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Programlanabilir Lojik Kontrol (PLC) Tabanlı A Sınıfı Pan Otomasyon Sistemi (CAPAS)'nin Tasarımı ve Test Edilmesi

Yıl 2021, , 1 - 10, 30.04.2021


Bu çalışmanın amacı, PLC tabanlı A Sınıfı Pan otomasyon sistemi (CAPAS)'ni tasarlamak ve bu sistemi, basınç transmiteri (PT) aracılığı ile otomatik olarak ölçülen pandaki su seviyesini (WLT) ve derinlik ölçer (DG)'le ölçülen su seviyesini (WLG) kullanarak test etmektir. Tasarlanan CAPAS, A Sınıfı Pandan hem su seviyesini dijital değerleri geciktirerek hem de hareketli ortalama yöntemi ile WLT'yi otomatik olarak ölçmüş, bu değerleri kullanarak Panı, solenoid valfi açıp/kapa yöntemiyle belirlenen ölçütlere göre doldurmuş ve WLT'yi bellek kart (SD)'ındaki bir dosyaya kaydetmiştir. WLT ve WLG, Nash-Sutcliffe verimliliği (NSE), kök ortalama kare hatası (RMSE) ve kök ortalama kare hatası / gözlemlerin standart sapma oranı (RSR) kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Ortalama WLT ve WLG'nin ortalama ± standart hatası sırasıyla 172.4 ± 1.79 ve 173.5 ± 1.66 olarak bulunmuştur. Regresyon belirleme katsayısı (R2) ve eğim, 0.992 ve 0.99 olarak belirlenmiştir. NSE ve RSR'nin değerleri, CAPAS'ın performansının arazi koşullarında WLT'yi ölçmede çok iyi olduğunu göstermiştir. Aynı zaman test sonuçlarıyla, CAPAS'ın otomasyonda belirlenen görevleri başarıyla gerçekleştirdiği belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak CAPAS, sulama otomasyon sistemlerinde kullanılması önerilmektedir.


  • ABB (2015). Getting start with AC500-eCo Starter-Kit. (Accessed to Web:10.09.2020)
  • Akim (2020). Evaporation pan. (Erişim tarihi: 08.05.2020)
  • Allen R G, Pereira LS, Raes D and Smith M (1998). Crop evapotranspiration-Guidelines for computing crop water requirements-FAO Irri. and Drainage Paper 56. FAO, Rome.
  • Asrar G, Kunze RJ and Linvill DE (1982). Automating a Class A evaporation pan forsemi-continuous recording. Agric. Meteorol., 25: 275-281.
  • Atek (2020). Pressure Transmitter. (Erişim tarihi:08.05.2020)
  • Benedict RP (1977). Fundamentals of Temperature, Pressure, and Flow Measurements. John Wiley&Sons, New York, pp 289-338.
  • Boughton WC and McPhee RJ (1987). An automatic recording Class A pan evapo-pluviometer for long-term unattended operation. Agric. For. Meteorol., 41: 21-29.
  • Brutsaert W (2006). Indications of increasing land surface evaporation during the second half of the 20th century. Geophysical Research Letters 33.
  • Burgess MD and Hanson CL (1981). Automatic Class-A pan-filling system. Journal of Hydrology 50:389-392.
  • Burn DH and Hesch NM (2007). Trends in evaporation for the Canadian Prairies. Journal of Hydrology 336: 61-73.
  • Caissie D (2011).The design of a new device to automate a class A evaporation pan. Fisheries and Oceans, Canadian Tech. Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sci. 2927, Canada.
  • Chin DA and Zhao S (1995). Evaluation of evaporation-pan networks. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 121:338-346.
  • Doorenbos J and Pruitt WO (1977). Crop water requirements. FAO Irrigation Drainage Paper No. 24, FAO, Rome, Italy.
  • Eijkelkamp (2020). Evaporation pan, standard set. (Accessed to Web:08.05.2020).
  • Ertek A (2011). Importance of pan evaporation for irrigation scheduling and proper use of crop-pan coefficient (Kcp), crop coefficient (Kc) and pan coefficient (Kp). African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6:6706-6718.
  • Ertek A, Şensoy S, Gedik I ve Küçükyumuk C (2006). Irrigation scheduling based on pan evaporation values for cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) grown under field conditions. Agricultural water management, 81:159-172.
  • Gençoğlan C, Gençoğlan S, Küçüktopcu E, Uçak AB ve Kıraç M (2013). Ultrasonik Algılayıcı Kullanarak A Sınıfı Buharlaşma Kabındaki Su Yüksekliğinin Ölçülmesi. III. Ulusal Toprak ve Su Kaynakları Kongresi. Bildiriler: 391-398. 22-24 Ekim 2013, Tokat.
  • Gençoğlan C ve Gençoğlan S (2016). Measurement of Water Height in Class A Pan using Pressure Transducer and Programmable Logic Control (PLC). Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Uludağ University 30: 35-43.
  • Gençoğlan C, Gençoğlan S, Nikpeyma Y ve Ucak A B (2019). Determination of water-yield relationship of comice pear (Pyrus Communis L.) Variety irrigated by the irrigation automation system (IAS) based on programmable logic controller (PLC). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 28:2433-2441.
  • Güngör Y, Erözel Z ve Yıldırım O (2004). Irrigation.PublishNumber:1540, Lecture Book Number:493. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ankara, Ankara/ Turkey.
  • Gupta H V, Sorooshian S and Yapo PO (1999). Status of automatic calibration for hydrologic models: Comparison with multilevel expert calibration. J. Hydrologic Eng. 4:135-143.
  • Hasanuddin MI (2019). Design and development of automatic evaporation pan system for hydrological station. Master thesis, University of Malaya.
  • Hashemian H M and Jiang J (2009). Pressure transmitter accuracy. ISA Transactions, 48:383-388.
  • Hatfield JL (1990). Methods of estimating evapotranspiration p. 435-474. In B.A. Stewart and D.R. Nielsen (Ed). Irrigation of Agricultural Crops. Agronomy. American Society of Agronomy, Inc. Publishers. Madison, Wisconsin USA.
  • Irmak S, Haman DZ and Jones JW (2002). Evaluation of Cass A pan coefficients for estimating reference evapotranspiration in humid location. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 128:153-159.
  • Jensen ME, Burman RD and Allen RG (1990). Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Water Requirements. Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No:70, ASCE, p. 332.
  • Karabacak M (2003). Industrial Electronic. Color Ofset Matbaacılık Yayıncılık, İskenderun Hatay.
  • Kovacs GTA (2003). Microsensor and microactuator complete set. Beijing, Science Press.
  • Mbajiorgu CC and Wilkie KI (1995). Automation of an Evaporation Pan for Water Level Control and Digital Recording. Proceedings Nigerian Society of Agricultural Engineers. 18-25 April 1995. Thomas Idibiye Francis Auditorium, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State. Nigeria.
  • McKinion JM and Tarent A (1985). Automation of a Class A evaporation pan. Transactions of the ASAE, 28:169-171.
  • Moriasi DN, Arnold JG, Van Liew MW, Bingner RL, Harmel RD and Veith TL (2007). Model evaluation guidelines for systematic quantification of accuracy in watershed simulations. American Society of Agri. and Biological Engineers 50: 885–890.
  • Oscat (2020). Basic:Library documentation in english, version 3.33. from /images (Accessed to Web:11.04.2020.
  • Phene CJ and Campbell RB (1975). Automating pan evaporation measurements for irrigation control. Agricultural meteorology 15:181-191.
  • Phene CJ, DeTar WR and Clark D A (1992). Real-time irrigation scheduling of cotton with an automated pan evaporation system. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 8:787-793.
  • Phene CJ, Clark DA and Cardon GE (1996). Real-time calculation of crop evapotranspiration using an automated pan evaporation system. In: Proc. Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Scheduling Conf., Nov. 3-6, San Antonio, Texas, ASAE, St. Joseph, Michigan. pp.189-194.
  • Sezer ÇÖ, Öztekin T and Cömert MM (2017). Determination of Instant Evaporation from Class A Pan with Ultrasonic Depth Meter . Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Uludag University 31:1-7.
  • Stanhill G (2002). Is the Class A evaporation pan still the most practical and accurate meteorological method for determining irrigation water requirements? Agriculture and Forest Meteorology 112:233-236.
  • Summer CJ (1963). Unattended long period evaporation recorder. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 89:414-417.
  • Thibault G and Savoie P (1989). Automatic filling and emptying of a water evaporation pan. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 3(4): 327-333.
  • Tülücü K (2002). Hydrology. Cukurova University General Publication Number:139, Lecture Book Publication Number:A-44. p:351, Adana.
  • Ünlü M, Kanber R, Koç DL, Özekici B, Kekeç U, Yeşiloğlu T, Ortaş İ, Ünlü F, Kapur B, Tekin S, Käthner J, Gebbers R, Zude M, Peeters A and Bengal A (2014). Irrigation scheduling of grapefruit trees in a Mediterranean environment throughout evaluation of plant water status and evapotranspiration. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 38: 908-915
  • Van Haveren BP (1982). An automated recording system for evaporation pans. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 18:533-536.
  • Xing Z, Chow L, Meng FR, Rees HW, Monteith J and Lionel S (2008). Testing reference evapotranspiration estimation methods using evaporation pan and modeling in Maritime Region of Canada. Journal of Irri. and Drain. Engineering 134 417-424.
  • Yahaya O, Smart B, Omoakhalen AI and Ehibor OG (2018). Development and Calibration of Automated Class A Evaporimeter. Hydrol Current Res 9: 304.
  • Yıldırım M (2016). Drip irrigation automation with a water level sensing system in a greenhouse. JAPS, Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 26: 131-138.
  • Zhao X and Wen D (2008). Fabrication and characteristics of a nano-polysilicon thin film pressure sensor. Pan Tao Ti Hsueh Pao/Chinese Journal of Semiconductors 29:2038-2042.

Designing Class A Pan Automation System (CAPAS) Based on Programmable Logic Control (PLC) And Testing

Yıl 2021, , 1 - 10, 30.04.2021


The objectives of this study are to design Class A Pan automation system (CAPAS) based on PLC and to test it using the water level (WLT) measured automatically using by pressure transmitter (PT) and water level (WLG) measured manually using by depth gauge (DG) in the Pan. The designed CAPAS measured automatically WLT through both delaying digital values readings and moving average method in Class A Pan, and switched on/off solenoid valve in filling/refilling of Pan, and saved WLT in a file on secure digital memory card (SD). WLT and WLG were evaluated using the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE), the root mean square error (RMSE) and the root mean square error to observations’ standard deviation ratio (RSR). Means ± standard error of the mean WLT and WLG were 172.4 ± 1.79 and 173.5 ± 1.66, respectively. The determination coefficient (R2) and slope of the linear regression were found as 0.992 and 0.99. The results of the NSE and RSR showed that the performance of CAPAS was very good at measuring WLT, and also test's results determined that CAPAS conducted successfully the transactions of the automation under field conditions. As a result, it is recommended that the CAPAS be used in the irrigation automation.


  • ABB (2015). Getting start with AC500-eCo Starter-Kit. (Accessed to Web:10.09.2020)
  • Akim (2020). Evaporation pan. (Erişim tarihi: 08.05.2020)
  • Allen R G, Pereira LS, Raes D and Smith M (1998). Crop evapotranspiration-Guidelines for computing crop water requirements-FAO Irri. and Drainage Paper 56. FAO, Rome.
  • Asrar G, Kunze RJ and Linvill DE (1982). Automating a Class A evaporation pan forsemi-continuous recording. Agric. Meteorol., 25: 275-281.
  • Atek (2020). Pressure Transmitter. (Erişim tarihi:08.05.2020)
  • Benedict RP (1977). Fundamentals of Temperature, Pressure, and Flow Measurements. John Wiley&Sons, New York, pp 289-338.
  • Boughton WC and McPhee RJ (1987). An automatic recording Class A pan evapo-pluviometer for long-term unattended operation. Agric. For. Meteorol., 41: 21-29.
  • Brutsaert W (2006). Indications of increasing land surface evaporation during the second half of the 20th century. Geophysical Research Letters 33.
  • Burgess MD and Hanson CL (1981). Automatic Class-A pan-filling system. Journal of Hydrology 50:389-392.
  • Burn DH and Hesch NM (2007). Trends in evaporation for the Canadian Prairies. Journal of Hydrology 336: 61-73.
  • Caissie D (2011).The design of a new device to automate a class A evaporation pan. Fisheries and Oceans, Canadian Tech. Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sci. 2927, Canada.
  • Chin DA and Zhao S (1995). Evaluation of evaporation-pan networks. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 121:338-346.
  • Doorenbos J and Pruitt WO (1977). Crop water requirements. FAO Irrigation Drainage Paper No. 24, FAO, Rome, Italy.
  • Eijkelkamp (2020). Evaporation pan, standard set. (Accessed to Web:08.05.2020).
  • Ertek A (2011). Importance of pan evaporation for irrigation scheduling and proper use of crop-pan coefficient (Kcp), crop coefficient (Kc) and pan coefficient (Kp). African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6:6706-6718.
  • Ertek A, Şensoy S, Gedik I ve Küçükyumuk C (2006). Irrigation scheduling based on pan evaporation values for cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) grown under field conditions. Agricultural water management, 81:159-172.
  • Gençoğlan C, Gençoğlan S, Küçüktopcu E, Uçak AB ve Kıraç M (2013). Ultrasonik Algılayıcı Kullanarak A Sınıfı Buharlaşma Kabındaki Su Yüksekliğinin Ölçülmesi. III. Ulusal Toprak ve Su Kaynakları Kongresi. Bildiriler: 391-398. 22-24 Ekim 2013, Tokat.
  • Gençoğlan C ve Gençoğlan S (2016). Measurement of Water Height in Class A Pan using Pressure Transducer and Programmable Logic Control (PLC). Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Uludağ University 30: 35-43.
  • Gençoğlan C, Gençoğlan S, Nikpeyma Y ve Ucak A B (2019). Determination of water-yield relationship of comice pear (Pyrus Communis L.) Variety irrigated by the irrigation automation system (IAS) based on programmable logic controller (PLC). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 28:2433-2441.
  • Güngör Y, Erözel Z ve Yıldırım O (2004). Irrigation.PublishNumber:1540, Lecture Book Number:493. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ankara, Ankara/ Turkey.
  • Gupta H V, Sorooshian S and Yapo PO (1999). Status of automatic calibration for hydrologic models: Comparison with multilevel expert calibration. J. Hydrologic Eng. 4:135-143.
  • Hasanuddin MI (2019). Design and development of automatic evaporation pan system for hydrological station. Master thesis, University of Malaya.
  • Hashemian H M and Jiang J (2009). Pressure transmitter accuracy. ISA Transactions, 48:383-388.
  • Hatfield JL (1990). Methods of estimating evapotranspiration p. 435-474. In B.A. Stewart and D.R. Nielsen (Ed). Irrigation of Agricultural Crops. Agronomy. American Society of Agronomy, Inc. Publishers. Madison, Wisconsin USA.
  • Irmak S, Haman DZ and Jones JW (2002). Evaluation of Cass A pan coefficients for estimating reference evapotranspiration in humid location. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 128:153-159.
  • Jensen ME, Burman RD and Allen RG (1990). Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Water Requirements. Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No:70, ASCE, p. 332.
  • Karabacak M (2003). Industrial Electronic. Color Ofset Matbaacılık Yayıncılık, İskenderun Hatay.
  • Kovacs GTA (2003). Microsensor and microactuator complete set. Beijing, Science Press.
  • Mbajiorgu CC and Wilkie KI (1995). Automation of an Evaporation Pan for Water Level Control and Digital Recording. Proceedings Nigerian Society of Agricultural Engineers. 18-25 April 1995. Thomas Idibiye Francis Auditorium, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State. Nigeria.
  • McKinion JM and Tarent A (1985). Automation of a Class A evaporation pan. Transactions of the ASAE, 28:169-171.
  • Moriasi DN, Arnold JG, Van Liew MW, Bingner RL, Harmel RD and Veith TL (2007). Model evaluation guidelines for systematic quantification of accuracy in watershed simulations. American Society of Agri. and Biological Engineers 50: 885–890.
  • Oscat (2020). Basic:Library documentation in english, version 3.33. from /images (Accessed to Web:11.04.2020.
  • Phene CJ and Campbell RB (1975). Automating pan evaporation measurements for irrigation control. Agricultural meteorology 15:181-191.
  • Phene CJ, DeTar WR and Clark D A (1992). Real-time irrigation scheduling of cotton with an automated pan evaporation system. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 8:787-793.
  • Phene CJ, Clark DA and Cardon GE (1996). Real-time calculation of crop evapotranspiration using an automated pan evaporation system. In: Proc. Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Scheduling Conf., Nov. 3-6, San Antonio, Texas, ASAE, St. Joseph, Michigan. pp.189-194.
  • Sezer ÇÖ, Öztekin T and Cömert MM (2017). Determination of Instant Evaporation from Class A Pan with Ultrasonic Depth Meter . Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Uludag University 31:1-7.
  • Stanhill G (2002). Is the Class A evaporation pan still the most practical and accurate meteorological method for determining irrigation water requirements? Agriculture and Forest Meteorology 112:233-236.
  • Summer CJ (1963). Unattended long period evaporation recorder. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 89:414-417.
  • Thibault G and Savoie P (1989). Automatic filling and emptying of a water evaporation pan. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 3(4): 327-333.
  • Tülücü K (2002). Hydrology. Cukurova University General Publication Number:139, Lecture Book Publication Number:A-44. p:351, Adana.
  • Ünlü M, Kanber R, Koç DL, Özekici B, Kekeç U, Yeşiloğlu T, Ortaş İ, Ünlü F, Kapur B, Tekin S, Käthner J, Gebbers R, Zude M, Peeters A and Bengal A (2014). Irrigation scheduling of grapefruit trees in a Mediterranean environment throughout evaluation of plant water status and evapotranspiration. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 38: 908-915
  • Van Haveren BP (1982). An automated recording system for evaporation pans. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 18:533-536.
  • Xing Z, Chow L, Meng FR, Rees HW, Monteith J and Lionel S (2008). Testing reference evapotranspiration estimation methods using evaporation pan and modeling in Maritime Region of Canada. Journal of Irri. and Drain. Engineering 134 417-424.
  • Yahaya O, Smart B, Omoakhalen AI and Ehibor OG (2018). Development and Calibration of Automated Class A Evaporimeter. Hydrol Current Res 9: 304.
  • Yıldırım M (2016). Drip irrigation automation with a water level sensing system in a greenhouse. JAPS, Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 26: 131-138.
  • Zhao X and Wen D (2008). Fabrication and characteristics of a nano-polysilicon thin film pressure sensor. Pan Tao Ti Hsueh Pao/Chinese Journal of Semiconductors 29:2038-2042.
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Cafer Gençoğlan 0000-0002-4559-4354

Serpil Gençoğlan 0000-0002-7390-8365

Selçuk Usta 0000-0001-8970-7333

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Gençoğlan, C., Gençoğlan, S., & Usta, S. (2021). Designing Class A Pan Automation System (CAPAS) Based on Programmable Logic Control (PLC) And Testing. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpaşa University (JAFAG), 38(1), 1-10.