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Chaos Theory and Modern Jurisprudence: An Essay on Deconstruction of Parameters’ Order and Linearity Peer-Reviewed Article (Hakemli Makale)

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 7 - 32, 01.12.2017


C haos theory is a new approach model which has filled an important gap in the analysis of disorder and nonlinear behaviors of dynamic systems. It has recently been noticed to present a fairly useful theoretical and methodological framework for social sciences as well as physical sciences. Accordingly, this study aims to perform a theoretical analysis regarding the contributions of chaos theory to modern jurisprudence in terms of disorder and nonlinearity parameters. As a result of this theoretical examination, chaos theory was found to become a new theoretical model developing in the scope of postmodern paradigm which can be an alternative to pro-order, linear and deterministic character of modern paradigm. It was also analyzed the possible availability of some chaos theory basic principles such as butterfly effect, bifurcation, entropy and irreversibility in examining what kind of legal problems


  • AKALIN, Esin, “Chaos in Mythology”, II. National Symposium on Chaos, Logic, Mathematics and Philosophy, (21-24 September 2004), İstanbul Culture University Publications, Number: 49, İstanbul, 2004, (pp. 21-30).
  • AKBABA, Sadegül/ALTUN, Arif. 2001. “Chaos and Management”, X. National Congress on Educational Sciences (7–9 June 2001), Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Bolu, 2001.
  • ARONNE, Ricardo, “An Introduction to the Juridical System, Private Law and Chaos, Summary Prisms of a Research on Civil-constitutional Law”, IX. International Chas Conference, 2006, http://bdjur.;, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
  • BAUMAN, Zygmund, Postmodernity and its Discontinents (Trans: İ. Türkmen), Ayrıntı Publication, İstanbul, 2000.
  • ÇORBACIOĞLU, Sıtkı, “Socio-technical Systems which is Self-adapted the Changing in Their Environments and Disaster Management” TODAIE, Journal of Contemporary Local Governments, Year: 2005, Volume: 14, Number: 2, (pp. 43-60).
  • DÜRÜŞKEN, Çiğdem, “An Etymological Analysis of Chaos and Cosmos” II. National Symposium on Chaos, Logic, Mathematics and Philosophy, (21-24 September 2004), İstanbul Culture University Publications, Number: 49, İstanbul, 2004, (pp. 5-11).
  • ERDEMİR, Erkan, “The Effects of Postmodernism on Business Management: A Conceptual Analysis”, e-Academy Journall, Year: 2006, Volume 52 (June), eerdemir-1.htm, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
  • EREN, Ercan, Common Grounds in New Economics, Year: 2010, makaleler/eren0013/pdf, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
  • GLEICK, James. Chaos: Making a New Science. Penguin Books, New York, 1987.
  • GLEICK, James, Chaos, (Trans: F. Üçcan), TUBITAK, Popular Science Books, Ankara, 1995.
  • HANDLER, Darren, “An Island of Chaos Surrounded by a Sea of Confusion: The E911 Wireless Device Location Initiative”, Virginia Journal of Law & Technology, Year: 2005, Volume: 10, Number: 1 (Winter), (pp.1–15).
  • KENDİRLİ, Selçuk, “Chaos Theorem in Portfolio Management.” İstanbul Culture University Journal of Physical and Engineering Sciences, Year: 2006, Volume: 4, Number: 2, (pp. 171–180).
  • KIEL, L. Douglas/ELLIOT, Euel W. (Eds.), Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences, Foundations and Applications, University of Michigan Press, Michigan, 1997, id=K46kkMXnKfcC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=f alse (Access date: 1.11.2017).
  • KOÇEL, Tamer, Business Management, Beta Printing Inc. Company, İstanbul, 2003.
  • LASZLO, Ervin. Die Neugestaltung der Vernetzten Welt: Global Denken - Global Handeln, (Trans: İ. S. Canbolat), 3rd Edition, Nobel Publications, Ankara, 2004.
  • LETT, Margaret, “A Case for Chaos Theory in Nursing”, Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, Year: 2001, Volume: 18, Number: 3, (pp. 14-19).
  • MACKEY, Linn, Is Chaos Theory Postmodern Science?, mackey.htm, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
  • MITROVIC, Dragan, “The New Path of Law, from Theory of Chaos to Theory of Law.” Law and Politics, Year: 2001, Volume: 1, Number: 5, (pp. 605–612).
  • MURPHY, Robert P, Chaos Theory, Two Essays on Market Anarchy, Ludwig Von Mises Institute Publishing, Auburn, Alabama, 2010, pdf?file=1&type=document, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
  • OESTREICHER, Christian, “A History of Chaos Theory”, Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, Year: 2007, Volume: 9, Number: 3, (s. 279-289),, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
  • ÖGE, Serdar, “Order or Disorder (Chaos)? An Evaluation for Sustainability of Organizational Integrity.” Selçuk University Journal of Social Sciences, Year: 2005, Volume: 13, (pp. 285–303).
  • PAMUK, Nihat, “Determination of Chaotic Time Series in Dynamic Systems”, Journal of Balikesir University Institute of Science and Technology, Year: 2013, Volume: 15, Number:1, (pp. 78-92).
  • PENNER, James/MELISSARIS, Emmanuel, McCoubrey & White’s Textbook on Jurisprudence, 5th Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012.
  • PIPER, Barnabas, “A Justice Paradox:  Sandusky’s Conviction Doesn’t Ease the Pain.” Byfaith, Year: 2012, June 28,, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
  • PLAZA y Font/JOAN Pere/DANDOY, Regis, “Chaos Theory and its Application in Political Science”, IPSA- AISP World Congress, (9-13 July 2006), Fukuoka, Japan, 2006, http://hdl.handle. net/2078.1/176425 (Access date: 19.11.2017).
  • PRIGOGINE, İlya/STENGERS, Isabelle, Order Out of Chaos, Man’s New Dialogue of Nature, (Trans: S. Demirci), İz Publishing, İstanbul, 1998.
  • SCOTT, Robert E, “Chaos Theory and the Justice Paradox”, William and Marry Law Review, Year: 1993, Volume: 35, Number: 1, (pp. 329–351).
  • URAL, Şafak. “Chaos of the Cosmos.” II. National Symposium on Chaos, Logic, Mathematics and Philosophy, (21-24 September 2004), İstanbul Culture University Publications, Number: 49, İstanbul, 2004, (pp.353-363).
  • URI, Merry, Coping with Uncertainity, Praeger Publication, Westport, 1995.
  • VETRI, Dominick, “Order out of Chaos: Products Liability Design-defect Law”, University of Richmond Law Review, Year: 2009, Volume: 43, Number: 4 (May), (pp. 1373–1457).
  • WILLIAMS, Christopher R./ARRIGO, Bruce A., Law, Psychology and Justice, Chaos Theory and the New Dis(order), State University of New York Press, Albany, 2002, (Access date 1.11.2015), http://
  • YARDIM, Funda E,/AFACAN, Erkan, “The Simulation of a Chaotic Communication System by Using Lorenz-based Differential Chaos Shift Keying (DCSK) Model” Gazi University Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Year: 2010. Volume: 25, Number: 1, (pp. 101–110).
  • YOUNG, T. R, A Constitutive Theory of Justice: Architecture and Content, The Red Feather Institute, Year: 18 September 1996- 26 June 1997, vol-1-intro/004constjustice.html, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
  • Chaos Theory, Part 1,, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
  • Chaos Theory,, (Accessed November 1, 2015).
  • Chaos Theory Simplified,, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
  • Chaos Theory,, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
  • Chaos Theory,, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
  • Evolution Theory and Law of Entropy, The second Law of Thermodynamics Invalidates Evolution Theory,, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
  • What is Deduction, Deduction Types, and Historical Development, sosyoloji/131665-tumdengelim-deduksiyon-nedir-tumdengelim-cesitleri-tarihsel-gelisimi.html, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).

Kaos Teorisi ve Modern Hukuk Bilimi: Düzen ve Doğrusallık Parametrelerinin Yapı Sökümü Üzerine Bir Deneme

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 7 - 32, 01.12.2017


Kaos teorisi, dinamik sistemlerin düzensiz ve doğrusal olmayan davranışlarının analizinde önemli bir boşluğu dolduran yeni bir yaklaşım modelidir. Son zamanlarda teorinin fen bilimleri gibi sosyal bilimler için de oldukça kullanışlı bir teorik ve metodolojik çerçeve sunduğu fark edilmiştir. Buna isti-naden, bu çalışma kaos teorisinin düzensizlik ve doğrusal olmama parametreleri bakımından modern hukuk bilimine olan katkılarının teorik bir analizini yapmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu teorik incelemenin bir neticesi olarak kaos teorisinin modern paradigmanın düzenden yana, doğrusal ve determinist ka-rakterine alternatif olabilecek postmodern paradigma kapsamında gelişen yeni bir teorik model oldu-ğu saptanmıştır. Çalışmada aynı zamanda kaos teorisinin kelebek etkisi, çatallanma, entropi ve geri dönüşsüzlük gibi bazı temel prensiplerinin ne tür hukuksal sorunların incelenmesinde olası bir imkan olduğu analiz edilmiştir.


  • AKALIN, Esin, “Chaos in Mythology”, II. National Symposium on Chaos, Logic, Mathematics and Philosophy, (21-24 September 2004), İstanbul Culture University Publications, Number: 49, İstanbul, 2004, (pp. 21-30).
  • AKBABA, Sadegül/ALTUN, Arif. 2001. “Chaos and Management”, X. National Congress on Educational Sciences (7–9 June 2001), Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Bolu, 2001.
  • ARONNE, Ricardo, “An Introduction to the Juridical System, Private Law and Chaos, Summary Prisms of a Research on Civil-constitutional Law”, IX. International Chas Conference, 2006, http://bdjur.;, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
  • BAUMAN, Zygmund, Postmodernity and its Discontinents (Trans: İ. Türkmen), Ayrıntı Publication, İstanbul, 2000.
  • ÇORBACIOĞLU, Sıtkı, “Socio-technical Systems which is Self-adapted the Changing in Their Environments and Disaster Management” TODAIE, Journal of Contemporary Local Governments, Year: 2005, Volume: 14, Number: 2, (pp. 43-60).
  • DÜRÜŞKEN, Çiğdem, “An Etymological Analysis of Chaos and Cosmos” II. National Symposium on Chaos, Logic, Mathematics and Philosophy, (21-24 September 2004), İstanbul Culture University Publications, Number: 49, İstanbul, 2004, (pp. 5-11).
  • ERDEMİR, Erkan, “The Effects of Postmodernism on Business Management: A Conceptual Analysis”, e-Academy Journall, Year: 2006, Volume 52 (June), eerdemir-1.htm, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
  • EREN, Ercan, Common Grounds in New Economics, Year: 2010, makaleler/eren0013/pdf, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
  • GLEICK, James. Chaos: Making a New Science. Penguin Books, New York, 1987.
  • GLEICK, James, Chaos, (Trans: F. Üçcan), TUBITAK, Popular Science Books, Ankara, 1995.
  • HANDLER, Darren, “An Island of Chaos Surrounded by a Sea of Confusion: The E911 Wireless Device Location Initiative”, Virginia Journal of Law & Technology, Year: 2005, Volume: 10, Number: 1 (Winter), (pp.1–15).
  • KENDİRLİ, Selçuk, “Chaos Theorem in Portfolio Management.” İstanbul Culture University Journal of Physical and Engineering Sciences, Year: 2006, Volume: 4, Number: 2, (pp. 171–180).
  • KIEL, L. Douglas/ELLIOT, Euel W. (Eds.), Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences, Foundations and Applications, University of Michigan Press, Michigan, 1997, id=K46kkMXnKfcC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=f alse (Access date: 1.11.2017).
  • KOÇEL, Tamer, Business Management, Beta Printing Inc. Company, İstanbul, 2003.
  • LASZLO, Ervin. Die Neugestaltung der Vernetzten Welt: Global Denken - Global Handeln, (Trans: İ. S. Canbolat), 3rd Edition, Nobel Publications, Ankara, 2004.
  • LETT, Margaret, “A Case for Chaos Theory in Nursing”, Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, Year: 2001, Volume: 18, Number: 3, (pp. 14-19).
  • MACKEY, Linn, Is Chaos Theory Postmodern Science?, mackey.htm, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
  • MITROVIC, Dragan, “The New Path of Law, from Theory of Chaos to Theory of Law.” Law and Politics, Year: 2001, Volume: 1, Number: 5, (pp. 605–612).
  • MURPHY, Robert P, Chaos Theory, Two Essays on Market Anarchy, Ludwig Von Mises Institute Publishing, Auburn, Alabama, 2010, pdf?file=1&type=document, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
  • OESTREICHER, Christian, “A History of Chaos Theory”, Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, Year: 2007, Volume: 9, Number: 3, (s. 279-289),, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
  • ÖGE, Serdar, “Order or Disorder (Chaos)? An Evaluation for Sustainability of Organizational Integrity.” Selçuk University Journal of Social Sciences, Year: 2005, Volume: 13, (pp. 285–303).
  • PAMUK, Nihat, “Determination of Chaotic Time Series in Dynamic Systems”, Journal of Balikesir University Institute of Science and Technology, Year: 2013, Volume: 15, Number:1, (pp. 78-92).
  • PENNER, James/MELISSARIS, Emmanuel, McCoubrey & White’s Textbook on Jurisprudence, 5th Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012.
  • PIPER, Barnabas, “A Justice Paradox:  Sandusky’s Conviction Doesn’t Ease the Pain.” Byfaith, Year: 2012, June 28,, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
  • PLAZA y Font/JOAN Pere/DANDOY, Regis, “Chaos Theory and its Application in Political Science”, IPSA- AISP World Congress, (9-13 July 2006), Fukuoka, Japan, 2006, http://hdl.handle. net/2078.1/176425 (Access date: 19.11.2017).
  • PRIGOGINE, İlya/STENGERS, Isabelle, Order Out of Chaos, Man’s New Dialogue of Nature, (Trans: S. Demirci), İz Publishing, İstanbul, 1998.
  • SCOTT, Robert E, “Chaos Theory and the Justice Paradox”, William and Marry Law Review, Year: 1993, Volume: 35, Number: 1, (pp. 329–351).
  • URAL, Şafak. “Chaos of the Cosmos.” II. National Symposium on Chaos, Logic, Mathematics and Philosophy, (21-24 September 2004), İstanbul Culture University Publications, Number: 49, İstanbul, 2004, (pp.353-363).
  • URI, Merry, Coping with Uncertainity, Praeger Publication, Westport, 1995.
  • VETRI, Dominick, “Order out of Chaos: Products Liability Design-defect Law”, University of Richmond Law Review, Year: 2009, Volume: 43, Number: 4 (May), (pp. 1373–1457).
  • WILLIAMS, Christopher R./ARRIGO, Bruce A., Law, Psychology and Justice, Chaos Theory and the New Dis(order), State University of New York Press, Albany, 2002, (Access date 1.11.2015), http://
  • YARDIM, Funda E,/AFACAN, Erkan, “The Simulation of a Chaotic Communication System by Using Lorenz-based Differential Chaos Shift Keying (DCSK) Model” Gazi University Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Year: 2010. Volume: 25, Number: 1, (pp. 101–110).
  • YOUNG, T. R, A Constitutive Theory of Justice: Architecture and Content, The Red Feather Institute, Year: 18 September 1996- 26 June 1997, vol-1-intro/004constjustice.html, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
  • Chaos Theory, Part 1,, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
  • Chaos Theory,, (Accessed November 1, 2015).
  • Chaos Theory Simplified,, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
  • Chaos Theory,, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
  • Chaos Theory,, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
  • Evolution Theory and Law of Entropy, The second Law of Thermodynamics Invalidates Evolution Theory,, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
  • What is Deduction, Deduction Types, and Historical Development, sosyoloji/131665-tumdengelim-deduksiyon-nedir-tumdengelim-cesitleri-tarihsel-gelisimi.html, (Accessed date 1.11.2015).
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Mehtap Yeşilorman Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Yeşilorman, M. (2017). Kaos Teorisi ve Modern Hukuk Bilimi: Düzen ve Doğrusallık Parametrelerinin Yapı Sökümü Üzerine Bir Deneme. Hacettepe Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(2), 7-32.
AMA Yeşilorman M. Kaos Teorisi ve Modern Hukuk Bilimi: Düzen ve Doğrusallık Parametrelerinin Yapı Sökümü Üzerine Bir Deneme. HHFD. Aralık 2017;7(2):7-32.
Chicago Yeşilorman, Mehtap. “Kaos Teorisi Ve Modern Hukuk Bilimi: Düzen Ve Doğrusallık Parametrelerinin Yapı Sökümü Üzerine Bir Deneme”. Hacettepe Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 7, sy. 2 (Aralık 2017): 7-32.
EndNote Yeşilorman M (01 Aralık 2017) Kaos Teorisi ve Modern Hukuk Bilimi: Düzen ve Doğrusallık Parametrelerinin Yapı Sökümü Üzerine Bir Deneme. Hacettepe Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 7 2 7–32.
IEEE M. Yeşilorman, “Kaos Teorisi ve Modern Hukuk Bilimi: Düzen ve Doğrusallık Parametrelerinin Yapı Sökümü Üzerine Bir Deneme”, HHFD, c. 7, sy. 2, ss. 7–32, 2017.
ISNAD Yeşilorman, Mehtap. “Kaos Teorisi Ve Modern Hukuk Bilimi: Düzen Ve Doğrusallık Parametrelerinin Yapı Sökümü Üzerine Bir Deneme”. Hacettepe Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 7/2 (Aralık 2017), 7-32.
JAMA Yeşilorman M. Kaos Teorisi ve Modern Hukuk Bilimi: Düzen ve Doğrusallık Parametrelerinin Yapı Sökümü Üzerine Bir Deneme. HHFD. 2017;7:7–32.
MLA Yeşilorman, Mehtap. “Kaos Teorisi Ve Modern Hukuk Bilimi: Düzen Ve Doğrusallık Parametrelerinin Yapı Sökümü Üzerine Bir Deneme”. Hacettepe Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 7, sy. 2, 2017, ss. 7-32.
Vancouver Yeşilorman M. Kaos Teorisi ve Modern Hukuk Bilimi: Düzen ve Doğrusallık Parametrelerinin Yapı Sökümü Üzerine Bir Deneme. HHFD. 2017;7(2):7-32.