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Views Related to Spiritual Care and Spirituality of Nurses

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 3, 41 - 52, 01.12.2009


Aim: This study was performed to investigatenurses’ opinions about spirituality and spiritualcare. Methods: This study was performed of a province Central Anatolia region in three hospitalsbetween March-July 2007. The study descriptivetype planned that data, created by researcherswith “Personal Information Form” were collected by questionnaire and “Spirituality and Spiritual Care Grading Scale.” The population of thisstudy included did 621 nurses. Sample selectionwas not made. The study was who agreed to participate in the study 333 nurse attended. Obtaineddata were analyzed with Student t test, MannWhitney U test, Kruskal Wallis Variance Analysisand One -Way of Variance Analysis. Results: Out of 333 nurses, 96.4% were female, 54.7% were aged less than 30 years, 45.3% hada bachelor degree in nursing and 59.5% were married. Thirty-one point eight percent of the nurseswere working in surgical wards, 40.5% had a workexperience of 5 years or less. In the study 65.2% ofnurses noted that they did not receive informationabout spirituality and 50% of the nurses who had


  • Baldacchino DR, Draper P(2001) Spiritual coping strategies: a review of the nursing research literature. Jo- urnal of Advanced Nursing 34,6, 833–841.
  • Baldacchino DR(2006) Nursing competencies for spiritual care. Journal of Clinical Nursing 5, 885–896.
  • Baldacchino DR(2008) Teaching on the spiritual di- mension in care to undergraduate nursing students: The content and teaching methods. Nurse Education Today 28, 550-562.
  • Chung LYF, Wong FKY, Chan MF(2007) Relati- onship of nurses’spirituality to their understanding and practice of spiritual care. Journal of Advanced Nursing 58, 158–170.
  • Como JM(2007) Spiritual practice: a literature revi- ew related to spiritual health and health outcomes. Holıs- tıc Nursıng Practıce 21,5, 224-236
  • Coleman CL(2003) Spirituality and sexual orienta- tion: relationship to mental well-being and functional he- alth status. Journal of Advanced Nursing 43, 5, 457–464
  • Çetinkaya B, Altundağ S, Azak A(2007) Spiritual ba- kım ve hemşirelik. ADÜ Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 8, 1, 47-50.
  • Difoseph J, Cavendish R (2005) Expanding the di- alogue on prayer relevant to holistic care. Holıstıc Nur- sıng Practıce 19, 147-154
  • Dyson J, Cobb M, Forman D(1997) The meaning of spirituality: a literature review. Journal of Advanced Nursing 26,1183-1188.
  • Ellis HK, Narayanasamy A (2009)An investigation into the role of spirituality in nursing
  • British Journal of Nursing 18, 886-890
  • Ergül Ş, Bayık A(2004) Hemşirelik ve manevi ba- kım. C.Ü. Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 8, 37–45.
  • Ergül Ş, Temel-Bayık A(2007) Maneviyat ve Mane- vi Bakım Dereceleme Ölçeği’nin Türkçe Formunun Ge- çerlilik ve Güvenilirliği. Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksek Okulu Dergisi 23,1, 75-87.
  • Flannelly LT, Flannelly KJ, Weaver AJ(2002) Re- ligious and spiritual variables in three major oncology nursing journals: 1990–1999. ONF 29, 679-685.
  • Gordon M(1982) Functional Health Paterns, Nur- sing Diagnosis Process and Aplication. Mc Graw- Hill Book Comp, New York.
  • Govier I(2000) Spiritual care in nursing: a systema- tic approaach. Nursing Standard 14, 32-36.
  • Greasley P, Chıu LF, Gartland RM(2001) The concept of spiritual care in mental health nursing. Jour- nal of Advanced Nursing 33, 629-637.
  • Greenstreet WM (1999) Teaching spirituality in nur- sing: a literature review. Nurse ducation Today 19, 649–658.
  • Hall J (2006) Spirituality at the beginning of life. Jo- urnal of Clinical Nursing 15, 804–810.
  • Hutchinson M(1997) Healing the whole person: the spiritual dimension of holistic care. Http://Members.Tri- pod.Com/~Marg_Hutchison/Nurse-4.Html
  • Keskin G, Bilge A, Babacan GA(2005) Hemşirele- rin maneviyat ve manevi bakıma ilişkin görüşlerinin de- ğerlendirilmesi. Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekoku- lu Dergisi 22,(özel sayı), 311–319.
  • Khorshıd L, Gürol Arslan G (2006) Hemşirelik ve spiritüel bakım Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksek Oku- lu Dergisi 22, 233-243
  • Kostak M(2007) Hemşirelik bakımının spiritüel bo- yutu. Fırat Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi 6, 105–115
  • Lundmark M(2006) Attitudes to spiritual care among nursing staff in a swedish oncology clinic. Jour- nal of Clinical Nursing 15, 863–874.
  • Makhija N(2002) Spiritual nursing. Nursing Journal of İndia 93, 129-130.
  • Martsolf DS, Mickley JR (1998) The concept of spi- rituality in nursing theories:differing worl-views and ex- tent of focus Journal of Advanced Nursing 27, 294-303
  • McEwen M(2005) Spiritual nursing care. Holıstıc Nursıng Practıce 19, 161-168
  • McManus J(2006) Spirituality and health. Nursing Management 13, 24-27.
  • Mcsherry W(2006) The principal components mo- del: a model for advancing spirituality and spiritual care within nursing and health care practice. Journal of Clini- cal Nursing15, 905-917.
  • Mcsherry W, Draper P, Kendrick D(2002) The construct validity of a rating scale designed to assess spi- rituality and spiritual care. International Journal of Nur- sing Studies 39,723-734.
  • Mcsherry W, Draper P(1998) The debates emer- ging from the literature surrounding the concept of spiri- tuality as applied to nursing. Journal of Advanced Nur- sing 27, 683–691.
  • Narayanasamy A, Owens J(2001) A critical inci- dent study of nurses’responses to the spiritual needs of their. Journal of Advanced Nursing 33, 446–455.
  • Narayanasamy A (1999)Learning spiritual dimensi- ons of care from a historical perspective. Nurse Educati- on Today 19, 386–395.
  • Oldnall A(1996) A critical analysis of nursing: me- eting the spiritual needs of patients. Journal of Advanced Nursing 23, 138-144.
  • Öz F (2004)İnsan, spiritual gereksinimler ve hemşi- relik MN-Klinik Bilimler ve Doktor 10, 266-273.
  • Pesut B, Sawatzky R(2005) To describe or prescri- be:assumptions underlying a prescriptive nursing process approach to spiritual care. Nursing İnguiry 13,127-134.
  • Ross L(2006) Spiritual care in nursing: An overview of the research to date. Journal of Clinical Nursing 15, 852–862.
  • Seybold KS, Hill PC(2001) The role of religion and spirituality in mental and physical health. American Psychological Society 10,21-24.
  • Strang S, Strang P, Ternestedt M(2002) Spiritual needs as defined by Swedish nursing staff. Journal of Cli- nical Nursing 11, 48–57.
  • Sawatzky R, Pesut B(2005) Attributes of spiritual care in nursing practice. J Holist Nurs 23,19-33.
  • Tanyi RA(2002) Towards clarfication of the me- aning of spirituality. Journal of Advanced Nursing 39, 500-509.
  • Tu MS(2006) Illness: An Opportunity for Spiritual Growth. The Journal Of Alternatıve And Complementary Medıcıne 12,1029–1033.
  • Wong KF, Yau SY(2009) Nurses’ experiences in spi- rituality and spiritual care in Hong Kong. Applied Nur- sing Research xx xxx–xxx
  • Van Leeuwen R, Tiesinga LJ, Post D, Jochemsen H(2006) Spiritual care: implications for nurses’ professi- onal responsibility. J Clin Nurs. 15, 875-84.

Hemşirelerin Maneviyat ve Manevi Bakıma İlişkin Görüşleri

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 3, 41 - 52, 01.12.2009


Amaç: Bu araştırma, hemşirelerin maneviyat ve manevi bakımailişkin görüşlerinin belirlenmesi amacı ile yapıldı. Yöntem: Bu çalışma İç Anadolu Bölgesi’ndeki bir ilin üç hastanesinde Mart-Temmuz 2007 tarihleri arasında yapıldı. Tanımlayıcı tipteplanlanan araştırmada, veriler araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan“Kişisel Bilgi Formu” ve “Maneviyat ve Manevi Bakım DerecelemeÖlçeği” ile toplandı. Araştırmanın evrenini söz konusu hastanelerdeçalışan toplam 621 hemşire oluşturdu. Örneklem seçimine gidilmedi.Araştırmaya çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden 333 hemşire katıldı. Elde edilen veriler İki Ortalama Arasındaki Farkın Önemlilik Testi,Mann-whitney U, Kruskal Wallis ve Tek Yönlü Varyans Analizi kullanılarak hesaplandı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya katılan hemşirelerin %96.4’ü kadın,%54.7’si 30 yaş altında, %45.3’ü lisans mezunu olup, %59.5’i evlidir.Hemşirelerin %31.8’i cerrahi kliniklerinde çalışmakta olup%40.5’inin çalışma süresi 5 yıl ve daha azdır. Çalışmada hemşirelerin %65.2’sinin maneviyat ile ilişkili bilgi almadığı, bilgi alanların%50’sinin aldığı bilgiyi yetersiz bulduğu belirlendi. Çalışma kapsamında yer alan hemşirelerin %73’ü maneviyatı, %93.4’ü manevi bakımı tanımlayamadı. Hemşirelerin Maneviyat ve Manevi Bakım Dereceleme Ölçeği puan ortalamasının 54.57±5.09 olduğu, hemşirelerineğitim düzeyi arttıkça maneviyat puan ortalamasının yükseldiği vemaneviyat ile ilgili bilgi alan hemşireler 55.64±4.23 ile bilgi almayanların 54.00±5.41 ölçek puan ortalaması arasında çok düşük birfark olmakla birlikte puan ortalamaları arasında istatistiksel olarakanlamlı ilişki bulunduğu t=2.834, p


  • Baldacchino DR, Draper P(2001) Spiritual coping strategies: a review of the nursing research literature. Jo- urnal of Advanced Nursing 34,6, 833–841.
  • Baldacchino DR(2006) Nursing competencies for spiritual care. Journal of Clinical Nursing 5, 885–896.
  • Baldacchino DR(2008) Teaching on the spiritual di- mension in care to undergraduate nursing students: The content and teaching methods. Nurse Education Today 28, 550-562.
  • Chung LYF, Wong FKY, Chan MF(2007) Relati- onship of nurses’spirituality to their understanding and practice of spiritual care. Journal of Advanced Nursing 58, 158–170.
  • Como JM(2007) Spiritual practice: a literature revi- ew related to spiritual health and health outcomes. Holıs- tıc Nursıng Practıce 21,5, 224-236
  • Coleman CL(2003) Spirituality and sexual orienta- tion: relationship to mental well-being and functional he- alth status. Journal of Advanced Nursing 43, 5, 457–464
  • Çetinkaya B, Altundağ S, Azak A(2007) Spiritual ba- kım ve hemşirelik. ADÜ Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 8, 1, 47-50.
  • Difoseph J, Cavendish R (2005) Expanding the di- alogue on prayer relevant to holistic care. Holıstıc Nur- sıng Practıce 19, 147-154
  • Dyson J, Cobb M, Forman D(1997) The meaning of spirituality: a literature review. Journal of Advanced Nursing 26,1183-1188.
  • Ellis HK, Narayanasamy A (2009)An investigation into the role of spirituality in nursing
  • British Journal of Nursing 18, 886-890
  • Ergül Ş, Bayık A(2004) Hemşirelik ve manevi ba- kım. C.Ü. Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 8, 37–45.
  • Ergül Ş, Temel-Bayık A(2007) Maneviyat ve Mane- vi Bakım Dereceleme Ölçeği’nin Türkçe Formunun Ge- çerlilik ve Güvenilirliği. Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksek Okulu Dergisi 23,1, 75-87.
  • Flannelly LT, Flannelly KJ, Weaver AJ(2002) Re- ligious and spiritual variables in three major oncology nursing journals: 1990–1999. ONF 29, 679-685.
  • Gordon M(1982) Functional Health Paterns, Nur- sing Diagnosis Process and Aplication. Mc Graw- Hill Book Comp, New York.
  • Govier I(2000) Spiritual care in nursing: a systema- tic approaach. Nursing Standard 14, 32-36.
  • Greasley P, Chıu LF, Gartland RM(2001) The concept of spiritual care in mental health nursing. Jour- nal of Advanced Nursing 33, 629-637.
  • Greenstreet WM (1999) Teaching spirituality in nur- sing: a literature review. Nurse ducation Today 19, 649–658.
  • Hall J (2006) Spirituality at the beginning of life. Jo- urnal of Clinical Nursing 15, 804–810.
  • Hutchinson M(1997) Healing the whole person: the spiritual dimension of holistic care. Http://Members.Tri- pod.Com/~Marg_Hutchison/Nurse-4.Html
  • Keskin G, Bilge A, Babacan GA(2005) Hemşirele- rin maneviyat ve manevi bakıma ilişkin görüşlerinin de- ğerlendirilmesi. Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekoku- lu Dergisi 22,(özel sayı), 311–319.
  • Khorshıd L, Gürol Arslan G (2006) Hemşirelik ve spiritüel bakım Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksek Oku- lu Dergisi 22, 233-243
  • Kostak M(2007) Hemşirelik bakımının spiritüel bo- yutu. Fırat Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi 6, 105–115
  • Lundmark M(2006) Attitudes to spiritual care among nursing staff in a swedish oncology clinic. Jour- nal of Clinical Nursing 15, 863–874.
  • Makhija N(2002) Spiritual nursing. Nursing Journal of İndia 93, 129-130.
  • Martsolf DS, Mickley JR (1998) The concept of spi- rituality in nursing theories:differing worl-views and ex- tent of focus Journal of Advanced Nursing 27, 294-303
  • McEwen M(2005) Spiritual nursing care. Holıstıc Nursıng Practıce 19, 161-168
  • McManus J(2006) Spirituality and health. Nursing Management 13, 24-27.
  • Mcsherry W(2006) The principal components mo- del: a model for advancing spirituality and spiritual care within nursing and health care practice. Journal of Clini- cal Nursing15, 905-917.
  • Mcsherry W, Draper P, Kendrick D(2002) The construct validity of a rating scale designed to assess spi- rituality and spiritual care. International Journal of Nur- sing Studies 39,723-734.
  • Mcsherry W, Draper P(1998) The debates emer- ging from the literature surrounding the concept of spiri- tuality as applied to nursing. Journal of Advanced Nur- sing 27, 683–691.
  • Narayanasamy A, Owens J(2001) A critical inci- dent study of nurses’responses to the spiritual needs of their. Journal of Advanced Nursing 33, 446–455.
  • Narayanasamy A (1999)Learning spiritual dimensi- ons of care from a historical perspective. Nurse Educati- on Today 19, 386–395.
  • Oldnall A(1996) A critical analysis of nursing: me- eting the spiritual needs of patients. Journal of Advanced Nursing 23, 138-144.
  • Öz F (2004)İnsan, spiritual gereksinimler ve hemşi- relik MN-Klinik Bilimler ve Doktor 10, 266-273.
  • Pesut B, Sawatzky R(2005) To describe or prescri- be:assumptions underlying a prescriptive nursing process approach to spiritual care. Nursing İnguiry 13,127-134.
  • Ross L(2006) Spiritual care in nursing: An overview of the research to date. Journal of Clinical Nursing 15, 852–862.
  • Seybold KS, Hill PC(2001) The role of religion and spirituality in mental and physical health. American Psychological Society 10,21-24.
  • Strang S, Strang P, Ternestedt M(2002) Spiritual needs as defined by Swedish nursing staff. Journal of Cli- nical Nursing 11, 48–57.
  • Sawatzky R, Pesut B(2005) Attributes of spiritual care in nursing practice. J Holist Nurs 23,19-33.
  • Tanyi RA(2002) Towards clarfication of the me- aning of spirituality. Journal of Advanced Nursing 39, 500-509.
  • Tu MS(2006) Illness: An Opportunity for Spiritual Growth. The Journal Of Alternatıve And Complementary Medıcıne 12,1029–1033.
  • Wong KF, Yau SY(2009) Nurses’ experiences in spi- rituality and spiritual care in Hong Kong. Applied Nur- sing Research xx xxx–xxx
  • Van Leeuwen R, Tiesinga LJ, Post D, Jochemsen H(2006) Spiritual care: implications for nurses’ professi- onal responsibility. J Clin Nurs. 15, 875-84.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Meryem Yılmaz Bu kişi benim

Nesrin Okyay Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Yılmaz, M., & Okyay, N. (2009). Hemşirelerin Maneviyat ve Manevi Bakıma İlişkin Görüşleri. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 11(3), 41-52.