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Beytepe Göleti’nde Serbest Yaşayan Heterotrof Flagellatların Sistematiği

Year 2012, Volume: 40 Issue: 5 - Special Issue, 337 - 342, 01.12.2012


B u çalışma, Türkiye tatlı sularında yaşayan heterotrof flagellat tür kompozisyonunu tespit etmek için Beytepe Göleti’nde Mayıs 2004 –Mayıs 2005 tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirilmiş bir pilot çalışmadır. Örnekler ekolojik farklılıklarına gore tespit edilmiş dört ayrı istasyondan örnekleme şişeleri kullanılarak alınmıştır. Örnekler Leica marka, DIC ataçmanlı bir DMR mikroskop ile canlı incelenmiş ve tüm kayıtlar bu mikroskoba bağlı DFC 280 marka dijital görüntüleme sistemi ile yapılmıştır. 9’u tür, 4’ü cins düzeyinde olmak üzere toplamda 13 takson teşhis edilmiştir. Bu 13 türün 12’si Türkiye tatlı suları için yeni kayıtken, sadece 1’i fitoplankton çalışmalarında bildirilmiştir


  • 1. D.J. Patterson, J. Larsen (eds.), The Biology of Free-living Heterotrophic Flagellates, Systematic Association, Oxford, (1991) 503.
  • 2. F. Azam, T. Fenchel, J.G. Field, J.S. Gray, L.A. MeyerReil, F. Thingstad, The ecological role of water-column microbes in the sea, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 10 (1983) 257.
  • 3. D.J. Patterson, J.Larsen, J.O. Corliss, The ecology of heterotrophic ciliates and flagellates living in marine sediments,Prog. Protistol., 3 (1989) 185.
  • 4. J. Laybourn-Parry, J. Parry, Flagellates and the microbial loop. In: Leadbeater BSC, Green JC (eds) The flagellates, Taylor & Francis, London, (20009) 216.
  • 5. W.J. Lee, D.J. Patterson, Heterotrophic flagellates (Protista) from marine sediments of Botany Bay, Australia, J. Nat. Hist., 34 (2000) 483 .
  • 6. E.B.B.F Sherr, B.F. Sherr, Roles of micropes in pelagic food webs: a revides concept, Limnol. Oceanogr., 33 (1988) 1225.
  • 7. D.L. Kirchman, Particulate detritus and bacteria in marine environments. In Microbiology–An ecological approach, T. E. Ford., Editor , Blackwell Scientific Publications, Boston, (1994) 321.
  • 8. M.L. Pace, D. Vaqué, The importance of Daphnia in determining mortality rates of protozoans and rotifers in lakes, Limnology, 39 (1994) 985.
  • 9. W.J. Lee, D.J. Patterson, Abundance and biomass of heterotrophic flagellates, and factors controlling their abundance and distribution in sediments of Botany Bay., Microbial Ecology, 43 (2002) 467.
  • 10. R.R. Kudo, Protozoology, Fifth Edition, Charles C. Thomas Publisher, USA, (1966).
  • 11. G.A. Biagini, K. Kirk, P.J. Schofield, Role of K+ and amino acids in osmoregulation by the freeliving microaerophilic protozoon Hexamita inflata, Microbiology, 146 (2000) 427.
  • 12. C.G. Ehrenberg, Über die Entwickelung und Lebensdauer der Infusionsthiere; nebst ferneren Beiträgen zu einer Vergleichung ihrer organischen Systeme. Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Physikalische Klasse, (1831)1.
  • 13. B.F. Zhukov, The diversity of bodonids, in The Biology of Free-living Heterotrophic Flagellates, J.D. Patterson, J. Larsen (eds.), Syst. Assoc., Oxford, 1991, 117.
  • 14. M.L. Pace, D. Vaqué, The importance of Daphnia in determining mortality rates of protozoans and rotifers in lakes, Limnology, 39 (1994) 985.
  • 15. J. Larsen, D.J. Patterson, Some flagellates (Protista) from tropical sediments, J. Nat. Hist., 24 (1990) 801.
  • 16. D.J. Patterson, A.G.B. Simpson, Heterotrophic flagellates from costal marine and hypersalines sediments in Western Australia, Europ. J. Potistol., 32 (1996) 423.
  • 17. N. Vørs, Heterotrophic amoebae, flagellates and Heliozoa from Arctic marine waters (North West Teritories, Canada and West Greenland), Polar Biology, 13 (1992) 113.
  • 18. G. Huber–Pestalozzi, Das Phytoplankton des Süswassers, 4. Teil, Euglenophyceen, in Die Binnengewasser, Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, (1955) 607.
  • 19. C. Bernard, A.G.B. Simpson, D.J. Patterson, Some free-living flagellates (Protista) from anoxic habitats, Ophelia, 52 (2000) 113.
  • 20. D.R.A. Hill, Diversity of heterotrophic crytomonads, in The Biology of Free-living Heterotrophic Flagellates, D.J. Patterson, J. Larsen (eds.), Systematic Association, Oxford, (1991) 235.
  • 21. H.R. Preisig, N. Vørs, G. Hällfors, Diversity of heterotrophic heterokonts, in The Biology of Freeliving Heterotrophic Flagellates, D.J. Patterson, J. Larsen (eds.), Systematic Association, Oxford, (1991) 361.
  • 22. M.S. Tong, Heterotrophic flagellates and other protists from Southhampton Water, U.K., Ophelia, 47 (1997) 71.
  • 23. D.J. Patterson, M. Zölffel, Heterotrophic flagellates of uncertain taxonomic position, in The Biology of Freeliving Heterotrophic Flagellates, D.J. Patterson, J. Larsen (eds.), Systematic Association, Oxford, (1991) 427.
  • 24. S.M. Tong, Heterotrophic flagellates from the water column in Shark Bay, Western Australia. Mar. Biol., 128 (1997) 517.
  • 25. S.M. Tong, N. Vørs, D. J. Patterson, Heterotrophic flagellates, centrohelid heliozoa and filose amoebae from marine and freshwater sites in the Antarctic. Polar Biol., 18 (1997) 91.

The Systematics of Free Living Heterotrophic Flagellates of Beytepe Pond

Year 2012, Volume: 40 Issue: 5 - Special Issue, 337 - 342, 01.12.2012


In order to investigate the species composition of the heterotrophic flagellate communities in freshwater locations in Turkey, we carried out this pilot study at Beytepe Pond from May 2004 to May 2005. Water samples were taken from four stations determined according to ecological differences with sampling bottles. Species observed alive using a Leica DMR microscope equipped with a digital camera Leica DFC 280. As a result, 13 species were identified. Of this 13 species 9 identified to species level, 4 identified to genus level . Of the 13 species, 12 of them are new to Turkey freshwater algae, but with 1 species, having been reported from pyhtoplankton studies of Turkey Freshwaters.


  • 1. D.J. Patterson, J. Larsen (eds.), The Biology of Free-living Heterotrophic Flagellates, Systematic Association, Oxford, (1991) 503.
  • 2. F. Azam, T. Fenchel, J.G. Field, J.S. Gray, L.A. MeyerReil, F. Thingstad, The ecological role of water-column microbes in the sea, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 10 (1983) 257.
  • 3. D.J. Patterson, J.Larsen, J.O. Corliss, The ecology of heterotrophic ciliates and flagellates living in marine sediments,Prog. Protistol., 3 (1989) 185.
  • 4. J. Laybourn-Parry, J. Parry, Flagellates and the microbial loop. In: Leadbeater BSC, Green JC (eds) The flagellates, Taylor & Francis, London, (20009) 216.
  • 5. W.J. Lee, D.J. Patterson, Heterotrophic flagellates (Protista) from marine sediments of Botany Bay, Australia, J. Nat. Hist., 34 (2000) 483 .
  • 6. E.B.B.F Sherr, B.F. Sherr, Roles of micropes in pelagic food webs: a revides concept, Limnol. Oceanogr., 33 (1988) 1225.
  • 7. D.L. Kirchman, Particulate detritus and bacteria in marine environments. In Microbiology–An ecological approach, T. E. Ford., Editor , Blackwell Scientific Publications, Boston, (1994) 321.
  • 8. M.L. Pace, D. Vaqué, The importance of Daphnia in determining mortality rates of protozoans and rotifers in lakes, Limnology, 39 (1994) 985.
  • 9. W.J. Lee, D.J. Patterson, Abundance and biomass of heterotrophic flagellates, and factors controlling their abundance and distribution in sediments of Botany Bay., Microbial Ecology, 43 (2002) 467.
  • 10. R.R. Kudo, Protozoology, Fifth Edition, Charles C. Thomas Publisher, USA, (1966).
  • 11. G.A. Biagini, K. Kirk, P.J. Schofield, Role of K+ and amino acids in osmoregulation by the freeliving microaerophilic protozoon Hexamita inflata, Microbiology, 146 (2000) 427.
  • 12. C.G. Ehrenberg, Über die Entwickelung und Lebensdauer der Infusionsthiere; nebst ferneren Beiträgen zu einer Vergleichung ihrer organischen Systeme. Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Physikalische Klasse, (1831)1.
  • 13. B.F. Zhukov, The diversity of bodonids, in The Biology of Free-living Heterotrophic Flagellates, J.D. Patterson, J. Larsen (eds.), Syst. Assoc., Oxford, 1991, 117.
  • 14. M.L. Pace, D. Vaqué, The importance of Daphnia in determining mortality rates of protozoans and rotifers in lakes, Limnology, 39 (1994) 985.
  • 15. J. Larsen, D.J. Patterson, Some flagellates (Protista) from tropical sediments, J. Nat. Hist., 24 (1990) 801.
  • 16. D.J. Patterson, A.G.B. Simpson, Heterotrophic flagellates from costal marine and hypersalines sediments in Western Australia, Europ. J. Potistol., 32 (1996) 423.
  • 17. N. Vørs, Heterotrophic amoebae, flagellates and Heliozoa from Arctic marine waters (North West Teritories, Canada and West Greenland), Polar Biology, 13 (1992) 113.
  • 18. G. Huber–Pestalozzi, Das Phytoplankton des Süswassers, 4. Teil, Euglenophyceen, in Die Binnengewasser, Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, (1955) 607.
  • 19. C. Bernard, A.G.B. Simpson, D.J. Patterson, Some free-living flagellates (Protista) from anoxic habitats, Ophelia, 52 (2000) 113.
  • 20. D.R.A. Hill, Diversity of heterotrophic crytomonads, in The Biology of Free-living Heterotrophic Flagellates, D.J. Patterson, J. Larsen (eds.), Systematic Association, Oxford, (1991) 235.
  • 21. H.R. Preisig, N. Vørs, G. Hällfors, Diversity of heterotrophic heterokonts, in The Biology of Freeliving Heterotrophic Flagellates, D.J. Patterson, J. Larsen (eds.), Systematic Association, Oxford, (1991) 361.
  • 22. M.S. Tong, Heterotrophic flagellates and other protists from Southhampton Water, U.K., Ophelia, 47 (1997) 71.
  • 23. D.J. Patterson, M. Zölffel, Heterotrophic flagellates of uncertain taxonomic position, in The Biology of Freeliving Heterotrophic Flagellates, D.J. Patterson, J. Larsen (eds.), Systematic Association, Oxford, (1991) 427.
  • 24. S.M. Tong, Heterotrophic flagellates from the water column in Shark Bay, Western Australia. Mar. Biol., 128 (1997) 517.
  • 25. S.M. Tong, N. Vørs, D. J. Patterson, Heterotrophic flagellates, centrohelid heliozoa and filose amoebae from marine and freshwater sites in the Antarctic. Polar Biol., 18 (1997) 91.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Esra Elif Aydin This is me

Ali Demirsoy This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 40 Issue: 5 - Special Issue


APA Aydin, E. E., & Demirsoy, A. (2012). The Systematics of Free Living Heterotrophic Flagellates of Beytepe Pond. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 40(5), 337-342.
AMA Aydin EE, Demirsoy A. The Systematics of Free Living Heterotrophic Flagellates of Beytepe Pond. HJBC. December 2012;40(5):337-342.
Chicago Aydin, Esra Elif, and Ali Demirsoy. “The Systematics of Free Living Heterotrophic Flagellates of Beytepe Pond”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 40, no. 5 (December 2012): 337-42.
EndNote Aydin EE, Demirsoy A (December 1, 2012) The Systematics of Free Living Heterotrophic Flagellates of Beytepe Pond. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 40 5 337–342.
IEEE E. E. Aydin and A. Demirsoy, “The Systematics of Free Living Heterotrophic Flagellates of Beytepe Pond”, HJBC, vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 337–342, 2012.
ISNAD Aydin, Esra Elif - Demirsoy, Ali. “The Systematics of Free Living Heterotrophic Flagellates of Beytepe Pond”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 40/5 (December 2012), 337-342.
JAMA Aydin EE, Demirsoy A. The Systematics of Free Living Heterotrophic Flagellates of Beytepe Pond. HJBC. 2012;40:337–342.
MLA Aydin, Esra Elif and Ali Demirsoy. “The Systematics of Free Living Heterotrophic Flagellates of Beytepe Pond”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, vol. 40, no. 5, 2012, pp. 337-42.
Vancouver Aydin EE, Demirsoy A. The Systematics of Free Living Heterotrophic Flagellates of Beytepe Pond. HJBC. 2012;40(5):337-42.


Copyright © Hacettepe University Faculty of Science