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Yıl 2019, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 99 - 113, 30.09.2019


Anne sütü
yenidoğanların beslenmesinde en önemli besin kaynağıdır ve anne sütünün
yaygınlaştırılması için dünyada çeşitli çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Doğumu
izleyen ilk günlerde bebeklerin anne sütüyle beslenmeye başlanması ve
sürdürülmesi prematüre bebeklerde term bebeklere göre daha sıkıntılı
olmaktadır. Yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesinde bebeği yatan annelerin
bebekleriyle yeterince temas kuramaması, emzirememesi, uykusuzluk, stres ve
endişe hormonal etkilerle emzirmeyi ve anne sütü miktarını olumsuz
etkilemektedir. Prematüre yenidoğan bebeklerin anne sütüyle beslenmesi olası
ciddi neonatal morbiditelerin azaltılmasında ve yenidoğanın nöro-motor
gelişimine olumlu etkisi olduğu bilinmektedir. Son yıllarda prematüre bebeğe
sahip annelerin prolaktin salgısının artması ve anne sütü üretimini artırmak
için nonfarmakolojik yöntemlere odaklanılmıştır. Bu yöntemler fiziksel, mental,
geleneksel ve birçok alternatif tedaviyi içermektedir. Anne sütünü artırmak
için etkinliği kanıtlanmış çalışmalara ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır.

Bu çalışmada
preterm doğumlarda anne sütünün artırılması için dünyada ve ülkemizde yapılan
çalışmaları incelemek ve uygulanan alternatif yöntemlerin etkinliği hakkında bilgi
sahibi olmak amaçlanmıştır. Bu sayede yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesi ve kadın
sağlığı kliniğinde çalışan ebe ve hemşirelere ve konu ile ilgili çalışma
yapacak araştırmacılara önerilerde bulunulmuştur.


  • AAP. (1985). Nutritional needs of low-birth-weight infants. Pediatrics.
  • Al Jassir, M., El Bashir, B., Moizuddin, S., & Abu Nayan, A. (2006). Infant feeding in Saudi Arabia: mothers' attitudes and practices. EMHJ - Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 12 (‎1-2)‎, 6-13.
  • Arslan, F. T., & Yeniterzi, E. (2013). Prematüre bebeklerin anne sütü alımı ve ebeveynlerinin görüşleri. Perinatoloji Dergisi, 21(2), 77-84.
  • Asazawa, K., Kato, Y., Yamaguchi, A., & Inoue, A. (2017). The Effect of Aromatherapy Treatment on Fatigue and Relaxation for Mothers during the Early Puerperal Period in Japan: A Pilot Study. International journal of community based nursing and midwifery, 5(4), 365.
  • Bayram, F. (2006). Postpartum dönemdeki annelerin anne sütünün önemi hakkında bilgi düzeylerinin incelenmesi (Master's thesis, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü).
  • Bertino, E., Di Nicola, P., Giuliani, F., Peila, C., Cester, E., Vassia, C. Et al. (2012). Benefits of human milk in preterm infant feeding. Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine (JPNIM), 1(1), 19-24.
  • Bhutta, Z. A., Ahmed, T., Black, R. E., Cousens, S., Dewey, K., Giugliani, E.Et al.(2008). What works? Interventions for maternal and child undernutrition and survival. The lancet, 371(9610), 417-440.
  • Bode, L. (2012). Human milk oligosaccharides: every baby needs a sugar mama. Glycobiology, 22(9), 1147-1162.
  • Bonzon, E., Mullen, C., McCoy, C. (2014). State opportunities and strategies for breastfeeding promotion through the affordable care act. Breastfeeding Medicine.
  • Bowles, B. C. (2011). Breast massage: A “handy” multipurpose tool to promote breastfeeding success. Clinical Lactation, 2(4), 21-24.
  • Brodribb, W., Fallon, A., Jackson, C., & Hegney, D. (2008). Breastfeeding and Australian GP registrars—their knowledge and attitudes. Journal of Human Lactation, 24(4), 422-430.
  • Clavey, S. (1996). The use of acupuncture for the treatment of insufficient lactation (Que Ru). American journal of acupuncture, 24(1), 35-46.
  • Colliver, A. A. (2015). The Effect of Music Listening on Relaxation Level and Volume of Breast Milk Pumped by Mothers of Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. (Master's Thesis University of Kentucky).
  • Committee, A. o. B. M. P. (2011). ABM clinical protocol# 9: use of galactogogues in initiating or augmenting the rate of maternal milk secretion (First revision January 2011). Breastfeeding Medicine, 6(1), 41-49.
  • Davanzo, R., Monasta, L., Ronfani, L., Brovedani, P., Demarini, S. (2013). Breastfeeding at NICU discharge: a multicenter Italian study. Journal of Human Lactation, 29(3), 374-380.
  • Dewey, K. G. (2001). Maternal and fetal stress are associated with impaired lactogenesis in humans. The Journal of nutrition, 131(11), 3012S-3015S.
  • Dini, P. R., Suwondo, A., Hardjanti, T. S., Hadisaputro, S. (2017). The Effect of Hypnobreastfeeding and Oxytocin Massage on Breastmilk Production in Postpartum. Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, 5(10), 28600-28604. doi:
  • Edmond, K. M., Zandoh, C., Quigley, M. A., Amenga-Etego, S., Owusu-Agyei, S., & Kirkwood, B. R. (2006). Delayed breastfeeding initiation increases risk of neonatal mortality. Pediatrics, 117(3), e380-e386.
  • Eidelman, Schanler, R. J., Johnston, M., Landers, S., Noble, L., Szucs, K., Et al. (2012). Breastfeeding and the use of human milk. Pediatrics, 129(3), e827-e841.
  • Eidelman, A., Hoffmann, N., & Kaitz, M. (1993). Cognitive deficits in women after childbirth. Obstetrics And Gynecology-New York-, 81, 764-764.
  • Erdeve, Ö., Atasay, B., Arsan, S., & Türmen, T. (2008). Yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesinde yatış deneyiminin aile ve prematüre bebek üzerine etkileri. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi, 51, 104-109.
  • Erkaya, R., Gürsoy, A. A., & Güler, H. (2015). Annelerin anne sütünü artırmaya yönelik aldıkları besinler. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(3), 373-387. Ettenberger, M., Rojas, C., Odell-Miller, H., Parker, M. (2016). Family-centred Music Therapy with preterm infants and their parents in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in Colombia–A mixed-methods study. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 25(Suppl 1), 21-22.
  • Foda, M. I., Kawashima, T., Nakamura, S., Kobayashi, M., Oku, T. (2004). Composition of milk obtained from unmassaged versus massaged breasts of lactating mothers. Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, 38(5), 484-487.
  • Gagner-Tjellesen, D., Yurkovich, E. E., Gragert, M. (2001). Use of music therapy and other ITNIs in acute care. Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services, 39(10), 26-37.
  • Gökduman, M., & Akdolun Balkaya, N. (2010). Anne sütünü artırmaya yönelik bitkisel çay kullanımı ve etkileyen faktörler. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi SBE).
  • Groh-Wargo, S., & Sapsford, A. (2009). Enteral nutrition support of the preterm infant in the neonatal intensive care unit. Nutrition in Clinical Practice, 24(3), 363-376. Hackman, N. M., Alligood-Percoco, N., Martin, A., Zhu, J., Kjerulff, K. H. (2016). Reduced breastfeeding rates in firstborn late preterm and early term infants. Breastfeeding Medicine, 11(3), 119-125.
  • Hanson, L. Å., Korotkova, M., Telemo, E. (2003). Breast-feeding, infant formulas, and the immune system. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 90(6), 59-63.
  • Hill, P. D., Aldag, J. C., Chatterton, R. T. (1999). Effects of pumping style on milk production in mothers of non-nursing preterm infants. Journal of Human Lactation, 15(3), 209-216.
  • Hylander, M. A., Strobino, D. M., & Dhanireddy, R. (1998). Human milk feedings and infection among very low birth weight infants. Pediatrics, 102(3), e38-e38.
  • Jackson, P. (2010). Complementary and alternative methods of increasing breast milk supply for lactating mothers of infants in the NICU. Neonatal Network, 29(4), 225-230.
  • Jayamala, A., Lakshmanagowda, P. B., Pradeep, G., & Goturu, J. (2015). Impact of music therapy on breast milk secretion in mothers of premature newborns. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR, 9(4), CC04-CC06.
  • Keith, D. R., Weaver, B. S., Vogel, R. L. (2012). The Effect of music-based listening interventions on the volume, fat content, and caloric content of breast milk–Produced by mothers of premature and critically ill infants. Advances in Neonatal Care, 12(2), 112-119.
  • Kent, J. C., Geddes, D. T., Hepworth, A. R., Hartmann, P. E. (2011). Effect of warm breastshields on breast milk pumping. Journal of Human Lactation, 27(4), 331-338. Kittithanesuan, Y., Chiarakul, S., Kaewkungwal, J., & Poovorawan, Y. (2017). Effect of Music on Immediately Postpartum Lactation by Term Mothers after Giving Birth: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal Of The Medical Association of Thailand, 100(8), 834.
  • Küçükoğlu, S., Çelebioğlu, A. (2014). Hasta Yenidoğanların Annelerinin Emzirme Özyeterlilik Düzeyi Ve Emzirme Başarılarının İncelenmesi. ERÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(1), 1-11.
  • Kültürsay Bilgen, N. H., Türkyilmaz, C. (2018). Prematüre Ve Hasta Term Bebeğin Beslenmesi Rehberi.
  • Lau, C. (2001). Effects of stress on lactation. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 48(1), 221-234.
  • Lawrence, R. A., Lawrence, R. M. (2010). Breastfeeding e-book: a guide for the medical professional: Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • Lewis, E. D., Richard, C., Larsen, B. M., Field, C. J. (2017). The importance of human milk for immunity in preterm infants. Clinics in perinatology, 44(1), 23-47.
  • Matthiesen, A. S., Ransjö‐Arvidson, A. B., Nissen, E., Uvnäs‐Moberg, K. (2001). Postpartum maternal oxytocin release by newborns: effects of infant hand massage and sucking. Birth, 28(1), 13-19.
  • Meier, P. P., Johnson, T. J., Patel, A. L., Rossman, B. (2017). Evidence-based methods that promote human milk feeding of preterm infants: An expert review. Clinics in perinatology, 44(1), 1-22.
  • Miller, S. P., Vigneron, D. B., Henry, R. G., Bohland, M. A., Ceppi‐Cozzio, C., Hoffman, C. Et al. (2002). Serial quantitative diffusion tensor MRI of the premature brain: development in newborns with and without injury. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 16(6), 621-632.
  • Mortel, M., Mehta, S. D. (2013). Systematic review of the efficacy of herbal galactogogues. Journal of Human Lactation, 29(2), 154-162.
  • Mullany, L. C., Katz, J., Li, Y. M., Khatry, S. K., LeClerq, S. C., Darmstadt, G. L. Et al. (2008). Breast-feeding patterns, time to initiation, and mortality risk among newborns in southern Nepal. The Journal of nutrition, 138(3), 599-603.
  • Palazzi, A., Meschini, R., & Piccinini, C. A. (2017). Music Therapy Intervention for the Mother-Preterm Infant Dyad: Evidence from a Case Study in a Brazilian NICU. Paper presented at the Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy.
  • Physicians, A. A. o. F. (2010). Breastfeeding (policy statement). 2007. In. Pichler-Stachl, E., Baik-Schneditz, N., Schwaberger, B., Urlesberger, B., Pichler, G., Cheung, P.-Y., & Schmölzer, G. M. (2017). antenatal consultation and Postnatal stress in Mothers of Preterm neonates (a Two-center Observational case–control study). Frontiers in pediatrics, 5, 275.
  • Rojas, M. A., Kaplan, M., Quevedo, M., Sherwonit, E., Foster, L. B., Ehrenkranz, R. A., & Mayes, L. (2003). Somatic growth of preterm infants during skin-to-skin care versus traditional holding: a randomized, controlled trial. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 24(3), 163-168.
  • Sari, L. P., Salimo, H., & Budihastuti, U. R. (2017). Optimizing the Combination of Oxytocin Massage and Hypnobreastfeeding for Breast Milk Production among Post-Partum Mothers. Journal of Maternal and Child Health, 2(1), 20-29.
  • Savaşer, S. (2002). Yenidoğanın beslenmesi. Temel Neonatoloji ve Hemşirelik İlkeleri, İstanbul, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, 211-242.
  • Schanler, R. J. (2001). The use of human milk for premature infants. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 48(1), 207-219.
  • Sim, T. F., Hattingh, H. L., Sherriff, J., & Tee, L. B. (2014). Perspectives and attitudes of breastfeeding women using herbal galactagogues during breastfeeding: a qualitative study. BMC complementary and alternative medicine, 14(1), 216.
  • Şimşek, S., & Karahan, N. (2017). Assessment of The Impact of Mother-Infant Skin-to-Skin Contact at Childbirth on Breastfeeding. Konuralp Medical Journal/Konuralp Tip Dergisi, 9(1).
  • Thureen, P. J., & Hay Jr, W. W. (2008). Nutritional requirements of the very low birth weight infant. Gastroenterology and Nutrition, ed, 2, 107-128.
  • Turan, T. (2004). Prematüre bebeği olan anne-babaların yoğun bakım ünitesindeki stresörlerden etkilenme düzeylerine hemşirelik yaklaşımlarının etkisi. Ege Üniversitesi,
  • Turkyılmaz, C., Onal, E., Hirfanoglu, I. M., Turan, O., Koç, E., Ergenekon, E., & Atalay, Y. (2011). The effect of galactagogue herbal tea on breast milk production and short-term catch-up of birth weight in the first week of life. The journal of alternative and complementary medicine, 17(2), 139-142.
  • Walker, M. (2006). Breastfeeding Management For The Clinician: Using The Evidence.
  • West, D., & Marasco, L. (2008). The Breastfeeding Mother's Guide to Making More Milk: Foreword by Martha Sears, RN: McGraw Hill Professional.
  • WHO, W. H. O. (2012). The Global Action Report on Preterm Birth.
  • Wiadnyana, M. (2011). The power of yoga for pregnancy and post-pregnancy: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
  • Wildan, M., & Primasari, F. (2017). Benefits of Yoga in Increasing Lactating Mother's Breast Milk Production.
  • Yılmaz Esencan, T., Samatlı Alioğlu, A., Ünal, A., & Şimşek, Ç. (2016). Anne Sütünün Faydalarini Ve Emzİrme Teknİklerİnİ İçeren Görsel Mesaj İçerİklİ Broşür İle Annelere Verİlen Eğİtİmİn Etkİnlİğİnİn Değerlendİrİlmesİ. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 19(4).
Yıl 2019, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 99 - 113, 30.09.2019



  • AAP. (1985). Nutritional needs of low-birth-weight infants. Pediatrics.
  • Al Jassir, M., El Bashir, B., Moizuddin, S., & Abu Nayan, A. (2006). Infant feeding in Saudi Arabia: mothers' attitudes and practices. EMHJ - Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 12 (‎1-2)‎, 6-13.
  • Arslan, F. T., & Yeniterzi, E. (2013). Prematüre bebeklerin anne sütü alımı ve ebeveynlerinin görüşleri. Perinatoloji Dergisi, 21(2), 77-84.
  • Asazawa, K., Kato, Y., Yamaguchi, A., & Inoue, A. (2017). The Effect of Aromatherapy Treatment on Fatigue and Relaxation for Mothers during the Early Puerperal Period in Japan: A Pilot Study. International journal of community based nursing and midwifery, 5(4), 365.
  • Bayram, F. (2006). Postpartum dönemdeki annelerin anne sütünün önemi hakkında bilgi düzeylerinin incelenmesi (Master's thesis, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü).
  • Bertino, E., Di Nicola, P., Giuliani, F., Peila, C., Cester, E., Vassia, C. Et al. (2012). Benefits of human milk in preterm infant feeding. Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine (JPNIM), 1(1), 19-24.
  • Bhutta, Z. A., Ahmed, T., Black, R. E., Cousens, S., Dewey, K., Giugliani, E.Et al.(2008). What works? Interventions for maternal and child undernutrition and survival. The lancet, 371(9610), 417-440.
  • Bode, L. (2012). Human milk oligosaccharides: every baby needs a sugar mama. Glycobiology, 22(9), 1147-1162.
  • Bonzon, E., Mullen, C., McCoy, C. (2014). State opportunities and strategies for breastfeeding promotion through the affordable care act. Breastfeeding Medicine.
  • Bowles, B. C. (2011). Breast massage: A “handy” multipurpose tool to promote breastfeeding success. Clinical Lactation, 2(4), 21-24.
  • Brodribb, W., Fallon, A., Jackson, C., & Hegney, D. (2008). Breastfeeding and Australian GP registrars—their knowledge and attitudes. Journal of Human Lactation, 24(4), 422-430.
  • Clavey, S. (1996). The use of acupuncture for the treatment of insufficient lactation (Que Ru). American journal of acupuncture, 24(1), 35-46.
  • Colliver, A. A. (2015). The Effect of Music Listening on Relaxation Level and Volume of Breast Milk Pumped by Mothers of Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. (Master's Thesis University of Kentucky).
  • Committee, A. o. B. M. P. (2011). ABM clinical protocol# 9: use of galactogogues in initiating or augmenting the rate of maternal milk secretion (First revision January 2011). Breastfeeding Medicine, 6(1), 41-49.
  • Davanzo, R., Monasta, L., Ronfani, L., Brovedani, P., Demarini, S. (2013). Breastfeeding at NICU discharge: a multicenter Italian study. Journal of Human Lactation, 29(3), 374-380.
  • Dewey, K. G. (2001). Maternal and fetal stress are associated with impaired lactogenesis in humans. The Journal of nutrition, 131(11), 3012S-3015S.
  • Dini, P. R., Suwondo, A., Hardjanti, T. S., Hadisaputro, S. (2017). The Effect of Hypnobreastfeeding and Oxytocin Massage on Breastmilk Production in Postpartum. Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, 5(10), 28600-28604. doi:
  • Edmond, K. M., Zandoh, C., Quigley, M. A., Amenga-Etego, S., Owusu-Agyei, S., & Kirkwood, B. R. (2006). Delayed breastfeeding initiation increases risk of neonatal mortality. Pediatrics, 117(3), e380-e386.
  • Eidelman, Schanler, R. J., Johnston, M., Landers, S., Noble, L., Szucs, K., Et al. (2012). Breastfeeding and the use of human milk. Pediatrics, 129(3), e827-e841.
  • Eidelman, A., Hoffmann, N., & Kaitz, M. (1993). Cognitive deficits in women after childbirth. Obstetrics And Gynecology-New York-, 81, 764-764.
  • Erdeve, Ö., Atasay, B., Arsan, S., & Türmen, T. (2008). Yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesinde yatış deneyiminin aile ve prematüre bebek üzerine etkileri. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi, 51, 104-109.
  • Erkaya, R., Gürsoy, A. A., & Güler, H. (2015). Annelerin anne sütünü artırmaya yönelik aldıkları besinler. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(3), 373-387. Ettenberger, M., Rojas, C., Odell-Miller, H., Parker, M. (2016). Family-centred Music Therapy with preterm infants and their parents in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in Colombia–A mixed-methods study. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 25(Suppl 1), 21-22.
  • Foda, M. I., Kawashima, T., Nakamura, S., Kobayashi, M., Oku, T. (2004). Composition of milk obtained from unmassaged versus massaged breasts of lactating mothers. Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, 38(5), 484-487.
  • Gagner-Tjellesen, D., Yurkovich, E. E., Gragert, M. (2001). Use of music therapy and other ITNIs in acute care. Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services, 39(10), 26-37.
  • Gökduman, M., & Akdolun Balkaya, N. (2010). Anne sütünü artırmaya yönelik bitkisel çay kullanımı ve etkileyen faktörler. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi SBE).
  • Groh-Wargo, S., & Sapsford, A. (2009). Enteral nutrition support of the preterm infant in the neonatal intensive care unit. Nutrition in Clinical Practice, 24(3), 363-376. Hackman, N. M., Alligood-Percoco, N., Martin, A., Zhu, J., Kjerulff, K. H. (2016). Reduced breastfeeding rates in firstborn late preterm and early term infants. Breastfeeding Medicine, 11(3), 119-125.
  • Hanson, L. Å., Korotkova, M., Telemo, E. (2003). Breast-feeding, infant formulas, and the immune system. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 90(6), 59-63.
  • Hill, P. D., Aldag, J. C., Chatterton, R. T. (1999). Effects of pumping style on milk production in mothers of non-nursing preterm infants. Journal of Human Lactation, 15(3), 209-216.
  • Hylander, M. A., Strobino, D. M., & Dhanireddy, R. (1998). Human milk feedings and infection among very low birth weight infants. Pediatrics, 102(3), e38-e38.
  • Jackson, P. (2010). Complementary and alternative methods of increasing breast milk supply for lactating mothers of infants in the NICU. Neonatal Network, 29(4), 225-230.
  • Jayamala, A., Lakshmanagowda, P. B., Pradeep, G., & Goturu, J. (2015). Impact of music therapy on breast milk secretion in mothers of premature newborns. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR, 9(4), CC04-CC06.
  • Keith, D. R., Weaver, B. S., Vogel, R. L. (2012). The Effect of music-based listening interventions on the volume, fat content, and caloric content of breast milk–Produced by mothers of premature and critically ill infants. Advances in Neonatal Care, 12(2), 112-119.
  • Kent, J. C., Geddes, D. T., Hepworth, A. R., Hartmann, P. E. (2011). Effect of warm breastshields on breast milk pumping. Journal of Human Lactation, 27(4), 331-338. Kittithanesuan, Y., Chiarakul, S., Kaewkungwal, J., & Poovorawan, Y. (2017). Effect of Music on Immediately Postpartum Lactation by Term Mothers after Giving Birth: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal Of The Medical Association of Thailand, 100(8), 834.
  • Küçükoğlu, S., Çelebioğlu, A. (2014). Hasta Yenidoğanların Annelerinin Emzirme Özyeterlilik Düzeyi Ve Emzirme Başarılarının İncelenmesi. ERÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(1), 1-11.
  • Kültürsay Bilgen, N. H., Türkyilmaz, C. (2018). Prematüre Ve Hasta Term Bebeğin Beslenmesi Rehberi.
  • Lau, C. (2001). Effects of stress on lactation. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 48(1), 221-234.
  • Lawrence, R. A., Lawrence, R. M. (2010). Breastfeeding e-book: a guide for the medical professional: Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • Lewis, E. D., Richard, C., Larsen, B. M., Field, C. J. (2017). The importance of human milk for immunity in preterm infants. Clinics in perinatology, 44(1), 23-47.
  • Matthiesen, A. S., Ransjö‐Arvidson, A. B., Nissen, E., Uvnäs‐Moberg, K. (2001). Postpartum maternal oxytocin release by newborns: effects of infant hand massage and sucking. Birth, 28(1), 13-19.
  • Meier, P. P., Johnson, T. J., Patel, A. L., Rossman, B. (2017). Evidence-based methods that promote human milk feeding of preterm infants: An expert review. Clinics in perinatology, 44(1), 1-22.
  • Miller, S. P., Vigneron, D. B., Henry, R. G., Bohland, M. A., Ceppi‐Cozzio, C., Hoffman, C. Et al. (2002). Serial quantitative diffusion tensor MRI of the premature brain: development in newborns with and without injury. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 16(6), 621-632.
  • Mortel, M., Mehta, S. D. (2013). Systematic review of the efficacy of herbal galactogogues. Journal of Human Lactation, 29(2), 154-162.
  • Mullany, L. C., Katz, J., Li, Y. M., Khatry, S. K., LeClerq, S. C., Darmstadt, G. L. Et al. (2008). Breast-feeding patterns, time to initiation, and mortality risk among newborns in southern Nepal. The Journal of nutrition, 138(3), 599-603.
  • Palazzi, A., Meschini, R., & Piccinini, C. A. (2017). Music Therapy Intervention for the Mother-Preterm Infant Dyad: Evidence from a Case Study in a Brazilian NICU. Paper presented at the Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy.
  • Physicians, A. A. o. F. (2010). Breastfeeding (policy statement). 2007. In. Pichler-Stachl, E., Baik-Schneditz, N., Schwaberger, B., Urlesberger, B., Pichler, G., Cheung, P.-Y., & Schmölzer, G. M. (2017). antenatal consultation and Postnatal stress in Mothers of Preterm neonates (a Two-center Observational case–control study). Frontiers in pediatrics, 5, 275.
  • Rojas, M. A., Kaplan, M., Quevedo, M., Sherwonit, E., Foster, L. B., Ehrenkranz, R. A., & Mayes, L. (2003). Somatic growth of preterm infants during skin-to-skin care versus traditional holding: a randomized, controlled trial. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 24(3), 163-168.
  • Sari, L. P., Salimo, H., & Budihastuti, U. R. (2017). Optimizing the Combination of Oxytocin Massage and Hypnobreastfeeding for Breast Milk Production among Post-Partum Mothers. Journal of Maternal and Child Health, 2(1), 20-29.
  • Savaşer, S. (2002). Yenidoğanın beslenmesi. Temel Neonatoloji ve Hemşirelik İlkeleri, İstanbul, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, 211-242.
  • Schanler, R. J. (2001). The use of human milk for premature infants. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 48(1), 207-219.
  • Sim, T. F., Hattingh, H. L., Sherriff, J., & Tee, L. B. (2014). Perspectives and attitudes of breastfeeding women using herbal galactagogues during breastfeeding: a qualitative study. BMC complementary and alternative medicine, 14(1), 216.
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Toplam 60 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hemşirelik
Bölüm Makaleler

Yeliz Varışoğlu 0000-0002-6350-7218

İlkay Güngör Satılmış 0000-0002-9446-6148

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 31 Mayıs 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Varışoğlu, Y., & Güngör Satılmış, İ. (2019). PRETERM DOĞUMLARDA ANNE SÜTÜ VE ANNE SÜTÜNÜ ARTIRMAYA YÖNELİK ALTERNATİF YÖNTEMLER. Izmir Democracy University Health Sciences Journal, 2(2), 99-113.

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