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Genotoxic Effects of Dursban 4 in Allium cepa

Year 2013, Volume: 41 Issue: 1, 21 - 27, 01.03.2013


Genotoxic effects of Dursban 4 Chlorpyrifos-Ethyl , which is used commonly in agricultural areas were evaluated in the root meristem cells of Allium cepa. The roots of the plants were treated with 600 ppm, 1200 ppm and 1800 ppm concentrations of Dursban 4. Root tips after having grown to a certain length were stained according to aceto-orcein squash procedure. Metabolic variations in response to Dursban 4 toxicity was measured using physiological parameters and antioxidant enzymatic activities. Chromosomal aberrations, mitosis abnormalities, mitotic index and micronucleus assay of applied pesticides on Allium cepa roots were determined.


  • 1. A. Badr, Effects of the S-Triazine herbicide Turbutryn on mitosis, chromosomes and nucleic acids in root of Vicia faba, Cytologia, 51 (1986) 57.
  • 2. M. Kumar, M. Prasad and H. Kumar, Citotoxic effects of two herbicides on meiosis Maize Gen Coop. News Letter, 69 (1995) 25.
  • 3. S.A. Ashour and R.F. Abdou, Effect of weed control treatments on weeds, seed yield, yield components and nodulation in winter lentil, Fabis Newsltter, 26 (1990) 10.
  • 4. A.D. Kligerman, C.L. Doerr, A.H. Tennant and B. Peng, Genotoxicity studies of three triazine herbicides: in vivo studies using the alkaline single cell gel (SCG) assay, Mutat. Res., 471 (2000) 107.
  • 5. A. Nasta and E. Gunther, Mitoseanomalion Bei Allium cepa and Hordeum vulgare. Nach Einwirkung Eines Carbamat Herbizids Biol. Zbl, 92 (1973) 27.
  • 6. A.M. Mohamed, M.A. El-Emam, Y. Gamalat, G.Y. Osman, H. Abdel-Hamid and R.E.M. Ali, Effect of Basudin, Selecron and the phytoalkaloid Colchicine (pesticides) on biological and molecular parameters of Biomphalaria alexandrina snails, Pest. Biochem. Physiol., 102 (2012) 68.
  • 7. M. Fenech, W.P. Chang, M. Kırsch-Volders, N. Holland, S. Bonassı and E. Zeiger, Human Micronucleus Project. Humn Project: Detailed Description of the Scoring Criteria For The Cytokinesis-Block Micronucleus Assay Using Isolated Human Lymphocyte Cultures. Mutat. Res., 534 (2003) 65.
  • 8. E. Layne, Spectrophotometric and Turbidimetric Methods for Measuring Proteins. Meth. Enzymo., 10 (1957) 447.
  • 9. C. Deschamps and L. Fridovich, Superoxide dismutase: improved assays and assay applicable to acrylamide gels, Anal. Biochem., 44 (1971) 276.
  • 10. R.F. Beers and I.W. Jr Sizer, A spectrophotometric method for measuring the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide by catalase. J. Biol. Chem., 195 (1952) 133.
  • 11. A. Chaoui, S. Mazoudi, M.H. Ghorbal and E.E.L. Ferjani, Cadmium and Zinc induction of lipid peroxidation and effects on antioxidant enzyme activities in bean (Phaseolus ulgaris L), Plant Sci., 127 (1997) 139.
  • 12. A.R. Wellburn, The spectral determination of chlorophylls a and b, as well as total carotenoids, using various solvents with spectrophotometers of different resolution. J. Plant Physiol., 144 (1994) 307.
  • 13. T.C.C. Fernandes, D.E.C. Mazzeo and M.A. Marin-Morales, Mechanism of micronuclei formation in polyploidizated cells of Allium cepa exposed to trifluralin herbicide. Pest. Biochem. Physiol., 88 (2007) 252.
  • 14. D.M. Leme and A.M. Marin-Morales, Allium cepa test in environmental monitoring: A review on its application, Mutat. Res. 682 (2009) 71.
  • 15. W.F. Grant, Higher plant assays for the detection of chromosomal aberrations and gene mutations-a brief historical background on their use for screening and monitoring environmental chemicals, Mutat. Res., 426 (1999) 107.
  • 16. W.F. Grant and E.T. Owens, Chromosome aberration assays in Pisum for the study of environmental mutagens, Mutat. Res., 188 ( 2001) 93.
  • 17. T.H. Ma, Z. Xu, C. Xu, H. Mcconell, E.V. Rabago, H. Arreola, H. Zhang, An improved Allium/Vicia root tip micronucleus assay for clastogenicity of environmental pollutants. Mutat. Res., 334 (1995) 185.
  • 18. K. Srivastava and K.K. Mishra, Cytogenetic effects of commercially formulated atrazine on the somatic cells of Allium cepa and Vicia faba. Pes. Biochem. Physiol., 93 (2009) 8.
  • 19. A.R. Jalalizand, H.Fakhari, M. Modaresi, M. Shayeghi and M. Abtahi, The Amount of Dursban Pesticide Residues in Isfahan Sugar Beet. Procedia Environ. Sci., 8 (2011) 235.
  • 20. G. Fiskesjo, The Allium test as a standard in environmental monitoring, Hereditas, 102 (1985) 99.
  • 21. Z. Vidakovivé-Cifrek, M. Pavlica, I. Regula and D. Papers, Cytogenetic damage in shallot (Allium cepa) root meristems induced by oil industry “high-density brines”. Environ. Cont. Toxicol., 43 (2002) 284.
  • 22. R.A. Fatima and M. Ahmad, Certain antioxidant enzymes of Allium cepa as biomarkers for the detection of toxic heavy metals in wastewater, Sci. Total Environ., 346 (2005) 256.
  • 23. K. Padmaja, D.D.K. Parsad and A.R.K. Parsad, Inhibition of chlorophyll synthesis in Phaseolus vulgaris L. seedling by cadmium acetate, Photosynthetica, 24 (1990) 399.

Allium cepa’da Dursban 4’ün Genotoksik Etkileri

Year 2013, Volume: 41 Issue: 1, 21 - 27, 01.03.2013


G enellikle tarımsal alanlarda kullanılmakta olan Dursban 4’ün genotoksik etkileri, Allium cepa’nın kök meristem hücrelerinde görüldü. Bitkilerin kökleri 600 ppm, 1200 ppm ve 1800 ppm derişimlerde Dursban 4 ile muamele edildi. Kök uçları belli bir boya ulaştıktan sonra aceto-orcein yöntemine göre boyandı. Dursban 4 toksisitesine cevaptaki metabolik değişimler fizyolojik parametreler ve antioksidan enzimatik activiteler kullanılarak ölçüldü. Pestisitlerle muamele edilen Allium cepa köklerinde kromozomal hatalar, mitoz anomalileri, mitotik indeks ve mikronükleus saptandı


  • 1. A. Badr, Effects of the S-Triazine herbicide Turbutryn on mitosis, chromosomes and nucleic acids in root of Vicia faba, Cytologia, 51 (1986) 57.
  • 2. M. Kumar, M. Prasad and H. Kumar, Citotoxic effects of two herbicides on meiosis Maize Gen Coop. News Letter, 69 (1995) 25.
  • 3. S.A. Ashour and R.F. Abdou, Effect of weed control treatments on weeds, seed yield, yield components and nodulation in winter lentil, Fabis Newsltter, 26 (1990) 10.
  • 4. A.D. Kligerman, C.L. Doerr, A.H. Tennant and B. Peng, Genotoxicity studies of three triazine herbicides: in vivo studies using the alkaline single cell gel (SCG) assay, Mutat. Res., 471 (2000) 107.
  • 5. A. Nasta and E. Gunther, Mitoseanomalion Bei Allium cepa and Hordeum vulgare. Nach Einwirkung Eines Carbamat Herbizids Biol. Zbl, 92 (1973) 27.
  • 6. A.M. Mohamed, M.A. El-Emam, Y. Gamalat, G.Y. Osman, H. Abdel-Hamid and R.E.M. Ali, Effect of Basudin, Selecron and the phytoalkaloid Colchicine (pesticides) on biological and molecular parameters of Biomphalaria alexandrina snails, Pest. Biochem. Physiol., 102 (2012) 68.
  • 7. M. Fenech, W.P. Chang, M. Kırsch-Volders, N. Holland, S. Bonassı and E. Zeiger, Human Micronucleus Project. Humn Project: Detailed Description of the Scoring Criteria For The Cytokinesis-Block Micronucleus Assay Using Isolated Human Lymphocyte Cultures. Mutat. Res., 534 (2003) 65.
  • 8. E. Layne, Spectrophotometric and Turbidimetric Methods for Measuring Proteins. Meth. Enzymo., 10 (1957) 447.
  • 9. C. Deschamps and L. Fridovich, Superoxide dismutase: improved assays and assay applicable to acrylamide gels, Anal. Biochem., 44 (1971) 276.
  • 10. R.F. Beers and I.W. Jr Sizer, A spectrophotometric method for measuring the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide by catalase. J. Biol. Chem., 195 (1952) 133.
  • 11. A. Chaoui, S. Mazoudi, M.H. Ghorbal and E.E.L. Ferjani, Cadmium and Zinc induction of lipid peroxidation and effects on antioxidant enzyme activities in bean (Phaseolus ulgaris L), Plant Sci., 127 (1997) 139.
  • 12. A.R. Wellburn, The spectral determination of chlorophylls a and b, as well as total carotenoids, using various solvents with spectrophotometers of different resolution. J. Plant Physiol., 144 (1994) 307.
  • 13. T.C.C. Fernandes, D.E.C. Mazzeo and M.A. Marin-Morales, Mechanism of micronuclei formation in polyploidizated cells of Allium cepa exposed to trifluralin herbicide. Pest. Biochem. Physiol., 88 (2007) 252.
  • 14. D.M. Leme and A.M. Marin-Morales, Allium cepa test in environmental monitoring: A review on its application, Mutat. Res. 682 (2009) 71.
  • 15. W.F. Grant, Higher plant assays for the detection of chromosomal aberrations and gene mutations-a brief historical background on their use for screening and monitoring environmental chemicals, Mutat. Res., 426 (1999) 107.
  • 16. W.F. Grant and E.T. Owens, Chromosome aberration assays in Pisum for the study of environmental mutagens, Mutat. Res., 188 ( 2001) 93.
  • 17. T.H. Ma, Z. Xu, C. Xu, H. Mcconell, E.V. Rabago, H. Arreola, H. Zhang, An improved Allium/Vicia root tip micronucleus assay for clastogenicity of environmental pollutants. Mutat. Res., 334 (1995) 185.
  • 18. K. Srivastava and K.K. Mishra, Cytogenetic effects of commercially formulated atrazine on the somatic cells of Allium cepa and Vicia faba. Pes. Biochem. Physiol., 93 (2009) 8.
  • 19. A.R. Jalalizand, H.Fakhari, M. Modaresi, M. Shayeghi and M. Abtahi, The Amount of Dursban Pesticide Residues in Isfahan Sugar Beet. Procedia Environ. Sci., 8 (2011) 235.
  • 20. G. Fiskesjo, The Allium test as a standard in environmental monitoring, Hereditas, 102 (1985) 99.
  • 21. Z. Vidakovivé-Cifrek, M. Pavlica, I. Regula and D. Papers, Cytogenetic damage in shallot (Allium cepa) root meristems induced by oil industry “high-density brines”. Environ. Cont. Toxicol., 43 (2002) 284.
  • 22. R.A. Fatima and M. Ahmad, Certain antioxidant enzymes of Allium cepa as biomarkers for the detection of toxic heavy metals in wastewater, Sci. Total Environ., 346 (2005) 256.
  • 23. K. Padmaja, D.D.K. Parsad and A.R.K. Parsad, Inhibition of chlorophyll synthesis in Phaseolus vulgaris L. seedling by cadmium acetate, Photosynthetica, 24 (1990) 399.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Serap Topcu This is me

Fadime Yılmaz This is me

Aysun Ergene This is me

Sema Tan This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 41 Issue: 1


APA Topcu, S., Yılmaz, F., Ergene, A., Tan, S. (2013). Genotoxic Effects of Dursban 4 in Allium cepa. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 41(1), 21-27.
AMA Topcu S, Yılmaz F, Ergene A, Tan S. Genotoxic Effects of Dursban 4 in Allium cepa. HJBC. March 2013;41(1):21-27.
Chicago Topcu, Serap, Fadime Yılmaz, Aysun Ergene, and Sema Tan. “Genotoxic Effects of Dursban 4 in Allium Cepa”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 41, no. 1 (March 2013): 21-27.
EndNote Topcu S, Yılmaz F, Ergene A, Tan S (March 1, 2013) Genotoxic Effects of Dursban 4 in Allium cepa. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 41 1 21–27.
IEEE S. Topcu, F. Yılmaz, A. Ergene, and S. Tan, “Genotoxic Effects of Dursban 4 in Allium cepa”, HJBC, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 21–27, 2013.
ISNAD Topcu, Serap et al. “Genotoxic Effects of Dursban 4 in Allium Cepa”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 41/1 (March 2013), 21-27.
JAMA Topcu S, Yılmaz F, Ergene A, Tan S. Genotoxic Effects of Dursban 4 in Allium cepa. HJBC. 2013;41:21–27.
MLA Topcu, Serap et al. “Genotoxic Effects of Dursban 4 in Allium Cepa”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, vol. 41, no. 1, 2013, pp. 21-27.
Vancouver Topcu S, Yılmaz F, Ergene A, Tan S. Genotoxic Effects of Dursban 4 in Allium cepa. HJBC. 2013;41(1):21-7.


Copyright © Hacettepe University Faculty of Science