Adaszek, L., Staniec, M., Buczek, K., Winiarczyk, S., Lopuszynski, W., Andrzejmilczak, A. S. , Debiak, P., Klimiuk, P., Wylupek, D., & Smiech, A. (2014). Appliction of rhinoscopy in the diagnostics of nasal tumors in dogs. Weterynaryjna, 70(1), 54-59.
Clerx, C., Wallon, J., Gilbert, S., Snaps, F., Coignoul, F. (1996) Imprint and brush cytology in the diagnosis of canine intranasal tumors. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 37(9), 423-427.
Elie, M., & Sabo, M. (2006). Basics in canine and feline rhinoscopy. Clinical Techniques in Small Animal Practice, 21(2), 60-63.
Harcourt-Brown, N. (2006) Rhinoscopy in the dog 1. Anatomy and techniques. In Practice, Clnical practice, 28(4), 170-175.
Knotek, Z., Fichtel, T., Husnik, R., & Benak, J. (2000). Endoscopic diagnostics of chronic diseases of the nasal cavity in dogs. Acta Veterinaria Brno, 69(4), 319-326.
Knotek, Z., Fichtel, T., Kohout, P., & Benák, J. (2001). Diseases of the nasal cavity in the dog. Aetiology, Symptomatology, Diagnostics. Acta Veterinaria Brno, 70. 73-82.
Marcin, J., Jolanta, S., Krzysztof, K., Maciej, G., Agnieszka, H., Kamila, G. S., Józef, N., Vasyl, V., & Igor, M. (2010)Rhinoscopy in dogs. Науковий вісник Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій ім. Ґжицького. Т. 12, 3(1): 323-327. Retrieved from :
McKiernan, B. (2001, August 8- 11) Sneezing and snorting. What should ı do? Paper presented at the 26th Congress of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Meler, E., Dunn, M., & Lecuyer, M. (2008). A retrospective study of canine persistent nasal disease: 80 cases (1998-2003). Canadian Veterinary Journal, 49(1), 71-76.
Nicpon J., Kubiak K. (2000). Badanie endoskopowe psów i kotów (Endoscopic examination in dogs and cats). AWA.
Tappin, S. Rhinoscopy in dogs and cats. Retrieved from: (2011, March 7).
Venker-Van Haagen, A. J. (2005, May 11-14). Nasal disease and rhinoscopy; fungal disease/neoplasia. Paper presented at the 30th World Congress of the World Small Animal Veterinary Assosiation, Mexico City, Mexico.
Willard, M. D., & Radlinsky, M. A. (1999) Endoscopic examination of the choanae in dogs and cats: 118 cases (1988-1998). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 215(9), 1301-1305.
Noone, K. E. (2001) Rhinoscopy, pharyngoscopy and laryngoscopy. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice. 31(4), 671-689.
Petite, A. F., & Dennis, R. (2006). Comparison of radiography and magnetic resonance imaging for evaluating the extent of nasal neoplasia in dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 47(9), 529-536.
Pietra, M., Spinella, G., Pasquati, F., Rashagnoli, N., Bettini G., & Spadari, A. (2010). Clinical findings, rhinoscopy and histological evaluation of 54 dogs with chronic nasal disease. Journal of Veterinary Science, 11(3), 249-253.
Sapikowski, G. (2006). Endoscopy in the diagnosis of respiratory tract diseases in dogs. Medycyna Weterynaryjna, 62(3). 327-330.
Sharman, M., Paul, A., Davies, D., MacCayt, B., Swinney, G., Barrs, V., Artegas, A., Robertson, D., & Mansfield, C. (2010). Multi-centre assessment of mycotic rhinosinusitis in dogs: a retrospective study of initial treatment success (1998 to 2008). Journal of Small Animal Practice, 51(8), 423-427.
Tams, T. R. (1990). Small Animal Endoscopy. 1 st ed. St. Louis, US: Mosby Company.
Rhinoscopy is a significant procedure which explores patients upper airway problems. It is easy to implement, provides important information, saves patient from invasive procedures like rhinotomy and obtains substantial hints during diagnostic process. It was aimed to define to advantages of rhinoscopy in diagnosis and treatment of epistaxis and usage of rhinoscopy routinely in clinical examination in Istanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Surgery.
Adaszek, L., Staniec, M., Buczek, K., Winiarczyk, S., Lopuszynski, W., Andrzejmilczak, A. S. , Debiak, P., Klimiuk, P., Wylupek, D., & Smiech, A. (2014). Appliction of rhinoscopy in the diagnostics of nasal tumors in dogs. Weterynaryjna, 70(1), 54-59.
Clerx, C., Wallon, J., Gilbert, S., Snaps, F., Coignoul, F. (1996) Imprint and brush cytology in the diagnosis of canine intranasal tumors. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 37(9), 423-427.
Elie, M., & Sabo, M. (2006). Basics in canine and feline rhinoscopy. Clinical Techniques in Small Animal Practice, 21(2), 60-63.
Harcourt-Brown, N. (2006) Rhinoscopy in the dog 1. Anatomy and techniques. In Practice, Clnical practice, 28(4), 170-175.
Knotek, Z., Fichtel, T., Husnik, R., & Benak, J. (2000). Endoscopic diagnostics of chronic diseases of the nasal cavity in dogs. Acta Veterinaria Brno, 69(4), 319-326.
Knotek, Z., Fichtel, T., Kohout, P., & Benák, J. (2001). Diseases of the nasal cavity in the dog. Aetiology, Symptomatology, Diagnostics. Acta Veterinaria Brno, 70. 73-82.
Marcin, J., Jolanta, S., Krzysztof, K., Maciej, G., Agnieszka, H., Kamila, G. S., Józef, N., Vasyl, V., & Igor, M. (2010)Rhinoscopy in dogs. Науковий вісник Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій ім. Ґжицького. Т. 12, 3(1): 323-327. Retrieved from :
McKiernan, B. (2001, August 8- 11) Sneezing and snorting. What should ı do? Paper presented at the 26th Congress of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Meler, E., Dunn, M., & Lecuyer, M. (2008). A retrospective study of canine persistent nasal disease: 80 cases (1998-2003). Canadian Veterinary Journal, 49(1), 71-76.
Nicpon J., Kubiak K. (2000). Badanie endoskopowe psów i kotów (Endoscopic examination in dogs and cats). AWA.
Tappin, S. Rhinoscopy in dogs and cats. Retrieved from: (2011, March 7).
Venker-Van Haagen, A. J. (2005, May 11-14). Nasal disease and rhinoscopy; fungal disease/neoplasia. Paper presented at the 30th World Congress of the World Small Animal Veterinary Assosiation, Mexico City, Mexico.
Willard, M. D., & Radlinsky, M. A. (1999) Endoscopic examination of the choanae in dogs and cats: 118 cases (1988-1998). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 215(9), 1301-1305.
Noone, K. E. (2001) Rhinoscopy, pharyngoscopy and laryngoscopy. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice. 31(4), 671-689.
Petite, A. F., & Dennis, R. (2006). Comparison of radiography and magnetic resonance imaging for evaluating the extent of nasal neoplasia in dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 47(9), 529-536.
Pietra, M., Spinella, G., Pasquati, F., Rashagnoli, N., Bettini G., & Spadari, A. (2010). Clinical findings, rhinoscopy and histological evaluation of 54 dogs with chronic nasal disease. Journal of Veterinary Science, 11(3), 249-253.
Sapikowski, G. (2006). Endoscopy in the diagnosis of respiratory tract diseases in dogs. Medycyna Weterynaryjna, 62(3). 327-330.
Sharman, M., Paul, A., Davies, D., MacCayt, B., Swinney, G., Barrs, V., Artegas, A., Robertson, D., & Mansfield, C. (2010). Multi-centre assessment of mycotic rhinosinusitis in dogs: a retrospective study of initial treatment success (1998 to 2008). Journal of Small Animal Practice, 51(8), 423-427.
Tams, T. R. (1990). Small Animal Endoscopy. 1 st ed. St. Louis, US: Mosby Company.
Sezer, D., & Altunataz, K. (2018). Rhinoscopy in Three Dogs. Journal of Istanbul Veterinary Sciences, 2(2), 53-56.