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Ciftci, S. and C¸ elik, B. On the cross–ratios of points and lines in Moufang planes, Journal of Geometry 71, 34–41, 2001.
Ferrar, J. C. Cross-ratios in projective and affine planes, in Plaumann, P. and Strambach, K., Geometry - von Staudt’s Point of View (Proceedings Bad Windsheim, 1980), Reidel, Dordrecht, 101–125, 1981.
Hopkins, E. J. and Hails, J. S. An introduction to plane projective geometry (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1953)
Horadam, A. F. A guide to undergraduate projective geometry (Pergamon Press, 1970)
Hughes, D. R. and Piper, F. C. Projective Planes (Springer, New York, 1973)
Meserve, B. E. Fundamental Concepts of Geometry (Dover Publications, New York, 1983)
Pickert, G. Projective Ebenen (Springer, Berlin, 1955)
Schafer, R. D. An Introduction to Nonassociative Algebras (Dover Publications, New York, ) Stevenson, F. W. Projective Planes (WH Freeman Co., San Francisco, 1972)
Cross-Ratios of Points and Lines in Some Moufang-Klingenberg Planes ABSTRACT | FULL TEXT
Year 2011,
Volume: 40 Issue: 1, 1 - 13, 01.01.2011
Akpinar, A., Celik, B. and Ciftci, S. Cross–ratios and 6-figures in some Moufang- Klingenberg planes, Bulletin of the Belgian Math. Soc. - Simon Stevin 15, 49–64, 2008.
Baker, C. A., Lane, N. D. and Lorimer, J. W. A coordinatization for Moufang-Klingenberg Planes, Simon Stevin 65, 3–22, 1991.
Bell, J. L. The art of the intelligible (Kluwer Acad. Publishers, The Netherland, 2001)
Blunck, A. Cross-ratios in Moufang planes, J. Geometry 40, 20–25, 1991.
Blunck, A. Projectivities in Moufang-Klingenberg planes, Geom. Dedicata 40, 341–359, Blunck, A. Cross-ratios over local alternative rings, Res. Math. 19, 246–256, 1991.
Blunck, A. Cross-ratios in Moufang-Klingenberg planes, Geom Dedicata 43, 93–107, 1992.
Celik, B. and Ciftci, S. Cross–ratios of points and lines in Moufang planes, Balkan Journal of Geometry and its Applications 5, 37–46, 2000.
C¸ ift¸ci, S. On 6-figures in Moufang projective planes, Commun. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ank. Series A138, 21–28, 1989.
Ciftci, S. and C¸ elik, B. On the cross–ratios of points and lines in Moufang planes, Journal of Geometry 71, 34–41, 2001.
Ferrar, J. C. Cross-ratios in projective and affine planes, in Plaumann, P. and Strambach, K., Geometry - von Staudt’s Point of View (Proceedings Bad Windsheim, 1980), Reidel, Dordrecht, 101–125, 1981.
Hopkins, E. J. and Hails, J. S. An introduction to plane projective geometry (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1953)
Horadam, A. F. A guide to undergraduate projective geometry (Pergamon Press, 1970)
Hughes, D. R. and Piper, F. C. Projective Planes (Springer, New York, 1973)
Meserve, B. E. Fundamental Concepts of Geometry (Dover Publications, New York, 1983)
Pickert, G. Projective Ebenen (Springer, Berlin, 1955)
Schafer, R. D. An Introduction to Nonassociative Algebras (Dover Publications, New York, ) Stevenson, F. W. Projective Planes (WH Freeman Co., San Francisco, 1972)
Akpinar, A., Çelik, B., & Çiftçi, . (2011). Cross-Ratios of Points and Lines in Some Moufang-Klingenberg Planes ABSTRACT | FULL TEXT . Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 40(1), 1-13.
Akpinar A, Çelik B, Çiftçi . Cross-Ratios of Points and Lines in Some Moufang-Klingenberg Planes ABSTRACT | FULL TEXT . Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics. January 2011;40(1):1-13.
Akpinar, A., B. Çelik, and s. Çiftçi. “Cross-Ratios of Points and Lines in Some Moufang-Klingenberg Planes ABSTRACT | FULL TEXT ”. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 40, no. 1 (January 2011): 1-13.
Akpinar A, Çelik B, Çiftçi (January 1, 2011) Cross-Ratios of Points and Lines in Some Moufang-Klingenberg Planes ABSTRACT | FULL TEXT . Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 40 1 1–13.
A. Akpinar, B. Çelik, and . Çiftçi, “Cross-Ratios of Points and Lines in Some Moufang-Klingenberg Planes ABSTRACT | FULL TEXT ”, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 1–13, 2011.
Akpinar, A. et al. “Cross-Ratios of Points and Lines in Some Moufang-Klingenberg Planes ABSTRACT | FULL TEXT ”. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 40/1 (January 2011), 1-13.
Akpinar A, Çelik B, Çiftçi . Cross-Ratios of Points and Lines in Some Moufang-Klingenberg Planes ABSTRACT | FULL TEXT . Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics. 2011;40:1–13.
Akpinar, A. et al. “Cross-Ratios of Points and Lines in Some Moufang-Klingenberg Planes ABSTRACT | FULL TEXT ”. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, vol. 40, no. 1, 2011, pp. 1-13.
Akpinar A, Çelik B, Çiftçi . Cross-Ratios of Points and Lines in Some Moufang-Klingenberg Planes ABSTRACT | FULL TEXT . Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics. 2011;40(1):1-13.