Research Article
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A Modeling Approach for Designing New Acoustic Materials

Year 2024, , 1022 - 1040, 01.09.2024


In this study, mathematical modeling design based on Sound Transmission Loss measurement results of new acoustic material samples with natural content was carried out. Using the test samples in question, transfer function of acoustic materials based on electronic filter circuit design and a transition design method for the production of new acoustic materials by utilizing the transfer function is presented. Based on the experimental results of the test samples, it is the most suitable low-pass filter structure for the proposed design. In this study, active Sallen-Key low-pass filter structure is preferred and used. Sound Transmission Losses in dB (decibels) of acoustic samples were obtained experimentally for 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hz. fundamental frequencies in the literature. Based on these data, transfer function simulation suppression gain results were obtained in TINA-TI program, active filter circuit designed, and MATLAB program. When the other results were compared in the experimental results, it was seen that very close values were obtained. It has been demonstrated that the proposed method can be used effectively in the design and examination of new acoustic materials.

Supporting Institution

Tarsus University Scientific Research Projects

Project Number

BAP: Tarsus University Scientific Research Projects Number: MF.21.006.


We thank the Administration of Tarsus University for their support.


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Year 2024, , 1022 - 1040, 01.09.2024


Project Number

BAP: Tarsus University Scientific Research Projects Number: MF.21.006.


  • [1] Europe, World Health Organization. “Night noise guidelines for Europe. World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe”, Copenhagen. ( docs/2003_08_frep_en. pdf). Accessed 26 December (2022), (2009).
  • [2] Bal Koçyiğit, F., “Acoustics in the under teenaged student’musıc classrooms”, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal (JESTECH), Technology Journal, 13(2): 107-117, (2010).
  • [3] Bal Koçyiğit, F., “Railway vibrations transmitted through the ground and the effect of vibrations on building case study from”, Ankara Technology, 13(2): 71-83, (2010).
  • [4] Buluklu, H. M., Koçyiğit, F. B., Köse, E., “Analysis of different methods of suppressing generator noise reaching indoor noise”, European Mechanical Science, 6(3): 161-178, e-ISSN: 2587-1110, (2022).
  • [5] Nazlıer, M., “Industrial Plant Fires. Engineer and Machine Current”, Local Periodical, 60(718): S: 23, (2019).
  • [6] Verschaffel, L., Greer, B., De Corte, E., “Everyday knowledge and mathematical modeling of school word problems. Symbolizing, modeling and tool use in mathematics education”, 257-276., (2002)
  • [7] Vidinlimen, G. T., “Acoustic properties and analysis of porous materials used in automotive industry”, (Doctoral dissertation, Institute of Science, (2010).
  • [8] Mareze, P. H., Brandão, E., Fonseca, W. D. A., Silva, O. M., and Lenzi, A., “Modeling of acoustic porous material absorber using rigid multiple micro-ducts network: Validation of the proposed model”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 443: 376-396, (2019).
  • [9] Kurtay, C., Eryıldız, D. I., Harputlugil, G. U., “Acoustical performance evaluation of Mimar Kemaleddin hall and alternatives for performance improvement”, Journal of Gazi University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, (J. Fac. Eng. Arch. Gazi Univ.), 23(3): 557-568, (2008).
  • [10] Buluklu, H. M., Bal Koçyiğit, F., Köse, E., “Low-Cost Alpha Cabin like test box proposal for the development of new acoustic sound insulation materials”, Gazi University Journal of Science. DOI: 10.35378/gujs.1010472, (2022)
  • [11] Antoniou, A., “Digital signal processing. Signals Systems and Filters”, McGraw-Hill New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi San Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto, (2006).
  • [12] Rumapea, H., Sitompul, D., Manalu, D.R., “Designing a media of active learning for teaching the passive high pass filter (PHPF) by developing its bode plot by using excel”. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 16(8): 645-650, (2021).
  • [13] Pactitis, S. A., “Active filters: theory and design”, CRC Press, (2018).
  • [14] Kalyani, V. L., Sharma, V., “Different types of optical filters and their realistic application”, Journal of Management Engineering and Information Technology (JMEIT), 3(3): (2016).
  • [15] Kuphaldt, T.R., “Electric circuits II alternating current bellingham technical college”, (2022).
  • [16] Kalyani, V., Jadam, K., Padonia, K., Gupta, E., “Different types of active universal filters and their various applications”, Journal Of Management Engineering And Information Technology, 3(4): (2016).
  • [17] Hiçdurmaz, B., Durak, F. E., Özyön, S., “The estimation of Bessel type low-pass active filter parameters with charged system search algorithm”, International Scientific and Vocational Studies Journal, 3(2): 67-75, (2019).
  • [18] Song, J., “Low-pass filter design and sampling theorem verification”, In AIP conference proceedings, AIP Publishing LLC, 1971(1): 040017, (June, 2018).
  • [19] Kuyu, Y. Ç., Vatansever, F., “Design of IIR digital filters using the current evolutionary algorithm”, Published in 5th International Symposium on Innovative Technologies in Engineering and Science, (ISITES2017 Baku- Azerbaijan), (29-30 September 2017).
  • [20] Jurišić, D., Mijat, N., Moschytz, G. S., “Design of Fourth-Order Band-Pass Active-RC Filters Using a “Lossy” Low-pass to Band-pass Transformation”, In presentation on European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, (August 2021).
  • [21] Durrani, Y. A., “Design of Fourth Order Active Band-Pass Filter With Sallen and Key Topology”, University of Engineering and Technology Taxila Technical Journal, 21(3): 51, (2016).
  • [22] Rüstemli, S., Cengiz, M. S., Dinçer, F., “Harmonics Elimination and Simulation Using of Active Filters at Power Plants”, Bitlis Eren University (BEU) Journal of Science, 2(1): 30-38, (2013).
  • [23] Özer, E., “Designing of active harmonic filter for low power applications”, Ph.D. Thesis, Istanbul University, Institute of Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Istanbul, (2015).
  • [24] Yildiz, S., Aksen, A., Kilinc, S., Yarman, S. B., “Low pass filter design with improved stop‐band suppression and synthesis with transformer‐free ladders”, The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Circuits, Devices & Systems, 15(6): 504-510, (2021).
  • [25] Mülazımoğlu, C., Bağcı, F., Karakaya, E., Can, S., Yılmaz, A. E., “Akaoğlu, B. Low-pass microstrip using electronic band-gap structures filter design”, URSI-Turkey’2016 VIII. Scientific Congress, ODTÜ, Ankara, (1-3 September 2016)
  • [26] Tekin, K., Güler, H., “CCCII+ Based Band-Pass Filter Design for EEG Analysis”, Fırat University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 34(1): 133-144, (2022).
  • [27] Bal Koçyiğit, F., “MMR 672 Building Acoustics Theory Lecture Notes”, tr/course/view.php?id=3771, (Accessed 27 December 2022).
  • [28] Stephens, R., “Active filters using current-feedback amplifiers, Analog Applications”, (2004).
  • [29] Banerjee, A., “Automated Electronic Filter Design”, Springer, (2017).
  • [30] Buluklu, H. M., Bal Koçyiğit, F., Köse, E., “Experimental Analysis of Different Materials Produced from Organic Wastes Grown in Turkey and Can Provide High Sound Transmission Loss (Under Review).
  • [31] Filter Design and Implementation, Mat lab%20 Filter%20Design%20and%20Implementation.pdf, (Accessed 11 September 2022).
  • [32] Kaya, T., “Digital filter design with genetic algorithm”, Fırat University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering, 74, Elazığ, (2006).
  • [33] Winder, S., Analog and digital filter design, Elsevier, (2002).
  • [34] Dela, A., Shtylla, B., de Pillis, L., “Multi-method global sensitivity analysis of mathematical models”, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 546, 111159. (2022).
  • [35] Kugelstadt, T., “Active filter design techniques, In Op amps for everyone”, 365-438, Newnes, (2009).
  • [36] Kuhn, K. A., Sallen-Key Low-pass Filter, March 9, (rev. Jan. 2, 2016), (2013).
  • [37] › downloadfile›egunay, (Accessed 26 December 2022).
  • [38] pdf, (Accessed 26 December 2022).
  • [39], (Accessed 10 September 2022).
  • [40] Podder, P., Hasan, M., Islam, M., Sayeed, M. “Design and implementation of Butterworth, Chebyshev-I and elliptic filter for speech signal analysis”. arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.03130, (2020).
  • [41] Sallen-Key Low-pass Filter Design Tool (, (Accessed 10 September 2022).
  • [42] İmamoğlu, H., Bağdatlı, S. M., “MATLAB Simulink of engineering problems mathematical modeling with the support of the program”, Soma Vocational School Journal of Technical Sciences, 1(33): 1-15, (2022).
  • [43] (Accessed 28.12.2022).
  • [44] Yan, X. P., Liu, F. B., Zhang, C. H., “Multiple stability switches and Hopf bifurcation in a damped harmonic oscillator with delayed feedback”, Nonlinear Dynamics, 99(3): 2011-2030, (2020).
  • [45] Cong, S., James Hu, S. L., Li, H. J., “Model updating methods using complex eigenvalues: sensitivity-based versus cross-model cross-mode”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 147(4): 04021013, (2021).
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Acoustics and Noise Control (Excl. Architectural Acoustics)
Journal Section Architecture & City and Urban Planning

Hatice Mehtap Buluklu 0000-0002-1912-9598

Ercan Köse 0000-0001-9814-6339

Filiz Bal Koçyiğit 0000-0003-4191-0724

Project Number BAP: Tarsus University Scientific Research Projects Number: MF.21.006.
Early Pub Date February 18, 2024
Publication Date September 1, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Buluklu, H. M., Köse, E., & Bal Koçyiğit, F. (2024). A Modeling Approach for Designing New Acoustic Materials. Gazi University Journal of Science, 37(3), 1022-1040.
AMA Buluklu HM, Köse E, Bal Koçyiğit F. A Modeling Approach for Designing New Acoustic Materials. Gazi University Journal of Science. September 2024;37(3):1022-1040. doi:10.35378/gujs.1314894
Chicago Buluklu, Hatice Mehtap, Ercan Köse, and Filiz Bal Koçyiğit. “A Modeling Approach for Designing New Acoustic Materials”. Gazi University Journal of Science 37, no. 3 (September 2024): 1022-40.
EndNote Buluklu HM, Köse E, Bal Koçyiğit F (September 1, 2024) A Modeling Approach for Designing New Acoustic Materials. Gazi University Journal of Science 37 3 1022–1040.
IEEE H. M. Buluklu, E. Köse, and F. Bal Koçyiğit, “A Modeling Approach for Designing New Acoustic Materials”, Gazi University Journal of Science, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 1022–1040, 2024, doi: 10.35378/gujs.1314894.
ISNAD Buluklu, Hatice Mehtap et al. “A Modeling Approach for Designing New Acoustic Materials”. Gazi University Journal of Science 37/3 (September 2024), 1022-1040.
JAMA Buluklu HM, Köse E, Bal Koçyiğit F. A Modeling Approach for Designing New Acoustic Materials. Gazi University Journal of Science. 2024;37:1022–1040.
MLA Buluklu, Hatice Mehtap et al. “A Modeling Approach for Designing New Acoustic Materials”. Gazi University Journal of Science, vol. 37, no. 3, 2024, pp. 1022-40, doi:10.35378/gujs.1314894.
Vancouver Buluklu HM, Köse E, Bal Koçyiğit F. A Modeling Approach for Designing New Acoustic Materials. Gazi University Journal of Science. 2024;37(3):1022-40.