Intestinal atreziler yenidoğan barsak tıkanuklıklarının en sık sebebidir. Bu atrezilerin %46 sını Jejunoileal tıkanıklıklar oluşturur. Jejunoileal atreziler 4 tipe ayrılır. Olgumuz bu tiplerden hiçbirine uymamaktadır. Tip 1 ve Tip3a karışımı olarak tespit edilmiştir. Tespit ettiğimiz bu atrezide mucosal web yırtılarak açılmıştır. Intestinal atrezilerde cerrahi tedavi, erken ve doğru teşhis mortaliteyi, komplikasyonları azaltnaktadır. Sonuç olarak safralı kusma ile başvuran yenidoğanlarda intestinal atrezi hatırlanmalıdır. Bu atrezi normal tiplendirmeye uymayabilir.
Dalla Vecchia LK, Grosfeld JL, West KW, Rescorla FJ, Scherer LR, Engum SA. Intestinal atresia and stenosis: a 25-year experience with 277 cases. Arch Surg. 1998 May; 133(5):490-6; discussion 496-7.
Louw JH, Barnard CN: Congenital intestinal atresia; observations on its origin. Lancet 1955, 269:1065–1067.
Grosfeld JL, Rescorla FJ. Duodenal atresia and stenosis: reassessment of treatment and outcome based on antenatal diagnosis, pathologic variance, and long-term follow-up. World J Surg. 1993 May-Jun;17(3):301-9.
Mercado MG, Bulas DI, Chandra R. Prenatal diagnosis and management of congenital volvulus. Pediatr Radiol. 1993;23(8):601-2.
Todani T, Tabuchi K, Tanaka S. Intestinal atresia due to intrauterine intussusception: analysis of 24 cases in Japan. J Pediatr Surg. 1975; 10:445-451.
Gornall P. Management of intestinal atresia complicating gastroschisis. J Pediatr Surg. 1989; 24:522- 524.
Louw JH. Resection and end-to-end anastomosis in the management of atresia and stenosis of the small bowel. Surgery. 1967; 62:940-950.
Martin LW, Zerella JT. Jejunoileal atresia: a proposed classification. J Pediatr Surg. 1976; 11:399-403.
Grosfeld JL, Ballantine TVN, Shoemaker R. Operative management of intestinal atresia and stenosis based on pathologic findings. J Pediatr Surg. 1979; 14: 368-375.
DeLorimier AA, Fonkalsrud EW, Hays DM. Congenital atresia and stenosis of the jejunum and ileum. Surgery. 1969 May;65(5):819-27.
Unusual Case Of Jejunal Atresia: A Mixture Of Type I And Type IIIa
Intestinal atresias are a most common cause of bowel obstruction in the newborn. Jejunoileal obstruction was found in 46% of the intestinal atresia. The classification of jejunoileal atresias defined 4 types of lesions. Our case does not conform these types. A mixture of type I and type IIIa. This atresia included fenestrated mucosal web with minimal mesenteric defect. Being a life threatening surgical emergency, prompt diagnosis and opportune treatment are required to prevent mortality and other complications in intestinal atresias. In conclusion, intestinal atresias should be remembered in bilious vomiting of newborn. And intestinal atresia type may be unusual.
Dalla Vecchia LK, Grosfeld JL, West KW, Rescorla FJ, Scherer LR, Engum SA. Intestinal atresia and stenosis: a 25-year experience with 277 cases. Arch Surg. 1998 May; 133(5):490-6; discussion 496-7.
Louw JH, Barnard CN: Congenital intestinal atresia; observations on its origin. Lancet 1955, 269:1065–1067.
Grosfeld JL, Rescorla FJ. Duodenal atresia and stenosis: reassessment of treatment and outcome based on antenatal diagnosis, pathologic variance, and long-term follow-up. World J Surg. 1993 May-Jun;17(3):301-9.
Mercado MG, Bulas DI, Chandra R. Prenatal diagnosis and management of congenital volvulus. Pediatr Radiol. 1993;23(8):601-2.
Todani T, Tabuchi K, Tanaka S. Intestinal atresia due to intrauterine intussusception: analysis of 24 cases in Japan. J Pediatr Surg. 1975; 10:445-451.
Gornall P. Management of intestinal atresia complicating gastroschisis. J Pediatr Surg. 1989; 24:522- 524.
Louw JH. Resection and end-to-end anastomosis in the management of atresia and stenosis of the small bowel. Surgery. 1967; 62:940-950.
Martin LW, Zerella JT. Jejunoileal atresia: a proposed classification. J Pediatr Surg. 1976; 11:399-403.
Grosfeld JL, Ballantine TVN, Shoemaker R. Operative management of intestinal atresia and stenosis based on pathologic findings. J Pediatr Surg. 1979; 14: 368-375.
DeLorimier AA, Fonkalsrud EW, Hays DM. Congenital atresia and stenosis of the jejunum and ileum. Surgery. 1969 May;65(5):819-27.
Gunduz, M., Ciftci, İ., Gokmen, Z., Unlu, Y. (2012). Alışılmadık Jejunal Atrezi Tipi: Tip 1 Ve Tip 3a Karışımı. Çağdaş Tıp Dergisi, 2(3), 182-184.
Gunduz M, Ciftci İ, Gokmen Z, Unlu Y. Alışılmadık Jejunal Atrezi Tipi: Tip 1 Ve Tip 3a Karışımı. J Contemp Med. Eylül 2012;2(3):182-184.
Gunduz, Metin, İlhan Ciftci, Zeynel Gokmen, ve Yasar Unlu. “Alışılmadık Jejunal Atrezi Tipi: Tip 1 Ve Tip 3a Karışımı”. Çağdaş Tıp Dergisi 2, sy. 3 (Eylül 2012): 182-84.
Gunduz M, Ciftci İ, Gokmen Z, Unlu Y (01 Eylül 2012) Alışılmadık Jejunal Atrezi Tipi: Tip 1 Ve Tip 3a Karışımı. Çağdaş Tıp Dergisi 2 3 182–184.
M. Gunduz, İ. Ciftci, Z. Gokmen, ve Y. Unlu, “Alışılmadık Jejunal Atrezi Tipi: Tip 1 Ve Tip 3a Karışımı”, J Contemp Med, c. 2, sy. 3, ss. 182–184, 2012.
Gunduz, Metin vd. “Alışılmadık Jejunal Atrezi Tipi: Tip 1 Ve Tip 3a Karışımı”. Çağdaş Tıp Dergisi 2/3 (Eylül 2012), 182-184.
Gunduz M, Ciftci İ, Gokmen Z, Unlu Y. Alışılmadık Jejunal Atrezi Tipi: Tip 1 Ve Tip 3a Karışımı. J Contemp Med. 2012;2:182–184.
Gunduz, Metin vd. “Alışılmadık Jejunal Atrezi Tipi: Tip 1 Ve Tip 3a Karışımı”. Çağdaş Tıp Dergisi, c. 2, sy. 3, 2012, ss. 182-4.
Gunduz M, Ciftci İ, Gokmen Z, Unlu Y. Alışılmadık Jejunal Atrezi Tipi: Tip 1 Ve Tip 3a Karışımı. J Contemp Med. 2012;2(3):182-4.