Ahuja, L. P. (2009). A study of Environmental awareness among B.Ed. teacher trainees of g overnment, aided and self-financed Colleges. Ph.d. dissertation, Dravindian University, Kuppam, AP, india.
Alkaher, I. & Tal, T.(2011). Environmental Projects of Jewish and Arab Youth in Israel: The Adult Leaders' Views. Environmental Education Research, 17(2), 235-259.
Amirshokoohi, A.(2010).Elementary Pre-Service Teachers' Environmental Literacy and Views toward Science, Technology, and Society (STS) Issues. Science Educator, 19(1),56-63.
Bartels, K. A., Ed.; Parker, K. A., Ed.(2011). Teaching Sustainability/Teaching Sustainably. Stylus Publishing, LLC Blake,J & Stephen S.S. (2011).Tensions and transitions: effecting change towards sustainability at a mainstream university through staff living and learning at an alternative, civil society college. Environmental Education Research, 17(1), 125–144.
Boon, H. J.(2011). Beliefs and Education for Sustainability in Rural and Regional Australia. Education in Rural Australia, 21(2),37-54.
Bosdogan,A.E.(2009).An investigation on Turkish prospective primary teachers’ perception about global warming. Journal of world applied science,7(1),43-48.
Chapman, R.L. (2007). How to think about environmental studies. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 41(1), 59-74.
Chroinin, D. N. & Tormey, R. (2012). Beginning Teacher Standards for Physical Education: Promoting a Democratic Ideal? Teaching and Teacher Education, 28(1),78-88.
Cimer, S. O., Cimer, A. & Ursavas, N. (2011).Student Teachers' Conceptions about Global Warming and Changes in Their Conceptions during Pre-Service Education: A Cros Educational Research and Reviews, 6(8),592-597.
Costa, P. T. & McCrae, R. R. (1992). NEO personality Inventory professional manual. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources.
Cottrell,S.P. & Alan,R.G.(1997).Testing a conceptual framework of responsible environmental behavior. The Journal of Environmental Education,29(1),17-27.
Dahm, M. J., Samonte, A. V.& Shows, A. R.(2009). Organic Foods: Do Eco-friendly Attitudes Predict Ecofriendly Behaviors? Journal of American College Health, 58(3), 195-202.
Eames, C. & Barker, M.(2011). Understanding Student Learning in Environmental Education Aotearoa New Zealand.Australian. Journal of Environmental Education, 27(1),186-191.
Goldberg, L. R. (1993). The structure of phenotypic personality traits. American Psychologist, 48, 26-34.
Gosling, S. (2008). Snoop: What your stuff says about you. New York: Basic Books.
Greunewald, D. A. (2005). More than one profound truth: Making sense of divergent criticalities. Educational Studies (American Educational Studies Association). 37(2), 206-215.
Hart,R.E.(2003). A Cyclone Phase Space Derived from Thermal Wind and Thermal Asymmetry.131 American Meteorological Society.
Haugeback,K., Milbrath,L. and Enright,S. (1992).Environmental knowledge, awareness concern among 11th grade students. Journal of Envionmental Education,24,27-34.
He, X., Hong, T., Liu, L.& Tiefenbacher, J.(2011). A Comparative Study of Environmental Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors among University Students in China. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 20(2), 91-104.
Holdgate, M.W., Kassas.M.&White,G.F. (1982). The World Environment 1972-1982: A report by UNEP, Tycooly International Publishing Ltd., Dublin.
Hopkin,C.(2009). Road to Ahmedabad: Embedding Environmental Wisdom in Our Cultural DNA. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 3(1), 41-44.
Hungerford, H., Litherland, R., Peyton, R., Ramsey, J., & Volk, T. (1988). Investigating and Evaluating Environmental Issues and Actions: Skill Development Modules. Champaign,IL: Stipes Pub. Co.
Jena,A.K. & Das, C.C. (2011).Embedding environmental education in pre-service teacher education programme and practice. P.G. Dissertation , Assam university, silchar, Assam, India.
Jena,A.K.(2011). Hands on experience, community participation, observation, field visit, multimedia and demonstration are the predictors of environmental awareness: a hierarchical multiple regression analysis. International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, 10(3),302- 322.
Jena,A.K.(2011).AOE model for pre-service teachers’ learning on environmental education. Assam University, Silchar, India.
Jena,A.K.(2011).Eco-friendly thought and practice scale (unpublished). Assam University. Silchar, India.
Kennelly, J.; Taylor, N.; Maxwell, T. W.(2008). Addressing the Challenge of Preparing Australian PreService Primary Teachers in Environmental education: An Evaluation of a Dedicated Unit. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 2(2),141-156.
Kilinc, A. (2010).Can Project-Based Learning Close the Gap? Turkish Student Teachers and Proenvironmental Behaviours (EJ908945). International Journal of Environmental and Science Education. 5(4),495-509.
Larson, L. R.; Green, G. T.; Castleberry, S. B.(2011). Construction and Validation of an Instrument to Measure Environment Orientations in a Diverse Group of Children. Environment and Behavior, 43(1),72-89.
Liane,F.(2005).Effect of local learning on environmental awareness in school: an empirical investigation. Journal of environmental education,36, 39-60.
Malone, K. (1999). Environmental education researchers as environmental activists, Environmental Education Research 5(2),163-177.
Manzanal,F., Rodrignez,R., Luis,B. & Jose,C.(2007).Evaluation of environmental attitude:analysis and result of the scale applied to the university students. Journal of environmental education,91, 288- 1009.
Mastrilli, T., Johnson, P and McDonald, A. (2001). Inclusion of Elementary Education in Pennsylvania Teacher Preparation Curricula: A Survey of Elementary Pre-Service Teacher Programs. Slippery Rock, PA: Pennsylvania Center for Environmental Education.
McCrae, R. R. (1987). Creativity, divergent thinking, and openness to experience. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52 (6), 1258–1265.
McDonald,J.T. and Lynn A. Dominguez,L.A. (2010).Professional Preparation for Science Teachers in Environmental Education ,Springer.
McKeown-Ice, R., Brayton, A., and May,T. (1995). Environmental Education in the United States: A Survey of Pre-Service Teacher Education Programs. Knoxville, TN: Center for Geography and Environmental Education & Energy, Environment and Resources Center.
Mutisya, S. M.; Barker, M.(2011). Pupils’ environmental awareness and knowledge: A springboard for action in primary schools in Kenya’s Rift valley. Science Education International, 22(1),55-71.
Ogunyemi, B.; Ifegbesan, Ayodeji (2011). Environmental Literacy among Preservice Social Studies Teachers: A Review of the Nigerian Experience.Applied. Environmental Education and Communication, 10(1), 7-19.
Orr, D. W. (1992). Ecological Literacy: Education and the Transition to a Postmodern World, State University of New York Press, Albany.
Ozsoy, S; Ozsoy, G; Kuruyer, H. G.(2011).Turkish pre-service Primary School Teachers' Environmental Attitudes: Effects of Gender and Grade Level. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 12(2) Article 5 (Dec).
Palmberg, I.E, and Kuru, J. (2000).Outdoor activities as a basis for environmental responsibility. The Journal of Environmental Education,31(4), 3-6.
Powell,R.B., Marc, J. S. , Brian D. K., Nicole, A.(2011).Development and validation of scales to measure environmental responsibility, character development, and attitudes toward school. Environmental Education Research, 17,91–111.
Ramsey, J. (1987). A study of the effects of issue investigation and action training on characteristics associated with environmental behavior in seventh grade students. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.
Salomon, G., & Perkins, D. N. (1989). Rocky roads to transfer: Rethinking mechanisms of a neglected phenomenon. Educational Psychologist, 24 (2),113-142.
Sauvé, L. (1996). Environment education and Sustainable Development: Further Appraisal. Canadian. Journal of environment education, 1, 7-35.
Shobeiri, S. M., Omidvar, B. and Prahallada, N. N.(2007). A Comperative Study of Environmental Awareness among Secondary School Students in Iran and India. International Journal of Environmental Research,1(1), 28-34.
Smyth, J.C. (2006) Environment and education: a view of a changing scene. Environmental Education Research, 12(3,4), 247-264.
Steele, A. (2011). Beyond contradiction: Exploring the work of secondary science teachers as they embed environmental education in curricula. International Journal of Environment and science education, 6(1),1-22.
Stern,P. C.,Thomas D. and Linda K.(1993).Value oriented, gender and environmental concern. Journal of Environment and Behaviour, 25(3), 322-348.
Teksoz, G.; Sahin, E.; Tekkaya-Oztekin, C.(2012). Modeling Environmental Literacy of University Students. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 21(1),157-166.
Tsevreni,I.(2011).Towards an environmental education without scientific knowledge: an attempt to create an action model based on children’s experiences, emotions and perceptions about their environment. Environmental Education Research, 17 (1),53–67.
UNESCO/UNEP(1977). Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education, Tbilisi Major Environmental Problems in Contemporary Society, Paris.
Van Ongevalle, J.; Van Petegem, P.; Deprez, S.; Chimbodza, I. J.(2011). Participatory Planning for Project Sustainability of Environmental Education Projects: A Case Study of the Secondary Teacher Training Environmental EducationProject (St[superscript 2]eep) in Zimbabwe. Environmental Education Research, 17(4),433-449.
Van Petegem, P.; Blieck, An; Imbrecht, I.; Van Hout, T. (2005). Implementing Environmental Education in Pre-Service Teacher Training. Environmental Education Research, 11(2), 161-171.
Wesselink, R.; Wals, A.(2011).Developing competence profiles for educators in environmental education organisations in Netherlands. Environmental Education Research,17 (1), 69-90(22).
Zimmerman, B.J. (2000). Attaining self‐regulation: a social cognitive perspective. In M. Boekarts, P.R. intrich and M. Zeidner (eds), Handbook of Self‐regulation. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Zint, M. T.; Dowd, P. F.; Covitt, B. A.(2011). Enhancing Environmental Educators' Evaluation Competencies: Insights from an Examination of the Effectiveness of the "My Environmental Education, Evaluation Resource Assistant" (MEERA) Website Environmental Research,17(4),471-497.
Awareness, Openness and Eco-friendly (AOE) Model Teaches Pre-Service Teachers on How to be Eco-friendly
This paper studied the empirical pattern to observe the overall attitude of pre service teachers’ of different training colleges towards environmental education and practice. Environmental education is a continuous lifelong process, starts at the preschool level and continues up to adulthood via all levels of education. In this context, to know the impact of environmental education on existing pre-service teachers, the researcher has been undertaken three pre-service teacher training institutes of India for experiment, observation and generalization of conclusion. The subjects (n=100) were voluntarily participated for AOE model instruction from three teacher training colleges. After that the participants were responded Eco-friendly thought and Practice Scale (Jena, 2011), which was a two point (yes/no) scale. This scale has four areas; these were Awareness (A), Openness (O), Eco-friendly practices (Ef) Environmental practices (Ep).The main finding showed, AOE model was effective for pre-service teachers, and it enhanced awareness to think for the environment. The participants’ shared openly their idea, and information, for the implementation of environmental education. The study concluded that AOE model has significant effect directly and indirectly on pre-service teachers’ various eco-friendly practices and healthy living habits.
Ahuja, L. P. (2009). A study of Environmental awareness among B.Ed. teacher trainees of g overnment, aided and self-financed Colleges. Ph.d. dissertation, Dravindian University, Kuppam, AP, india.
Alkaher, I. & Tal, T.(2011). Environmental Projects of Jewish and Arab Youth in Israel: The Adult Leaders' Views. Environmental Education Research, 17(2), 235-259.
Amirshokoohi, A.(2010).Elementary Pre-Service Teachers' Environmental Literacy and Views toward Science, Technology, and Society (STS) Issues. Science Educator, 19(1),56-63.
Bartels, K. A., Ed.; Parker, K. A., Ed.(2011). Teaching Sustainability/Teaching Sustainably. Stylus Publishing, LLC Blake,J & Stephen S.S. (2011).Tensions and transitions: effecting change towards sustainability at a mainstream university through staff living and learning at an alternative, civil society college. Environmental Education Research, 17(1), 125–144.
Boon, H. J.(2011). Beliefs and Education for Sustainability in Rural and Regional Australia. Education in Rural Australia, 21(2),37-54.
Bosdogan,A.E.(2009).An investigation on Turkish prospective primary teachers’ perception about global warming. Journal of world applied science,7(1),43-48.
Chapman, R.L. (2007). How to think about environmental studies. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 41(1), 59-74.
Chroinin, D. N. & Tormey, R. (2012). Beginning Teacher Standards for Physical Education: Promoting a Democratic Ideal? Teaching and Teacher Education, 28(1),78-88.
Cimer, S. O., Cimer, A. & Ursavas, N. (2011).Student Teachers' Conceptions about Global Warming and Changes in Their Conceptions during Pre-Service Education: A Cros Educational Research and Reviews, 6(8),592-597.
Costa, P. T. & McCrae, R. R. (1992). NEO personality Inventory professional manual. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources.
Cottrell,S.P. & Alan,R.G.(1997).Testing a conceptual framework of responsible environmental behavior. The Journal of Environmental Education,29(1),17-27.
Dahm, M. J., Samonte, A. V.& Shows, A. R.(2009). Organic Foods: Do Eco-friendly Attitudes Predict Ecofriendly Behaviors? Journal of American College Health, 58(3), 195-202.
Eames, C. & Barker, M.(2011). Understanding Student Learning in Environmental Education Aotearoa New Zealand.Australian. Journal of Environmental Education, 27(1),186-191.
Goldberg, L. R. (1993). The structure of phenotypic personality traits. American Psychologist, 48, 26-34.
Gosling, S. (2008). Snoop: What your stuff says about you. New York: Basic Books.
Greunewald, D. A. (2005). More than one profound truth: Making sense of divergent criticalities. Educational Studies (American Educational Studies Association). 37(2), 206-215.
Hart,R.E.(2003). A Cyclone Phase Space Derived from Thermal Wind and Thermal Asymmetry.131 American Meteorological Society.
Haugeback,K., Milbrath,L. and Enright,S. (1992).Environmental knowledge, awareness concern among 11th grade students. Journal of Envionmental Education,24,27-34.
He, X., Hong, T., Liu, L.& Tiefenbacher, J.(2011). A Comparative Study of Environmental Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors among University Students in China. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 20(2), 91-104.
Holdgate, M.W., Kassas.M.&White,G.F. (1982). The World Environment 1972-1982: A report by UNEP, Tycooly International Publishing Ltd., Dublin.
Hopkin,C.(2009). Road to Ahmedabad: Embedding Environmental Wisdom in Our Cultural DNA. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 3(1), 41-44.
Hungerford, H., Litherland, R., Peyton, R., Ramsey, J., & Volk, T. (1988). Investigating and Evaluating Environmental Issues and Actions: Skill Development Modules. Champaign,IL: Stipes Pub. Co.
Jena,A.K. & Das, C.C. (2011).Embedding environmental education in pre-service teacher education programme and practice. P.G. Dissertation , Assam university, silchar, Assam, India.
Jena,A.K.(2011). Hands on experience, community participation, observation, field visit, multimedia and demonstration are the predictors of environmental awareness: a hierarchical multiple regression analysis. International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, 10(3),302- 322.
Jena,A.K.(2011).AOE model for pre-service teachers’ learning on environmental education. Assam University, Silchar, India.
Jena,A.K.(2011).Eco-friendly thought and practice scale (unpublished). Assam University. Silchar, India.
Kennelly, J.; Taylor, N.; Maxwell, T. W.(2008). Addressing the Challenge of Preparing Australian PreService Primary Teachers in Environmental education: An Evaluation of a Dedicated Unit. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 2(2),141-156.
Kilinc, A. (2010).Can Project-Based Learning Close the Gap? Turkish Student Teachers and Proenvironmental Behaviours (EJ908945). International Journal of Environmental and Science Education. 5(4),495-509.
Larson, L. R.; Green, G. T.; Castleberry, S. B.(2011). Construction and Validation of an Instrument to Measure Environment Orientations in a Diverse Group of Children. Environment and Behavior, 43(1),72-89.
Liane,F.(2005).Effect of local learning on environmental awareness in school: an empirical investigation. Journal of environmental education,36, 39-60.
Malone, K. (1999). Environmental education researchers as environmental activists, Environmental Education Research 5(2),163-177.
Manzanal,F., Rodrignez,R., Luis,B. & Jose,C.(2007).Evaluation of environmental attitude:analysis and result of the scale applied to the university students. Journal of environmental education,91, 288- 1009.
Mastrilli, T., Johnson, P and McDonald, A. (2001). Inclusion of Elementary Education in Pennsylvania Teacher Preparation Curricula: A Survey of Elementary Pre-Service Teacher Programs. Slippery Rock, PA: Pennsylvania Center for Environmental Education.
McCrae, R. R. (1987). Creativity, divergent thinking, and openness to experience. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52 (6), 1258–1265.
McDonald,J.T. and Lynn A. Dominguez,L.A. (2010).Professional Preparation for Science Teachers in Environmental Education ,Springer.
McKeown-Ice, R., Brayton, A., and May,T. (1995). Environmental Education in the United States: A Survey of Pre-Service Teacher Education Programs. Knoxville, TN: Center for Geography and Environmental Education & Energy, Environment and Resources Center.
Mutisya, S. M.; Barker, M.(2011). Pupils’ environmental awareness and knowledge: A springboard for action in primary schools in Kenya’s Rift valley. Science Education International, 22(1),55-71.
Ogunyemi, B.; Ifegbesan, Ayodeji (2011). Environmental Literacy among Preservice Social Studies Teachers: A Review of the Nigerian Experience.Applied. Environmental Education and Communication, 10(1), 7-19.
Orr, D. W. (1992). Ecological Literacy: Education and the Transition to a Postmodern World, State University of New York Press, Albany.
Ozsoy, S; Ozsoy, G; Kuruyer, H. G.(2011).Turkish pre-service Primary School Teachers' Environmental Attitudes: Effects of Gender and Grade Level. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 12(2) Article 5 (Dec).
Palmberg, I.E, and Kuru, J. (2000).Outdoor activities as a basis for environmental responsibility. The Journal of Environmental Education,31(4), 3-6.
Powell,R.B., Marc, J. S. , Brian D. K., Nicole, A.(2011).Development and validation of scales to measure environmental responsibility, character development, and attitudes toward school. Environmental Education Research, 17,91–111.
Ramsey, J. (1987). A study of the effects of issue investigation and action training on characteristics associated with environmental behavior in seventh grade students. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.
Salomon, G., & Perkins, D. N. (1989). Rocky roads to transfer: Rethinking mechanisms of a neglected phenomenon. Educational Psychologist, 24 (2),113-142.
Sauvé, L. (1996). Environment education and Sustainable Development: Further Appraisal. Canadian. Journal of environment education, 1, 7-35.
Shobeiri, S. M., Omidvar, B. and Prahallada, N. N.(2007). A Comperative Study of Environmental Awareness among Secondary School Students in Iran and India. International Journal of Environmental Research,1(1), 28-34.
Smyth, J.C. (2006) Environment and education: a view of a changing scene. Environmental Education Research, 12(3,4), 247-264.
Steele, A. (2011). Beyond contradiction: Exploring the work of secondary science teachers as they embed environmental education in curricula. International Journal of Environment and science education, 6(1),1-22.
Stern,P. C.,Thomas D. and Linda K.(1993).Value oriented, gender and environmental concern. Journal of Environment and Behaviour, 25(3), 322-348.
Teksoz, G.; Sahin, E.; Tekkaya-Oztekin, C.(2012). Modeling Environmental Literacy of University Students. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 21(1),157-166.
Tsevreni,I.(2011).Towards an environmental education without scientific knowledge: an attempt to create an action model based on children’s experiences, emotions and perceptions about their environment. Environmental Education Research, 17 (1),53–67.
UNESCO/UNEP(1977). Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education, Tbilisi Major Environmental Problems in Contemporary Society, Paris.
Van Ongevalle, J.; Van Petegem, P.; Deprez, S.; Chimbodza, I. J.(2011). Participatory Planning for Project Sustainability of Environmental Education Projects: A Case Study of the Secondary Teacher Training Environmental EducationProject (St[superscript 2]eep) in Zimbabwe. Environmental Education Research, 17(4),433-449.
Van Petegem, P.; Blieck, An; Imbrecht, I.; Van Hout, T. (2005). Implementing Environmental Education in Pre-Service Teacher Training. Environmental Education Research, 11(2), 161-171.
Wesselink, R.; Wals, A.(2011).Developing competence profiles for educators in environmental education organisations in Netherlands. Environmental Education Research,17 (1), 69-90(22).
Zimmerman, B.J. (2000). Attaining self‐regulation: a social cognitive perspective. In M. Boekarts, P.R. intrich and M. Zeidner (eds), Handbook of Self‐regulation. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Zint, M. T.; Dowd, P. F.; Covitt, B. A.(2011). Enhancing Environmental Educators' Evaluation Competencies: Insights from an Examination of the Effectiveness of the "My Environmental Education, Evaluation Resource Assistant" (MEERA) Website Environmental Research,17(4),471-497.
Jena, A. (2012). Awareness, Openness and Eco-friendly (AOE) Model Teaches Pre-Service Teachers on How to be Eco-friendly. International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education, 2(2), 103-117.
Jena A. Awareness, Openness and Eco-friendly (AOE) Model Teaches Pre-Service Teachers on How to be Eco-friendly. IEJEE-Green. Haziran 2012;2(2):103-117.
Jena, Ananta. “Awareness, Openness and Eco-Friendly (AOE) Model Teaches Pre-Service Teachers on How to Be Eco-Friendly”. International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education 2, sy. 2 (Haziran 2012): 103-17.
Jena A (01 Haziran 2012) Awareness, Openness and Eco-friendly (AOE) Model Teaches Pre-Service Teachers on How to be Eco-friendly. International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education 2 2 103–117.
A. Jena, “Awareness, Openness and Eco-friendly (AOE) Model Teaches Pre-Service Teachers on How to be Eco-friendly”, IEJEE-Green, c. 2, sy. 2, ss. 103–117, 2012.
Jena, Ananta. “Awareness, Openness and Eco-Friendly (AOE) Model Teaches Pre-Service Teachers on How to Be Eco-Friendly”. International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education 2/2 (Haziran 2012), 103-117.
Jena A. Awareness, Openness and Eco-friendly (AOE) Model Teaches Pre-Service Teachers on How to be Eco-friendly. IEJEE-Green. 2012;2:103–117.
Jena, Ananta. “Awareness, Openness and Eco-Friendly (AOE) Model Teaches Pre-Service Teachers on How to Be Eco-Friendly”. International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education, c. 2, sy. 2, 2012, ss. 103-17.
Jena A. Awareness, Openness and Eco-friendly (AOE) Model Teaches Pre-Service Teachers on How to be Eco-friendly. IEJEE-Green. 2012;2(2):103-17.