Yıl 2008,
Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 11 - 17, 01.04.2008
Gülnaz Karatay
Yeliz Akkuş
As being in the world, as well in our country alzheimer patients number has increased and being care problems of this patients increases professional care requirements for this patients. In our country wesee that the care services for alzheimer patients are configuring and nurses functions in this care services are configuring. For this reason, this article is written to evaluate practices and to share this observations in this Alzheimer center that bearing model quality
- Arıoğul, S.(2006) Alzheimer hastalığı. Arıo- ğul S(Ed). Geriatri ve Gerontoloji MN Medikal ve Nobel, Ankara
- Baldelli, M.V.; Pradelli, J.M.; Zucchi, P.; Martini, B.; Orsi, F.; Fabbo, A. (2007) Occupa- tional Therapy and dementia: the experience of an Alzheimer Special Care. Arch Gerontol Geriatr.1; 49-54.
- Baldelli,M.V.; Boiardi, R.; Ferrari, P.; Bianc- hi, S.; Bianchi, M.H.(2007)Dementia and occupa- tional therapy. Arch Gerontol Geriatr.44 (1);45-8.
- Balla, S.; Simoncini, M.; Giacometti, I.; Mag- nano, A.; Leotta, D., Pernigotti, L.M. (2007) The Daily Center Care on Impact of Family Burden. Arch Gerontol. Geriatr. 44 (1); 55-9.
- Bums ,T.; McCarten, J.R.(2004) Effects of re- petitive work on maintaining function in Alzhei- mer’s disease patients. American Journal of Alz- heimer’s Disease and Other Dementias 19(1); 39- 44
- Cankurtaran M.; Arıoğul, S. (2006). Alzhei- mer Hastalığı Risk Faktörleri. Arıoğul S. (Ed).Ge- riatri ve gerontoloji, MN Medikal ve Nobel, An- kara.
- Deep, R.; Jena R.; Tripathi, M.; Khandelwal, S.K.(2006) Burden of care in Alzheimer’s disease and its relationship to coping: An Indian experien- ce Alzheimer’s and Dementia 2(3), 569
- Farınamd, E.; Mantovanı, F.; Fıoravantı, R.; Pıgnattı, R.; Chıavarı, L.; Imbornone, E.; Olıvot- to, F.; Alberonı, M.; Marıanı, C.; Nemnı R. (2006) Evaluating two group programmes of cog- nitive training in mild-to-moderate AD: Is there any difference between a ‘global’ stimulation and a ‘cognitive-specific’ one? Aging & Mental He- alth 10(3); 211–218.
- Farina, E.; Mantovani, F.; Fioravanti, R.; Pig- natti, R.; Chiavari, L.; İmbornone, E. (2006) Eva- luating two group programmes of cognitive trai- ning in mild-to-moderate AD: Is there any diffe- rence between a ‘global’ stimulation and a ‘cogni- tive-spesific’ one? Aging&Mental Health 10(3); 211-218.
- Heyn, P.; Abreu, B.C.; Ottenbacher, J. J. (2004). The effects of exercise training on elderly persons with cognitive impairment and dementia: a meta-analysis, Arch Phys Med Rehabil ;1694–1704. 85
- Ho, B.; Friedland, J.; Rappolt, S.; Noh, S. (2003) Caregiving for Relatives with Alzheimer’s Disease: Feelings of Chinese-Canadian Women. Journal of Aging Studies 17(3); 301-321.
- Kim, E.J.; Buschmann, M.T.(1999) The effect of expressive physical touch on patients with de- mentia. Int J Nurs Stud. 36(3);235-43.
- Maier-Lorentz, M.M.(2000) Effective Nursing Interventions for The Management of Alzhei- mer’s Disease. J Neurosci Nurs. 32(3):153-7
- Monfort, J.; Neiss, M.; Rabier, P.; Hervy, M.P. (2006). Alzheimer, Family, Instutition. Annales Médico-psychologiques, Revue Psychiatrique 164(9), 726-731.
- Norman, I.J (2003) Comments on “Reactions to music, touch and object presentation in the fi- nal stage of dementia: an exploratory study”. In- ternational Journal of Nursing Studies 40(5); 481-485.
- Pot, A,M.; Deeg, D,J,H.; van Dyck, R. (2000). Psychological distress of caregivers: moderator effects of caregiver resources? Patient Educ Co- uns. 41;235-240.
- Spector, A.; Davies, S.; Woods, B.; Orrell, M. (2000b). Reality orientation for dementia: A systematic review of the evidence of effectiveness from randomised controlled trials. Gerontologist 40(2); 206–212.
- Spector, A.; Orrell, M.; Davies, S.; Woods, B. (2000a) Cochrane Database Systematic Review, 4, CD001119.
- Spector,A.; Thorgrımsen, L.; Woods,B.; Ro- yan,L.; Davies,S.; Butterworth, M.; Orell,M. (2003) Efficacy of an evidence-based cognitive stimulation therapy programme for people with dementia: randomised controlled trial. The Bri- tish Journal of Psychiatry 183; 248-254.
- U.S Department of Health and Human Servi- ces, National Institute on Aging (2007) NIH Pub- lication No:06-5441 Erişim: 5.11.2007. h t t p : / / w w w . n i a . n i h . g o v / N R / r d o n l - y r e s / F 4 6 3 C E 6 C - B 0 A 7 - 4 7 F 4 - 8 8 2 A 8EA143020193/0/understandingalzheimers.pdf
- United Nations.(2002) Departmant of Econo- mic and Social Affairs. World Population Aging,1950-2050 Erişim:25.10.2007. ons/worldageing19502050/pdf/8chapteri.pdf).
- Vogel,A.; Mortensen, E.L.; Hasselbalch, S.G.; Andersen, B.B.; Waldemar, G.(2006) Patient Ver- sus Informant Reported Quality of Life in The Earliest Phases of Alzheimer’s Disease. Int. J. Ge- riatr Psychiatry 21(12);1132-8.
- Warchol, K.(2006). Facilitating Functional and Quality-of-Life Potential: Strength-based As- sessment and Treatment for All Stages of Demen- tia. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation. Focus on Dementia, 22(3);213-227.
- Yılmaz, A.; Turan, E. (2007) Alzheimer Has- talarına Bakım Verenlerde Tükenmişlik, Tüken- mişliğe Neden Olan Faktörler ve Baş etme Yolla- rı. Türkiye Klinikleri Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi 27(3);445-454.
- Zeisel, J.; Silverstein, N.M.; Hyde, J.; Levkoff, S.; Lawton, M.P.; Holmes, W. (2003). Environ- mental correlates to behavioral outcomes in Alz- heimer’s special care units. The Gerontologist. 43;697-711.
Yıl 2008,
Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 11 - 17, 01.04.2008
Gülnaz Karatay
Yeliz Akkuş
Dünyada olduğu gibi ülkemizde de Alzheimer hastalarının sayısının artmıştır ve bu hastaların bakımsorunlarının olması bu hastalara yönelik profesyonel bakım ihtiyacını artırmaktadır. Ülkemizde alzheimer hastalarına yönelik bakım hizmetleri ve bu bakım hizmetleri içerisinde de hemşirelik hizmetlerinin yeni yapılandırılmaya çalışıldığını görmekteyiz. Bu nedenle, bu makale bir model niteliği taşıyanalzheimer merkezindeki uygulamaların değerlendirilmesi ve gözlemlerin paylaşılması amacıyla yazılmıştır
- Arıoğul, S.(2006) Alzheimer hastalığı. Arıo- ğul S(Ed). Geriatri ve Gerontoloji MN Medikal ve Nobel, Ankara
- Baldelli, M.V.; Pradelli, J.M.; Zucchi, P.; Martini, B.; Orsi, F.; Fabbo, A. (2007) Occupa- tional Therapy and dementia: the experience of an Alzheimer Special Care. Arch Gerontol Geriatr.1; 49-54.
- Baldelli,M.V.; Boiardi, R.; Ferrari, P.; Bianc- hi, S.; Bianchi, M.H.(2007)Dementia and occupa- tional therapy. Arch Gerontol Geriatr.44 (1);45-8.
- Balla, S.; Simoncini, M.; Giacometti, I.; Mag- nano, A.; Leotta, D., Pernigotti, L.M. (2007) The Daily Center Care on Impact of Family Burden. Arch Gerontol. Geriatr. 44 (1); 55-9.
- Bums ,T.; McCarten, J.R.(2004) Effects of re- petitive work on maintaining function in Alzhei- mer’s disease patients. American Journal of Alz- heimer’s Disease and Other Dementias 19(1); 39- 44
- Cankurtaran M.; Arıoğul, S. (2006). Alzhei- mer Hastalığı Risk Faktörleri. Arıoğul S. (Ed).Ge- riatri ve gerontoloji, MN Medikal ve Nobel, An- kara.
- Deep, R.; Jena R.; Tripathi, M.; Khandelwal, S.K.(2006) Burden of care in Alzheimer’s disease and its relationship to coping: An Indian experien- ce Alzheimer’s and Dementia 2(3), 569
- Farınamd, E.; Mantovanı, F.; Fıoravantı, R.; Pıgnattı, R.; Chıavarı, L.; Imbornone, E.; Olıvot- to, F.; Alberonı, M.; Marıanı, C.; Nemnı R. (2006) Evaluating two group programmes of cog- nitive training in mild-to-moderate AD: Is there any difference between a ‘global’ stimulation and a ‘cognitive-specific’ one? Aging & Mental He- alth 10(3); 211–218.
- Farina, E.; Mantovani, F.; Fioravanti, R.; Pig- natti, R.; Chiavari, L.; İmbornone, E. (2006) Eva- luating two group programmes of cognitive trai- ning in mild-to-moderate AD: Is there any diffe- rence between a ‘global’ stimulation and a ‘cogni- tive-spesific’ one? Aging&Mental Health 10(3); 211-218.
- Heyn, P.; Abreu, B.C.; Ottenbacher, J. J. (2004). The effects of exercise training on elderly persons with cognitive impairment and dementia: a meta-analysis, Arch Phys Med Rehabil ;1694–1704. 85
- Ho, B.; Friedland, J.; Rappolt, S.; Noh, S. (2003) Caregiving for Relatives with Alzheimer’s Disease: Feelings of Chinese-Canadian Women. Journal of Aging Studies 17(3); 301-321.
- Kim, E.J.; Buschmann, M.T.(1999) The effect of expressive physical touch on patients with de- mentia. Int J Nurs Stud. 36(3);235-43.
- Maier-Lorentz, M.M.(2000) Effective Nursing Interventions for The Management of Alzhei- mer’s Disease. J Neurosci Nurs. 32(3):153-7
- Monfort, J.; Neiss, M.; Rabier, P.; Hervy, M.P. (2006). Alzheimer, Family, Instutition. Annales Médico-psychologiques, Revue Psychiatrique 164(9), 726-731.
- Norman, I.J (2003) Comments on “Reactions to music, touch and object presentation in the fi- nal stage of dementia: an exploratory study”. In- ternational Journal of Nursing Studies 40(5); 481-485.
- Pot, A,M.; Deeg, D,J,H.; van Dyck, R. (2000). Psychological distress of caregivers: moderator effects of caregiver resources? Patient Educ Co- uns. 41;235-240.
- Spector, A.; Davies, S.; Woods, B.; Orrell, M. (2000b). Reality orientation for dementia: A systematic review of the evidence of effectiveness from randomised controlled trials. Gerontologist 40(2); 206–212.
- Spector, A.; Orrell, M.; Davies, S.; Woods, B. (2000a) Cochrane Database Systematic Review, 4, CD001119.
- Spector,A.; Thorgrımsen, L.; Woods,B.; Ro- yan,L.; Davies,S.; Butterworth, M.; Orell,M. (2003) Efficacy of an evidence-based cognitive stimulation therapy programme for people with dementia: randomised controlled trial. The Bri- tish Journal of Psychiatry 183; 248-254.
- U.S Department of Health and Human Servi- ces, National Institute on Aging (2007) NIH Pub- lication No:06-5441 Erişim: 5.11.2007. h t t p : / / w w w . n i a . n i h . g o v / N R / r d o n l - y r e s / F 4 6 3 C E 6 C - B 0 A 7 - 4 7 F 4 - 8 8 2 A 8EA143020193/0/understandingalzheimers.pdf
- United Nations.(2002) Departmant of Econo- mic and Social Affairs. World Population Aging,1950-2050 Erişim:25.10.2007. ons/worldageing19502050/pdf/8chapteri.pdf).
- Vogel,A.; Mortensen, E.L.; Hasselbalch, S.G.; Andersen, B.B.; Waldemar, G.(2006) Patient Ver- sus Informant Reported Quality of Life in The Earliest Phases of Alzheimer’s Disease. Int. J. Ge- riatr Psychiatry 21(12);1132-8.
- Warchol, K.(2006). Facilitating Functional and Quality-of-Life Potential: Strength-based As- sessment and Treatment for All Stages of Demen- tia. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation. Focus on Dementia, 22(3);213-227.
- Yılmaz, A.; Turan, E. (2007) Alzheimer Has- talarına Bakım Verenlerde Tükenmişlik, Tüken- mişliğe Neden Olan Faktörler ve Baş etme Yolla- rı. Türkiye Klinikleri Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi 27(3);445-454.
- Zeisel, J.; Silverstein, N.M.; Hyde, J.; Levkoff, S.; Lawton, M.P.; Holmes, W. (2003). Environ- mental correlates to behavioral outcomes in Alz- heimer’s special care units. The Gerontologist. 43;697-711.