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Childhood Obesity: An Epidemic Size Problem

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 3, 63 - 73, 01.12.2010


Increasing prevalence in children with overweight and obesity is an impor- tant health problem in most of the countries. Obesity, which is a chronic he- alth problem, causes health problems like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular di- seases, hypertension, and respiratory system diseases in children. Biological, psychological, socio-cultural and environmental factors are known to be af- fecting on the formation of childhood obesity. Diet, exercises, behavior the- rapy are being used for childhood obesity treatment. The aim of nursing ad- ministration for these children is prevention of new obesity cases, early de- termination of children with obesity, preservation of the recommended we- ight in terms of age and sex and constituting healthy way of life for children and their families. For these reasons, determining extra weight increases in children in earlier period and planning, execution and assessment of suitab- le interventions for prevention are very important for healthy individuals and societies


  • Alison G, Hoppin MD(2005) Assesment and ma- nagement of childhood and adolescent obesity. 2.4 Credit ANCC continuing nurse education, California provider number: CEP 12990. Retrieved October 12, 2006, from
  • American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry(2001) Obesity in children and teens, fact sheet. Retrieved March 14, 2007, from www.aa- Fam/79.htm
  • American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)(2003) Prevention of pediatric overweight and obesity. Pedi- atrics 112, 2-4.
  • American Heart Association (AHA)(2004) Overweight and obesity- Statistics. Retrieved May 3, 2007, from le/heart/1136820021462 Overweight 06.pdf
  • American Heart Association (AHA)(2006) Di- etary recommendations for children and adolescents: A guide for practitioners prevention of pediatric over- weight and obesity. Pediatrics 117, 544-559.
  • American Public Health Association(2003) Fo- od and nutrition section: Childhood overweight. Retri- eved July 11, 2007, from www.aphafoodandnutriti-
  • Ball JW, Bindler RC(2006) Child Health Nur- sing: Partnering with Children and Families. New Jersey, Upper Saddle River.
  • Boardman JD, Hummer RA, Padilla Y, Powers D(2002). Low birth weight, social factors, and deve- lopmental outcomes among children in the United Sta- tes. Demograpy 39 (2) 353-368.
  • Brandes AH(2007) Leisure time activities and obesity in school-aged inner city African American and Hispanic children. Pediatric Nursing 33 (2) 97- 102.
  • Bundak R, Furman A, Gunoz H, Darendereliler F, Bas F, Neyzi O(2006) Body mass index references for Turkish children. Acta Paediatrica 95, 194-198.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2008) BMI-Body Mass Index: About BMI for children and teens. Retrieved May 13, 2008, from nccdphp/dnpa/bmi/childrens_ BMI/about_childrens_BMI.htm#What%20is%20BMI.
  • Cole K, Waldrop J, D’Auria J, Garner H An integrative research review: Effective school-ba- sed childhood overweight interventions. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing 11 (3) 166-177.
  • Datar A, Sturm R(2004) Physical education in elementary school and body mass index: Evidence from the early childhood longitudinal study. American Journal of Public Health 94 (9) 1501-1506.
  • Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)(2000) Healthy People 2010. Washington DC, US Government Printing Office.
  • Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)(2001) The surgeon general’s call to action to prevent and decrease overweight and obesity. Retri- eved July 10, 2007, from http://www.surgeongene-
  • Dietz WH, Gortmaker SL(2001) Preventing obesity in children and adolescents. Annual Rewiew of Public Health 22, 337-353.
  • Eliakim A, Kaven G, Berger I, Friedland O, Wolach B, Nemet D (2002) The effect of a combined intervention on body mass index and fitness in obese children and adolescents- Aclinical experience. Euro- pean Journal of Pediatrics 161, 449-454.
  • Epstein LH, Paluch RA, Gordy CC, Dorn J (2000) Decreasing sedentary behaviors in treating pe- diatric obesity. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 154, 220-226.
  • Erickson SJ, Robinson TN, Haydel KF, Killen JD(2000) Are overweight children unhappy? Body mass index, depressive symptoms, and overweight concerns in elementary school children. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 154, 931-935.
  • European Commission(2005) In R D’Amario, I Froidmont-Görtz (Eds.), The fight against obesity. Belgium, 3-4.
  • Fertig A, Glomm G, Tchernis R(2005) The con- nection between maternal employment and childhood obesity: Inspecting the mechanism. Retrieved May 14, 2008, from ad.aspx .
  • Flegal KM, Williamson DF, Pamuk ER, Rosen- berg HM(2004) Estimating deaths attributable to obesity in the United States. American Journal of Pub- lic Health 94 (9) 1486-1489.
  • Freedman DS(2002) Clustering of coronary heart disease risk factors among obese children. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism 15, 1099- 1108.
  • Glasper A(2010) The fat of the land: obesity pre- vention over obesity treatment. British Journal of Nur- sing 19, 212-213.
  • Goldfield GS, Moore C, Henderson K, Buch- holz A, Obeid N, Flament MF(2010)
  • Body dissatisfaction, dietary restraint, depression, and weight status in adolescents. Journal of School Health 80, 186-192.
  • Gonzalez JL, Gilmer L(2006) Obesity preventi- on in pediatrics: A pilot pediatric resident curriculum intervention on nutrition and obesity education and co- unseling. Journal of the National Medical Association 98 (9) 1483-1488.
  • Goodman E, Whitaker RC(2002) A prospective study of the role of depression in the development and persistence of adolescent obesity. Pediatrics 109 (3) 497-504.
  • Gordon-Larsen P, Adair LS, Nelson MC, Pop- kin BM(2004) Five-year obesity incidence in the transition period between adolescence and adulthood: The national longitudinal study of adolescent health. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 80, 569- 575.
  • He M, Beyhon C(2006) Prevalence of overweight and obesity in school-aged children. Canadian Jour- nal of Dietetic Practice and Research 67 (3) 125-130.
  • Henry LL(2005) Childhood obesity: What can be done to help today’s youth? Pediatric Nursing 31 (1) 13-16.
  • Hill JO(2006) Pessimistic news about U.S. trends in overweight and obesity. Obesity Management 88, 87-88.
  • Hockenberry MJ(2005) Wong’s Essentials of Pe- diatric Nursing (7thEd.). Missouri, Elsevier-Mosby.
  • Huerta M, Bibi H, Hahiv J, Scharf S, Gdalevich M(2006) Parental smoking and education as determi- nants of overweight in Israeli Children. Preventing Chronic Disease 3 (2) 1-9.
  • Institute of Medicine (IOM)(2005) Committee on Prevention of Obesity in Children and Youth. Pre- venting childhood obesity: Health in balance. Retri- eved May 14, 2008, from c g i / d e 2 0 0 7 . c g i ? t e r m = c h i l d h o o d + o b e s i t y + h e - alth+in+balance
  • Kiess W, Galler A, Reich A, Muller G, Kapellen T, Deutscher J, Raile K, Kratzsch J (2001) Clinical aspects of obesity in childhood and adolescence. Obe- sity Reviews 2 (1) 29-36.
  • Klesges RC, Klesges LM, Eck LH, Shelton ML (1995) A longitudinal analysis of accelerated weight gain in preschool children. Pediatrics 95, 126-130.
  • Koçoğlu G, Özdemir L, Sümer H, Demir D, Çe- tinkaya S, Polat H(2003) Prevalence of obesity among 11-14 years old students in Sivas-Turkey. Pa- kistan Journal of Nutrition 2 (5) 292-295.
  • Maynard LM, Galuska DA, Blanck HM, Serdu- la MK(2003) Maternal perceptions of weight status of children. Pediatrics 111 (5) 1226-1231.
  • Metin B (2006) Dünya Sağlık Örgütü’nün kurulu- şu, işleyişi, Türkiye ile olan ilişkileri ve anlaşmaları, Dünya Sağlık Raporları, 21.Yüzyılda Herkes İçin Sağ- lık Hedefleri, Türkiye’nin Hedef ve Stratejileri. Retri- eved January 9, 2006, from politikalar.
  • Morgan CM, Yanovski SZ, Nguyen TT, McDuf- fie J, Sebring N, Jorge MR, Keil M, Yanovski JA (2002) Loss of control over eating, adiposity, and psychopathology in overweight children. Internati- onal Journal of Eating Disorders 31, 430-441.
  • Neyzi O, Günöz H, Furman A, Bundak R, Gök- çay G, Darendeliler F, Baş F(2008) Türk çocukların- da vücut ağırlığı, boy uzunluğu, baş çevresi ve vücut kitle indeksi referans değerleri. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Has- talıkları Dergisi 51, (1) 1-14.
  • Northrup KL, Cottrell LA, Wittberg RA(2008) L.I.F.E.: A school-based heart-health screening and in- tervention program. Journal of School Nursing 24, 28- 35.
  • Ogden CL, Flegal KM, Carroll MD, Johnson CL(2002) Prevalence and trends in overweight among US children and adolescents 1999-2000. Jour- nal of the American Medical Association 288, 1728- 1732.
  • Passehl B, McCarroll C, Buechner J, Gearring C, Smith AE, Trobridge F(2006) Preventing child- hood obesity: Establishing healthy lifestyle habits in the preschool years. Journal of Pediatric Nursing 21 (4) 266-275.
  • Polhamus B, Thompson D, Benton-Davis SL, Reinold CM, Grummer-Strawn LM, Dietz W (2005) Overweight Children and Adolescents: Recom- mendations for Screening, Assessment and Manage- ment, Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (medical education for physicians). Retri- eved November 15, 2007, from
  • Reilly JJ, Methven E, McDowell ZC, Hacking B, Alexander L, Kelnar CJH(2003) Health consequ- ences of obesity. Archives of Disease in Childhood 88, 748-752.
  • Roberts SO(2000) The role of physical activity in the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity. Pe- diatric Nursing, 26. Retrieved May 26, 2008, from 26/ai_n18609610.
  • Sherwood NE, Story M, Obarzanek E(2004) Correlates of obesity in African-American Girls: An overview. Obesity Research 12, 3S-6S.
  • Sinha R, Fisch G, Teague B, Tamborlane WV, Banyas B, Allen K, Savoye M, Rieger V, Taksali S, Barbetta G, Sherwin RS, Caprio S (2002) Prevalen- ce of impaired glucose tolerance among children and adolescents with marked obesity. The New England Journal of Medicine 346, 802-810.
  • Strauss RS(2002) Childhood obesity. Pediatric Clinic of North America 49 (1) 175-193.
  • Süzek H, Arı Z, Uyanık BS(2005) Muğla’da ya- şayan 6-15 yaş okul çocuklarında kilo fazlalığı ve obe- zite prevalansı. Türk Biyokimya Dergisi 30 (4) 290- 295.
  • Taylor SJC, Viner R, Booy R, Head J, Tate H, Brentnall SL, Haines M, Bhui K, Hillier S, Stans- feld S (2005) Ethnicity, socio-economic status, over- weight and underweight in East London adolescents. Ethnicity and Health 10 (2) 113-128.
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration Center (FDA) (2007) Guidance for Industry Developing Products for Weight Management. Retrieved April 16, 2010, from RegulatoryInformation/Guidances/ucm071612.pdf
  • Vandewater EA, Shim M, Caplovitz AG Linking obesity and activity level with children’s tele- vision and video game usage. Journal of Adolescence 27, 71-85.
  • Veugelers PJ, Fitzgerald AL(2005). Prevalence of and risk factors for childhood overweight and obe- sity. Canadian Medical Association Journal 173 (6) 607-613.
  • Wang Y(2008) Child Obesity and Health. Interna- tional Encyclopedia of Public Health 590-604.
  • Welsh JA, Cogswell ME, Rogers S, Rockett H, Mei Z, Grummer-Strawn L(2005) Overweight among low-income preschool children associated with the consumption of sweet drinks: Missouri, 1999- 2002. Pediatrics 115 (2) 223-229.
  • World Health Organization (WHO)(2005) Obe- sity and overweight. Retrieved June 12, 2007, from w w w. w h o . i n t / d i e t p h y s i c a l a c t i v i t y / p u b l i c a t i - ons/facts/obesity/en/
  • Zametkin AJ, Zoon CK, Klein HW, Munson S (2004) psychiatric aspects of child and adolescent obe- sity: A review of the past 10 years. Journal of the Ame- rican Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 43, 134-150.


Yıl 2010, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 3, 63 - 73, 01.12.2010


Çocuklarda hafif şişmanlık ve şişmanlık prevalansındaki artış dünyadakibirçok ülkede önemli bir sağlık sorunudur. Kronik bir sağlık sorunu olan şişmanlık çocuklarda tip 2 diabet, kardiovasküler hastalıklar, hipertansiyon, solunum sistemi hastalıkları gibi sağlık sorunlarına yol açmaktadır. Çocuklukçağı şişmanlığının oluşumunda biyolojik, psikolojik, sosyokültürel, çevreselfaktörler gibi etkenlerin risk oluşturduğu bildirilmektedir. Çocuklarda şişmanlığın tedavisinde diyet, egzersiz, davranış tedavisi yapılmaktadır. Bu çocukların hemşirelik yönetiminde hedef; hafif şişmanlıkta yeni vakaların önlenmesi, çocukların erken dönemde belirlenmesi, yaşa ve cinsiyete göre önerilen ağırlığın korunması, çocuklar ve ailelerinde sağlıklı yaşam tarzı oluşturulmasıdır. Bu nedenle, çocuklarda fazla kilo artışının erken dönemde belirlenmesi ve önlenmesi için uygun girişimlerin planlanması, uygulanması vedeğerlendirilmesi sağlıklı bireyler ve toplumlar için son derece önemlidir


  • Alison G, Hoppin MD(2005) Assesment and ma- nagement of childhood and adolescent obesity. 2.4 Credit ANCC continuing nurse education, California provider number: CEP 12990. Retrieved October 12, 2006, from
  • American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry(2001) Obesity in children and teens, fact sheet. Retrieved March 14, 2007, from www.aa- Fam/79.htm
  • American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)(2003) Prevention of pediatric overweight and obesity. Pedi- atrics 112, 2-4.
  • American Heart Association (AHA)(2004) Overweight and obesity- Statistics. Retrieved May 3, 2007, from le/heart/1136820021462 Overweight 06.pdf
  • American Heart Association (AHA)(2006) Di- etary recommendations for children and adolescents: A guide for practitioners prevention of pediatric over- weight and obesity. Pediatrics 117, 544-559.
  • American Public Health Association(2003) Fo- od and nutrition section: Childhood overweight. Retri- eved July 11, 2007, from www.aphafoodandnutriti-
  • Ball JW, Bindler RC(2006) Child Health Nur- sing: Partnering with Children and Families. New Jersey, Upper Saddle River.
  • Boardman JD, Hummer RA, Padilla Y, Powers D(2002). Low birth weight, social factors, and deve- lopmental outcomes among children in the United Sta- tes. Demograpy 39 (2) 353-368.
  • Brandes AH(2007) Leisure time activities and obesity in school-aged inner city African American and Hispanic children. Pediatric Nursing 33 (2) 97- 102.
  • Bundak R, Furman A, Gunoz H, Darendereliler F, Bas F, Neyzi O(2006) Body mass index references for Turkish children. Acta Paediatrica 95, 194-198.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2008) BMI-Body Mass Index: About BMI for children and teens. Retrieved May 13, 2008, from nccdphp/dnpa/bmi/childrens_ BMI/about_childrens_BMI.htm#What%20is%20BMI.
  • Cole K, Waldrop J, D’Auria J, Garner H An integrative research review: Effective school-ba- sed childhood overweight interventions. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing 11 (3) 166-177.
  • Datar A, Sturm R(2004) Physical education in elementary school and body mass index: Evidence from the early childhood longitudinal study. American Journal of Public Health 94 (9) 1501-1506.
  • Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)(2000) Healthy People 2010. Washington DC, US Government Printing Office.
  • Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)(2001) The surgeon general’s call to action to prevent and decrease overweight and obesity. Retri- eved July 10, 2007, from http://www.surgeongene-
  • Dietz WH, Gortmaker SL(2001) Preventing obesity in children and adolescents. Annual Rewiew of Public Health 22, 337-353.
  • Eliakim A, Kaven G, Berger I, Friedland O, Wolach B, Nemet D (2002) The effect of a combined intervention on body mass index and fitness in obese children and adolescents- Aclinical experience. Euro- pean Journal of Pediatrics 161, 449-454.
  • Epstein LH, Paluch RA, Gordy CC, Dorn J (2000) Decreasing sedentary behaviors in treating pe- diatric obesity. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 154, 220-226.
  • Erickson SJ, Robinson TN, Haydel KF, Killen JD(2000) Are overweight children unhappy? Body mass index, depressive symptoms, and overweight concerns in elementary school children. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 154, 931-935.
  • European Commission(2005) In R D’Amario, I Froidmont-Görtz (Eds.), The fight against obesity. Belgium, 3-4.
  • Fertig A, Glomm G, Tchernis R(2005) The con- nection between maternal employment and childhood obesity: Inspecting the mechanism. Retrieved May 14, 2008, from ad.aspx .
  • Flegal KM, Williamson DF, Pamuk ER, Rosen- berg HM(2004) Estimating deaths attributable to obesity in the United States. American Journal of Pub- lic Health 94 (9) 1486-1489.
  • Freedman DS(2002) Clustering of coronary heart disease risk factors among obese children. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism 15, 1099- 1108.
  • Glasper A(2010) The fat of the land: obesity pre- vention over obesity treatment. British Journal of Nur- sing 19, 212-213.
  • Goldfield GS, Moore C, Henderson K, Buch- holz A, Obeid N, Flament MF(2010)
  • Body dissatisfaction, dietary restraint, depression, and weight status in adolescents. Journal of School Health 80, 186-192.
  • Gonzalez JL, Gilmer L(2006) Obesity preventi- on in pediatrics: A pilot pediatric resident curriculum intervention on nutrition and obesity education and co- unseling. Journal of the National Medical Association 98 (9) 1483-1488.
  • Goodman E, Whitaker RC(2002) A prospective study of the role of depression in the development and persistence of adolescent obesity. Pediatrics 109 (3) 497-504.
  • Gordon-Larsen P, Adair LS, Nelson MC, Pop- kin BM(2004) Five-year obesity incidence in the transition period between adolescence and adulthood: The national longitudinal study of adolescent health. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 80, 569- 575.
  • He M, Beyhon C(2006) Prevalence of overweight and obesity in school-aged children. Canadian Jour- nal of Dietetic Practice and Research 67 (3) 125-130.
  • Henry LL(2005) Childhood obesity: What can be done to help today’s youth? Pediatric Nursing 31 (1) 13-16.
  • Hill JO(2006) Pessimistic news about U.S. trends in overweight and obesity. Obesity Management 88, 87-88.
  • Hockenberry MJ(2005) Wong’s Essentials of Pe- diatric Nursing (7thEd.). Missouri, Elsevier-Mosby.
  • Huerta M, Bibi H, Hahiv J, Scharf S, Gdalevich M(2006) Parental smoking and education as determi- nants of overweight in Israeli Children. Preventing Chronic Disease 3 (2) 1-9.
  • Institute of Medicine (IOM)(2005) Committee on Prevention of Obesity in Children and Youth. Pre- venting childhood obesity: Health in balance. Retri- eved May 14, 2008, from c g i / d e 2 0 0 7 . c g i ? t e r m = c h i l d h o o d + o b e s i t y + h e - alth+in+balance
  • Kiess W, Galler A, Reich A, Muller G, Kapellen T, Deutscher J, Raile K, Kratzsch J (2001) Clinical aspects of obesity in childhood and adolescence. Obe- sity Reviews 2 (1) 29-36.
  • Klesges RC, Klesges LM, Eck LH, Shelton ML (1995) A longitudinal analysis of accelerated weight gain in preschool children. Pediatrics 95, 126-130.
  • Koçoğlu G, Özdemir L, Sümer H, Demir D, Çe- tinkaya S, Polat H(2003) Prevalence of obesity among 11-14 years old students in Sivas-Turkey. Pa- kistan Journal of Nutrition 2 (5) 292-295.
  • Maynard LM, Galuska DA, Blanck HM, Serdu- la MK(2003) Maternal perceptions of weight status of children. Pediatrics 111 (5) 1226-1231.
  • Metin B (2006) Dünya Sağlık Örgütü’nün kurulu- şu, işleyişi, Türkiye ile olan ilişkileri ve anlaşmaları, Dünya Sağlık Raporları, 21.Yüzyılda Herkes İçin Sağ- lık Hedefleri, Türkiye’nin Hedef ve Stratejileri. Retri- eved January 9, 2006, from politikalar.
  • Morgan CM, Yanovski SZ, Nguyen TT, McDuf- fie J, Sebring N, Jorge MR, Keil M, Yanovski JA (2002) Loss of control over eating, adiposity, and psychopathology in overweight children. Internati- onal Journal of Eating Disorders 31, 430-441.
  • Neyzi O, Günöz H, Furman A, Bundak R, Gök- çay G, Darendeliler F, Baş F(2008) Türk çocukların- da vücut ağırlığı, boy uzunluğu, baş çevresi ve vücut kitle indeksi referans değerleri. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Has- talıkları Dergisi 51, (1) 1-14.
  • Northrup KL, Cottrell LA, Wittberg RA(2008) L.I.F.E.: A school-based heart-health screening and in- tervention program. Journal of School Nursing 24, 28- 35.
  • Ogden CL, Flegal KM, Carroll MD, Johnson CL(2002) Prevalence and trends in overweight among US children and adolescents 1999-2000. Jour- nal of the American Medical Association 288, 1728- 1732.
  • Passehl B, McCarroll C, Buechner J, Gearring C, Smith AE, Trobridge F(2006) Preventing child- hood obesity: Establishing healthy lifestyle habits in the preschool years. Journal of Pediatric Nursing 21 (4) 266-275.
  • Polhamus B, Thompson D, Benton-Davis SL, Reinold CM, Grummer-Strawn LM, Dietz W (2005) Overweight Children and Adolescents: Recom- mendations for Screening, Assessment and Manage- ment, Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (medical education for physicians). Retri- eved November 15, 2007, from
  • Reilly JJ, Methven E, McDowell ZC, Hacking B, Alexander L, Kelnar CJH(2003) Health consequ- ences of obesity. Archives of Disease in Childhood 88, 748-752.
  • Roberts SO(2000) The role of physical activity in the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity. Pe- diatric Nursing, 26. Retrieved May 26, 2008, from 26/ai_n18609610.
  • Sherwood NE, Story M, Obarzanek E(2004) Correlates of obesity in African-American Girls: An overview. Obesity Research 12, 3S-6S.
  • Sinha R, Fisch G, Teague B, Tamborlane WV, Banyas B, Allen K, Savoye M, Rieger V, Taksali S, Barbetta G, Sherwin RS, Caprio S (2002) Prevalen- ce of impaired glucose tolerance among children and adolescents with marked obesity. The New England Journal of Medicine 346, 802-810.
  • Strauss RS(2002) Childhood obesity. Pediatric Clinic of North America 49 (1) 175-193.
  • Süzek H, Arı Z, Uyanık BS(2005) Muğla’da ya- şayan 6-15 yaş okul çocuklarında kilo fazlalığı ve obe- zite prevalansı. Türk Biyokimya Dergisi 30 (4) 290- 295.
  • Taylor SJC, Viner R, Booy R, Head J, Tate H, Brentnall SL, Haines M, Bhui K, Hillier S, Stans- feld S (2005) Ethnicity, socio-economic status, over- weight and underweight in East London adolescents. Ethnicity and Health 10 (2) 113-128.
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration Center (FDA) (2007) Guidance for Industry Developing Products for Weight Management. Retrieved April 16, 2010, from RegulatoryInformation/Guidances/ucm071612.pdf
  • Vandewater EA, Shim M, Caplovitz AG Linking obesity and activity level with children’s tele- vision and video game usage. Journal of Adolescence 27, 71-85.
  • Veugelers PJ, Fitzgerald AL(2005). Prevalence of and risk factors for childhood overweight and obe- sity. Canadian Medical Association Journal 173 (6) 607-613.
  • Wang Y(2008) Child Obesity and Health. Interna- tional Encyclopedia of Public Health 590-604.
  • Welsh JA, Cogswell ME, Rogers S, Rockett H, Mei Z, Grummer-Strawn L(2005) Overweight among low-income preschool children associated with the consumption of sweet drinks: Missouri, 1999- 2002. Pediatrics 115 (2) 223-229.
  • World Health Organization (WHO)(2005) Obe- sity and overweight. Retrieved June 12, 2007, from w w w. w h o . i n t / d i e t p h y s i c a l a c t i v i t y / p u b l i c a t i - ons/facts/obesity/en/
  • Zametkin AJ, Zoon CK, Klein HW, Munson S (2004) psychiatric aspects of child and adolescent obe- sity: A review of the past 10 years. Journal of the Ame- rican Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 43, 134-150.
Toplam 60 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Ebru Kılıçarslan Törüner Bu kişi benim

Sevim Savaşer Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Kılıçarslan Törüner, E., & Savaşer, S. (2010). ÇOCUKLUK ÇAĞI ŞİŞMANLIĞI: EPİDEMİ BOYUTUNDA SORUN. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 12(3), 63-73.