This study was conducted to compare and evaluate some body measurements of Kangal Dog and Aksaray Malakli Dog breeds. The study group consist of dogs with an age range from 2 to 5 years. Samples for Kangal dogs were obtained from Sivas and for Aksaray Malakli dogs from Aksaray province. Observations from ten dogs from both species (5 male and 5 female), in total 20 adult dogs were used for this study. Some of the morphological characteristics as black mask around the head, cream fur colour and holding spiral tail were found evident for Kangal dogs while in all Aksaray Malakli dogs the head and body size, thimbleful black mask around the head, and 6th nail existence were determined as descriptive differences between the genotypes. While the effect of gender on muzzle length, body index and bone index was not found to be significant, it was found significant for other body measurements. The rump lengths in male Aksaray Malakli dogs were significantly larger than male Kangal dogs (P<0.001). However, this trait was not significant for female dogs. This can be associated with the significant interaction between breed and gender (P<0.01). Body index also showed the same trend. Also, withers height and head circumference traits were found significant (P<0.001) for male and female Aksaray Malakli dogs and for male and female Kangal dogs (P<0.01). This can be a reason for the significant interaction between breed and gender. As a conclusion, although there are some phenotypic similarities between Kangal and Aksaray Malakli dogs, obtained body measurements showed significant differences. Furthermore, Aksaray Malakli dogs tend to have bigger body structure than Kangal dogs.
Aslım, G., & Sinmez, Ç. Ç. (2017). Aksaray ili folklorunda Aksaray Malaklısı yetiştiriciliği. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 33(3), 148-157.
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Kocher, S. (2003, July 8). Stewardship of the Kangal Dog Breed: Problems and progress. Paper presented at the 1. International Kangal Dog Symposium. Sivas, Turkey.
Marker, L. L. (2005, July 8). Evaluating the effectiveness of livestock guarding dogs as a method of conflict resolution. Paper presented at the 2nd International Kangal Dog Symposium. Sivas, Turkey.
Oğrak, Y. Z. (2009). Kangal köpeği ve yetiştiriciliği. Uzunyayla Dergisi, 1(1), 13-16.
Oğrak, Y. Z., Yoldaş, A., Uroševic, M., & Drobnjak, D. (2014). Some morphological traits of Tarsus Çatalburun breed of Turkish hunting dog. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences,1, 25-29.
Özbeyaz, C., (1994). Kangal köpeklerinde bazı morfolojik özellikler. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 34(1-2), 38-46.
Özcan, M., & Altınel, A. (1997). Kangal köpeği ve Alman çoban köpeği ırklarının bazı morfolojik özellikleri. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(2), 413-422.
Özcan, M., Yılmaz, A., & Oğrak, Y. Z. (2005, July 8). The breed standart of Kangal Dog. Paper presented at the 2nd International Kangal Dog Symposium. Sivas, Turkey.
Reed, S., (2003, July 8). Turkish Dogs in U.K. & Europe. Paper presented at the 1. International Kangal Dog Symposium. Sivas, Turkey.
Tepeli, C., & Çetin, O. (2000). Kangal Irkı Türk Çoban Köpeklerinde büyüme, bazı vücut ölçüleri ve döl verimi özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. 1. Büyüme ve bazı vücut ölçüleri. Veteriner.Bilimleri Dergisi, 16(1), 5-16.
Tepeli, C., Çetin, O. (2003, July 8). A Study on head measurements of Kangal and Akbaş Turkish Shepherd Dogs. Paper presented at the 1. International Kangal Dog Symposium. Sivas, Turkey.
Urosevic, M., Drobnjak, D., & Ograk Y. (2012). Body format of the Kangal Turkish shepherd dog. Agro-knowledge journal, 13(2), 209-216.
Aslım, G., & Sinmez, Ç. Ç. (2017). Aksaray ili folklorunda Aksaray Malaklısı yetiştiriciliği. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 33(3), 148-157.
Atasoy, F., Ünal, N., Kanlı, O., & Yakan, A. (2005). Damızlık Kangal köpeklerinde canlı ağırlık ve bazı vücut ölçüleri. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 45(1), 25-29.
Atasoy, F., Erdoğan, M., Özarslan, B., Yüceer, B., Kocakaya, A., & Akçapınar, H. (2014). Malakli Karabaş köpeklerde bazı morfolojik ve genetik özellikler, Ankara Ünversitesi Veteteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 61, 125-132.
Bruseke, W. (2003, July 8). The situation of the Kangal Dog in Germany. Paper presented at the 1. International Kangal Dog Symposium, Sivas, Turkey.
Drobnjak, D., Matić, V., Miliyević, D., (2010). Eksterijer pasa osnove procene, Beogard, Serbia:Tipo Štampa.
Daşkıran, İ. (2007). Body weight and some morphological characteristics of Kangal dogs. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 6(3), 368-370.
Kocher, S. (2003, July 8). Stewardship of the Kangal Dog Breed: Problems and progress. Paper presented at the 1. International Kangal Dog Symposium. Sivas, Turkey.
Marker, L. L. (2005, July 8). Evaluating the effectiveness of livestock guarding dogs as a method of conflict resolution. Paper presented at the 2nd International Kangal Dog Symposium. Sivas, Turkey.
Oğrak, Y. Z. (2009). Kangal köpeği ve yetiştiriciliği. Uzunyayla Dergisi, 1(1), 13-16.
Oğrak, Y. Z., Yoldaş, A., Uroševic, M., & Drobnjak, D. (2014). Some morphological traits of Tarsus Çatalburun breed of Turkish hunting dog. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences,1, 25-29.
Özbeyaz, C., (1994). Kangal köpeklerinde bazı morfolojik özellikler. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 34(1-2), 38-46.
Özcan, M., & Altınel, A. (1997). Kangal köpeği ve Alman çoban köpeği ırklarının bazı morfolojik özellikleri. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(2), 413-422.
Özcan, M., Yılmaz, A., & Oğrak, Y. Z. (2005, July 8). The breed standart of Kangal Dog. Paper presented at the 2nd International Kangal Dog Symposium. Sivas, Turkey.
Reed, S., (2003, July 8). Turkish Dogs in U.K. & Europe. Paper presented at the 1. International Kangal Dog Symposium. Sivas, Turkey.
Tepeli, C., & Çetin, O. (2000). Kangal Irkı Türk Çoban Köpeklerinde büyüme, bazı vücut ölçüleri ve döl verimi özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. 1. Büyüme ve bazı vücut ölçüleri. Veteriner.Bilimleri Dergisi, 16(1), 5-16.
Tepeli, C., Çetin, O. (2003, July 8). A Study on head measurements of Kangal and Akbaş Turkish Shepherd Dogs. Paper presented at the 1. International Kangal Dog Symposium. Sivas, Turkey.
Urosevic, M., Drobnjak, D., & Ograk Y. (2012). Body format of the Kangal Turkish shepherd dog. Agro-knowledge journal, 13(2), 209-216.
Ograk, Y. Z., Öztürk, N., Akın, D., Özcan, M. (2018). Comparison various body measurements of Aksaray Malakli and Kangal Dogs. Journal of Istanbul Veterinary Sciences, 2(3), 86-91.