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A New Approch In Nursing Practice: Ultrasound-Guided Periferal Intravenous Catheterization

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 61 - 70, 01.04.2011


Could we anticipate that we could see veins which we use for intravenous access 20 years ago? Nowadays, visual technologies create new and different ways for knowledge and skills of nursing as in other medical sciences. The ultrasonography which is called the Millennium stethoscope is being used as a new technology in both ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous catheterization and peripherally inserted central catheterization, especially in patients with difficult intravenous access. Ultrasonography which is designed for vascular access is an ideal device for intravenous catheterization because it is small and portable. Moreover, it provides screening in real time, it doesn’t contain ionizing radiation and it can localize arters and veins clearly. Besides, this device can determine anatomic variations and venous thrombosis and it allows to use with standard intravenous catheters without any additional equipment. Ultrasonography guided peripheral intravenous catheterization is a new technique which can be used by nurses since it has lots of benefits such as; • It increases the success of application in the first attempt • The complications related with multiple cannulation attempts decreases • The time required for intravenous access reduces especially in emergency cases • The pain and discomfort reduces and satisfaction of patient increases • It reduces hospitalization time and costs of patient care by decreasing the necessity for central catheter, and personnel, equipment needed for this application to minimum levels. This article is written to inform about ultrasonography guided peripheral intravenous catheterization which is included in application protocols since 1990s in the world; to underline the benefits of usage in service routine on patients, nurses and the cost; and lastly, to revise the studies done about this technique in the world.


  • Abboud P, Kendall J (2004) Ultrasound guidance for vascular Access. Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America 22, 749-773.
  • Acar F, Cander B, Girişgin S, Gül M(2009) Acil serviste santral venöz kateter Uygulamaları: Geriye dönük bir çalışma. Akademik acil Tıp Dergisi 8, 35-38.
  • Adhikari S, Blaivas M, Morrison D, Lander L (2010) Comparison of infection rates among ultraso- und-guided versus traditionally placed peripheral ınt- ravenous lines. Journal of Ultrasound Medicine 29, 741-742
  • ANA-American Nurses Association’s Needlestick Prevention Guide (2007) Retrieved September 2009 from
  • Aponte H, Acosta S(2007) The Use of ultrasound for placement of intravenous catheters. AANA journal 75(3), 212-216.
  • Bagley W, Lewiss R, Saul T, Travnicek P(2009) Focus on: Dynamic ultrasound-guided peripheral int- ravenous line placement. Retrieved July 2010 from
  • Barber JM(2002) A Nurse Led Peripherally In- serted Central Catheter Line. Clinical Radiology 57, 352-354.
  • Blaivas M(2005) Ultrasound-Guided Peripheral IV Insertion in the ED: A two-hour training session improves placement success rates in one ED. Ameri- can Journal of Nursing 105(10), 54-57.
  • Bauman M, Braude D, Crandall C(2009) Ultra- sound-guidance vs. standard technique in difficult vas- cular access patients by ED technicians. American Jo- urnal of Emergency Medicine 27(2), 135-140.
  • Brannam L, Blaivas M, Lyon M, Flake M (2004) Emergency nurses’ utilization of ultrasound guidance for placement of peripheral intravenous lines in difficult-access patients. Academic Emergency Me- dicine 11(12), 1361-1363.
  • Bukata WR(2007) The effectiveness of nurse led 2-D ultrasound guided insertion of peripherally inser- ted central catheters in adult patients: A systematic re- view. Emergency Medicine News 29(5), 16-20.
  • Chinnock B (2007) Predictors of success in nurse performed ultrasound guided cannulation. The journal of Emergency Medicine 33(4), 401-405.
  • Chinnock B, Thornton S, Hendey G(2005) Nur- se-performed ultrasound-guided upper extremity ve- nous cannulation in emergency department patients with difficult venous access. Academic Emergency Medicine 12, 35-38.
  • Constantino TG, Fojtik JP(2003) Success rate of peripheral IV catheter insertion by emergency physici- ans using ultrasound guidance. Academic Emergency Medicine 10(5), 487-490.
  • Denat Y, Eşeri T(2006) Yaşlı hastalarda periferal intravenöz kateterizasyon. C.Ü. Hemşirelik Yükseko- kulu Dergisi 10(1), 43-45.
  • Doniger SJ, Ishimine P, Fox JC, Kanegaye JT (2009) Randomized Controlled trial of ultrasound-gu- ided peripheral intravenous catheter placement versus traditional techniques in difficult-access pediatric pati- ents. Pediatric Emergency Care 25(3), 154-159.
  • EEHC-European Environment and Health Committee Guidance on developing quality and safety strategies with a health system approach (2008) Retri- eved July 2010 from Docu- ment/EEHC/26th_EEHC_Madrid_edoc08rev1.pdf
  • Goldstein JR. (2006)Ultrasound –guided periphe- ral venous access. Israeli Journal of Emergency Medi- cine 6(4), 46-52.
  • Hilty WM, Hudson PA, Levitt MA, Hall JB (1997) Real time ultrasound guided femoral vein cat- herization during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. An- nual Emergency Medicine 29, 331-337.
  • Jehangir MM(2009) Bedside ultrasonography, peripheral line placement: Treatment & Medication. Retrieved July 2010 from http://emedicine.medsca-
  • Keyes LE, Frazee BW, Snoey ER, Simon BC, Christy D(1999) Ultrasound-guided brachial and ba- silic vein cannulation in emergency department pati- ents with difficult intravenous access. Annual Emer- gency Medicine 34(6), 711-714.
  • Kısa B, Kaya K(2006) Hemşire öğretim eleman- larının teknolojiye ilişkin tutumları. TheTurkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – TOJET 5, 1303- 6521.
  • Krstenic WJ, Brealey S, Gaikwad S, Maraveyas A(2008) The effectiveness nurse led 2-D ultrasound guided insertion of peripherally inserted central cathe- ters in adult patients: A systematic review. Journal of The Association for Vascular Access 13(3), 120-125.
  • Kuensting L, DeBoer S, Holleran BL, Shultz B, Steinmann R, Venella J(2009) Difficult venous ac- cess in children: Taking control Journal of Emergency Nursing 35(5), 419-424.
  • Mahler SA, Wang H(2009) Ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous access in the emergency de- partment using a modified seldinger technique. Jour- nal of emergency med. Retrieved July 2010 from h t t p : / / w w w. j e m - j o u r n a l . c o m / a r t i c l e / S 0 7 3 6 - 4679%2809%2900091-2/fulltext.
  • Mills C, Liebmann O, Stone M, Fraze B (2007) Ultrasonographically guided insertion of a 15-cm cat- heter into the deep brachial or basilic vein in patients with difficult intravenous access. Annals of Emergeny Medicine 50(1), 68-72.
  • Nichols I, Humphrey JP(2008) The efficiency of upper arm placement of peripherally inserted central catheters using bedside ultrasound and microintrodu- cer. Journal of Infusion Nursing 31(3), 165-176.
  • Papas NL, Michaud TE, Wolbers RM, Stewart JC (2006) Ultrasound guided as a rescue technigue for peripheral intravenous cannulation. From http://www.
  • Patacsil EG, Patacsil AV(2000) Method and ap- paratus for ultrasound guided intravenous cannulation. United States Patent and Trademark Office-USPTO. [Electronic version]. Retrieved July 2010 from
  • Pedreira ML, Peterlini MA , Pettengill MA (2008) Ultrasonography in peripheral intravenous puncturing: Innovating the nursing practice in order to promote patient safety. Acta Paulista de Enfermagem 21, 4-7.
  • Resnick JR, Cydulka RK, Donato J, Jones RA, Werner SL(2008). Success of ultrasound-guided pe- ripheral intravenous access with skin marking. Acade- mic Emergency Medidicine 5(8), 723-30.
  • Robinson MK, Mogensen KM, Grudinskas GF, Kohler S, Jacobs DO(2005) Improved care and redu- ced costs for patients requiring peripherally inserted central catheters: The role of bedside ultrasound and a dedicated team. Journal of Parenteral Enteral Nutriti- on 29(5), 374-379.
  • Sandelowski M(1998) Looking to care or caring to look? Technology and the rise of spectacular nur- sing. Holistic Nursing Practice 12, 4-6.
  • Sandhu N, Sindhu D(2004) Mid-arm approach to basilic and cephalic vein cannulation using ultrasound guidance. British Journal of Anesthesiology 93, 292- 294.
  • Shea CG, Murthi SB(2009). Ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous access in the intensive care unit. Journal Of Critical Care Article [Electronic ver- sion]. Retrieved July 2010 from http://www.sciencedi-
  • Simcock L(2008) No going back: Advantages of ultrasound-guided upper arm PICC placement. Jour- nal of Association for Vascular Access 13(4), 191-197.
  • Slama M, Novara A, Safavian A, Ossart M (1997) Improvement of internal jugular vein cannula- tion using an ultrasound-guided technique. Intensive Care Med. 23(9), 16-19.
  • Stein J, Goergy B, River G, Hlebig A (2009) Ult- rasonographically guided peripheral intravenous can- nulation in emergency department patients with diffi- cult intravenous access:A Randomized trial. Annuals of Emergency Medicine 54(1), 33-40.
  • Stokowski G, Steele D, Wilson D(2009) The use of ultrasound to improve practice and complication ra- tes in peripherally inserted central catheter insertions: Final report of investigation. Journal of Infusion Nur- sing 32(3 ), 145-155.
  • Grevstad U, Gregersen P(2009) Intravenous ac- cess in the emergency patient. Current Anesthesia-Cri- tical Care 20(3), 120-127.
  • Walker E(2009) Piloting a nurse-led ultrasound cannulation scheme. British Journal of Nursing 18(14), 854-859.
  • White A, Lopez F, Stone P (2010) Developing and sustaining an ultrasound-guided peripheral intra- venous access program for emergency nurses. Adven- ced Emergency Nursing Journal 32(2),173-188
  • Yıldırım C, İkizceli İ(1999) Acil serviste santral venöz kateter uygulamaları. Ulusal Travma Dergisi 5, 270-273.
  • Yılmaz M(2005) Hemşirelik bakım hizmetinin kalitesini geliştirme yolu olarak kanıta dayalı uygula- ma. C.Ü. Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 9(1), 41-43.
  • Yurtsever S, Altıok M(2006) Kanıta dayalı uygu- lamalar ve hemşirelik. F.Ü. Sağlık Bil. Dergisi 20(2), 159-166.


Yıl 2011, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 61 - 70, 01.04.2011


Yirmi yıl önce intravenöz giriş için kullanacağımız damarları görebileceğimizi hayal edebilir miydik? Günümüzde, görüntülü teknolojiler diğer tıp bilimlerinde olduğu gibi hemşirelik bilgi ve becerileri için de yeni ve farklıalanlar yaratmaktadır. Milenyum stetoskobu olarak adlandırılan ultrasonografi, son yıllarda özellikle venöz girişimde güçlük çekilen hastalarda yeni birteknoloji olarak periferal intravenöz kateterizasyon ve periferal olarak yerleştirilen santral kateterizasyon uygulamalarında kullanılmaktadır. Vaskülergirişler için tasarlanmış ultrasonografi cihazının, küçük boyutlu ve taşınabilir olması, gerçek zamanlı görüntü sağlaması, iyonizan radyasyon içermemesi, arter ve venleri net olarak lokalize edebilmesi, anatomik varyasyonları vevenöz trombozu tespit edebilmesi, standart intravenöz kataterlerle bu işleminuygulanabilmesi ve ek malzeme gerektirmemesi gibi özellikleri ultrasonografiyi intravenöz kateterizasyon için ideal bir araç haline getirmektedir. Ultrasonografi eşliğinde yapılan periferik intravenöz kateterizasyon aşağıdabelirtilen faydaları nedeniyle hemşireler tarafından kullanılabilecek yeni birtekniktir:• İlk giriş denemesinde işlem başarısını arttırır.• Çoklu giriş denemelerine bağlı oluşabilecek komplikasyonları azaltır.• Özellikle acil durumlarda işlem için gerekli süreyi kısaltır. • Hastada ağrı ve rahatsızlığı azaltarak memnuniyeti arttırır.• Santral kateter yerleştirme ihtiyacını ve bu işlemin getireceği personel,ekipman kullanımını en aza indirip, hastanede kalış süresini azaltarak hastabakım maliyetlerini düşürür. Sunulan makale dünyada 1990’lardan bu yana uygulama protokollerine dahil edilmiş olan ultrasonografi eşliğinde periferal intravenöz kateter yerleştirme işlemi hakkında bilgi vermek, servis rutinlerinde kullanılmasının hastalara, hemşirelere ve maliyete getireceği yararları ortaya koymak ve dünyada kullanımı ile ilgili yapılan çalışmaları gözden geçirmek amacı ile yazılmıştır


  • Abboud P, Kendall J (2004) Ultrasound guidance for vascular Access. Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America 22, 749-773.
  • Acar F, Cander B, Girişgin S, Gül M(2009) Acil serviste santral venöz kateter Uygulamaları: Geriye dönük bir çalışma. Akademik acil Tıp Dergisi 8, 35-38.
  • Adhikari S, Blaivas M, Morrison D, Lander L (2010) Comparison of infection rates among ultraso- und-guided versus traditionally placed peripheral ınt- ravenous lines. Journal of Ultrasound Medicine 29, 741-742
  • ANA-American Nurses Association’s Needlestick Prevention Guide (2007) Retrieved September 2009 from
  • Aponte H, Acosta S(2007) The Use of ultrasound for placement of intravenous catheters. AANA journal 75(3), 212-216.
  • Bagley W, Lewiss R, Saul T, Travnicek P(2009) Focus on: Dynamic ultrasound-guided peripheral int- ravenous line placement. Retrieved July 2010 from
  • Barber JM(2002) A Nurse Led Peripherally In- serted Central Catheter Line. Clinical Radiology 57, 352-354.
  • Blaivas M(2005) Ultrasound-Guided Peripheral IV Insertion in the ED: A two-hour training session improves placement success rates in one ED. Ameri- can Journal of Nursing 105(10), 54-57.
  • Bauman M, Braude D, Crandall C(2009) Ultra- sound-guidance vs. standard technique in difficult vas- cular access patients by ED technicians. American Jo- urnal of Emergency Medicine 27(2), 135-140.
  • Brannam L, Blaivas M, Lyon M, Flake M (2004) Emergency nurses’ utilization of ultrasound guidance for placement of peripheral intravenous lines in difficult-access patients. Academic Emergency Me- dicine 11(12), 1361-1363.
  • Bukata WR(2007) The effectiveness of nurse led 2-D ultrasound guided insertion of peripherally inser- ted central catheters in adult patients: A systematic re- view. Emergency Medicine News 29(5), 16-20.
  • Chinnock B (2007) Predictors of success in nurse performed ultrasound guided cannulation. The journal of Emergency Medicine 33(4), 401-405.
  • Chinnock B, Thornton S, Hendey G(2005) Nur- se-performed ultrasound-guided upper extremity ve- nous cannulation in emergency department patients with difficult venous access. Academic Emergency Medicine 12, 35-38.
  • Constantino TG, Fojtik JP(2003) Success rate of peripheral IV catheter insertion by emergency physici- ans using ultrasound guidance. Academic Emergency Medicine 10(5), 487-490.
  • Denat Y, Eşeri T(2006) Yaşlı hastalarda periferal intravenöz kateterizasyon. C.Ü. Hemşirelik Yükseko- kulu Dergisi 10(1), 43-45.
  • Doniger SJ, Ishimine P, Fox JC, Kanegaye JT (2009) Randomized Controlled trial of ultrasound-gu- ided peripheral intravenous catheter placement versus traditional techniques in difficult-access pediatric pati- ents. Pediatric Emergency Care 25(3), 154-159.
  • EEHC-European Environment and Health Committee Guidance on developing quality and safety strategies with a health system approach (2008) Retri- eved July 2010 from Docu- ment/EEHC/26th_EEHC_Madrid_edoc08rev1.pdf
  • Goldstein JR. (2006)Ultrasound –guided periphe- ral venous access. Israeli Journal of Emergency Medi- cine 6(4), 46-52.
  • Hilty WM, Hudson PA, Levitt MA, Hall JB (1997) Real time ultrasound guided femoral vein cat- herization during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. An- nual Emergency Medicine 29, 331-337.
  • Jehangir MM(2009) Bedside ultrasonography, peripheral line placement: Treatment & Medication. Retrieved July 2010 from http://emedicine.medsca-
  • Keyes LE, Frazee BW, Snoey ER, Simon BC, Christy D(1999) Ultrasound-guided brachial and ba- silic vein cannulation in emergency department pati- ents with difficult intravenous access. Annual Emer- gency Medicine 34(6), 711-714.
  • Kısa B, Kaya K(2006) Hemşire öğretim eleman- larının teknolojiye ilişkin tutumları. TheTurkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – TOJET 5, 1303- 6521.
  • Krstenic WJ, Brealey S, Gaikwad S, Maraveyas A(2008) The effectiveness nurse led 2-D ultrasound guided insertion of peripherally inserted central cathe- ters in adult patients: A systematic review. Journal of The Association for Vascular Access 13(3), 120-125.
  • Kuensting L, DeBoer S, Holleran BL, Shultz B, Steinmann R, Venella J(2009) Difficult venous ac- cess in children: Taking control Journal of Emergency Nursing 35(5), 419-424.
  • Mahler SA, Wang H(2009) Ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous access in the emergency de- partment using a modified seldinger technique. Jour- nal of emergency med. Retrieved July 2010 from h t t p : / / w w w. j e m - j o u r n a l . c o m / a r t i c l e / S 0 7 3 6 - 4679%2809%2900091-2/fulltext.
  • Mills C, Liebmann O, Stone M, Fraze B (2007) Ultrasonographically guided insertion of a 15-cm cat- heter into the deep brachial or basilic vein in patients with difficult intravenous access. Annals of Emergeny Medicine 50(1), 68-72.
  • Nichols I, Humphrey JP(2008) The efficiency of upper arm placement of peripherally inserted central catheters using bedside ultrasound and microintrodu- cer. Journal of Infusion Nursing 31(3), 165-176.
  • Papas NL, Michaud TE, Wolbers RM, Stewart JC (2006) Ultrasound guided as a rescue technigue for peripheral intravenous cannulation. From http://www.
  • Patacsil EG, Patacsil AV(2000) Method and ap- paratus for ultrasound guided intravenous cannulation. United States Patent and Trademark Office-USPTO. [Electronic version]. Retrieved July 2010 from
  • Pedreira ML, Peterlini MA , Pettengill MA (2008) Ultrasonography in peripheral intravenous puncturing: Innovating the nursing practice in order to promote patient safety. Acta Paulista de Enfermagem 21, 4-7.
  • Resnick JR, Cydulka RK, Donato J, Jones RA, Werner SL(2008). Success of ultrasound-guided pe- ripheral intravenous access with skin marking. Acade- mic Emergency Medidicine 5(8), 723-30.
  • Robinson MK, Mogensen KM, Grudinskas GF, Kohler S, Jacobs DO(2005) Improved care and redu- ced costs for patients requiring peripherally inserted central catheters: The role of bedside ultrasound and a dedicated team. Journal of Parenteral Enteral Nutriti- on 29(5), 374-379.
  • Sandelowski M(1998) Looking to care or caring to look? Technology and the rise of spectacular nur- sing. Holistic Nursing Practice 12, 4-6.
  • Sandhu N, Sindhu D(2004) Mid-arm approach to basilic and cephalic vein cannulation using ultrasound guidance. British Journal of Anesthesiology 93, 292- 294.
  • Shea CG, Murthi SB(2009). Ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous access in the intensive care unit. Journal Of Critical Care Article [Electronic ver- sion]. Retrieved July 2010 from http://www.sciencedi-
  • Simcock L(2008) No going back: Advantages of ultrasound-guided upper arm PICC placement. Jour- nal of Association for Vascular Access 13(4), 191-197.
  • Slama M, Novara A, Safavian A, Ossart M (1997) Improvement of internal jugular vein cannula- tion using an ultrasound-guided technique. Intensive Care Med. 23(9), 16-19.
  • Stein J, Goergy B, River G, Hlebig A (2009) Ult- rasonographically guided peripheral intravenous can- nulation in emergency department patients with diffi- cult intravenous access:A Randomized trial. Annuals of Emergency Medicine 54(1), 33-40.
  • Stokowski G, Steele D, Wilson D(2009) The use of ultrasound to improve practice and complication ra- tes in peripherally inserted central catheter insertions: Final report of investigation. Journal of Infusion Nur- sing 32(3 ), 145-155.
  • Grevstad U, Gregersen P(2009) Intravenous ac- cess in the emergency patient. Current Anesthesia-Cri- tical Care 20(3), 120-127.
  • Walker E(2009) Piloting a nurse-led ultrasound cannulation scheme. British Journal of Nursing 18(14), 854-859.
  • White A, Lopez F, Stone P (2010) Developing and sustaining an ultrasound-guided peripheral intra- venous access program for emergency nurses. Adven- ced Emergency Nursing Journal 32(2),173-188
  • Yıldırım C, İkizceli İ(1999) Acil serviste santral venöz kateter uygulamaları. Ulusal Travma Dergisi 5, 270-273.
  • Yılmaz M(2005) Hemşirelik bakım hizmetinin kalitesini geliştirme yolu olarak kanıta dayalı uygula- ma. C.Ü. Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 9(1), 41-43.
  • Yurtsever S, Altıok M(2006) Kanıta dayalı uygu- lamalar ve hemşirelik. F.Ü. Sağlık Bil. Dergisi 20(2), 159-166.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1

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