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The Effect of Internal Marketing on the Dimensions of Organizational Commitment: A Research on Nurses in Turkey

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 3, 39 - 52, 01.12.2012


Objective: The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of internal marketing applications on the organizational commitment of health care personnel, specifically nurses. Health care is crucial for people’s lives and nurses are an important part of it. Internal marketingis a significant tool for increasing job efficiency and service quality.Method: In order to test the hypotheses developed for this objective,data was collected in 2010 from 270 nursesregistered to the TurkishAssociation of Surgical Nurses and the Association of Diabetes Nursesvia e-mails.In this study, Foreman and Money’s internal marketingscale and Allen and Meyer’s organizational commitment scalewereused in the questionnaire. The questionnaires were sent and receivedonline. 250 questionnaires were received,the rate of response is 92%.The compiled data was evaluated via factor analysis and regressionanalysis. Results: The findings of this analysis revealed that internal marketingactivities are influential on organizational commitment elements, particularly affective commitment and normative commitment. Accordingto survey results, in relation with the nurses` institutions, reward andcommunication - internal marketing applications- have an effect onnormative, affective and continuancecommitment - organizationalcommitment elements. It is concluded that vision and development internal marketing applications - are effective on nurses` affectiveand normative commitment, yet are not effective on continuancecommitment. On the other hand, it is found out that training - one of theinternal marketing applications – has an impact on nurses` affectiveand normative commitment.Conclusion: It is clear that internal marketing applications are influential on organizational commitment. It is possible to increase organizational commitment of nurses as long as there is required care andattention paid to internal marketing applications. Therefore, hospitalmanagers should raise their employees` satisfaction and commitment to the hospital by some internal marketing applications such as strengthening the employees`communication with each other, rewarding, creating vision and trainings.Therefore, hospital administrators should beaware of internal marketing applications, as theyare vital to the staying decision of nurses


  • Shiu YM, Yu TW.Internal marketing organiza- tional oulture, job satisfaction and organizatio- nal performance in non-life insurance. The Ser- vices Industries Journal 2010; 30: 793-806
  • Berry L. The employee as customer. Journal Of Retail Banking 1981; 3: 271-278.
  • Greene WE, Walls GD, Schrest LJ. Internal marketing the key to external marketing suc- cess. The Journal of Services Marketing 1994; 8: 5-13.
  • Iliopoulus E and Priporas CV. The effect of in- ternal marketing on job satisfaction in health services: a pilot study in public hospitals in Northern Greece. BMC Health Services Rese- arch 2011; 11(261), 2-8
  • Kotler P. Marketing Management - Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control. 7th ed., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1998.
  • Varey RJ. Internal marketing: a review and so- me interdisciplinary research challenges. Inter- national Journal of Service Industry Manage- ment 1995; 6: 40-63.
  • Yang WH. Relationships among internal mar- keting perceptions, organizational support, job satisfaction and role behavior in healthcare or- ganizations. International Journal of Manage- ment 2010; 27: 235-242
  • Lings IN. Internal market orientation: construct and consequences. Journal of Business Rese- arch 2004;57: 405-413.
  • Foreman S, Money AH, Arthur H.Internal mar- keting: concept, measurement and application. Journal of Marketing Management 1995; 11: 755-768.
  • Caruana A, Calleya P.The effect of internal mar- keting on organisational commitment among retail bank managers. International Journal of Bank Marketing 1998; 16: 108-116.
  • Bennett R, Barkensjo A. internal marketing, ne- gative experiences, and volunteers’ commit- ment to providing high-quality services in a UK helping and caring charitable organization. In- ternational Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 2005; 16: 251-274.
  • Gezen AK, Akinci F, Esatoglu AE, Parsons AL, Sarp N. An evaluation of the opinions of hospi- tal employees regarding the contribution of in- ternal marketing to the application of total qua- lity management in Turkey. Public Relations In Health Services 2007; 24:167-187.
  • Chang CS, Chang HH. Effects of internal mar- keting on nurse job satisfaction and oragnizatio- nal commitment: example of medical centers in southern taiwan. Journal of Nursing Research 2007; 15: 265-273.
  • Chang CS, Chang HC.Perceptions of internal marketing and organizational commitment by nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2008; 65: 92-100.
  • Mosahab R, Mahamad O, Ramayah T. Motiva- tional orientation as an Internal marketing tool in service training: a study of service delivery in a hospital. International Journal of Business and Management 2011; 6: 93-100
  • Ahmed PK, Rafiq M. Internal marketing issues and challenges. European Journal of Marketing 2003; 37: 1221-1241.
  • Allen NJ, Meyer JP.The Three component con- ceptualization of organizational commitment. Human Resource Management Review 1991; 1: 61-89.
  • Meyer JP, Allen NJ. Links between work expe- riences and organizational commitment during the first year of employement: a longitudinal analysis. Journal of Occupational Psychology 1988; 61: 195-209.
  • Abbott GN, White FA, Charles MA. Linking values and organisational commitment: a corre- lational and experimental investigation in two organisations. Journal of Occupational and Organiational Psychology 2005; 78: 531-551.
  • Allen NJ, Meyer JP.The measurement and ante- cedents of affective, continuance and normative commitment to the organization. Journal of Occupational Psychology 1990; 63: 1-18.
  • Demir H, Usta R, Okan T. İçsel pazarlamanın örgütsel bağlılık ve iş tatminine etkisi. Hacette- pe ÜUniversitesi I.I.B.F Dergisi 2008; 2: 135- 161.
  • Candan B, Çekmecelioğlu HG. İçsel pazarlama faaliyetlerinin örgütsel bağlılık unsurları açısın- dan değerlendirilmesi: bir araştırma. Yönetim 2009; 63: 41-58.
  • Ewing M and Caruana A. An internal marketing approach to public sector management: The marketing and human resorces interface. The International Journal of Public Sector Manage- ment 1999; 12: 17-26.
  • Wasti A. Örgütsel Bağlılıği Belirleyen Evrensel ve Kültürel Etmenler: Türk Kültürüne Bir Ba- kış. In Z Aycan (Ed), Türkiye’de Yönetim, Li- derlik ve İnsan Kaynakları Uygulamaları, (No:21), Turk Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları, Ankara, 2000.
  • Çetin MO. The relationship between job satis- faction, occupational and organizational com- mitment of academics. The Journal Of Ameri- can Academy Of Business 2006;8: 78-88.
  • Aslan S. Örgütsel vatandaslık davranışı ile örgütsel baglılık ve mesleğe baglılık arasındaki ilişkilerin araştırılması. Yönetim ve Ekonomi 2008; 2: 163-178.
  • Duygulu S, Abaan S. Örgütsel bağlılık: Çalışan- ların kurumda kalmaya da kurumdan ayrılma kararının bir belirleyicisi (Derleme). Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 2007; 61-23.
  • Duygulu S, Kormaz F. Hemşirelerin örgüte bağlılığı, iş doyumları ve işten ayrılma neden- leri. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yük- sekokulu Dergisi 2008;12:9-20.
  • Schroeder C.Nursing’ s response to the crisis of access, cost and quality in healty care. Advance in Nursing Science1993;16: 1-26.
  • Akdemir N. Hemşirelik uygulamalarında temel kavramlar. In N Akdemir, L Birol (Eds.), İc has- talıkları ve hemşirelik bakımı. (1th ed.), Ekin Tıbbi Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 2003.
  • Birol L. Hemşirelik, Hemşirenin rolü ve işlev- leri, N Akdemir, L Birol (Eds.), İc hastalıkları ve hemşirelik bakımı. (1th ed.), Ekin Tıbbi Ya- yıncılık, İstanbul, 2003.
  • Shalala ED, Balton BL. Theinitiative on the fu- ture of nursing nurses are transforming Ameri- can health care. American Journal of Nursing 2009; 109: 7.
  • Shalala ED. Transforming nursing to improve health care quality: a conversation with Dr. Donna E. Shalala. American Nurse Today 2010; 5: 39-41.
  • Lee YK, Nam FH, Park DH, Lee KA. What fac- tors influence customer-oriented prosocial be- havior of customer-contact employees?. Jour- nal of Services Marketing 2006; 20: 251-264.
  • Tsai Y and Tang TW. How to improve service quality: Internal marketing as a determining factor. Total Quality Management 2008; 19: 1117-1126.

İçsel Pazarlama Faaliyetlerinin Örgütsel Bağlılık Unsurları Açısından Değerlendirilmesi: Türkiye’de Hemşireler Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 3, 39 - 52, 01.12.2012


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı içsel pazarlama uygulamalarının sağlık sektörü çalışanı olan hemşirelerin örgütsel bağlılığı üzerinde etkisini incelemektir.Yöntem: Bu amaçla geliştirilen araştırma hipotezlerini test etmek üzere Türk Cerrahi ve Ameliyathane Hemşireleri Derneği ve Diyabet Hemşireleri Derneğine kayıtlı bulunan ve e-mail adresine sahip olan 270 hemşireye anket gönderilmiştir. Bu çalışmada anket sorularınıno luşturulmasında Foreman ve Money’e ait içsel pazarlamaölçeği ve Allen ve Meyer’e ait örgütsel bağlılıkölçeğinden yararlanılmıştır. Anket online olarakgönderilmiş ve aynı şekilde geri toplanmıştır. 250anket geri dönmüştür, geri dönüş oranı %92’dir.Veriler faktör analizi ve regresyonanalizi ile değerlendirilmiştir.Bulgular: Analiz sonuçları; içsel pazarlama faaliyetlerinin örgütsel bağlılık unsurlarından duygusal bağlılık ve normatif bağlılık üzerinde etkiliolduğunu göstermektedir.Sonuç: İçsel pazarlama uygulamalarının örgütsel bağlılığı arttırdığı açıktır. Bu nedenle hastaneyöneticileri; çalışanların birbirleriyle iletişimlerini güçlendirerek, ödüllendirme, iletişim, vizyon oluşturma, eğitim çalışmaları gibi birtakım içsel pazarlama uygulamalarıyla çalışanların memnuniyetlerini ve hastaneye olan bağlılığını arttırmalıdır.


  • Shiu YM, Yu TW.Internal marketing organiza- tional oulture, job satisfaction and organizatio- nal performance in non-life insurance. The Ser- vices Industries Journal 2010; 30: 793-806
  • Berry L. The employee as customer. Journal Of Retail Banking 1981; 3: 271-278.
  • Greene WE, Walls GD, Schrest LJ. Internal marketing the key to external marketing suc- cess. The Journal of Services Marketing 1994; 8: 5-13.
  • Iliopoulus E and Priporas CV. The effect of in- ternal marketing on job satisfaction in health services: a pilot study in public hospitals in Northern Greece. BMC Health Services Rese- arch 2011; 11(261), 2-8
  • Kotler P. Marketing Management - Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control. 7th ed., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1998.
  • Varey RJ. Internal marketing: a review and so- me interdisciplinary research challenges. Inter- national Journal of Service Industry Manage- ment 1995; 6: 40-63.
  • Yang WH. Relationships among internal mar- keting perceptions, organizational support, job satisfaction and role behavior in healthcare or- ganizations. International Journal of Manage- ment 2010; 27: 235-242
  • Lings IN. Internal market orientation: construct and consequences. Journal of Business Rese- arch 2004;57: 405-413.
  • Foreman S, Money AH, Arthur H.Internal mar- keting: concept, measurement and application. Journal of Marketing Management 1995; 11: 755-768.
  • Caruana A, Calleya P.The effect of internal mar- keting on organisational commitment among retail bank managers. International Journal of Bank Marketing 1998; 16: 108-116.
  • Bennett R, Barkensjo A. internal marketing, ne- gative experiences, and volunteers’ commit- ment to providing high-quality services in a UK helping and caring charitable organization. In- ternational Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 2005; 16: 251-274.
  • Gezen AK, Akinci F, Esatoglu AE, Parsons AL, Sarp N. An evaluation of the opinions of hospi- tal employees regarding the contribution of in- ternal marketing to the application of total qua- lity management in Turkey. Public Relations In Health Services 2007; 24:167-187.
  • Chang CS, Chang HH. Effects of internal mar- keting on nurse job satisfaction and oragnizatio- nal commitment: example of medical centers in southern taiwan. Journal of Nursing Research 2007; 15: 265-273.
  • Chang CS, Chang HC.Perceptions of internal marketing and organizational commitment by nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2008; 65: 92-100.
  • Mosahab R, Mahamad O, Ramayah T. Motiva- tional orientation as an Internal marketing tool in service training: a study of service delivery in a hospital. International Journal of Business and Management 2011; 6: 93-100
  • Ahmed PK, Rafiq M. Internal marketing issues and challenges. European Journal of Marketing 2003; 37: 1221-1241.
  • Allen NJ, Meyer JP.The Three component con- ceptualization of organizational commitment. Human Resource Management Review 1991; 1: 61-89.
  • Meyer JP, Allen NJ. Links between work expe- riences and organizational commitment during the first year of employement: a longitudinal analysis. Journal of Occupational Psychology 1988; 61: 195-209.
  • Abbott GN, White FA, Charles MA. Linking values and organisational commitment: a corre- lational and experimental investigation in two organisations. Journal of Occupational and Organiational Psychology 2005; 78: 531-551.
  • Allen NJ, Meyer JP.The measurement and ante- cedents of affective, continuance and normative commitment to the organization. Journal of Occupational Psychology 1990; 63: 1-18.
  • Demir H, Usta R, Okan T. İçsel pazarlamanın örgütsel bağlılık ve iş tatminine etkisi. Hacette- pe ÜUniversitesi I.I.B.F Dergisi 2008; 2: 135- 161.
  • Candan B, Çekmecelioğlu HG. İçsel pazarlama faaliyetlerinin örgütsel bağlılık unsurları açısın- dan değerlendirilmesi: bir araştırma. Yönetim 2009; 63: 41-58.
  • Ewing M and Caruana A. An internal marketing approach to public sector management: The marketing and human resorces interface. The International Journal of Public Sector Manage- ment 1999; 12: 17-26.
  • Wasti A. Örgütsel Bağlılıği Belirleyen Evrensel ve Kültürel Etmenler: Türk Kültürüne Bir Ba- kış. In Z Aycan (Ed), Türkiye’de Yönetim, Li- derlik ve İnsan Kaynakları Uygulamaları, (No:21), Turk Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları, Ankara, 2000.
  • Çetin MO. The relationship between job satis- faction, occupational and organizational com- mitment of academics. The Journal Of Ameri- can Academy Of Business 2006;8: 78-88.
  • Aslan S. Örgütsel vatandaslık davranışı ile örgütsel baglılık ve mesleğe baglılık arasındaki ilişkilerin araştırılması. Yönetim ve Ekonomi 2008; 2: 163-178.
  • Duygulu S, Abaan S. Örgütsel bağlılık: Çalışan- ların kurumda kalmaya da kurumdan ayrılma kararının bir belirleyicisi (Derleme). Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 2007; 61-23.
  • Duygulu S, Kormaz F. Hemşirelerin örgüte bağlılığı, iş doyumları ve işten ayrılma neden- leri. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yük- sekokulu Dergisi 2008;12:9-20.
  • Schroeder C.Nursing’ s response to the crisis of access, cost and quality in healty care. Advance in Nursing Science1993;16: 1-26.
  • Akdemir N. Hemşirelik uygulamalarında temel kavramlar. In N Akdemir, L Birol (Eds.), İc has- talıkları ve hemşirelik bakımı. (1th ed.), Ekin Tıbbi Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 2003.
  • Birol L. Hemşirelik, Hemşirenin rolü ve işlev- leri, N Akdemir, L Birol (Eds.), İc hastalıkları ve hemşirelik bakımı. (1th ed.), Ekin Tıbbi Ya- yıncılık, İstanbul, 2003.
  • Shalala ED, Balton BL. Theinitiative on the fu- ture of nursing nurses are transforming Ameri- can health care. American Journal of Nursing 2009; 109: 7.
  • Shalala ED. Transforming nursing to improve health care quality: a conversation with Dr. Donna E. Shalala. American Nurse Today 2010; 5: 39-41.
  • Lee YK, Nam FH, Park DH, Lee KA. What fac- tors influence customer-oriented prosocial be- havior of customer-contact employees?. Jour- nal of Services Marketing 2006; 20: 251-264.
  • Tsai Y and Tang TW. How to improve service quality: Internal marketing as a determining factor. Total Quality Management 2008; 19: 1117-1126.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Gülnur Eti-içli Bu kişi benim

Fatma Eti-aslan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Eti-içli, G., & Eti-aslan, F. (2012). İçsel Pazarlama Faaliyetlerinin Örgütsel Bağlılık Unsurları Açısından Değerlendirilmesi: Türkiye’de Hemşireler Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 14(3), 39-52.