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Effects of Extracts Obtained from Nepeta italica L. and Nepeta cilicia Boiss. Apud Bentham on Antioxidant Enzymes

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 40 Sayı: 2, 149 - 154, 01.04.2012


In the study, the effects of methanol and hexane extracts obtained from Nepeta italica L. and Nepeta cilicia Boiss. apud Bentham on antioxidant enzymes in healthy rat erythrocyte were studied. The ethanol extract of N. cilicia caused a decrease in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase G6PD activity and an increase in catalase CAT activity. There wasn’t significant enzyme value in the group treated with the hexane extract of N. cilicia. However, the ethanol extract of N. italica caused a decrease in superoxide dismutase SOD and CAT activities. In group treated with hexane extract of N. italica, a significant decrease in SOD and CAT activities was observed, whereas a significant increase in G6PD activity was observed. Also, a statistically significant difference in MDA wasn’t found in all groups. In conclusion, it may suggest that the extracts are devoid of pro- oxidant properties, because lipid peroxidation hasn’t been observed, although the extracts have caused some changes in antioxidant enzymes.


  • J.M. Mates, C. Perez-Gomes, I.N. De Castro, Antioxidant enzymes and human diseases. Clin. Biochem., 32 (1999) 595.
  • B. Halliwell, Biochemistry of oxidative stres, Biochem. Soc. Trans., 35 (2007) 1147.
  • H.C.L. Liang, H.G. Shertzer, D.W. Nebert, “Oxidative stress” responce in liver of an untreated newborn mouse having a 1.2-centimorgan deletion on chromosome, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 182 (1992) 1160.
  • T.P.A. Devasagayam, J.C. Tilak, K.K. Boloor, K.S. Sane, S.S. Ghaskadbi, R.D. Lele, Review: Free radicals and antioxidants in human health: Curr Stat Fut Prosp, JAPI 52 (2004) 794.
  • A. Alim, I. Goze, A. Çetin, A.D. Ataş, S. Akkus Çetinus, N. Vural, Chemical composition and in vitro antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of the essential oil of Nepeta nuda L. subsp. Albiflora (Boiss.) gams., AJMR, 3 (2009) 463.
  • S. Nagarajan, H.C. Jain, G.S. Aulakh, Indigenous plants used in the control of diabetes, Publication and Information Directorate CSI, New Delhi, 1987. 7. M.C. Sabu, R. Kuttan, Anti-diabetic activity of medicinal plants and its relationship with their antioxidant property, J. Ethnopharmacol, 81 (2002) 155.
  • M.J. Laughton, B. Halliwell, P.J. Evans, J.R.S. Hoult, Antioxidant and pro-oxidant actions of the plant phenolics quercetin, gossypol and myricetin, Biochem. Pharmacol., 38 (1989) 859.
  • G.C. Yen, H-Y. Chen, H-H. Peng, Antioxidant and pro-Oxidant effects of various tea extracts, J. Agric. Food Chem., 45 (1997) 30.
  • P.H. Davis, Flora of Turkey and the Aegean Islands, Edinburgh, Univ. Press.,1982.
  • K.H.C. Baser, N. Kirimer, M. Kurkcuoglu, B. Demirci, Essential oil of Nepeta species growing in Turkey, Chem. Nat. Comp., 36 (2000) 356.
  • G. Gkinis, O.Tzakou, D. Iliopoulou, V. Roussis, Chemical composition and biological activity of Nepeta parnassica oils and isolated nepetalactones. Z. Naturforsch. 58c (2003) 681.
  • S. Aydın, R. Beis, Y. Öztür, K.H. Başer, Nepetalactone: a new opioid analgesic from Nepeta caesarea Boiss., J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 50 (1998) 813.
  • N. Miceli, M.F. Taviano, D. Giuffrida, A. Trovato, O. Tzakou, E.M. Galati, Anti-inflammatory activity of extract and fractions from Nepeta sibthorpii Bentham., J. Ethnopharmacol, 97 (2005) 261 .
  • A. Sonboli, P. Salehib, M. Yousefzadi, Antimicrobial activity and chemical composition of the essential oil of Nepeta crispa wild from Iran, Z, Naturforsch., 59c, (2004) 653.
  • M. Rabbani, S.E. Sajjadi, A. Mohammadi, Evaluation of the anxiolytic effect of Nepeta persica Boiss. in mice., eCAM 5 (2008) 181.
  • L. Giamperi, A. Bucchini, P. Cara, D. Fraternale, D. Ricci, S. Genovese, M. Curini, F. Epifano. Composition and antioxidant activity of Nepeta foliosa essential oil from Sardinia (Italy), Chem. Nat. Comp, 45 (2009) 554.
  • B. Tepe, B. Daferera, A. Tepe, M. Polissiou, A. Sokmen, Antioxidant activity of the essential oil and various extracts of Nepeta flavida Hub.-Mor. from Turkey, Food Chem., 103 (2007) 1358.
  • A. Dapkevicius, R. Venskutonis, T.A. Van Beek, J.P.H. Linssen, Antioxidant activity of extracts obtained by different isolation procedures from some aromatic herbs grown in Lithuania, J. Sci. Food Agric., 77 (1998) 140.
  • G. Kokdil, S. Kurucu, G. Topçu, Chemical constituents of the essential oils of Nepeta italica L. and Nepeta sulfurifora PH. Davis, Flavor Fragrance J., 12 (1997) 33.
  • C. Bourrel, F. Perineau., G. Michel, J.M. Bessiee., Catnip (Nepeta cataria L.) essential oil: Analysis of chemical constituents, bacteriostatic and fungistatic properties, JEOR, 5 (1993) 159.
  • A. Kaya, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baseri, Micromorphology of glandular trichomes of Nepeta congesta Fisch. & Mey. var. congesta (Lamiaceae) and chemical analysis of the essential oils, S. Afr. J. Bot., 73 (2007) 29.
  • G. Kokdil, M. Tanker, S. Kurucu, G. Topçu, Essential oil analysis of Nepeta cilicia Boiss., Flavor Fragrance J., 12 (1997) 99.
  • Ç. Karaman, N. Comlekcioglu, Essential Oil Com- position of Nepeta cilicia Boiss. Apud Bentham and Phlomis viscosa Poiret from Turkey, Int. J. Bot., 3 (2007) 122.
  • P. Ninfali, T. Orsenigo, L. Barociani, S. Rapa, Rapid purification of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase from mammal’s erythrocytes, Prep. Biochem. Bio- technol., 20 (1990) 297.
  • E. Beutler, Red cell metabolism, A manual of Bio- chemical Methods. (3nd ed), Grune and Starton, Orlando, 1984.
  • Y. Sun, LW. Oberley, Y. Li, A simple method for clinical assay of superoxide dismutase, Clin. Chem., 34 (1988) 497.
  • Y. Aebi, Catalase in vitro, Methods Enzymol,. 105 (1984) 21.
  • S.K. Jain, R. McVie, J. Duett , J.J. Herbst, Erythrocyte membrane lipid peroxidation and glycolylated hemo- globin in diabetes, Diabete, 38 (1989) 1539.
  • B. Raghavan, S. Krishna Kumari, Effect of Terminalia Arjuna Stem Bark on antioxidant status in liver and kidney of alloxan diabetic rats, Indian J. Physiol. Pharmacol., 50 (2006) 133.
  • I. Ozmen, S. Ercisli, Y. Hizarcı, E. Orhan, Investigation of antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation of Rosa canina and Rosa dumalis fruits, Acta. Hort., 690 (2005) 245.
  • S. Sasmaz, O. Arican, E.B. Kurutas, Oxidative stress in patients with nongenital warts, Mediat. Inflamm., 4 (2005) 233.
  • R. Karuna, S.S. Reddy, R. Baskar, D. Saralakumari, Antioxidant potential of aqueous extract of Phyllanthus amarus in rats, Indian J. Pharmacol., 41 (2009) 64.
  • V. Lenartova, K. Holovska, J.R. Pedrajas, E. Martinezlara, J. Peinado, J. Lopez-Barea, I. Rosival, P. Kosuth, Antioxidant and detoxifying fish enzymes as biomarkers of river pollution, Biomarkers, 2 (1997) 247.
  • S.C. Bondy, Ethanol toxicity and oxidative stress, Toxicol. Lett., 63 (1992) 231.
  • H. Joence, Genetic toxicology of oxigene, Mutation Res., 219 (1989) 193.
  • J. Lunec, Free radicals: Their involvement in disease processes, Ann. Clin. Biochem., 27 (1990) 173.
  • K. Husain, B.R. Scott, S.K. Reddy, S.M. Somani, Chronic ethanol and nicotine interaction on rat tissue antioxidant defense system, Alcohol, 25 (2001) 89.
  • O.I. Aruoma, B. Halliwell, R. Aeschbach, J. Loliger, Antioxidant and pro-oxidant properties of active rosemary constituents: Carnosol and carnosic acid, Xenobiotics, 22 (1992) 257.
  • T.T.O. Ajiboye, K.A. Salau, M.T. Yakubu, T.A. Oladiji, M.A. Akanji, J.I. Okogun, Aqueous extract of Securidaca longepedunculata root induce redox imbalance in male rat liver and kidney, Hum. Exp. Toxicol., 1 (2010) 1.
  • C.E. Thomas, L.A. Morehouse, S.D. Aust, Ferritin and superoxide-dependent lipid peroxidation, J. Biol. Chem., 260 (1985) 3275.
  • J.A. Knight, R.K. Pleper, L. Macellon, Specificity of the thiobarbituric acid reaction: Its use in studies of lipid peroxidation, Clin. Chem., 34 (1988) 2433.
  • J.M. McCord, Iron free radicals and oxidative injury, Semin. Hematol., 2 (1998) 5.

Nepeta italica L. ve Nepeta cilicia Boiss. Apud Bentham Türlerinden Elde Edilen Ekstraktların Antioksidant Enzimler Üzerine Etkileri

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 40 Sayı: 2, 149 - 154, 01.04.2012


B u çalışmada, Nepeta italica L. and Nepeta cilicia Boiss. apud Bentham türlerinden elde edilen hekzan ve metanol ekstraktlarının sağlıklı rat eritrosit antioksidan enzimleri üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. N. cilicia etanol ekstraktı, glukoz-6-fosfat dehidrogenez G6PD aktivitesinde azalmaya, katalaz CAT aktivitesinde artışa neden olmuştur. N. cilicia hekzan ekstraktı uygulanan grupta, enzim değerlerinde anlamlı bir fark bulunmamıştır. Bununla birlikte, N. italica etanol ekstraktı, süperoksit dismutaz SOD ve CAT aktivitelerinde azalmaya neden olmuştur. N. italica hekzan ekstraktının uygulandığı grupta ise G6PD aktivitesinde artış gözlenirken, SOD ve CAT aktivitelerinde azalma gözlenmiştir. Tüm gruplarda, malondialdehid MDA seviyelerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunmamıştır. Sonuç olarak, ekstraktların antioksidan enzimlerde bazı değişimlere neden olmasına karşın lipid peroksidasyonu gözlenmemiştir, bu nedenle bitki ekstraktlarının pro-oksidan bir özellik göstermediği söylenebilir


  • J.M. Mates, C. Perez-Gomes, I.N. De Castro, Antioxidant enzymes and human diseases. Clin. Biochem., 32 (1999) 595.
  • B. Halliwell, Biochemistry of oxidative stres, Biochem. Soc. Trans., 35 (2007) 1147.
  • H.C.L. Liang, H.G. Shertzer, D.W. Nebert, “Oxidative stress” responce in liver of an untreated newborn mouse having a 1.2-centimorgan deletion on chromosome, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 182 (1992) 1160.
  • T.P.A. Devasagayam, J.C. Tilak, K.K. Boloor, K.S. Sane, S.S. Ghaskadbi, R.D. Lele, Review: Free radicals and antioxidants in human health: Curr Stat Fut Prosp, JAPI 52 (2004) 794.
  • A. Alim, I. Goze, A. Çetin, A.D. Ataş, S. Akkus Çetinus, N. Vural, Chemical composition and in vitro antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of the essential oil of Nepeta nuda L. subsp. Albiflora (Boiss.) gams., AJMR, 3 (2009) 463.
  • S. Nagarajan, H.C. Jain, G.S. Aulakh, Indigenous plants used in the control of diabetes, Publication and Information Directorate CSI, New Delhi, 1987. 7. M.C. Sabu, R. Kuttan, Anti-diabetic activity of medicinal plants and its relationship with their antioxidant property, J. Ethnopharmacol, 81 (2002) 155.
  • M.J. Laughton, B. Halliwell, P.J. Evans, J.R.S. Hoult, Antioxidant and pro-oxidant actions of the plant phenolics quercetin, gossypol and myricetin, Biochem. Pharmacol., 38 (1989) 859.
  • G.C. Yen, H-Y. Chen, H-H. Peng, Antioxidant and pro-Oxidant effects of various tea extracts, J. Agric. Food Chem., 45 (1997) 30.
  • P.H. Davis, Flora of Turkey and the Aegean Islands, Edinburgh, Univ. Press.,1982.
  • K.H.C. Baser, N. Kirimer, M. Kurkcuoglu, B. Demirci, Essential oil of Nepeta species growing in Turkey, Chem. Nat. Comp., 36 (2000) 356.
  • G. Gkinis, O.Tzakou, D. Iliopoulou, V. Roussis, Chemical composition and biological activity of Nepeta parnassica oils and isolated nepetalactones. Z. Naturforsch. 58c (2003) 681.
  • S. Aydın, R. Beis, Y. Öztür, K.H. Başer, Nepetalactone: a new opioid analgesic from Nepeta caesarea Boiss., J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 50 (1998) 813.
  • N. Miceli, M.F. Taviano, D. Giuffrida, A. Trovato, O. Tzakou, E.M. Galati, Anti-inflammatory activity of extract and fractions from Nepeta sibthorpii Bentham., J. Ethnopharmacol, 97 (2005) 261 .
  • A. Sonboli, P. Salehib, M. Yousefzadi, Antimicrobial activity and chemical composition of the essential oil of Nepeta crispa wild from Iran, Z, Naturforsch., 59c, (2004) 653.
  • M. Rabbani, S.E. Sajjadi, A. Mohammadi, Evaluation of the anxiolytic effect of Nepeta persica Boiss. in mice., eCAM 5 (2008) 181.
  • L. Giamperi, A. Bucchini, P. Cara, D. Fraternale, D. Ricci, S. Genovese, M. Curini, F. Epifano. Composition and antioxidant activity of Nepeta foliosa essential oil from Sardinia (Italy), Chem. Nat. Comp, 45 (2009) 554.
  • B. Tepe, B. Daferera, A. Tepe, M. Polissiou, A. Sokmen, Antioxidant activity of the essential oil and various extracts of Nepeta flavida Hub.-Mor. from Turkey, Food Chem., 103 (2007) 1358.
  • A. Dapkevicius, R. Venskutonis, T.A. Van Beek, J.P.H. Linssen, Antioxidant activity of extracts obtained by different isolation procedures from some aromatic herbs grown in Lithuania, J. Sci. Food Agric., 77 (1998) 140.
  • G. Kokdil, S. Kurucu, G. Topçu, Chemical constituents of the essential oils of Nepeta italica L. and Nepeta sulfurifora PH. Davis, Flavor Fragrance J., 12 (1997) 33.
  • C. Bourrel, F. Perineau., G. Michel, J.M. Bessiee., Catnip (Nepeta cataria L.) essential oil: Analysis of chemical constituents, bacteriostatic and fungistatic properties, JEOR, 5 (1993) 159.
  • A. Kaya, B. Demirci, K.H.C. Baseri, Micromorphology of glandular trichomes of Nepeta congesta Fisch. & Mey. var. congesta (Lamiaceae) and chemical analysis of the essential oils, S. Afr. J. Bot., 73 (2007) 29.
  • G. Kokdil, M. Tanker, S. Kurucu, G. Topçu, Essential oil analysis of Nepeta cilicia Boiss., Flavor Fragrance J., 12 (1997) 99.
  • Ç. Karaman, N. Comlekcioglu, Essential Oil Com- position of Nepeta cilicia Boiss. Apud Bentham and Phlomis viscosa Poiret from Turkey, Int. J. Bot., 3 (2007) 122.
  • P. Ninfali, T. Orsenigo, L. Barociani, S. Rapa, Rapid purification of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase from mammal’s erythrocytes, Prep. Biochem. Bio- technol., 20 (1990) 297.
  • E. Beutler, Red cell metabolism, A manual of Bio- chemical Methods. (3nd ed), Grune and Starton, Orlando, 1984.
  • Y. Sun, LW. Oberley, Y. Li, A simple method for clinical assay of superoxide dismutase, Clin. Chem., 34 (1988) 497.
  • Y. Aebi, Catalase in vitro, Methods Enzymol,. 105 (1984) 21.
  • S.K. Jain, R. McVie, J. Duett , J.J. Herbst, Erythrocyte membrane lipid peroxidation and glycolylated hemo- globin in diabetes, Diabete, 38 (1989) 1539.
  • B. Raghavan, S. Krishna Kumari, Effect of Terminalia Arjuna Stem Bark on antioxidant status in liver and kidney of alloxan diabetic rats, Indian J. Physiol. Pharmacol., 50 (2006) 133.
  • I. Ozmen, S. Ercisli, Y. Hizarcı, E. Orhan, Investigation of antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation of Rosa canina and Rosa dumalis fruits, Acta. Hort., 690 (2005) 245.
  • S. Sasmaz, O. Arican, E.B. Kurutas, Oxidative stress in patients with nongenital warts, Mediat. Inflamm., 4 (2005) 233.
  • R. Karuna, S.S. Reddy, R. Baskar, D. Saralakumari, Antioxidant potential of aqueous extract of Phyllanthus amarus in rats, Indian J. Pharmacol., 41 (2009) 64.
  • V. Lenartova, K. Holovska, J.R. Pedrajas, E. Martinezlara, J. Peinado, J. Lopez-Barea, I. Rosival, P. Kosuth, Antioxidant and detoxifying fish enzymes as biomarkers of river pollution, Biomarkers, 2 (1997) 247.
  • S.C. Bondy, Ethanol toxicity and oxidative stress, Toxicol. Lett., 63 (1992) 231.
  • H. Joence, Genetic toxicology of oxigene, Mutation Res., 219 (1989) 193.
  • J. Lunec, Free radicals: Their involvement in disease processes, Ann. Clin. Biochem., 27 (1990) 173.
  • K. Husain, B.R. Scott, S.K. Reddy, S.M. Somani, Chronic ethanol and nicotine interaction on rat tissue antioxidant defense system, Alcohol, 25 (2001) 89.
  • O.I. Aruoma, B. Halliwell, R. Aeschbach, J. Loliger, Antioxidant and pro-oxidant properties of active rosemary constituents: Carnosol and carnosic acid, Xenobiotics, 22 (1992) 257.
  • T.T.O. Ajiboye, K.A. Salau, M.T. Yakubu, T.A. Oladiji, M.A. Akanji, J.I. Okogun, Aqueous extract of Securidaca longepedunculata root induce redox imbalance in male rat liver and kidney, Hum. Exp. Toxicol., 1 (2010) 1.
  • C.E. Thomas, L.A. Morehouse, S.D. Aust, Ferritin and superoxide-dependent lipid peroxidation, J. Biol. Chem., 260 (1985) 3275.
  • J.A. Knight, R.K. Pleper, L. Macellon, Specificity of the thiobarbituric acid reaction: Its use in studies of lipid peroxidation, Clin. Chem., 34 (1988) 2433.
  • J.M. McCord, Iron free radicals and oxidative injury, Semin. Hematol., 2 (1998) 5.
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Research Article

Sercan Özbek Yazıcı Bu kişi benim

Fevziye Özdemir Bu kişi benim

Ismail Ozmen Bu kişi benim

Tülay İleri Büyükoğlu Bu kişi benim

Şevkinaz Konak Bu kişi benim

Hasan Ozçelik Bu kişi benim

Hasan Genç Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 40 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Yazıcı, S. Ö., Özdemir, F., Ozmen, I., Büyükoğlu, T. İ., vd. (2012). Effects of Extracts Obtained from Nepeta italica L. and Nepeta cilicia Boiss. Apud Bentham on Antioxidant Enzymes. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 40(2), 149-154.
AMA Yazıcı SÖ, Özdemir F, Ozmen I, Büyükoğlu Tİ, Konak Ş, Ozçelik H, Genç H. Effects of Extracts Obtained from Nepeta italica L. and Nepeta cilicia Boiss. Apud Bentham on Antioxidant Enzymes. HJBC. Nisan 2012;40(2):149-154.
Chicago Yazıcı, Sercan Özbek, Fevziye Özdemir, Ismail Ozmen, Tülay İleri Büyükoğlu, Şevkinaz Konak, Hasan Ozçelik, ve Hasan Genç. “Effects of Extracts Obtained from Nepeta Italica L. And Nepeta Cilicia Boiss. Apud Bentham on Antioxidant Enzymes”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 40, sy. 2 (Nisan 2012): 149-54.
EndNote Yazıcı SÖ, Özdemir F, Ozmen I, Büyükoğlu Tİ, Konak Ş, Ozçelik H, Genç H (01 Nisan 2012) Effects of Extracts Obtained from Nepeta italica L. and Nepeta cilicia Boiss. Apud Bentham on Antioxidant Enzymes. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 40 2 149–154.
IEEE S. Ö. Yazıcı, “Effects of Extracts Obtained from Nepeta italica L. and Nepeta cilicia Boiss. Apud Bentham on Antioxidant Enzymes”, HJBC, c. 40, sy. 2, ss. 149–154, 2012.
ISNAD Yazıcı, Sercan Özbek vd. “Effects of Extracts Obtained from Nepeta Italica L. And Nepeta Cilicia Boiss. Apud Bentham on Antioxidant Enzymes”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 40/2 (Nisan 2012), 149-154.
JAMA Yazıcı SÖ, Özdemir F, Ozmen I, Büyükoğlu Tİ, Konak Ş, Ozçelik H, Genç H. Effects of Extracts Obtained from Nepeta italica L. and Nepeta cilicia Boiss. Apud Bentham on Antioxidant Enzymes. HJBC. 2012;40:149–154.
MLA Yazıcı, Sercan Özbek vd. “Effects of Extracts Obtained from Nepeta Italica L. And Nepeta Cilicia Boiss. Apud Bentham on Antioxidant Enzymes”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, c. 40, sy. 2, 2012, ss. 149-54.
Vancouver Yazıcı SÖ, Özdemir F, Ozmen I, Büyükoğlu Tİ, Konak Ş, Ozçelik H, Genç H. Effects of Extracts Obtained from Nepeta italica L. and Nepeta cilicia Boiss. Apud Bentham on Antioxidant Enzymes. HJBC. 2012;40(2):149-54.


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