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Yıl 2020, , 13 - 20, 17.04.2020


 Yüksek irtifa hipoksisi ve hipoksik egzersiz oksidatif DNA hasarına neden olabilir. Çalışmamızda 1055m ve 2500m'de yapılan egzersizin mikronükleus (MN) sıklığı üzerindeki etkisi araştırıldı. MN frekansı, kromozomal hasarın, genom kararsızlığının bir biyolojik işaretidir. Çalışmaya 10 kadın, 10 erkek toplam 20 sağlıklı birey alındı. Her iki yerde 5 gün boyunca günde 3 saat egzersiz yaptırıldı. Egzersizden önce ve egzersizden hemen sonra 1055 m ve 2500 m yükseklikte periferik kan örnekleri hem birinci hem de beşinci günde kültürlendi. Hastaların mitojenle uyarılmış lenfositlerinden elde edilen çift çekirdekli hücrelerde MN değerlerinin sayısı kaydedildi. 1055m koşullarında yapılan egzersizin MN oluşumunu indüklediğini bulduk (p <0.001); 2500 m'de yapılan egzersiz, insan lenfositlerinde daha fazla MN oluşumuna neden olmuştur (p <0.001). Ayrıca, on gün sonra dağdan 1055 m'ye geri inen deneklerde MN frekansları, beş günün sonunda 2500 m rakımdakinden daha düşüktü (p <0.001). Aynı zamanda, bu MN frekansı, 1055 m'deki bazal MN frekansına benzerdi (p> 0.05). Sonuçlarımız, egzersiz ve yüksekliğin kromozomal DNA hasarına neden olabileceğini ve mutajenik etkiler oluşturabileceğini göstermektedir.


Destekleyen Kurum

Erciyes University Scientific Research Projects Units

Proje Numarası

TSY-09-712, Z. HAMURCU


  • 1. Møller, P, Genotoxicity of environmental agents assessed by the alkaline comet assay. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol, Suppl 1 (2005) 1.
  • 2. Jefferson JA, Simoni J , Escudero E , Hurtado ME , Swenson ER, Wesson DE, Schreiner GF, Schoene RB, Johnson RJ, Hurtado A , Increased oxidative stres following acute and chronic high altitude exposure, High Altitude Med Biol, 5 (2004) 61. 3. Davison GW, Exercise and Oxidative Damage in Nucleoid DNA Quantified Using Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis: Present and Future Application, Front Physiol, 7 (2016) 249.
  • 4. Kumar H, Choi DK, Hypoxia Inducible Factor Pathway and Physiological Adaptation: A Cell Survival Pathway? Mediators Inflamm, (2015) 2015:584758 doi: 10.1155/2015/584758.
  • 5. Alkorta-Aranburu G , Beall CM , Witonsky DB, Gebremedhin A, Pritchard JK, Di Rienzo A, The genetic architecture of adaptations to high altitude in Ethiopia, PLoS Genet, 8 (2012) 1003.
  • 6. Askew EW, Work at high altitude and oxidative stress: antioxidant nutrients. Toxicol, 180 (2002) 107.
  • 7. Møller P, Risom L , Lundby C , Mikkelsen L , Loft S , Hypoxia and oxidation levels of DNA and lipids in humans and animal experimental models, IUBMB Life, 60 (2008) 707.
  • 8. Dosek A , Ohno H , Acs Z , Taylor A W , Radak Z , High altitude and oxidative stress, Respir Physiol Neurobiol , 158 (2007) 128-131.
  • 9. Radak Z , Suzuki K , Higuchi M , Balogh L , Boldogh I , Koltai E, Physical exercise, reactive oxygen species and neuroprotection, Free Radic Biol Med, 98 (2016)187.
  • 10. Bloomer R J , Goldfarb AH , Wideman L , McKenzie M J , Consitt LA, Effects of acute aerobic and anaerobic exercise on blood markers of oxidative stress, J Strength Cond Res, 19 (2005) 276.
  • 11. Bloomer RJ, Goldfarb AH, Mckenzie JM, Oxidative stress response to aerobic exercise: Comparison of antioxidant supplements, Med Sci Sports Exerc, 38 (2006) 1099.
  • 12. Hamurcu Z, Bayram F, Kahriman G, Dönmez-Altuntas, H, Baskol G, Micronucleus frequency in lymphocytes and 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine level in plasma of women with polycystic ovary syndrome, Gynecol Endocrinol, 26 (2010) 590.
  • 13. Araldi RP, de Melo TC, Mendes TB, de Sá Júnior PL, Nozima BH, Ito ET, de Carvalho RF, de Souza EB, de Cassia Stocco R,Using the comet and micronucleus assays for genotoxicity studies: A review, Biomed Pharmacother, 72 (2015) 74.
  • 14. Kirsch-Volders M, Bonassi S, Knasmueller S, Holland N, Bolognesi C, Fenech MF, Commentary: critical questions, misconceptions and a road map for improving the use of the lymphocyte cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay for in vivo biomonitoring of human exposure to genotoxic chemicals-a HUMN project perspective, Mutat Res Rev Mutat Res, 759 (2014) 49.
  • 15. Fenech M, The micronucleus assay determination of chromosomal level DNA damage, Methods Mol Biol, 2008 (410) 185.
  • 16. Fenech M, Kirsch-Volders M, Natarajan AT, Surralles J, Crott JW, Parry J, Norppa H, Eastmond DA, Tucker JD, Thomas P, Molecular mechanisms of micronucleus, nucleoplasmic bridge and nuclear bud formation in mammalian and human cells, Mutagenesis, 26 (2011) 125.
  • 17. Wozniak A, Drewa, G, Chesy G, Rakowski A, Rozwodowska M, Olszewska D, Effect of altitude training on the peroxidation and antioxidant enzymes in sportsmen, Med Sci Sports Exer, 3 (2001) 1109.
  • 18. Møller P, Loft S, Lundby C, Olsen NV, Acute hypoxia and hypoxic exercise induce DNA strand breaks and oxidative DNA damage in humans, FASEB J, 15 (2001) 1181.
  • 19. Pialoux V, Mounier R, Rock E, Mazur A, Schmitt L, Richalet JP, Robach P, Brugniaux J, Coudert J, Fellmann N, Effects of the 'live high-train low' method on prooxidant/antioxidant balance on elite athletes, Eur J Clin Nutr 63 (2009)756.
  • 20. Sinha S, Dutta A, Singh SN, Ray US, Protein nitration, lipid peroxidation and DNA damage at high altitude in acclimatized lowlanders and native highlanders: relation with oxygen consumption, Respir Physiol Neurobiol, 171 (2010) 115.
  • 21. Vasankari TJ, Kujala UM, Rusko H, Sarna S, Ahotupa M, The effect of endurance exercise at moderate altitude on serum lipid peroxidation and antioxidative functions in humans, Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol, 75 (1997) 396.
  • 22. Chao WH, Askew EW, Roberts DE, Wood SM, Perkins JB, Oxidative stress in humans during work at moderate altitude, J Nutr, 129 (1999) 2009.
  • 23. Pfeiffer JM, Askew EW, Roberts DE, Wood SM, Benson JE, Johnson SC, Freedman, MS,. Effect of antioxidant supplementation on urine and blood markers of oxidative stress during extended moderate-altitude training, Wilderness Environ Med Summer (1999) 1066.
  • 24. Magalhães J, Ascensão A, Viscor G, Soares J, Oliveira J, Marques F, Duarte J, Oxidative stress in humans during and after 4 hours of hypoxia at a simulated altitude of 5500 m, Aviat Space Environ Med, 75 (2004)16.
  • 25. Hamurcu Z, Dönmez-Altuntas H, Patiroglu T, Basal level micronucleus frequency in stimulated lymphocytes of untreated patients with leukemia, Cancer Genet Cytogenet, 180 (2008) 140.
  • 26. Fenech M, Cytokinesis-block micronucleus cytome assay, Nat Protoc, 2 (2007) 1084.
  • 27. Tomasello B, Grasso S, Malfa G, Stella S, Favetta M, Renis M, Double-face activity of resveratrol in voluntary runners: assessment of DNA damage by comet assay, Med Food, 15 (2012) 441.
  • 28. Wagner KH, Reichhold S, Neubauer O, Impact of endurance and ultraendurance exercise on DNA damage, Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1229 (2011) 115.
  • 29. Fogarty MC, Hughes CM, Burke G, Brown JC, Trinick TR, Duly E, Bailey DM, Davison GW, Exercise-induced lipid peroxidation: Implications for deoxyribonucleic acid damage and systemic free radical generation, Environ Mol Mutagen, 52 (2011) 35.
  • 30. Gandhi G, Chopra G, DNA damage in peripheral blood leukocytes of physically active individuals as measured by the alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis assay, Environ Mol Mutagen, 50 (2009) 291.
  • 31. Radak Z, Pucsuk J, Boros S, Josfai L, Taylor AW, Changes in urine 8-hydroxydeoxyguanozine levels of super marathon runners during a four-day race period, Life Sci, 66 (2000) 1763.
  • 32. Nair-Shalliker V, Fenech M, Forder PM, Clements MS, Armstrong BK, Sunlight and vitamin D affect DNA damage, cell division and cell death in human lymphocytes: a cross-sectional study in South Australia, Mutagen, 27 (2012) 609.
  • 33. Radak Z, Zhao Z, Koltai E, Ohno H, Atalay M, Oxygen consumption and usage during physical exercise: the balance between oxidative stress and ROS-dependent adaptive signaling, Antioxid Redox Signal, 18 (2013) 1208. 34. Hamurcu Z, Demirtas H, Ascioglu O, Dönmez-Altuntas H, Aktas E, Micronucleus evaluation in mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes of PUVA treated patients, Tohoku J Exp Med, 198 (2002) 11.
  • 35. Hamurcu Z, Saritas N, Baskol G, Akpinar N, Effect of wrestling exercise on oxidative DNA damage, nitric oxide level and paraoxonase activity in adolescent boys, Pediatr Exerc Sci, 22 (2010) 60.
  • 36. Poulsen HE, Weimann A, Loft S, Methods to detect DNA damage by free radicals: relation to exercise, Proc Nutr Soc, 58 (1999) 1007.
  • 37. Lundby C, Pilegaard H, Van Hall G, Sander M, Calbet J, Loft S, Møller P,Oxidative DNA damage and repair in skeletal muscle of humans exposed to high-altitude hypoxia, Toxicol, 192 (2003) 229.
  • 38. Maluf SW, Monitoring DNA damage following radiation exposure using cytokinesis-block micronucleus method and alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis, Clin Chim Acta 347 (2004) 15.
  • 39. Powers SK, Nelson WB, Hudson MB, Exercise-induced oxidative stress in humans: cause and consequences, Free Radic Biol Med, 51 (2011) 942.
  • 40. Ohkuwa T , Itoh H , Yamamoto T , Minami C , Yamazaki Y , Kimoto S , Yoshida R, Effects of hypoxia and hypoxic training on 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine and glutathione levels in the liver, Metabolism, 53 (2004) 716.
  • 41. Schiffl C, Zieres C, Zankl H, Exhaustive physical exercise increases frequency of micronuclei, Mutat Res, 389 (1997) 243.
  • 42. Fenech M, Bonassi S, The effect of age, gender, diet and lifestyle on DNA damage measured using micronucleus frequency in human peripheral blood lymphocytes Mutagen, 26 (2011) 43.
  • 43. Hartmann A, Pfuhler S, Dennog C, Germadnik D, Pilger A, Speit G, Exercise-induced DNA effects in human leukocytes are not accompanied by increased formation of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine or induction of micronuclei, Free Radic Biol Med, 24 (1998) 245.
  • 44. Umegaki K, Higuchi M, Inoue K, Esashi T , Influence of one bout of intensive running on lymphocyte micronucleus frequencies in endurance-trained and untrained men, Int J Sports Med, 19 (1998) 581.
  • 45. Reichhold S, Neubauer O, Ehrlich V , Knasmüller S , Wagner KH , No acute and persistent DNA damage after an Ironman triathlon, Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 17 (2008) 1913.
  • 46. Meintières S , Biola A , Pallardy M , Marzin D , Apoptosis can be a confusing factor in in vitro clastogenic assays, Mutagen, 16 (2001) 243.
  • 47. Holland N , Fucic A , Merlo DF, Sram R , Kirsch-Volders M , Mutagen. Micronuclei in neonates and children: effects of environmental, genetic, demographic and disease variables, 26 (2011) 51.
  • 48. Andreassi M G , Barale R , Iozzo P , Picano E , The association of micronucleus frequency with obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, Mutagen, 26 (2011) 77.
  • 49. Fenech M, The Genome Health Clinic and Genome Health Nutrigenomics concepts: diagnosis and nutritional treatment of genome and epigenome damage on an individual basis, Mutagen, 20 (2005) 255.
  • 50. Migliore L, Coppedè F , Fenech M , Thomas P , Association of micronucleus frequency with neurodegenerative diseases, Mutagen, 26 (2011), 85.
Yıl 2020, , 13 - 20, 17.04.2020


Proje Numarası

TSY-09-712, Z. HAMURCU


  • 1. Møller, P, Genotoxicity of environmental agents assessed by the alkaline comet assay. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol, Suppl 1 (2005) 1.
  • 2. Jefferson JA, Simoni J , Escudero E , Hurtado ME , Swenson ER, Wesson DE, Schreiner GF, Schoene RB, Johnson RJ, Hurtado A , Increased oxidative stres following acute and chronic high altitude exposure, High Altitude Med Biol, 5 (2004) 61. 3. Davison GW, Exercise and Oxidative Damage in Nucleoid DNA Quantified Using Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis: Present and Future Application, Front Physiol, 7 (2016) 249.
  • 4. Kumar H, Choi DK, Hypoxia Inducible Factor Pathway and Physiological Adaptation: A Cell Survival Pathway? Mediators Inflamm, (2015) 2015:584758 doi: 10.1155/2015/584758.
  • 5. Alkorta-Aranburu G , Beall CM , Witonsky DB, Gebremedhin A, Pritchard JK, Di Rienzo A, The genetic architecture of adaptations to high altitude in Ethiopia, PLoS Genet, 8 (2012) 1003.
  • 6. Askew EW, Work at high altitude and oxidative stress: antioxidant nutrients. Toxicol, 180 (2002) 107.
  • 7. Møller P, Risom L , Lundby C , Mikkelsen L , Loft S , Hypoxia and oxidation levels of DNA and lipids in humans and animal experimental models, IUBMB Life, 60 (2008) 707.
  • 8. Dosek A , Ohno H , Acs Z , Taylor A W , Radak Z , High altitude and oxidative stress, Respir Physiol Neurobiol , 158 (2007) 128-131.
  • 9. Radak Z , Suzuki K , Higuchi M , Balogh L , Boldogh I , Koltai E, Physical exercise, reactive oxygen species and neuroprotection, Free Radic Biol Med, 98 (2016)187.
  • 10. Bloomer R J , Goldfarb AH , Wideman L , McKenzie M J , Consitt LA, Effects of acute aerobic and anaerobic exercise on blood markers of oxidative stress, J Strength Cond Res, 19 (2005) 276.
  • 11. Bloomer RJ, Goldfarb AH, Mckenzie JM, Oxidative stress response to aerobic exercise: Comparison of antioxidant supplements, Med Sci Sports Exerc, 38 (2006) 1099.
  • 12. Hamurcu Z, Bayram F, Kahriman G, Dönmez-Altuntas, H, Baskol G, Micronucleus frequency in lymphocytes and 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine level in plasma of women with polycystic ovary syndrome, Gynecol Endocrinol, 26 (2010) 590.
  • 13. Araldi RP, de Melo TC, Mendes TB, de Sá Júnior PL, Nozima BH, Ito ET, de Carvalho RF, de Souza EB, de Cassia Stocco R,Using the comet and micronucleus assays for genotoxicity studies: A review, Biomed Pharmacother, 72 (2015) 74.
  • 14. Kirsch-Volders M, Bonassi S, Knasmueller S, Holland N, Bolognesi C, Fenech MF, Commentary: critical questions, misconceptions and a road map for improving the use of the lymphocyte cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay for in vivo biomonitoring of human exposure to genotoxic chemicals-a HUMN project perspective, Mutat Res Rev Mutat Res, 759 (2014) 49.
  • 15. Fenech M, The micronucleus assay determination of chromosomal level DNA damage, Methods Mol Biol, 2008 (410) 185.
  • 16. Fenech M, Kirsch-Volders M, Natarajan AT, Surralles J, Crott JW, Parry J, Norppa H, Eastmond DA, Tucker JD, Thomas P, Molecular mechanisms of micronucleus, nucleoplasmic bridge and nuclear bud formation in mammalian and human cells, Mutagenesis, 26 (2011) 125.
  • 17. Wozniak A, Drewa, G, Chesy G, Rakowski A, Rozwodowska M, Olszewska D, Effect of altitude training on the peroxidation and antioxidant enzymes in sportsmen, Med Sci Sports Exer, 3 (2001) 1109.
  • 18. Møller P, Loft S, Lundby C, Olsen NV, Acute hypoxia and hypoxic exercise induce DNA strand breaks and oxidative DNA damage in humans, FASEB J, 15 (2001) 1181.
  • 19. Pialoux V, Mounier R, Rock E, Mazur A, Schmitt L, Richalet JP, Robach P, Brugniaux J, Coudert J, Fellmann N, Effects of the 'live high-train low' method on prooxidant/antioxidant balance on elite athletes, Eur J Clin Nutr 63 (2009)756.
  • 20. Sinha S, Dutta A, Singh SN, Ray US, Protein nitration, lipid peroxidation and DNA damage at high altitude in acclimatized lowlanders and native highlanders: relation with oxygen consumption, Respir Physiol Neurobiol, 171 (2010) 115.
  • 21. Vasankari TJ, Kujala UM, Rusko H, Sarna S, Ahotupa M, The effect of endurance exercise at moderate altitude on serum lipid peroxidation and antioxidative functions in humans, Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol, 75 (1997) 396.
  • 22. Chao WH, Askew EW, Roberts DE, Wood SM, Perkins JB, Oxidative stress in humans during work at moderate altitude, J Nutr, 129 (1999) 2009.
  • 23. Pfeiffer JM, Askew EW, Roberts DE, Wood SM, Benson JE, Johnson SC, Freedman, MS,. Effect of antioxidant supplementation on urine and blood markers of oxidative stress during extended moderate-altitude training, Wilderness Environ Med Summer (1999) 1066.
  • 24. Magalhães J, Ascensão A, Viscor G, Soares J, Oliveira J, Marques F, Duarte J, Oxidative stress in humans during and after 4 hours of hypoxia at a simulated altitude of 5500 m, Aviat Space Environ Med, 75 (2004)16.
  • 25. Hamurcu Z, Dönmez-Altuntas H, Patiroglu T, Basal level micronucleus frequency in stimulated lymphocytes of untreated patients with leukemia, Cancer Genet Cytogenet, 180 (2008) 140.
  • 26. Fenech M, Cytokinesis-block micronucleus cytome assay, Nat Protoc, 2 (2007) 1084.
  • 27. Tomasello B, Grasso S, Malfa G, Stella S, Favetta M, Renis M, Double-face activity of resveratrol in voluntary runners: assessment of DNA damage by comet assay, Med Food, 15 (2012) 441.
  • 28. Wagner KH, Reichhold S, Neubauer O, Impact of endurance and ultraendurance exercise on DNA damage, Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1229 (2011) 115.
  • 29. Fogarty MC, Hughes CM, Burke G, Brown JC, Trinick TR, Duly E, Bailey DM, Davison GW, Exercise-induced lipid peroxidation: Implications for deoxyribonucleic acid damage and systemic free radical generation, Environ Mol Mutagen, 52 (2011) 35.
  • 30. Gandhi G, Chopra G, DNA damage in peripheral blood leukocytes of physically active individuals as measured by the alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis assay, Environ Mol Mutagen, 50 (2009) 291.
  • 31. Radak Z, Pucsuk J, Boros S, Josfai L, Taylor AW, Changes in urine 8-hydroxydeoxyguanozine levels of super marathon runners during a four-day race period, Life Sci, 66 (2000) 1763.
  • 32. Nair-Shalliker V, Fenech M, Forder PM, Clements MS, Armstrong BK, Sunlight and vitamin D affect DNA damage, cell division and cell death in human lymphocytes: a cross-sectional study in South Australia, Mutagen, 27 (2012) 609.
  • 33. Radak Z, Zhao Z, Koltai E, Ohno H, Atalay M, Oxygen consumption and usage during physical exercise: the balance between oxidative stress and ROS-dependent adaptive signaling, Antioxid Redox Signal, 18 (2013) 1208. 34. Hamurcu Z, Demirtas H, Ascioglu O, Dönmez-Altuntas H, Aktas E, Micronucleus evaluation in mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes of PUVA treated patients, Tohoku J Exp Med, 198 (2002) 11.
  • 35. Hamurcu Z, Saritas N, Baskol G, Akpinar N, Effect of wrestling exercise on oxidative DNA damage, nitric oxide level and paraoxonase activity in adolescent boys, Pediatr Exerc Sci, 22 (2010) 60.
  • 36. Poulsen HE, Weimann A, Loft S, Methods to detect DNA damage by free radicals: relation to exercise, Proc Nutr Soc, 58 (1999) 1007.
  • 37. Lundby C, Pilegaard H, Van Hall G, Sander M, Calbet J, Loft S, Møller P,Oxidative DNA damage and repair in skeletal muscle of humans exposed to high-altitude hypoxia, Toxicol, 192 (2003) 229.
  • 38. Maluf SW, Monitoring DNA damage following radiation exposure using cytokinesis-block micronucleus method and alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis, Clin Chim Acta 347 (2004) 15.
  • 39. Powers SK, Nelson WB, Hudson MB, Exercise-induced oxidative stress in humans: cause and consequences, Free Radic Biol Med, 51 (2011) 942.
  • 40. Ohkuwa T , Itoh H , Yamamoto T , Minami C , Yamazaki Y , Kimoto S , Yoshida R, Effects of hypoxia and hypoxic training on 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine and glutathione levels in the liver, Metabolism, 53 (2004) 716.
  • 41. Schiffl C, Zieres C, Zankl H, Exhaustive physical exercise increases frequency of micronuclei, Mutat Res, 389 (1997) 243.
  • 42. Fenech M, Bonassi S, The effect of age, gender, diet and lifestyle on DNA damage measured using micronucleus frequency in human peripheral blood lymphocytes Mutagen, 26 (2011) 43.
  • 43. Hartmann A, Pfuhler S, Dennog C, Germadnik D, Pilger A, Speit G, Exercise-induced DNA effects in human leukocytes are not accompanied by increased formation of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine or induction of micronuclei, Free Radic Biol Med, 24 (1998) 245.
  • 44. Umegaki K, Higuchi M, Inoue K, Esashi T , Influence of one bout of intensive running on lymphocyte micronucleus frequencies in endurance-trained and untrained men, Int J Sports Med, 19 (1998) 581.
  • 45. Reichhold S, Neubauer O, Ehrlich V , Knasmüller S , Wagner KH , No acute and persistent DNA damage after an Ironman triathlon, Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 17 (2008) 1913.
  • 46. Meintières S , Biola A , Pallardy M , Marzin D , Apoptosis can be a confusing factor in in vitro clastogenic assays, Mutagen, 16 (2001) 243.
  • 47. Holland N , Fucic A , Merlo DF, Sram R , Kirsch-Volders M , Mutagen. Micronuclei in neonates and children: effects of environmental, genetic, demographic and disease variables, 26 (2011) 51.
  • 48. Andreassi M G , Barale R , Iozzo P , Picano E , The association of micronucleus frequency with obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, Mutagen, 26 (2011) 77.
  • 49. Fenech M, The Genome Health Clinic and Genome Health Nutrigenomics concepts: diagnosis and nutritional treatment of genome and epigenome damage on an individual basis, Mutagen, 20 (2005) 255.
  • 50. Migliore L, Coppedè F , Fenech M , Thomas P , Association of micronucleus frequency with neurodegenerative diseases, Mutagen, 26 (2011), 85.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Articles

Neşe Akpınar Kocakulak Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-5798-263X

Zuhal Hamurcu Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-5798-263X

Hamiyet Donmez-altuntas 0000-0001-5798-263X

Gönül Sungur Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-5798-263X

Fezullah Koca 0000-0001-5798-263X

Bekir Çoksevim 0000-0001-5798-263X

Proje Numarası TSY-09-712, Z. HAMURCU
Yayımlanma Tarihi 17 Nisan 2020
Kabul Tarihi 16 Nisan 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Akpınar Kocakulak, N., Hamurcu, Z., Donmez-altuntas, H., Sungur, G., vd. (2020). EFFECTS OF EXERCİSE PERFORMED ALTITUDE ON THE CHROMOSOMAL DNA DAMAGE IN HUMAN PERIPHERAL LYMPHOCYTES. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 48(1), 13-20.
AMA Akpınar Kocakulak N, Hamurcu Z, Donmez-altuntas H, Sungur G, Koca F, Çoksevim B. EFFECTS OF EXERCİSE PERFORMED ALTITUDE ON THE CHROMOSOMAL DNA DAMAGE IN HUMAN PERIPHERAL LYMPHOCYTES. HJBC. Nisan 2020;48(1):13-20. doi:10.15671/hjbc.568448
Chicago Akpınar Kocakulak, Neşe, Zuhal Hamurcu, Hamiyet Donmez-altuntas, Gönül Sungur, Fezullah Koca, ve Bekir Çoksevim. “EFFECTS OF EXERCİSE PERFORMED ALTITUDE ON THE CHROMOSOMAL DNA DAMAGE IN HUMAN PERIPHERAL LYMPHOCYTES”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 48, sy. 1 (Nisan 2020): 13-20.
EndNote Akpınar Kocakulak N, Hamurcu Z, Donmez-altuntas H, Sungur G, Koca F, Çoksevim B (01 Nisan 2020) EFFECTS OF EXERCİSE PERFORMED ALTITUDE ON THE CHROMOSOMAL DNA DAMAGE IN HUMAN PERIPHERAL LYMPHOCYTES. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 48 1 13–20.
IEEE N. Akpınar Kocakulak, Z. Hamurcu, H. Donmez-altuntas, G. Sungur, F. Koca, ve B. Çoksevim, “EFFECTS OF EXERCİSE PERFORMED ALTITUDE ON THE CHROMOSOMAL DNA DAMAGE IN HUMAN PERIPHERAL LYMPHOCYTES”, HJBC, c. 48, sy. 1, ss. 13–20, 2020, doi: 10.15671/hjbc.568448.
ISNAD Akpınar Kocakulak, Neşe vd. “EFFECTS OF EXERCİSE PERFORMED ALTITUDE ON THE CHROMOSOMAL DNA DAMAGE IN HUMAN PERIPHERAL LYMPHOCYTES”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 48/1 (Nisan 2020), 13-20.
MLA Akpınar Kocakulak, Neşe vd. “EFFECTS OF EXERCİSE PERFORMED ALTITUDE ON THE CHROMOSOMAL DNA DAMAGE IN HUMAN PERIPHERAL LYMPHOCYTES”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, c. 48, sy. 1, 2020, ss. 13-20, doi:10.15671/hjbc.568448.
Vancouver Akpınar Kocakulak N, Hamurcu Z, Donmez-altuntas H, Sungur G, Koca F, Çoksevim B. EFFECTS OF EXERCİSE PERFORMED ALTITUDE ON THE CHROMOSOMAL DNA DAMAGE IN HUMAN PERIPHERAL LYMPHOCYTES. HJBC. 2020;48(1):13-20.


Copyright © Hacettepe University Faculty of Science