Does Smart Phone Usage in Young Adults Have an Effect on Static and Dynamic Balance?
Yıl 2024,
, 746 - 757, 31.12.2024
Kadirhan Özdemir
Batuhan Dönmez
Melih Zeren
Nilay Yürekdeler Şahin
Eshan Karakurum
Rumeysa Eroğlu
Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the effects of talking and note-taking on a smartphone on static and dynamic balance.
Materials and Methods: In the study, healthy young adults (n=36) were asked to maintain postural balance while standing on static and dynamic platforms in different tasks: (Task I) without using a smartphone, (Task II) while taking notes on a smartphone, and (Task III) while talking on a smartphone. Center of pressure (CoP) on mediolateral (CoPx) and anteroposterior (CoPy), CoP path length, CoParea, and trunk deviation length were used to measure static and dynamic postural balance.
Results: On a static platform, CoPy and CoParea were different between the tasks (p<0.001, p=0.017). Task II and Task III impaired CoPy more than the task I (p<0.001, p=0.004). Task III affected CoParea more negatively than task II (p=0.027). CoP path length was lower in task II and task III (p<0.001). CoP path length was significantly higher in task III compared to task II (p<0.001). On a dynamic platform, there were differences in CoPy between the tasks (p=0.038). There was a difference in CoPy between task II and task III (p=0.005). The CoParea was significantly different between the tasks (p=0.023). CoParea and CoP path length was higher in task II compared to task I (p=0.035, p<0.001).
Conclusion: The study showed that smartphone use during specific tasks, including talking and/or note-taking on a smartphone, could increase the risk of falls and accidents by affecting center of pressure and postural sway.
- Al-Rasheed, A. S., & Ibrahim, A. I. (2020). Does the poor sleep quality affect the physical activity level, postural stability, and isometric muscle strength in Saudi adolescents? A comparative study. Saudi Med J, 41(1), 94-97.
- Amico, A. P., Nisi, M., Covelli, I., Polito, A. M., Damiani, S., Ianieri, G., Megna, M., & Fiore, P. (2014). Efficacy of proprioceptive training with prokin system in balance disorders from multiple sclerosis. Journal of Multiple Sclerosis, 1(2), 1-8.
- Barmack, N. H. (2003). Central vestibular system: vestibular nuclei and posterior cerebellum. Brain Res Bull, 60(5-6), 511-541.
- Bergamin, M., Gobbo, S., Zanotto, T., Sieverdes, J. C., Alberton, C. L., Zaccaria, M., & Ermolao, A. (2014). Influence of age on postural sway during different dual-task conditions. Front Aging Neurosci, 6, 271.
- Cho, S. H., Choi, M. H., & Goo, B. O. (2014). Effect of smart phone use on dynamic postural balance. J Phys Ther Sci, 26(7), 1013-1015.
- Crowley, P., Madeleine, P., & Vuillerme, N. (2019). The effects of mobile phone use on walking: a dual task study. BMC Res Notes, 12(1), 352.
- Develi, E., Subasi, F., Aslan, G. K., & Bingol, Z. (2021). The effects of core stabilization training on dynamic balance and pulmonary parameters in patients with asthma. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil, 34(4), 639-648.
- Drugus, D., Repanovici, A., Daniela, P., Tirziman, E., Roman, N., Rogozea, L., & Miclaus, R. (2017). Social impact of public health care in risk management implementation. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 56, 79.
- Ghai, S., Ghai, I., & Effenberg, A. O. (2017). Effects of dual tasks and dual-task training on postural stability: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Interv Aging, 12, 557-577.
- Hodges, P. W., Gurfinkel, V. S., Brumagne, S., Smith, T. C., & Cordo, P. C. (2002). Coexistence of stability and mobility in postural control: evidence from postural compensation for respiration. Exp Brain Res, 144(3), 293-302.
- Huxhold, O., Li, S. C., Schmiedek, F., & Lindenberger, U. (2006). Dual-tasking postural control: aging and the effects of cognitive demand in conjunction with focus of attention. Brain Res Bull, 69(3), 294-305.
- Hyong, I. H. (2015). The effects on dynamic balance of dual-tasking using smartphone functions. J Phys Ther Sci, 27(2), 527-529.
- Iqbal, K. (2011). Mechanisms and models of postural stability and control. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2011, 7837-7840.
- Ke, X. H., Huang, D. B., Li, Y. Y., Li, X. M., Guo, J. H., Guo, M. M., Yu, S. X., Ma, S. C., Jiang, C., & Lin, Z. H. (2022). Effects of 12 weeks of Tai Chi Chuan intervention on the postural stability and self-reported instability in subjects with functional ankle instability: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Front Neurol, 13, 923669.
- Kerr, B., Condon, S. M., & McDonald, L. A. (1985). Cognitive spatial processing and the regulation of posture. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform, 11(5), 617-622.
- Kim, S. C., Cho, W. S., & Cho, S. H. (2020). Effects of smart phone use on lower limb joint angle and dynamic balance during gait. Work, 65(1), 31-37.
- Laatar, R., Kachouri, H., Borji, R., Rebai, H., & Sahli, S. (2017). The effect of cell phone use on postural balance and mobility in older compared to young adults. Physiol Behav, 173, 293-297.
- Merbah, J., Gorce, P., & Jacquier-Bret, J. (2020). Interaction with a smartphone under different task and environmental conditions: Emergence of users’ postural strategies. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 77, 102956.
- Norris, N. (2016). The impact of altered visual input and auditory stimulations on balance and postural stability. 2016 NCUR.
- Nurwulan, N. R., Jiang, B. C., & Iridiastadi, H. (2015). Posture and Texting: Effect on Balance in Young Adults. PLoS One, 10(7), e0134230.
- Onofrei, R. R., Amaricai, E., Suciu, O., David, V. L., Rata, A. L., & Hogea, E. (2020). Smartphone Use and Postural Balance in Healthy Young Adults. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 17(9).
- Orhan, E., Altın, B., & Aksoy, S. (2021). Effect of Smartphone Use on Static and Dynamic Postural Balance in Healthy Young Adults. Am J Audiol, 30(3), 703-708.
- Pellecchia, G. L. (2003). Postural sway increases with attentional demands of concurrent cognitive task. Gait Posture, 18(1), 29-34.
- Pena, G. M., Pavão, S. L., Oliveira, M. F. P., Godoi, D., de Campos, A. C., & Rocha, N. (2019). Dual-task effects on postural sway during sit-to-stand movement in children with Down syndrome. J Intellect Disabil Res, 63(6), 576-586.
- Rebold, M. J., Croall, C. A., Cumberledge, E. A., Sheehan, T. P., & Dirlam, M. T. (2017). The impact of different cell phone functions and their effects on postural stability. Performance Enhancement & Health, 5(3), 98-102.
- Rebold, M. J., Sheehan, T., Dirlam, M., Maldonado, T., & O'Donnell, D. (2016). The impact of cell phone texting on the amount of time spent exercising at different intensities. Computers in Human Behavior, 55, 167-171.
- Reilly, D. S., van Donkelaar, P., Saavedra, S., & Woollacott, M. H. (2008). Interaction between the development of postural control and the executive function of attention. J Mot Behav, 40(2), 90-102.
- Saadat, M., Salehi, R., Negahban, H., Shaterzadeh, M. J., Mehravar, M., & Hessam, M. (2018). Postural stability in patients with non-specific chronic neck pain: A comparative study with healthy people. Med J Islam Repub Iran, 32, 33.
- Saxena, S., Cinar, E., Majnemer, A., & Gagnon, I. (2017). Does dual tasking ability change with age across childhood and adolescence? A systematic scoping review. Int J Dev Neurosci, 58, 35-49.
- Shumway-Cook, A., & Woollacott, M. (2000). Attentional demands and postural control: the effect of sensory context. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 55(1), M10-16.
- Simmons, S. M., Caird, J. K., Ta, A., Sterzer, F., & Hagel, B. E. (2020). Plight of the distracted pedestrian: a research synthesis and meta-analysis of mobile phone use on crossing behaviour. Inj Prev, 26(2), 170-176.
- Strubhar, A. J., Peterson, M. L., Aschwege, J., Ganske, J., Kelley, J., & Schulte, H. (2015). The effect of text messaging on reactive balance and the temporal and spatial characteristics of gait. Gait Posture, 42(4), 580-583.
- Turner, A. (2022). How many smartphones are in the world? Retrieved 07.12.2022 from
- Wah, S. W., Chatchawan, U., Chatprem, T., & Puntumetakul, R. (2022). Prevalence of Static Balance Impairment and Associated Factors of University Student Smartphone Users with Subclinical Neck Pain: Cross-Sectional Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 19(17).
- Wiest, G. (2015). The origins of vestibular science. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1343, 1-9.
- Woollacott, M., & Shumway-Cook, A. (2002). Attention and the control of posture and gait: a review of an emerging area of research. Gait Posture, 16(1), 1-14.
- Zhang, M., You, H., Zhang, H., Zhao, W., Han, T., Liu, J., Jiang, S., & Feng, X. (2020). Effects of visual feedback balance training with the Pro-kin system on walking and self-care abilities in stroke patients. Medicine (Baltimore), 99(39), e22425.
Yıl 2024,
, 746 - 757, 31.12.2024
Kadirhan Özdemir
Batuhan Dönmez
Melih Zeren
Nilay Yürekdeler Şahin
Eshan Karakurum
Rumeysa Eroğlu
- Al-Rasheed, A. S., & Ibrahim, A. I. (2020). Does the poor sleep quality affect the physical activity level, postural stability, and isometric muscle strength in Saudi adolescents? A comparative study. Saudi Med J, 41(1), 94-97.
- Amico, A. P., Nisi, M., Covelli, I., Polito, A. M., Damiani, S., Ianieri, G., Megna, M., & Fiore, P. (2014). Efficacy of proprioceptive training with prokin system in balance disorders from multiple sclerosis. Journal of Multiple Sclerosis, 1(2), 1-8.
- Barmack, N. H. (2003). Central vestibular system: vestibular nuclei and posterior cerebellum. Brain Res Bull, 60(5-6), 511-541.
- Bergamin, M., Gobbo, S., Zanotto, T., Sieverdes, J. C., Alberton, C. L., Zaccaria, M., & Ermolao, A. (2014). Influence of age on postural sway during different dual-task conditions. Front Aging Neurosci, 6, 271.
- Cho, S. H., Choi, M. H., & Goo, B. O. (2014). Effect of smart phone use on dynamic postural balance. J Phys Ther Sci, 26(7), 1013-1015.
- Crowley, P., Madeleine, P., & Vuillerme, N. (2019). The effects of mobile phone use on walking: a dual task study. BMC Res Notes, 12(1), 352.
- Develi, E., Subasi, F., Aslan, G. K., & Bingol, Z. (2021). The effects of core stabilization training on dynamic balance and pulmonary parameters in patients with asthma. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil, 34(4), 639-648.
- Drugus, D., Repanovici, A., Daniela, P., Tirziman, E., Roman, N., Rogozea, L., & Miclaus, R. (2017). Social impact of public health care in risk management implementation. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 56, 79.
- Ghai, S., Ghai, I., & Effenberg, A. O. (2017). Effects of dual tasks and dual-task training on postural stability: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Interv Aging, 12, 557-577.
- Hodges, P. W., Gurfinkel, V. S., Brumagne, S., Smith, T. C., & Cordo, P. C. (2002). Coexistence of stability and mobility in postural control: evidence from postural compensation for respiration. Exp Brain Res, 144(3), 293-302.
- Huxhold, O., Li, S. C., Schmiedek, F., & Lindenberger, U. (2006). Dual-tasking postural control: aging and the effects of cognitive demand in conjunction with focus of attention. Brain Res Bull, 69(3), 294-305.
- Hyong, I. H. (2015). The effects on dynamic balance of dual-tasking using smartphone functions. J Phys Ther Sci, 27(2), 527-529.
- Iqbal, K. (2011). Mechanisms and models of postural stability and control. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2011, 7837-7840.
- Ke, X. H., Huang, D. B., Li, Y. Y., Li, X. M., Guo, J. H., Guo, M. M., Yu, S. X., Ma, S. C., Jiang, C., & Lin, Z. H. (2022). Effects of 12 weeks of Tai Chi Chuan intervention on the postural stability and self-reported instability in subjects with functional ankle instability: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Front Neurol, 13, 923669.
- Kerr, B., Condon, S. M., & McDonald, L. A. (1985). Cognitive spatial processing and the regulation of posture. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform, 11(5), 617-622.
- Kim, S. C., Cho, W. S., & Cho, S. H. (2020). Effects of smart phone use on lower limb joint angle and dynamic balance during gait. Work, 65(1), 31-37.
- Laatar, R., Kachouri, H., Borji, R., Rebai, H., & Sahli, S. (2017). The effect of cell phone use on postural balance and mobility in older compared to young adults. Physiol Behav, 173, 293-297.
- Merbah, J., Gorce, P., & Jacquier-Bret, J. (2020). Interaction with a smartphone under different task and environmental conditions: Emergence of users’ postural strategies. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 77, 102956.
- Norris, N. (2016). The impact of altered visual input and auditory stimulations on balance and postural stability. 2016 NCUR.
- Nurwulan, N. R., Jiang, B. C., & Iridiastadi, H. (2015). Posture and Texting: Effect on Balance in Young Adults. PLoS One, 10(7), e0134230.
- Onofrei, R. R., Amaricai, E., Suciu, O., David, V. L., Rata, A. L., & Hogea, E. (2020). Smartphone Use and Postural Balance in Healthy Young Adults. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 17(9).
- Orhan, E., Altın, B., & Aksoy, S. (2021). Effect of Smartphone Use on Static and Dynamic Postural Balance in Healthy Young Adults. Am J Audiol, 30(3), 703-708.
- Pellecchia, G. L. (2003). Postural sway increases with attentional demands of concurrent cognitive task. Gait Posture, 18(1), 29-34.
- Pena, G. M., Pavão, S. L., Oliveira, M. F. P., Godoi, D., de Campos, A. C., & Rocha, N. (2019). Dual-task effects on postural sway during sit-to-stand movement in children with Down syndrome. J Intellect Disabil Res, 63(6), 576-586.
- Rebold, M. J., Croall, C. A., Cumberledge, E. A., Sheehan, T. P., & Dirlam, M. T. (2017). The impact of different cell phone functions and their effects on postural stability. Performance Enhancement & Health, 5(3), 98-102.
- Rebold, M. J., Sheehan, T., Dirlam, M., Maldonado, T., & O'Donnell, D. (2016). The impact of cell phone texting on the amount of time spent exercising at different intensities. Computers in Human Behavior, 55, 167-171.
- Reilly, D. S., van Donkelaar, P., Saavedra, S., & Woollacott, M. H. (2008). Interaction between the development of postural control and the executive function of attention. J Mot Behav, 40(2), 90-102.
- Saadat, M., Salehi, R., Negahban, H., Shaterzadeh, M. J., Mehravar, M., & Hessam, M. (2018). Postural stability in patients with non-specific chronic neck pain: A comparative study with healthy people. Med J Islam Repub Iran, 32, 33.
- Saxena, S., Cinar, E., Majnemer, A., & Gagnon, I. (2017). Does dual tasking ability change with age across childhood and adolescence? A systematic scoping review. Int J Dev Neurosci, 58, 35-49.
- Shumway-Cook, A., & Woollacott, M. (2000). Attentional demands and postural control: the effect of sensory context. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 55(1), M10-16.
- Simmons, S. M., Caird, J. K., Ta, A., Sterzer, F., & Hagel, B. E. (2020). Plight of the distracted pedestrian: a research synthesis and meta-analysis of mobile phone use on crossing behaviour. Inj Prev, 26(2), 170-176.
- Strubhar, A. J., Peterson, M. L., Aschwege, J., Ganske, J., Kelley, J., & Schulte, H. (2015). The effect of text messaging on reactive balance and the temporal and spatial characteristics of gait. Gait Posture, 42(4), 580-583.
- Turner, A. (2022). How many smartphones are in the world? Retrieved 07.12.2022 from
- Wah, S. W., Chatchawan, U., Chatprem, T., & Puntumetakul, R. (2022). Prevalence of Static Balance Impairment and Associated Factors of University Student Smartphone Users with Subclinical Neck Pain: Cross-Sectional Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 19(17).
- Wiest, G. (2015). The origins of vestibular science. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1343, 1-9.
- Woollacott, M., & Shumway-Cook, A. (2002). Attention and the control of posture and gait: a review of an emerging area of research. Gait Posture, 16(1), 1-14.
- Zhang, M., You, H., Zhang, H., Zhao, W., Han, T., Liu, J., Jiang, S., & Feng, X. (2020). Effects of visual feedback balance training with the Pro-kin system on walking and self-care abilities in stroke patients. Medicine (Baltimore), 99(39), e22425.