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Yıl 2014, , 77 - 90, 13.04.2015


Objective: to describe the current state of midwifery and explore the development of midwifery research during the last two decades in four non-English speaking European countries in order to understand what factors influenced the course of establishing research as a Professional activity. Design: qualitative collective case study. Setting: Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands. Findings: with the ICM Workshop in Germany in 1989 as a central starting point for midwifery research in all four countries, different courses, in timing as well as content, characterised its development in the individual countries. Major factors contributing to this development during the last decades involved the history and character of midwifery, initiatives of individual midwifery researchers, alliances with other professions and the transition of midwifery programmes into higher education. Whereas midwifery research is currently established as a professional role in all countries, future challenges involve the creation of its own profile and identity, while building up its own academic workforce and strengthening the role of midwifery in multidisciplinary alliances. Key conclusions and implications: although a common vision was shared between the four countries in 1989, midwifery research developed as a context-specific phenomenon related to the character of midwifery and education in each country. These factors have to be taken into account in the further development of midwifery as an academic discipline at a national as well as at an international level


  • Ernst EKM. How the midwife can contribute to scientiŞc research. Bulletin American College of Nurse Midwifery 1964;9:1-7.
  • Cochrane A. Effectiveness and EfŞciency. Random Reflections on Health Services. NufŞeld Provincial Hospitals Trust, London. 1972.
  • Levy BS, Wilkinson FS, Marine WM. Reducing neonatal mortality rates with nurse– midwives. American Journal of Obstetetrics and Gynecology 1971;109:50-58.
  • Rooks JP, Weatherby NL, Ernst EKM, Stapleton S, Rosen D, RosenŞeld A. Outcomes of care in birth centers: The National Birth Center Study. New England Journal of Medicine 1989;321:1804-1811.
  • Scupholme A, DeJoseph J, Strobino DM, Paine LL. Nurse-midwifery care to vulnerable populations. Phase 1. Demographic characteristics of the national CNM sample. Journal of Nurse Midwifery 1992;37:341-347.
  • Romney ML, Gordon H. Is your enema really necessary? British Medical Journal 1981; 282:1269-1271.
  • Sleep J, Grant A, Garcia J. et al. Westberkshire perineal management trial. British Medical Journal 1984;289:587-590.
  • Robinson S, Thomson AM. Research and Midwifery. In: Robinson, S., Thomson, AM. (Eds.), Midwives, Research and Childbirth, vol. 1. Chapman and Hall, London, 1989;1-7.
  • Chalmers I, Enkin M, Keirse MJNC. Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 1989.
  • Schlieper B. Die Forschung braucht Hebammen—Hebammen brauchen die Forschung [Research needs midwives—midwives need research ]. Deutsche Hebammenzeitschrift 1989;41:438-443.
  • Wijnen H. Entstehung und Funktion der Arbeitsgemeinschaft W.O.S [Initiation and role of the working group W.O.S]. In: Gross, MM. (Ed.) Praxis im Wandel, 5. Workshop zur Hebammenforschung im deutschsprachigen Raum, 10. Mai bis 12. Mai 1994.
  • Hebammengemeinschaftshilfe e.V., Hannover. 1994.
  • Stake R.E. The Art of Case Study Research. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks. 1995.
  • Merriam SB. Qualitative Research and Case Study Applications in Education. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco. 1998.
  • Gomm R, Hammersley M, Foster P. Case Study Method. Key Issues, Key Texts. Sage Publications, London, Reprint. 2002.
  • HebG-Hebammengesetz. Gesetz uber den Beruf der Hebamme und des Entbindungspflegers [Law on the profession of the midwife and the male midwife], Bundesgesetzblatt I, p. 902, last changed in 2010, Bundesgesetzblatt I, p. 983. Available from: /http://www.gesetze-im- hebg_1985/gesamt.pdfS (last accessed 25 June 2012). 1985.
  • Loytved C, Wenzlaff P. German-Out-of-Hospital Study 2000–2004. Hans Huber, Bern. 200
  • Zoege M. Die Professionalisierung des Hebammenberufes, Anforderungen an die Ausbildung [The Professionalisation of the Midwifery Profession. Requirements for Educational Programmes]. Verlag Hans Huber, Bern. 2004.
  • Hebammengemeinschaftshilfe (HgH). Praxis in Wandel, 5.Workshop zur Hebammenforschung im deutschsprachigen Raum [Changing Practice, 5th Workshop for Midwifery Research in the German-Speaking Region]. Elwin Staude Verlag, Hannover HgH- Schriftenreihe Nr. 4. 1994.
  • Enkin M, Keirse MJNC, Renfrew MJ, Neilson J. In: Gross, M., Duden- hausen, JW. (Eds.), Effektive Betreuung wa¨ hrend Schwangerschaft und Geburt [Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth], German edn. Ullstein Medical, Wiesbaden. 1998.
  • Gross M, Geba¨ren als Prozess. Empirische Befunde fu¨ r eine wissenschaf- tliche Neuorientierung [Birth as a Process. Empirical Findings for a ScientiŞc Reorientation]. Hans Huber, Bern. 2001.
  • Gross MM, Petersen A, Hille U, Hillemans P. Association between women’s self-diagnosis of labor and labor duration after admission. Journal of Perinatal Medicine 2010;38:33-38.
  • Statistik Austria. Statistisches Jahrbuch 2009 [Statistical Year Book 2009]. bevoelkerung/geburten/publikationen?id=2&webcat=25&nodeId=193&frag=3&listid=25> (last accessed 10 March 2011). 2010.
  • Oblasser C, Hinlegen und Liegendtransport nach Blasensprung [Laying down and being transported after premature rupture of membranes]. Die Hebamme 2006;19:90–96.
  • Wimmer-Puchinger B. Eigentlich sollte ich glu¨ cklich sein, Projekt zur Pra¨ vention von Postpartalen Depressionen [Actually I should be happy. Project to prevent postnatal depression]. Auftraggeber Fonds Soziales Wien, Presenta- tion. Symposium Wiener Frauengesundheitsprogramm, Wien. 2004.
  • European Union. Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7.
  • September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualiŞcations./ (last accessed 28 May 2011). 2005.
  • Luyben A, Robin O, Analyse der Hebammenta¨ tigkeiten in den kantonalen Gesetzen in der Schweiz und Vergleich mit EU-Richtlinie 2005/36/EG, Abschlussbericht, Mai 2009 [Analysis of
  • Midwifery Tasks in the cantonal Laws in Switzerland Compared to EU Guideline 2005/36/EG.
  • Report, May 2009]. HES-SO/ BFH, Lausanne/Bern. 2009.
  • Luyben A, Steininger I. Die Hebammenforschungsgruppe der Schweiz [The Swiss midwifery research group]. Schweizer Hebamme 1995;94-6.
  • Luyben A, Gross M, Was denken Schweizer Hebammen u¨ ber die Hebammen- forschung? [what do swiss midwives think about research?]. Die Hebamme 1999;12:187–189.
  • Luyben, JG. Mothering the Mother. A Study of Effective Content of Care During Pregnancy From Women’s Points of View in Three European Countries. Doctoral Thesis. Caledonian University, Glasgow. 2008.
  • Ho¨ lzli Reid U. Swiss First-Time Pregnant Women’s Perceptions of the Events in the Postnatal Period and Early Motherhood. Master Thesis. Caledo- nian University, Glasgow. 2010.
  • Bu¨chi S, Cignacco E, Lu¨thi D, Spirig R. Bedu¨ rfnisse und Erwartungen von tamilischen Frauen in der Schwangerenvorsorge eines Schweizerischen Uni- versita¨ tsspital [Needs and expectations of Tamil women attending an antena- tal care department at a Swiss university hospital]. 2006;19:295-302.
  • Cignacco EL. Pain in Neonates: A Nursing Perspective. Doctoral Thesis. University of Maastricht, Burger Druck, Waldkirch. 2007.
  • CVZ. Verloskundig Vademecum 2003 [Obstetrical Manual 2003] Final Report of the Obstetric Working Group of the National Health Insurance Board of the Netherlands. College van Zorgverzekeraars (CVZ), Amstelveen. 2003.
  • CBS Central Bureau for Statistics. Home birth statistics. <> (last accessed 31 January 2011). 2010.
  • Hingstman L; Kenens R.J, Cijfers uit de registratie van verloskundigen: peiling 2009
  • [Figures From the Registration of Midwives: Measurements 2009]. NIVEL, Den Haag. 2009.
  • Iedema-Kuiper H.R. Geı¨ntegreerde thuiszorg bij risico-zwangeren [Domiciliary Risk in High Risk Pregnancies]. Doctoral Thesis. University of Utrecht, Utrecht. Kennedy, H., 2005.
  • The history of nurse-midwifery/ midwifery research. Reflections on the past and the future of midwifery research. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health 1996;50:110-112.
  • Ettinger LE. Nurse-Midwifery. The Birth of a New American Profession. Ohio State University Press, Columbus. 2006.
  • Mander R. Extricating midwifery from the elephant’s bed. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2008;45:649-653.
  • United Nations. The Millennium Development Goals Report 2009. United Nations
  • Department of Economic and Social Affairs, New York. 2008.

Dört Avrupa Ülkesinde Ebeliğin Güncel Durumu ve Ebelik Araştırmalarının Gelişimi

Yıl 2014, , 77 - 90, 13.04.2015


Amaç: İngilizce konuşulmayan dört Avrupa ülkesi Almanya, Avusturya, İsviçre ve
Hollanda’da son yirmi yıllık süreçte ebeliğin güncel durumunu tanımlamak ve ebelik
araştırmalarının gelişiminde yayım sürecini etkileyen faktörleri anlamak amacıyla
yapılmış kalitatif ortak durum çalışmasıdır. Bulgular: 1989’da Almanya’da Uluslararası
Ebelik Konfederasyonu Çalıştay’ında dört ülke için ebelik araştırmalarının başlangıç
çalışması yapılmış, her ülkede gelişim özelliklerine göre içerik ve zamanlama olarak farklı
kurslar verilmiştir. Son on yıllık süreçte bu gelişime katkıda bulunan ana etkenler;
ebeliğin tarihi ve karakteri, bireysel ebelik araştırmaları girişimleri, diğer profesyoneller
ile anlaşma ve ebelik programlarının yüksek öğretime geçirilmesidir. Ebelik araştırması
günümüzde tüm ülkelerde profesyonel bir role sahip olmasına rağmen gelecekteki
problemler arasında kendi akademik iş gücünü oluşturma ve multidisipliner ortaklıklarda
ebeliğin rolünü güçlendirme, kendi profilini ve kimliğini yaratma yer almaktadır.
Sonuçlar: Güncel görüş dört ülke arasında 1989’da paylaşılmasına rağmen ebelik
araştırmaları her ülkede ebelik ve eğitiminin karakterine göre içeriğinin özel olarak
geliştiğini göstermektedir. Bu etkenlerin gelecekteki ebelik araştırmalarında ulusal ve
uluslararası düzeyde bir akademik disiplin olarak dikkate alınması gerekir.


  • Ernst EKM. How the midwife can contribute to scientiŞc research. Bulletin American College of Nurse Midwifery 1964;9:1-7.
  • Cochrane A. Effectiveness and EfŞciency. Random Reflections on Health Services. NufŞeld Provincial Hospitals Trust, London. 1972.
  • Levy BS, Wilkinson FS, Marine WM. Reducing neonatal mortality rates with nurse– midwives. American Journal of Obstetetrics and Gynecology 1971;109:50-58.
  • Rooks JP, Weatherby NL, Ernst EKM, Stapleton S, Rosen D, RosenŞeld A. Outcomes of care in birth centers: The National Birth Center Study. New England Journal of Medicine 1989;321:1804-1811.
  • Scupholme A, DeJoseph J, Strobino DM, Paine LL. Nurse-midwifery care to vulnerable populations. Phase 1. Demographic characteristics of the national CNM sample. Journal of Nurse Midwifery 1992;37:341-347.
  • Romney ML, Gordon H. Is your enema really necessary? British Medical Journal 1981; 282:1269-1271.
  • Sleep J, Grant A, Garcia J. et al. Westberkshire perineal management trial. British Medical Journal 1984;289:587-590.
  • Robinson S, Thomson AM. Research and Midwifery. In: Robinson, S., Thomson, AM. (Eds.), Midwives, Research and Childbirth, vol. 1. Chapman and Hall, London, 1989;1-7.
  • Chalmers I, Enkin M, Keirse MJNC. Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 1989.
  • Schlieper B. Die Forschung braucht Hebammen—Hebammen brauchen die Forschung [Research needs midwives—midwives need research ]. Deutsche Hebammenzeitschrift 1989;41:438-443.
  • Wijnen H. Entstehung und Funktion der Arbeitsgemeinschaft W.O.S [Initiation and role of the working group W.O.S]. In: Gross, MM. (Ed.) Praxis im Wandel, 5. Workshop zur Hebammenforschung im deutschsprachigen Raum, 10. Mai bis 12. Mai 1994.
  • Hebammengemeinschaftshilfe e.V., Hannover. 1994.
  • Stake R.E. The Art of Case Study Research. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks. 1995.
  • Merriam SB. Qualitative Research and Case Study Applications in Education. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco. 1998.
  • Gomm R, Hammersley M, Foster P. Case Study Method. Key Issues, Key Texts. Sage Publications, London, Reprint. 2002.
  • HebG-Hebammengesetz. Gesetz uber den Beruf der Hebamme und des Entbindungspflegers [Law on the profession of the midwife and the male midwife], Bundesgesetzblatt I, p. 902, last changed in 2010, Bundesgesetzblatt I, p. 983. Available from: /http://www.gesetze-im- hebg_1985/gesamt.pdfS (last accessed 25 June 2012). 1985.
  • Loytved C, Wenzlaff P. German-Out-of-Hospital Study 2000–2004. Hans Huber, Bern. 200
  • Zoege M. Die Professionalisierung des Hebammenberufes, Anforderungen an die Ausbildung [The Professionalisation of the Midwifery Profession. Requirements for Educational Programmes]. Verlag Hans Huber, Bern. 2004.
  • Hebammengemeinschaftshilfe (HgH). Praxis in Wandel, 5.Workshop zur Hebammenforschung im deutschsprachigen Raum [Changing Practice, 5th Workshop for Midwifery Research in the German-Speaking Region]. Elwin Staude Verlag, Hannover HgH- Schriftenreihe Nr. 4. 1994.
  • Enkin M, Keirse MJNC, Renfrew MJ, Neilson J. In: Gross, M., Duden- hausen, JW. (Eds.), Effektive Betreuung wa¨ hrend Schwangerschaft und Geburt [Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth], German edn. Ullstein Medical, Wiesbaden. 1998.
  • Gross M, Geba¨ren als Prozess. Empirische Befunde fu¨ r eine wissenschaf- tliche Neuorientierung [Birth as a Process. Empirical Findings for a ScientiŞc Reorientation]. Hans Huber, Bern. 2001.
  • Gross MM, Petersen A, Hille U, Hillemans P. Association between women’s self-diagnosis of labor and labor duration after admission. Journal of Perinatal Medicine 2010;38:33-38.
  • Statistik Austria. Statistisches Jahrbuch 2009 [Statistical Year Book 2009]. bevoelkerung/geburten/publikationen?id=2&webcat=25&nodeId=193&frag=3&listid=25> (last accessed 10 March 2011). 2010.
  • Oblasser C, Hinlegen und Liegendtransport nach Blasensprung [Laying down and being transported after premature rupture of membranes]. Die Hebamme 2006;19:90–96.
  • Wimmer-Puchinger B. Eigentlich sollte ich glu¨ cklich sein, Projekt zur Pra¨ vention von Postpartalen Depressionen [Actually I should be happy. Project to prevent postnatal depression]. Auftraggeber Fonds Soziales Wien, Presenta- tion. Symposium Wiener Frauengesundheitsprogramm, Wien. 2004.
  • European Union. Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7.
  • September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualiŞcations./ (last accessed 28 May 2011). 2005.
  • Luyben A, Robin O, Analyse der Hebammenta¨ tigkeiten in den kantonalen Gesetzen in der Schweiz und Vergleich mit EU-Richtlinie 2005/36/EG, Abschlussbericht, Mai 2009 [Analysis of
  • Midwifery Tasks in the cantonal Laws in Switzerland Compared to EU Guideline 2005/36/EG.
  • Report, May 2009]. HES-SO/ BFH, Lausanne/Bern. 2009.
  • Luyben A, Steininger I. Die Hebammenforschungsgruppe der Schweiz [The Swiss midwifery research group]. Schweizer Hebamme 1995;94-6.
  • Luyben A, Gross M, Was denken Schweizer Hebammen u¨ ber die Hebammen- forschung? [what do swiss midwives think about research?]. Die Hebamme 1999;12:187–189.
  • Luyben, JG. Mothering the Mother. A Study of Effective Content of Care During Pregnancy From Women’s Points of View in Three European Countries. Doctoral Thesis. Caledonian University, Glasgow. 2008.
  • Ho¨ lzli Reid U. Swiss First-Time Pregnant Women’s Perceptions of the Events in the Postnatal Period and Early Motherhood. Master Thesis. Caledo- nian University, Glasgow. 2010.
  • Bu¨chi S, Cignacco E, Lu¨thi D, Spirig R. Bedu¨ rfnisse und Erwartungen von tamilischen Frauen in der Schwangerenvorsorge eines Schweizerischen Uni- versita¨ tsspital [Needs and expectations of Tamil women attending an antena- tal care department at a Swiss university hospital]. 2006;19:295-302.
  • Cignacco EL. Pain in Neonates: A Nursing Perspective. Doctoral Thesis. University of Maastricht, Burger Druck, Waldkirch. 2007.
  • CVZ. Verloskundig Vademecum 2003 [Obstetrical Manual 2003] Final Report of the Obstetric Working Group of the National Health Insurance Board of the Netherlands. College van Zorgverzekeraars (CVZ), Amstelveen. 2003.
  • CBS Central Bureau for Statistics. Home birth statistics. <> (last accessed 31 January 2011). 2010.
  • Hingstman L; Kenens R.J, Cijfers uit de registratie van verloskundigen: peiling 2009
  • [Figures From the Registration of Midwives: Measurements 2009]. NIVEL, Den Haag. 2009.
  • Iedema-Kuiper H.R. Geı¨ntegreerde thuiszorg bij risico-zwangeren [Domiciliary Risk in High Risk Pregnancies]. Doctoral Thesis. University of Utrecht, Utrecht. Kennedy, H., 2005.
  • The history of nurse-midwifery/ midwifery research. Reflections on the past and the future of midwifery research. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health 1996;50:110-112.
  • Ettinger LE. Nurse-Midwifery. The Birth of a New American Profession. Ohio State University Press, Columbus. 2006.
  • Mander R. Extricating midwifery from the elephant’s bed. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2008;45:649-653.
  • United Nations. The Millennium Development Goals Report 2009. United Nations
  • Department of Economic and Social Affairs, New York. 2008.
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe

Selma Aytaç

Meral Madenoğlu Kıvanç

Meral Madenoğlu Kıvanç

Fatma Ay

Yayımlanma Tarihi 13 Nisan 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014

Kaynak Göster

APA Aytaç, S., Madenoğlu Kıvanç, M., Madenoğlu Kıvanç, M., Ay, F. (2015). Dört Avrupa Ülkesinde Ebeliğin Güncel Durumu ve Ebelik Araştırmalarının Gelişimi. Sağlık Bilimleri Ve Meslekleri Dergisi, 1(1), 77-90.
AMA Aytaç S, Madenoğlu Kıvanç M, Madenoğlu Kıvanç M, Ay F. Dört Avrupa Ülkesinde Ebeliğin Güncel Durumu ve Ebelik Araştırmalarının Gelişimi. HSP. Nisan 2015;1(1):77-90. doi:10.17681/hsp.20958
Chicago Aytaç, Selma, Meral Madenoğlu Kıvanç, Meral Madenoğlu Kıvanç, ve Fatma Ay. “Dört Avrupa Ülkesinde Ebeliğin Güncel Durumu Ve Ebelik Araştırmalarının Gelişimi”. Sağlık Bilimleri Ve Meslekleri Dergisi 1, sy. 1 (Nisan 2015): 77-90.
EndNote Aytaç S, Madenoğlu Kıvanç M, Madenoğlu Kıvanç M, Ay F (01 Nisan 2015) Dört Avrupa Ülkesinde Ebeliğin Güncel Durumu ve Ebelik Araştırmalarının Gelişimi. Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi 1 1 77–90.
IEEE S. Aytaç, M. Madenoğlu Kıvanç, M. Madenoğlu Kıvanç, ve F. Ay, “Dört Avrupa Ülkesinde Ebeliğin Güncel Durumu ve Ebelik Araştırmalarının Gelişimi”, HSP, c. 1, sy. 1, ss. 77–90, 2015, doi: 10.17681/hsp.20958.
ISNAD Aytaç, Selma vd. “Dört Avrupa Ülkesinde Ebeliğin Güncel Durumu Ve Ebelik Araştırmalarının Gelişimi”. Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi 1/1 (Nisan 2015), 77-90.
JAMA Aytaç S, Madenoğlu Kıvanç M, Madenoğlu Kıvanç M, Ay F. Dört Avrupa Ülkesinde Ebeliğin Güncel Durumu ve Ebelik Araştırmalarının Gelişimi. HSP. 2015;1:77–90.
MLA Aytaç, Selma vd. “Dört Avrupa Ülkesinde Ebeliğin Güncel Durumu Ve Ebelik Araştırmalarının Gelişimi”. Sağlık Bilimleri Ve Meslekleri Dergisi, c. 1, sy. 1, 2015, ss. 77-90, doi:10.17681/hsp.20958.
Vancouver Aytaç S, Madenoğlu Kıvanç M, Madenoğlu Kıvanç M, Ay F. Dört Avrupa Ülkesinde Ebeliğin Güncel Durumu ve Ebelik Araştırmalarının Gelişimi. HSP. 2015;1(1):77-90.