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Knowledge Status Related Concept of Pain of Seniors Who has been Educated in the Field of Health

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 17 - 27, 01.08.2010


Aim: Nursing, dentistry and midwifery professions, such as members of different health-related problems arise because of the “pain” and are frequently encountered. The study was carried out in health education at a university final year students to the concept of their own pain and pain characteristics to determine if the information. Method: In this descriptive study, data were collected by a questionnaire developed by researchers. Collected data were evaluated with SPSS-version 16 and frequency, Anova and Tukey tests were used as statistical analysis. Results: A total 246 senior students including 77 nursing, 64 medicine, 59 midwifery and 46 dentistry students were attended the study. We identified that most of students didn’t experience pain frequently, 73.2% of them experienced concentration difficulties when they experienced pain. Students viewed pain as a symptom of illness and recommended mostly nonpharmacological methods to people who experienced pain. Most of the students, except medicine faculty students, stated that education on pain that they received was sufficient. The most of midwifery seniors stated that their knowledge on pain concept, behaviors towards pain and their recommendations to patients with pain were all changed after they received education on pain. It was found that students’ general mean score on pain knowledge was 22.09 SD=3.35 in the study. Mean pain knowledge score of nursing students was 24.90 SD=2.02 and this mean score was higher than whole groups’mean score and specifically was higher than other groups’ mean scores. It was found that there is a statistically significant difference between groups F=10.294 P=0.001 . Conclusion: According to the results obtained from this study students’ overall concept of pain-related information as well as level of education among students but was not expected to change. Students are insufficient on pain knowledge, pain assessment, and pain control. For that reason, we recommended that curriculum should be reviewed by means of pain related subjects.


  • Allcock N, Standen P(2001) Student nurses’ ex- periences of caring for patients in pains. International Journal of Nursing Studies 384, 287-295.
  • Bergh I, Jakobsson E, Sjöström B(2008) Worst experiences of pain and conceptions of worst pain imaginable among nursing students. Journal of Advan- ced Nursing 61(5), 484-491.
  • Bernardi M, Catania G, Lambert A, Tridello G, Luzzani M(2007) Knowledge and attitudes about cancer pain management: A national survey of Italian oncology nurses. European Journal of Oncology Nur- sing 11, 272-279.
  • Blakely G, Skırton HG, Cooper S, Allum P, Nel- mes P(2009) Educational gaming in the health scien- ces: Systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing 65(2), 259–269.
  • Chiang LC, Chen HJ, Huang L(2006) Student nurses’ knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy of children’s pain management: Evaluation of an educa- tion program in Taiwan. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 32(1), 82-9.
  • Chiu LH, Trinca J, Walker B, Lim LM, Tuazon JAA(2003) Study to evaluate the pain knowledge of two sub-populations of final year nursing students: Australia and Philippines Journal of Advanced Nur- sing 41(1), 99–108.
  • Çöçelli LP, Bacaksız BD, Ovayolu N(2008) Ağ- rı tedavisinde hemşirenin rolü. Gaziantep Tıp Dergisi 14, 53–58.
  • Eti-Aslan F, Badır A(2005) Ağrı kontrol gerçeği: Hemşirelerin ağrının doğası, değerlendirilmesi ve geçi- rilmesine ilişkin bilgi ve inançları. Ağrı 17(2), 4-51.
  • Güleç G, Güleç S(2006) Ağrı ve ağrı davranışı. Ağrı 18, 4, 5-9.
  • Hunter J, Watt-Watson J, McGillion M, Ra- man-Wilms L, Cockburn L, Lax L, Stinson J, Ca- meron A, Dao T, Pennefather P, Schreiber M, Lib- rach L, Kavanagh T, Gordon A, Cullen N, Mock D, Salter M(2008) An interfaculty pain curriculum: Les- sons learned from six years experience. Pain 140, 74–86.
  • Jones KR, Fink R, Pepper G, Hutt E, Vojir CP, Scott J, Clark L, Mellis K(2004) Improving nursing home staff knowledge and attitudes about pain. The Gerontologist 44(4), 469-478.
  • Kieser JA, Dall’Alba G, Livingstone V (2009) Impact of curriculum on understanding of professional practice: A longitudinal study of students commencing dental education. Advances in Health Sciences Educa- tion 14, 303–314
  • Kocaman G(1994) Ağrı, hemşirelik yaklaşımları. Kanyılmaz Matbaası, İzmir, 38–39.
  • Leila NM, Pirkko H, Eeva P, Eija K, Reino P (2006) Training medical students to manage a chronic pain patient: Both knowledge and communication skills are needed. European Journal of Pain 10(2), 167–170.
  • Lowe NK(2004) Context and process of informed consent for pharmacologic strategies in labor pain ca- re. J Midwifery Womens Health 49, 250–259.
  • Löfmark A, Gustavsso C, Wikblad K(2003) Student nurses’ ability to perform pain assessment. Nurse Education in Practice 3, 133–143.
  • McCaffery M, Ferrell BR(1997) Nurses’ know- ledge of pain assessment and management: How much progress have we made? Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 14(3), 175–188.
  • Özer S, Akyürek B, Başbakkal Z(2006) Hemşi- relerin ağrı ile ilgili bilgi, davranış ve klinik karar ver- me yeteneklerinin incelenmesi. Ağrı 18(4), 36–43.
  • Piotrowski MM, Paterson C, Mitchinson A, Kim HM, Kirsh M, Hinshaw DB (2003) Massage as adjuvant therapy in the management of acute postope- rative pain: A preliminary study in men. Journal of the American College of Surgeons 197(6),1037- 46.
  • Plaisance L, Logan C(2006) Nursing students’ knowledge and attitudes regarding pain. Pain Mana- gement Nursing 7(4), 167–175.
  • Pöyhia R, Kalso E(1999) Pain related undergra- duate teaching in medical faculties in Finland. Pain 79, 121–125.
  • Pöyhia R, Niemi-Murola L, Kalso E(2005) The outcome of pain related undergraduate teaching in Finnish medical faculties. Pain 115(3), 234–7.
  • Rond MEJ, Wit R, Dam FSAM, Muller MJA (2000) Pain monitoring program for nurses: Effect on the administration of analgesics. Pain 89, 25–38.
  • Salanterä S, Lauri S(2000) Nursing students’ knowledge of and views about children in pain. Nurse Education Today 20, 537–547.
  • Turner GH, Weiner DK(2002) Essential compo- nents of a medical student curriculum on chronic pain management in older adults: Result of a modified Delphi process. Pain Med 3, 240–52.
  • Twycross A(2002) Educating nurses about pain management: The way forward. Journal of Clinical Nursing 11, 705–714.
  • Varlı K, Çeliker R, Özer S, Orer H, Aypar Ü, Şahin A, Oruçkaptan H(2005) Ağrıya multidisipli- ner yaklaşım. Hacettepe Tıp Dergisi 36, 111–128.
  • Watt-Watson J, Hunter J, Pennefather P, Lib- rach L, Raman-Wilms L, Schreiber M, Lax L, Stin- son J, DaoT, Gordon A, Mock D, Salter M(2004) An integrated undergraduate pain curriculum, based on IASP curricula, for six Health Science Faculties. Pain 110, 140–148.
  • Yapucu-Güneş Ü, Eşer İ, Khorshıd L(2005) He- kim ve hemşirelerin hastaların yaş ve cinsiyetine göre ağrıya verdikleri yanıtlara ilişkin inanışları. Ege Üni- versitesi Hemşirelik Yüksek Okulu Dergisi 21(1), 145–156.


Yıl 2010, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 17 - 27, 01.08.2010


Amaç: Hemşirelik, hekimlik ve ebelik gibi sağlıkla ilişkili meslek üyeleri farklı problemler nedeni ile ortaya çıkan “ağrı” ile sık karşılaşmaktadır. Çalışma,bir üniversitede sağlık eğitimi alan son sınıf öğrencilerinin kendi ağrı özellikleri ile ağrı kavramına ilişkin bilgi durumlarını belirlemek amacıyla yapıldı. Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı tipte yapılan çalışmada veriler araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen anket formu ile toplandı. Veriler SPSS 16.0 paket programında frekans dağılımı, Anova ve Tukey testi ile değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Çalışmaya 77 hemşirelik, 64 tıp, 59 ebelik ve 46 diş hekimliği öğrencisi olmak üzere toplam 246 son sınıf öğrencisi katıldı. Araştırma sonucunda öğrencilerin çoğunluğunun sık ağrı yaşamadığı, %73.2’sinin ağrı yaşadığında konsantrasyonunun bozulduğu belirlendi. Öğrencilerin ağrı olgusunahastalık belirtisi olarak baktığı ve ağrı yaşayan bir bireye daha çok ilaç dışıyöntemleri önerdikleri saptandı. Tıp Fakültesi öğrencileri dışındaki diğer bölüm öğrencilerinin çoğunluğunun ağrı ile ilgili aldığı eğitimi yeterli gördüğü,ebelik bölümü öğrencilerinin çoğunluğunun ağrı ile ilgili aldığı eğitim sonrası ağrı kavramı konusundaki bilgilerinde, ağrıya yönelik davranışlarında veağrılı hastaya yönelik önerilerinde değişim olduğunu ifade ettiği belirlendi.Çalışmada öğrencilerin soru formundan aldıkları genel ağrı bilgi puan ortalaması x=22.09±3.35 olarak bulundu. Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin ağrı bilgipuan ortalaması x=24.90±2.02 , genel ağrı bilgi puan ortalamasından ve diğer grupların puan ortalamasından yüksekti. İstatistiksel değerlendirmedegruplar arasında anlamlı fark F=10.294 P=0.001 olduğu bulundu.Sonuç: Bu çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlara göre öğrencilerin genel olarakağrı kavramı ile ilişkili bilgileri iyi düzeyde olmakla birlikte eğitimin öğrencilerde beklenen değişimi sağlamadığı görülmüştür. Öğrencilerin ağrı bilgisi,değerlendirmesi ve kontrolüne ilişkin bilgileri eksiktir. Bu nedenle, ağrı kavramına yönelik müfredat programının irdelenmesi gerektiği düşünülmektedir


  • Allcock N, Standen P(2001) Student nurses’ ex- periences of caring for patients in pains. International Journal of Nursing Studies 384, 287-295.
  • Bergh I, Jakobsson E, Sjöström B(2008) Worst experiences of pain and conceptions of worst pain imaginable among nursing students. Journal of Advan- ced Nursing 61(5), 484-491.
  • Bernardi M, Catania G, Lambert A, Tridello G, Luzzani M(2007) Knowledge and attitudes about cancer pain management: A national survey of Italian oncology nurses. European Journal of Oncology Nur- sing 11, 272-279.
  • Blakely G, Skırton HG, Cooper S, Allum P, Nel- mes P(2009) Educational gaming in the health scien- ces: Systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing 65(2), 259–269.
  • Chiang LC, Chen HJ, Huang L(2006) Student nurses’ knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy of children’s pain management: Evaluation of an educa- tion program in Taiwan. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 32(1), 82-9.
  • Chiu LH, Trinca J, Walker B, Lim LM, Tuazon JAA(2003) Study to evaluate the pain knowledge of two sub-populations of final year nursing students: Australia and Philippines Journal of Advanced Nur- sing 41(1), 99–108.
  • Çöçelli LP, Bacaksız BD, Ovayolu N(2008) Ağ- rı tedavisinde hemşirenin rolü. Gaziantep Tıp Dergisi 14, 53–58.
  • Eti-Aslan F, Badır A(2005) Ağrı kontrol gerçeği: Hemşirelerin ağrının doğası, değerlendirilmesi ve geçi- rilmesine ilişkin bilgi ve inançları. Ağrı 17(2), 4-51.
  • Güleç G, Güleç S(2006) Ağrı ve ağrı davranışı. Ağrı 18, 4, 5-9.
  • Hunter J, Watt-Watson J, McGillion M, Ra- man-Wilms L, Cockburn L, Lax L, Stinson J, Ca- meron A, Dao T, Pennefather P, Schreiber M, Lib- rach L, Kavanagh T, Gordon A, Cullen N, Mock D, Salter M(2008) An interfaculty pain curriculum: Les- sons learned from six years experience. Pain 140, 74–86.
  • Jones KR, Fink R, Pepper G, Hutt E, Vojir CP, Scott J, Clark L, Mellis K(2004) Improving nursing home staff knowledge and attitudes about pain. The Gerontologist 44(4), 469-478.
  • Kieser JA, Dall’Alba G, Livingstone V (2009) Impact of curriculum on understanding of professional practice: A longitudinal study of students commencing dental education. Advances in Health Sciences Educa- tion 14, 303–314
  • Kocaman G(1994) Ağrı, hemşirelik yaklaşımları. Kanyılmaz Matbaası, İzmir, 38–39.
  • Leila NM, Pirkko H, Eeva P, Eija K, Reino P (2006) Training medical students to manage a chronic pain patient: Both knowledge and communication skills are needed. European Journal of Pain 10(2), 167–170.
  • Lowe NK(2004) Context and process of informed consent for pharmacologic strategies in labor pain ca- re. J Midwifery Womens Health 49, 250–259.
  • Löfmark A, Gustavsso C, Wikblad K(2003) Student nurses’ ability to perform pain assessment. Nurse Education in Practice 3, 133–143.
  • McCaffery M, Ferrell BR(1997) Nurses’ know- ledge of pain assessment and management: How much progress have we made? Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 14(3), 175–188.
  • Özer S, Akyürek B, Başbakkal Z(2006) Hemşi- relerin ağrı ile ilgili bilgi, davranış ve klinik karar ver- me yeteneklerinin incelenmesi. Ağrı 18(4), 36–43.
  • Piotrowski MM, Paterson C, Mitchinson A, Kim HM, Kirsh M, Hinshaw DB (2003) Massage as adjuvant therapy in the management of acute postope- rative pain: A preliminary study in men. Journal of the American College of Surgeons 197(6),1037- 46.
  • Plaisance L, Logan C(2006) Nursing students’ knowledge and attitudes regarding pain. Pain Mana- gement Nursing 7(4), 167–175.
  • Pöyhia R, Kalso E(1999) Pain related undergra- duate teaching in medical faculties in Finland. Pain 79, 121–125.
  • Pöyhia R, Niemi-Murola L, Kalso E(2005) The outcome of pain related undergraduate teaching in Finnish medical faculties. Pain 115(3), 234–7.
  • Rond MEJ, Wit R, Dam FSAM, Muller MJA (2000) Pain monitoring program for nurses: Effect on the administration of analgesics. Pain 89, 25–38.
  • Salanterä S, Lauri S(2000) Nursing students’ knowledge of and views about children in pain. Nurse Education Today 20, 537–547.
  • Turner GH, Weiner DK(2002) Essential compo- nents of a medical student curriculum on chronic pain management in older adults: Result of a modified Delphi process. Pain Med 3, 240–52.
  • Twycross A(2002) Educating nurses about pain management: The way forward. Journal of Clinical Nursing 11, 705–714.
  • Varlı K, Çeliker R, Özer S, Orer H, Aypar Ü, Şahin A, Oruçkaptan H(2005) Ağrıya multidisipli- ner yaklaşım. Hacettepe Tıp Dergisi 36, 111–128.
  • Watt-Watson J, Hunter J, Pennefather P, Lib- rach L, Raman-Wilms L, Schreiber M, Lax L, Stin- son J, DaoT, Gordon A, Mock D, Salter M(2004) An integrated undergraduate pain curriculum, based on IASP curricula, for six Health Science Faculties. Pain 110, 140–148.
  • Yapucu-Güneş Ü, Eşer İ, Khorshıd L(2005) He- kim ve hemşirelerin hastaların yaş ve cinsiyetine göre ağrıya verdikleri yanıtlara ilişkin inanışları. Ege Üni- versitesi Hemşirelik Yüksek Okulu Dergisi 21(1), 145–156.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Meryem Yılmaz Bu kişi benim

Ünal Özüm Bu kişi benim

Hesna Gürler Bu kişi benim

Emine Selda Çifçi Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Yılmaz, M., Özüm, Ü., Gürler, H., Çifçi, E. S. (2010). SAĞLIK ALANINDA EĞİTİM ALAN ÜNİVERSİTE ÖĞRENCİLERİNİN AĞRI KAVRAMINA İLİŞKİN BİLGİLERİ. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 12(2), 17-27.