Evaluation of the efficiency of TENS therapy to the regeneration in N. ischiadicus injured rats
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3, 335 - 342, 31.12.2024
Ebru Eravcı Yalın
Yalçın Devecioğlu
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is one of the electrotherapy methods, used for physical therapy, to relieve neuropathic pain in the nervous system lesion. However, the effect on peripheral nerve regeneration has been unknown. This work aims to examine peripheral nervous system diseases in which fullness is preserved, the efficiency of TENS to hasten healing, and the suitability of magnetic resonance imaging to diagnose peripheral nervous system diseases. Also, electrophysiologic findings of functional nerve recuperation will be considered after comparing with histopathologic and magnetic resonance imaging. 72 Sprague Dawley rats were randomly assigned to four groups. Group 1; normal without crush lesion, Group 2; control group with crush lesion, Group 3; stimulated group on lesion area, Group 4; stimulated group on gastrocnemius muscle. The animals were sacrificed post-operatively 21. day and 45. day after the electrophysiological, assessment and walking trace analysis, magnetic resonance imaging and nerve samples were obtained for histologic analysis. According to this study, low-frequency TENS leads to delayed regeneration after a crush lesion of the sciatic nerve in rats.
Etik Beyan
I declare that this thesis is my own work, and that I have not engaged in any unethical behavior throughout all stages of the thesis, from its planning to its writing. I obtained all the information in this thesis within academic and ethical guidelines, and I have cited all the information and interpretations that were not derived from my own research. These sources are also included in the reference list. Furthermore, I declare that no patent or copyright laws have been violated during the preparation and writing of this thesis."
- Arnaoutoglou, C. M., Sakellariou, A., Vekris, M., Mitsionis, G. I., Korompilias, A., Ioakim, E., Harhantis, A., & Beris, A. (2006). Maximum intraoperative elongation of the rat sciatic nerve with tissue expander: Functional, neurophysiological, and histological assessment. Microsurgery, 26(4), 253-261.
- Baykal, S., Boz, C., Çakır, E., Baytan, Ş. H., Karakuş, M., & Kuzeyli, K. (2002). The effects of pentoxifylline in experimental nerve injury. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 32, 207-210.
- Baptista, A. F., Gomes, J. R. S., Oliveira, J. T., Santos, S. M. G., Vannier Santos, M. A., Martinez, A. M. B. (2008). High- and low-frequency transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation delay sciatic nerve regeneration after crush lesion in the mouse. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 13, 71-80.
- Baptista, A. F., Gomes, J. R. S., Oliveira, J. T., Santos, S. M. G., Vannier Santos, M. A., & Martinez, A. M. B. (2008). High- and low-frequency transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation delay sciatic nerve regeneration after crush lesion in the mouse. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 13, 71-80.
- Dewey, C. W. (2003). A practical guide to canine and feline neurology (pp. 397-401). Iowa State Press.
Forterre, F., Tomek, A., & Rytz, U. (2007). Iatrogenic sciatic nerve injury in eighteen dogs and nine cats (1997–2006). Veterinary Surgery, 36, 464-471.
- Hare, G. M., Evans, P. J., Mackinnon, S. E., Best, T. J., Brain, J. R., Szalai, J. P., & Hunter, D. A. (1992). Walking track analysis: A long-term assessment of peripheral nerve recovery. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 89, 251-258.
- Kanaya, F., Firrell, J. C., & Breidenbach, W. C. (1996). Sciatic function index, nerve conduction tests, muscle contraction, and axon morphometry as indicators of regeneration. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 98(7), 1264-1271.
- Luis, A. L., Amado, S., Geuna, S., Rodrigues, J. M., Simões, M. J., Santos, J. D., Fregnan, F., Raimondo, S., Veloso, A. P., Ferreira, A. J., Armada-da-Silva, P. A., Varejão, A. S., & Maurício, A. C. (2007). Long-term functional and morphological assessment of a standardized rat sciatic nerve crush injury with a non-serrated clamp. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 163(1), 92-104.
- Martins, R. S., Siqueira, M. G., da Silva, C. F, & Plese, J. P. (2006). Correlation between parameters of electrophysiological, histomorphometric and sciatic functional index evaluations after rat sciatic nerve repair. Arq Neuropsiquiatr, 64(3B), 750–756.
- Rodkey, W. G., & Sharp, N. J. (2003). Surgery of the peripheral nervous system. In:Slatter D: Textbook of Small Animal Surgery, Philadelphia, WB Saunders. 1218-1226.
- Shen, N., & Zhu, J. (1995). Application of sciatic functional index in nerve functional assessment. Microsurgery, 16, 552-555.
- Varejao A. S., Melo-Pinto P., Meek M. F., Filipe V. M., & Blulas Cruz J. (2004). Methods for experimental functional assessment of rat sciatic nerve regeneration. Neurological Research, 26, 186-194.
- Varejao A. S, Cabrita A. M., Meek M. F., Bulas-Cruz J., Melo-Pinto P., Raimondo S., Geuna S., & Giacobini-Robecchi M. G. (2004) Functional and morphological assessment ofa standardized rat sciatic nerve crush injury with a non-serrated clamp. Journal Neurotrauma, 21(11), 1652–1670.
- Wolthers, M., Moldovan, M., Binderup, T., Schmalbruch H., & Krarup C. (2005). Comparative electrophysiological, functional and histological studies of nerve lesions in rats. Microsurgery, 25 (6), 508–519.
- Alarcon, J. B., Chuhuaicura, P. B., K. A., Sluka, Vance Carol, G. T., Fazan, V. P. S., Mbioch, K. A. G., Fuentes, R. E., & Dias, F. J. (2022). Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in nerve regeneration: A systematic review of in vivo animal model studies neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface 25(8), 1248-1258.
Evaluation of the efficiency of TENS therapy to the regeneration in N. ischiadicus injured rats
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3, 335 - 342, 31.12.2024
Ebru Eravcı Yalın
Yalçın Devecioğlu
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is one of the electrotherapy methods, used for physical therapy, to relieve neuropathic pain in the nervous system lesion. However, the effect on peripheral nerve regeneration has been unknown. This work aims to examine peripheral nervous system diseases in which fullness is preserved, the efficiency of TENS to hasten healing, and the suitability of magnetic resonance imaging to diagnose peripheral nervous system diseases. Also, electrophysiologic findings of functional nerve recuperation will be considered after comparing with histopathologic and magnetic resonance imaging. 72 Sprague Dawley rats were randomly assigned to four groups. Group 1; normal without crush lesion, Group 2; control group with crush lesion, Group 3; stimulated group on lesion area, Group 4; stimulated group on gastrocnemius muscle. The animals were sacrificed post-operatively 21. day and 45. day after the electrophysiological, assessment and walking trace analysis, magnetic resonance imaging and nerve samples were obtained for histologic analysis. According to this study, low-frequency TENS leads to delayed regeneration after a crush lesion of the sciatic nerve in rats.
Etik Beyan
Bu tez alismasinin kendi alismam oldugunu, tezin planlanmasindan yazimina
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bilgi ve yorumlara kaynak gösterdigimi ve bu kaynaklar da kaynaklar listesine
aldigimi, yine bu tezin aligilmasi ve yazimi sirasinda patent ve telif haklarin ihlal edici
bir davranisimin olmadigi beyan ederim.
Destekleyen Kurum
İstanbul Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi
- Arnaoutoglou, C. M., Sakellariou, A., Vekris, M., Mitsionis, G. I., Korompilias, A., Ioakim, E., Harhantis, A., & Beris, A. (2006). Maximum intraoperative elongation of the rat sciatic nerve with tissue expander: Functional, neurophysiological, and histological assessment. Microsurgery, 26(4), 253-261.
- Baykal, S., Boz, C., Çakır, E., Baytan, Ş. H., Karakuş, M., & Kuzeyli, K. (2002). The effects of pentoxifylline in experimental nerve injury. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 32, 207-210.
- Baptista, A. F., Gomes, J. R. S., Oliveira, J. T., Santos, S. M. G., Vannier Santos, M. A., Martinez, A. M. B. (2008). High- and low-frequency transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation delay sciatic nerve regeneration after crush lesion in the mouse. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 13, 71-80.
- Baptista, A. F., Gomes, J. R. S., Oliveira, J. T., Santos, S. M. G., Vannier Santos, M. A., & Martinez, A. M. B. (2008). High- and low-frequency transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation delay sciatic nerve regeneration after crush lesion in the mouse. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 13, 71-80.
- Dewey, C. W. (2003). A practical guide to canine and feline neurology (pp. 397-401). Iowa State Press.
Forterre, F., Tomek, A., & Rytz, U. (2007). Iatrogenic sciatic nerve injury in eighteen dogs and nine cats (1997–2006). Veterinary Surgery, 36, 464-471.
- Hare, G. M., Evans, P. J., Mackinnon, S. E., Best, T. J., Brain, J. R., Szalai, J. P., & Hunter, D. A. (1992). Walking track analysis: A long-term assessment of peripheral nerve recovery. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 89, 251-258.
- Kanaya, F., Firrell, J. C., & Breidenbach, W. C. (1996). Sciatic function index, nerve conduction tests, muscle contraction, and axon morphometry as indicators of regeneration. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 98(7), 1264-1271.
- Luis, A. L., Amado, S., Geuna, S., Rodrigues, J. M., Simões, M. J., Santos, J. D., Fregnan, F., Raimondo, S., Veloso, A. P., Ferreira, A. J., Armada-da-Silva, P. A., Varejão, A. S., & Maurício, A. C. (2007). Long-term functional and morphological assessment of a standardized rat sciatic nerve crush injury with a non-serrated clamp. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 163(1), 92-104.
- Martins, R. S., Siqueira, M. G., da Silva, C. F, & Plese, J. P. (2006). Correlation between parameters of electrophysiological, histomorphometric and sciatic functional index evaluations after rat sciatic nerve repair. Arq Neuropsiquiatr, 64(3B), 750–756.
- Rodkey, W. G., & Sharp, N. J. (2003). Surgery of the peripheral nervous system. In:Slatter D: Textbook of Small Animal Surgery, Philadelphia, WB Saunders. 1218-1226.
- Shen, N., & Zhu, J. (1995). Application of sciatic functional index in nerve functional assessment. Microsurgery, 16, 552-555.
- Varejao A. S., Melo-Pinto P., Meek M. F., Filipe V. M., & Blulas Cruz J. (2004). Methods for experimental functional assessment of rat sciatic nerve regeneration. Neurological Research, 26, 186-194.
- Varejao A. S, Cabrita A. M., Meek M. F., Bulas-Cruz J., Melo-Pinto P., Raimondo S., Geuna S., & Giacobini-Robecchi M. G. (2004) Functional and morphological assessment ofa standardized rat sciatic nerve crush injury with a non-serrated clamp. Journal Neurotrauma, 21(11), 1652–1670.
- Wolthers, M., Moldovan, M., Binderup, T., Schmalbruch H., & Krarup C. (2005). Comparative electrophysiological, functional and histological studies of nerve lesions in rats. Microsurgery, 25 (6), 508–519.
- Alarcon, J. B., Chuhuaicura, P. B., K. A., Sluka, Vance Carol, G. T., Fazan, V. P. S., Mbioch, K. A. G., Fuentes, R. E., & Dias, F. J. (2022). Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in nerve regeneration: A systematic review of in vivo animal model studies neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface 25(8), 1248-1258.