Research Article
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Peninsula in İstanbul

Year 2012, Volume: 25 Issue: 1, 235 - 243, 24.01.2012



  • Austin, N.K., “Managing Heritage Attractions: Marketing Challenges at Sensitive Historical Sites”, International Journal of Tourism Research, 4 (6): 447-457, (2002).
  • Mc Manamon, F. P., Hatton, A., Cultural Resource Management in Contemporary Society, Routledge, London and New York, (2000).
  • UNESCO -1972, Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage,, (2010).
  • Ahmad, Y., “The scope and definitions of heritage: from tangible to intangible”, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 12 (3): 292-300,(2006).
  • ICOMOS-2008, The International Council on Monuments and Sites, olutions/pdf/GA16_Resolutions_final_EN.pdf (2010).
  • Turnpenny, M., “Cultural Heritage, An III-defined Concept? A Call for Joined-up Policy”, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 10 (3): 295-307, (2004).
  • Masser, I., Sviden, O., Wegener, M., “What New Heritage for Which New Europe, Some Contextual Consideration”, Building A New Heritage- Tourism, Culture, and Identity in the New Europe, Routledge, London, (1994).
  • Ashworth, G.J., “Form History to Heritage, From Heritage to Identity: In Search of Concepts and Models”, Building A New Heritage- Tourism, Culture, and Identity in the New Europe, Routledge, London, (1994).
  • Howard, P., Heritage Management, Interpretation, Identity, MPG Books, London and New York, (2005).
  • Lennon, J., Cultural Heritage Management, Managing Protected Areas: A Global Guide, Earthscan, London, 448-473, (2006).
  • Gültekin, N.,Yürü N., “Kentsel sit alanlarında alan yönetimi”, Kent Yönetimi, İnsan ve Çevre Sorunları’08 Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, İstanbul,159-168, (2009).
  • Madran, E., “Kültürel miras yönetimi, Kent Yönetimi, Sempozyumu’08 Bildiriler Kitabı, İstanbul, 203- 208, (2009).
  • Lyon, S. W., “Balancing values of outstanding universality with conservation and management at three united kingdom cultural world heritage sites”, Journal of Heritage Tourism, 2 (1): 53-63, (2007).
  • UNESCO-1988, Guidelines for the Management of
  • World Heritage Sites, (2010).
  • ICOMOS-1990, Charter for the Protection and Management of the Archaeological Heritage, http://www.icomos/icahm/documents/charter.html, (2010). [16]
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  • Scientific Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management,
  •, (2010).
  • UNESCO-2007, Guidelines for the Management of World Heritage Sites, 12e.pdf, (2010).
  • Mc Kercher, B., Cros, D. H., Cultural Tourism: The Partnership between Tourism and Cultural Heritage Management, the Haworth Hospitality Press, New York, (2002).
  • Kerber, J.E., Cultural Resource Management: Archeological Research, Bergin & Carvey, London, (1994).
  • Orbaşlı, A., Tourists in Historic Towns: Urban Conservation and Heritage Management, E & FN Spon, London, New York, (2000).
  • UNESCO-2008, Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention,, (2010).
  • Feilden, B., Jokilehto, J., Management Guidelines for World Cultural Heritage Sites, ICCROM, Roma, (1998).
  • Karpati, T.H., Management of World Heritage Sites, VDM Verlag Dr. Müler Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG., Germany, (2008).
  • Thomas, L., Middleton, J., Guidelines for Management Planning of Protected Areas- World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), IUCN- The World Conservation Union, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, (2003).
  • Chape S., Spalding, M., Jenkins, M.D., The World’s
  • Protected Areas; Status, Values and Prospects in the 21st Monitoring Centre, Berkeley, (2008).
  • Karpuz H., “Koruma Alanlarında Alan Yönetimi Kapsamında Tarihi Yarımada”, MSc Thesis, Mimar Sinan University, Institute of Science, İstanbul, 18- 22, (2009).
  • Yürü, N., Kentsel Sit Alan Yönetimi, İstanbul- Beyoğlu Örneği, MSc. Thesis (unpublished), Gazi University, Institute of Science, Ankara, 21-29, (2009)
  • Cleere, H., Archaeological Resource Management in the UK, Allan Sutton Publishing, UK, (1993).
  • Cleere, H., “Management plans for archaeological sites: a world heritage template”, Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites, 12 (1): 4-12, (2010).
  • 2005 Edinburgh Management Plan, WHS Management Plan of Edinburg, heritage/managing-the-world-heritage-site/whs- management-plan, (2010).
  • 2003-2011 Heritage Conservation Management Plan of Liverpool, olicies.htm#HERITAGEPOM, (2010).
  • Syracuse and The Rocky Necropolis of Pantalica Management Plan, Proposal for Inclusion in The World Heritage List, UNESCO, (2005).
  • Orbaşlı, A., Architectural Conservation: Principle and Practise, Blackwell Science, Oxford, (2008).
  • Gültekin, N., “Kentsel korumada yenileme tercihli yasal yaptırımlar”, Kent ve Bölge Üzerine Çalışmalar, GÜ. İletişim Fakültesi Matbaası, Ankara, 385-398, (2007).
  • Kellinger, M.P., Avebury World Heritage Site: Megaliths, Management Plans and Monitoring, Recent Developments in Research and Management at World Heritage Sites, Oxford Archaeology, Oxford, 30-41, (2007).
  • Leask, A., World Heritage Site Designation, Managing World Heritage Sites, Elsevier, Oxford, (2006).
  • Kuban, D., İstanbul-Bir Kent Tarihi, İş Bankası Yayın., İstanbul, (2011).
  • UNESCO-WHC-2003, World Heritage Center, 27th Session of The Committee, s/, (2010).
  • UNESCO- 2005, International Conference on World Heritage and Contemporary Architecture, activity-48-3.doc, (2010).
  • UNESCO-WHC-2006, World Heritage Center, 30th Session of The Committee, COM/documents/, (2010).
  • UNESCO-WHC-2008, World Heritage Center, 32nd Session of The Committee, s/, (2010).
  • Tarihi Yarımada, kurulu-tarihi-...,(2010).
  • UNESCO-WHC-2009, World Heritage Center, 33rd Session of The Committee, s/,(2010).
  • İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality, TR/Pages/Haber.aspx?NewsID=18632 (2010).

Cultural Heritage Management: The Case of Historical Peninsula in İstanbul

Year 2012, Volume: 25 Issue: 1, 235 - 243, 24.01.2012


Despite its being defined according to different criteria at the national and international levels, involved countries follow guidebooks prepared by The World Heritage Committee. In this cooperation, management models in line with governance and local ownership principle are being developed. In Turkey, too, the legal regulations concerning the management of cultural heritage, dated 2004, are based on international preservation by laws/charters. Thus, this article evaluates this process through İstanbul Historical Sites, and derives clues as to how management can be developed for the purpose of cultural heritage sustainability not only for the world heritage but also the national level. 



  • Austin, N.K., “Managing Heritage Attractions: Marketing Challenges at Sensitive Historical Sites”, International Journal of Tourism Research, 4 (6): 447-457, (2002).
  • Mc Manamon, F. P., Hatton, A., Cultural Resource Management in Contemporary Society, Routledge, London and New York, (2000).
  • UNESCO -1972, Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage,, (2010).
  • Ahmad, Y., “The scope and definitions of heritage: from tangible to intangible”, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 12 (3): 292-300,(2006).
  • ICOMOS-2008, The International Council on Monuments and Sites, olutions/pdf/GA16_Resolutions_final_EN.pdf (2010).
  • Turnpenny, M., “Cultural Heritage, An III-defined Concept? A Call for Joined-up Policy”, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 10 (3): 295-307, (2004).
  • Masser, I., Sviden, O., Wegener, M., “What New Heritage for Which New Europe, Some Contextual Consideration”, Building A New Heritage- Tourism, Culture, and Identity in the New Europe, Routledge, London, (1994).
  • Ashworth, G.J., “Form History to Heritage, From Heritage to Identity: In Search of Concepts and Models”, Building A New Heritage- Tourism, Culture, and Identity in the New Europe, Routledge, London, (1994).
  • Howard, P., Heritage Management, Interpretation, Identity, MPG Books, London and New York, (2005).
  • Lennon, J., Cultural Heritage Management, Managing Protected Areas: A Global Guide, Earthscan, London, 448-473, (2006).
  • Gültekin, N.,Yürü N., “Kentsel sit alanlarında alan yönetimi”, Kent Yönetimi, İnsan ve Çevre Sorunları’08 Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, İstanbul,159-168, (2009).
  • Madran, E., “Kültürel miras yönetimi, Kent Yönetimi, Sempozyumu’08 Bildiriler Kitabı, İstanbul, 203- 208, (2009).
  • Lyon, S. W., “Balancing values of outstanding universality with conservation and management at three united kingdom cultural world heritage sites”, Journal of Heritage Tourism, 2 (1): 53-63, (2007).
  • UNESCO-1988, Guidelines for the Management of
  • World Heritage Sites, (2010).
  • ICOMOS-1990, Charter for the Protection and Management of the Archaeological Heritage, http://www.icomos/icahm/documents/charter.html, (2010). [16]
  • ICOMOS- ICAHM-1990, The International
  • Scientific Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management,
  •, (2010).
  • UNESCO-2007, Guidelines for the Management of World Heritage Sites, 12e.pdf, (2010).
  • Mc Kercher, B., Cros, D. H., Cultural Tourism: The Partnership between Tourism and Cultural Heritage Management, the Haworth Hospitality Press, New York, (2002).
  • Kerber, J.E., Cultural Resource Management: Archeological Research, Bergin & Carvey, London, (1994).
  • Orbaşlı, A., Tourists in Historic Towns: Urban Conservation and Heritage Management, E & FN Spon, London, New York, (2000).
  • UNESCO-2008, Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention,, (2010).
  • Feilden, B., Jokilehto, J., Management Guidelines for World Cultural Heritage Sites, ICCROM, Roma, (1998).
  • Karpati, T.H., Management of World Heritage Sites, VDM Verlag Dr. Müler Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG., Germany, (2008).
  • Thomas, L., Middleton, J., Guidelines for Management Planning of Protected Areas- World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), IUCN- The World Conservation Union, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, (2003).
  • Chape S., Spalding, M., Jenkins, M.D., The World’s
  • Protected Areas; Status, Values and Prospects in the 21st Monitoring Centre, Berkeley, (2008).
  • Karpuz H., “Koruma Alanlarında Alan Yönetimi Kapsamında Tarihi Yarımada”, MSc Thesis, Mimar Sinan University, Institute of Science, İstanbul, 18- 22, (2009).
  • Yürü, N., Kentsel Sit Alan Yönetimi, İstanbul- Beyoğlu Örneği, MSc. Thesis (unpublished), Gazi University, Institute of Science, Ankara, 21-29, (2009)
  • Cleere, H., Archaeological Resource Management in the UK, Allan Sutton Publishing, UK, (1993).
  • Cleere, H., “Management plans for archaeological sites: a world heritage template”, Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites, 12 (1): 4-12, (2010).
  • 2005 Edinburgh Management Plan, WHS Management Plan of Edinburg, heritage/managing-the-world-heritage-site/whs- management-plan, (2010).
  • 2003-2011 Heritage Conservation Management Plan of Liverpool, olicies.htm#HERITAGEPOM, (2010).
  • Syracuse and The Rocky Necropolis of Pantalica Management Plan, Proposal for Inclusion in The World Heritage List, UNESCO, (2005).
  • Orbaşlı, A., Architectural Conservation: Principle and Practise, Blackwell Science, Oxford, (2008).
  • Gültekin, N., “Kentsel korumada yenileme tercihli yasal yaptırımlar”, Kent ve Bölge Üzerine Çalışmalar, GÜ. İletişim Fakültesi Matbaası, Ankara, 385-398, (2007).
  • Kellinger, M.P., Avebury World Heritage Site: Megaliths, Management Plans and Monitoring, Recent Developments in Research and Management at World Heritage Sites, Oxford Archaeology, Oxford, 30-41, (2007).
  • Leask, A., World Heritage Site Designation, Managing World Heritage Sites, Elsevier, Oxford, (2006).
  • Kuban, D., İstanbul-Bir Kent Tarihi, İş Bankası Yayın., İstanbul, (2011).
  • UNESCO-WHC-2003, World Heritage Center, 27th Session of The Committee, s/, (2010).
  • UNESCO- 2005, International Conference on World Heritage and Contemporary Architecture, activity-48-3.doc, (2010).
  • UNESCO-WHC-2006, World Heritage Center, 30th Session of The Committee, COM/documents/, (2010).
  • UNESCO-WHC-2008, World Heritage Center, 32nd Session of The Committee, s/, (2010).
  • Tarihi Yarımada, kurulu-tarihi-...,(2010).
  • UNESCO-WHC-2009, World Heritage Center, 33rd Session of The Committee, s/,(2010).
  • İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality, TR/Pages/Haber.aspx?NewsID=18632 (2010).
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Architecture & City and Urban Planning

Nevin Gultekın

Publication Date January 24, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 25 Issue: 1


APA Gultekın, N. (2012). Cultural Heritage Management: The Case of Historical Peninsula in İstanbul. Gazi University Journal of Science, 25(1), 235-243.
AMA Gultekın N. Cultural Heritage Management: The Case of Historical Peninsula in İstanbul. Gazi University Journal of Science. January 2012;25(1):235-243.
Chicago Gultekın, Nevin. “Cultural Heritage Management: The Case of Historical Peninsula in İstanbul”. Gazi University Journal of Science 25, no. 1 (January 2012): 235-43.
EndNote Gultekın N (January 1, 2012) Cultural Heritage Management: The Case of Historical Peninsula in İstanbul. Gazi University Journal of Science 25 1 235–243.
IEEE N. Gultekın, “Cultural Heritage Management: The Case of Historical Peninsula in İstanbul”, Gazi University Journal of Science, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 235–243, 2012.
ISNAD Gultekın, Nevin. “Cultural Heritage Management: The Case of Historical Peninsula in İstanbul”. Gazi University Journal of Science 25/1 (January 2012), 235-243.
JAMA Gultekın N. Cultural Heritage Management: The Case of Historical Peninsula in İstanbul. Gazi University Journal of Science. 2012;25:235–243.
MLA Gultekın, Nevin. “Cultural Heritage Management: The Case of Historical Peninsula in İstanbul”. Gazi University Journal of Science, vol. 25, no. 1, 2012, pp. 235-43.
Vancouver Gultekın N. Cultural Heritage Management: The Case of Historical Peninsula in İstanbul. Gazi University Journal of Science. 2012;25(1):235-43.