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The Concept of Codependency: The Relationship with The Nursing and Assessment Tools

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 70 - 78, 01.04.2012


Codependency is a behaviour pattern, personality disorder and attitude that includes being addicted to the confirmation of others to gain self-security, self-confidence and self-identity. Codependency is aserious and treatable health problem which is common in especiallywomen and nurses. The first step for assessment of codependency ismeasurement but limited scales do exist for this purpose. Althoughthere are many studies about the codependency in literature, so far noresearch has been carried out in Turkey on codependency. The aim ofthis article is to describe the concept of codependency, to explain therelationship with the nursing profession and to inform about the thecodependency assessment tools


  • Herrick CA. Codependency: Charesteristics, risks, progression and strategies for healing. Nur- sing Forum 1992; 27(3): 12-19.
  • Carothers M, Warren LW. Parental antecedents of codependency, Journal of Clinical Psychology 1996;52: 231-239.
  • Ançel G, Kabakci E. Psychometric properties of Turkish Form of Codependency Assessment Tool. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 2009; 23(6): 441- 453.
  • Wegsheider-Cruse S. Understanding Co-Depen- dency. Florida: Health Communications; 1990.1- 18 p.
  • Hands M, Dear G. Co-dependency: A critical revi- ew. Drug and Alcohol Review 1994; 13:437-445.
  • Cermak TL. Diagnostic criteria for codependency. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 1986;18(1): 15- 20.
  • Stafford LL. Is codependency a meaningful con- cept? Issues in Mental Health Nursing 2001; 22: 273-286.
  • CoDAWorld Fellowship Patterns and characteris- tics of codependence [Online] 2006. Avaliable from: http://www., (Accessed 2011 April)
  • Whitfield CL. Co-dependence, addictions and re- lated disorders. In JH Lowinson, P Ruiz, RB Mill- man ve diğ.(Eds.), Sustance abuse: A comprehen- sive textbook. 3rd kins, 1997.
  • Öz F. Bağlaşıklık ve hemşirelik. Kriz Dergisi 1999; 6(1): 67-73.
  • Haaken J. From Al-Anon to ACOA: Codependen- ce and the Reconstruction of care giving. Signs 1993; 18(2): 321-345.
  • Zerwekh J, Michaels B. Co-dependency: Assess- ment and recovery. Nursing Clinics of North America 1989; 24(1): 109-120.
  • Dear GE, Roberts CM. The relationship between codependency and feminity and masculinity. Sex Roles 2002; 46(5/6): 159-165.
  • Hopkins LM, Jackson W. Revisiting the issue of co-dependency in nursing: Caring or caretaking? Joint Committee for National Recovery 2002; 34(4): 35-46.
  • Prest LA, Protinsky H. Family systems theory: A unifying framework for codependence. The Ame- rican Journal of Family Therapy 1993; 21(4): 352- 360.
  • Malloy GB, Berkery AC. Codependency: A femi- nist perspective. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing 1993; 31(4): 15-18.
  • Hughes-Hammer C, Martsolf DS, Zeller RA. De- velopment and testing of the Codependency As- sessment Tool. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 1998a; 17( 6): 326-334.
  • Martsolf DS, Hughes-Hammer C, Estok P, Zeller RA. Codependency in male and female helping professionals. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 1999; 18(2): 97-103.
  • Williams E, Bissel S, Sullivan E. The effect of co- dependence on psychicians and nurses. Addiction 199;86(1): 37-42.
  • Yates JG, McDaniel JL. Are you loosing yourself in codependency? American Journal of Nephro- logy April 1994: 32-36.
  • Fisher D, Beer J. Codependency and self-esteem among high school students. Psychological Re- ports 1990; 66(3): 1001-1002.
  • Martsolf DS, Sedlak CA, Doheny MO. Codepen- dency and related health variables. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 2000; 14(3): 150-158.
  • Arnold LJ. Codependency Part II: The hospital as a dysfunctional family. Association of periOpera- tive Registered Nurses Journal 1990; 51(6): 1581- 1584.
  • Hall SF, Wray LM. Codependency, Nurses who give too much. American Journal of Nursing 1988; Nov:1456-1460.
  • Caffrey RA, Caffrey PA. Nursing: Caring or code- pendent. Nursing Forum 1994; 29(1): 12-16.
  • J Friel, T Gorski, J Greanleaf, Mason, M, Miller M, Shuman G, Capell-Sowder G, Subby R, Wal- lace C, Wegscheider-Cruse S, Whitfield C, Woititz J. editors. Codependency. Deerfield Beach Flori- da: Health Communications; 1984. 81-88 p.
  • Hughes-Hammer C, Martsolf DS, Zeller RA. Depression codependency in women. Arcives of Psychiatric Nursing 1998b; 12( 5): 264-272.
  • Fuller JA, Warner RM. Family stressors as predic- tors af codependency. Genetic, Social, and Gene- ral Psychology Monographs 2000; 126(1): 5-22.
  • Goff L, Goff P. Trapped in codependency. Person- nel Journal 1988: 50-57.
  • Biering P. Codependency: A disease or the root of nursing excellence? Journal of Holistic Nursing 1998; 16: 320-337.
  • Harkness D, Swenson M, Hampton K, Hale R. The development, reliability, and validity of a cli- nical rating scale for codependency. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 2001; 33(2): 159-171.
  • Friel J. Codependency Assessment Inventory:A preliminary research tool. Focus on Family and Chemical Dependency 1985: 20-21.
  • Potter-Efron LA, Potter-Efron PS. Assessment of co-dependency with individuals from alcoholic and chemical dependent families. Alcoholism Tre- atment Qarterly 1989; 6: 37-57.
  • Stonebrink S. Co-dependency Inventory (CODI) (Online) 1988, Available from: tests/recordlist.php?-skip, (Accessed 2011 Octo- ber]
  • Fischer J, Spann L, Crawford D. Measuring code- pendency. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 1991; 8( 1): 87-100.
  • Corcoran K, Fischer J. Measures for clinical prac- tice: A sourcebook. (3rdEd.) (2vols.) NY: 2000.
  • Roehling PV, Gaumond E. Reliability and validity of the codependent questionnaire. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 1996; 14: 85-95.
  • Dear GE, Roberts CM. The Holyoake Codepen- dency Index: Investigation of the factor structure and psychometric properties. Psychological Reports 2000; (87): 991-1002.
  • Allison S. Nurse codependency: Instrument development and validation. Journal of Nursing Measurement 2004; 12(1): 63-75.
  • Sağlık Bakanlığı, Yüksek Öğretim Kurumu Tür- kiye Sağlık İnsangücü Durum Raporu (İnternet) 2008, Ulaşım adresi: TR/dosya/1-35227/h/segmsiprapor.pdf, (Ulaşım tarihi: 02/2011 February).

Karşılıklı Bağımlılık Kavramı: Hemşirelikle İlişkisi ve Karşılıklı Bağımlılığı Belirleme Araçları

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 70 - 78, 01.04.2012


Karşılıklı bağımlılık; güvenlik duygusu, benlik saygısı ve benlik kavramını onaylatmak için ortaya konan bir tutum, bir davranış biçimi vekişilik bozukluğu olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Karşılıklı bağımlılık, özellikle kadınlar ve daha çok kadın mesleği olması nedeniyle de hemşirelerde sık olarak ortaya çıkan, tedavi edilebilen ciddi bir sağlık sorunudur. Bu sağlık sorununu ele almada ilk adım, karşılıklı bağımlılığınbelirlenmesidir. Ancak, bu konuda geliştirilmiş sınırlı sayıda belirleme ölçeği bulunmaktadır. Literatürde karşılıklı bağımlılık konusundapek çok çalışma bulunmasına rağmen, bu konuda Türk toplumuna yönelik bir araştırma henüz yapılmamıştır. Bu yazıda kavramı tanıtmak,hemşirelikle ilişkisini açıklamak ve karşılıklı bağımlılığı belirlemearaçları hakkında bilgi vermek amaçlanmıştır


  • Herrick CA. Codependency: Charesteristics, risks, progression and strategies for healing. Nur- sing Forum 1992; 27(3): 12-19.
  • Carothers M, Warren LW. Parental antecedents of codependency, Journal of Clinical Psychology 1996;52: 231-239.
  • Ançel G, Kabakci E. Psychometric properties of Turkish Form of Codependency Assessment Tool. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 2009; 23(6): 441- 453.
  • Wegsheider-Cruse S. Understanding Co-Depen- dency. Florida: Health Communications; 1990.1- 18 p.
  • Hands M, Dear G. Co-dependency: A critical revi- ew. Drug and Alcohol Review 1994; 13:437-445.
  • Cermak TL. Diagnostic criteria for codependency. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 1986;18(1): 15- 20.
  • Stafford LL. Is codependency a meaningful con- cept? Issues in Mental Health Nursing 2001; 22: 273-286.
  • CoDAWorld Fellowship Patterns and characteris- tics of codependence [Online] 2006. Avaliable from: http://www., (Accessed 2011 April)
  • Whitfield CL. Co-dependence, addictions and re- lated disorders. In JH Lowinson, P Ruiz, RB Mill- man ve diğ.(Eds.), Sustance abuse: A comprehen- sive textbook. 3rd kins, 1997.
  • Öz F. Bağlaşıklık ve hemşirelik. Kriz Dergisi 1999; 6(1): 67-73.
  • Haaken J. From Al-Anon to ACOA: Codependen- ce and the Reconstruction of care giving. Signs 1993; 18(2): 321-345.
  • Zerwekh J, Michaels B. Co-dependency: Assess- ment and recovery. Nursing Clinics of North America 1989; 24(1): 109-120.
  • Dear GE, Roberts CM. The relationship between codependency and feminity and masculinity. Sex Roles 2002; 46(5/6): 159-165.
  • Hopkins LM, Jackson W. Revisiting the issue of co-dependency in nursing: Caring or caretaking? Joint Committee for National Recovery 2002; 34(4): 35-46.
  • Prest LA, Protinsky H. Family systems theory: A unifying framework for codependence. The Ame- rican Journal of Family Therapy 1993; 21(4): 352- 360.
  • Malloy GB, Berkery AC. Codependency: A femi- nist perspective. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing 1993; 31(4): 15-18.
  • Hughes-Hammer C, Martsolf DS, Zeller RA. De- velopment and testing of the Codependency As- sessment Tool. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 1998a; 17( 6): 326-334.
  • Martsolf DS, Hughes-Hammer C, Estok P, Zeller RA. Codependency in male and female helping professionals. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 1999; 18(2): 97-103.
  • Williams E, Bissel S, Sullivan E. The effect of co- dependence on psychicians and nurses. Addiction 199;86(1): 37-42.
  • Yates JG, McDaniel JL. Are you loosing yourself in codependency? American Journal of Nephro- logy April 1994: 32-36.
  • Fisher D, Beer J. Codependency and self-esteem among high school students. Psychological Re- ports 1990; 66(3): 1001-1002.
  • Martsolf DS, Sedlak CA, Doheny MO. Codepen- dency and related health variables. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 2000; 14(3): 150-158.
  • Arnold LJ. Codependency Part II: The hospital as a dysfunctional family. Association of periOpera- tive Registered Nurses Journal 1990; 51(6): 1581- 1584.
  • Hall SF, Wray LM. Codependency, Nurses who give too much. American Journal of Nursing 1988; Nov:1456-1460.
  • Caffrey RA, Caffrey PA. Nursing: Caring or code- pendent. Nursing Forum 1994; 29(1): 12-16.
  • J Friel, T Gorski, J Greanleaf, Mason, M, Miller M, Shuman G, Capell-Sowder G, Subby R, Wal- lace C, Wegscheider-Cruse S, Whitfield C, Woititz J. editors. Codependency. Deerfield Beach Flori- da: Health Communications; 1984. 81-88 p.
  • Hughes-Hammer C, Martsolf DS, Zeller RA. Depression codependency in women. Arcives of Psychiatric Nursing 1998b; 12( 5): 264-272.
  • Fuller JA, Warner RM. Family stressors as predic- tors af codependency. Genetic, Social, and Gene- ral Psychology Monographs 2000; 126(1): 5-22.
  • Goff L, Goff P. Trapped in codependency. Person- nel Journal 1988: 50-57.
  • Biering P. Codependency: A disease or the root of nursing excellence? Journal of Holistic Nursing 1998; 16: 320-337.
  • Harkness D, Swenson M, Hampton K, Hale R. The development, reliability, and validity of a cli- nical rating scale for codependency. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 2001; 33(2): 159-171.
  • Friel J. Codependency Assessment Inventory:A preliminary research tool. Focus on Family and Chemical Dependency 1985: 20-21.
  • Potter-Efron LA, Potter-Efron PS. Assessment of co-dependency with individuals from alcoholic and chemical dependent families. Alcoholism Tre- atment Qarterly 1989; 6: 37-57.
  • Stonebrink S. Co-dependency Inventory (CODI) (Online) 1988, Available from: tests/recordlist.php?-skip, (Accessed 2011 Octo- ber]
  • Fischer J, Spann L, Crawford D. Measuring code- pendency. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 1991; 8( 1): 87-100.
  • Corcoran K, Fischer J. Measures for clinical prac- tice: A sourcebook. (3rdEd.) (2vols.) NY: 2000.
  • Roehling PV, Gaumond E. Reliability and validity of the codependent questionnaire. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 1996; 14: 85-95.
  • Dear GE, Roberts CM. The Holyoake Codepen- dency Index: Investigation of the factor structure and psychometric properties. Psychological Reports 2000; (87): 991-1002.
  • Allison S. Nurse codependency: Instrument development and validation. Journal of Nursing Measurement 2004; 12(1): 63-75.
  • Sağlık Bakanlığı, Yüksek Öğretim Kurumu Tür- kiye Sağlık İnsangücü Durum Raporu (İnternet) 2008, Ulaşım adresi: TR/dosya/1-35227/h/segmsiprapor.pdf, (Ulaşım tarihi: 02/2011 February).
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Gülsüm Ançel Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Ançel, G. (2012). Karşılıklı Bağımlılık Kavramı: Hemşirelikle İlişkisi ve Karşılıklı Bağımlılığı Belirleme Araçları. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 14(1), 70-78.