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A Review: Accent Modification in Aerospace and Aviation

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 93 - 98, 14.06.2024


Language serves as a critical tool for communication in the aerospace and aviation industries, where clarity and intelligibility are paramount for safety. This article explores the profound influence of language in these fields, emphasizing the necessity for high communication standards among professionals such as astronauts and pilots. The International Space Station mandates English. English is also the official language of commercial aviation because of the historical miscommunications that have led to catastrophic outcomes. The current article highlights the stringent English proficiency requirements set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), necessitated by past accidents attributed to miscommunication. Furthermore, the role of accents in communication barriers which significantly impact the clarity of interactions, particularly in high-stakes environments, is presented. The aerospace industry has seen instances where miscommunications, often accentuated by linguistic differences, have compromised missions and safety. This article advocates for the integration of speech-language pathology into training programs to enhance intelligibility and mitigate communicationrelated accidents. It suggests that speech-language pathologists could offer crucial interventions in accent modification, potentially increasing safety by improving communication clarity across the aerospace and aviation industries.

Etik Beyan

The author acknowledges no known conflicts of interest. This manuscript is a review of what is known about miscommunications in the aviation and aerospace industries.

Destekleyen Kurum

Alpha-Speech LLC


The author would like to thank the Journal of Human Factors in Aviation and Aerospace as it aims to help highlight significant human limitations currently affecting both industries. Our aim is to improve human performance through evidence-based research. We cannot improve what we do not know.


  • Alderson, J.C. (2009). Air safety, language assessment policy and policy implementation: The case of aviation English. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 29(1), 168187. doi:10.1017/S0267190509090138 google scholar
  • Carlson, H. K., & McHenry, M. A. (2006). Effect of accent and dialect on employability. American Counseling Association, 43, 70-83. google scholar
  • Carter, N., Staples, S., Shen, J., & Xu, Y. (2013). American English pronunciation and the internationally educated nurse. Nursing Man-agement, 44, 52-55. doi:10.1097/01.NUMA.0000428195.06765.22. google scholar
  • Freysteinson, W. M., Adams, J. D, Cesario, S., Belay, H. A., Clutter, P., Du, J., Allam, Z (2017). An accent modification program. Journal of Professional Nursing, 33, 299-304. doi:10.1016/j.profnurs.2016.11.003. google scholar
  • Gautier, M. L., & Do, T. T. (2018). The class of 2018: Survey of Ordinands to the priesthood. Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, 1-41. google scholar
  • Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners. (2020, January 17). Federal Aviation Administration. headquarters_offices/avs/offices/aam/ame/guide/. google scholar
  • International Civil Aviation Organization. (2010). Manual on the implementation of ICAO language proficiency requirements (Vol. 9835). International Civil Aviation Organization. google scholar
  • Kanas, N., (1998) Psychosocial issues affecting crews during long-duration international space missions, Acta Astronautica, 42, Issues 1-8, 339-361, google scholar
  • Kelly A.D., Kanas N., (1992). Crewmember communication in space: a survey of astronauts and cosmonauts. Aviat Space Environ Med;63(8):721-6. PMID: 1510648. google scholar
  • Kharoufah, H., Murray, J., Baxter, G. & Wild, G. (2018). A review of human factors causations in commercial air transport accidents and incidents: from to 2000- 2016 Progress in Aerospace Sciences 99 (i) doi:10.1016/j.paerosci.2018.03.002 google scholar
  • Munro, M. J., & Derwing, T. M. (1995). Processing time, accent, and comprehensibility in the perception of native and foreign-accented speech. Language & Speech, 38(3), 289-306. google scholar
  • Ojakangas, C. L. (2013). Viewpoint: What brain research can tell us about accent modification. Perspectives on Communication Disorders & Sciences in Culturally & Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Populations, 20(3), 101-108. google scholar
  • Pierson, Dr. K. R., Simpson, Dr. K., Creaghead, Dr. N., & Herreras-Mercado, Dr. R. (2024). Vowel Centered Accent Modification in Mandarin Chinese Speaking Pilot Candidates. The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, 34(1), 42-58. 1080/24721840.2023.2277462. google scholar
  • Prinzo, O. V., & Campbell, A. (2008). US airline transport pilot international flight language experiences, Report 1: Background informa-tion and general/pre-flight preparation. Federal Aviation Administration. doi:10.1037/e733852011-001. google scholar
  • Prinzo, O. V., Campbell, A., Hendrix, A. M., & Hendrix, R. (2010). U.S. Airline Transport Pilot International Flight Language Experiences, Report 3: Language Experiences in Non-Native English-Speaking Airspace/Airports. Federal Aviation Administration. doi:10.1037/ e733872011-001. google scholar
  • Prinzo, O. V., Campbell, A., Hendrix, A. M., & Hendrix, R. (2010). U.S. Airline Transport Pilot International Flight Language Experiences, Report 4: Non-Native English-Speaking Controllers Communicating with Native English-Speaking Pilots. Federal Aviation Admin-istration. doi:10.1037/e733882011-001. google scholar
  • Prinzo, O. V., Campbell, A., Hendrix, A. M., & Hendrix, R. (2010). U.S. Airline Transport Pilot International Flight Language Experiences, Report 5: Language Experiences in Native English-Speaking Airspace/Airports. Federal Aviation Administration. doi:10.1037/ e733892011-001. google scholar
  • Prinzo, O. V., Campbell, A., Hendrix, A. M., & Hendrix, R. (2010). U.S. Airline Transport Pilot International Flight Language Experiences, Report 6: Native English-Speaking Controllers Communicating with Non-Native English-Speaking Pilots. Federal Aviation Admin-istration. doi:10.1037/e733902011-001. google scholar
  • Prinzo, O. V., Campbell, A., Hendrix, A. M., & Hendrix, R. (2010). United States Airline Transport Pilot International Flight Language Ex-periences Report 2: Word Meaning and Pronunciation. Federal Aviation Administration. doi: 10.1037/e733862011-001. google scholar
  • Santy, P.A., Holland, A.W., Looper L., Marcondes-North, R. (1993). Multicultural factors in the space environment: results of an interna-tional shuttle crew debrief. Aviat Space Environ Med. 64(3 Pt 1):196-200. PMID: 8447799. google scholar
  • Schmidt, A. M., & Sullivan, S. (2003). Clinical training in foreign accent modification: A national survey. Contemporary Issues in Commu-nication Science and Disorders, 30, 127 -135. doi: 1092-5171/03/3002-0127. google scholar
  • Seferoglu, G. (2005). Improving students’ pronunciation through accent reduction software. British Journal of Educational Technology, 36(2), 303-316. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2005.00459.x. google scholar
  • Thomson, R. I., & Derwing, T. M. (2014). The effectiveness of L2 pronunication instruction: A narrative review. Applied Linguistics, 36, 1-20. doi: 10.1093/applin/amu076 google scholar
  • Tiewtrakul, T., & Fletcher, S. R. (2010). The challenge of regional accents for aviation English language proficiency standards: A study of difficulties in understanding in air traffic control-pilot communications. Ergonomics, 53, 229-239. google scholar

Bir Derleme: Uzay ve Havacılıkta Aksan Modifikasyonu

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 93 - 98, 14.06.2024


Dil, açıklık ve anlaşılırlığın güvenlik için çok önemli olduğu uzay ve havacılık endüstrilerinde iletişim için kritik bir araç olarak hizmet eder. Bu makale, astronotlar ve pilotlar gibi profesyoneller arasında yüksek iletişim standartlarının gerekliliğini vurgulayarak, dilin bu alanlardaki derin etkisini araştırmaktadır. Uluslararası Uzay İstasyonu’nda İngilizce zorunludur. İngilizce aynı zamanda, felaketle sonuçlanan tarihsel iletişimsizlikler nedeniyle ticari havacılığın da resmi dilidir. Bu makale, Uluslararası Sivil Havacılık Örgütü (ICAO) tarafından belirlenen ve geçmişte yaşanan kazaların iletişimsizliğe atfedilmesinden kaynaklanan katı İngilizce yeterlilik gerekliliklerini vurgulamaktadır. Ayrıca, özellikle yüksek riskli ortamlarda etkileşimlerin netliğini önemli ölçüde etkileyen iletişim engellerinde aksanın rolü sunulmaktadır. Havacılık ve uzay endüstrisi, genellikle dilsel farklılıklarla vurgulanan iletişimsizliklerin misyonları ve güvenliği tehlikeye attığı örneklere tanık olmuştur. Bu makale, anlaşılabilirliği artırmak ve iletişimle ilgili kazaları azaltmak için dil ve konuşma patolojisinin eğitim programlarına entegre edilmesini savunmaktadır. Dil ve konuşma terapistlerinin aksan modifikasyonu konusunda önemli müdahalelerde bulunabileceğini ve havacılık ve uzay endüstrilerinde iletişim netliğini artırarak güvenliği potansiyel olarak artırabileceğini öne sürmektedir.


  • Alderson, J.C. (2009). Air safety, language assessment policy and policy implementation: The case of aviation English. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 29(1), 168187. doi:10.1017/S0267190509090138 google scholar
  • Carlson, H. K., & McHenry, M. A. (2006). Effect of accent and dialect on employability. American Counseling Association, 43, 70-83. google scholar
  • Carter, N., Staples, S., Shen, J., & Xu, Y. (2013). American English pronunciation and the internationally educated nurse. Nursing Man-agement, 44, 52-55. doi:10.1097/01.NUMA.0000428195.06765.22. google scholar
  • Freysteinson, W. M., Adams, J. D, Cesario, S., Belay, H. A., Clutter, P., Du, J., Allam, Z (2017). An accent modification program. Journal of Professional Nursing, 33, 299-304. doi:10.1016/j.profnurs.2016.11.003. google scholar
  • Gautier, M. L., & Do, T. T. (2018). The class of 2018: Survey of Ordinands to the priesthood. Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, 1-41. google scholar
  • Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners. (2020, January 17). Federal Aviation Administration. headquarters_offices/avs/offices/aam/ame/guide/. google scholar
  • International Civil Aviation Organization. (2010). Manual on the implementation of ICAO language proficiency requirements (Vol. 9835). International Civil Aviation Organization. google scholar
  • Kanas, N., (1998) Psychosocial issues affecting crews during long-duration international space missions, Acta Astronautica, 42, Issues 1-8, 339-361, google scholar
  • Kelly A.D., Kanas N., (1992). Crewmember communication in space: a survey of astronauts and cosmonauts. Aviat Space Environ Med;63(8):721-6. PMID: 1510648. google scholar
  • Kharoufah, H., Murray, J., Baxter, G. & Wild, G. (2018). A review of human factors causations in commercial air transport accidents and incidents: from to 2000- 2016 Progress in Aerospace Sciences 99 (i) doi:10.1016/j.paerosci.2018.03.002 google scholar
  • Munro, M. J., & Derwing, T. M. (1995). Processing time, accent, and comprehensibility in the perception of native and foreign-accented speech. Language & Speech, 38(3), 289-306. google scholar
  • Ojakangas, C. L. (2013). Viewpoint: What brain research can tell us about accent modification. Perspectives on Communication Disorders & Sciences in Culturally & Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Populations, 20(3), 101-108. google scholar
  • Pierson, Dr. K. R., Simpson, Dr. K., Creaghead, Dr. N., & Herreras-Mercado, Dr. R. (2024). Vowel Centered Accent Modification in Mandarin Chinese Speaking Pilot Candidates. The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, 34(1), 42-58. 1080/24721840.2023.2277462. google scholar
  • Prinzo, O. V., & Campbell, A. (2008). US airline transport pilot international flight language experiences, Report 1: Background informa-tion and general/pre-flight preparation. Federal Aviation Administration. doi:10.1037/e733852011-001. google scholar
  • Prinzo, O. V., Campbell, A., Hendrix, A. M., & Hendrix, R. (2010). U.S. Airline Transport Pilot International Flight Language Experiences, Report 3: Language Experiences in Non-Native English-Speaking Airspace/Airports. Federal Aviation Administration. doi:10.1037/ e733872011-001. google scholar
  • Prinzo, O. V., Campbell, A., Hendrix, A. M., & Hendrix, R. (2010). U.S. Airline Transport Pilot International Flight Language Experiences, Report 4: Non-Native English-Speaking Controllers Communicating with Native English-Speaking Pilots. Federal Aviation Admin-istration. doi:10.1037/e733882011-001. google scholar
  • Prinzo, O. V., Campbell, A., Hendrix, A. M., & Hendrix, R. (2010). U.S. Airline Transport Pilot International Flight Language Experiences, Report 5: Language Experiences in Native English-Speaking Airspace/Airports. Federal Aviation Administration. doi:10.1037/ e733892011-001. google scholar
  • Prinzo, O. V., Campbell, A., Hendrix, A. M., & Hendrix, R. (2010). U.S. Airline Transport Pilot International Flight Language Experiences, Report 6: Native English-Speaking Controllers Communicating with Non-Native English-Speaking Pilots. Federal Aviation Admin-istration. doi:10.1037/e733902011-001. google scholar
  • Prinzo, O. V., Campbell, A., Hendrix, A. M., & Hendrix, R. (2010). United States Airline Transport Pilot International Flight Language Ex-periences Report 2: Word Meaning and Pronunciation. Federal Aviation Administration. doi: 10.1037/e733862011-001. google scholar
  • Santy, P.A., Holland, A.W., Looper L., Marcondes-North, R. (1993). Multicultural factors in the space environment: results of an interna-tional shuttle crew debrief. Aviat Space Environ Med. 64(3 Pt 1):196-200. PMID: 8447799. google scholar
  • Schmidt, A. M., & Sullivan, S. (2003). Clinical training in foreign accent modification: A national survey. Contemporary Issues in Commu-nication Science and Disorders, 30, 127 -135. doi: 1092-5171/03/3002-0127. google scholar
  • Seferoglu, G. (2005). Improving students’ pronunciation through accent reduction software. British Journal of Educational Technology, 36(2), 303-316. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2005.00459.x. google scholar
  • Thomson, R. I., & Derwing, T. M. (2014). The effectiveness of L2 pronunication instruction: A narrative review. Applied Linguistics, 36, 1-20. doi: 10.1093/applin/amu076 google scholar
  • Tiewtrakul, T., & Fletcher, S. R. (2010). The challenge of regional accents for aviation English language proficiency standards: A study of difficulties in understanding in air traffic control-pilot communications. Ergonomics, 53, 229-239. google scholar
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hava-Uzay Ulaşımı, Psikodilbilim (Konuşma Üretimi ve Anlama dahil), İletişim Psikolojisi
Bölüm Reviews

Katie Pierson 0009-0003-0361-1210

Yayımlanma Tarihi 14 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 17 Nisan 2024
Kabul Tarihi 11 Mayıs 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Pierson, K. (2024). A Review: Accent Modification in Aerospace and Aviation. Human Factors in Aviation and Aerospace, 1(1), 93-98.