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Kadın ve Erkek Sporcularda Pelvik Taban Bilgisi, Farkındalığı ve Semptomlarının Karşılaştırılması

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3, 547 - 562, 31.12.2023


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, çeşitli spor branşlarından kadın ve erkek sporcularda pelvik taban bilgi düzeyi, farkındalığı ve semptomlarını incelemek ve karşılaştırmaktı.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya 47 kadın (26,4±3,6 yaş), 33 erkek (28,2±5,5 yaş) sporcu olmak üzere toplam 80 birey dahil edildi. Sporcuların detaylı tıbbi hikayeleri ile spor branşı, spora başlama yaşı, spora ara verdiği süre ile ilgili bilgileri kaydedildi. Bireylere, pelvik taban farkındalığı ve semptomlarını belirlemek için Pelvik Taban Bilgi ve Farkındalık Değerlendirme Formu, Pelvik Taban Sağlığı Bilgi Testi (PTSBT), fonksiyon/disfonksiyon, risk/etiyoloji, tanı ve tedavi alt boyutlarından oluşan Global Pelvik Taban Rahatsızlık Anketi (GPTRA) çevrimiçi olarak uygulandı. Kadın ve erkek sporcularda doğrusal verilerin karşılaştırılmasında Bağımsız Gruplar t-testi kullanılırken, kategorik özellikler için gruplar arası ilişkiler Ki-kare testi ile analiz edildi.
Bulgular: Kadın sporcularda, pelvik taban bilgi ve farkındalığı ile ilgili sorulara verdikleri doğru cevap yüzdesi erkek sporculardan daha fazlaydı. Kadın ve erkek sporcular arasında PTSBT’nin toplam (p<0,001) ve fonksiyon/disfonksiyon (p<0,001) risk/etiyoloji (p=0,001), tanı ve tedavi (p=0,001) alt boyutlarında anlamlı bir fark bulundu. Ayrıca; kadın ve erkek sporcular arasında GPTRA’dan alınan toplam puana göre pelvik taban semptomları açısından fark bulundu (p=0,046).
Sonuç: Kadın sporcularda, pelvik taban bilgi ve farkındalık seviyesi ile pelvik taban rahatsızlık düzeyinin erkek sporculardan daha yüksek olduğu bulundu. Tüm sporcular, pelvik taban problemleri açısından riskli olduğu için kadın ve erkek sporcuların bu açıdan ayrıntılı olarak değerlendirilmesi ve saptanan problemlerin tedavisinin sağlanması, özellikle erkek sporcularda bilgi ve farkındalık seviyelerinin artırılması sporcuların pelvik sağlığının iyileştirilmesinde önem taşımaktadır.


  • Aasa, U., Svartholm, I., Andersson, F., & Berglund, L. (2017). Injuries among weightlifters and powerlifters: a systematic review. British journal of sports medicine, 51(4), 211-219.
  • Al’deges, W. a., & Çelenay Toprak, Ş. (2021). Development of Pelvic Floor Health Knowledge Quiz in Turkish People: validity and reliability. Türk Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, 32(2), 122-131.
  • Araújo, C., & Scharhag, J. (2016). Athlete: a working definition for medical and health sciences research. In (Vol. 26, pp. 4-7): Wiley Online Library.
  • Araújo, M., Ed, O., Zucchi, E. V., Trevisani, V., Girão, M., & Sartori, M. (2008). The relationship between urinary incontinence and eating disorders in female long-distance runners. Revista da Associacao Medica Brasileira (1992), 54(2), 146-149.
  • Aslan, F., & Pekyavaş, N. Ö. (2022). Kadınlarda Pelvik Taban Bilgisinin ve Pelvik Taban Disfonksiyonlarında Fizyoterapi Konusunda Farkındalığın Araştırılması. Başkent Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi-BÜSBİD, 7(1).
  • Baran, E., Akbayrak, T., Özgül, S., Nakip, G., Çinar, G. N., Üzelpasacı, E., Gursen, C., Beksaç, K., Aydin, E., & Çağan, M. (2022). Musculoskeletal and anthropometric factors associated with urinary incontinence in pregnancy. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 38(11), 1789-1798.
  • Bø, K., & Nygaard, I. E. (2020). Is physical activity good or bad for the female pelvic floor? A narrative review. Sports Medicine, 50(3), 471-484.
  • Bump, R. C., & Norton, P. A. (1998). Epidemiology and natural history of pelvic floor dysfunction. Obstetrics and gynecology clinics of North America, 25(4), 723-746.
  • Cardoso, A. M. B., Lima, C. R. O. d. P., & Ferreira, C. W. S. (2018). Prevalence of urinary incontinence in high-impact sports athletes and their association with knowledge, attitude and practice about this dysfunction. European journal of sport science, 18(10), 1405-1412.
  • Çelenay, Ş. T., Düşgün, E. S., Okumuş, B., Çolakoğlu, M. N., & Güngör, M. (2021). Sağlık profesyonellerinin pelvik taban hakkında bilgi ve farkındalık düzeylerinin değerlendirilmesi. Hacettepe University Faculty of Health Sciences Journal, 8(3), 591-607.
  • D'Ancona, C., Haylen, B., Oelke, M., Abranches‐Monteiro, L., Arnold, E., Goldman, H., Hamid, R., Homma, Y., Marcelissen, T., & Rademakers, K. (2019). The International Continence Society (ICS) report on the terminology for adult male lower urinary tract and pelvic floor symptoms and dysfunction. Neurourology and urodynamics, 38(2), 433-477.
  • Doğan, H., Özengin, N., Bakar, Y., & Duran, B. (2016). Reliability and validity of a Turkish version of the Global Pelvic Floor Bother Questionnaire. International urogynecology journal, 27, 1577-1581.
  • Eickmeyer, S. M. (2017). Anatomy and physiology of the pelvic floor. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics, 28(3), 455-460.
  • Eliasson, K., Larsson, T., & Mattsson, E. (2002). Prevalence of stress incontinence in nulliparous elite trampolinists. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 12(2), 106-110.
  • Faubion, S. S., Shuster, L. T., & Bharucha, A. E. (2012). Recognition and management of nonrelaxing pelvic floor dysfunction. Mayo Clinic Proceedings,
  • Fernandes, A., Fitz, F., Silva, A., Filoni, E., & José Filho, M. (2014). 0016 Evaluation of the prevalence of urinary incontinence symptoms in adolescent female soccer players and their impact on quality of life. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 71(Suppl 1), A59-A60.
  • Giagio, S., Salvioli, S., Pillastrini, P., & Innocenti, T. (2021). Sport and pelvic floor dysfunction in male and female athletes: A scoping review. Neurourology and urodynamics, 40(1), 55-64.
  • Gözde, T., Özengin, N., Türkoğlu Aydın, Ş., Ankaralı, H., & Bakar, Y. (2021). Multipl Skleroz Tanılı ve Sağlıklı Kadınların Alt Üriner Sistem Semptomlarının Karşılaştırılması. Anatolian Clinic the Journal of Medical Sciences, 26(2), 143-154.
  • Hayes, S. C., Newton, R. U., Spence, R. R., & Galvão, D. A. (2019). The Exercise and Sports Science Australia position statement: exercise medicine in cancer management. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 22(11), 1175-1199.
  • Hill, A.-M., McPhail, S. M., Wilson, J. M., & Berlach, R. G. (2017). Pregnant women’s awareness, knowledge and beliefs about pelvic floor muscles: a cross-sectional survey. International urogynecology journal, 28, 1557-1565.
  • Kim, S.-K., Kim, K.-H., Kim, S.-H., Yoo, S.-J., & Jeong, Y.-W. (2019). Health-related quality of life in adult males with lower urinary tract symptoms. Quality of Life Research, 28, 2419-2428.
  • Louis-Charles, K., Biggie, K., Wolfinbarger, A., Wilcox, B., & Kienstra, C. M. (2019). Pelvic floor dysfunction in the female athlete. Current sports medicine reports, 18(2), 49-52.
  • Milsom, I., & Gyhagen, M. (2019). The prevalence of urinary incontinence. Climacteric, 22(3), 217-222.
  • Minassian, V. A., Drutz, H. P., & Al-Badr, A. (2003). Urinary incontinence as a worldwide problem. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 82(3), 327-338.
  • Nygaard, I., Barber, M. D., Burgio, K. L., Kenton, K., Meikle, S., Schaffer, J., Spino, C., Whitehead, W. E., Wu, J., & Brody, D. J. (2008). Prevalence of symptomatic pelvic floor disorders in US women. Jama, 300(11), 1311-1316.
  • Nygaard, I. E., Thompson, F. L., Svengalis, S. L., & Albright, J. P. (1994). Urinary incontinence in elite nulliparous athletes. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 84(2), 183-187.
  • Özgül, S., Gürşen, C., Toprak Çelenay, Ş., Baran, E., Üzelpasacı, E., Nakip, G., Çinar, G. N., Beksaç, M. S., & Akbayrak, T. (2022). Contributory effects of individual characteristics on pelvic floor distress in women with pelvic floor dysfunctions. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 1-12.
  • Pedersen, B. K., & Saltin, B. (2006). Evidence for prescribing exercise as therapy in chronic disease. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 16(S1), 3-63.
  • Peterson, T. V., Karp, D. R., Aguilar, V. C., & Davila, G. W. (2010). Validation of a global pelvic floor symptom bother questionnaire. International urogynecology journal, 21, 1129-1135.
  • Pires, T., Pires, P., Moreira, H., & Viana, R. (2020). Prevalence of urinary incontinence in high-impact sport athletes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Human Kinetics, 73(1), 279-288.
  • Poświata, A., Socha, T., & Opara, J. (2014). Prevalence of stress urinary incontinence in elite female endurance athletes. Journal of Human Kinetics, 44(1), 91-96.
  • Raheem, O. A., & Parsons, J. K. (2014). Associations of obesity, physical activity and diet with benign prostatic hyperplasia and lower urinary tract symptoms. Current opinion in urology, 24(1), 10-14.
  • Silviere M, K. D. (2019). Pelvic floor dysfunction. In Yeo (Ed.), Shackelford’s Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (pp. 1750-1760).
  • Skaug, K. L., Engh, M. E., Frawley, H., & Bø, K. (2022). Prevalence of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, Bother, and Risk Factors and Knowledge of the Pelvic Floor Muscles in Norwegian Male and Female Powerlifters and Olympic Weightlifters. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 36(10), 2800-2807.
  • Sullivan, L. M. (2022). Essentials of biostatistics for public health. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
  • Tayfur, A., Haque, A., Salles, J. I., Malliaras, P., Screen, H., & Morrissey, D. (2022). Are landing patterns in jumping athletes associated with patellar tendinopathy? A systematic review with evidence gap map and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine, 1-15.
  • Toprak Çelenay, Ş., Düşgün, E. S., & Değirmendereli, A. R. (2021). High-impacts Sport Athletes' Pelvic Floor Knowledge, Awareness, and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms: A Cross-Sectional Pilot Study. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Sports Sciences, 13(3).

Comparison of Pelvic Floor Knowledge, Awareness and Symptoms in Female and Male Athletes

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3, 547 - 562, 31.12.2023


Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine and compare pelvic floor knowledge, awareness and symptoms in male and female athletes from various sports branches.
Materials and Method: A total of 80 individuals, including 47 female (26,4±3,6 age) and 33 male (28,2±5,5 age) athletes, were included in this study. The detailed medical histories of the athletes, as well as the sports branch, the age at which they started sports, and the time they took a break from sports were recorded. Online questionnaires were applied to assess participants' levels of pelvic floor awareness and symptoms, including the Pelvic Floor Knowledge and Awareness Assessment Form, the Pelvic Floor Health Knowledge Test (PFHKT), and the Global Pelvic Floor Bother Questionnaire (GPFBQ) which consist of function/dysfunction, risk/etiology, diagnosis and treatment. While the independent t-test was used to compare continuous data in female and male athletes, the between groups comparisons for categorical characteristics were analysed with the Chi-square test.
Results: The percentage of correct answers to questions about pelvic floor knowledge and awareness was higher in female athletes than in male athletes. A significant difference was found between male and female athletes in the total (p<0,001) and function/dysfunction (p<0,001), risk/etiology (p=0,001), diagnosis and treatment (p=0,001) sub-dimensions of PFHKT. Moreover; a difference was found between female and male athletes in terms of pelvic floor symptoms compared to the total score obtained from GPFBQ (p=0,046).
Conclusion: The level of knowledge and awareness of the pelvic floor and the level of pelvic floor discomfort were higher in female athletes than in male athletes. Since all athletes are at risk for pelvic floor problems, it is important to evaluate female and male athletes in detail and to provide treatment for the problems identified, to increase especially male athletes knowledge and awareness, in improving their pelvic health.


  • Aasa, U., Svartholm, I., Andersson, F., & Berglund, L. (2017). Injuries among weightlifters and powerlifters: a systematic review. British journal of sports medicine, 51(4), 211-219.
  • Al’deges, W. a., & Çelenay Toprak, Ş. (2021). Development of Pelvic Floor Health Knowledge Quiz in Turkish People: validity and reliability. Türk Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, 32(2), 122-131.
  • Araújo, C., & Scharhag, J. (2016). Athlete: a working definition for medical and health sciences research. In (Vol. 26, pp. 4-7): Wiley Online Library.
  • Araújo, M., Ed, O., Zucchi, E. V., Trevisani, V., Girão, M., & Sartori, M. (2008). The relationship between urinary incontinence and eating disorders in female long-distance runners. Revista da Associacao Medica Brasileira (1992), 54(2), 146-149.
  • Aslan, F., & Pekyavaş, N. Ö. (2022). Kadınlarda Pelvik Taban Bilgisinin ve Pelvik Taban Disfonksiyonlarında Fizyoterapi Konusunda Farkındalığın Araştırılması. Başkent Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi-BÜSBİD, 7(1).
  • Baran, E., Akbayrak, T., Özgül, S., Nakip, G., Çinar, G. N., Üzelpasacı, E., Gursen, C., Beksaç, K., Aydin, E., & Çağan, M. (2022). Musculoskeletal and anthropometric factors associated with urinary incontinence in pregnancy. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 38(11), 1789-1798.
  • Bø, K., & Nygaard, I. E. (2020). Is physical activity good or bad for the female pelvic floor? A narrative review. Sports Medicine, 50(3), 471-484.
  • Bump, R. C., & Norton, P. A. (1998). Epidemiology and natural history of pelvic floor dysfunction. Obstetrics and gynecology clinics of North America, 25(4), 723-746.
  • Cardoso, A. M. B., Lima, C. R. O. d. P., & Ferreira, C. W. S. (2018). Prevalence of urinary incontinence in high-impact sports athletes and their association with knowledge, attitude and practice about this dysfunction. European journal of sport science, 18(10), 1405-1412.
  • Çelenay, Ş. T., Düşgün, E. S., Okumuş, B., Çolakoğlu, M. N., & Güngör, M. (2021). Sağlık profesyonellerinin pelvik taban hakkında bilgi ve farkındalık düzeylerinin değerlendirilmesi. Hacettepe University Faculty of Health Sciences Journal, 8(3), 591-607.
  • D'Ancona, C., Haylen, B., Oelke, M., Abranches‐Monteiro, L., Arnold, E., Goldman, H., Hamid, R., Homma, Y., Marcelissen, T., & Rademakers, K. (2019). The International Continence Society (ICS) report on the terminology for adult male lower urinary tract and pelvic floor symptoms and dysfunction. Neurourology and urodynamics, 38(2), 433-477.
  • Doğan, H., Özengin, N., Bakar, Y., & Duran, B. (2016). Reliability and validity of a Turkish version of the Global Pelvic Floor Bother Questionnaire. International urogynecology journal, 27, 1577-1581.
  • Eickmeyer, S. M. (2017). Anatomy and physiology of the pelvic floor. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics, 28(3), 455-460.
  • Eliasson, K., Larsson, T., & Mattsson, E. (2002). Prevalence of stress incontinence in nulliparous elite trampolinists. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 12(2), 106-110.
  • Faubion, S. S., Shuster, L. T., & Bharucha, A. E. (2012). Recognition and management of nonrelaxing pelvic floor dysfunction. Mayo Clinic Proceedings,
  • Fernandes, A., Fitz, F., Silva, A., Filoni, E., & José Filho, M. (2014). 0016 Evaluation of the prevalence of urinary incontinence symptoms in adolescent female soccer players and their impact on quality of life. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 71(Suppl 1), A59-A60.
  • Giagio, S., Salvioli, S., Pillastrini, P., & Innocenti, T. (2021). Sport and pelvic floor dysfunction in male and female athletes: A scoping review. Neurourology and urodynamics, 40(1), 55-64.
  • Gözde, T., Özengin, N., Türkoğlu Aydın, Ş., Ankaralı, H., & Bakar, Y. (2021). Multipl Skleroz Tanılı ve Sağlıklı Kadınların Alt Üriner Sistem Semptomlarının Karşılaştırılması. Anatolian Clinic the Journal of Medical Sciences, 26(2), 143-154.
  • Hayes, S. C., Newton, R. U., Spence, R. R., & Galvão, D. A. (2019). The Exercise and Sports Science Australia position statement: exercise medicine in cancer management. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 22(11), 1175-1199.
  • Hill, A.-M., McPhail, S. M., Wilson, J. M., & Berlach, R. G. (2017). Pregnant women’s awareness, knowledge and beliefs about pelvic floor muscles: a cross-sectional survey. International urogynecology journal, 28, 1557-1565.
  • Kim, S.-K., Kim, K.-H., Kim, S.-H., Yoo, S.-J., & Jeong, Y.-W. (2019). Health-related quality of life in adult males with lower urinary tract symptoms. Quality of Life Research, 28, 2419-2428.
  • Louis-Charles, K., Biggie, K., Wolfinbarger, A., Wilcox, B., & Kienstra, C. M. (2019). Pelvic floor dysfunction in the female athlete. Current sports medicine reports, 18(2), 49-52.
  • Milsom, I., & Gyhagen, M. (2019). The prevalence of urinary incontinence. Climacteric, 22(3), 217-222.
  • Minassian, V. A., Drutz, H. P., & Al-Badr, A. (2003). Urinary incontinence as a worldwide problem. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 82(3), 327-338.
  • Nygaard, I., Barber, M. D., Burgio, K. L., Kenton, K., Meikle, S., Schaffer, J., Spino, C., Whitehead, W. E., Wu, J., & Brody, D. J. (2008). Prevalence of symptomatic pelvic floor disorders in US women. Jama, 300(11), 1311-1316.
  • Nygaard, I. E., Thompson, F. L., Svengalis, S. L., & Albright, J. P. (1994). Urinary incontinence in elite nulliparous athletes. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 84(2), 183-187.
  • Özgül, S., Gürşen, C., Toprak Çelenay, Ş., Baran, E., Üzelpasacı, E., Nakip, G., Çinar, G. N., Beksaç, M. S., & Akbayrak, T. (2022). Contributory effects of individual characteristics on pelvic floor distress in women with pelvic floor dysfunctions. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 1-12.
  • Pedersen, B. K., & Saltin, B. (2006). Evidence for prescribing exercise as therapy in chronic disease. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 16(S1), 3-63.
  • Peterson, T. V., Karp, D. R., Aguilar, V. C., & Davila, G. W. (2010). Validation of a global pelvic floor symptom bother questionnaire. International urogynecology journal, 21, 1129-1135.
  • Pires, T., Pires, P., Moreira, H., & Viana, R. (2020). Prevalence of urinary incontinence in high-impact sport athletes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Human Kinetics, 73(1), 279-288.
  • Poświata, A., Socha, T., & Opara, J. (2014). Prevalence of stress urinary incontinence in elite female endurance athletes. Journal of Human Kinetics, 44(1), 91-96.
  • Raheem, O. A., & Parsons, J. K. (2014). Associations of obesity, physical activity and diet with benign prostatic hyperplasia and lower urinary tract symptoms. Current opinion in urology, 24(1), 10-14.
  • Silviere M, K. D. (2019). Pelvic floor dysfunction. In Yeo (Ed.), Shackelford’s Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (pp. 1750-1760).
  • Skaug, K. L., Engh, M. E., Frawley, H., & Bø, K. (2022). Prevalence of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, Bother, and Risk Factors and Knowledge of the Pelvic Floor Muscles in Norwegian Male and Female Powerlifters and Olympic Weightlifters. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 36(10), 2800-2807.
  • Sullivan, L. M. (2022). Essentials of biostatistics for public health. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
  • Tayfur, A., Haque, A., Salles, J. I., Malliaras, P., Screen, H., & Morrissey, D. (2022). Are landing patterns in jumping athletes associated with patellar tendinopathy? A systematic review with evidence gap map and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine, 1-15.
  • Toprak Çelenay, Ş., Düşgün, E. S., & Değirmendereli, A. R. (2021). High-impacts Sport Athletes' Pelvic Floor Knowledge, Awareness, and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms: A Cross-Sectional Pilot Study. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Sports Sciences, 13(3).
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon, Fizyoterapi
Bölüm Makaleler

Esra Üzelpasacı 0000-0002-0960-122X

Abdulhamit Tayfur 0000-0001-7366-5212

Beyza Tayfur 0000-0003-4632-9541

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 21 Ekim 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 28 Şubat 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Üzelpasacı, E., Tayfur, A., & Tayfur, B. (2023). Kadın ve Erkek Sporcularda Pelvik Taban Bilgisi, Farkındalığı ve Semptomlarının Karşılaştırılması. Hacettepe University Faculty of Health Sciences Journal, 10(3), 547-562.