2):123-142.
  • Choo, S. and Wong, M. (2006) “Entrepreneurial Intention: Triggers And Barriers To New Venture Creation In Singapore”, Singapore Management Review, 28 (2): 47-64.
  • Dana, B.C. and M. Lindita, “Global Trends ın Entrepreneurshıp Usıng 4 R’s Model”,, Accessed Date:11.10.2017.
  • Galloway, Laura and S.W. Kelly (2009) “Identifying entrepreneurial potential? An Investigation of the Identifiers and Features of Entrepreneurship”. International Review of Entrepreneurship, 7 (4):1-24.
  • Giacomin, O., F. Janssen; M. Pruett; R.S Shinnar; F. Llopis, and B. Toney (2011) “Entrepreneurial Intentions, Motivations and Barriers: Differences among American, Asian and European Students” International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 7 (2): 219-238.
  • Gorji, M.B and P. Rahimian (2011) “The Study of Barriers to Entrepreneurship In Men and Women”. Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, 1 (9): 31-36.
  • Hatala, J. P. (2005) “Identifying Barriers to Self-Employment: The Development and Validation of the Barriers to Entrepreneurship Success Tool”, Performance Improvement Quarterly, 18(4), 50-70.
  • Hisrich, R. and M. Peters (2002) “Entrepreneurship (Irwin Management)”, McGraw-Hill Higher Education 10th Edition. Aktaran: ALPKAN, L., Keskin, H., & Zehir, C. Girişimcilik Hisleriyle Girişimcilik Potansiyeli Arasındaki İlişki: Gebze Ve Civarındaki Girişimciler Üzerine Bir Saha Araştırması.
  • Hmieleski, K.M. and A.C. Corbett (2006) “Proclivity for Improvisation as a Predictor of Entrepreneurial Intentions”, Journal of Small Business Management, 44(1): 45-63.
  • Hurt, H.T., K., Joseph and C. Cook (1977) “Scales for the Measurement of Innovativeness”, Human Communication Research, 4 (1): 58-65.
  • Iakovleva, T. A.; L. Kolvereid; M.J. Gorgievski and Ø. Sørhaug, (2014) “Comparison of Perceived Barriers to Entrepreneurship in Eastern and Western European Countries”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 18(2-3):115-133.
  • Jayawarna, D., O. Jones; and A. Macpherson, (2014) “Entrepreneurial Potential: The Role of Human and Cultural Capitals”, International Small Business Journal, 32(8):918-943
  • Kaur, H. & A. Bains (2013) “Understanding the Concept of Entrepreneur Competency”, Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research (JBM&SSR), 2 (11): 31-33.
  • Kilicer, K. & H. F. Odabası, (2010) “Individual Innovativeness Scale the Study of Adaptation to Turkish, Validity and Reliability”, Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 38 (1):150-164.
  • Koh, H. C. (1996) “Testing Hypotheses of Entrepreneurial Characteristics – A Study of Hong Kong MBA Students”, Journal of Management Psychology, 11(3): 12-25.
  • Krueger, N. F. & D. V. Brazeal (1994) “Entrepreneurial Potential and Potential Entrepreneurs”. Entrepreneurship Theory And Practice, /sites/all/publications/Krueger%20and%20Brazeal%201994.pdf, Accessed Date: 12.11.2017.
  • Liñán, F; J.C. Rodríguez-Cohard; and J.M. Rueda-Cantuche (2011) “Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Intention Levels: A Role for Education”, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 7 (2):195–218.
  • Luthje, C. H. & N. Franke (2003) “The ‘Making’ of an Entrepreneur: Testing a Model of Entrepreneurial Intent Among Engineering Students at MIT”, R&D Management, 33 (2):135-147. Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  • Mario, F. (2016) “Entrepreneurship - Practice-Oriented Perspectives” ISBN 978-953-51-2761-1, Print ISBN 978-953-51-2760-4, 184 pages, Publisher: InTech. McClelland, D.C. (1961) “The Achieving Society”, New York: Collier-Macmillan.
  • Oren, K. & M. Biçkes (2011) “Kişilik Özelliklerinin Girişimcilik Potansiyeli Üzerindeki Etkileri: Nevşehir’deki Yüksek Öğrenim Öğrencileri Üzerinde Yapılan Bir Araştırma”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(3):67-86.
  • Puga, J. L.; J.G. Garcia and C.J. Cano, (2015) “A Definition of Potential Entrepreneur from a Probabilistic Point of View”, Actas del XI Congreso de Metodología de las Ciencias Sociales y de la Salud. ISBN 978-84-613-7589-9.
  • Robertson, M. Collins; N. Medeira, and J. Slater (2003) “Barriers to Start‐Up and Their Effect on Aspirant Entrepreneurs”, Education + Training, 45 (6): 308-316 .
  • Rogers, E. M. “Diffusion of Innovations” (2003) 3th Ed. New York, Simon & Schuster Press.
  • Sandhu, M.S.; S.F. Sidique and S. Riaz (2011) "Entrepreneurship Barriers and Entrepreneurial Inclination Among Malaysian Postgraduate Students", International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 17 (4): 428 – 449.
  • Smith, K. & M. BEASLEY (2011) “Graduate Entrepreneurs: İntentions, Barriers And Solutions”. Education+ Training, 53 (8/9): 722-740.
  • Sánchez, J. C. (2011) “University Training for Entrepreneurial Competencies: Its Impact on Intention of Venture Creation”. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 7(2):239-254.
  • Sarri, K. & A. TRIHOPOULOU (2005) “Female Entrepreneurs' Personal Characteristics and Motivation: A Review of the Greek Situation. Women in Management Review”, 20(1): 24-36.
  • Shane, S. & S. Venkataraman (2000) “The Promise of Entrepreneurship as a Field of Research” Academy of Management Review, 25(1): 217–226. Shapero, A. (1975). “The Displaced, Uncomfortable Entrepreneur” Psychology Today, 9 (6): 83-88.
  • Shinnar, R.; M. Pruett and B. Toney (2009). “Entrepreneurship Education: Attitudes across Campus”, Journal of Education for Business, 84(3): 151-159.
  • Smith, K. and M. Beasley (2011) “Graduate Entrepreneurs: Intentions, Barriers and Solutions. Education+ Training, 53(8/9): 722-740. Ussahawanitchakit, P. (2007) “Innovation Capability and Export Performance: An Empirical Study of Textile Business in Thailand”, International Journal of Business Strategy, 7(1): 1-9.
  • Wu, S. & L. WU (2012) “The Impact of Higher Education on Entrepreneurial Intentions of University Students in China”, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 15(14): 752-774.
  •, “The Concept of Entrepreneurıal Competency, Competency Model and Review of Earlier Studies”, Accesed Date: 12.10.2017.
  •, “Barriers and Obstacles in Starting a Business: Entrepreneurs and Prevented Entrepreneurs”, Accessed Date: 18.11.2017.
  •, “Barriers to Entrepreneurship and Business Creation”, Accessed date: 02.09.2015.
  •, Accessed Date: 23.11.2017, times accessed: 13:11.
  • http://Www.Businessdictionary.Com/Definition/Entrepreneurship.Html, Accessed Date: 1.10.2015.
  • http://Www.Econlib.Org/Library/Enc/Entrepreneurship.Html, Accessed Date: 01.10.2015

Yenilikçi İş Fikri Geliştirme Engelleri: Girişimcilik Eğitimi Alan Öğrenciler Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2017, , 120 - 135, 26.12.2017


girişimcilik süreci için en önemli koşullardan birisi yüksek potansiyeli olan
yenilikçi iş fikirleri geliştirmektir. Girişimcilik sürecinin başında
karşılaşılan bu engellerin fazlalığı, nitelikli girişimlerin oluşmasını olumsuz
etkilemektedir. Çalışmada, iş fikri geliştirme engellerinin, bireylerin
yenilikçi düzeyleri, girişimcilik yetenek ve potansiyelleri arasındaki
ilişkiler incelenmiştir. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Girişimcilik Akademisi’nden
mezun olan bireyler üzerinde yapılan çalışmada, iş fikri engelleri beş farklı
grupta toplanmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, iş fikri engelleri ile
girişimcilik potansiyeli, yetkinliği ve niyeti ile bireyin yenilikçilik düzeyi
arasında doğrusal olmayan bir ilişki saptanmıştır. Buna göre, girişimcilik niyeti
ve potansiyeli orta düzeyde olan bireylerin iş fikri engel algısının en yüksek
olduğu; niyet ve potansiyeli düşük bireylerin bu engelleri fazla önemsemediği;
niyet ve potansiyeli yüksek bireylerin ise engel algılarının en düşük düzeyde
gerçekleştiği ortaya konmuştur. Ayrıca, girişimcilik niyeti, yetkinliği ve
bireyin yenilikçilik düzeyinin, bireyin girişimcilik potansiyelini saptamada
anlamlı değişkenler olduğu saptanmıştır.


  • Aidis, R., Estrin, S. and T.M. Mickjewicz,. (2012) “Size Matters: Entrepreneurial Entry and Government”, Small Business Economics, 39(1), 119-139.
  • Baumol, W. J. (1996) “Entrepreneurship: Productive, Unproductive and Destructive”, Journal of Business Venturing, 11(1), 3-22.
  • Bates, T. (1995) “Self-Employment Entry across Industry Groups”, Journal of Business Venturing, 10(2): 143-156.
  • Bird, B. (1995) “Toward a Theory of Entrepreneurial Competency”, .In J.A.Katz & R.H.Brockhaus, Sr. (Eds), Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence, and Growth. 2,51-72. Greenwich, CN: JAI Press.
  • Man, T. W.Y.; Lau, T. and Chan, K. F. (2002) “The Competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises: A Conceptualization with Focus on Entrepreneurial Competencies”. Journal of Business Venturing, 17(2):123-142.
  • Choo, S. and Wong, M. (2006) “Entrepreneurial Intention: Triggers And Barriers To New Venture Creation In Singapore”, Singapore Management Review, 28 (2): 47-64.
  • Dana, B.C. and M. Lindita, “Global Trends ın Entrepreneurshıp Usıng 4 R’s Model”,, Accessed Date:11.10.2017.
  • Galloway, Laura and S.W. Kelly (2009) “Identifying entrepreneurial potential? An Investigation of the Identifiers and Features of Entrepreneurship”. International Review of Entrepreneurship, 7 (4):1-24.
  • Giacomin, O., F. Janssen; M. Pruett; R.S Shinnar; F. Llopis, and B. Toney (2011) “Entrepreneurial Intentions, Motivations and Barriers: Differences among American, Asian and European Students” International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 7 (2): 219-238.
  • Gorji, M.B and P. Rahimian (2011) “The Study of Barriers to Entrepreneurship In Men and Women”. Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, 1 (9): 31-36.
  • Hatala, J. P. (2005) “Identifying Barriers to Self-Employment: The Development and Validation of the Barriers to Entrepreneurship Success Tool”, Performance Improvement Quarterly, 18(4), 50-70.
  • Hisrich, R. and M. Peters (2002) “Entrepreneurship (Irwin Management)”, McGraw-Hill Higher Education 10th Edition. Aktaran: ALPKAN, L., Keskin, H., & Zehir, C. Girişimcilik Hisleriyle Girişimcilik Potansiyeli Arasındaki İlişki: Gebze Ve Civarındaki Girişimciler Üzerine Bir Saha Araştırması.
  • Hmieleski, K.M. and A.C. Corbett (2006) “Proclivity for Improvisation as a Predictor of Entrepreneurial Intentions”, Journal of Small Business Management, 44(1): 45-63.
  • Hurt, H.T., K., Joseph and C. Cook (1977) “Scales for the Measurement of Innovativeness”, Human Communication Research, 4 (1): 58-65.
  • Iakovleva, T. A.; L. Kolvereid; M.J. Gorgievski and Ø. Sørhaug, (2014) “Comparison of Perceived Barriers to Entrepreneurship in Eastern and Western European Countries”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 18(2-3):115-133.
  • Jayawarna, D., O. Jones; and A. Macpherson, (2014) “Entrepreneurial Potential: The Role of Human and Cultural Capitals”, International Small Business Journal, 32(8):918-943
  • Kaur, H. & A. Bains (2013) “Understanding the Concept of Entrepreneur Competency”, Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research (JBM&SSR), 2 (11): 31-33.
  • Kilicer, K. & H. F. Odabası, (2010) “Individual Innovativeness Scale the Study of Adaptation to Turkish, Validity and Reliability”, Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 38 (1):150-164.
  • Koh, H. C. (1996) “Testing Hypotheses of Entrepreneurial Characteristics – A Study of Hong Kong MBA Students”, Journal of Management Psychology, 11(3): 12-25.
  • Krueger, N. F. & D. V. Brazeal (1994) “Entrepreneurial Potential and Potential Entrepreneurs”. Entrepreneurship Theory And Practice, /sites/all/publications/Krueger%20and%20Brazeal%201994.pdf, Accessed Date: 12.11.2017.
  • Liñán, F; J.C. Rodríguez-Cohard; and J.M. Rueda-Cantuche (2011) “Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Intention Levels: A Role for Education”, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 7 (2):195–218.
  • Luthje, C. H. & N. Franke (2003) “The ‘Making’ of an Entrepreneur: Testing a Model of Entrepreneurial Intent Among Engineering Students at MIT”, R&D Management, 33 (2):135-147. Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  • Mario, F. (2016) “Entrepreneurship - Practice-Oriented Perspectives” ISBN 978-953-51-2761-1, Print ISBN 978-953-51-2760-4, 184 pages, Publisher: InTech. McClelland, D.C. (1961) “The Achieving Society”, New York: Collier-Macmillan.
  • Oren, K. & M. Biçkes (2011) “Kişilik Özelliklerinin Girişimcilik Potansiyeli Üzerindeki Etkileri: Nevşehir’deki Yüksek Öğrenim Öğrencileri Üzerinde Yapılan Bir Araştırma”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(3):67-86.
  • Puga, J. L.; J.G. Garcia and C.J. Cano, (2015) “A Definition of Potential Entrepreneur from a Probabilistic Point of View”, Actas del XI Congreso de Metodología de las Ciencias Sociales y de la Salud. ISBN 978-84-613-7589-9.
  • Robertson, M. Collins; N. Medeira, and J. Slater (2003) “Barriers to Start‐Up and Their Effect on Aspirant Entrepreneurs”, Education + Training, 45 (6): 308-316 .
  • Rogers, E. M. “Diffusion of Innovations” (2003) 3th Ed. New York, Simon & Schuster Press.
  • Sandhu, M.S.; S.F. Sidique and S. Riaz (2011) "Entrepreneurship Barriers and Entrepreneurial Inclination Among Malaysian Postgraduate Students", International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 17 (4): 428 – 449.
  • Smith, K. & M. BEASLEY (2011) “Graduate Entrepreneurs: İntentions, Barriers And Solutions”. Education+ Training, 53 (8/9): 722-740.
  • Sánchez, J. C. (2011) “University Training for Entrepreneurial Competencies: Its Impact on Intention of Venture Creation”. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 7(2):239-254.
  • Sarri, K. & A. TRIHOPOULOU (2005) “Female Entrepreneurs' Personal Characteristics and Motivation: A Review of the Greek Situation. Women in Management Review”, 20(1): 24-36.
  • Shane, S. & S. Venkataraman (2000) “The Promise of Entrepreneurship as a Field of Research” Academy of Management Review, 25(1): 217–226. Shapero, A. (1975). “The Displaced, Uncomfortable Entrepreneur” Psychology Today, 9 (6): 83-88.
  • Shinnar, R.; M. Pruett and B. Toney (2009). “Entrepreneurship Education: Attitudes across Campus”, Journal of Education for Business, 84(3): 151-159.
  • Smith, K. and M. Beasley (2011) “Graduate Entrepreneurs: Intentions, Barriers and Solutions. Education+ Training, 53(8/9): 722-740. Ussahawanitchakit, P. (2007) “Innovation Capability and Export Performance: An Empirical Study of Textile Business in Thailand”, International Journal of Business Strategy, 7(1): 1-9.
  • Wu, S. & L. WU (2012) “The Impact of Higher Education on Entrepreneurial Intentions of University Students in China”, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 15(14): 752-774.
  •, “The Concept of Entrepreneurıal Competency, Competency Model and Review of Earlier Studies”, Accesed Date: 12.10.2017.
  •, “Barriers and Obstacles in Starting a Business: Entrepreneurs and Prevented Entrepreneurs”, Accessed Date: 18.11.2017.
  •, “Barriers to Entrepreneurship and Business Creation”, Accessed date: 02.09.2015.
  •, Accessed Date: 23.11.2017, times accessed: 13:11.
  • http://Www.Businessdictionary.Com/Definition/Entrepreneurship.Html, Accessed Date: 1.10.2015.
  • http://Www.Econlib.Org/Library/Enc/Entrepreneurship.Html, Accessed Date: 01.10.2015
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Engin Özgül 0000-0002-1106-1744

Nuray Turan Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-3688-0287

Mustafa Yaşar Tınar 0000-0002-3522-7630

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Aralık 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

APA Özgül, E., Turan, N., & Tınar, M. Y. (2017). Obstacles of the Development of Innovative Business Ideas: A Survey on Students of Entrepreneurship Education. Girişimcilik İnovasyon Ve Pazarlama Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1(2), 120-135.
AMA Özgül E, Turan N, Tınar MY. Obstacles of the Development of Innovative Business Ideas: A Survey on Students of Entrepreneurship Education. GİPAD. Aralık 2017;1(2):120-135. doi:10.31006/gipad.364570
Chicago Özgül, Engin, Nuray Turan, ve Mustafa Yaşar Tınar. “Obstacles of the Development of Innovative Business Ideas: A Survey on Students of Entrepreneurship Education”. Girişimcilik İnovasyon Ve Pazarlama Araştırmaları Dergisi 1, sy. 2 (Aralık 2017): 120-35.
EndNote Özgül E, Turan N, Tınar MY (01 Aralık 2017) Obstacles of the Development of Innovative Business Ideas: A Survey on Students of Entrepreneurship Education. Girişimcilik İnovasyon ve Pazarlama Araştırmaları Dergisi 1 2 120–135.
IEEE E. Özgül, N. Turan, ve M. Y. Tınar, “Obstacles of the Development of Innovative Business Ideas: A Survey on Students of Entrepreneurship Education”, GİPAD, c. 1, sy. 2, ss. 120–135, 2017, doi: 10.31006/gipad.364570.
ISNAD Özgül, Engin vd. “Obstacles of the Development of Innovative Business Ideas: A Survey on Students of Entrepreneurship Education”. Girişimcilik İnovasyon ve Pazarlama Araştırmaları Dergisi 1/2 (Aralık 2017), 120-135.
JAMA Özgül E, Turan N, Tınar MY. Obstacles of the Development of Innovative Business Ideas: A Survey on Students of Entrepreneurship Education. GİPAD. 2017;1:120–135.
MLA Özgül, Engin vd. “Obstacles of the Development of Innovative Business Ideas: A Survey on Students of Entrepreneurship Education”. Girişimcilik İnovasyon Ve Pazarlama Araştırmaları Dergisi, c. 1, sy. 2, 2017, ss. 120-35, doi:10.31006/gipad.364570.
Vancouver Özgül E, Turan N, Tınar MY. Obstacles of the Development of Innovative Business Ideas: A Survey on Students of Entrepreneurship Education. GİPAD. 2017;1(2):120-35.