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Seed and Pollen Transmission of Tomato spotted wilt orthotospovirus (TSWV) in Pepper

Yıl 2024, , 186 - 192, 31.12.2024


Orthotospovirus tomatomaculae also known by Tomato spotted wilt orthotospovirus (TSWV) is a harmful pathogen that significantly reduces crop production and quality. TSWV can infect approximately 1,000 plant species in 84 different plant families, such as tomato, pepper, lettuce, tobacco, and various types of wild plants, belonging to the Solanaceae family. TSWV is a member of the Orthotospovirus genus and is an isometric-enveloped particle. TSWV can be transmitted mechanically, seed-borne, and by nine species of thrips belonging to the genera Thrips, Scirtothrips,Frankliniella.In this study, it was determined that TSWV could be transmitted by seeds, but no transmission by pollen was detected. RT-PCR and visual assessment data demonstrate the seed transmission ability of TSWV in peppers. TSWV was detected in infected pepper seeds (seed and seed coat). Additionally, TSWV was detected in different organs of the pepper plant. TSWV was detected in the endocarp, mesocarp, exocarp, pedicel, and placenta of pepper fruit and sepal, petal, pistil, and stamen of pepper flower. After the germination of infected pepper seeds, TSWV was detected with specific primers by RT-PCR in the cotyledons and true leaves, but no symptoms were observed. These data provided information about the localization of TSWV in pepper plants and provided further evidence of TSWV seed transmission ability.


  • Antignus, Y., Lapidot, M., Ganaim, N., Cohen, J., Lachman, O., Pearlsman, M., Raccah, B., & Gera, A. (1997). Biological and molecular characterization of tomato spotted wilt virus in Israel. Phytoparasitica, 25, 319-330.
  • Carrington, J. C., Kasschau, K. D., Mahajan, S. K., & Schaad, M. C. (1996). Cell-to-cell and long-distance transport of viruses in plants. The Plant Cell, 8(10), 1669.
  • Cobos, A., Montes, N., López-Herranz, M., Gil-Valle, M., & Pagán, I. (2019). Within-host multiplication and speed of colonization as infection traits associated with plant virus vertical transmission. Journal of virology, 93(23), 10.1128/jvi. 01078-01019.
  • Coutts, B., & Jones, R. (2005). Suppressing spread of Tomato spotted wilt virus by drenching infected source or healthy recipient plants with neonicotinoid insecticides to control thrips vectors. Annals of applied biology, 146(1), 95-103.
  • Crowley, N. C. (1957). Studies on the seed transmission of plant virus diseases. Australian Journal of Biological Sciences, 10(4), 449-464.
  • de Haan, P., Wagemakers, L., Peters, D., & Goldbach, R. (1990). The S RNA segment of tomato spotted wilt virus has an ambisense character. J Gen Virol, 71 ( Pt 5), 1001-1007.
  • Ellis, M. D., Hoak, J. M., Ellis, B. W., Brown, J. A., Sit, T. L., Wilkinson, C. A., Reed, T. D., & Welbaum, G. E. (2020). Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of individual flue-cured tobacco seeds and seedlings reveals seed transmission of tobacco mosaic virus. Phytopathology, 110(1), 194-205.
  • Fidan, H., & Sari, N. (2019). Molecular characterization of resistance-breaking Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) isolate medium segment in tomato. Applied Ecology & Environmental Research, 17(2).
  • Gordillo, L. F., Stevens, M. R., Millard, M. A., & Geary, B. (2008). Screening Two Lycopersicon peruvianum Collections for Resistance to Tomato spotted wilt virus. Plant Dis, 92(5), 694-704.
  • Groves, C., German, T., Dasgupta, R., Mueller, D., & Smith, D. L. (2016). Seed transmission of Soybean vein necrosis virus: the first Tospovirus implicated in seed transmission. PloS one, 11(1), e0147342.
  • Güldür, M. E., Marcoux, G., Yürtmen, M. & Yılmaz, M.A.,. (1995). Mersin ve çevresinde yetiştirilen domateslerde zararlı yeni bir virüs: Tomato spotted wilt virus. VII. Fitopatoloji Kongresi, 26- 29 September, Adana, 303- 306.
  • Johansen, E., Edwards, M. C., & Hampton, R. O. (1994). Seed transmission of viruses: current perspectives. Annual review of phytopathology, 32(1), 363-386.
  • Jones, L. (1944). Streak and mosaic of Cineraria. Phytopathology 34:941–953.
  • Kothandaraman, S. V., Devadason, A., & Ganesan, M. V. (2016). Seed-borne nature of a begomovirus, Mung bean yellow mosaic virus in black gram. Applied microbiology and biotechnology, 100, 1925-1933.
  • Mumford, R. A., Barker, I., & Wood, K. R. (1994). The detection of tomato spotted wilt virus using the polymerase chain reaction. J Virol Methods, 46(3), 303-311.
  • Oğuz, A., Ellialtioglu, S., Çelik, N., Kabaş, A., & Zengin, S. (2009). Bazı domates hatlarının Domates lekeli solgunluk virüsü (tswv=tomato spotted wilt virus)'ne karşı reaksiyonlarının mekanik inokulasyon yöntemi ile belirlenmesi. Derim, 26(1), 40-50.
  • Prasada Rao, R., Madhavi, K. J., Reddy, A., Varaprasad, K., Nigam, S., Sharma, K., Kumar, P. L., & Waliyar, F. (2009). Non-transmission of tobacco streak virus isolate occurring in India through the seeds of some crop and weed hosts. Indian Journal of Plant Protection, 37(1&2), 92-96.
  • Reddy, D., Amin, P., McDonald, D., & Ghanekar, A. (1983). Epidemiology and control of groundnut bud necrosis and other diseases of legume crops in India caused by tomato spotted wilt virus. In: Plant Virus Epidemiology. R.T. Plumb and J.M., Thresh (eds.), Blackwell Sci. Publ., Oxford, pp 93–102.
  • Sandra, N., Tripathi, A., Dikshit, H., Mandal, B., & Jain, R. (2020). Seed transmission of a distinct soybean yellow mottle mosaic virus strain identified from India in natural and experimental hosts. Virus research, 280, 197903.
  • Sastry, K. S. (2013). Ecology and epidemiology of seed-transmitted viruses. Seed-borne plant virus diseases. 165-183.
  • Schaad, N. (1988). Inoculum thresholds of seedborne pathogens. Bacteria. Phytopathology, 78(6), 872-875.
  • Suruthi, V., Nakkeeran, S., Renukadevi, P., Malathi, V., & Rajasree, V. (2018). Evidence of seed transmission of dolichos yellow mosaic virus, a begomovirus infecting lablab-bean in India. VirusDisease, 29, 506-512.
  • Svanella-Dumas, L., Dulucq, M., Candresse, T., Gentit, P., & Foissac, X. (2000). Polyvalent detection of fruit tree tricho, capillo and foveaviruses by nested RT-PCR using degenerated and inosine containing primers (PDO RT-PCR). Acta Horticulturae. 551. 37-43. 10.17660/ActaHortic.2001.550.2.
  • Turhan, P., & Korkmaz, S. (2006). Determination of Tomato spotted wilt virus using serological and biological methods in tomatoes grown in Çanakkale Province. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi. 12. 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000478.
  • Usta., M Güller, A., Demirel, S., Korkmaz, G., & Zeynelabidin, K. (2023). New insights into tomato spotted wilt orthotospovirus (TSWV) infections in Türkiye: Molecular detection, phylogenetic analysis, and in silico docking study. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 51(3), 13245-13245.
  • Wang, H., Wu, X., Huang, X., Wei, S., Lu, Z., & Ye, J. (2022). Seed transmission of tomato spotted wilt orthotospovirus in peppers. Viruses, 14(9), 1873.
  • Zou, Y., Wang, S., Zhou, Y., Bai, J., Huang, G., Liu, X., Zhang, Y., Tang, D., & Lu, D. (2018). Transcriptional regulation of the immune receptor FLS2 controls the ontogeny of plant innate immunity. The Plant Cell, 30(11), 2779-2794.

Biberde Domates Lekeli Solgunluk Virüsünün Tohum ve Polen ile Taşınması

Yıl 2024, , 186 - 192, 31.12.2024


Orthotospovirus tomatomaculae olarakta bilinen Domates lekeli solgunluk virüsü (TSWV), ürün verimini ve kalitesini önemli ölçüde azaltan zararlı bir patojendir. TSWV, domates, biber, marul, tütün ve Solanaceae familyasına ait çeşitli yabani bitkiler gibi 84 farklı bitki familyasındaki yaklaşık 1.000 bitki türünü enfekte edebilir. TSWV, Orthotospovirüs cinsinin bir üyesi olup izometrik zarflı bir partiküldür. TSWV, mekanik olarak, tohum yoluyla ve Thrips, Scirtothrips ve Frankliniella cinslerine ait dokuz trips türü tarafından bulaşabilir. Bu çalışmada, TSWV'nin tohumlarla taşınabildiği, ancak polen yoluyla taşınma kabiliyetinin olmadığı belirlenmiştir. RT-PCR ve görsel değerlendirme verileri, TSWV'nin biberlerde tohumla taşınma kabiliyetini göstermektedir. Enfekteli biberlerden toplanan tohumlarda (tohum ve tohum kabuğu) TSWV tespit edilmiştir. Ek olarak, enfekteli, biber meyvesinin endokarp, mezokarp, ekzokarp, pedicel ve plasentasında ve biber çiçeğinin çanak yaprağı, taç yaprağı, pistili ve erkek organında TSWV saptanmıştır. Enfekteli biber tohumlarının çimlenmesinden sonra, TSWV kotiledonlarda ve gerçek yapraklarda spesifik primerler kullanılarak RT-PCR ile tespit edilmiş, ancak hiçbir simptom gözlemlenmemiştir. Bu veriler, TSWV'nin biber bitkisinde ki lokalizasyonu hakkında bilgi sağlamış ve TSWV tohum ile taşınabildiğine dair daha fazla kanıt sağlamıştır.


  • Antignus, Y., Lapidot, M., Ganaim, N., Cohen, J., Lachman, O., Pearlsman, M., Raccah, B., & Gera, A. (1997). Biological and molecular characterization of tomato spotted wilt virus in Israel. Phytoparasitica, 25, 319-330.
  • Carrington, J. C., Kasschau, K. D., Mahajan, S. K., & Schaad, M. C. (1996). Cell-to-cell and long-distance transport of viruses in plants. The Plant Cell, 8(10), 1669.
  • Cobos, A., Montes, N., López-Herranz, M., Gil-Valle, M., & Pagán, I. (2019). Within-host multiplication and speed of colonization as infection traits associated with plant virus vertical transmission. Journal of virology, 93(23), 10.1128/jvi. 01078-01019.
  • Coutts, B., & Jones, R. (2005). Suppressing spread of Tomato spotted wilt virus by drenching infected source or healthy recipient plants with neonicotinoid insecticides to control thrips vectors. Annals of applied biology, 146(1), 95-103.
  • Crowley, N. C. (1957). Studies on the seed transmission of plant virus diseases. Australian Journal of Biological Sciences, 10(4), 449-464.
  • de Haan, P., Wagemakers, L., Peters, D., & Goldbach, R. (1990). The S RNA segment of tomato spotted wilt virus has an ambisense character. J Gen Virol, 71 ( Pt 5), 1001-1007.
  • Ellis, M. D., Hoak, J. M., Ellis, B. W., Brown, J. A., Sit, T. L., Wilkinson, C. A., Reed, T. D., & Welbaum, G. E. (2020). Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of individual flue-cured tobacco seeds and seedlings reveals seed transmission of tobacco mosaic virus. Phytopathology, 110(1), 194-205.
  • Fidan, H., & Sari, N. (2019). Molecular characterization of resistance-breaking Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) isolate medium segment in tomato. Applied Ecology & Environmental Research, 17(2).
  • Gordillo, L. F., Stevens, M. R., Millard, M. A., & Geary, B. (2008). Screening Two Lycopersicon peruvianum Collections for Resistance to Tomato spotted wilt virus. Plant Dis, 92(5), 694-704.
  • Groves, C., German, T., Dasgupta, R., Mueller, D., & Smith, D. L. (2016). Seed transmission of Soybean vein necrosis virus: the first Tospovirus implicated in seed transmission. PloS one, 11(1), e0147342.
  • Güldür, M. E., Marcoux, G., Yürtmen, M. & Yılmaz, M.A.,. (1995). Mersin ve çevresinde yetiştirilen domateslerde zararlı yeni bir virüs: Tomato spotted wilt virus. VII. Fitopatoloji Kongresi, 26- 29 September, Adana, 303- 306.
  • Johansen, E., Edwards, M. C., & Hampton, R. O. (1994). Seed transmission of viruses: current perspectives. Annual review of phytopathology, 32(1), 363-386.
  • Jones, L. (1944). Streak and mosaic of Cineraria. Phytopathology 34:941–953.
  • Kothandaraman, S. V., Devadason, A., & Ganesan, M. V. (2016). Seed-borne nature of a begomovirus, Mung bean yellow mosaic virus in black gram. Applied microbiology and biotechnology, 100, 1925-1933.
  • Mumford, R. A., Barker, I., & Wood, K. R. (1994). The detection of tomato spotted wilt virus using the polymerase chain reaction. J Virol Methods, 46(3), 303-311.
  • Oğuz, A., Ellialtioglu, S., Çelik, N., Kabaş, A., & Zengin, S. (2009). Bazı domates hatlarının Domates lekeli solgunluk virüsü (tswv=tomato spotted wilt virus)'ne karşı reaksiyonlarının mekanik inokulasyon yöntemi ile belirlenmesi. Derim, 26(1), 40-50.
  • Prasada Rao, R., Madhavi, K. J., Reddy, A., Varaprasad, K., Nigam, S., Sharma, K., Kumar, P. L., & Waliyar, F. (2009). Non-transmission of tobacco streak virus isolate occurring in India through the seeds of some crop and weed hosts. Indian Journal of Plant Protection, 37(1&2), 92-96.
  • Reddy, D., Amin, P., McDonald, D., & Ghanekar, A. (1983). Epidemiology and control of groundnut bud necrosis and other diseases of legume crops in India caused by tomato spotted wilt virus. In: Plant Virus Epidemiology. R.T. Plumb and J.M., Thresh (eds.), Blackwell Sci. Publ., Oxford, pp 93–102.
  • Sandra, N., Tripathi, A., Dikshit, H., Mandal, B., & Jain, R. (2020). Seed transmission of a distinct soybean yellow mottle mosaic virus strain identified from India in natural and experimental hosts. Virus research, 280, 197903.
  • Sastry, K. S. (2013). Ecology and epidemiology of seed-transmitted viruses. Seed-borne plant virus diseases. 165-183.
  • Schaad, N. (1988). Inoculum thresholds of seedborne pathogens. Bacteria. Phytopathology, 78(6), 872-875.
  • Suruthi, V., Nakkeeran, S., Renukadevi, P., Malathi, V., & Rajasree, V. (2018). Evidence of seed transmission of dolichos yellow mosaic virus, a begomovirus infecting lablab-bean in India. VirusDisease, 29, 506-512.
  • Svanella-Dumas, L., Dulucq, M., Candresse, T., Gentit, P., & Foissac, X. (2000). Polyvalent detection of fruit tree tricho, capillo and foveaviruses by nested RT-PCR using degenerated and inosine containing primers (PDO RT-PCR). Acta Horticulturae. 551. 37-43. 10.17660/ActaHortic.2001.550.2.
  • Turhan, P., & Korkmaz, S. (2006). Determination of Tomato spotted wilt virus using serological and biological methods in tomatoes grown in Çanakkale Province. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi. 12. 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000478.
  • Usta., M Güller, A., Demirel, S., Korkmaz, G., & Zeynelabidin, K. (2023). New insights into tomato spotted wilt orthotospovirus (TSWV) infections in Türkiye: Molecular detection, phylogenetic analysis, and in silico docking study. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 51(3), 13245-13245.
  • Wang, H., Wu, X., Huang, X., Wei, S., Lu, Z., & Ye, J. (2022). Seed transmission of tomato spotted wilt orthotospovirus in peppers. Viruses, 14(9), 1873.
  • Zou, Y., Wang, S., Zhou, Y., Bai, J., Huang, G., Liu, X., Zhang, Y., Tang, D., & Lu, D. (2018). Transcriptional regulation of the immune receptor FLS2 controls the ontogeny of plant innate immunity. The Plant Cell, 30(11), 2779-2794.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Fitopatoloji, Tarımda Bitki Virolojisi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Yunus Emre Uslu 0000-0001-5930-5085

Sevdiye Yorgancı 0000-0002-5894-4819

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 5 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Uslu, Y. E., & Yorgancı, S. (2024). Seed and Pollen Transmission of Tomato spotted wilt orthotospovirus (TSWV) in Pepper. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpaşa University (JAFAG), 41(3), 186-192.