Warped product pointwise bi-slant submanifolds of locally product Riemannian manifolds
Year 2025,
Volume: 54 Issue: 1, 200 - 212, 28.02.2025
Prınce Majeed
Mehraj Lone
In this paper we introduce the concept of pointwise bi-slant submanifolds of locally product Riemannian manifolds and studied warped product pointwise bi-slant submanifolds of locally product Riemannian manifolds. We obtain some characterization results for warped products pointwise bi-slant submanifolds. Also, we provide some non-trivial examples of such warped product submanifolds.
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Year 2025,
Volume: 54 Issue: 1, 200 - 212, 28.02.2025
Prınce Majeed
Mehraj Lone
- [1] F. R. Al-Solamy, V. A. Khan and S. Uddin, Geometry of warped product semi-slant
submanifolds of nearly Kaehler manifolds, Results in Mathematics. 71(3), 783-799,
- [2] M. Atceken, Warped product semi-slant submanifolds in locally Riemannian product
manifolds, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 77(2), 177-186, 2008.
- [3] M. Atçeken, Slant submanifolds of a Riemannian product manifold, Acta Math. Sci.
Ser B Engl. Ed. 30(1), 215-224, 2010.
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An. Univ. Timisoara. Ser Stiint. Math. 22, 3-11, 1984.
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145, 1-49, 1969.
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forms, Hokkaido Math. J. 32(2), 415-444, 2003.
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factor, Monatshefte für Mathematik. 141(3), 177-186, 2004.
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6(2), 1-8, 2013.
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World Scientific. 2017.
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Turk. J. Math. 36, 630-640, 2012.
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Springer. Berlin 2021.
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manifolds, Publicationes Mathematicae. 92(1-2), 183-199, 2018.
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Debrecen. 53(1-2), 217-223, 1998.
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locally product Riemannian manifold, Turk. J. Math. 39(6), 884-899, 2015.
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123(1), 59-92, 1980.
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Math. J. 12, 273-282, 2005.
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Kaehler manifolds, Gulf Journal of Mathematics, 4(3), 2016.
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hemi-slant warped products in Kaehler manifolds, Filomat. 34(3), 807-814, 2020.
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I. Cuza Iasi Mat. 40(1), 55-61, 1994.
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Math. Soc. 43(4), 717-732, 2006.
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Geometriae Dedicata. 117(1), 195-202, 2006.
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manifold, Studia. Sci. Math. Hungar. 46(2), 169-184, 2009.
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Port. Math. 70, 252-268, 2013.
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Balkan J. Geom. Appl. 8(1), 91-100, 2003.
- [31] S. Uddin, F. Alghamdi and F. R. Al-Solamy, Geometry of warped product pointwise
semi-slant submanifolds of locally product Riemannian manifolds, Journal of Geometry
and Physics. 152, 103658, 2020.
- [32] S. Uddin, B. Y. Chen and F. R. Al-Solamy, Warped product bi-slant immersions in
Kaehler manifolds, Mediterr. J. Math. 14(2), 14-95, 2017.
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scientific Publishing Co. Singapore, 1984.