Başlangıç malzemesi olarak farklı yapıları ve morfolojiler olan bileşikler kullanılarak sol-gel yöntemiyle demir, aluminium, stronsiyum ve silisyum içeren bir dizi inorganik pigment hazırlanmıştır. Bileşiklerin sentezi, modifiye edilmiş sitrat metodu kullanılarak gerçekleştirildi. Tüm tozlar bir kül fırınına yerleştirildi ve 1150°C’de 6 saat süreyle havada kalsine edildi, Fe, Sr, Al ve Si’un oksitlerini içeren toz örnekler elde edildi. Sentezlenen beş inorganik pigmentin yapısı, kimyasal bileşimi karşılaştırmalı olarak Fourier dönüşümü kızılötesi spektroskopisi (FTIR), ultraviole-görünür spektroskobisi (UV-vis), X ışını kırınımı (XRD), taramalı elektron mikroskobu (SEM) ve enerji Dağıtıcı X-Ray Analizi(EDX) ile incelenmiştir.
Referans1. E. Taşçı, N. Derin, K.P. Çoşkun, V. Uz, Doğal Zeolitlerin Seramik Pigment Olarak Kullanılabilirliği, AKÜ FEMÜBİD., 14 (2014) 213-218.
Referans2. G. Pfaff, Inorganic pigments, De Gruyter, Berlin, 2017.
Referans3. E.B. Faulkner, R.J. Schwartz, High performance pigments, WileyVCH, Weinheim, 2009.
Referans4. M. Jansen, H.P. Letschert, Inorganic yellow-red pigments without toxic metals, Nature, 404 (2000) 980-982.
Referans5. M. Jovaní, M. Fortuño-Morte, H. Beltrán-Mir, E. Cordoncillo, Environmental-friendly red-orange ceramic pigment based on Pr and Fe co-doped Y2Zr2O7, J Eur
Ceram Soc., 38 (2017) 2207-2210.
Referans6. M. Llusar, L. Vitásková, P. Šulcová, M. Tena, J. Badenes, G. Monrós, Red ceramic pigments of terbium-doped ceria prepared through classical and non-
conventional coprecipitation routes, J Eur Ceram Soc., 30 (2010) 37-52.
Referans7. H. Yuan, J. Zhang, R. Yu, Q. Su, Preparation of ternary rare earth sulfide LaxCe2–xS3 as red pigment, J Rare Earths, 31(2013) 327-330.
Referans8. T. Guangyan, W. Wang, D. Wang, Q. Wang, A. Wang, Novel environment friendly inorganic red pigments based on attapulgite, Powder Technol, 315 (2017) 60-67.
Referans9. H. Hashimoto, K. Higuchi, H. Inada, Y. Okazaki, T. Takaishi, H. Asoh, Welldispersed α-Fe2O3 particles for lead-free red overglaze enamels through hydrothermal
treatment, ACS Omega, 1 (2016) 9-13.
Referans10. X. Li, C. Wang, Y. Zeng, P. Li, T. Xie, Y. Zhang, Bacteria-assisted preparation of nano alpha-Fe2O3 red pigment powders from waste ferrous sulfate, J. Hazard. Mater.,
317 (2016) 563-569.
Referans11. J.D. Lee, Química inorganica: Não tão concise, Edgard Blücher Ltda, São Paulo. 1999.
Referans12. J.P. Jolivet, E. Tronc, C. Chaneac, Iron oxides: from molecular clusters to solid. A nice example of chemical versatility, Comptes Rendus Geosci, 338 (2006) 488-97.
Referans13. Z. Dohnalova, M. Vontoracíkov, P. Sulcova, Characterization of metal oxide-doped lutetium orthoferrite powders from the pigmentary point of view, J Therm
Analysis Calorim, 113 (2013) 1223-1229.
Referans14. K.J. Sreeram, R. Srinivasan, J.M. Devi, B.U. Nair, T. Ramasami, Cerium molybdenumoxides for environmentally benign pigments, Dyes Pigments, 75 ( 2007) 687-692.
Referans15. B. Tyliszczak, K.Z. Gaca, A. Sobczak-Kupiec, P. Dulian, Mechanochemical synthesis and investigations of calcium titanate powders and their acrylic dispersions, J
Eur Ceram Soc., 34 (2014) 2259-2264.
Referans16. H.S.C. O’Neill, W. Dollase, Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the
temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4, Phys. Chem. Miner, 20 (1994) 541-555.
Referans17. X. Su, S. Li, J. Li, Effect of potassium sulfate on the low temperature formation of alpha alumina platelets from bayerite, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 93 (2010) 1904-1908.
Referans18. H.K. Tchakoute, C.H. Rüscher, E. Kamseu J.N.Y. Djobo, C. Leonelli, The influence of gibbsite in kaolin and the formation of berlinite on the properties of metakaolin-
phosphate-based geopolymer cements, Materials chemistry and physics, 199 (2017) 280-288.
Referans19. H.K. Farag, F. Endres, Studies on the synthesis of nano-alumina in airand water stable ionic liquids, J Mater Chem, 18 (2008) 442-449.
Referans20. S.C. Shen, Q. Chen, P.S. Chow, G.H. Tan, X.T. Zeng, Z. Wang, R.B.H. Tan, Steam-assisted solid wet-gel synthesis of high quality nanorods of boehmite and alümina, J.
Phys. Chem. C, 111 ( 2007) 700-707.
Referans21. Z. Tang, J. Liang, X. Li, J. Li, H. Guo, Y. Liu, C. Liu, Synthesis of flower-like Boehmite (γ-AlOOH) via a one-step ionic liquid-assisted hydrothermal route, Journal of Solid
State Chemistry, 202 (2013) 305-314.
Referans22. T. Oh, C.K. Choi, Comparison between sioc thin films fabricated by using plasma enhancechemical vapor deposition and SiO2 thin films by using fourier
transformınfrared spectroscopy, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 56 (2010) 1150-1155.
Referans23. I. Ramalla, R.K . Gupta, K. Bansal, Effect on superhydrophobic surfaces on electrical porcelain insulator, improved technique at polluted areas for longer life and
reliability, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 4 (2015) 509-519.
Referans24. C. Chen, J. Xu, Q. Zhang, H. Ma, H. Miao, L. Zhou, Direct synthesis ofbifunctionalized hexagonal mesoporous silicas and its catalyticperformance for aerobic
oxidation of cyclohexane, J Phys Chem C., 113 (2009) 2855-2860.
Referans25. J. Ning, J. Xu, J. Liu, F. Lu, Selective hydrogenation of benzene to cyclohexene over colloidal ruthenium catalyst stabilized by silica, Catalysis Letter, 109 (2006) 175-
Referans26. M.D. Alba, Z.H. Luan, J. Klinowski, Titanosilicate mesoporous molecular sieve MCM-41: synthesis and characterization, J Phys Chem., 100 (1996) 2178-2182.
Referans27. E.M. Lakay, Superparamagnetic iron-oxide based nanoparticles for the separation and recovery of precious metals from solution [Thesis], Matieland
(ZA) University of Stellenbosch, 2009.
Referans28. Sun, T.; Zhuo, Q.; Chen, Y.; Wu, Z. Synthesis of boehmite and its effect on flame retardancy of epoxy resin. High Perform. Polym., 27 (2014) 100-104.
Referans29. L.J. Cheng, X. Lan, X. Feng, W.Z. Wen, W. Fei, Effect of hydrothermal treatment on the acidity distribution of γ-Al2O3 support, Applied surface science, 253 (2006)
Sol-Gel Synthesis And Characterization Of New Inorganic Pigments Containing Oxides of Iron, Aluminum, Strontium and Silicate
A series of inorganic pigments containing iron, aluminum, strontium, and silicate were prepared by the sol-gel method using compounds with different structures and morphologies as starting materials. The synthesis of the compounds was carried out using the modified citrate method. All powders were placed in a muffle furnace and calcined in air at 1100°C for 6 hours. Powder samples containing Fe, Sr, Al and Si oxides were obtained. The structure and chemical composition of the synthesized five inorganic pigments were investigated comparatively by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), UV-visible spectroscopy (UV-vis), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and Energy Distribution X-ray Analysis (EDX).
Referans1. E. Taşçı, N. Derin, K.P. Çoşkun, V. Uz, Doğal Zeolitlerin Seramik Pigment Olarak Kullanılabilirliği, AKÜ FEMÜBİD., 14 (2014) 213-218.
Referans2. G. Pfaff, Inorganic pigments, De Gruyter, Berlin, 2017.
Referans3. E.B. Faulkner, R.J. Schwartz, High performance pigments, WileyVCH, Weinheim, 2009.
Referans4. M. Jansen, H.P. Letschert, Inorganic yellow-red pigments without toxic metals, Nature, 404 (2000) 980-982.
Referans5. M. Jovaní, M. Fortuño-Morte, H. Beltrán-Mir, E. Cordoncillo, Environmental-friendly red-orange ceramic pigment based on Pr and Fe co-doped Y2Zr2O7, J Eur
Ceram Soc., 38 (2017) 2207-2210.
Referans6. M. Llusar, L. Vitásková, P. Šulcová, M. Tena, J. Badenes, G. Monrós, Red ceramic pigments of terbium-doped ceria prepared through classical and non-
conventional coprecipitation routes, J Eur Ceram Soc., 30 (2010) 37-52.
Referans7. H. Yuan, J. Zhang, R. Yu, Q. Su, Preparation of ternary rare earth sulfide LaxCe2–xS3 as red pigment, J Rare Earths, 31(2013) 327-330.
Referans8. T. Guangyan, W. Wang, D. Wang, Q. Wang, A. Wang, Novel environment friendly inorganic red pigments based on attapulgite, Powder Technol, 315 (2017) 60-67.
Referans9. H. Hashimoto, K. Higuchi, H. Inada, Y. Okazaki, T. Takaishi, H. Asoh, Welldispersed α-Fe2O3 particles for lead-free red overglaze enamels through hydrothermal
treatment, ACS Omega, 1 (2016) 9-13.
Referans10. X. Li, C. Wang, Y. Zeng, P. Li, T. Xie, Y. Zhang, Bacteria-assisted preparation of nano alpha-Fe2O3 red pigment powders from waste ferrous sulfate, J. Hazard. Mater.,
317 (2016) 563-569.
Referans11. J.D. Lee, Química inorganica: Não tão concise, Edgard Blücher Ltda, São Paulo. 1999.
Referans12. J.P. Jolivet, E. Tronc, C. Chaneac, Iron oxides: from molecular clusters to solid. A nice example of chemical versatility, Comptes Rendus Geosci, 338 (2006) 488-97.
Referans13. Z. Dohnalova, M. Vontoracíkov, P. Sulcova, Characterization of metal oxide-doped lutetium orthoferrite powders from the pigmentary point of view, J Therm
Analysis Calorim, 113 (2013) 1223-1229.
Referans14. K.J. Sreeram, R. Srinivasan, J.M. Devi, B.U. Nair, T. Ramasami, Cerium molybdenumoxides for environmentally benign pigments, Dyes Pigments, 75 ( 2007) 687-692.
Referans15. B. Tyliszczak, K.Z. Gaca, A. Sobczak-Kupiec, P. Dulian, Mechanochemical synthesis and investigations of calcium titanate powders and their acrylic dispersions, J
Eur Ceram Soc., 34 (2014) 2259-2264.
Referans16. H.S.C. O’Neill, W. Dollase, Crystal structures and cation distributions in simple spinels from powder XRD structural refinements: MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and the
temperature dependence of the cation distribution in ZnAl2O4, Phys. Chem. Miner, 20 (1994) 541-555.
Referans17. X. Su, S. Li, J. Li, Effect of potassium sulfate on the low temperature formation of alpha alumina platelets from bayerite, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 93 (2010) 1904-1908.
Referans18. H.K. Tchakoute, C.H. Rüscher, E. Kamseu J.N.Y. Djobo, C. Leonelli, The influence of gibbsite in kaolin and the formation of berlinite on the properties of metakaolin-
phosphate-based geopolymer cements, Materials chemistry and physics, 199 (2017) 280-288.
Referans19. H.K. Farag, F. Endres, Studies on the synthesis of nano-alumina in airand water stable ionic liquids, J Mater Chem, 18 (2008) 442-449.
Referans20. S.C. Shen, Q. Chen, P.S. Chow, G.H. Tan, X.T. Zeng, Z. Wang, R.B.H. Tan, Steam-assisted solid wet-gel synthesis of high quality nanorods of boehmite and alümina, J.
Phys. Chem. C, 111 ( 2007) 700-707.
Referans21. Z. Tang, J. Liang, X. Li, J. Li, H. Guo, Y. Liu, C. Liu, Synthesis of flower-like Boehmite (γ-AlOOH) via a one-step ionic liquid-assisted hydrothermal route, Journal of Solid
State Chemistry, 202 (2013) 305-314.
Referans22. T. Oh, C.K. Choi, Comparison between sioc thin films fabricated by using plasma enhancechemical vapor deposition and SiO2 thin films by using fourier
transformınfrared spectroscopy, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 56 (2010) 1150-1155.
Referans23. I. Ramalla, R.K . Gupta, K. Bansal, Effect on superhydrophobic surfaces on electrical porcelain insulator, improved technique at polluted areas for longer life and
reliability, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 4 (2015) 509-519.
Referans24. C. Chen, J. Xu, Q. Zhang, H. Ma, H. Miao, L. Zhou, Direct synthesis ofbifunctionalized hexagonal mesoporous silicas and its catalyticperformance for aerobic
oxidation of cyclohexane, J Phys Chem C., 113 (2009) 2855-2860.
Referans25. J. Ning, J. Xu, J. Liu, F. Lu, Selective hydrogenation of benzene to cyclohexene over colloidal ruthenium catalyst stabilized by silica, Catalysis Letter, 109 (2006) 175-
Referans26. M.D. Alba, Z.H. Luan, J. Klinowski, Titanosilicate mesoporous molecular sieve MCM-41: synthesis and characterization, J Phys Chem., 100 (1996) 2178-2182.
Referans27. E.M. Lakay, Superparamagnetic iron-oxide based nanoparticles for the separation and recovery of precious metals from solution [Thesis], Matieland
(ZA) University of Stellenbosch, 2009.
Referans28. Sun, T.; Zhuo, Q.; Chen, Y.; Wu, Z. Synthesis of boehmite and its effect on flame retardancy of epoxy resin. High Perform. Polym., 27 (2014) 100-104.
Referans29. L.J. Cheng, X. Lan, X. Feng, W.Z. Wen, W. Fei, Effect of hydrothermal treatment on the acidity distribution of γ-Al2O3 support, Applied surface science, 253 (2006)
Çanakçı, D. (2021). Sol-Gel Synthesis And Characterization Of New Inorganic Pigments Containing Oxides of Iron, Aluminum, Strontium and Silicate. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 49(3), 185-200.
Çanakçı D. Sol-Gel Synthesis And Characterization Of New Inorganic Pigments Containing Oxides of Iron, Aluminum, Strontium and Silicate. HJBC. May 2021;49(3):185-200. doi:10.15671/hjbc.691065
Çanakçı, Dilek. “Sol-Gel Synthesis And Characterization Of New Inorganic Pigments Containing Oxides of Iron, Aluminum, Strontium and Silicate”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 49, no. 3 (May 2021): 185-200.
Çanakçı D (May 1, 2021) Sol-Gel Synthesis And Characterization Of New Inorganic Pigments Containing Oxides of Iron, Aluminum, Strontium and Silicate. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 49 3 185–200.
D. Çanakçı, “Sol-Gel Synthesis And Characterization Of New Inorganic Pigments Containing Oxides of Iron, Aluminum, Strontium and Silicate”, HJBC, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 185–200, 2021, doi: 10.15671/hjbc.691065.
Çanakçı, Dilek. “Sol-Gel Synthesis And Characterization Of New Inorganic Pigments Containing Oxides of Iron, Aluminum, Strontium and Silicate”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 49/3 (May 2021), 185-200.
Çanakçı D. Sol-Gel Synthesis And Characterization Of New Inorganic Pigments Containing Oxides of Iron, Aluminum, Strontium and Silicate. HJBC. 2021;49:185–200.
Çanakçı, Dilek. “Sol-Gel Synthesis And Characterization Of New Inorganic Pigments Containing Oxides of Iron, Aluminum, Strontium and Silicate”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, vol. 49, no. 3, 2021, pp. 185-00, doi:10.15671/hjbc.691065.
Çanakçı D. Sol-Gel Synthesis And Characterization Of New Inorganic Pigments Containing Oxides of Iron, Aluminum, Strontium and Silicate. HJBC. 2021;49(3):185-200.