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Reflection of the Brain Development of Infants with Cerebral Palsy in Their Motor Repertoire in the Fidgety Period: A Pilot Study

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 124 - 133, 30.04.2021


Objectives: This study was conducted to determine how the brain development of infants with cerebral palsy is reflected in their motor repertoire over time.
Materials and Methods: This study was included five infants with cerebral palsy in a study group and a control group of five typical infants between 3 and 5 months corrected ages. Two videos showing the spontaneous motor movements of each infant recorded between the postterm 9-16 weeks were evaluated by detailed general movements analysis.
Results: In the second evaluation, while the motor optimality scores of two infants in the study group increased, two of them decreased, and one did not change. In the control group, while the motor optimality score of three infants increased, two of them did not change.
Conclusion: Increasing or remaining the same of motor optimality score in infants with cerebral palsy may be an indicator of the presence of neuroplasticity in infants. However, increasing this existing neuroplasticity is very important in terms of neurodevelopmental results of the infant.


  • de Vries, J.I.P., Visser, G.H.A., & Prechtl, H.F.R. (1983). The emergence of fetal behavior. I. Qualitative aspects. Early Human Development. 7:301–322.
  • Desloovere, K., De Cat, J., Molenaers, G., Franki, I., Himpens, E., Van Waelvelde, H. ve diğerleri. (2012). The effect of different physiotherapy interventions in post-BTX-A treatment of children with cerebral palsy. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 16(1):20-28.
  • Einspieler, C., Bos, A.F., Krieber-Tomantschger, M., Alvarado, E., Barbosa, V.M., Bertoncelli, N. ve diğerleri. (2019). Cerebral Palsy: Early Markers of Clinical Phenotype and Functional Outcome. J Clin Med. 8(10):1616.
  • Einspieler, C., Cioni, G., Paolicelli, P.B., Bos, A.F., Dressler, A., Ferrari, F. ve diğerleri. (2002). The early markers for later dyskinetic cerebral palsy are different from those for spastic cerebral palsy. Neuropediatrics. 33:73-8.
  • Einspieler, C., Peharz, R., & Marschik, P.B. (2016). Fidgety movements - tiny in appearance, but huge in impact. J Pediatr (Rio J). 92(3 Suppl 1): 64-70.
  • Einspieler, C., Prayer, D., & Prechtl, H.F.R. (2012). Fetal Behaviour: A Neurodevelopmental Approach (1. bs.)(s.17-56).
  • Einspieler, C., & Prechtl, H.F.R. (2005). Prechtl’s assessment of general movements: A diagnostic tool for the functional assessment of the young nervous system. Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. 11:61-67
  • Einspieler, C., Prechtl, H.F.R., Ferrari, F., Cioni, G., & Bos, A.F. (1997). The qualitative assessment of general movements in preterm, term and young infants-review of the methodology. Early Hum Dev. 50(1):47-60.
  • Fjørtoft, T., Evensen, K.A.I., Øberg, G.K., Songstad, N.T., Labori, C., Silberg, I.E., ve diğerleri. (2016) High prevalence of abnormal motor repertoire at 3 months corrected age in extremely preterm infants. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 20(2):236-242.
  • Ismail, F.Y., Fatemi, A., & Johnston, M.V. (2017). Cerebral plasticity: Windows of opportunity in the developing brain. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 21(1):23-48.
  • Lüchinger, A.B., Hadders-Algra, M., Van kan, CM., & de Vries, J.I. (2008). Fetal Onset of General Movements. Pediatric Research. 63(2):191-195.
  • Martin, J.H., Friel, K.M., Salimi, I., & Chakrabarty, S. (2007). Activity- and use-dependent plasticity of the developing corticospinal system. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 31:1125–1135.
  • Novak, I., Morgan, C., Adde, L., Blackman, J., Boyd, R.N., Brunstrom-Hernandez, J., ve diğerleri. (2017). Early, accurate diagnosis and early intervention in cerebral palsy: advances in diagnosis and treatment. JAMA Pediatr. 171:897-907.
  • Prechtl, H.F.R., Einspieler, C., Cioni, G., Bos, A.F., Ferrari, F., & Sontheimer, D. (1997). An early marker for neurological deficits after perinatal brain lesions. Lancet. 349:1361-3.
  • Rallis, D., Karagianni, P., Goutsiou, E., Soubasi-Griva, V., Banerjee, J., & Tsakalidis, C. (2019). The association of the cerebral oxygenation during neonatal sepsis with the Bayley-III Scale of Infant and Toddler Development index scores at 18-24 months of age. Early Hum Dev. 136:49-53.
  • Rosenbaum, P., Paneth, N., Leviton, A., Goldstein, M., Bax, M., Damiano, D. ve diğerleri. (2007). A report: the definition and classification of cerebral palsy April 2006. Dev Med Child Neurol 109(Suppl.): 8–14.
  • Schiariti, V., & Masse, L.C. (2015). Relevant areas of functioning in children with cerebral palsy based on the international classification of functioning, disability and health coding system: a clinical perspective. J Child Neurol. 30:216-222.
  • Wachtel, E.V., Zaccario, M., Mally, P. (2015). Impact of Respiratory Morbidities on Neurodevelopmental Outcome of Late Preterm Infants. Am J Perinatol. 32(12):1164-8.

Serebral Palsili Çocukların Fidgety Dönemdeki Beyin Gelişimlerinin Motor Repertuarlarına Yansıması: Pilot Çalışma

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 124 - 133, 30.04.2021


Amaç: Bu çalışma serebral palsili bebeklerin zaman içindeki beyin gelişimlerinin motor repertuarlarına nasıl yansıdığını belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır.
Gereç-Yöntem: Düzeltilmiş yaşları 3-5 ay arasında olan beş serebral palsili bebek çalışma grubuna ve beş tipik gelişimli bebek kontrol grubuna dahil edildi. Herbir bebeğin postterm 9-16 haftalar arasında çekilmiş spontan motor hareketlerini gösteren iki videosu detaylı general movements analiz ile değerlendirildi.
Bulgular: İkinci değerlendirmede çalışma grubundaki iki bebeğin motor optimalite skorları artarken, ikisininki azaldı, birininki ise değişmedi. Kontrol grubunda ise üç bebeğin motor optimalite skoru artarken, ikisininki değişmedi.
Sonuç: Serebral palsili bebeklerde motor optimalite skorun artması veya aynı kalması bu bebeklerdeki nöroplastisitenin varlığının bir göstergesi olabilir. Ancak varolan bu nöroplastisitenin arttırılması bebeğin nörogelişimsel sonuçları açısından oldukça önemlidir.


  • de Vries, J.I.P., Visser, G.H.A., & Prechtl, H.F.R. (1983). The emergence of fetal behavior. I. Qualitative aspects. Early Human Development. 7:301–322.
  • Desloovere, K., De Cat, J., Molenaers, G., Franki, I., Himpens, E., Van Waelvelde, H. ve diğerleri. (2012). The effect of different physiotherapy interventions in post-BTX-A treatment of children with cerebral palsy. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 16(1):20-28.
  • Einspieler, C., Bos, A.F., Krieber-Tomantschger, M., Alvarado, E., Barbosa, V.M., Bertoncelli, N. ve diğerleri. (2019). Cerebral Palsy: Early Markers of Clinical Phenotype and Functional Outcome. J Clin Med. 8(10):1616.
  • Einspieler, C., Cioni, G., Paolicelli, P.B., Bos, A.F., Dressler, A., Ferrari, F. ve diğerleri. (2002). The early markers for later dyskinetic cerebral palsy are different from those for spastic cerebral palsy. Neuropediatrics. 33:73-8.
  • Einspieler, C., Peharz, R., & Marschik, P.B. (2016). Fidgety movements - tiny in appearance, but huge in impact. J Pediatr (Rio J). 92(3 Suppl 1): 64-70.
  • Einspieler, C., Prayer, D., & Prechtl, H.F.R. (2012). Fetal Behaviour: A Neurodevelopmental Approach (1. bs.)(s.17-56).
  • Einspieler, C., & Prechtl, H.F.R. (2005). Prechtl’s assessment of general movements: A diagnostic tool for the functional assessment of the young nervous system. Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. 11:61-67
  • Einspieler, C., Prechtl, H.F.R., Ferrari, F., Cioni, G., & Bos, A.F. (1997). The qualitative assessment of general movements in preterm, term and young infants-review of the methodology. Early Hum Dev. 50(1):47-60.
  • Fjørtoft, T., Evensen, K.A.I., Øberg, G.K., Songstad, N.T., Labori, C., Silberg, I.E., ve diğerleri. (2016) High prevalence of abnormal motor repertoire at 3 months corrected age in extremely preterm infants. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 20(2):236-242.
  • Ismail, F.Y., Fatemi, A., & Johnston, M.V. (2017). Cerebral plasticity: Windows of opportunity in the developing brain. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 21(1):23-48.
  • Lüchinger, A.B., Hadders-Algra, M., Van kan, CM., & de Vries, J.I. (2008). Fetal Onset of General Movements. Pediatric Research. 63(2):191-195.
  • Martin, J.H., Friel, K.M., Salimi, I., & Chakrabarty, S. (2007). Activity- and use-dependent plasticity of the developing corticospinal system. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 31:1125–1135.
  • Novak, I., Morgan, C., Adde, L., Blackman, J., Boyd, R.N., Brunstrom-Hernandez, J., ve diğerleri. (2017). Early, accurate diagnosis and early intervention in cerebral palsy: advances in diagnosis and treatment. JAMA Pediatr. 171:897-907.
  • Prechtl, H.F.R., Einspieler, C., Cioni, G., Bos, A.F., Ferrari, F., & Sontheimer, D. (1997). An early marker for neurological deficits after perinatal brain lesions. Lancet. 349:1361-3.
  • Rallis, D., Karagianni, P., Goutsiou, E., Soubasi-Griva, V., Banerjee, J., & Tsakalidis, C. (2019). The association of the cerebral oxygenation during neonatal sepsis with the Bayley-III Scale of Infant and Toddler Development index scores at 18-24 months of age. Early Hum Dev. 136:49-53.
  • Rosenbaum, P., Paneth, N., Leviton, A., Goldstein, M., Bax, M., Damiano, D. ve diğerleri. (2007). A report: the definition and classification of cerebral palsy April 2006. Dev Med Child Neurol 109(Suppl.): 8–14.
  • Schiariti, V., & Masse, L.C. (2015). Relevant areas of functioning in children with cerebral palsy based on the international classification of functioning, disability and health coding system: a clinical perspective. J Child Neurol. 30:216-222.
  • Wachtel, E.V., Zaccario, M., Mally, P. (2015). Impact of Respiratory Morbidities on Neurodevelopmental Outcome of Late Preterm Infants. Am J Perinatol. 32(12):1164-8.
Toplam 18 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Aysu Kahraman 0000-0001-5132-2534

Doğan Porsnok Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-9936-0580

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Mart 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Kahraman, A., & Porsnok, D. (2021). Serebral Palsili Çocukların Fidgety Dönemdeki Beyin Gelişimlerinin Motor Repertuarlarına Yansıması: Pilot Çalışma. Hacettepe University Faculty of Health Sciences Journal, 8(1), 124-133.