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Effect of Breastfeeding Peer Counselling Program on Breastfeeding Self Efficacy of Primipar Mothers

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 2/3, 36 - 48, 01.12.2015


Objective: The recent researches support the view that most of the mothers give up feeding their infants with breastmilk in the very beginning of the postnatal period due to difficulties in breastfeeding and their belief about being inefficient in breastfeeding. Our objective was to examine the effect of peer counselling program on breastfeeding self efficacy. Method: The study was as an educational intervention trial. Survey was held in Mother and Child Health Care Units and Primary Health Care Center which was located in semi-urban district of İzmir. Breastfeeding self efficacy education was implemented by 8 mothers who completed the breastfeeding peer counselling education to 40 primipar pregnants who are 32 week and over. Sociodemographic Questionnare and pretest questionnaire was applied to pregnant women before training. Breastfeeding self-efficacy Scale and posttest questionnaire was administered to women in postpartum period. 40 pregnant women in registers of another primary health care center were included in control group of the survey and applied same forms with intervention group simultaneously. Results: Exclusive breastfeeding rate of intervention group %63.0 were significantly higher than control group %37.0 at eight weeks p


  • World Health Organization (WHO) /UNICEF. [Online].Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative - revised, updated, and expanded for integral care. 2009. Available from:[PubMed](Accessed 2014Dec 14)
  • World Health Organization Department of Child And Adolescent Health and Development [Online]. Community-based strategies 2014Nov 16) promotion and supporting Developing Countries
  • Available from
  • UNICEF [Online]. The state of the world’s children 2015: Reimagine the future: innovation for every child. Available from: 2015 Dec 5)
  • Moore E.,Coty M.B. Prenatal and postpartum focus groups with primiparas: Breastfeeding attitudes, support, barriers, self efficacy, and intention. J Pediatr Health Care. 2006; 20(1):36-8.
  • Ekşioğlu AB, Çeber E. Translation and validation of the Breastfeeding Self-efficacy Scale into Turkish. Midwifery 2011; 27(6): 246-53.
  • Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü, T.C Sağlık Bakanlığı Ana Çocuk Sağlığı ve Aile Planlaması Müdürlüğü. Türkiye Nüfus ve Sağlık Araştırması 2008, Ana Rapor.
  • Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü, T.C Sağlık Bakanlığı Ana Çocuk Sağlığı ve Aile Planlaması Müdürlüğü. Türkiye Nüfus ve Sağlık Araştırması 2013, Ana Rapor.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics. Policy statement breastfeeding and the use of human milk. Pediatrics. 2012; 129(3):827- 41.
  • Dennis CL, Hodnett E, Gallop R, Chalmers B. The Effect of peer support on breast-feeding duration among primiparous women: a Randomized controlled trial. CMAJ. 2002;166(1):21-8.
  • Sudfeld CR, Fawzi VW, Lahariya C. Peer support and exclusive breast feding duration in low and middle-income countries: A Systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS ONE. 2012; 7 (9):1-9.
  • Blyth R, Creedy DK, Dennis CL, Moyle W, Pratt J, De Vries. Effect of maternal confidence on breastfeeding duration: An application of Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Theory. Birth.2002; 29(4): 278-84.
  • Dennis CL. Breastfeeding Peer Support: Maternal and volunteer perceptions from a randomized controlled trial. Birth. 2002; 29(3):169-76.
  • Gau M.L. Evaluation of a lactation intervention program to encourage breastfeeding: a longitudinal study. Int J Nurs Stud.2004;41(4):425-35.
  • Agboado G, Michel E, Jackson E, Verma A. Factors associated with breastfeeding cessation in nursing mothers in a peer support programme in Eastern Lancashire. BMC Pediatrics. 2010, 10(3):1-10.
  • Tarrant M, Dodgson JE, Wu KM. Factors contributing to early breast-feeding cessation among Chinese mothers: An exploratory study. Midwifery. 2014, 30(10):1088-95.
  • Tokat MA, Okumuş H. Emzirme Öz-yeterlilik algısını güçlendirmeye temelli antenatal eğitimin emzirme öz-yeterlilik algısına ve emzirme başarısına etkisi. Hemşirelikte Eğitim ve Araştırma Dergisi, 2013; 10(1): 21-29.
  • Mickens AD, Modeste N, Montgomery S, Taylor M. Peer support and breastfeeding intentions among black WIC participants. J Hum Lact.2009;25(2):157-62.
  • Nankunda J, Tylleskär T, Ndeezi G, Semiyaha N, Tumvine JK, PROMISE-EBF Study Group. Establishing individual peer counselling for exclusive breastfeeding in Uganda; Implications for Scaling-up. Matern Child Nutr. 2010;6(1):53-66.
  • Meier PP, Engstrom JL, Rossman B. Breast feding peer counselors as direct lactation care providers in the neonatal intensive care unit. J Hum Lact.2013;29(3):313-22.
  • Chapman DJ, Damio G, Perez-Escamilla R. Effectiveness of breast feding peer counselling in a low-income, predominantly Latina population: a Randomized controlled trial. Arch Pediatric Adolesc Med. 2004; 158(9):897-902.
  • Dyson L, Renfrew M, McFadden A, McCormick F, Herbert G, Thomas J. Effective Action Briefing On The İnitiation And Duration Of Breastfeeding Effective Action Recommendations. Mother and Infant Research Unit Department of Health Sciences. 2005. Available from: ve_Action_Recommendations, (Accessed 2016 March 24).
  • Ingram J, Rosser J, Jackson D. Breast feding peer supporters and a community Support group: evaluating their effectiveness. Matern Child Nutr.2004;1(2):111–18.
  • Sikorski J, Renfrew MJ, Pindora S,Wade A. Support for breast feding mothers: a systematic review. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 2003; 17(4): 407–17.
  • McInnes RJ, Stone DH. The Process of implementing a community-based peer breast feding support programme: The Glasgow Experience.Midwifery.2001; 17(1):65-73.
  • Nankunda J, Tumwine JK, Soltved A, SemiyagaN, Ndeezi G, Tylleskär T. Community based peer counsellors for support of Exclusive breastfeeding: experiences from rural Uganda. Int Breast feed J. 2006;1(19): 1-9.
  • Chapman DJ,Morel K, Anderson AK, Damio G, Pérez-Escamilla R. Breast feding peer counseling: From efficacy through Scale-Up. J Hum Lact.2010;26(3):314-26.
  • Nankunda J, Tumwine JK, Nankabirwa V, Tylleskär T. “Shewould sit with me”. Mothers’ experiences of individual peer support for exclusive breastfeeding in Uganda. Int Breast feed J. 2010;5(16):1-13.
  • Shealy KR, Li R, Benton-Davis S, GrummerStrawn LM. [Online].U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, The CDC Guide to Breastfeeding Interventions. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.2005. Atlanta. Available from: (Accessed 2014Dec 23)
  • Torres A. [Online]. Peer Intervention Strategies for Breastfeeding Promotion among Low Income Latinas in the US: A Literature Review; In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nutrition. 2011. Available from: (Accessed 2014Dec 14)
  • Dennis CL, Faux S. Development and Psychometric Testing of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale, Res Nurs Health. 1999;22(5):399-409.
  • Dearden K, Altaye M, Maza I, Oliva M, Jimenez MS, Morrow AL. The impact of mother-to-mother Support on optimal breast-feeding: a controlled community intervention trial in peri-urban Guatemala City, Guatemala. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2002; 12(3):193-201.
  • Groleau D, Soulie` re M, Kirmayer LJ. Breast feding and the cultural configuration of social space among Vietnamese immigrant woman. Health Place.2006;12(4):516–26.
  • Bronner Y, Barber T, Miele L. Breastfeeding Peer Counseling: Rationale for the National WIC Survey. J Hum Lact.2001;17(2):135-39.
  • Kushwaha KP, Sankar J, Sankar MJ, Gupta A, Dadhich JP, Gupta YP, et al. Effect of peer counselling by Mother Support Groups on infant and young child feding practices: The Lalitpur Experience. Bruce A, ed. PLoSONE.2014;9(11): 1-8.
  • Srinivas GL, Benson M, Worley S, Sculte E. A Clinic-based breastfeeding peer counselor intervention in an Urban, Low- income population interaction with breast feding attitude. J Hum Lact. 2014; 5:1-9.

Emzirme akran danışmanlığının ilk kez doğum yapan annelerin emzirme özyeterliliklerine etkisi

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 2/3, 36 - 48, 01.12.2015


Amaç: Annelerin büyük çoğunluğunun emzirme konusunda yeterli olmadıklarına inanmaları, emzirmede güçlükler ile karşılaşmaları gibi nedenlerle erken dönemde anne sütüyle beslemeyi kestikleri, yapılan çalışmalar ile desteklenmektedir. Bu çalışma, primipar annelere “emzirme özyeterliliği” konusunda verilen akran danışmanlığının etkisinin saptanması amacıyla eğitimsel bir müdahale araştırması olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yöntem: Çalışma İzmir ilinde yarı kentsel bir bölgede yer alan Ana Çocuk Sağlığı ve Aile Planlaması Merkezi ve Sağlık Ocağında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Emzirme Akran Danışmanlığı Eğitimini tamamlayan 8 anne tarafından; 32 hafta ve üzerinde, primipar 40 gebeye emzirme özyeterliliği konusunda eğitim uygulanmıştır. Eğitim öncesinde verilerin toplanmasında sosyo-demografik soru formu, ön test soru formu ve Emzirme Özyeterlilik Ölçeği uygulanmıştır. Doğum sonrası dönemde kadınlara, Emzirme Özyeterlilik ölçeği ve son test soru formu uygulanmıştır. Başka bir sağlık ocağına kayıtlı 40 gebe de kontrol grubu olarak alınmış ve müdahale grubu ile eş zamanlı olarak aynı formlar uygulanmıştır. Bulgular: Müdahale grubunda sadece anne sütü ile besleme oranı 8.haftada %63,0 kontrol grubuna göre %37,0 yüksek bulunmuştur p


  • World Health Organization (WHO) /UNICEF. [Online].Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative - revised, updated, and expanded for integral care. 2009. Available from:[PubMed](Accessed 2014Dec 14)
  • World Health Organization Department of Child And Adolescent Health and Development [Online]. Community-based strategies 2014Nov 16) promotion and supporting Developing Countries
  • Available from
  • UNICEF [Online]. The state of the world’s children 2015: Reimagine the future: innovation for every child. Available from: 2015 Dec 5)
  • Moore E.,Coty M.B. Prenatal and postpartum focus groups with primiparas: Breastfeeding attitudes, support, barriers, self efficacy, and intention. J Pediatr Health Care. 2006; 20(1):36-8.
  • Ekşioğlu AB, Çeber E. Translation and validation of the Breastfeeding Self-efficacy Scale into Turkish. Midwifery 2011; 27(6): 246-53.
  • Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü, T.C Sağlık Bakanlığı Ana Çocuk Sağlığı ve Aile Planlaması Müdürlüğü. Türkiye Nüfus ve Sağlık Araştırması 2008, Ana Rapor.
  • Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü, T.C Sağlık Bakanlığı Ana Çocuk Sağlığı ve Aile Planlaması Müdürlüğü. Türkiye Nüfus ve Sağlık Araştırması 2013, Ana Rapor.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics. Policy statement breastfeeding and the use of human milk. Pediatrics. 2012; 129(3):827- 41.
  • Dennis CL, Hodnett E, Gallop R, Chalmers B. The Effect of peer support on breast-feeding duration among primiparous women: a Randomized controlled trial. CMAJ. 2002;166(1):21-8.
  • Sudfeld CR, Fawzi VW, Lahariya C. Peer support and exclusive breast feding duration in low and middle-income countries: A Systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS ONE. 2012; 7 (9):1-9.
  • Blyth R, Creedy DK, Dennis CL, Moyle W, Pratt J, De Vries. Effect of maternal confidence on breastfeeding duration: An application of Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Theory. Birth.2002; 29(4): 278-84.
  • Dennis CL. Breastfeeding Peer Support: Maternal and volunteer perceptions from a randomized controlled trial. Birth. 2002; 29(3):169-76.
  • Gau M.L. Evaluation of a lactation intervention program to encourage breastfeeding: a longitudinal study. Int J Nurs Stud.2004;41(4):425-35.
  • Agboado G, Michel E, Jackson E, Verma A. Factors associated with breastfeeding cessation in nursing mothers in a peer support programme in Eastern Lancashire. BMC Pediatrics. 2010, 10(3):1-10.
  • Tarrant M, Dodgson JE, Wu KM. Factors contributing to early breast-feeding cessation among Chinese mothers: An exploratory study. Midwifery. 2014, 30(10):1088-95.
  • Tokat MA, Okumuş H. Emzirme Öz-yeterlilik algısını güçlendirmeye temelli antenatal eğitimin emzirme öz-yeterlilik algısına ve emzirme başarısına etkisi. Hemşirelikte Eğitim ve Araştırma Dergisi, 2013; 10(1): 21-29.
  • Mickens AD, Modeste N, Montgomery S, Taylor M. Peer support and breastfeeding intentions among black WIC participants. J Hum Lact.2009;25(2):157-62.
  • Nankunda J, Tylleskär T, Ndeezi G, Semiyaha N, Tumvine JK, PROMISE-EBF Study Group. Establishing individual peer counselling for exclusive breastfeeding in Uganda; Implications for Scaling-up. Matern Child Nutr. 2010;6(1):53-66.
  • Meier PP, Engstrom JL, Rossman B. Breast feding peer counselors as direct lactation care providers in the neonatal intensive care unit. J Hum Lact.2013;29(3):313-22.
  • Chapman DJ, Damio G, Perez-Escamilla R. Effectiveness of breast feding peer counselling in a low-income, predominantly Latina population: a Randomized controlled trial. Arch Pediatric Adolesc Med. 2004; 158(9):897-902.
  • Dyson L, Renfrew M, McFadden A, McCormick F, Herbert G, Thomas J. Effective Action Briefing On The İnitiation And Duration Of Breastfeeding Effective Action Recommendations. Mother and Infant Research Unit Department of Health Sciences. 2005. Available from: ve_Action_Recommendations, (Accessed 2016 March 24).
  • Ingram J, Rosser J, Jackson D. Breast feding peer supporters and a community Support group: evaluating their effectiveness. Matern Child Nutr.2004;1(2):111–18.
  • Sikorski J, Renfrew MJ, Pindora S,Wade A. Support for breast feding mothers: a systematic review. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 2003; 17(4): 407–17.
  • McInnes RJ, Stone DH. The Process of implementing a community-based peer breast feding support programme: The Glasgow Experience.Midwifery.2001; 17(1):65-73.
  • Nankunda J, Tumwine JK, Soltved A, SemiyagaN, Ndeezi G, Tylleskär T. Community based peer counsellors for support of Exclusive breastfeeding: experiences from rural Uganda. Int Breast feed J. 2006;1(19): 1-9.
  • Chapman DJ,Morel K, Anderson AK, Damio G, Pérez-Escamilla R. Breast feding peer counseling: From efficacy through Scale-Up. J Hum Lact.2010;26(3):314-26.
  • Nankunda J, Tumwine JK, Nankabirwa V, Tylleskär T. “Shewould sit with me”. Mothers’ experiences of individual peer support for exclusive breastfeeding in Uganda. Int Breast feed J. 2010;5(16):1-13.
  • Shealy KR, Li R, Benton-Davis S, GrummerStrawn LM. [Online].U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, The CDC Guide to Breastfeeding Interventions. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.2005. Atlanta. Available from: (Accessed 2014Dec 23)
  • Torres A. [Online]. Peer Intervention Strategies for Breastfeeding Promotion among Low Income Latinas in the US: A Literature Review; In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nutrition. 2011. Available from: (Accessed 2014Dec 14)
  • Dennis CL, Faux S. Development and Psychometric Testing of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale, Res Nurs Health. 1999;22(5):399-409.
  • Dearden K, Altaye M, Maza I, Oliva M, Jimenez MS, Morrow AL. The impact of mother-to-mother Support on optimal breast-feeding: a controlled community intervention trial in peri-urban Guatemala City, Guatemala. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2002; 12(3):193-201.
  • Groleau D, Soulie` re M, Kirmayer LJ. Breast feding and the cultural configuration of social space among Vietnamese immigrant woman. Health Place.2006;12(4):516–26.
  • Bronner Y, Barber T, Miele L. Breastfeeding Peer Counseling: Rationale for the National WIC Survey. J Hum Lact.2001;17(2):135-39.
  • Kushwaha KP, Sankar J, Sankar MJ, Gupta A, Dadhich JP, Gupta YP, et al. Effect of peer counselling by Mother Support Groups on infant and young child feding practices: The Lalitpur Experience. Bruce A, ed. PLoSONE.2014;9(11): 1-8.
  • Srinivas GL, Benson M, Worley S, Sculte E. A Clinic-based breastfeeding peer counselor intervention in an Urban, Low- income population interaction with breast feding attitude. J Hum Lact. 2014; 5:1-9.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Research Article

Aysun Ekşioğlu Bu kişi benim

Esin Çeber-turfan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 17 Sayı: 2/3

Kaynak Göster

APA Ekşioğlu, A., & Çeber-turfan, E. (2015). Emzirme akran danışmanlığının ilk kez doğum yapan annelerin emzirme özyeterliliklerine etkisi. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 17(2/3), 36-48.