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Yıl 2022, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 2111 - 2137, 31.12.2022


Tanık ifadesi, hukukta son derece önemli bir yere sahip olan bir enstrümandır. Tanığın ifadesi olayların aydınlatılması ve hakikatin anlaşılması bağlamında kritik bir önem taşır. Sorgulama ise yargının karşısına çıkan tanığın vereceği ifadeyi en sağlıklı ve güvenilir şekilde alınması adına yapılan önemli bir işlemdir. Hakimler kararlarını verirken gerçeği ortaya çıkarmayı ve bunu yaparken adil olmayı amaçlarlar. karar verirlerken sahip oldukları zeka, aldıkları hukuk eğitimi ve yargısal görevleri ile yerine getirmeye çalışırlar. Hakimlerin kimi konularda karar vermesine yardımcı olacak diğer bir husus ise tanık psikolojisi ve tanık ifadesidir. Tanığın güvenilirliği doğal olarak suç olayı ve suçlu ile ilgili hatırladıklarına bağlı olup bu bağlamda tanık psikolojisi üzerinde durmak gereklidir. Bununla birlikte tanığın sorgulanma tarzı ve yöntemi vereceği yanıtlar üzerinde etkilidir. Bu açıdan bakıldığında ise suç olayı hakkındaki aydınlatıcı bilgiye ulaşma konusunu direkt olarak etkileyen sorgulama tekniklerinin önemi ortaya çıkmaktadır. Çapraz sorgu ise tanığın ifadesinin alınabilmesi için hukukçuların kullanabileceği bir metot olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Başta çapraz sorgu olmak üzere tüm sorgulama teknikleri tanığın psikolojik durumu üzerinde etki gösterebilmektedir. Ayrıca, bu teknikler ve soru tarzlarının tanığın nasıl bir yanıt vereceğini belirleyebilme gücüne de sahip olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu makalede tanığa soru sorma metotları ve sonuçları psikolojik bağlamda değerlendirilmiş olmakla birlikte çapraz sorgu teknikleri de ağırlıklı olarak ele alınmıştır. Çapraz sorgu metotlarının nasıl uygulandığı, nelere yol açtığı ve çapraz sorgunun sorgulanan üzerindeki çarpıcı etkileri de değerlendirilmiştir. Bu şekilde sorgu türleri arasındaki farklılıklar ile çapraz sorgunun tanık ifadesi ve psikolojisi üzerindeki etkileri ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır.


  • ARCHER, Dawn, “Cross-Examining Lawyers, Facework and the Adversarial Courtroom”, Journal of Pragmatics, 2011, 43, pp. 3216–3230.
  • BERKOWITZ, Shari R. / GARRETT, Brandon L. / FENN, Kimberly M. / LOFTUS, Elizabeth F., “Convicting with confidence? Why we should not over-rely on eyewitness confidence”, Memory, (Hove, England), 2022, 30-1, pp. 10–15.
  • BOWER, Gordon H. / FORGAS, Joseph P., “Mood and Social Memory”, In Forgas, J.P. (Ed.), The Handbook of Affect and Social Cognition, 2001, Psychology Press, pp. 95-120.
  • BRAINERD, Charles / REYNA, Valerie F., “Fuzzy-Trace Theory and Lifespan Cognitive Development”, Developmental Review, 2015, Volume 38, pp. 89-121.
  • BRENNAN, Mark, “The discourse of denial: Cross-examining child victim witnesses”, Journal of Pragmatics, Volume 23, Issue 1, January 1995, pp. 71-91.
  • Criminal Procedure Law (Ceza Muhakemeleri Kanunu), No. 5271, In Turkish Law, / erişim tarihi: 02.05.2022
  • CHAPPELLE, Wayne / ROSENGREN, Kent, “Maintaining Composure and Credibility as an Expert Witness During Cross-Examination”, Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, 2001, 1:3, pp. 51-68.
  • CUTLER, Brian L. / WELLS, Gary L. “Expert Testimony Regarding Eyewitness Identification”, Edited by Jennifer L. Skeem, Kevin S. Douglas, Scott O. Lilienfeld, Psychological Science in the Courtroom, The Guilford Press, New York, 2019.
  • Çapraz Sorgu (Cross Examination) ve Portekiz, HSK, Eklentiler/Dosyalar/dd7069fe-3e12-4280-92a8-bc323983d56e.pdf / erişim tarihi: 12.05.2022
  • ELLISON, Louise, “Exploring The Influence of Courtroom Questioning and Pre-Trial Preparation On Adult Witness Accuracy”, University of Leeds Research Report.
  • FIEDLER, Klaus / ASBECK, Judith / NICKEL, Stefanie, “Mood and Constructive Memory Effects on Social Judgement”, Cognition and Emotion, 1991, 5, pp. 363-378.
  • FISHER, George / TVERSKY, Barbara, “The Problem with Eyewitness Testimony”, Stanford Journal of Legal Studies, 1:1, pp. 25-30.
  • FORGAS, Joseph P. / LAHAM, Simon M. / VARGAS, Patrick T., “Mood Effects On Eyewitness Memory: Affective Influences on Susceptibility to Misinformation”, 2005, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 41, pp. 574-588.
  • FRADELLA, Henry F., “Why Judges Should Admit Expert Testimony on the Unreliability of Eyewitness Identifications”, Federal Courts Law Review, 2006, 3, pp. 2-29.
  • GARRETT, Brandon L., Convicting the Innocent Where Criminal Prosecutions Go Wrong, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA and London, England, 2012.
  • GUDJONSSON, Gisli H., The Psychology of Examinations and Confessions: A Handbook, 2008, Wiley Online Library.
  • GUSTAFSSON, Philip U. / LINDHOLM, Torun / JÖNSSON, Fredrik U., “Predicting Accuracy in Eyewitness Testimonies With Memory Retrieval Effort and Confidence”, Frontiers in Psychology, 2019, Volume 10, pp. 1-10.
  • GUTHEIL, G. Thomas / COMMONS, Michael Lamport / MILLER, Patrice Marie, “Personal Question on Cross-Examination: A Pilot Study of Expert Witness Attitudes”, Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law, 2001, 29 -1, pp. 85-88.
  • JACK, Fiona / ZAJAC Rachel, “The Effect of Age And Reminders on Witnesses Responses to Cross-Examination-Style Questioning”, Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 2014, 3, pp. 1-6.
  • KARAKAYA, Naim, Ceza Muhakemesi Hukukunda Avukatın Soru Sorma Yetkisi, Avukatlar İçin El Kitabı IV, Türkiye Barolar Birliği Yayınları, 2014, pp. 1-82.
  • KÜÇÜKAY, Alper, “Karar Vermenin Psikolojisi”, Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi, 2018a, Sayı 35, pp. 607-640.
  • KÜÇÜKAY, Alper, “Psychological and Judicial Factors Influencing on Decision Making”, Law and Justice Review, 2018b, Issue:16, pp. 127-170.
  • KÜÇÜKAY, Alper, “Tanık İfadesi ve Çapraz Sorgu Psikolojik Bir Bakış”, Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi, 2017, Sayı 32, pp. 435-464.
  • LEINFELT, Fredrik H., “Descriptive Eyewitness Testimony: The Influence of Emotionality, Racial Identification, Question Style, And Selective Perception”, Criminal Justice Review, 2004, Volume 29, Number 2, pp. 317-340.
  • LOFTUS, Elizabeth F., “Dispatch from the (un)civil memory wars”, The Lancet, 2004, Volume 364, Supplement 1, pp. 20-21.
  • LOFTUS, Elizabeth F., “Eyewitness Testimony With a New Preface”, Harvard University Press Mathieson Don, 1996, LexisNexis NZ Ltd.
  • LOFTUS, Elizabeth F. / Greene, Edith, “Warning: Even memory for faces may be contagious”, Law and Human Behavior, 1980, 4 - 4, pp. 323–334.
  • MARKOWITSCH, Hans J., Memory and Amnesia, Principles of Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology, Published by Oxford University Press Inc., New York, 2000.
  • MCGEHEE, E. Jack, “A Guide to Direct Examination and Cross-Examination”, GPSolo, 2014, Vol. 31 No. 5, pp. 1-10.
  • MELILLI, Kenneth J., “Risk Management in Cross Examination”, American Journal of Trial Advocacy, 2015, Vol. 38, issue 2, pp. 317-334
  • PETRILA, John P., “Finding Common Ground between Scientific Psychology and the Law”, Edited by Jennifer L. Skeem, Kevin S. Douglas, Scott O. Lilienfeld, Psychological Science in the Courtroom, The Guilford Press, New York, 2019.
  • POOLE, A. Debra / WHITE T. Lawrence, “Effects of Question Repetition on The Eyewitness Testimony of Children And Adults”, Developmental Psychology, 1991, Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 975-986
  • RABIANSKI, Joseph / CARN, Neil G., “Cross Examination: How to Protect Yourself and The Appraisal Report”, The Appraisal Journal, 1992, 60-4, pp. 472-482.
  • RESNICK, Marc L., “When Eyewitnesses Misremember: The Delicate Balance Between Forensic Investigation and Memory Evidence Assessment”, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 2014, Volume: 58 issue: 1, pp. 539-543.
  • RICHTER, Robert I., Senior Judge, District of Columbia Superior Court, “Examination and Cross-Examination of Trial Witnesses A Judicial Prospective”,
  • SCOTT, Charles L., “Evaluation of Criminal Responsibility”, Textbook of Forensic Psychiatry, Edited by Liza h. Gold, Richard L. Frierson, The American Psychiatric Association Publishing, 2018.
  • SHAPIRO, Lauren R., “Eyewitness Testimony for A Simulated Juvenile Crime by Male and Female Criminals with Consistent or Inconsistent Gender-role Characteristics”, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 2009, Volume 30, Issue 6, pp. 649-666.
  • SHERMER, Lauren O’Neill / ROSE, Karen C. / HOFFMAN Ashley, “Perceptions and Credibility: Understanding the Nuances of Eyewitness Testimony”, Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 2011, 27 (2), pp. 183–203.
  • ŞAHİN, Cumhur, Sanığın Kolluk Tarafından Sorgulanması, Yetkin Yayınları, Ankara, 1994.
  • TULVING, Endel, “Episodic Memory: From Mind to Brain”, Annual Review of Psychology, 2002, 53:1, pp. 1-25.
  • TUSTIN, Karen / HAYNE, Harlene, “Defining Boundary: Age-Related Changes in Childhood Amnesia”, Developmental Psychology, 2010, Vol 46 (5), pp. 1049-1061.
  • WELLS, Gary L., Memon Amina, Penrod Steven D., “Eyewitness Evidence: Improving Its Probative Value”, Psychological science in the public interest: a journal of the American Psychological Society, 2006, 7 (2), 45–75.
  • WILCOCK, Rachel / BULL, Ray / MILNE, Rebecca, Witness Identification in Criminal Cases: Psychology and Practice, Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • WIXTED, John T. / MICKES, Laura / CLARK, Steven E. / GRONLUND, Scott D. / ROEDIGER, Henry L., “Initial eyewitness confidence reliably predicts eyewitness identification accuracy”, American Psychologist, 2015, 70 (6), pp. 515–526.
  • VORA, Nilay U., “Radical Cross-Examinations”, Minority Trial Lawyer, ABA Section of Litigation, 2015, Vol. 13, Issue 2, pp. 1-4.
  • YURTCAN, Erdener, Ceza Yargılaması Hukuku, B. 5, Alfa Yayınları, İstanbul, 1994.
  • ZAJAC, Rachel / JURY, Emma / O’NEILL Sarah, “The Role of Psychosocial Factors in Young Children’s Responses to Cross-Examination Style Questioning”, Applied Cognitive Psychology, 2009, 23, pp. 918–935.


Yıl 2022, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 2111 - 2137, 31.12.2022


Eyewitness testimony is an instrument that has an important place in law. The eyewitness’s testimony is critical in
terms of clarifying the events and understanding the truth. The examination is crucial to take the witness’s
testimony who comes before the judiciary most healthily and reliably. Judges aim to reveal the truth when making
their decisions and be fair in doing so. While making decisions, they try to fulfill them with their intelligence, legal
education, and judicial duties. Witness psychology and witness statements are other issues that will help judges
decide on some cases. The witness’s credibility naturally depends on what he remembers about the crime and the
criminal. For this reason, it is necessary to focus on the psychology of the witness. However, the way and method
of examining the witness are influential in his answers. From this point of view, the significance of examination
techniques, which directly affect the issue of accessing enlightening information about the crime event, emerges.
Cross-examination, on the other hand, is a method that lawyers can use to take the statement of the witness. All
examination techniques, especially cross-examination, can impact the psychological state of the witness. It is also
thought that these techniques and question styles have the power to determine how the witness will respond. In
this article, the methods of asking questions to the witness and their results are evaluated in the psychological
context, but also the cross-examination techniques are mainly discussed. How the cross-examination methods are
applied, what it causes, and the striking effects of cross-examination on the questions are also evaluated. In this
way, the differences between the types of examination and the consequences of cross-examination on witness
expression and psychology were revealed.


  • ARCHER, Dawn, “Cross-Examining Lawyers, Facework and the Adversarial Courtroom”, Journal of Pragmatics, 2011, 43, pp. 3216–3230.
  • BERKOWITZ, Shari R. / GARRETT, Brandon L. / FENN, Kimberly M. / LOFTUS, Elizabeth F., “Convicting with confidence? Why we should not over-rely on eyewitness confidence”, Memory, (Hove, England), 2022, 30-1, pp. 10–15.
  • BOWER, Gordon H. / FORGAS, Joseph P., “Mood and Social Memory”, In Forgas, J.P. (Ed.), The Handbook of Affect and Social Cognition, 2001, Psychology Press, pp. 95-120.
  • BRAINERD, Charles / REYNA, Valerie F., “Fuzzy-Trace Theory and Lifespan Cognitive Development”, Developmental Review, 2015, Volume 38, pp. 89-121.
  • BRENNAN, Mark, “The discourse of denial: Cross-examining child victim witnesses”, Journal of Pragmatics, Volume 23, Issue 1, January 1995, pp. 71-91.
  • Criminal Procedure Law (Ceza Muhakemeleri Kanunu), No. 5271, In Turkish Law, / erişim tarihi: 02.05.2022
  • CHAPPELLE, Wayne / ROSENGREN, Kent, “Maintaining Composure and Credibility as an Expert Witness During Cross-Examination”, Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, 2001, 1:3, pp. 51-68.
  • CUTLER, Brian L. / WELLS, Gary L. “Expert Testimony Regarding Eyewitness Identification”, Edited by Jennifer L. Skeem, Kevin S. Douglas, Scott O. Lilienfeld, Psychological Science in the Courtroom, The Guilford Press, New York, 2019.
  • Çapraz Sorgu (Cross Examination) ve Portekiz, HSK, Eklentiler/Dosyalar/dd7069fe-3e12-4280-92a8-bc323983d56e.pdf / erişim tarihi: 12.05.2022
  • ELLISON, Louise, “Exploring The Influence of Courtroom Questioning and Pre-Trial Preparation On Adult Witness Accuracy”, University of Leeds Research Report.
  • FIEDLER, Klaus / ASBECK, Judith / NICKEL, Stefanie, “Mood and Constructive Memory Effects on Social Judgement”, Cognition and Emotion, 1991, 5, pp. 363-378.
  • FISHER, George / TVERSKY, Barbara, “The Problem with Eyewitness Testimony”, Stanford Journal of Legal Studies, 1:1, pp. 25-30.
  • FORGAS, Joseph P. / LAHAM, Simon M. / VARGAS, Patrick T., “Mood Effects On Eyewitness Memory: Affective Influences on Susceptibility to Misinformation”, 2005, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 41, pp. 574-588.
  • FRADELLA, Henry F., “Why Judges Should Admit Expert Testimony on the Unreliability of Eyewitness Identifications”, Federal Courts Law Review, 2006, 3, pp. 2-29.
  • GARRETT, Brandon L., Convicting the Innocent Where Criminal Prosecutions Go Wrong, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA and London, England, 2012.
  • GUDJONSSON, Gisli H., The Psychology of Examinations and Confessions: A Handbook, 2008, Wiley Online Library.
  • GUSTAFSSON, Philip U. / LINDHOLM, Torun / JÖNSSON, Fredrik U., “Predicting Accuracy in Eyewitness Testimonies With Memory Retrieval Effort and Confidence”, Frontiers in Psychology, 2019, Volume 10, pp. 1-10.
  • GUTHEIL, G. Thomas / COMMONS, Michael Lamport / MILLER, Patrice Marie, “Personal Question on Cross-Examination: A Pilot Study of Expert Witness Attitudes”, Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law, 2001, 29 -1, pp. 85-88.
  • JACK, Fiona / ZAJAC Rachel, “The Effect of Age And Reminders on Witnesses Responses to Cross-Examination-Style Questioning”, Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 2014, 3, pp. 1-6.
  • KARAKAYA, Naim, Ceza Muhakemesi Hukukunda Avukatın Soru Sorma Yetkisi, Avukatlar İçin El Kitabı IV, Türkiye Barolar Birliği Yayınları, 2014, pp. 1-82.
  • KÜÇÜKAY, Alper, “Karar Vermenin Psikolojisi”, Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi, 2018a, Sayı 35, pp. 607-640.
  • KÜÇÜKAY, Alper, “Psychological and Judicial Factors Influencing on Decision Making”, Law and Justice Review, 2018b, Issue:16, pp. 127-170.
  • KÜÇÜKAY, Alper, “Tanık İfadesi ve Çapraz Sorgu Psikolojik Bir Bakış”, Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi, 2017, Sayı 32, pp. 435-464.
  • LEINFELT, Fredrik H., “Descriptive Eyewitness Testimony: The Influence of Emotionality, Racial Identification, Question Style, And Selective Perception”, Criminal Justice Review, 2004, Volume 29, Number 2, pp. 317-340.
  • LOFTUS, Elizabeth F., “Dispatch from the (un)civil memory wars”, The Lancet, 2004, Volume 364, Supplement 1, pp. 20-21.
  • LOFTUS, Elizabeth F., “Eyewitness Testimony With a New Preface”, Harvard University Press Mathieson Don, 1996, LexisNexis NZ Ltd.
  • LOFTUS, Elizabeth F. / Greene, Edith, “Warning: Even memory for faces may be contagious”, Law and Human Behavior, 1980, 4 - 4, pp. 323–334.
  • MARKOWITSCH, Hans J., Memory and Amnesia, Principles of Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology, Published by Oxford University Press Inc., New York, 2000.
  • MCGEHEE, E. Jack, “A Guide to Direct Examination and Cross-Examination”, GPSolo, 2014, Vol. 31 No. 5, pp. 1-10.
  • MELILLI, Kenneth J., “Risk Management in Cross Examination”, American Journal of Trial Advocacy, 2015, Vol. 38, issue 2, pp. 317-334
  • PETRILA, John P., “Finding Common Ground between Scientific Psychology and the Law”, Edited by Jennifer L. Skeem, Kevin S. Douglas, Scott O. Lilienfeld, Psychological Science in the Courtroom, The Guilford Press, New York, 2019.
  • POOLE, A. Debra / WHITE T. Lawrence, “Effects of Question Repetition on The Eyewitness Testimony of Children And Adults”, Developmental Psychology, 1991, Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 975-986
  • RABIANSKI, Joseph / CARN, Neil G., “Cross Examination: How to Protect Yourself and The Appraisal Report”, The Appraisal Journal, 1992, 60-4, pp. 472-482.
  • RESNICK, Marc L., “When Eyewitnesses Misremember: The Delicate Balance Between Forensic Investigation and Memory Evidence Assessment”, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 2014, Volume: 58 issue: 1, pp. 539-543.
  • RICHTER, Robert I., Senior Judge, District of Columbia Superior Court, “Examination and Cross-Examination of Trial Witnesses A Judicial Prospective”,
  • SCOTT, Charles L., “Evaluation of Criminal Responsibility”, Textbook of Forensic Psychiatry, Edited by Liza h. Gold, Richard L. Frierson, The American Psychiatric Association Publishing, 2018.
  • SHAPIRO, Lauren R., “Eyewitness Testimony for A Simulated Juvenile Crime by Male and Female Criminals with Consistent or Inconsistent Gender-role Characteristics”, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 2009, Volume 30, Issue 6, pp. 649-666.
  • SHERMER, Lauren O’Neill / ROSE, Karen C. / HOFFMAN Ashley, “Perceptions and Credibility: Understanding the Nuances of Eyewitness Testimony”, Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 2011, 27 (2), pp. 183–203.
  • ŞAHİN, Cumhur, Sanığın Kolluk Tarafından Sorgulanması, Yetkin Yayınları, Ankara, 1994.
  • TULVING, Endel, “Episodic Memory: From Mind to Brain”, Annual Review of Psychology, 2002, 53:1, pp. 1-25.
  • TUSTIN, Karen / HAYNE, Harlene, “Defining Boundary: Age-Related Changes in Childhood Amnesia”, Developmental Psychology, 2010, Vol 46 (5), pp. 1049-1061.
  • WELLS, Gary L., Memon Amina, Penrod Steven D., “Eyewitness Evidence: Improving Its Probative Value”, Psychological science in the public interest: a journal of the American Psychological Society, 2006, 7 (2), 45–75.
  • WILCOCK, Rachel / BULL, Ray / MILNE, Rebecca, Witness Identification in Criminal Cases: Psychology and Practice, Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • WIXTED, John T. / MICKES, Laura / CLARK, Steven E. / GRONLUND, Scott D. / ROEDIGER, Henry L., “Initial eyewitness confidence reliably predicts eyewitness identification accuracy”, American Psychologist, 2015, 70 (6), pp. 515–526.
  • VORA, Nilay U., “Radical Cross-Examinations”, Minority Trial Lawyer, ABA Section of Litigation, 2015, Vol. 13, Issue 2, pp. 1-4.
  • YURTCAN, Erdener, Ceza Yargılaması Hukuku, B. 5, Alfa Yayınları, İstanbul, 1994.
  • ZAJAC, Rachel / JURY, Emma / O’NEILL Sarah, “The Role of Psychosocial Factors in Young Children’s Responses to Cross-Examination Style Questioning”, Applied Cognitive Psychology, 2009, 23, pp. 918–935.
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hukuk
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Alper Küçükay 0000-0003-0040-8869

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Küçükay, A. (2022). EYEWITNESS PSYCHOLOGY AND EXAMINATION TECHNIQUES. Hacettepe Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(2), 2111-2137.
AMA Küçükay A. EYEWITNESS PSYCHOLOGY AND EXAMINATION TECHNIQUES. Hacettepe HFD. Aralık 2022;12(2):2111-2137. doi:10.32957/hacettepehdf.1136934
Chicago Küçükay, Alper. “EYEWITNESS PSYCHOLOGY AND EXAMINATION TECHNIQUES”. Hacettepe Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 12, sy. 2 (Aralık 2022): 2111-37.
EndNote Küçükay A (01 Aralık 2022) EYEWITNESS PSYCHOLOGY AND EXAMINATION TECHNIQUES. Hacettepe Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 12 2 2111–2137.
IEEE A. Küçükay, “EYEWITNESS PSYCHOLOGY AND EXAMINATION TECHNIQUES”, Hacettepe HFD, c. 12, sy. 2, ss. 2111–2137, 2022, doi: 10.32957/hacettepehdf.1136934.
ISNAD Küçükay, Alper. “EYEWITNESS PSYCHOLOGY AND EXAMINATION TECHNIQUES”. Hacettepe Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 12/2 (Aralık 2022), 2111-2137.
MLA Küçükay, Alper. “EYEWITNESS PSYCHOLOGY AND EXAMINATION TECHNIQUES”. Hacettepe Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 12, sy. 2, 2022, ss. 2111-37, doi:10.32957/hacettepehdf.1136934.
Vancouver Küçükay A. EYEWITNESS PSYCHOLOGY AND EXAMINATION TECHNIQUES. Hacettepe HFD. 2022;12(2):2111-37.