Year 2024,
, 363 - 372, 12.12.2024
Caner Dereli
Nebile Dağlıoğlu
- F.C. Öztürk, Drug Addiction and an investigation of drug use in Turkey, Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy. Ankara, 47 (2023) 1071-1083.
- R. Gupta, Handbook Of Toxicology Of Chemical Warfare Agents, Academic Press, USA, 2015.
- J. R. Partingon, A history of Greek fire and gunpowder. Jonhs Hopkins University Press, USA, 1990.
- S. S. Patel, Earliest chemical warfare, Dura Europos-Syria, Archeology Archive, 63 (2010) 23-24.
- C. R. Paige, Canada and chemical warfare 1939-1945 (M.A thesis). Department of History University of Saskatchewan, Canada, 2009.
- S.M. Hersh, Chemical and Biological Warfare, The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Indianapolis, USA, 1968.
- R.J. Joy, Historical aspects of medical defense against chemical warfare. Textbook of Military Medicine. Part I, Warfare, Weaponry, and the Casualty, 3 (1997) 87-109.
- J.B. Tucker, War of Nerves: Chemical Warfare from World War I to al-Qaeda. Pantheon Books, New York, USA, 2006.
- K. Coleman, A History of Chemical Warfare, Macmillian, New York, USA, 2005.
- E.M. Spiers, Chemical Warfare, University of Illinois Press., Illinois, USA, 1986.
- M.B. Mood, P. Rice, R. Mathews, Practical Guide for Medical Management of Chemical Warfare Casualties, OPCW Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons International Cooperation and Assistance Division Assistance and Protection Branch, OPCW, Nederlands, 2019.
- S. Sezigen, Sağlık Kurumlarında Kitlesel NBC (KBRN) Yaralanmalarına Yönelik Davranış Modelinin Oluşturulması, T.C. Genel Kurmay Başkanlığı Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi Komutanlığı Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü KBRN Bilim Dalı Başkanlığı, Tıbbi NBC Programı, Ankara, 2009.
- R.G. Darling, E.E. Noste, Future Biological and Chemical Weapons. Ciottone's Disaster Medicine. (2016) 489-498.
- E.M. Spiers, A history of chemical and biological weapons, Reaktion Books, London, UK, 2010.
- L.V. Handeland, International Environment and Development Studies, Noragric Exploring the knowledge-politics nexus in global governance: A case study of the anti-chemical weapons assemblage in Syria (2013-2017), International Relations Master Thesis, Noragric, Norway, 2010.
- AFAD, [online] [Accessed: 19.08.2023].
- E. Oğur, KBRN Tehdit Ortamında Adli Görev Etkinliğinin Değerlendirilmesi: Türkiye - ABD Karşılaştırması, Ankara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Disiplinlerarası Adli Bilimler Anabilim Dalı, Ankara, 2020.
- E. A. Croddy, J. J. Wirtz, Weapons of Mass Destruction An Encyclopedia of Worldwide Policy, Technology, and History, ABC-CLIO, USA, 2004.
- R. E. Jabbour, H. Salem, Encyclopedia of Toxicology, Blister Agents/Vesicants, 3 (2014) 522-525.
- D. Kaszeta, CBRN and HAZMAT Incidents at Major Public Events, John Wiles & Sons., New Jersey, USA, 2013.
- D. A. Shea, Chemical Weapons: A Summary Report of Characteristics and Effects, Specialist in Science and Technology Policy, Washington D.C., USA, 2013.
- H. Yücel, KBRN Olaylarında İlk Müdahalede Görev Alan Bazı Ekiplerin Olay Yerindeki Tehlikelere Karşı Risk Algısı ve Hazırlık Tutumları Arasındaki İlişkinin Değerlendirilmesi: Adana İli Örneği. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Gümüşhane, 2019.
- R. Zajtchuk, R.F. Bellamy, Textbook of military medicine, Part I: warfare, Weaponry and the casualty. United States Department of the Army, Office of the Surgeon General and Borden Institute, Washington DC, USA, 1917.
- A. Tu, Chemical and Biological Weapons and Terrorism, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business. Florida, USA, 2018.
- U. E. Yalçın, Kimyasal Silahların İnsan Sağlığı Ve Çevre Üzerinde Oluşturduğu Risklerin Değerlendirilmesi, AFAD, Ankara, 2017.
- AFAD, [online] [Accessed: 09.04.2022].
- L. Středaa, J. Patočkab, Incapacitating chemicals – Risk to the purpose and objectives of the Chemical Weapons Convention?, 16 (2014) 57-63.
- F. Worek, J.Jenner, Chemical Warfare Toxicology: Volume 1: Fundamental Aspects Issues in Toxicology, Cambridge, UK, 2016.
- C. Dereli, Finite Element Analysis Of a Real Man-made Disaster, Savunma Bilimleri Dergisi, 20 (2024) 223-236.
- T. H. Stanley, The Fentanyl Story, The Journal of Pain, 15 (2014) 1215-1226.
- P.I Dargan, D. M. Wood, Novel Psychoactive Substances Classification, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Academic Press., London, UK, 2022.
- T. H. Stanley, The History and Development of the Fentanyl Series, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 7 (1992) 3-7.
- Public Health Agency of Canada, [online], [accessed 11.29.2023].
- J. Patocka, W. Wu, Pa. Oleksak, , Fentanyl and its derivatives: Pain-killers or man-killers?, Heliyon, 10 (2024) 1-21
- Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Synthetic Opioids Belonging to the Fentanyl Class: A Review. Crit Rev Anal Chem., 52 (2022) 1938-1968.
- W. S. Chan, B. K. K. Cheung, Interpol review of toxicology 2016–2019, in Forensic Science International: Synergy, 23 (2020) 563-607.
- D. Koyyalagunta, Opioid Analgesics, Pain Management, 2 (2007) 939-964.
- B. M. Kapur, P. K. Lala, J. L.V. Shaw, Review Pharmacogenetics of chronic pain management, Clinical Biochemistry, 47 (2014) 1169-1187.
- C.J. Cote, J. Lerman, B. Anderson, A Practice of Anesthesia for Infants and Children, 6 (2019) 393-423.
- C. A. Valdez, J. A. Rosales, R. N. Leif, Determination of fentanyl and acetylfentanyl in soil in their intact form and orthogonal corroboration of their presence by EI-GC-MS using chloroformate chemistry, Forensic Chemistry, 34 (2023).
- J. S. Rogers, S. J. Rehrer, N. R. Hoot, Acetylfentanyl: An Emerging Drug of Abuse, The Journal of Emergency Medicine, 50 (2016) 433-436.
- Y. Higashikawa, S. Suzuki, Studies on 1-(2-phenethyl)-4-(N-propionylanilino)piperidine (fentanyl) and its related compounds. VI. Structure-analgesic activity relationship for fentanyl, methyl-substituted fentanyls and other analogues. Forensic Toxicol 26 (2008) 1–5.
- E. Rab, R. J. Flanagan, S. Hudson, Detection of fentanyl and fentanyl analogues in biological samples using liquid chromatography–high resolution mass spectrometry, Forensic Science International, 300 (2019) 13-18.
- J.R. Riches, R.W. Read, R. M. Black, Analysis of Clothing and Urine from Moscow Theatre Siege Casualties Reveals Carfentanil and Remifentanil Use, Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 36 (2012) 647-656.
- P.A. Finegov, Case of Finegenov and others v., Russia, Judgement of the European Court of Human Rights (First Section), Strasbourg, France, 2011.
- P. M. Wax, C. E. Becker, S.C. Curry, Unexpected "gas" casualties in Moscow: a medical toxicology perspective, Annals of Emergency Medicine, 41 (2003) 700-705.
- C. Shayne, Riot control agents (RCAs), Gad Encyclopedia of Toxicology), 8 (2024) 311-332.
Fentanyl and Fentanyl Subgroups as Chemical Weapons
Year 2024,
, 363 - 372, 12.12.2024
Caner Dereli
Nebile Dağlıoğlu
2002 yılında Rusya’nın Başkenti Moskova’daki bir tiyatronun Çeçen işgalcilercelerce ele geçirilmesi neticesinde yapılan rehine kurtarma operasyonunda işgalciler de dahil olmak üzere 130 kişi hayatını kaybetmiştir. Bu operasyonda güvenlik güçlerince kullanılan remifentanil ve karfentaniller, Kimyasal Silahlar Sözleşmesince, Kimyasal Silah olarak tanımlanmamakla birlikte hayatını kaybeden kişilerin fazla oluşu ve bu kimyasalların merkezi sinir sitemine etki etmesi dünyada tartışmalara neden olmuştur. Bu bilimsel çalışmada, kimyasal silahlar, fentaniller ve alt fentanil grupları detaylıca incelenerek bu opiatların, kimyasal silah kategorisinde değerlendirilip değerlendirilemeyeceği sorusunun cevabı aranmıştır.
Ethical Statement
Herhangi bir çıkar çatışması bulunmamaktadır.
Supporting Institution
Destekleyen bir kurum bulunmamaktadır.
- F.C. Öztürk, Drug Addiction and an investigation of drug use in Turkey, Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy. Ankara, 47 (2023) 1071-1083.
- R. Gupta, Handbook Of Toxicology Of Chemical Warfare Agents, Academic Press, USA, 2015.
- J. R. Partingon, A history of Greek fire and gunpowder. Jonhs Hopkins University Press, USA, 1990.
- S. S. Patel, Earliest chemical warfare, Dura Europos-Syria, Archeology Archive, 63 (2010) 23-24.
- C. R. Paige, Canada and chemical warfare 1939-1945 (M.A thesis). Department of History University of Saskatchewan, Canada, 2009.
- S.M. Hersh, Chemical and Biological Warfare, The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Indianapolis, USA, 1968.
- R.J. Joy, Historical aspects of medical defense against chemical warfare. Textbook of Military Medicine. Part I, Warfare, Weaponry, and the Casualty, 3 (1997) 87-109.
- J.B. Tucker, War of Nerves: Chemical Warfare from World War I to al-Qaeda. Pantheon Books, New York, USA, 2006.
- K. Coleman, A History of Chemical Warfare, Macmillian, New York, USA, 2005.
- E.M. Spiers, Chemical Warfare, University of Illinois Press., Illinois, USA, 1986.
- M.B. Mood, P. Rice, R. Mathews, Practical Guide for Medical Management of Chemical Warfare Casualties, OPCW Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons International Cooperation and Assistance Division Assistance and Protection Branch, OPCW, Nederlands, 2019.
- S. Sezigen, Sağlık Kurumlarında Kitlesel NBC (KBRN) Yaralanmalarına Yönelik Davranış Modelinin Oluşturulması, T.C. Genel Kurmay Başkanlığı Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi Komutanlığı Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü KBRN Bilim Dalı Başkanlığı, Tıbbi NBC Programı, Ankara, 2009.
- R.G. Darling, E.E. Noste, Future Biological and Chemical Weapons. Ciottone's Disaster Medicine. (2016) 489-498.
- E.M. Spiers, A history of chemical and biological weapons, Reaktion Books, London, UK, 2010.
- L.V. Handeland, International Environment and Development Studies, Noragric Exploring the knowledge-politics nexus in global governance: A case study of the anti-chemical weapons assemblage in Syria (2013-2017), International Relations Master Thesis, Noragric, Norway, 2010.
- AFAD, [online] [Accessed: 19.08.2023].
- E. Oğur, KBRN Tehdit Ortamında Adli Görev Etkinliğinin Değerlendirilmesi: Türkiye - ABD Karşılaştırması, Ankara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Disiplinlerarası Adli Bilimler Anabilim Dalı, Ankara, 2020.
- E. A. Croddy, J. J. Wirtz, Weapons of Mass Destruction An Encyclopedia of Worldwide Policy, Technology, and History, ABC-CLIO, USA, 2004.
- R. E. Jabbour, H. Salem, Encyclopedia of Toxicology, Blister Agents/Vesicants, 3 (2014) 522-525.
- D. Kaszeta, CBRN and HAZMAT Incidents at Major Public Events, John Wiles & Sons., New Jersey, USA, 2013.
- D. A. Shea, Chemical Weapons: A Summary Report of Characteristics and Effects, Specialist in Science and Technology Policy, Washington D.C., USA, 2013.
- H. Yücel, KBRN Olaylarında İlk Müdahalede Görev Alan Bazı Ekiplerin Olay Yerindeki Tehlikelere Karşı Risk Algısı ve Hazırlık Tutumları Arasındaki İlişkinin Değerlendirilmesi: Adana İli Örneği. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Gümüşhane, 2019.
- R. Zajtchuk, R.F. Bellamy, Textbook of military medicine, Part I: warfare, Weaponry and the casualty. United States Department of the Army, Office of the Surgeon General and Borden Institute, Washington DC, USA, 1917.
- A. Tu, Chemical and Biological Weapons and Terrorism, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business. Florida, USA, 2018.
- U. E. Yalçın, Kimyasal Silahların İnsan Sağlığı Ve Çevre Üzerinde Oluşturduğu Risklerin Değerlendirilmesi, AFAD, Ankara, 2017.
- AFAD, [online] [Accessed: 09.04.2022].
- L. Středaa, J. Patočkab, Incapacitating chemicals – Risk to the purpose and objectives of the Chemical Weapons Convention?, 16 (2014) 57-63.
- F. Worek, J.Jenner, Chemical Warfare Toxicology: Volume 1: Fundamental Aspects Issues in Toxicology, Cambridge, UK, 2016.
- C. Dereli, Finite Element Analysis Of a Real Man-made Disaster, Savunma Bilimleri Dergisi, 20 (2024) 223-236.
- T. H. Stanley, The Fentanyl Story, The Journal of Pain, 15 (2014) 1215-1226.
- P.I Dargan, D. M. Wood, Novel Psychoactive Substances Classification, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Academic Press., London, UK, 2022.
- T. H. Stanley, The History and Development of the Fentanyl Series, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 7 (1992) 3-7.
- Public Health Agency of Canada, [online], [accessed 11.29.2023].
- J. Patocka, W. Wu, Pa. Oleksak, , Fentanyl and its derivatives: Pain-killers or man-killers?, Heliyon, 10 (2024) 1-21
- Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Synthetic Opioids Belonging to the Fentanyl Class: A Review. Crit Rev Anal Chem., 52 (2022) 1938-1968.
- W. S. Chan, B. K. K. Cheung, Interpol review of toxicology 2016–2019, in Forensic Science International: Synergy, 23 (2020) 563-607.
- D. Koyyalagunta, Opioid Analgesics, Pain Management, 2 (2007) 939-964.
- B. M. Kapur, P. K. Lala, J. L.V. Shaw, Review Pharmacogenetics of chronic pain management, Clinical Biochemistry, 47 (2014) 1169-1187.
- C.J. Cote, J. Lerman, B. Anderson, A Practice of Anesthesia for Infants and Children, 6 (2019) 393-423.
- C. A. Valdez, J. A. Rosales, R. N. Leif, Determination of fentanyl and acetylfentanyl in soil in their intact form and orthogonal corroboration of their presence by EI-GC-MS using chloroformate chemistry, Forensic Chemistry, 34 (2023).
- J. S. Rogers, S. J. Rehrer, N. R. Hoot, Acetylfentanyl: An Emerging Drug of Abuse, The Journal of Emergency Medicine, 50 (2016) 433-436.
- Y. Higashikawa, S. Suzuki, Studies on 1-(2-phenethyl)-4-(N-propionylanilino)piperidine (fentanyl) and its related compounds. VI. Structure-analgesic activity relationship for fentanyl, methyl-substituted fentanyls and other analogues. Forensic Toxicol 26 (2008) 1–5.
- E. Rab, R. J. Flanagan, S. Hudson, Detection of fentanyl and fentanyl analogues in biological samples using liquid chromatography–high resolution mass spectrometry, Forensic Science International, 300 (2019) 13-18.
- J.R. Riches, R.W. Read, R. M. Black, Analysis of Clothing and Urine from Moscow Theatre Siege Casualties Reveals Carfentanil and Remifentanil Use, Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 36 (2012) 647-656.
- P.A. Finegov, Case of Finegenov and others v., Russia, Judgement of the European Court of Human Rights (First Section), Strasbourg, France, 2011.
- P. M. Wax, C. E. Becker, S.C. Curry, Unexpected "gas" casualties in Moscow: a medical toxicology perspective, Annals of Emergency Medicine, 41 (2003) 700-705.
- C. Shayne, Riot control agents (RCAs), Gad Encyclopedia of Toxicology), 8 (2024) 311-332.