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Care Burden of the Patient Relatives Who Take Care of the Patients With Stroke

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 2, 73 - 80, 01.08.2012


In addition to being one of the first four causes of death in many countries, stroke is the primary cause of neurological ability loss. Because most of the stroke cases result in disability and the patients become dependent on care, requirement for long-term care increases, and long-term care is generally supplied by family members. Long-term care causes negative emotions in caregivers. The most substantial reason of such feelings is the burden of care on caregivers. Many factors affect the burden of care and those factors vary individually. Burden of care causes many physical, psychological, social and economic problems. In the prevention of such possible problems, the nurses as medical staff should learn about physical, economic, and social conditions of the patients and the caregivers, assess the conditions as a whole, and give convenient education, consultancy, caring, and therapy services for the families to give the best caring. Following discharge, medical staff should contact with the family members caring and should provide all necessary supports and assistance, and should direct them to the support groups, as well. As a caregiver who cannot meet his/her needs cannot give good care, medical staff should help the caregiver provide his/her own physical, psychosocial, and economic needs. Medical staff should always remember that the caregivers are potential patients, therefore, should include the caregivers in the care plan while examining the patients.


  • Çilingiroğlu N, Demirel S. Yaşlılık ve yaşlı ayrım- cılığı. Türk Geriatri Dergisi 2004;7(4):225-230.
  • Koşar N. Sosyal hizmetlerde yaşlı refah alanı. An- kara: Şafak Matbaacılık, 1996.
  • Rowland PL. Merritt’s neurology (B Baslo ve C Gürses, Çev.). Ankara: Güneş Tıp Kitapevleri, 2008, ss 275-312.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) [Online]. WHO STEPS Stroke manual: The WHO STEP wi- se approach to stroke surveillance [Electronic ver- sion]. Available from: steps/Stroke/en/, (Accessed 2009 July 20).
  • World Health Organization(WHO) [Online]. The atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke (2002a). Ava- ilable from: lar_diseases/en/cvd_atlas_16_death_from_stro- ke.pdf, (Accessed 2009 July 20).
  • World Health Organization (WHO) [Online]. The atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke (2002b). Ava- ilable from: lar_diseases/en/cvd_atlas_29_world_data_tab- le.pdf, (Accessed 2009 July 20).
  • Ulusal Hastalık Yükü ve Maliyet Etkililik Proje Raporu (İnternet). Ulaşım Adresi: http://www.tu- kuTR.pdf, (Ulaşım tarihi: 20/07/2012).
  • Hankey GJ. Stroke how large a public health problem and how can the neurologist help?. Arc- hives of Neurology 1999;56:748-754.
  • American Heart Association . Heart and stroke statistical update. Dallas, Texas, 2002.
  • Rodica, EP, Alexa SB, Sudha S, Margaret KH, Carlos SK, Philip AW. Gender differences in stro- ke ıncidence and poststroke disability in the fra- mingham heart study. Journal of American Heart Association 2009;40:1032-1037.
  • Pinguart M, Sorensen S. Associations of stressors and uplifts of caregiving with caregiver burden and depression mood: Ameta analysis. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences 2003;58B:112-128.
  • Lui HLM, Ross MF, Thompson DR. Supporting family caregivers in stroke care: A review of the evidence for problem solving. Journal of Ameri- can Heart Association 2005;36:2514-2522.
  • Evans RL, Connis RT, Bishop DS, Hendricks RD, Haselkorn JK. Stroke: A family dilema. Disability and Rehabilitation 1994;16(3):110-118.
  • Dewey HW, Thrift AG, Mihalopoulos C, Carter R, Macdonell RAL, McNeil JJ, Donnan GA. Infor- mal care for stroke survivors: Results from the North East Melbourne Stroke Incidence Study (NEMESIS). Journal of American Heart Associ- ation 2002;33:1028-1033.
  • Bethoux F, Calmels P, Gautheron V, Minaire P. Quality of life of the spouses of stroke patient: A preliminary study. International Journal of Reha- bilitation Research 1996;19:291-299.
  • Greveson GC, Gray CS, French JM, James OFW. Long-term outcome for patients and carers follo- wing hospital admission for stroke. Age and Aging 1991;20: 337-344.
  • Ferri PC, Schoenborn C, Kalra L, Acosta D, Gu- erra M, Huang Y, Jacob KS, Jacob Rodriguez JJL, Salas A, Sosa LA, Williams DJ, Liu Z, Moriyama T, Valhuerdi A, Prince MJ. Prevalence of stroke and related burden among older people living in Latin America, India and China. Journal of Ne- urology, Neurosurgery&Psychiatry with Practical Neurology 2011;doi:10.1136.
  • Scholte op Reimer WJM, De Haan R.J, Pijnen- borg JMA, Limburg M, Bos GAM. Assessment of burden in partners of stroke patient wiht the sense of competence questionnaire. Journal of The Ame- rican Heart Association 1998;29:373-379.
  • Akdemir N, Bostanoğlu H, Yurtsever S, Kutlutür- kan S, Kapucu S, Canlı Özer Z. Yatağa bağımlı hastaların evde yaşadıkları sağlık sorunlarına yö- nelik evde bakım hizmet gereksinimleri. Dicle Tıp Dergisi 2011; 38(1):57-65.
  • Stetz K, Brown AM. Taking care: Caregiving to persons with cancer and AIDS. Cancer Nursing 1997;20(1):12-22.
  • Toseland RW, Smith G, Mccallion P. Handbook of social work practice with vulnerable and resilient populations. In A Gitterman (Eds.), Family care- givers of the frail elderly, Columbia University Pres, 2001.
  • Collins CE, Given BA, Given CW. Interventions with family caregivers of persons with Alzhe- imer’s disease. Nursing Clinics of North America 1994;29(1):195-207.
  • Kasuya RT, Poglar B, Takeuchi R. Caregiver bur- den and burnout. Postgraduate Medicine 2000;108(7):119-123.
  • Mignor D. Effectiveness of use of home health nurses to decrease burden depression of elderly caregiver. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing 2000;38(7):34-41.
  • Larsen LS. Effectiveness of acounseling interven- tion to asist family of cronically ill relatives. Jour- nal of Psychosocial Nursing 1998;36(8):26-32.
  • Morimoto T, Schreiner AS, Asano H. Perceptions of burden among family caregivers of post-stroke elderly in Japan. International journal of Rehabi- litation Research 2001;24:221-226.
  • Seltzer MM, Li LW. The transitions of caregiving: Subjective and objective definitions. The Geron- tologist 1996;36(5):614-626.
  • Teel CS, Duncan P, Lai SM. Caregiving experien- ces after stroke. Nursing Research 2001;50(1):53- 60.
  • White CL, Lauzon S, Yaffe MJ, Wood-Dauphinee S. Toward a model of quality of life for family ca- regivers of stroke survivors. Quality of Life Rese- arch 2004;13(3):625-638.
  • Draper BM, Poulos CJ, Cole AMD, Poulos RG, Ehrlich F. A comparison of caregiver for elderly stroke and dementia victim. Journal of American Geriatrics Society 1992;40(9):896-901.
  • Bugge C, Alexander H, Hagen S. Stroke patients informal caregivers: Patient, caregiver and service factors that affect caregiver strain. Journal of American heart association 1999;30:1517-1523.
  • Subgranon R, Lund DA. Maintaining caregiving at home: A culturally sensitive grounded theory of providing care in Thailand. Journal of Transcultu- ral Nursing 2000;11(3):166-173.
  • Schumacher K, Doud M, Stevens P.The stres pro- cess in family caregivers of person receiving che- motherapy. Research in Nursing & Health 1993;16:395-404.
  • Morimoto T, Andrea SS, Asano H. Caregiver bur- den and healt-related quality of life among Japa- nese stroke caregiver. Age and Ageing 2003; 32(2):218-223.
  • Van de Bos GAM. The burden of chronic diseases in term disability, use of healty care and healty li- fe expectancies. European Journal of Public He- alty 1995;5(1):29-34.
  • Pinquart M, Sörensen S. Correlates of physical health of informal caregivers: A meta-analysis. Jo- urnals of Gerontology, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 2007;62:126-137.
  • Monygomery RJV, Gonyea JG, Hooyman NR. Caregiving and the experience of subjective and objective burden. Family Relations 1985;34:19- 26.
  • Messecar CD. Family Caregiving Nursing stan- dart of practice protokol: Family caregiving 2008. [Electronic version], Available from: http://con- know_more, (Accessed 2009 December 31).
  • Grand JS. Home care problems experienced by stroke survivors and their family caregivers. Ho- me Healtycare Nurse 1996;14(11):892-902.
  • Macnamara SE, Gummow LJ, Goka R, Gregg CH. Caregiver strain: Need for late poststroke in- tervention. 1990;35(2):71-77.
  • Dennis M, O’Rourke S, Lewis S, Sharpe M, War- low C. A quantitative study of the emotional out- came of people caring for stroke survivors. Jour- nal of American Heart Association 1998;29:1867- 1872.
  • Kotila M, Nunminen H, Waltimo O, Kaste M. Depression after stroke. Results of the Finnstroke Study. Journal of American Heart Association 1998;29:368-372.
  • Magliano L, Fiorillo A, De Rosa C, Malangone C, Maj MGL. Burden, attitudes and social support in the families of patients with long-term physical diseases. Epidemiologia Psichiatria Sociale 2004;13:255-261.
  • Kinney JM, Stephens MAP, Franks MM, Norris VK. Stresses and satisfactions of family caregiver to older stroke patients. The Journal of Applied Gerontology 1995;14(1):3-21.
  • Wright LK. A spousal caregivers-longitudinal changes in healty, depression, and coping. Journal of Gerontological Nursing 1994;20(10):33-45.
  • Vedhara K, Shanks N, Anderson S, Lıghtman S. The role of stressors and psychosocial variables ın the stress process: A study of chronic caregiver stress. Psychosomatic Medicine 2000;62:374-385.
  • Kapucu S, Kutlutürkan S, Fesci H. Family caregi- vers’ difficulties in caring for bedridden stroke pa- tients. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fa- kültesi Hemşirelik Dergisi 2009;16(3):17-31.
  • Sanford JT, Johnson AD, Townsend-Rocchiccioli J. The health status of rural caregivers. Journal of Gerontological Nursing 2005;31(4):25-31.
  • Hayes J, Chapman P, Lina JY, Rittman M. The prevalence of injury for stroke caregivers and as- sociated risk factors. Topics in Stroke Rehabilita- tion 2009;16(4):300-308.Wilz G, Kalytta T. Anxi- ety symptoms in spouses of stroke patients. Ce- rebrovasculer Diseases 2008;25:311-315.
  • Berg A, Palomäki H, Lönnqvist J, Lehtihalmes M, Kaste M. Depression among caregivers of stroke survivors. Journal of American heart association 2005;36:639-643.
  • Greenwood N, Mackenzie A. An exploratory study of anxiety in carers of stroke survivors. Jo- urnal of Clinical Nursing 2010;19:2032-2038.
  • Cameron JI, Cheung AM, Streiner DL, Coyte PC, Stewart DE. Stroke survivors’ behavioral and psychologic symptoms are associated with ınfor- mal caregivers’ experiences of depression. Archi- ves of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2006;87(2):177-183.
  • McCullagh E, Brigstocke G, Donaldson N, Karla L. Determinants of caregiving burden and quality of life in caregivers of stroke patients. Journal of American heart association 2006;36:2181-2186.
  • Farcnik K, Persyko MS. Assesment, measures and approaches to easing caregiver burden in Alz- heimer Disease. Drugs and Aging 19(3):203-215. 2002


Yıl 2012, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 2, 73 - 80, 01.08.2012


İnme, sakatlıkla sonuçlanan nörolojik yetkinlik kaybının birinci nedenidir. Çoğu inme vakasının sakatlıkla sonuçlanması ve hastaların bakımda bağımlı olması nedeniyle toplumda uzun dönem bakım gereksinimi artmakta ve bakım genellikle aile bireyleri tarafından karşılanmaktadır. Uzun dönem bakım, bakım verenlerde olumsuz duygularınyaşanmasına sebep olmaktadır. Olumsuz duyguların başlıca nedenihasta bakımının bakım verenler üzerinde çeşitli derecelerde bakım yükü oluşturmasıdır. Bakım yükünü etkileyen birçok faktör vardır ve bufaktörler kişiden kişiye göre değişiklik göstermektedir. Bakım yükü fiziksel, psikolojik, sosyal ve ekonomik birçok soruna neden olmaktadır.Oluşabilecek bu sorunların önlenmesinde sağlık personeli olarakhemşirelerin, ailelerin en iyi şekilde bakım verebilmesi için; hasta vebakım veren bireylerin sahip olduğu fiziksel, ekonomik, sosyal koşulları öğrenmesi ve bu koşulları bir bütün olarak değerlendirip uyguneğitim, danışmanlık, bakım ve tedavi hizmeti vermesi gerekmektedir.Sağlık personeli, taburculuk sonrasında bakım veren aile üyeleri ileiletişim halinde olup onlara her türlü desteği ve yardımı sağlamalı veonları destek gruplarına yönlendirmelidir. Sağlık personeli, kendi ihtiyacını karşılayamayan bir bakım verenin iyi bir bakım veremeyeceğinden bakım verenin kendi fiziksel, psikososyal, ekonomik ihtiyaçlarını sağlamasına yardımcı olmalıdır. Sağlık personeli, bakım verenlerin gizli hastalar olduğunu hiçbir zaman unutmayarak, hastalarını değerlendirirken bakım verenleri de bakım planına dahil etmelidir


  • Çilingiroğlu N, Demirel S. Yaşlılık ve yaşlı ayrım- cılığı. Türk Geriatri Dergisi 2004;7(4):225-230.
  • Koşar N. Sosyal hizmetlerde yaşlı refah alanı. An- kara: Şafak Matbaacılık, 1996.
  • Rowland PL. Merritt’s neurology (B Baslo ve C Gürses, Çev.). Ankara: Güneş Tıp Kitapevleri, 2008, ss 275-312.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) [Online]. WHO STEPS Stroke manual: The WHO STEP wi- se approach to stroke surveillance [Electronic ver- sion]. Available from: steps/Stroke/en/, (Accessed 2009 July 20).
  • World Health Organization(WHO) [Online]. The atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke (2002a). Ava- ilable from: lar_diseases/en/cvd_atlas_16_death_from_stro- ke.pdf, (Accessed 2009 July 20).
  • World Health Organization (WHO) [Online]. The atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke (2002b). Ava- ilable from: lar_diseases/en/cvd_atlas_29_world_data_tab- le.pdf, (Accessed 2009 July 20).
  • Ulusal Hastalık Yükü ve Maliyet Etkililik Proje Raporu (İnternet). Ulaşım Adresi: http://www.tu- kuTR.pdf, (Ulaşım tarihi: 20/07/2012).
  • Hankey GJ. Stroke how large a public health problem and how can the neurologist help?. Arc- hives of Neurology 1999;56:748-754.
  • American Heart Association . Heart and stroke statistical update. Dallas, Texas, 2002.
  • Rodica, EP, Alexa SB, Sudha S, Margaret KH, Carlos SK, Philip AW. Gender differences in stro- ke ıncidence and poststroke disability in the fra- mingham heart study. Journal of American Heart Association 2009;40:1032-1037.
  • Pinguart M, Sorensen S. Associations of stressors and uplifts of caregiving with caregiver burden and depression mood: Ameta analysis. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences 2003;58B:112-128.
  • Lui HLM, Ross MF, Thompson DR. Supporting family caregivers in stroke care: A review of the evidence for problem solving. Journal of Ameri- can Heart Association 2005;36:2514-2522.
  • Evans RL, Connis RT, Bishop DS, Hendricks RD, Haselkorn JK. Stroke: A family dilema. Disability and Rehabilitation 1994;16(3):110-118.
  • Dewey HW, Thrift AG, Mihalopoulos C, Carter R, Macdonell RAL, McNeil JJ, Donnan GA. Infor- mal care for stroke survivors: Results from the North East Melbourne Stroke Incidence Study (NEMESIS). Journal of American Heart Associ- ation 2002;33:1028-1033.
  • Bethoux F, Calmels P, Gautheron V, Minaire P. Quality of life of the spouses of stroke patient: A preliminary study. International Journal of Reha- bilitation Research 1996;19:291-299.
  • Greveson GC, Gray CS, French JM, James OFW. Long-term outcome for patients and carers follo- wing hospital admission for stroke. Age and Aging 1991;20: 337-344.
  • Ferri PC, Schoenborn C, Kalra L, Acosta D, Gu- erra M, Huang Y, Jacob KS, Jacob Rodriguez JJL, Salas A, Sosa LA, Williams DJ, Liu Z, Moriyama T, Valhuerdi A, Prince MJ. Prevalence of stroke and related burden among older people living in Latin America, India and China. Journal of Ne- urology, Neurosurgery&Psychiatry with Practical Neurology 2011;doi:10.1136.
  • Scholte op Reimer WJM, De Haan R.J, Pijnen- borg JMA, Limburg M, Bos GAM. Assessment of burden in partners of stroke patient wiht the sense of competence questionnaire. Journal of The Ame- rican Heart Association 1998;29:373-379.
  • Akdemir N, Bostanoğlu H, Yurtsever S, Kutlutür- kan S, Kapucu S, Canlı Özer Z. Yatağa bağımlı hastaların evde yaşadıkları sağlık sorunlarına yö- nelik evde bakım hizmet gereksinimleri. Dicle Tıp Dergisi 2011; 38(1):57-65.
  • Stetz K, Brown AM. Taking care: Caregiving to persons with cancer and AIDS. Cancer Nursing 1997;20(1):12-22.
  • Toseland RW, Smith G, Mccallion P. Handbook of social work practice with vulnerable and resilient populations. In A Gitterman (Eds.), Family care- givers of the frail elderly, Columbia University Pres, 2001.
  • Collins CE, Given BA, Given CW. Interventions with family caregivers of persons with Alzhe- imer’s disease. Nursing Clinics of North America 1994;29(1):195-207.
  • Kasuya RT, Poglar B, Takeuchi R. Caregiver bur- den and burnout. Postgraduate Medicine 2000;108(7):119-123.
  • Mignor D. Effectiveness of use of home health nurses to decrease burden depression of elderly caregiver. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing 2000;38(7):34-41.
  • Larsen LS. Effectiveness of acounseling interven- tion to asist family of cronically ill relatives. Jour- nal of Psychosocial Nursing 1998;36(8):26-32.
  • Morimoto T, Schreiner AS, Asano H. Perceptions of burden among family caregivers of post-stroke elderly in Japan. International journal of Rehabi- litation Research 2001;24:221-226.
  • Seltzer MM, Li LW. The transitions of caregiving: Subjective and objective definitions. The Geron- tologist 1996;36(5):614-626.
  • Teel CS, Duncan P, Lai SM. Caregiving experien- ces after stroke. Nursing Research 2001;50(1):53- 60.
  • White CL, Lauzon S, Yaffe MJ, Wood-Dauphinee S. Toward a model of quality of life for family ca- regivers of stroke survivors. Quality of Life Rese- arch 2004;13(3):625-638.
  • Draper BM, Poulos CJ, Cole AMD, Poulos RG, Ehrlich F. A comparison of caregiver for elderly stroke and dementia victim. Journal of American Geriatrics Society 1992;40(9):896-901.
  • Bugge C, Alexander H, Hagen S. Stroke patients informal caregivers: Patient, caregiver and service factors that affect caregiver strain. Journal of American heart association 1999;30:1517-1523.
  • Subgranon R, Lund DA. Maintaining caregiving at home: A culturally sensitive grounded theory of providing care in Thailand. Journal of Transcultu- ral Nursing 2000;11(3):166-173.
  • Schumacher K, Doud M, Stevens P.The stres pro- cess in family caregivers of person receiving che- motherapy. Research in Nursing & Health 1993;16:395-404.
  • Morimoto T, Andrea SS, Asano H. Caregiver bur- den and healt-related quality of life among Japa- nese stroke caregiver. Age and Ageing 2003; 32(2):218-223.
  • Van de Bos GAM. The burden of chronic diseases in term disability, use of healty care and healty li- fe expectancies. European Journal of Public He- alty 1995;5(1):29-34.
  • Pinquart M, Sörensen S. Correlates of physical health of informal caregivers: A meta-analysis. Jo- urnals of Gerontology, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 2007;62:126-137.
  • Monygomery RJV, Gonyea JG, Hooyman NR. Caregiving and the experience of subjective and objective burden. Family Relations 1985;34:19- 26.
  • Messecar CD. Family Caregiving Nursing stan- dart of practice protokol: Family caregiving 2008. [Electronic version], Available from: http://con- know_more, (Accessed 2009 December 31).
  • Grand JS. Home care problems experienced by stroke survivors and their family caregivers. Ho- me Healtycare Nurse 1996;14(11):892-902.
  • Macnamara SE, Gummow LJ, Goka R, Gregg CH. Caregiver strain: Need for late poststroke in- tervention. 1990;35(2):71-77.
  • Dennis M, O’Rourke S, Lewis S, Sharpe M, War- low C. A quantitative study of the emotional out- came of people caring for stroke survivors. Jour- nal of American Heart Association 1998;29:1867- 1872.
  • Kotila M, Nunminen H, Waltimo O, Kaste M. Depression after stroke. Results of the Finnstroke Study. Journal of American Heart Association 1998;29:368-372.
  • Magliano L, Fiorillo A, De Rosa C, Malangone C, Maj MGL. Burden, attitudes and social support in the families of patients with long-term physical diseases. Epidemiologia Psichiatria Sociale 2004;13:255-261.
  • Kinney JM, Stephens MAP, Franks MM, Norris VK. Stresses and satisfactions of family caregiver to older stroke patients. The Journal of Applied Gerontology 1995;14(1):3-21.
  • Wright LK. A spousal caregivers-longitudinal changes in healty, depression, and coping. Journal of Gerontological Nursing 1994;20(10):33-45.
  • Vedhara K, Shanks N, Anderson S, Lıghtman S. The role of stressors and psychosocial variables ın the stress process: A study of chronic caregiver stress. Psychosomatic Medicine 2000;62:374-385.
  • Kapucu S, Kutlutürkan S, Fesci H. Family caregi- vers’ difficulties in caring for bedridden stroke pa- tients. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fa- kültesi Hemşirelik Dergisi 2009;16(3):17-31.
  • Sanford JT, Johnson AD, Townsend-Rocchiccioli J. The health status of rural caregivers. Journal of Gerontological Nursing 2005;31(4):25-31.
  • Hayes J, Chapman P, Lina JY, Rittman M. The prevalence of injury for stroke caregivers and as- sociated risk factors. Topics in Stroke Rehabilita- tion 2009;16(4):300-308.Wilz G, Kalytta T. Anxi- ety symptoms in spouses of stroke patients. Ce- rebrovasculer Diseases 2008;25:311-315.
  • Berg A, Palomäki H, Lönnqvist J, Lehtihalmes M, Kaste M. Depression among caregivers of stroke survivors. Journal of American heart association 2005;36:639-643.
  • Greenwood N, Mackenzie A. An exploratory study of anxiety in carers of stroke survivors. Jo- urnal of Clinical Nursing 2010;19:2032-2038.
  • Cameron JI, Cheung AM, Streiner DL, Coyte PC, Stewart DE. Stroke survivors’ behavioral and psychologic symptoms are associated with ınfor- mal caregivers’ experiences of depression. Archi- ves of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2006;87(2):177-183.
  • McCullagh E, Brigstocke G, Donaldson N, Karla L. Determinants of caregiving burden and quality of life in caregivers of stroke patients. Journal of American heart association 2006;36:2181-2186.
  • Farcnik K, Persyko MS. Assesment, measures and approaches to easing caregiver burden in Alz- heimer Disease. Drugs and Aging 19(3):203-215. 2002
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Research Article

Güler Duru Aşiret Bu kişi benim

Sevgisun Kapucu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Aşiret, G. D., & Kapucu, S. (2012). İNMELİ HASTALARA BAKIM VEREN HASTA YAKINLARININ BAKIM YÜKÜ. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 14(2), 73-80.